MOVE80COLZ5SEQ formatted GEOS file V1.0<~%5=5%~<8Scrn 80col V1.0Robert Phoenix This program moves the 80-col screenup, down, left, and right'?# /7 6R Z`>` xxg%%25w&F*&Yl#J S 0u#jS.S 00`000000000000000000 ```````````oc``?````0` ``x``````````````x``` ?0000000077700000000?     ?=       ` `` `` `` `` `` ``?``a ``3 ``3 `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ``l```` `` `` ```````````f`fac `f01f `f0f `f`ll`f`lf`f`lc`f`l` `f`l``f`l``c0f ``c01f l`a`cf ``xac`` `` ` !```cf plf0flf0fl`6f `6cc ` 8a```a``a```0l0ff c`c>````` ` ` `````````? ` `` `0`` `0`` ``0` ``0` ``0`p ``0` ``0` ``0` `0```0``<3`|` ` ` ``````0a`1f0c0c06 c0 f` f ` g`f`f `f`c0 c0c03 a`1a 0``0` `  $ ¢   i  ` ¢ 8 ` ¢ i ` ¢   8  `7 6  Z ~"Arrows - Use the arrow keys to move the 80col screen ~,save - Use save to save settings to GEOS kernal FirstInit table ~6instructions - Use to list these instructions ~@auto execute - Use to create an auto executing version of Jsave (i.e. Automatically done at boot) ~Tquit - Use to return to desktop or main icon screen`7 6R Z`"nl#d  L,, E l < ) e   $  P  @   ` 4v `$ P ` `$ P ` `, ֢, ֢,`, ֢, ֢,`,`,` ¢  xH) Ռ%h(7 6  Z 6Operation Successful - Screen configuration saved.`Auto_80col <~WqRQrq  ~< Auto_80col v1.0@Robert Phoenix ¢     8© Lu 7 6  Z 6Operation Successful - Screen configuration saved to disk as @an auto booting file. TPlease save to boot disk to use.`7 6  Z ~6Disk Error - can't make auto file`,'ň xH) Ռ%h(L,