Star SG-10 (GC) V  SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0῀ !က͉ݐ=yqa y3{Printdriver V2.0David Durran`CsDgeoPrint cable print driver for the Star SG-10/15, SD-10/15, and SR-10/15. ; `8r`LyyLyLyLyLyLyLyStar SG-10 (GC)ōݩ?ݩݩ``ݩݩݭ )`2y2y2y Py2y`4y \ 5y z Jy _¢` \ 5y  (z { Jy _` \ 5y { Jy _`P^`4yL~y \ 5yy  ey Jy _`B \ 5y  Py PyLz Jy _` HH ezhh ` zhh P83yH { zee h`3y2yxee P2y8 3y`8`,4y0 z Leyz ÅLey3@2@ 3y& & & 8z zz LeygH(y Pyh` Py Py` Py`xj~(yX`