DUAL_TOP\3mPRG formatted GEOS file V1.0H!gွ64DT Rev E V3.0Paul B. MurdaughDual Top is a new system controlerUse Dual Top to manage your GEOS system/  LLL{$L%LLs#LaL'L=0LL.Lt)LH$La$LUL$L;LL.L.L.Empty 0Empty 1Empty 2Empty 3Empty 4Empty 5Empty 6Empty 7Empty 8Empty 9t|VѼuvn x7v5s@ :2a@ԥӾ4>5>/5:7xv51SJ :"@?geosDUALTOP infoselect printerZSselect inputZIselect preferencesZPDESKTOPZX===================================Current print driverCurrent input driverfileopenZZcopyZJduplicateZHrenameZMinfoZQprintZPdeleteZDswapZTdiskclosedCsortd*renamedNcopydKvalidatedVerasedEformatdFoptions auto directory auto sort auto overwrite auto preferences drive A drive B drive C drive Dconfigureswap A&C(Shift) Aswap B&C(Shift) Bswap A&B(Shift) Cconfigure drive D 1541 1571 1581 No Drivespecialset date/clockUshortcutsLresetRexit to basicYAdd On ModulesA:B:C:D:A CINFOCOPYPRINTRENAMEDELETE154115711581DUAL_TOPDUALTOP V3.0DESK TOPDESKTOP V2.0GATEWAY3: : k freek used filesPreferencesSDCONVERTpabcd *+-찱GZmNh; ...(.U'.-.--..'i(u(}(((00''(.;.E.1..-./ /+/6/A/L/X/c/n/y/`c%X @ }~  N@  PC x...e0)Me)eˈ |x(... ... n0U -(#.3-@- DFV@Bg^.sh.r.KO.O.O.O. 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