DexDialFixZPRG formatted GEOS file V1.08D=ǎ=<<<<<<<@<?DexDialFix V1.0Steve MainPatches geoDex v2.0 or v2.1 to autodial any Hayes compatible modem./9 6 h & T m Q Z`?(+? '(+*(+',&,1Yc<hO^KKKKK&K7KHKdesk accessory 0desk accessory 1desk accessory 2desk accessory 3desk accessory 4desk accessory 5desk accessory 6desk accessory 7geosinfofilequit(QQQQQR0QQQROQQRRXQQQQwQQQQQQQQQQQQQRQQQQQQQQQRQQQQQ RQQQQQ R` FOR nOR OR ? Click on one option in each pair, ]" then click on `L, ` K V` L, ` =  X  X E 0  0 0 p`03Ǐo6`3lف~?7?l߁06 l3lσ   76| ٳvy ٳ6 ٳ7癟   lǀ`>llll0mgϰ`   4 0`3xmf`m1gmf6m`3|m|` ` ` `ٞ` `< f͛1f͙clf͘1<၌  1  8 `` `>m1f` fm>`s>m1   4 00><`3͘ 03>3fy3>0:g0c?<F ٌf͘ ٌf͘0 ٌf  ~` Z@ f`2@ f`0A6A " `0"<'!|x!! ٳf̀ " ٳf <f f}   4 :000fy~x0f 0~}0~͘0f}px>7883~y `B3`͘ `቏3`͘?|x` ?x f  3` f3`Ͱ f 3~͘f|"~A@09} 0`>m6mfm7fϙxm6 fٙl>ς   4 @cc;gGc6aGc701c6hYg;311@$ <\6026`d6`6`@@6`0`6`/9`00     4  < m m m <    Ǽqml  y H e 7h"6DXfQ1 &1Q`Q2 &2Q`Q`QT &TQ`QP &PQ`Q`Q1 &1Q`Q0 &0Q`Q`Qȕ *`HQȕ *h`H h `х ;©8iH h 88i` eiiHH@P ~hh5HІ †5hІP@ ~ {Dž  ? -` g  } 0 @ P FixDexDial v1.0 by Steve Main1640 Calle Colorado, Vista, CA 92084 Please email comments to: Mink on Q-link V`QQQ R  ¥ i +   )Š sr Xsr  ­=< S?> L,geoDex V2.0geoDex V2.1 $  R.  R&   R  R 2P`L,© RP  RR  ;`I Š Š`! ƈ i9O V` f   0HH Insert a disk with a COPY of GeoDex V2.1 or V2.0 into drive H) 0:ih)JJJJ 0م V , 0 P? Disk Error $    0) P? You must select one option from each pair. Click to continue ??XxPxxPx dWorking...` VL,    0 P Couldn't do the fix!Please try again with a freshCOPY of geoDex v2.0 or v2.1 Click to return to Desktopߩ %PPݩ p R? RP 6 R R np J Ri h `)ATM0 ATS7=2 ATDTp np iJ h©p np QQQ h `]Q`