AnalogClockX SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0>AA!!xQ!A!A>N Analog ClockV1.2Charles W. Bozarth An analog clock that ticks and chimes.! ^  K./)346m58υ7  9 0p X ( hۅ Z ׅ  `   9( h Ѕ $ '1m H Z`<  9 Lֳsۻss    ???1??|?~~?|߀`a!a`߀|~??~|?????      H * U A }P   `e Y 0`g; L fg 8 eee Y8 0멌   8    ©A Pii ¥H5M '7ԍԍԩAԩ!Ԡ h` 8 LLԍ ԍ͠LH5h` hh ¥  i  0ihi ¢i0  hP`$!-j( <he  )piݩՅ$!P )'(e`$!-j( <he  2 pi$!P,Յ 2(eL>„L8`::;;<>?ACEHJMORUX[]`begiklnoopppoonlkigeb`][XUROMJHECA?><;;:GMU]cgc]UMGCpu|Send contributions of $2 to $5 to: Charles W. Bozarth 5085 E. CD Ave. Kalamazoo, MI 49004 Thank you.