WormDeskY  2+PRG formatted GEOS file V1.0ԕUWormDesk V5.0Payton W. Snider IIUse this program instead of deskTop to switch between applications. LňňL? -: x |,D  <6  v 6  ^-!_ 6  rkp Q LZ/  6LH˅ VL,L`  $You need GEOS 64 v2.0Have a Nice Day!WormDeskPlease insert a DISKwith WormDesk 5.0 or HIGHER< :@È ` K Ee X,F8 H˅ X,F8LHDESK TOPPlease insert a DISKwith deskTop V1.5 or HIGHER?|; ?  ">- WormDesk V5.0Copyright (C) 1989geoWorm ProductionsREU)Drive AYDrive BDrive CPRINTERInput Dev ,4 L  L j,H9 @ ,dZ f ,r C  6,:Q @,#   @    2 J ,*\ y      ,V%T xe ev    L# L# @`H h 66LTH6  h#6 \ y *`J  2       L LL HH$ VhhHH hh 8Š +LQ` -MHH e©# Vhh#HH hh-M YŠ +LT`H   \ y h & 6' 6  *LT\ y  $ 0 < D WormAuthorQuitQFileNo FilesInfoIOpenODeleteDRenameRPrintPView* APPLICATIONA AUTO-EXECE APPL DATA Desk AccessoryY Printer DriverZ Input DriverU Basic ProgramsJ Assembly PrgmsS Non-GeosV All Appl Data FilesT geoWrite FilesW geoPaint FilesL geoDebugger FilesG geoPublish FilesB geoFile FilesF geoCalc FilesKWrite ImagePaint ImageLinker .dbgPublish DocGEOFILEgeoCalcOptionsSet ClockCSet AlarmHBASICXSwap Drv A & CSwap Drv B & C %!    : X !Ru !fV !z# !CØC|CٳvCٳfCٿfCٰfٳff cß ##0C͛`#̓#Ø` 0 Ø߻3#6d#6d#Ø` c#߻CC3C3C331  ` & ) )   ` $ $ $   ` ) / !  8D\$$0l%PX%E$9E)D$%X$8D]$0,%PXD%D9D)D%XLLL+LI8 l`xCeV6JLJL 6   &LV $;:< V©%c V©-&,LV©$;2:s< V©- vLT77 `7e7e`@6 &   @^-^-^-^-LA@u ;­A LI ¸P BAS6 LN   ˅ ~LN e ~TSv ~LNBL~ ȱ @ L$ VLN :F7 ­΍L,  H@G@;L@K@ ,7LASYS  ©ZLARUN  ­ $TLV© LAPRESS RESTORE TO RETURN TO GEOS6LG L= LkLLG "LTLLAL^ , vLT ?@`Lx΍ & L© 9 0ă :>8>7 Š +P  S ~ S:-i9$$8 H-:C H8?7-_6666 ;L Ņ866H h]  ~e65 r6  ~e  ~,ƈ01 e  ~V`=dC܍`` 9 "*@-!_ 6L) ,0  P   ) ,0  P   ) ,0   `  ` z G7 Š +PLQ ̩ G7 Š +PLQ G7 Š +PLQ 2r~2?r?TrTiriGDiskPType]BlocksfFreerBytes{Free  6!LA H  HHaA hh   ivA KLE ¥ P O vJ ŠO  H6'ЭG h ?V Š  @  ;Š @ˈ@  @  ;Š @e L,PreferencesPad Color Pref 66L 6  ,6L#. 6 8 i66 i66L#<΍6 X ,60 " H  6 ;6 E   E6 E 8   E/ E6 E  iH  E6 Eh  E/ E6 E  iH  E6 Eh  E ED6 E6  E6 E6  E: E6  E6  E6  E6  E E6  E6PPA ELHM  J/+H6 l66  6 `66 6 `L)l@x rh2=0980 i  P  8  6L`h 3&="080 i  6L`h3G4C0?80 e H   ihe  6L`h2@=<0880H   i8he P 6L`h=20.80 e H   ihe6L`h=30/80H   i8he6L`h2 080 6666L`h63=0 8066L`h60 8066L`h=0 8066L`6 m6 m6 6I66i `6 m6 m6`6 m6 m6 6I6`hA a P p `6P66 6L6,60 )ܸP ܭ6 6 6 ܭ6 6 ܩ ܍ܩ0``<<bb``nn`ff``<<`<~6<00 c76!7 76 6 9 $ 9Å $0 '6 ΍L  0`  ` 6ei  Lu6{8H7H 6 8 777 9 E7 O $ i7m66, 7 `7e7e H77 Ю h7h8`786 OL*678 6 wL 67 wL 6K6G 8 67Lr6-68 76"6i 76i 7 w0LM L L,7686 76Lr 7 Lu7L6 H h7P76Lr0y2?  r Lx6R 6 E  6<80  im6667L?7 `6G7Å7 8  (7 H H`7L Ͽ*H6 76L 7 76L `Å 8 L*60 6`Work DiskBoot DiskMaster Disk1581 BootUnknown !!!$!BPPP KP ,!-!`Not GeosBasicAssemblyData FileSystem FileDesk AccessoryApplicationAppl. DataFont FilePrinter DriverC64 Input DriverDisk DriverSystem Boot FileTemporary FileAuto-Exec128 Input Drivere!n!t!}!!!!!!!!!!""" *"+"`SEQUENTIALVLIRW"b" g"h"` AM PM x"}" ȹ""`HH΍ @7@hh5HІ  †5hІ 7@@ { ?L|, G#! d# G# d# G# d# G# #LQH hG7G7ƈ`H##  hHHH G#P ¬hhh`HĈ) y h`2~r $ %7Enter new(Lfilename:2~r  4$ !(:Delete theFfollowing file?2~r d$7WormDesk is'Qunable to'[Load File!2~r $7Insert new disk Vinto Drive  $ HApplication was not found!,@ ?$WormDeskHbynVPayton W. Snider IIn`7427 W Coolidge StnjPhoenix, AZ 85033WgeoWorm Productions,@ %q%*** Credits ***NFThe following routines used inNPthis program were written by:[aWilliam C. ColemanelListBoxDisk ErrorevString WidthBeepseThree DrivesDecToAsc,@ :&*** Special Thanks ***FtojXJohn F. Howardqffor the use of hisGvC to AB Drive Swap Routine.I&[) 9 0;J@2;@@ B 9B X,6i J8 e 09 $6F87 H w~,P * pEdisk:nPtype:l[class:\fstructure:oqsize:\|modified:eauthor:Write Protect@a H x( k"f H@M[ H J"P H-:E H M"(4@ f)@P6587 H.658?7Dž4`| E / E / E E 8  : E 0 E  " H iq K E E E )SLH AM Blocks  c)L X,Ɇ`6 ȸP X,Ɇ6 ȭ6`6 ȘeP,@ _+ 0 ,HNot Enough BlocksInvalid TrackInsufficient SpaceDirectory FullFile Not FoundBad BAMUnopened VLIR FileStructure MismatchBuffer OverFlowCANCEL_ERRDevice Not PresentIncompatable ApplicationNo Header BlockUnformatted or Missing DiskNo Data Block FoundData Checksum ErrorWrite Verify ErrorWrite Protect OnHeader Checksum ErrorDisk ID MismatchDOS MismatchUnrecognized Error* Disk Error - Drive A *))) **+*3*L+L+F*Y*i*t******L+*++L+.+HHH H H.Hs + ? P#* + L Pʊ y+ z+ i9u+)Å Vh.h h hhh`HHH(HHH %,hhh`x5Ԡԩԩ7ԩԢԈԩ0(`HH ehȐPhh`F7hG7 ­F7hH7)I7)I7Ĉ)@L®L ,G7 Š`iI7G7iI7`G7`80-5-ȸP}0- 0` d'