128_DUALTOP\-rPRG formatted GEOS file V1.0H!gွ128DT Rev E V3.0@Paul B. MurdaughDual Top is a new system controler Use to manage your GEOS system2a 1 LLL&L+'LnL(&L&L>*L2L La1L+Ls&L&LL=&LLILk0L/1LW1Empty 0Empty 1Empty 2Empty 3Empty 4Empty 5Empty 6Empty 7Empty 8Empty 9D d<9! 72 @ :$ d@#t $=:1}2}^jtNI0SJ :D@|geos 128_DUALTOP infoselect printerxSselect inputxIselect preferencesxP128 DeskTopxX===================================Current print driverCurrent input driverfile openZcopyJduplicateHrenameMinfoQprintPdeleteDswapTdisk closeCsort*renameNcopyKvalidateVeraseEformatFoptions auto directory auto sort auto overwrite auto preferences auto video adjust VDC 64K mode drive A drive B drive C drive Dconfigure swap A&C(Shift) Aswap B&C(Shift) Bswap A&B(Shift) Cconfigure drive D 1541 1571 1581 No Drivespecial set date/clockUshortcutsLresetRexit to basicYAdd On ModulesA:B:C:D:A CINFOCOPYPRINTRENAMEDELETE154115711581128 DUALTOP V3.0 By PBM128_DUALTOPDUALTOP V3.0128 DESKTOPDESKTOP V2.0GATEWAY_1284: k freek used filesPreferencesSourceDestinationCONVERTpabcd *+-찱0w~a0/191;+u00.0W190C0%1k08*****+K328*>*V+w~M10001W0C11111111111`'DX %   X@v  11%1-22Ve2mˈ |+;+k0u091a0/1M1 nJ.0!V+-W1=90JC0 `oa@r0~0000K0000 DU00,0F KY0b0k0t1 `x%0C1K3W02 2I1a1y111111 1!1 d<6 " w6 "# ~6 "4 6 "E 6 "] *6 "n a06 " k06 " 6 " 916 " /1pppUppppW\u:pUUp:\uW    ~ {wW vWZwZ Zv # # ## #!####-|}~~###-#`_##h#ivu#h# ~ HH  @ * 6@Replace contents ofwith contents of H  2Full disk copying must be between 2 drivesof the same type.DD V #~Please insert a disk with 128 DUALTOPRev ? Version 3.0 in any drive.  ) =This application is not compatible with Geos 128.H  This file cannot be printedfrom Dual Top 3.0H / KThis file cannot be openedfrom Dual Top 3.0HH o This program runs in 40 column mode only.Switch modes ? "H 3   2 @ Please enter new file name.The filealready exist.HH  @ *,Please insert disk:In Drive: H I  ]Operation cancled.Source drive is not open.  ) =Operation cancled.Only 16K of VDC RAM was detected. 2 0@L1  g z Q D   Z C  !Z r  t x @Lx 4~4~ n4i4~̍L(&H2h))@sPr E)$< e H`4+ H4i4 שh4PΩia  > L* 2 ,`' & I  FYbkt  ,` ^   0 0`M@0" Dž   ª` I  ` _ } ^ ]  L*ZY  B\[ LHM.@.@utwuvtwvxyxyz{z{ 9`F 9F `F @` @@ `@ S`% 7`  @ @l@`x`z8x `x8x -L#xizxxizz8Pݭ@<@@;@xi.@L# E  / E / E  8 8 : ­  ­ APP ©M © © L… 0 ©L   N MP O  9L$ LGF EH G LR QT S P6 f"J IL K L$V UX W 9$ÅL$ 9.: 9< ; L$U@*P rZ@*P ~[@*P \@*P ͟?*P  6`V@*P R@7W@*P S@(X@*P T@Y@*P P  [`͟?L R O+S OɈY݅ Oɪ  S` 9   lN &詀 & & &L l & & N &詀 &> & &L%@/ * /`/ */`  6 : 1 LH \L& \L& & &` & L&`AP!R@ BPS@ CP T@۩ D@@@@  +L # # x@/ ) x*#ąR QT S -/X`uuj5@0 7 (& t.@g~thux E`5@0 -u5@3+m5n6T8S7utz8x L(& Qu Š{ Šqu Šc@ h­@@4dci Hb8a7fe@ &L(&# Eą4P E &e`ɠ) *:@ ¬:@`@@8~~z 0 zɐ 3 @@ T` / L ~~[@ e~~z` 8 ~e n I@ȱ J@@@`   ~L& u`u@@5@zx@ -  D Lb*) `(` Qu0L ŠT ŠN@  n@ͣ@͢j8 V¥``: V¸P +0Ln nL>*9@8@L& +0 VL>*}P@} ( ]0 L>* s&@lB h©@SLh© ) +01uu@l e©x@`  V¢`Q@ R@ S@ T@ ` ŠF Š@@}@l ;Š"}@ }S BL`@} Š )Š B)` n0  +0P`J@I@P  +`' ?G Э  {G*H & &I)@)@ I@ &`U@`zz chg`  ~`_1 zB@x z8B@C@A@ ` ghB@ ce e ee D MA@eee e  C@A@LRB@LRX S `B@  f  iB@B@P   B@` Ln¥ @l ~    ~@l   ~@l ~ ~@lL~ u0U@HU@  >*hU@`  9 qdpp i  i  ed   f d  i i$ąV UX W $ 9$ $ $` (& 9 G"4   b¢ b¥8 E!po n&  Hrq n&  Htsz  HL(&` M@L @@: 9< ; ªL!#- ªL$ą ªL#. ª <@LL     ªL0L~'q=p@s?r % % g$Åtiui '%Å $L%R QT S L$p T S $Lr%xL% 6#8ttuxBqApDsCr % %$ g$%-Å4ut+ '%$- $"ąR QT S PL(&R Qz y $T8S7n6m53nm" EL"" ER QT S pL*`xiPxwx X(%L9 l~ %eppeqqerress~ڢ &)L&q &p & s &r &,`,`356Dž487` cgehe@lLe©Ll@ɠl@`l@P l@`G@zxw+ X(% & =&@l8@9@ (+P >*G@`x0i(xiz z8xHH - #hh`xw X(E$,R QT S 8x e eL* ' (0 ` ' X(H%/@(P( h ((`h`xR QT S $Å ª8xw-xz ªi i PX8`X` X(H%/@P/@hH% P +hLu(hE *`ȸPJʸP` n` =&@l +0LM0$  )  V¸P{L ) +0h@ ) B)0U@lL@ ­@ +0-?0I? 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Be careful, asthis will destroy any data on the flip side ofthe disk.P@7 </=7  6Format disk in drive: A B C D "=H 3 Please enter new disk name.LK4L4L4Lc5L\5Lu5L|5L5L5L6L6L6L8@`0@``,ĈP '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3@ 2 Y8 CLI2L4 C,ĈP>9 '4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3@܈L4` ¬ƈ`HL5P5  hHHH0 ¸P 4hhh`L5̍ 5 LL5L5 5 LU@PU@ )ŠU@  `͟?7/ & 6͟ ˅ ©L6? & U U O/ & 6wLV©?͟ ʅ © 6   `@Ĉ) EͅM ­@kL`S@L6`S@L6`S@L6`?@ 70 r70 7 7` 0708u V¥`Q@ Y7 R@ Y7S@ Y7 T@ Y7` Š Š 8 Š`8 t +0"?@ ©` +0`` L¬?@ˆʈ T@ ' 6& D: Sd   Z C,L3ˆʈ  9 EV u   Z C,L3   .@   LZHI 8 !8You must insert a disk with 128 CONFIGURE V2.0or higher in any drive to install the disk driver.128 CONFIGUREL 4L4LO7 4LV  :4 ^4 4 (4 <4 F4Special thanks go to my wife Soniaand my 3 children Tia, Robert and Alex.Without there support this program wouldnot exist.128 DUALTOP Copyright 1992 Paul B. Murdaugh n` 5 6݅P4 602 qep $6 :5 36ZP6 VL>*@l` ŠL5~@Ĉ}@)Ĉ  `@~@}@ Ĉ) Mօ ©Յ ©R ©H S?hL+xwz X(%P` =&@l L+@l h s&p h©6Lh E n6 %6 5~6Device Driver:Is Now Installed!  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