Zimmers.NET Files (formerly ftp.funet.fi)


Software for Commodore modems


1660-a.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 107728
1660-b.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 32648
This is a C64/128 Commodore Modem 300 test/demo diskette with Quantum Link
and terminal programs.

1670-a.d64.gz    (dir) 2002-05-22 107728
1670-b.d64.gz    (dir) 2007-06-13 34840
This is a C64/128 Commodore Modem 1200 test/demo diskette with Quantum Link
and terminal programs. The first side is identical with the 1660 test/demo
diskette, and on the second side, the files "ascii.mts", "boot", "mac.boot"
and "optset" differ. In addition, the 1660 disk lacks the file "vt52-64".

AdattatoreTelematico6499.crt 2014-02-03 16464
Cartridge emulator image for Adattatore Telematico Commodore 6499 modem

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