The copies of the Commodore 64 system firmware have been removed from the archive, because Ironstone Partners Ltd has signed an exclusive worldwide licensing deal with Tulip Computers BV for the Commodore 64 and associated products. This document lists MD5 signatures of the files, as reported by the "md5sum" utility of GNU textutils, and should provide enough information to reconstruct any published version of the system firmware from a copy of one published version of the Commodore 64 system firmware. 8c37b056c00a44c0725508b8cedbbefb 64c.251913-01.bin The 251913-01, used in newer versions of the Commodore 64 and some versions of the Commodore 128, is a 16-kilobyte 23128 ROM chip. It contains the Commodore 64 BASIC interpreter ($A000-$BFFF, corresponding to the 8-kilobyte 2364 ROM chip 901226-01) and the Commodore 64 KERNAL ($E000-$FFFF, corresponding to the 8-kilobyte 2364 ROM chip 901227-03) in that order. 049e657afafbdd802e8c6a4f88f3d730 64gs.390852-01.bin The 390852-01, used in the ill-fated Commodore 64GS game console based on the BN/E circuit board, is a 16-kilobyte chip similar to the 251913-01. This one was archived from a 27128 EPROM 27128 EPROM chip in a West German machine DA5 016014E, assy no. 250469, 252311 rev.B. The chip has the label © 1984, 90 CBM / 390852-01 / C64GS ROM CS=DF34. The BASIC part corresponds otherwise to 901226-01, but the 30 unused bytes at $BF53-$BF70 are filled with $00 instead of $AA. The KERNAL part has been modified from the 901227-03, and most modifications are in the area $F72C-$FC92, which also contains a copyright message. Many jumps have been redirected to $FB4D, which in turn jumps to $F707, which in turn triggers I/O error #5. 57af4ae21d4b705c2991d98ed5c1f7b8 basic.901226-01.bin Commodore 64 BASIC V2. The first and essentially only revision, located at $A000-$BFFF. In the 64GS system firmware, the 30 unused bytes at $BF53-$BF70 are filled with $00 instead of $AA. In the Commodore 65 firmware, these bytes are filled with $FF. da92801e3a03b005b746a4dd0b639c7c kernal.4064.901246-01.bin This 8-kilobyte ROM has been reported in various machines (4064, PET64, EDUCATOR64), which are versions of the Commodore 64 built in a PET case with an integrated monochrome monitor. The system interrupt routine resets sprite, background and border colors to black unless the high-order bit of the location 646 (cursor colour, $0286) is set. Using any colour command resets location 646 and, therefore, the colors. The differences from 901227-02 are as follows. Note that some patches of 901227-03 are included. $E42D-$E42F: (printing the start-up message) 901227-02: JSR $AB1E 901246-01: JMP $E441 (do not print " BASIC BYTES FREE\r") $E477: (first part of start-up message) 901227-02: " **** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 ****\r\r 64K RAM SYSTEM \0" 901246-01: "**** COMMODORE 4064 BASIC V2.0 ****\r\r\0 " $E4AC: (checksum byte?) 901227-02: $5C 901246-01: $63 $E4C8: (patch: reset the colours unless the high-order bit of 646 is set) 901227-02: filled with eighteen $AA bytes 901246-01: BIT $286:BMI *+12:LDA #0:LDX #14:STA $D020,X:DEX:BPL *-4:JMP $EA87 $E535: (default cursor colour) 901227-02: $0E (light blue) 901246-01: $01 (white) $E57C-$E599: (compute screen address) 901227-02: LDA $D9,X:AND #3:ORA $288:STA $D2:LDA $ECF0,X:STA $D1:LDA #$27 INX:LDY $D9,X:BMI *+8:CLC:ADC #$28:INX:BPL *-8:STA $D5:RTS 901246-01: JSR $E9F0:LDA #$27:INX:LDY $D9,X:BMI *+8:CLC:ADC #$28:INX:BPL *-8: STA $D5:JMP $EA24:CPX $C9:BEQ *+5:JMP $E6ED:RTS:NOP $E621: 901227-02: JSR $E6ED 901246-01: JSR $E591 $EA7B: (patch to reset the colours) 901227-02: JSR $EA87 901246-01: JSR $E4C8 $ECD9-$ECE6: (initial values of video chip registers at $D020-$D03E) 901227-02: 14, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 901246-01: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 $F81E: (check the high-order bit of $9D before message output) 901227-02: JSR $F12F 901246-01: JSR $F12B $F82B: (check the high-order bit of $9D before message output) 901227-02: JMP $F12F 901246-01: JMP $F12B $FF80: (KERNAL version identifier) 901227-02: $00 901246-01: $64 $FFF8: (unused bytes) 901227-02: "BY" (initials of Bob Yannes?) 901246-01: $00, $00 1ae0ea224f2b291dafa2c20b990bb7d4 kernal.901227-01.bin This 8-kilobyte 2364 ROM is the first revision of the Commodore 64 KERNAL. The RS-232 timing table is designed for exactly 1 MHz system clock frequency, although no C64 runs at that clock rate. Unlike later KERNAL revisions, this one does not detect the video system (PAL/NTSC). This KERNAL was probably only used in early North American Commodore 64 units. The differences from the second revision are as follows. $E118: (output a character from BASIC) 901227-01: JSR $FFC9 901227-02: JSR $E4AD $E4AC: (checksum byte?) 901227-01: $2B 901227-02: $5C $E4AD-$E4B7: (patch area) 901227-01: filled with $AA 901227-02: PHA:JSR $FFC9:TAX:PLA:BCC *+3:TXA:RTS $E4DA-$E4DF: (patch for "clear screen" routine) 901227-01: filled with $AA 901227-02: LDA $D021:STA ($F3),Y:RTS $E4E0-$E4EB: (patch: wait for keypress or timeout) 901227-01: filled with $AA 901227-02: ADC #$2:LDY $91:INY:BNE *+6:CMP $A1:BNE *-7:RTS $E4EC-$E4FF: (patch area, RS-232 speed table for PAL systems) 901227-01: filled with $AA 901227-02: $2619, $1944, $111A, $0DE8, $0C70, $0606, $02D1, $0137, $00AE, $0069 $EA0B: (set the character colour when clearing the screen) 901227-01: LDA #1:STA ($F3),Y 901227-02: JSR $E4DA:NOP $ECCA-$ECCB: (initial values of video chip registers at $D011-$D012) 901227-01: $1B, $00 (raster compare at line 0) 901227-02: $9B, $37 (raster compare at line 311) $ECD2: (initial value of video chip register at $D019) 901227-01: $00 901227-02: $0F (acknowledge all VIC-II interrupts) $F428-$F44C: (set up RS-232 timing) 901227-01: BNE *+13:LDA $295:ASL:TAY:LDA $296:JMP $F43F ASL:TAX:LDA $FEC0,X:ASL:TAY:LDA $FEC1,X:ROL PHA:TYA:ADC #$C8:STA $299:PLA:ADC #$0:STA $29A 901227-02: BEQ *+30:ASL:TAX:LDA $2A6:BNE *+11 LDY $FEC1,X:LDA $FEC0,X:JMP *+9 LDY $E4EB,X:LDA $E4EA,X STY $296:STA $295:LDA $295:ASL:JSR $FF2E $F459: (set up RS-232 emulation) 901227-01: JMP $F00D 901227-02: JSR $F00D $F761: (wait for keypress after displaying FOUND) 901227-01: LDA $91:CMP #$FF:BEQ *-4 (wait indefinitely) 901227-02: LDA $A1:JSR $E4E0:NOP (wait for a key or timeout) $FCFB: (RESET routine) 901227-01: JSR $E518 (initialise I/O) 901227-02: JSR $FF5B (JSR $E518 and detect PAL/NTSC) $FDDD-$FDF7: (initialise system timer) 901227-01: LDA #$1B:STA $DC04:LDA #$41:STA $DC05:LDA #$81:STA $DC0D LDA $DC0E:AND #$80:ORA #$11:STA $DC0E:JMP $EE8E ; at 60 Hz, the clock rate would be ($411B+1)*60=1000080 Hz 901227-02: LDA $2A6:BEQ *+12 LDA #$25:STA $DC04:LDA #$40:JMP *+10 LDA #$95:STA $DC04:LDA #$42 STA $DC05:JMP $FF6E ; at 60 Hz, PAL clock rate would be ($4025+1)*60=985320 Hz ; and NTSC clock rate would be ($4295+1)*60=1024680 Hz ; (the actual values are 17734472/18=985248 and 14318181/14=1022727) $FEC2-$FED5: (RS-232 speed table for 1 MHz timing, or for NTSC systems) 901227-01: $26AC, $19A7, $115D, $0E1F, $0CA1, $061F, $02DD, $013D, $00B2, $006C 901227-02: $27C1, $1A3E, $11C5, $0E74, $0CED, $0645, $02F0, $0146, $00B8, $0071 $FF07-$FF42: (timer initialisation for RS-232 emulation) 901227-01: LDA $293:AND #$F:BNE *+14:LDA $295:STA $DD06:LDA $296:JMP *+14 ASL:TAX:LDA $FEC0,X:STA $DD06:LDA $FEC1,X STA $DD07:LDA #$11:STA $DD0F:LDA #$12:EOR $2A1:STA $2A1:LDA #$FF STA $DD06:STA $DD07:LDX $298:STX $A8:RTS 901227-02: LDA $295:STA $DD06:LDA $296:STA $DD07:LDA #$11:STA $DD0F LDA #$12:EOR $2A1:STA $2A1:LDA #$FF:STA $DD06:STA $DD07 LDX $298:STX $A8:RTS TAX:LDA $296:ROL:TAY:TXA:ADC #$C8:STA $299:TYA:ADC #0:STA $29A:RTS NOP:NOP $FF5B-$FF7F: (patch: detect PAL/NTSC and initialise system timer) 901227-01: filled with $AA 901227-02: JSR $E518:LDA $D012:BNE *-3:LDA $D019:AND #$1:STA $2A6:JMP $FDDD $FF80: (KERNAL version identifier) 901227-01: $AA (really a fill byte) 901227-02: $00 $FF81: CINT vector 901227-01: JMP $FF5B 901227-02: JMP $E518 7360b296d64e18b88f6cf52289fd99a1 kernal.901227-02.bin 39065497630802346bce17963f13c092 kernal.901227-03.bin These 8-kilobyte 2364 ROMs are the second and third revision of the Commodore 64 KERNAL. These are the most widely spread versions. The differences are as follows: $E4AC: (checksum byte?) 901227-02: $5C 901227-03: $81 $E4D3: (patch) 901227-02: $AA, $AA, $AA, $AA, $AA, $AA, $AA 901227-03: STA $A9:LDA #1:STA $AB:RTS $E4DA: (get the character colour for clearing the screen memory) 901227-02: LDA $D021 (background colour) 901227-03: LDA $286 (cursor colour) $E57C-$E599: (compute screen address) 901227-02: LDA $D9,X:AND #3:ORA $288:STA $D2:LDA $ECF0,X:STA $D1:LDA #$27 INX:LDY $D9,X:BMI *+8:CLC:ADC #$28:INX:BPL *-8:STA $D5:RTS 901227-03: JSR $E9F0:LDA #$27:INX:LDY $D9,X:BMI *+8:CLC:ADC #$28:INX:BPL *-8: STA $D5:JMP $EA24:CPX $C9:BEQ *+5:JMP $E6ED:RTS:NOP $E621: 901227-02: JSR $E6ED 901227-03: JSR $E591 $EA07-$EA12: (fill screen line with spaces) 901227-02: LDA #$20:STA ($D1),Y:JSR $E4DA:NOP:DEY:BPL *-9:RTS 901227-03: JSR $E4DA:LDA #$20:STA ($D1),Y:DEY:BPL *-8:RTS:NOP $EF94: (jump to patch) 901227-02: STA $A9:RTS 901227-03: JMP $E4D3 $FF80: (KERNAL version identifier) 901227-02: $00 901227-03: $03 187b8c713b51931e070872bd390b472a This 8-kilobyte ROM is the Commodore SX-64 KERNAL, which is based on 901227-03. The differences are as follows. $E479: (start-up message) 901227-03: "**** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 ****" 251104-04: " ***** SX-64 BASIC V2.0 *****" $E4AC: (checksum byte?) 901227-03: $81 251104-04: $B3 $E535: (default cursor colour) 901227-03: $0E (light blue) 251104-04: $06 (dark blue) $E5EE: (length of the string expansion of the key combination Shift+STOP) 901227-03: 9 ("LOAD\rRUN\r") 251104-04: 15 ("LOAD\":*\",8\rRUN\r") $E5F3: (pointer to the string expansion of the key combination Shift+STOP) 901227-03: LDA $ECE6,X 251104-04: LDA $F0D7,X $ECD9-$ECE6: (initial screen colours $D020-$D021) 901227-03: 14, 6 (light blue and dark blue) 251104-04: 3, 1 (cyan and white, like the VIC-20) $F0D7: (string area) 901227-03: "\rPRESS PLAY ON " 251104-04: "LOAD\":*\",8\rRUN\r" $F386: (OPEN, checking the device number) 901227-03: BNE $F38B 251104-04: BNE $F390 (report ILLEGAL DEVICE NUMBER for tape) $F4B6: (LOAD, checking the device number) 901227-03: BCC $F533 (check if the device number is 1, for tape) 251104-04: BCC $F4AF (report ILLEGAL DEVICE NUMBER for devices 0..3) $F5F8: (SAVE, checking the device number) 901227-03: BCC $F659 (check if the device number is 1, for tape) 251104-04: BCC $F5F1 (report ILLEGAL DEVICE NUMBER for devices 0..3) $FF80: (KERNAL version identifier) 901227-03: $03 251104-04: $43 October 8, 2003 Marko Mäkelä (