calendarV :SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0@ATCvB@AA$A$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$I$m>mCalendar I V1.0Jung & Wedgwood;Displays a monthly calendar and provides a datebook to save your own notes. V¥ *8-- -  `0 @0 u -0--+-  } `  i--`- PΎ- 3 u  `- 5--- &--- --- --`-5 -Β--& -Α-- -ΐ-- -Ώ-`0)0`/ 9 )`--- - -- ---   ^---- -- 1 :Η-`*HHH  hhh- +  H`ee -i0 E `-- --`--i-`------!- - -8--Έ--m---- J-8-Ά- m--m----`-m-8----------80--m---P㮀--m---` y -m-- -- - -e  '--!- -`---!- m---m--- ---) JJJJi0 L 0 ---)i0 --  e* E--!- -`Choose Month:7@JQX]ciq| JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberSMTWTFS----- H`-- -- ---8m-80-P` J  * 8ee`--͎- e-P` -- -- ' e8P-- ݩ--Pҥ--`- m- m-`- m- m-`  ` ' ``D H ' h`  h`h`  48``  ) )8`` 8  )(()( . (( ((`ƅ - P`  L'  L' ) L' ) ߅ 9 $`- p `- `     P`H   e e Ph`      P`H   e e Ph`/H/  m m 8  Q ` `# (  `  FfFfFfmmmm`  8 mmNnNnNn8iJJJ`m...,0pmm`  ,?  , ~@ee e e ,P?  , ~(ee e e `   $   `8ee ee` {(eeڭ `98 8`(ee`foreground buff(||8FGBuf Data V1.0Clayton Jung R$`E: L  R$ `&Lm+ 0 `;:< !808 + !!       _`` ` i`  i! ` ce e!!` 8- ! !0 ͙- -`8`HHHH c+eei c0ee ee  *hhhh` u # } n*  K $`  ee -i0 E , E `-  i---`E: #0` R$E: $`K tLgU UK tB ;;;Յ L;Յ ©E:?: !` +` L+;Յ w`;օUͫ-[ȱ͎-SȢJݏ-JJ8  8 օ ;   i  ``eeL H}|h LiE:-?:-@:-B:-A:-D:-C:`}|8 8օ;  i L}|8օ;  i  +` Q:E  +` ©;Յ  +LP `:E L[8E:`; ` :E   +`}|`} | 8 օ ;   i  HH hheee;e8 ~8~~`Date BookKT]HEhI}yiр큀Date Book V1.0date book V1.0;օ~R?:c @:Q?:D`ee~~?:m~~m`HHee>̅8 ~hhLF; n;~֐;֍ ` u;H:H Q o+`` X ) eL> +,` +,` ,` ,` ,` ,` +`  +`  +` +`i0w,,`L6,,yL6,,L6,,L6,-L6,-5L6,-SL6,,L6,HH u0,hh H- }`Unknown Error number = Buffer overflowed.No more space on disk to ,save text.No records left. ,Please delete some entries.There appears to be a bad record.Something is very wrong. ,I suggest you quit.Can't seem to find that file.The directory is full. ,please delete files. '# -0  `LQ. `.`=..-=-P .-&-HH hhE  n(6 2  @i9 :HH-- Vhh Щ` ":  r 0:HH ":  r 0:HC C L- S?` ..LA ` ȱ L .   L/L.`L/ +$   x/LA` / ./LARUNL/ > .1 y/Jɀ /nLA / ./m (0/LA`:SYS( )LK8//}/ 0r/` d'LOAD "", ,1 ɠ// / 1/8 0////`B,CB0{ X2B Z L05$3u54 0i`H 524 u@hH 1e i6… 2 @ Kh`)i`8i`H CCh`H :1h F1H 1 $hH f1h` 0 C2 ȑ ʊ`H 1 *h 1L* BB`HP1 9h`  F1H y1hH 1 $h` CC`H6… hH 1e h 52 u@ 2 @ J8   '2  ?  ? )eLK C2  & ȱ ȩ H & 8  '2ȱ eh`e e ` C轗C`H iBih` B`HH C2    BhH 0hhʊ`… r `r`r` 3 3H 43heBͣB LL9H 3 3 r2hL2 "` A:8i<`H 3    h )     !Iޥe e 8Ʃ r2h` 9 ) `$PB |( IL" " ')@ 4LV &¥ ' L `  ; 0;H$p`$%BB "4FLV©@ !`  /; 0f;H4B 4 T24 T2Lv262i646 BU<ɉI I58IIIIPIJIjiͥBmIII  8A`LUՃ!~QJ}EE()H+*T'EFe)C(rzUՃUU*U5jVBFJNQUX\`fjnrvx| LE\7;)J"87J*A"Q b m$qDTХ)D!)R6ԥ)BJ* lLiUUU%"Y( -.Db*)"J*RYUUU2UT>e"qID-D%)R".IJ"YUUUUTɜ"PEX .7:*K b0):lLѪUUI12)M @ @@ `Operation canceled due todisk error:I:1I:2Disk too fullDirectory fullFile not foundI:6I:7I:8I:9I:AI:BCanceledDevice not foundI:20Missing or unformatted diskI:22I:23I:24I:25Write protect tab on diskI:27I:29I:2EThis is a NON-GEOS disk.Would you like it converted?K bytes usedK bytes freePreferencesDRIVE ADRIVE BIn drive: APlease insert disk:Non-GEOS FileBASIC ProgramAssembly Prg.Data FileSystem FileDesk AccessoryApplicationApplication DataFont FilePrinter DriverInput DriverDisk DriverSystem Boot FileTemporary AM PMA maximum of eight files maybe placed on the border.This file can't be printedThis file can't be openedfrom the deskTop.Please insert a disk withinThis file is write protectedand can't be deletedalready exists.Please insert destination diskPut disk to format in drive: Aand enter a name for it:Replace the contents ofwith the contents ofTurn Oxx original drive.Plug in & turn ON new drive.This operation may only beperformed on files from thecurrent diskThis operation may not beperformed on System filesperformed on Boot filesperformed on Non-GEOS disksPlease enter new filename:There is afile on the destination disk.OK to overwrite?Please enter new disk name:DESK TOPdeskTop V1.3deskTop not on diskFile from other diskDisk errorWrite Protectdisk:type:class:structure:size:modified:author:SEQUENTIALVLIRGEOS Kernal designed by:Brian Dougherty Doug FultsJim Defrisco Tony RequistCopyright 1985, Berkel