Font DumpZ PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0 Q#C"BȄppl`?Font Printer 1.0Red Storm Print sample sheets for GEOS fonts. Written by Joe Buckley. K 5 4  Z  L  Š L( )Š L( ?  P© V­ РL )? L5e Š`օ VL L   F There is no printer driver available on this disk. Returning to deskTop. ?IIz- Font Dump -OCopyright (C) 1990, Storm SystemskOK to copy, not to sell.` tŠL ŠL 0 0 ŠL/H@/  y  y \?7856 K }  20 }   S  _ \ \h/` ((,Ly 9 ? 0i   K @ޭ 8@ 0i@   @ޅ`0~ 8 0~i i0  ȥ~0 ȥ ȩ ` 9 ?0i_m  @ @ܭ 8@ 0i@_1   @ e@@ @` 0JJJ Hef(@ ~huv@)@ ~ (, y0 ` Τ ``@abce@fghj@klmo@pqr*) (`  0 0Q HHFont:Point:/ tGT  H )?Px N LH @ 8@ 8@8@8@ @ |@ 8@ @ @ `IR ª *@L IR ª *@L ` * Π Π L ` * ȹ L ` )?Px N  H0LQ ` (, y L,$ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  PP ;©88  j k  j k   V­`  VL L  `ePe e­#  VL `  `   ɠe e©e`  APlease insert new disk. - AFile not found. X { (  @j @ Please enter filename on Drive i8 E: ELE ,  0 ܅,0`Paint Image );j M 7`On disk:ٞٳٳ?03  r L­P͉  ` n >% ))Ĉ)@L` L­ii`` ­> `T P! 9 ! l{ $$ '  ~  l c8L$kC &  & `  ` ei  Lu~7H8H  7 87 9 E  $ im,  `ee HЮ h8h7`[ P LW L948 LW  0L`H h`L8 L*L8LLL8LW8i 0L`0WR i E  <8$  imLl? `Wl{ 8 &  &  *( * HH``x5Ԡԩԩ7ԩԢԈԩ0(` `LL|L`L!L8o{ 7  ۀ<<bb``nn`ff``<<`̀<~6<00 > ;©8iH h 88i `@ ?> @ ei^AiB C5HЅ †5hІ C P ?P % P K V­ L?L  c  .@@Please place disk withinto DRIVE A.into DRIVE B.A B {`#3}4F5678 5&67&8` ?``` 0 S?` S`,=LV <`@  General disk error. Error: $ E=JJJJi0:0i E=)i0:0iLE @ There is insufficient space on this disk for this operation.