selectorY  PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0=H %A(;Selector V1.0John L. Brown Selector is a fast and easy way to change drivers from within GEOS-64 applications.e  ꩀ/aLHi Hacker! Protection disabled by Jimbo The Great, 9/30/89! For all my friends on Q-Link! This public service message brought to you by Egghead Protection Systems. For Missy, King, Mother, and of course, Grandma!!!@88080xx|| / O L>LɅ ; 0 8© © )­JIJeI JI*I JI `Selector V1.0@/@ 6 Z )     /  U` $Df < e   e ,e i`f < e   e ,e  i`9v,eP '(e`,eP*9v (e`P`e  k  h©˅ . k h©˅  / O L>©87;K  ;©8iG;;KR+ H;\`+ H;mn+ H;~|+ H;+ HG;``Pn+ H`87;  ;©8i H;;R H;` H;…n H;Ӆ| H; HH; ``UPn H` I';KJWI; ky;\XeI; k[;mfsI; k=;~tI; k; I; k` ( *` I.;JW J; ky;Xe J; k[;…fs J; k=;Ӆt J; k;J; k`  *`#( -`;KP-;\P";mP;~P ;P` h©? kLG;L.   # (-`;P-;P";…P;ӅP ;P` h©.? kLUH;Le  h©˅ . h`I;L`J; L`I;G;L`J;H;L` 1 &/ ( Selector FAPrinter Drivers AInput Drivers` iY s0'p@  888 8`8`880 8P?  @ ? /% 6 y@Copyright 1989 xLJohn L. Brown oXAll rights reserved. SiThis Program is available from: tJ.L. Brown w1706 Orinda Ct. _Thousand Oaks, CA 91362`@88080  'IIII "" $$ && (( ** ,,'= ! XI\X Imp~p J X f t  J X f t  No drivers avaliable