Here some not documented functions of Mk6. FREEZE Menu =========== PARAMETERS (P) -------------- Loads parameter file from disk or tape. If the file begins with "T." - it loads from tape, but if the file begins with "E." - from disk device 8. Example: if your Action Replay ENHANCEMENT DISK in your drive 8, and if you try enter "E.SS" as filename you loads SCENE STEALER prg (this program enables view, find & save freezed characters in memory). You may write some parameter files, if you think able to do this. Please notice, the parameter file not need any memory from your program and Mk6 saves it to hidden (Mk6) memory location for later use (see Z hotkey above). TURBO LINKER (L) ---------------- It reenables different turbos of Mk6 by changing LOAD ($330) and SAVE ($332) vectors. Here some trick if prg crashes after running from FASTLOAD. NORMAL RESET (F1 or CTRL+RESET) then FREEZE, TURBO LINKER, device(8), ANY KEY, RESTART PROGRAM. After this 90% of programs runs well. (Z) --- This key you can't see before you load any parameter file (if you load, you may see after letter Z the name of parameter file (e.g. E.SS). You may restart your parameter file without reloading it. NOTE: Did you know how to hack GEOS v1.3 and higher with Mk6? Its simple! Boot GEOS & start its CONFIGURE program. Turn all drives off. Now FREEZE, BACKUP & SAVE. You have a working FREEZED copy of your GEOS. UTILITIES Menu ============== NOVA TRANSFER TO DISK --------------------- This not function on Mk6. Find out it on Action Replay PARAMETER disk. FASTLOAD turbos & interfaces ============================ The FASTSAVE & DISKCOPY uses interleave 8. The WARP*25 uses interleave 2. The WARP*25 files approx. 6% longer than normal files, because in one each contain 240 bytes (instead of 254). Disk containing WARP*25 files can't copied by normal DISKCOPY because WARP blocks marked with ERROR 23. The CENTRONICS interface emulates channel 4 & 5 serial printers. If you have both serial & centronics printers the first have higher prior (use ONLINE of printers if necessary). Without secondary addr your printer emulates MPS801 characters. But with secondary address 9 on CENTRONICS, you opens transparent (native) mode of your printer. FASTLOAD & TOOLKIT ================== FASTLOAD commands ----------------- %filename - loads program as LOAD"filename",x,1:RUN ^filename - loads program as LOAD"filename",x:RUN (bug in Mk's manual) If your filename in save "*" your program will be save as unnamed (you may not load it, but scratch it). The x means actual device. Floppy commands --------------- @=8 or @=9 - changes internal device number of actual device @H:diskname,id - you may see changes after @I (bug in Mk7) @R*=filename - makes your file unnamed @S:filename - deletes your WARP*25 file too (you not need specify it with ,W) Different number notations under TOOLKIT ---------------------------------------- You may convert numbers in range of floating point number of BASIC. Try: ? $4E65DF,%101010101111110100110101010,&343245325254124 TOOLKIT commands ---------------- @K+ or @K- Turns on/off FREEZE TURBO. FREEZE TURBO (by name) used automatically after FREEZE. Slower as normal DISK TURBO, but don't blank screen and works in all memory (TOOLKIT default:off). Never turn on DISK TURBO in freeze mode (it kills your prg area $0000-$09FF). The TOOLKIT command OFF turns off this turbo too. @P"text"[:]code[;]... Prints a text or control code (0-65535) in low-high order. Colon and semicolon may be used as seperators. @PLF Turns off/on auto line feed for printer (default:off). CBM Dummy command (for future extensions). In early Mk-s it was ZAP command, which RESET-s computer. MONITOR commands ================ Before numbers the "+" prefix means decimal numbers (0-255). You may also use words, if you enter two "+" prefixed numbers in High/Low order. In commands "-" sign after first address means that command must work til it memory ends ($FFFF). * Turns between RAM and ROM configurations (the prompt always indicates actual mode). In FREEZE you have doubled another memory area: $0000-$09FF. In this mode normal prompt indicates your program area and revers prompt the Mk6 work area. @BR xx yy zz and @BR xx yy zz In FREEZE you may view/modify diskblocks without any loose of your program in memory if you turns mode * and use addr of buffer (zz) $09 ($0900). @P or @MP or @BP Functions as @P in TOOLKIT. B You may use all different number notations and BASIC commands but nor any TOOLKIT commands. Only first command recognizes. S "filename",d,xxxx,yyyy,zzzz If you want save $FFFF addr too, you must enter for yyyy the addr $0000. Never try to access location $DE00-$DEFF, because internal configuration register latch up by any read or write command. --------------------------------- Some bugs noticed and fixed by me ================================= 1. In automatic line numbering mode after line numbers now you may see space. 2. Fixed @H bug. 3. Some function key layout & script changed. 4. After FREEZE+RESTART channel 3 of SID always disabled (now enabled). 5. Added feature SHIFT+RUN in FASTLOAD: LOADS & RUNS program. 6. Upgraded the ROM with 32k (on hacked version of Mk6). Now it contains menu driven user defined programs called within TOOLKIT command CBM (like TURBO-ASS, RE-ASS, SUPERCRUNCH, CRUELCRUNCH, etc.). ------------------ Interesting BUG??? ------------------ Do you know why Action Replays don't work with SuperCPU turbo mode? Not? I find some (LDT $0000,y ($BF) illegal opcode at offset addr $0F5C of Mk's EPROM). Probably thats why! If you have any questions about Mk-s, upgrades, schematic, ROM images, memory maps, etc., please don't hesitate, contact me, Frank Kontros (The Non Stop Cracker),