Files under /pub/cbm The HTML version is in /pub/cbm/ALLFILES.html * Welcome to the Commodore 8-bit file area at! * See the FTP site list in the faq/ directory for more sites. ALLDIRS - Index of all directories under the /pub/cbm tree, text version. ALLDIRS.html - Index of all directories under the /pub/cbm tree, HTML version. ALLFILES - Index of all files under the /pub/cbm tree, text version. ALLFILES.html - Index of all files under the /pub/cbm tree, HTML version. ALLFILES_BYDATE - Index of all files under the /pub/cbm tree sorted by date. FILETYPES.html - Information about archiving formats used on this area. MIRRORS.html - List of public mirrors of this archive. README.html - General information. READ THIS FIRST! index2html.tar.gz - Perl scripts for generating the HTML navigation files used in this archive. b/ * The Commodore Model B computer was designed for serious business use, but * it didn't do very well on the market. * See also . ukb700-demo.d80.gz ukb700-demo.readme - Commodore UK B700 Demo for in-store displays. b/CBUG/ * This section contains gzipped 8050 disk images of the original Chicago * B128 Users Group (CBUG) software library collection. The files are named * using the original diskette numbering scheme as published in their Escape * newsletters. * These images were produced from the original master diskettes by Edward * Shockley in memory of Norman Deletzke, founder of the CBUG, with * permission. For more information on the CBUG visit the Commodore B * Series site at . CBUG11.d80.gz - CBUG #11 (Order #12877) Terminal w/B-Term - Collection of various communications software Teleterm80 is best, - supports Xmodem xfers. Only works for 2400bps though cbug02.d80.gz - CBUG #2 (Order #12877) Liz's Utility v1.1 - (C) Copyright Elizabeth Deal Various utilities, supermon, program - patches cbug03.d80.gz - CBUG #3 (Order #12881) Swan's Utility - (c) Copyright cbug04.d80.gz - CBUG #4 ( Order #12896) Kernaghans's Utility - Various BASIC programs ported from CBM/PET cbug05.d80.gz - CBUG #5 (Order #12908) - Financial Utility - Shift-Run for instructions cbug06.d80.gz - CBUG #6 (Order #12913) TPUG #1 - Various BASIC programs (C) Copyright Toronto PET Users Group Read all the - D files using Superscript cbug07.d80.gz - CBUG #7 (Order #12932) - Superbase Applications #1 - Commercial Use Prohibited - Various small business applications cbug08.d80.gz - CBUG #8 (Order #12946) - Sermons #1 - Superscript Format Files cbug09.d80.gz - CBUG #9 (Order #12951) - CABS GL Proforma - Commodore ABS General Ledger Application - Preloaded ledger categories cbug10.d80.gz - CBUG #10 (Order #12965) - CBUG Print Files - All files in Superscript format cbug11a.d80.gz - CBUG #11a (Order #12261) - Terminal Programs & Info - Same as #11 but without copyright licensed Teleterm 80 cbug12.d80.gz - CBUG #12 (Order #12984) Scott's B-Mon - Machine Monitor Program Requires 24KB RAM Expansion in Bank 15 cbug13.d80.gz - CBUG #13 (Order #12787) Superbase Tutorial - (C) Copyright Northrop/Leighfield cbug14.d80.gz - CBUG #14 (Order #12684) - Medical Accounting Superbase Application (C) Copyright Robert Lackey - Heathcare Business Application cbug15.d80.gz - CBUG #15 (Order #12716) - FriendFam - Superbase Application - (C) Copyright Mickey Crittenden - Personal Address Book cbug17.d80.gz - CBUG #17 (Order #13009) Liz's Utility v1.2a - (C) Copyright Elizabeth Deal Upgrade of CBUG #2 cbug19.d80.gz - CBUG #19 (Order #12805) - Marlin/BUG et al - Shift-Run for loader - Various utilities and files from defunct West German 610 Users Group cbug21.d80.gz - CBUG #21 (Order #12699) - Retail News Distribution - Shift-Run for loader - Business Application cbug22.d80.gz - CBUG #22 (Order #12701) - Math Education Programs - Read last file on disk with Superscript cbug24.d80.gz - CBUG #24 (Order #12720) - 8432 Disassembled - See CBUG #66 for latest version of 8432 Emulator cbug25.d80.gz - CBUG #25 (Order #12665) - Print Files #3 - Superscript Format Files cbug26.d80.gz - CBUG #26 (Order #12651) - Print Files #2 - Superscript Format Files cbug27.d80.gz - CBUG #27 (Order #12492) Goceliak's Gold Mine - (C) Copyright AJ Goceliak Various low level ML information, utilities, - and diskette drive ML code cbug28.d80.gz - CBUG #28 (Order #12504) - Casey's Scrubber - Removes physical copy protection from Precision Software titles Superbase - 7.0 and Superscript 2.0 cbug29.d80.gz - CBUG #29 (Order #12519) TPUG #2 (B) P1&P2 - Various utilities, ported programs Courtesy Toronto PET Users Group cbug30.d80.gz - CBUG #30 (Order #12523) - Harrison's Assembler cbug31.d80.gz - CBUG #31 (Order #12538) - Superbase Corner & Hints - Courtesy of ICPUG & Precision Software cbug32.d80.gz - CBUG #32 (Order #12536) Kernaghan's Revised V3 - Upgrade of CBUG #4 cbug33.d80.gz - CBUG #33 (Order #11540) Medical Accounting v2.0 - Superbase Application (C) Copyright Robert Lackey cbug36.d80.gz - CBUG #36 (Order #12561) - London Sampler - (C) Copyright Commodore Business Machines, Ltd - Commodore UK Marketing Demonstrations for B700 - Shift-Run to load menu cbug37.d80.gz - CBUG #37 (Order #12576) - Superprint cbug38.d80.gz - CBUG #38 (Order #12580) - Summer 1986 print files #1 - All files in Superscript format cbug39.d80.gz - CBUG #39 (Order #12595) - Summer 1986 print files #2 - All files in Superscript format cbug40.d80.gz - CBUG #40 (Order #11771) - Public Domain Math A cbug41.d80.gz - CBUG #41 (Order #11785) - Public Domain English A cbug42.d80.gz - CBUG #42 (Order #11790) - Public Domain GHBT cbug43.d80.gz - CBUG #43 (Order #11803) - Public Domain Science A cbug44.d80.gz - CBUG #44 (Order #11818) - Public Domain Science B cbug46.d80.gz - CBUG #46 (Order #11841) Liz's Second Utilities - (C) Copyright Elizabeth Deal Upgrade of CBUG #17 cbug47.d80.gz - CBUG #47 (Order #11856) dFile Database Program - (C) Copyright Mike Konshack cbug48.d80.gz - CBUG #48 (Order #11860) CBM Diagnostics - Various dealer service tools both original and ported from CBM/PET cbug49.d80.gz - CBUG #49 (Order #11875) - Medical Finance #2 - Superbase Application cbug50.d80.gz - CBUG #50 (Order #11889) - Educational Records - Superbase Application cbug51i.d80.gz - CBUG #51.i (Order #11894.i) - JCL Workshop Instructions - Superscript Format files - JCL Software Assembler Package cbug51p.d80.gz - CBUG #51.p (Order #11894.p) JCL Workshop & Assembler - Requires 24KB RAM Expansion in Bank15 JCL Software Assembler Package cbug52.d80.gz - CBUG #52 (Order #11906.i) - Summer 1986 Part 2 - Superscript Format Files cbug53.d80.gz - CBUG #53 (Order #11911) - Fall 1986 print files - All files in superscript format cbug54.d80.gz - CBUG #54 (Order #11930) - CBUG #M54 Misc. - Various utilities and helper programs cbug55.d80.gz - CBUG #55 (Order #11944) - ML Programming Information - Read with Superscript cbug56.d80.gz - CBUG #56 (Order #11959) Harrison's Assembler Revised - #5.5 V8 Assembler cbug57.d80.gz - CBUG #57 (Order #11963) Goceliak Strikes Again &++ - Includes a Datasette Enabling ML Utility, test programs, low level ML - info (C) Copyright A.J. Goceliak cbug58.d80.gz - CBUG #58 (Order #11925) Dittingers Utilities - Various utilities and ported programs cbug59.d80.gz - CBUG #59 (Order #11978) - W/S 1987 Print Files - Superscript Format Files cbug60.d80.gz - CBUG #60 (Order # illegible) Liz's Utilities #2 Upgrade - (C) Copyright Elizabeth Deal Upgrade of CBUG #46 cbug61.d80.gz - CBUG #61 (Order #11682) - Super Teacher - Upgrade of CBUG #50 - Superbase Application cbug63a.d80.gz - CBUG #63a (Order #11709a) - The King James New Testament - Read with Superscript - Disk 1 of 2 cbug63b.d80.gz - CBUG #63b (Order #11709b) - The King James New Testament - Read with Superscript - Disk 2 of 2 cbug64.d80.gz - CBUG #64 (Order #11714) - Sermons #2 - Read with Superscript cbug65.d80.gz - CBUG #65 (Order #11728) - Sermons #3 - Read with Superscript cbug66.d80.gz - CBUG #66 (Order #11733) - The New 8432 Emulator & More - 8032 Emulator (can handle 4 machines) from W. German 610 Group cbug67.d80.gz - CBUG #67 (Order #11747) B128 Kernal/BASIC Rev 4 Source Code - (C) Copyright Commodore Business Machines RESTRICTED USE LICENSE cbug68.d80.gz - CBUG #68 (Order #11752) BASIC Rev 4 Source Code for B128 & Others - (C) Copyright Commodore Business Machines RESTRICTED USE LICENSE cbug69.d80.gz - CBUG #69 (Order #11766) BASIC Rev 4 Source Code Under Study - Edited for size, space considerations (C) Copyright Commodore Business - Machines RESTRICTED USE LICENSE cbug70.d80.gz - CBUG #70 (Order #11606) - Print Files, Summer 1987 - Superscript Format cbug72.d80.gz - CBUG #72 (Order # illegible) Goceliak's Third Mine - (C) Copyright A.J. Goceliak Various test programs, low level utilties cbug73.d80.gz - CBUG #73 (Order #11997) - The Escape Index - Superbase Application cbug74.d80.gz - CBUG #74 (Order #12007) - Superoffice Scrubber - Superbase Application - Removes physical copy protection from Precision Software SuperOffice cbug75.d80.gz - CBUG #75 (Order #12012) - Machine Language Index cbug76.1.d80.gz - CBUG #76.1 (Order #12026.1) - The King James Bible - Genesis to Leviticus 23 - Read using Superscript - Disk 1 of 9 cbug76.2.d80.gz - CBUG #76.2 (Order #12026.2) - The King James Bible - Leviticus 24 to Judges 6 - Read using Superscript - Disk 2 of 9 cbug76.3.d80.gz - CBUG #76.3 (Order #12026.3) - The King James Bible - Judges 7 to 2 Kings 5 - Read using Superscript - Disk 3 of 9 cbug76.4.d80.gz - CBUG #76.4 (Order #12026.4) - The King James Bible - 2 King 6 to Esther 9 - Read using Superscript - Disk 4 of 9 cbug76.5.d80.gz - CBUG #76.5 (Order #12026.5) - The King James Bible - Esther 10 to Proverbs 31 - Read using Superscript - Disk 5 of 9 cbug76.6.d80.gz - CBUG #76.6 (Order #12026.6) - The King James Bible - Ecolesiastes 1 to Lamentations 2 - Read using Superscript - Disk 6 of 9 cbug76.7.d80.gz - CBUG #76.7 (Order #12026.7) - The King James Bible - Lamentations 3 to Mathew 10 - Read using Superscript - Disk 7 of 9 cbug76.8.d80.gz - CBUG #76.8 (Order #12026.8) - The King James Bible - Matthew 11 to Acts 15 - Read using Superscript - Disk 8 of 9 cbug76.9.d80.gz - CBUG #76.9 (Order #12026.9) - The King James Bible - Acts 16 to Revelations 22 - Read using Superscript - Disk 9 of 9 cbug77.1.d80.gz - CBUG #77.1 (Order #12031.1) - Super Teacher - Superbase Application - Education Title (upgrade of CBUG #67) - Disk 1 of 4 cbug77.2.d80.gz - CBUG #77.2 (Order #12031.2) - Super Teacher - Superbase Student Data Disk - Education Title (upgrade of CBUG #67) - Disk 2 of 4 cbug77.3.d80.gz - CBUG #77.3 (Order #12031.3) - Super Teacher - Superbase Data Disk - Education Title (upgrade of CBUG #67) - Disk 3 of 4 cbug77.4.d80.gz - CBUG #77.4 (Order #12031.4) - Super Teacher - Superbase Quiz Data Disk - Education Title (upgrade of CBUG #67) - Disk 4 of 4 cbug78.d80.gz - CBUG #78 (Order #12045) - Gold Coast Instructional - BASIC Beginners Help cbug79.d80.gz - CBUG #79 (Order #12168) - Escape Print Files Fall 1987 cbug81.d80.gz - CBUG #81 (Order #12079) David Green's Update - Various utilities and ported programs cbug84.d80.gz - CBUG #84 (Order #13033) Fast Bus Programs - (c) Jarvis & Springer cbug85.d80.gz - CBUG #85 (Order #13047) Gold Coast Gaggle cbug86.d80.gz - CBUG #86 (Order #13052) Gold Coast Tutorial cbug87.d80.gz - CBUG #87 (Order #13085) Winter 1988 Print File cbug94.d80.gz - CBUG #94 (Order #13175) Spring 1988 Print File cbug95.d80.gz - CBUG #95 (Missing Label) cbug97.d80.gz - CBUG #97 (Order #13185) Alan Bouvier 1.1 cbug98.d80.gz - CBUG #98 (Order #Illegible) Gold Coast Gambit cbugM20.d80.gz - CBUG #M20 (Order #12768) CBUG Utilities & Misc #2 cbugM45.d80.gz - CBUG #M45 (Order #11837) - CBUG Utilities & Misc - Various utilities and ported programs cbugM55.d80.gz - CBUG #M55 (Order #11944) CBUG ML Programming Info cbugM80.d80.gz - CBUG #M80 (Order #12064) - CBUG Misc. 12-87 - Various utilities and ported programs cbugM81.d80.gz - CBUG #M81 (Order #12079) David Green's Update cbugM82.d80.gz - CBUG #M82 (Order #13014) CBUG Misc 0588 cbugPR01.d80.gz - CBUG #PR1 Pre Release #1 03Aug85 Various - BASIC programs including some games, copies of other disk items This - diskette contains user submissions before review and can have errors cbugPR02.d80.gz - CBUG #PR2 Pre Release #2 30Aug85 Various - freeware programs and utilities This diskette contains user submissions - before review and can have errors cbugPR03.d80.gz - CBUG #PR3 (Order #12843) Pre Release #3 Various BASIC programs, articles, - utilties This diskette contains user submissions before review and can - have errors cbugPR04.d80.gz - CBUG #PR4 (Order #12749) Pre Release #4 Various articles, utilities, - BASIC programs This diskette contains user submissions before review and - can have errors cbugPR05.d80.gz - CBUG #PR5 (Order #12749) Pre Release #5 Various articles, utilities, - BASIC programs This diskette contains user submissions before review and - can have errors cbugPR06p.d80.gz - CBUG #PR6p (Order #12557) Pre-Release #6 Partial Disk menu maker, - business utilities This diskette contains user submissions before review - and can have errors cbugPR08.d80.gz - CBUG #PR8 (Order #11611) Pre-Release #8 CP/M-86 info & ported PD apps #1 cbugPR09.d80.gz - CBUG #PR9 (Order #11625) Pre-Release #9 CP/M-86 info & ported PD apps #2 cbugPR10.d80.gz - CBUG #PR10 (Order #11630) Pre-Release #10 CP/M-86 info & ported PD apps - #3 cbugPR11.d80.gz - CBUG #PR11 (Order # illegible) Pre-Release #11 CP/M-86 info & ported PD - apps #4 cbugPR12.d80.gz - CBUG #PR12 (Order # illegible) CBUG Pre-Release #12 - CP/M-86 Info & Programs #5 cbugPR13.d80.gz - CBUG #PR13 (Order #12101) CBUG Pre-Release #13 - CP/M-86 Info & Programs #6 cbugPR15.d80.gz - CBUG #PR15 (Order # illegible) CBUG Pre-Release #15 cbugPR16.d80.gz - CBUG #PR16 (Order # illegible) CBUG Pre-Release #16 cbugRR01.d80.gz - CBUG #RR1 (Order #12862) - Norman's Utility v1.2 - Various BASIC programs, utilities, information files - Read information files using Superscript b/carts/ 324688-01.bin - Graphics cartridge - Diagnostic rom for CBM 500/600/700 machines. Includes harnass docs. 324835-01.bin - CBM_II diagnostic $2000 SuperTapeUtility.rar - Unknown utility rom, includes instructions calcresult.bin - Handic Calc Result key rom cbm2_diag_$2000.bin - Diagnostic ROM for CBM 610, 128k computer. Loads at $2000 p500diag.bin - p500 diagnostic-cart based on 324835-01 by Christian Forstreuter profitext.bin - ProfiText word processing program cartridge, maps to $2000. sfd1001-copy-u59.bin - A Hungarian copy program for the SFD 1001 disk drive. vt52emu.bin vt52emu.readme - Firmware of a Digital VT 52 terminal emulator cartridge. b/dev/ Assembly-TPUG-S-TC.d80.gz - TPUG Assembly disk BASIC-Tutor.d80.gz - BASIC Tutor from Protecto Commodore_700_Reference_Manual.pdf - Programming and Kernal information, scanned by Steve Gray b-memmap.jpg - B-Series memory map image btxferfe9d.asm - Modified btxfer source from Dave McMurtrie - DTL Basic disks (.d80s) for 128k and 256k CBM-IIs. - A small machine language monitor (with assembler and disassembler) and - 1541 routines. Source code for ca65 and binaries included. Uploaded by - the author, Ullrich von Bassewitz ( p500Monitor.d64.gz - P500 monitor by Vossi petspeed-cbm2.d80.gz - Petspeed BASIC compiler for CBM-II machines. b/diag/ 8050Exam.d80.gz - 8050 alignment/exam Test.d80.gz - Various disk and system tests burnin-p500.d82.gz - P500 diagnostic sw by Vossi cbm2-burnin.d80.gz cbm2-burnin.readme - Commodore Factory Burn In Diagnostics for B Series. All but three files - have been deleted from the disk. p500-burnin.d80.gz p500-burnin.readme - Commodore Factory Burn In Diagnostics for P500, maybe for -01 ROMs or PAL - models. b/documents/ keymap-us.gif b/documents/de/ 600.txt - Die Systemfamilie COMMODORE 600. Technical information in German. keyboard-layout.gif - German keyboard layout of the CBM 600/700. keyboard-matrix.gif - Keyboard matrix of the CBM 600/700. memory-bank-1.txt - Layout of the memory banks 1 through 4. memory-bank-f.txt - Layout of the memory bank 15. memory-io.txt - Layout of the I/O area (in memory bank 15). b/edu/ b/firmware@ -> firmware/computers/b b/games/ Adventure_CollossalCave.d80.gz Games.d80.gz - Various games, probably PET adaptations cbm2dle.d64.gz - WORDLE guessing game for 80 column CBM-II machines. spacechase.030816.d80.gz - Space Chase by Christian Kenner wizowar500.prg - Wizard of War for the P500 by Vossi b/miscellaneous/ amind500.prg - A Mind Is Born demo for P500 amind500b0.prg - A Mind Is Born demo for P500 (Bank 0) cbm2sidsongs-sjg.d64.gz - SID music put together by Steve Gray p500_demos.d80.gz - Assortment of semi-functional demos for the P500 b/os/ 6509bioscpm-d0.d80.gz - Possibly early version of CPM-86 and tools 6509bioscpm-d1.d80.gz - Possibly early version of CPM-86 and tools 8032em-2021.d64.gz - 8032 emulator modified by Steve Gray for 40 cols. Includes vidreg video - register tool. CPM-86.d80.gz - CP/M for 8086 add-on MS-DOS-v125.d80.gz - MS-DOS for x86 add-on TRIANGULAR uOS - GUI OS for CBM2 machines, incl P500 b/prod/ AccountsPayable.d80.gz - Accounts Payable (Commodore ABS) AccountsReceivable.d80.gz - Accounts Receivable (Commodore ABS) - Calc Result from Handic -- includes cartridge rom and .d80 GeneralLedger.d80.gz - General Ledger (Commodore ABS) InventoryControl_Disk0.d80.gz - Inventory Control (Data Disk 0) InventoryControl_Disk1.d80.gz - Inventory Control (Data Disk 1) OrderEntry2.d80.gz - Order Entry/Point of Sale (Commodore ABS) Payroll_DiskA.d80.gz - Payroll (Disk A) (Commodore ABS) Payroll_DiskB.d80.gz - Payroll (Disk B) (Commodore ABS) Productivity_v401-IntelligentSoft.d80.gz - Various productivity programs from Intellisoft SuperOffice.d80.gz - Super Office from Precision Software Superbase700v1.d80.gz - SuperBase from Precision Software Superscript20.d80.gz - Superscript 20 from Precision Software superscript_II.d80.gz - SuperScript II word processor b/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/b b/term/ BTerm.d80.gz - BTerm Prog Disk. No, I don't know how this works. MuraphoneModemPkg.d80.gz - Muraphone Modem Package Teleterm80.d80.gz - Teleterm 80 by Silicon Solutions, full terminal software beeline.d80.gz - BeeLine v2.0 term by J&K Lemkelde cbmtermv2.d80.gz cbmtermv2.readme - Commodore Terminal Version 2.0 for B Series, an unreleased title by - Commodore. b/unsorted/ 700ADV.ZIP - Adventure game. 700DEAL4.ZIP - Liz Deal collection 700GAME.ZIP - Assorted games for CBM-II, mostly PET ports. 700SOS.ZIP - SuperOffice 700UTILA.ZIP 700UTILB.ZIP 7DEAL3.ZIP 7U.ZIP B128KIT.ZIP B128LNX.ZIP DEAL7L.ZIP - Another Liz Deal collection SBDISK1.ZIP - SuperBase, part 1 of 2. SBDISK2.ZIP - SuperBase, part 2 of 2. b/utilities/ Utilities-TPUG-B-P.d80.gz - Various utilities from TPUG Utilities-TPUG-B-U.d80.gz - Various utilities from TPUG Utilties-TPUG-B-U1.d80.gz - Various utilities from TPUG - B128 Fast IEC Bus + source code clock.d80.gz - PETSCII digital clock by Dave McMurtrie emutil.prg - EMUTIL is a disk image archiver for 8-bit Commodore computers. It - supports all known Commodore disk drives, of all capacities. It also - supports all CMD HD and RL Native partitions. Programmed by Bo Zimmerman - and André Fachat. lynx710c.prg - LYNX 17 archiver/dissolver for CBM-II computers. c128/ 128pointers.lnx - GEOS 128 alternative pointer pref files ALLFILES - Index of all files under this area, text version. ALLFILES.html - Program to boot GEOS 128 from an REU. Index of all files under this area, - HTML version. c128/archivers/ Library128-1.3a.prg - Library (.lbr) creator/dissolver for 128, version 1.3a Ult.Lynx-XII-128.prg - Lynx (.lnx) creator/dissolver for 128, version XII. Use load"...",8 to - start (no ,8,1); This corrected version was uploaded by - crc32.prg - Calculates 32-bit CCITT checksums. C64/C128 executable. Look also in the - /pub/cbm/archiving subdirectory. d64-copy-v1.sfx - Reads D64-files from MS-DOS on a CMD FD-2000 or FD-4000 and writes them - to 1541 disks on a 1541 or 1571. gunzip111.128.prg - GZIP/ZIP Decompressor for the Commodore 128. nzp128-1.readme nzp12811.sfx - PK-ZIP dissolver for the C128. Extracts PK-ZIP 1.10 style archives. pcrc.prg - Calculates checksums for files. Older version of CRC32 to be phased out. puzip113.128.prg - Zip compressor 1.13 for the Commodore 128 sda128.sda sda128.txt - Makes your .arc files selfextracting. unzip128v215.prg - Version 2.15 of the PKZIP dissolver for the 128. c128/audio/ musicsys.lzh - SIDplayer, SID editor and some example SID files. newsidplay128.d64.gz - New Sid Player powersid.sda80 - Sid player for the 80 column screen by Aaron Peromsik. Run the file with - the 80 column screen activated. sidplayer.d64.gz - Original SID player and utilities from COMPUTE zounds.sda - ZOUNDS! is a digital audio recording/playback system for the C128. This - archive includes software for playing digital sounds with a stock C128 - and for digitizing sounds using special additional hardware. Plans for - building the hardware (an A/D conversion board that plugs into the User - port) are also included. zstartrek.sda - Three digitized sounds for use with ZOUNDS!. These sounds come from the - original Star Trek series. You need Zounds! to play these. c128/collections/ josephrose128.d64.gz - Assorted programs from Joseph Rose c128/comm/ cyphterm.sfx - Files that describe how to add Zmodem to Commodore Terminal programs and - BBS's. Uploaded by Tom Hoot . des-302.da0.bin des-302.da1.bin des-302.da2.bin des-302.da3.bin des-302.da4.bin - DesTerm 3.02, downloaded from the author's home page, - . You will need the - program undar128.prg to unpack these files. des200-1.sfx des200-2.sfx des200-3.sfx des200-4.sfx - DesTerm 2.00 distribution package. des201-1.sfx des201-2.sfx - This is the newest release of DesTerm by Steve Cuthbert. Uploaded by Tom - Hoot ( This release does not contain many scripts or - documents, check the release for version 2.00 to get them. dlg128.lzh - Dialogue 128, requires 80 column screen. dlg128sl.lzh - Dialogue 128 for SwiftLink, requires 80 column screen. dlgexts.sfx - Two extensions for Dialogue 128: a screen saver and an extension that - will automatically send space characters to the line on a regular - interval. Uploaded by the author, Adam Vardy . dlgring.sfx - Extensions for Dialogue 128 to make the computer ring like a telephone or - to make a sound after completing a download. Uploaded by the author, - Adam Vardy . novaterm_128_v2.0.d64.gz - 80 col only term program. Not connected to Novaterm 64 at all. qwkrr35.readme qwkrr35a.sfx qwkrr35b.sfx - QWK message packet offline reader for the 128. Requires 80 column screen. undar128.prg - Unpacks the DesTerm 3.02 distribution files. c128/comm/bbs/ * BBS programs for the Commdore 128 INTG100.ZIP - Intelligentsia 128 by Robert S. Murawski version 1.0A SUPRA.ZIP - Supra 128 by Julian Burger version 4.2 VTNT46.ZIP - VortexNet 128 BBS Version 4.6 by Stephen Kunc - All American BBS 128 Version 5.9 by Nick Smith - All American BBS 128 Version 11.6 by Nick Smith - All American BBS 128 Version 11.6 Source by Nick Smith - All American 128 BBS v12.5 - All American 128 BBS v12.5 Source Code - Centipede 128 BBS by Adam Fanello version 1.0 - Centipede 128 BBS by Adam Fanello version 2.0 - C-Net 128 BBS version 7.0 e8bbs47.d64.gz - EBBS 128 By Mike Pugliese version 4.7 zelch10.d71.gz - Zelch 128 BBS 1.0 by Elite Software - Zelch 128 BBS incomplete versions after 2.0. Includes ML Source. - Zelch 128 BBS 2.0 by Elite Software (includes docs) c128/comm/cpm@ -> ../cpm/comm c128/demodisks@ -> demodisks/c128 c128/demos/ DEBUT-c-.prg - A VDC demo by a German group. This demo seems to run in C64 mode, but it - must be started in the C128 mode. higherlevel.lzh - 7-part demo. Most parts work in all C64s. Only one part makes use of - C128's VDC, and the detection does not work on all C128s. vdc-mcm.prg - 16k VDC demo by Onslaught vdcdemo.readme vdcdemo.txt vdcdemo1.sfx vdcdemo2.sfx vdcdemo3.sfx vdcdemo4.sfx vdcdemo5.sfx - 19 Feb. 1995 A special demo for the Commodore 128 VDC-chip. The VDC demo - contains five SelF-eXtracting-LZH-files (.SFX) . All files need to be - extracted on one disk. A single-sided 1541 or 1570 disk is too small. - Also the programming uses burst-routines, which makes the 1541 unusable - anyway. It's also a little to slow for loading the special pictures. - (Replies to the address - Version 12 of VDC Mode Mania, includes many formats - Amazing demo of different VDC video capabilities. c128/diskutil/ emutil.prg emutil.readme - EMUTIL is a disk image archiver for 8-bit Commodore computers. - It supports all known Commodore disk drives, of all capacities. It also - supports all CMD HD and RL Native partitions. Programmed by Bo Zimmerman - and André Fachat. c128/diskutil/boot/ 1581-auto-dev.prg 1581-auto-dev.readme - Autoloader to change 1581 device number. autoboot.sfx - Autoboot disk creator. c128/diskutil/directory/ 128disk.d64.gz - Directory reader/Filename archiver utility 1581partition.prg 1581partition.txt - 1581 subdirectory creator. Runs on C64/C128. Filetype 128.prg - File type editor. - Directory menu program for CBM computers (C64, C128, CBM264 series) By - Joseph Rose, a.k.a. Harry Potter. Includes source for cc65. c128/diskutil/diskcopy/ 1571backup-v1.0.prg 1571backup.readme - Slow 80 column disk copier for the 1571. c128/diskutil/editors/ 128disked.readme 128disked.sfx - 80 Column Diskeditor. lpruner80.sfx - A C128 based duplicate file eliminator that is compatible with all - Commodore drives. Never again have to wonder if you have found the - right - file or not. The documentation is included with the archive. Uploaded - by phantomV1.lzh - Directory and partition editors for different drives. superdiskdoc.lnx.seq - Super Disk Doctor by Precision software c128/diskutil/filecopy/ Der Hexer v1.4al.prg - A German file and disk copier for the 80 column mode of the C128. - Programmed by Luz Vieweg in 1988, modified by Teickner in 1994. Unicopy-1.0.prg - Unicopy v1.0, a file copier programmed in 1986 by Jim Butterfield. c128/diskutil/transfer/ C64-PC Copier.prg - This utility copies C64-disks to PC disks. You need a C128 and a 1571 - or 1570 (or a C128 D) to use it! You don't need any other special - hardware! - (Maybe a PC with a normal 5 1/4" drive to get the copied - software into a PC.) Uploaded by: CrossLink21b.sfx - Crosslink allows you to copy a maximum of 43 kilobytes long files - between Commodore, MS-DOS and various CP/M disk formats. c128/firmware@ -> firmware/computers/c128 c128/games/ - A version of Elite adapted for the 128. Starts from the C64 mode. c128/games/40/ * All games in this directory are for the 40-column screen of the * Commodore 128 and have been written in BASIC, unless otherwise * specified. 128Crush.prg - Breakout clone, compiled with Abacus Software's BASIC 128 v1.00, - joystick port 2. Cluecastle.prg - Solve a murder in this graphic mystery game. Use joystick in port 2. - Graphics and parser by L. K. Snyder, original program by Jim - Butterfield. Demon Dungeon.prg - Explore a dark dungeon with only a small torch, retrieve 10 treasure - chests before your time runs out. Avoid goblins. Use joystick in port - 2. Eggsaway.prg - Catch the eggs in the basket. Eggs speed up every 60 eggs. The game - might require North American firmware. Compiled with Abacus Software's - BASIC 128 v1.00. Use joystick in port 2. Hungry Hawk.prg - All Harry Hawk wants to do is catch rabbits, but his is not an easy - life. In the sky killer eagles and balloons make flying hazardous. In - the grass below is a hidden electric fence. Also if he misses 5 - rabbits in a row, he will starve. Press the fire button of joystick in - port 2 to go up, release to fall. Java Jail.lnx - A large run-and-jump game © 1990 L. K. Snyder. Use joystick in port - 2. Compiled with Abacus Software's Basic 128 v1.00. Although the - release note says that the source code is included, it isn't. The fire - button uses spell to frighten ghost. Press the joystick up at angle to - jump. Jman.lnx - Janet Pack(s) them away Man, a Pac-Man clone. © 1998 Nightstalker - Software / L. K. Snyder. Compiled with Abacus Software's BASIC 128 - v1.00. Use joystick in port 2. Mah-Jongg.sfx - Mah-Jongg v2.0, July 29, 1989 by Kurt Tappe. A tile matching game. - Includes online help. Controlled by a 1351 mouse in port 1 or a - joystick in port 2. Mikes-maze-v2.prg - Mikes Maze v2 is an all ml game that runs in the 40 column mode of the - 128. The concept is very simple, just get through the maze with out - touching the sides. Nothing chases you, no time limit, but with each - level the walls are thicker. If you touch the walls you get sent back - to the start. Programmed by Millifoot.prg - Centipede clone by L. K. Snyder/Nightstalker Software. Make a snake - disappear by shooting it before it reaches the bottom of the screen. - Compiled with Abacus Software's Basic 128 v1.00. Use joystick in port - 2. Sea Hunt 128.prg - Joystick port 2. Pick up the diamonds at the bottom of the sea, return - them to the boat ladder, watch the sharks. Compiled with Abacus - Software's Basic 128 v1.00. Sea Wolf 128.prg - Sink as many ships as you can before you run out of time. Joystick - port 2. Compiled with Abacus Software's Basic 128 v1.00. Snapsnake.lnx - Eat the bugs, avoid the weasels. Press fire to retract snake. Use - joystick in port 2. Taxman.prg - Gather as much of the money as you can without being caught by the tax - collector. The value of the $ rise with each round completed. Use - joystick in port 2. Zeeslag.lnx - A boat-sinking game in Dutch. Controlled by the keyboard. adventure.d81.gz - German language text adventures collection. brettgames.d81.gz - German language games collection dice poker.d64.gz - Dice Poker game dragon.d64.gz - Dragons Tower kikstart 128.d64.gz - Two player motorcycle racing game. last v8.d64.gz - The Last V8 - car adventure game mindmaster128.d64.gz - Mine Master guessing game by Kelly Fox qwak.prg - Quak! Platform game in 40 cols. rockyh.d64.gz - The Rocky Horror Show game thaiboxing.d64.gz - Thai Boxing game volleyfortwo128.d64.gz - 2-player volleyball game world at war.prg - World At War - risk type game c128/games/80/ * All games in this directory are for the 80-column screen of the * Commodore 128 and have been written in BASIC, unless otherwise * specified. Crypt.prg - Enter the monster infested rooms, retrieve the treasure, and escape. - Joystick port 2. Landslide.prg - A financial game. Created by Tim. P von Pein and converted to 80 - columns by Tim C. Dotson. Switch to the 80 column screen first by - pressing ESC and X or by issuing the statement GRAPHIC 5. Millifoot.lnx - Centipede clone by L. K. Snyder/Nightstalker Software. Make a snake - disappear by shooting it before it reaches the bottom of the screen. - Compiled with Abacus Software's Basic 128 v1.00. Use joystick in port - 2. Smash.prg - A simple Breakout game, joystick port 2. Solitaire.sfx - An implementation of Solitaire by Aaron Peromsik. Supports both - keyboard and mouse input. Switch to the 80 column screen first by - pressing ESC and X or by issuing the statement GRAPHIC 5. Wormquest.prg - Guide the ever-growing worm through various rooms. Joystick port 2. a mind - A Mind Forever text adventure beyond - Beyond Zork text adventure blackjack 80.prg - Blackjack game - Bureaucracy text adventure burger 80.d64.gz - Burger Whop platform game games 128.d64.gz - Assorted 128 column shareware games heart 128.d64.gz - Single player Hearts card game herdle.d64.gz - WORDLE for 40/80 cols on C128 invaders.prg - Space Invaders clone for 80 col knights_quest.d64.gz - Graphical strategy game by John Mattson labyrinth.d64.gz - Labyrinth - dungeon crawler by John Mattson madlib128.d64.gz - MadLib 128, uploaded by Joseph Rose palace - Palace Gate text adventure phazer.prg - Phazer - resource management text game rockfall128.prg - A PAL port of Boulderdash to C128 80 columns starfleet-simulator-128.d64.gz - Starfleet Simulator Star Trek game starfleet-simulator.d64.gz - Star Trek-like turn-based space battle tetris 128.d64.gz - Tetris blocks game - Trinity text adventure uniquest.prg - UniQuest text adventure wumpus 2.0.d64.gz - German language graphical adventure xshoot_128_80col.d64.gz - XShoot - for 80 columns yahtzee.prg - Yahtzee game c128/graphics/ Draw Pro 128.prg - 40 column art program written in BASIC by L. K. Snyder. Use joystick in - port 2, and press F5 to view the help menu. FaceBender.readme FaceBender.sfx - A funny program that bends faces. Globe.prg Globe.readme - Draws a spinning globe on the VIC-II screen. Watchmaker.prg Watchmaker.readme - Simple evolution illustrator. electropaint.d64.gz - 80 column screen editor starpaint128.d64.gz - Star Paint 40 column paint program startext.d64.gz - Star Texter 128 screen editor v128.ship80.sfx - Sample animation for the video128 animator. vdc-pics.lzh - Pictures for the VDC. video128.a.sfx video128.b.sfx video128.c.sfx video128.readme - Video128, a shareware demo of an animator for the C128. c128/graphics/Ipaint/ bw_ipics.lzh - Black&white Ipaint pictures - I-Paint 128 v1.3 disks with manual - I-Paint 128 v1.5 disks with manual - I-Paint 128 v1.5h disks with manual ippics00.sfx ippics01.sfx ippics02.sfx ippics03.sfx - Ipaint pictures ivs1p1.readme ivs1p1.sfx - Ipaint picture viewer r&s-ipics.lzh r&s-ipics.readme - Ren and Stimpy Ipaint pictures c128/graphics/fractals/ Mandelzoom128-4.1.prg Mandelzoom128-4.1.readme - Mandelbrot & Julia fractal plotter ifs128.readme ifs128.sfx - Iterative Function Systems generator c128/graphics/viewers/ FlickerMac-v5.0.prg MacView-80col.prg b8vs.readme b8vs.sfx - Basic 8 picture viewer gds.readme gds.sfx - GIF Display System. 64 kB VDC RAM necessary. c128/graphics/viewers/vbm/ * VBM is a bitmap viewer for use with a 64k VDC, programmed by Craig * Bruce. bm.c - Converts X Windows .xbm files to .bm format for use with vbm. - Example bitmap for vbm. - Example bitmap for vbm. vbm-1.10.prg vbm-1.10.readme - 640x492 point bitmap viewer for the VDC screen. This is just a - loader; you will also need vbmlib.bin. vbmlib.bin - VBM library routines. vbmlib.ntsc+pal.readme - VBM library routines improved by Nicolas Welte. vbmlib.ntsc.bin - VBM library routines for NTSC-M timing vbmlib.pal.bin - VBM library routines for PAL-B timing vbmlib.s - Source code of the VBM library routines. - Example bitmap for vbm. c128/os/ * Here are the various alternative operating systems for the C128. TRIANGULAR uOS - BASIC GUI OS for the C128 TRIANGULAR uOS 1.40 Alpha - BASIC GUI OS (alpha version) for the C128 lunix-c128-reu.d64.gz - LUNIX 80 col os (*nix like) v0.21 (reu support) lunix-c128.d64.gz - LUNIX 80 col os (*nix like) v0.21 wsdos_v7_1.d81.gz - DOS shell that can boot c64 programs from 128 mode. By Sidney Davis. c128/os/ace/ * ACE is an operating system for the C64 and C128 that provides a Unix- * like command-shell environment. * The ace16*.sfx archives were created by Ismael Cordeiro * ( from the original files which are now available at * . More files can be found on * that site. ace-r8.uua - Version 8 of ACE ace-r9-ker-src.txt - Assembler source for ACE r9 kernel ace-r9.uua - Version 9 of ACE ace16a.sfx ace16b.sfx ace16c.sfx ace16d.sfx ace16e.sfx - Advanced Computing Environment, Revision 16 ace16prg.sfx - ACE 16 Programmer's Reference Guide c128/os/cpm@ -> ../cpm c128/os/cs-dos/ * CS-DOS is an MS-DOS like operating environment for the Commodore 128. * This directory contains the CS-DOS distribution and miscellanous * programs designed for it. cs-batch.for - A note about cs-batch.sfx. cs-batch.sfx - Batch files (scripts) for the CS-DOS. cs-doc15.sfx - Documentation for CS-DOS v1.5. cs-dos15.sfx - Binary distribution for CS-DOS v1.5. cs-grep.sfx cs-grep.txt - Grep (a text searching facility) for the CS-DOS. cs_asst1.sfx cs_asst2.sfx - CS-ASST packs are assorted small programs for the CS-DOS environment on - the C-128. Phonebook, Guitar tuner!, etc... fun stuff! csdos-licensing.txt - Information on licensing CS-DOS. csdos.noreu.sfx - RAM disk program and an autoexec file for use without an REU. csdos.reu.sfx - RAM disk program and an autoexec file for use with an REU. csxtra42.lzh csxtra42.readme - Modules for CS-DOS programmed by Bruce Vrieling. lhav12.arc - LHARC for CS-DOS. Contains source code for the self-extracting - LHarchive header ( make.title.sfx - A program for making the colorful title pages of SFX archives. Loads of - fun! :) mon.sfx - A machine language monitor extension for cs-dos, which allows some - monitor functions to work on expansion RAM! setram-new.prg - Bug fixed "setram" command to be used with REU's. - Self-extracting LHarchive header. Prepend this to any old-style LHarc - archive shorter than 46080 bytes, and there you have a self-extracting - file that can be extracted on a C64 or a C128. squsq.sfx - A couple of CS-DOS modules which handle CP/M archives. uncr.sfx - Actually useful in your own work! SQueeze that file! :) c128/os/geos@ -> geos c128/os/nt-dos/ * Here are versions of an OS by Nicolas Tormo . * All texts are in French, and there is no documentation. But you might * still want to take a look at the windowing versions. dos4.d64.gz - NT-DOS 4, a text-based OS. Programmed in 1987. 1541 disk image. dos4.sfx - NT-DOS 4, a text-based OS. Programmed in 1987. Self-extracting - archive. - NT-DOS 5, some source code and documentation and the binary. win4.d64.gz - NT-DOS 4, a graphical interface, 1987. 1541 disk image. win4.sfx - NT-DOS 4, a graphical interface, 1987. Self-extracting archive. win5.d64.gz - NT-DOS 5, still under development since 1991. 1541 disk image. win5.sfx - NT-DOS 5, still under development since 1991. Self-extracting archive. c128/os/unix128v3/ * This is a Unix-like environment for the C128. README - Unix 128 v3.11 release notes unix311a.sfx unix311b.sfx unix311c.sfx unix311d.sfx - Unix 128 v3.11 distribution files, four self-extracting archives. c128/packetradio/ * This directory contains packet radio stuff for the C128. See modem.gif * for a schematic diagram. The software is packed using PK-Zip on MS-DOS. * Unpack it before transfering the files to your C128. These files were * uploaded by - The packet radio software. - Documentation for the packet radio software (Digicom v5.00). digicom-5.00.txt - Documentation for Digicom v5.00 in another format. modem.gif - The schematic diagram for a packet radio interface. c128/productivity/ - Simple brainstorming helper data file 4.d64.gz - Database application for 80 columns homede.d64.gz - Home Designer 40 cols jane_app_s1.g64.gz - Jane productivity package from Commodore -- main app disk jane_help_s2.g64.gz - Jane productivity package from Commodore -- help disk speedscript.prg - 80 column word processor c128/programming/ - BUDDY assembler system basic-7-example-programs.d64.gz - Example programs for BASIC 7, from Dennis Jarvis basic8.d81.gz - Another version of BASIC 8 from Dennis Jarvis, with a few more optl - components. - BASIC8 basic compiler for c128 compactor128.prg - Shrinks a c128 basic program d-ass.d64.gz - 1541 disk image of Double-Ass, a 6502 and Z80 assembler that uses the - Commodore BASIC editor. Written by Rene van Belzen and published in the - 128er Sonderheft 22 by Markt & Technik Verlag, Germany. d-ass.txt - Instructions for Double-Ass. This document is included on the disk image - in PETSCII format. georamwedge.d64.gz - Changes the BASIC 7 REU (fetch, etc) commands for geoRAM. - LADS 128 assembler from "128 Machine Language for Beginners" book. mightymon.uua - Machine language monitor 4.00.10 by Craig Bruce mouse128.sda - Driver and source code for a c128 mouse driver. weehack128.lnx - An extension for the built-in machine language monitor. The commands - include b (set a breakpoint) and dp (disassemble from the program - counter). Author: Adam Vardy . work.prg work.readme - A utility for loading a file to the built-in machine language monitor. - Redefines the function keys. Uploaded by Adam Vardy - . c128/programming/cpm@ -> ../cpm/programming c128/programming/documents/ * Here you will find some Commodore 128 related programming information. * Most of these documents were downloaded from Herne Data System's CP/M * page . - Basic information about the disk operating system in the 1571 drive 1571-formatting-mfm.gz - Tells how to format MFM disks on the 1571. 640x480-vdc.gz - Examples of programming 640x480 graphics and 80x50 text with the VDC in - the C128. The graphics requires 64 kB of VDC RAM. basic-diskcommands.gz - Using disk commands from BASIC batch-programming.gz - Batch programming on the C128 (and C64 and VIC-20). (Read data from a - disk file as if it was typed in from the keyboard.) burstmode-basic.gz - How to use the 1571 Burst mode from BASIC burstmode-intro.gz - Introduction to the Burst mode burstmode-read.gz - Burst mode documentation, Read protocol burstmode-write.gz - Burst mode documentation, Write protocol c128-autobooting.gz - Auto Booting on C-128 c128_software_specs.pdf - C128 Software Specification intro.1571-1581.gz - Introduction to the 1571 and 1581 drives tuning-vdc-performance.gz - Tuning the performance of the VDC chip. using-files.gz - Effective use of files c128/programming/geos@ -> geos/programming c128/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/c128 c128/utilities/ bigblue.d64.gz - Big Blue Reader, read DOS-disks from 1571/1581 c64emulator2.readme c64emulator2.sfx - This program makes it possible to port C64 programs to the C128 mode with - just a few changes. lotto-v34-1.sfx lotto-v34-2.sfx lotto-v34.readme - Assists you in playing Lotto game. lrr128-1992.d81.gz - Little Red Reader from Oct 1992, includes source, MS-DOS file reader. lrr270.sfx - Little Red Reader v2.70 [February 16, 1998]. MS-DOS file reader/writer - for the C128 and 1571/81/FD drives. menu128v200.sfx menu128v200.txt - PowerMenu 128. Requires JiffyDOS and supports RAMLink, SCPU128 and CMD - HD. This menu program loads programs in both 64 and 128 modes. It - operates in 80-column mode. pet-emu.prg - This program makes it possible to run CBM 8032 BASIC programs on the 80- - column screen. Written and uploaded by Marco van den Heuvel. pet-emu.txt qe128.prg - 80 column Quick Texteditor. ramdos2+1.sfx - A patched version of the Commodore RAMDOS BASIC loader that avoids a bug - with JiffyDOS when used on the Commodore 128. ramdosii.readme ramdosii.sfx - A modified version of the Commodore RAMDOS that can make use of expanded - REUs up to 2 megabytes. reu2disk.readme reu2disk.sfx - Back up the contents of a REU to disk. serendipity.readme serendipity.sfx - An utility to start C64 mode programs from C128 mode, and a C64 mode menu - program. simfile128.uua - A data file management program by Craig Bruce. stan-printer.sfx - Standard documentation printer. Prints sequential files to a dot matrix - printer. No file size limit. Define bin=1 in the beginning of the - program to get hexadecimal dumps. svnt128.doc svnt128a.sfx svnt128b.sfx svnt128c.sfx svnt128d.sfx - Servant 128, a ROM-based resident utility in four self-extracting files. - Two 1541 diskettes or one larger diskette will be needed for the unpacked - files. Start Servant by executing the program "run me". When Servant is - active, you have the option of creating an EPROM image on a blank disk. - This image will contain two extraneous bytes in the beginning. Remove - these two bytes, and burn the rest (32768) on a 27256 or 27C256 EPROM - that can be installed in the Function ROM socket. sysinfo c128.prg - Show ram, rom, cpu, vdc info about c128 twscanbj.sfx - This is an upgrade to The Write Stuff 128 and 64 to allow full use of - Canon Bubble Jet printers In Black and White and Epson 24 pin printers. video80v6-1.sfx video80v6-2.sfx - This is a versatile video tape cataloger written by Scot Cullen. Modified - for cmd hard drives and overlays by Charles Kirby. zed077.uua - An unfinished text editor by Craig Bruce. 80 column screen only. - Supports all ram expansions for larger file loads. c64/ * The Commodore 64 is perhaps the most popular 8-bit home computer system. It * was released in 1982, and some units were manufactured as late as the * 1990s. See for Commodore 64 related news. ALLFILES - Index of all files under this area, text version. ALLFILES.html - Index of all files under this area, HTML version. c64/amusements/ LifeExpectancy.prg - Estimates how long you will live. Stat.sfx - Baseball statistics program written by Troy Rutter . - Requires disk drive and printer. TrgYouthPoemMkr.prg - Tool for generating youth poetry. UpsideDown.prg - Turns the screen upside down. Works only in PAL machines. runemal.doc - Describes runemal.c64. runemal.prg - Cast and read rune stones effectively. c64/archivers/ UltimateLynx3.prg - Archiver for .lnx files, no compression. No speed-up routines; works - also with other disk drives than the 1541. Wraptor-3.0.prg Wraptor-3.0.readme - Archiver for PRG, SEQ, USR and GEOS files by Bill Lucier. Copyright © - 1997 by J & F Publishing. Published by Loadstar. arc250.sda - ARC 2.50 for .arc files arkive-v1.0.prg - Arkive v1.0 for .ark files arkive-v2.0.prg - Arkive v2.0 crc32.prg - Calculates 32-bit CCITT checksums. C64/C128 executable. Look also in the - /pub/cbm/archiving subdirectory. csx01.readme csx01.sfx - Generic .ARChive dissolver. decom103.arc - Decomper. "Comper" archive dissolver? gunzip111-1.c64.prg - GZIP/ZIP decompressor for the c64, which also writes D64 files gunzip111.c64.prg - GZIP/ZIP decompressor for the c64 lbrary90.arc - Library (.LBR) creator/dissolver. Updated. lhx64-0.9.readme lhx64-0.9.sfx - Very primitive old-style LZH/SFX dissolver. library.v7.prg - Library (.LBR) creater/dissolver. Programmed in 1986. This format is - obsolete. You'd better use Lynx or ZipCode for new archives. lynx17.prg - Lynx 17 for .lnx files, no compression lynxs.arc - Collection of Lynx utilities for .lnx files. Includes LYNX XV, Ultimate - LYNX 2 and 3. lzhtosfx.sfx lzhtosfx.txt - A utility that converts an old-style .lzh file (created with LHA or - LHARC) to a self-extracting .sfx file. pcrc.prg - Calculates checksums for files. Older version of CRC32 to be phased out. puzip113.c64.prg - Zip compressor for the c64 unzip.sfx - Dissolves files zipped with MS-DOS PKZIP 1.10 unzip64v2.txt - User's manual for Errol Smith's unzip 2.0 program. unzip64v215.prg - Unzip 2.15, an updated version of unzp6420.prg unzipcod.arc - Dissolves ?!ZipCode disk image archives. unzp6420.prg - Unzip 2.0 dissolves files created by PK-ZIP 2.0 using the Deflate method. - See the author's home page - for further information. uucoder2.prg - FAST UUencoder/decoder for the C64 uuxfer.prg uuxfer.readme - UUencode and UUdecode for Commodore 64. c64/archivers/disk@ -> c64/diskutil/archivers c64/audio/ c64/audio/Vibrants/ READ-ME README - Information about this collection. c64/audio/Vibrants/3x-player/ * Unlike other tunes, the 3x tunes start at $4000. 3xplayer.prg - A simple 3x-player routine written by Laxity mcoolkaf.prg meastend.prg msyncopa.prg mwasteii.prg myieldpo.prg mzimxusa.prg soap1440.prg sweet144.prg c64/audio/Vibrants/Accept/ * $1000/$1003 tunes by Accept 14greenl.prg 14hgdgac.prg 14noiseh.prg 14plinga.prg 14stadve.prg c64/audio/Vibrants/Deek/ * $1000/$1003 tunes by Deek 14buttsl.prg 14deek01.prg 14infini.prg 14introd.prg 14quasar.prg 14specco.prg 14thecit.prg 14toccat.prg 14treasu.prg - There's a bug in the init code of this tune. You must explicitly set - the volume level after calling the player initialization routine. 15deadtu.prg 15endseq.prg 15follow.prg 15jingle.prg 15kwik41.prg 15level2.prg 15loadji.prg 15mainji.prg 15memori.prg 15ranxde.prg 15titled.prg 15tribut.prg 17coldia.prg 17milkin.prg 18buildi.prg 18endhis.prg 18itsove.prg 18pigsha.prg 18poolga.prg 20coldit.prg c64/audio/Vibrants/Drax/ * $1000/$1003 tunes by Drax 09draxit.prg 10snicke.prg 10thawdr.prg 11gurlik.prg 11warrio.prg 11zammis.prg 12drax01.prg 12drax02.prg 12drax03.prg 12drax04.prg 12drax05.prg 13church.prg 13classi.prg 13housem.prg 13influe.prg 13ingame.prg 13introi.prg 13magicf.prg 13oldzax.prg 13osteri.prg 13pianor.prg 13shithe.prg 13shorti.prg 14axelmi.prg 14bonele.prg 14busyno.prg 14crying.prg 14deligh.prg 14discoz.prg 14drax01.prg 14drax02.prg 14drax03.prg 14drax04.prg 14drax05.prg 14highsc.prg 14hippop.prg 14introz.prg 14jesusc.prg 14jydefu.prg 14lethal.prg 14liverc.prg 14middel.prg 14overla.prg 14silenc.prg 14unknow.prg 14xfacto.prg 15botani.prg 15destin.prg 15drizzl.prg 15feelit.prg 15fluffd.prg 15getfun.prg 15guffer.prg 15jazzie.prg 15pianoo.prg 15timmyb.prg 15wendyd.prg 15wrinkl.prg 17pingam.prg 17skinfl.prg c64/audio/Vibrants/JCH+HJ/ 11hacktr.prg 13forevc.prg c64/audio/Vibrants/Jens Christian Huus/ 06mcr1ln.prg 06moosak.prg 06needyo.prg 06pheric.prg 06xrayjc.prg 06xsintr.prg 09hallow.prg 09introz.prg 09rutigj.prg 10decisi.prg 10demoga.prg 10glider.prg 10hitson.prg 10oswald.prg 10popcor.prg 10sandra.prg 10secret.prg 10showti.prg 10skull8.prg 11hardon.prg 11michel.prg 12craptu.prg 12jch01j.prg 12jch02j.prg 12jch03j.prg 12jch04j.prg 12jch05j.prg 12jch06j.prg 12jch07j.prg 12jch08j.prg 12jch09j.prg 12jch10j.prg 12jch11j.prg 12jch14j.prg 12louisi.prg 12narrow.prg 12spacep.prg 134thjch.prg 13duches.prg 13garfie.prg 13george.prg 13mist01.prg 13nomore.prg 13spacep.prg 13stopfo.prg 14cooltu.prg 14infono.prg 14jch01j.prg 14jchaga.prg 15chordi.prg 15hawaii.prg 15hollyw.prg 15hugojc.prg 15reveng.prg 15strike.prg 15unkno1.prg 15unkno2.prg 15unkno3.prg 17ninjac.prg 18chimer.prg 18hurric.prg c64/audio/Vibrants/Link/ 08loader.prg 08titlez.prg 10hitsou.prg 10riffsm.prg 10skyway.prg 117jingl.prg 12scenep.prg 13action.prg 13jazzma.prg 13justan.prg 13pcicln.prg 13ultima.prg 14ballju.prg 14razore.prg 14visage.prg 15americ.prg 15bether.prg 15roadfu.prg 15runnin.prg 15victor.prg c64/audio/Vibrants/Metal/ 13bonzai.prg 14leth10.prg 14leth11.prg 14leth12.prg 14letha1.prg 14letha2.prg 14letha3.prg 14letha5.prg 14letha6.prg 14letha7.prg 14letha8.prg 17dianem.prg 17jensem.prg c64/audio/Vibrants/Scortia/ 14terani.prg c64/audio/Vibrants/utils/ Deluxe Driver-2.0.prg - Deluxe Driver - Version 2.0 (for playing and relocating JCH tunes) Deluxe Driver-3.0.prg - Deluxe Driver - Version 3.0 (for playing and relocating JCH tunes) Deluxe Driver-4.0.prg - Deluxe Driver - Version 4.0 (for playing and relocating JCH tunes) Deluxe Driver-5.0.prg - Deluxe Driver - Version 5.0 (for playing and relocating JCH tunes) JCH Coder v1.prg - JCH encrypter 1.0 for passwording files. JCH Split v1.1.prg - Splits JCH tunes. Relocate JCH.prg - Relocates JCH tunes. Relocate Laxity.prg - Relocates Laxity tunes. VibRip50.00.prg - A music ripper utility. c64/audio/Vibrants/utils/editor/ Example Tune.prg - An example tune for the JCH editor JCH Editor-1.4G.prg - JCH editor v1.4G JCH Editor-docs.prg - Documentation for the JCH editor. c64/audio/editors/ CyberTracker-1.00.d64.gz CyberTracker-1.01.d64.gz - CyberTracker is a new tracker for the C64 that is similar to the - PC/AMIGA-trackers (like FastTrackerII). See the producers' home page - at . DMC-v4.0.prg Digieditor-v1.3.sfx - Editor for digitized music written by Brian of Graffity. JCHeditor14.prg - Jens-Christian Huus's soundeditor Version 14. Jays_Editor_1.5.prg - Jays Music Routine v1.5. Includes an editor. Megasound.lnx.gz Megasound.txt - Megasound Music Editor by Jori Olkkonen (Yip/Purebyte) and some tunes - by Sami 'Nutcase' Saarnio. MusicMixer6.prg - Odin Tracker and its source code. Programmed and uploaded by Zed - ( Released 17 Apr 2001. PD-editor.prg ProDrum-v2.sfx - Equinoxe's drum sound generator Rob_Hubbard_Editor.prg - Rob Hubbard editor by Predator SIDwinder_V0123_C64.d64.gz - SIDWinder v1.23 - Source code of SIDwinder v1.23. Soft_Tune_Composer.prg - A music editor by The Joker Crew. Soundscape.prg - Soundscape music editor by F.Blom Soundstudio.prg - Preview of Cyberlogic Sound Studio by Trance '92 Ubiks_Music_Collection.prg - An editor, a relocator and some sample music by Ubik. Includes a very - poor Space Invaders game. There are no instructions available for the - editor. demo_music_creator_v2.1db.prg demo_music_creator_v2.1qd.prg demo_music_creator_v4.0qu.prg demo_music_creator_v4.0sx.prg dmc4.0.prg - DemoMusicComposer Version 4.0.Great thing. equaleditor_v1.prg fc4.0.prg - Syndicate of Dynamix, Future Composer v4.0 with instructions and demo - tracks future-composer-2.sfx - Future Composer v2, a player and some sample music. future-composer-4.prg - Nice Editor with 3 demo sounds built-in. gb-comp.v26.prg - It's future composer V1. mastercomposer.prg - Editor for Huelsbeck's tunes like Katakis. rockmonitor-2.prg - Successor of soundmonitor with digiplayer. rockmonitor-3.prg - Version 3 of rockmonitor. rockmonitor-4.prg - Version 4 of rockmonitor. soundmaker.doc - Simple sound editor. soundmaker.prg soundtracker.doc.prg - Might work with Amiga trackermodules. soundtracker.prg voicetracker2.6.prg - Voicetracker version 2.6 (not soundtracker !). voicetracker4.2.prg - Voicetracker v4.2 c64/audio/players/ Midislave-1.1.lnx Midislave-1.1.lnx.readme - Turns your C64 to a MIDI device. RealSIDPlay.doc RealSIDPlay.prg RealSIDPlay_v2.20.prg - PlaySID/Sidplay player for the C64. Works with about 90% of the tunes. digiplayer31.sfx musicsys-64.lzh - Compute's Sidplayer disk with the player, some utilities and some - musics. sidpic.sda - Kermit R. Woodall's version of Sidplayer that is capable of displaying - pictures while playing the music. - SidPlay 64 1.21 - For playing european SID files. Dozens of versions - for different hardware. stereopl10-3.sfx - Stereo Sidplayer v10.3. c64/audio/samples/ A-Man1.sfx A-Man2.sfx A-Man3.sfx - Game and demo music composed by A-man of Arcade Always on My Mind.prg - Always on my mind (rockmonitor).SYS 40912. Amorphis-pack5.d64.gz - A collection of music from the Polish group Amorphis. Axel F.prg - Plays the Beverly Hills Cop (Axel F) theme very badly. BZ Ultimate Galway-1.d64.gz BZ Ultimate Galway-2.d64.gz BZ Ultimate Galway.txt - A Martin Galway music collection put together by Binary Zone. PAL - only. Uploaded by Jason (T.M.R/Cosine). Big in Japan.prg - This little music program works on both PAL and NTSC. Bmx.prg - Bmx Kids (rockmonitor).Start with sys 49152. ChristmasCarols.sfx - These are several Christmas carols I entered using Master Composer many - years ago (1984). I hope you enjoy them; they are still fun to play at - Christmastime. -- Jim MacKenzie Compo-musix.antic.prg - Compo Musix for the TCC pardy in Sweden, musix by Zyron/Antic PAL - - works on NTSC Uploaded by Chief/Padua Concluded Cuts.d64.gz - A music collection by Oxsid Planetary. Released at LCP in 2000. - Uploaded by CraziDigis-1.lnx - Some digital samples created by William Jhun (ec Crocket-theme.prg - Crocket Theme (rockmonitor).SYS 40912. Digital Acid.prg - A demo that flashes the screen and plays some disco style music. Dmusic.prg - Dirty cash music by Patrick Peters. Use a $1000/$1003 player to play - this. EVS Zaks.sfx - Some music by 20th Century Composers / EVS prod. Effect-sample.prg Effect-sample.readme - Plays simple sound effects. Enigma Intro.EVS.prg - Enigma Intro by 20cc EVS. The musix to the revolution demo by EVS - - original tune before reduced to run at 4 raster lines. PAL - works on - NTSC Uploaded by Chief/Padua Experience1.Fatum.prg Experience2.Fatum.prg Experience3.Fatum.prg - Collections of Bax/Fatum's musics. Released in 1993-1995. Fur Elise.prg - Installs an interrupt routine that plays Für Elise on the background - rather poorly. Future-C.prg - Music from Agemixer/Astral. IRQ Music 10.d64.gz - Digitized music made in 1985. IRQ Music 10.readme Jeroen Tel music.prg - Jeroen Tel music collection. 9 tunes. Jukebox 2.sfx Jukebox-p1.sfx Jukebox-p2.sfx - Menu-driven music collections. The musics are probably converted from - Sidplayer files. Led Zeppelin.prg - This (quite old) C64 program plays Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. MON music.lzh - Music of several games composed by the Maniacs of Noise Madness Sound.prg - A demo with two tunes Maple Leaf Rag.prg - This executable file plays the Maple Leaf Rag. Music.d64.gz - Digitized music MusicCollection14.antic.prg - Music Collection 14 by Zyron of Antic Pump Up the Jam.prg - Digimix by Zod/Orion (slow decruncher) Sabrina.prg - 1989 Plays a mix of the "boys, boys, boys" song by Sabrina. Very slow - decruncher. Shogoon.sfx - Some music by Shogoon of Taboo Smusic.FHI.prg - Shade Music Collection 2 by Flash Inc. A collection of 8 music pieces. - Nice player with an ability to extract the sounds. Somebody's Tunes.prg - Two tunes by T.M.C./Flash Industries. Sonic Anarchy 2.Crescent.prg - October 1994. Music demo by Crescent. Musics © Wisdom/Crescent. Sonic Anarchy 3.Crescent.prg - March 1996. Music demo by Crescent. Musics © Wisdom/Crescent. - Uploaded by Wisdom/Crescent - Sonic Anarchy.Crescent.prg - June 1994. Music demo by Crescent. Musics © Wisdom/Crescent. Sonic Boom.Ideal.d64.gz - A music collection by Ideal, a Hungarian group. Coded by Bacsy, musics - by Con, and the main logo drawn by Csezso, intro gfx by Flash... - Uploaded by Gcs/Ideal (Boszormenyi Laszlo,jr., qgegcs@gold.uni- - Speech.demo.prg - Commodore speech demo v1.0 Speech2.demo.prg - Electronic speech demos of Berkeley,CA vol.8 Synth Sample II.prg - A jukebox program with game songs ripped by ABC Crackings Synth Sample.prg - A jukebox program with some music tunes Thrust Concert.prg - This program plays the Thrust game music by Rob Hubbard. The animation - was created by Stoat & Tim. Top.lnx - 27 different music titles with a nice player designed for PAL systems. - Uploaded by the author, Joe/Steel . - Music from Zardax/Origo Dreamline c64/audio/samples/Compod/ * These tunes are in PSID v2 format. To load them on a real Commodore * 64, strip the first 124 bytes. All tunes except Coldiarus are * initialised by jsr $1000 and played by calling jsr $1003 once per * frame. A View to a Kill.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Agony Abduction Feelings.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum All Saints' Day.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Amazing Story.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Agony Another Day In Paradise.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Compod Another Time.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged/Fatum Anxiety.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged/Fatum Apache.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged As If Nothing Had Happened.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Bielyje Rozy.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Brainchild.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1997 Amorphis Calypso Part 1.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Compod Chopin.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Clear As Crystal.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Clever Man.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Coldiarus.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1995 Bad Bytes. Init=$4f71, play=$4fc0. Coma Light VIII.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Oxyron Competition's Tune Part 1.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Competition's Tune Part 2.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Confusion.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 19?? Compod Cronor 2.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Crystal Sheep III Intro.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Cudowne Dziecko.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Daybreak.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Disco Mix.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Disco One.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Disco Remixes.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Disco Two.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Dreamland.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged Dreamscape.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Dubble.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 19?? Compod Dzieci.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Eleni.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Emotional Exchange.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1995 Amorphis Group Enola Gay.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Erotic Sleep.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged Faint.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Fancy!.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Fantasies.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Compod Farewell.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Fatal Attraction.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Fateful Sleep.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Ferro.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 19?? Compod Fields (game).sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1995 Amorphis Group Fields (intro).sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1995 Amorphis Group Fighter.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Four Time.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Future.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 19?? Compod Keep Of Dancing.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Keeper.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged Kolorowe Kredki!.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Agony Koreks.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 19?? Compod L'Amour Braque.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1994 Charged/Fatum Laxity Intro.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 199? The Big Blue.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1995 Amorphis Group The Door Was Ajar.sid - Composed by Roman Majewski (Compod) - Copyright 1993 Charged/Fatum c64/audio/sfx/ * Files for the Commodore SFX Sound Expander Beethoven.prg - The first movement of a Beethoven sonata entered by Richard Atkinson fmcmpsed.d64.gz - FM Composer and Sound Editor disk. The copy protection (looking for - 22,READ ERROR,18,18) has been removed by changing the two bytes in - block 24,4 at offsets $23 and $2A from $AC to $AE. c64/audio/sfx/demodisks@ -> demodisks/c64/sfx c64/audio/sfx/schematics@ -> schematics/cartridges/c64/sfx c64/audio/sidplayer/ * In order to play these musics, you will need Compute's Sidplayer or any * compatible player. These can be found in the * /pub/cbm/c64/audio/players or /pub/cbm/c128/audio directories. 2112-6v.sfx - Rush 2112 Sidplayer music collection by DCSTAR & CPR. Christmas 64.sfx - A stand alone Christmas SID. Christmas Album 1.sfx - This is an album of 29 Christmas SIDs for your holiday enjoyment. Christmas Album 2.sfx - This is an album of 27 Christmas SIDs for your holiday enjoyment. Christmas Album 3.sfx - This is an album of 20 Christmas SIDs for your holiday enjoyment. Christmas Album 4.sfx - This is an album of 17 Christmas SIDs for your holiday enjoyment. Christmas Album 5.lzh - This is an album of 5 stand alone Christmas SIDs for your holiday - enjoyment. Christmas Album.prg - Christmas Album. Poor graphics and christmas songs created in the - Sidplayer editor. Christmas Music.sfx - A stand alone Christmas SID. SingAlongSID01.lzh SingAlongSID02.lzh SingAlongSID03.lzh SingAlongSID04.lzh SingAlongSID05.lzh SingAlongSID06.lzh SingAlongSID07.lzh SingAlongSID08.lzh SingAlongSID09.lzh SingAlongSID10.lzh SingAlongSID11.lzh SingAlongSID12.lzh - Sing Along Sidplayer music collection. Includes the words. Archived by - Carl Springer in 1991. Stereo10.lzh classical-1.lzh classical-2.lzh classical-3.lzh - Classical music in Sidplayer format. coyote-sids1.lzh - SIDplayer music by Coyote. dontlookback.msw - This self-extracting file contains the Sidplayer music Don't look back. elton_john.sda - Some Elton John music converted to Sidplayer format. empirestrik.sda - The Empire strikes back by Mark A. Dickenson. Requires stereo Sidplayer - v10.1 or later. eternalflame.msw - This self-extracting file contains the Sidplayer music Eternalflame. faith-6v.sda - Faith Sidplayer music collection by DCSTAR & CPR. monosids1.lzh monosids2.lzh monosids3.lzh monosids4.lzh monosids5.lzh monosids6.lzh - Monaural music sids. mozart-mus.sfx - Mozart's Sonata in C Major for Stereo Sidplayer, and SANCTUS.MUS by - Michael Haydn, a good friend of Mozart no_jacket-6v.sda - "No Jacket Required"/Phil Collins. Converted to Stereo Sidplayer files - by DCSTAR & CPR. pop-80s.sfx - Pop music from the 1980s in mono Sidplayer format shake_me.msw - This self-extracting archive contains the Stereo Sidplayer song Shake - Me. shotgun.msw - This self-extracting archive contains the Stereo Sidplayer song - Shotgun. sids-3.lzh sids-4.lzh sids-5.lzh sids-6.lzh sids-7.lzh sids-a.lzh sids-a.sfx sids-b.lzh sids-b.sfx sids-c.lzh sids-c.sfx sids-d.lzh - Stereo + mono sids. sids.Rag_Jazz.A-L.lzh sids.Rag_Jazz.M-R.lzh sids.Rag_Jazz.S-Z.lzh - SIDplayer ragtime/jazz music collection uploaded to - by William R. Ward on 9/21/92 See the Index files - inside the archives for information about the musics. star_wars.sda - Star Wars theme for Stereo Sidplayer startrek-tng.sda - Star Trek - The Next Generation theme for Stereo Sidplayer stereo1.lzh stereo2.lzh stereo3.lzh stereo4.lzh stereo5.lzh stereo6.lzh stereo7.lzh stereo8.lzh stereo9.lzh - Stereo Sidplayer music sweetchild.msw - Sweet child tune for Stereo Sidplayer takethisjob.msw - Take this job tune for Stereo Sidplayer the_doctor.msw - The Doctor tune for Stereo Sidplayer tv+moviesids.sfx - Famous TV and movie tunes in Sidplayer format varmusic.lzh - Stereo + mono sids. vegasst1.sda vegasst2.sda vegasst3.sda - Stereo music sids from 1990 Las Vegas Sidfest yougotit.msw - You Got It tune in Stereo Sidplayer format c64/audio/utilities/ Advanced Music Search v5.0.lnx - Searches for music in other programs Airwolf-fixer.prg - Converts any tune to Airwolf format. Composer.sfx - This program performs various calculations used in the composition of - serial music. Digiripper-1.0.prg - Assists in ripping digitized effects from other programs FC-Relocator.prg - Future Composer soundrelocator. JCH-Relocator.prg - Relocates JCH sounds. JCH-inst-rip.prg MusicAnalyzer3.sfx - Version 3.0, allows play of IRQ musics + more. MusicRipper.prg - Assists in ripping music from other programs Musicwizard.prg - Tool to examine sounds. Relocate.prg - Tool to relocate different sounds. SM-Relocator.prg - Soundmonitor soundrelocator. Sid Organizer-3.0.doc Sid Organizer-3.0.sda - Sid Organizer 3.0 by Jerry Roth. This program makes a catalog of your - Sidplayer files. SidWriter II.doc SidWriter II.sda - Sidplayer music editor by Steve Emsley VTR-Relocator.prg - Voicetracker soundrelocator. c64/collections/ josephrose64.d64.gz - Assorted amusements and utilities from Joseph Rose c64/collections/cbm/ 02111_fantasy_five.g64.gz 02127_spirit_of_the_stones.g64.gz 02205_galactic_controller.g64.gz c64101_assembler_development_system.d64.gz c64103_c64_disk_bonus_pack.d64.gz c64105_logo.g64.gz c64105_logo_utillities.g64.gz c64106_pilot_s1.g64.gz c64106_pilot_s2.d64.gz c64107_pet_emulator.d64.gz c64109_c64_screen_editor.d64.gz c64110_CPM_2.2_os_for_c64.d64.gz c64111_nevada_cobol-cpm.d64.gz c64112_nevada_fortran-cpm.d64.gz c64201_easyfile.d64.gz c64202_easy_finance_i.d64.gz c64204_easy_mail_64.d64.gz c64207_easy_script_64.g64.gz c64208_easy_spell_s1.g64.gz c64208_easy_spell_s2.d64.gz c64209_future_finance(bad).g64.gz c64210_word_machine-name_machine.d64.gz c64212_easy_finance_ii.d64.gz c64213_easy_finance_iii.d64.gz c64214_easy_finance_iv.d64.gz c64215_easy_finance_v.d64.gz c64216_the_manager.g64.gz c64220_general_ledger_s1.d64.gz c64220_general_ledger_s2.d64.gz c64221_accounts_received_s1.d64.gz c64221_accounts_received_s2.d64.gz c64222_accounts_payable_s1.d64.gz c64222_accounts_payable_s2.d64.gz c64223_payroll_diska_s1.d64.gz c64223_payroll_diskb_s1.d64.gz c64223_payroll_diskb_s2.d64.gz c64224_inventory_management.d64.gz c64225_codewriter_d1.d64.gz c64225_codewriter_d2.d64.gz c64232_bgraph.d64.gz c64236_silent_butler_s1.d64.gz c64236_silent_butler_s2.d64.gz c64301_intro_to_basic_part_1.d64.gz c64302_intro_to_basic_part_2.d64.gz c64310_easy_lesson-easy_quiz_64.d64.gz c64313_mathfacts.d64.gz c64314_chopper_math.d64.gz c64321_gulp-arrow.d64.gz c64322_frenzy-flip_flop.g64.gz c64328_kinder_koncepts_easy_match_count.g64.gz c64329_kinder_koncepts_whats_next_letters_numbers.g64.gz c64330_kinder_koncepts_letter_match_more_or_less.d64.gz c64331_kinder_koncepts_letter_seq_long_short.g64.gz c64332_kinder_koncepts_shapes_patterns_group_it.g64.gz c64334_type_right.d64.gz c64338_sky_travel.g64.gz c64352_number_builder.g64.gz c64356_just_imagine_s1.g64.gz c64356_just_imagine_s2.d64.gz c64360_word_shuttle.g64.gz c64510_micro_cookbook.d64.gz c64620_satans_hollow.g64.gz c64625_zork.d64.gz c64626_zork_II.d64.gz c64627_zork_III.d64.gz c64628_suspended.d64.gz c64629_starcross.d64.gz c64630_deadline.d64.gz c64646_triad.g64.gz c64648_how_about_chess.g64.gz c64655_rally_speedway.d64.gz c64700_business.d64.gz c64701_geography.d64.gz c64702_english_i.d64.gz c64703_english_ii.d64.gz c64704_english_iii.d64.gz c64705_english_iv.d64.gz c64706_english_v.d64.gz c64707_english_vi.d64.gz c64708_english_vii.d64.gz c64709_mathematics_i.d64.gz c64710_mathematics_ii.d64.gz c64711_mathematics_iii.d64.gz c64712_mathematics_iv.d64.gz c64713_mathematics_v.d64.gz c64714_mathematics_vi.d64.gz c64715_mathematics_vii.d64.gz c64717_computer_science.d64.gz c64718_science_i.d64.gz c64719_science_ii.d64.gz c64720_science_iii.d64.gz c64721_science_iv.d64.gz c64722_technology.d64.gz c64723_history.d64.gz c64724_games_i.d64.gz c64725_games_ii.d64.gz c64726_games_iii.d64.gz c64xxx_fish-metic.g64.gz hfl6440_high_flyer.g64.gz psc6440_petspeed_64.d64.gz tc301_typing_professor.g64.gz tc600_questprobe_the_hulk.g64.gz c64/comm/ * RS-232 terminal programs and data communication software 2400bps.asm - Source for 2400bps RS232 routine. Cipherterm.sfx - Files that describe how to add Zmodem to Commodore Terminal programs and - BBS's. Uploaded by Tom Hoot . Handyterm.prg - A relatively new terminal prg, better than ccgms. QuantumLink-QColors.gz - This program allows you to change default colors for all areas in - QuantumLink except games. Run and then insert your Q-Link V3 or V4 - diskette. Info on connecting to Quantum Link Reloaded: - QuantumLink.d64.gz - This is a copy of the original QuantumLink sign on disk. QuantumLink was - an on-line service for the Commodore 64. QuantumLink and its successor, - America On Line, co-existed for some years, until the QLink was closed on - October 31, 1994. On this disk, there is a demo on it that goes through - the features of the online service. Pretty cool actually. After trying - to sign on with this software the demo is bypassed and is no longer - available. This is the complete original version of the software. It - should bring back fond memories to anyone that used to be on the service - and give hints to what it was like to those of us that weren't. Uploaded - by Dan Amborn . See also the Q-Link nostalgia page - . - CMD SwiftLink kernal wedge/driver for c64. Terminals.d64.gz - A collection of terminal programs: CCGM'S 6.01, MULTITERM 5.2, TOUCHTERM - 3.9, RACIKS TERM, AUTODIAL, and data transfer software: BIG GULP. blue-box.prg - A "blue box" utility for the C64. ccgms5.5.prg - The most used cbm terminal program. PAL+NTSC. ccgms70.arc - The last official version of CCGMS by the original author. ccgms_2020.prg - An update to CCGMS by Alwyz ccgms_2021.prg - Another update to CCGMS by Alwyz em020926.d64.gz - An e-mail user agent for the unexpanded Commodore 64 and a modem. This - software should be considered as an early version. The 1541 fastloader - of the included Kwik-Write editor may cause problems. The Internet - access is accomplished via PPP and PAP. Written by Jochen Adler/Near - Letter Quantity ( hyperlink25e.d64.gz - HyperLink internet tool for C64 lasertermv10.d64.gz - Laserterm v10 for Commodore 6499 italian modem st2014final.d64.gz - Striketerm 2014 Final by Alwyz, a Novaterm derivative ultimatedemos.d64.gz - Various telecomm tools for 1541 Ultimate-II+ network port uuxfer.prg - UUencode and UUdecode for Commodore 64. uuxfer.readme - Documentation for uuxfer. z-term.prg - Example program to use z-modem receive. - Source for zmodem receive (zipped). - Source code for zmodem by Daniel Fandrich for 6502 cross assembler c64/comm/Novaterm/ * Novaterm is one of the best terminal programs for the Commodore 64. * Some of these files are also available from * . novaterm-source.tgz - Source code of Novaterm c64/comm/Novaterm/v10/ nova10beta-1.sfx nova10beta-2.sfx nova10beta-3.sfx nova10beta-4.sfx - Beta version of Novaterm 10 c64/comm/Novaterm/v9.4/ nova-ymodem.sfx - The Y-Modem Batch transfer protocol with Novaterm 9.4 had a bug in - it, this file comes from version 9.3 and does work. nova9_4-1.sfx - Package 1 of novaterm 9.4 self extracting. nova9_4-2.sfx - Package 2 of novaterm 9.4 self extracting. nova9_4-3.sfx - Docs for novaterm 9.4 self extracting. c64/comm/Novaterm/v9.5/ nova9.5-.sfx nova9.5-1.sfx nova9.5-2.sfx nova9.5-3.sfx - Novaterm 9.5 nova9.5-german.readme nova9.5ger1.sfx nova9.5ger2.sfx nova9.5ger3.sfx - German version of Novaterm c64/comm/Novaterm/v9.6/ nova96-1.sfx nova96-2.sfx nova96-3.sfx - Full version of Novaterm 9.6 novalite.sfx - LITE (demo) version of Novaterm 9.6 novaterm96c.d64.gz - Novaterm 9.6C whole disk. SuperCPU buffer driver ram.SuperCPU c64/comm/bbs/ * bbs programs for the commodore 64 6480.d64.gz - 6480 Exchange BBS - 6485 version 7.0e 6487v8.arc - 6487 version 8.0 6487v8.d64.gz - Full disk version of 6487 v8 with demo data. 64mess.arc - 64 Messenger v4.5 aa64v61.arc - All American 64 v6.1 - All American BBS 128 Version 11.6 by Nick Smith - All American BBS 128 Version 11.6 Source by Nick Smith ace35.d64.gz - Ace-Line BBS v3.5 - BBS Construction Kit by Will Gaddy - C*Base version 3.0 by Gunther Birznieks - CHATeau BBS by Eugene Tiffany citadel64.d64.gz - Citadel 64 BBS - Commodore Mania BBS v6 by Don Snider cmbbs701.d64.gz - Commodore Mania BBS 2400 baud hayes version of CMBBS by Alwyz - Color 64 v7.37 BBS By Greg Pfountz - Color 64 v8 BBS - DarkStar BBS version 3.0 - DMBBS v4.8 by ARTIsoft - Does The Job BBS by Andrew Bernhardt dzbbs.d64.gz - Dead Zone BBS eebbs167.arc - EBBS 64 by Ed Parry electrocom50.d64.gz - Electro-Com BBS by Bill Bowers exchange12.d64.gz - 64 Exchange BBS 12.0 - Fantasy Roleplaying BBS v1.12 hal.d64.gz - Hal's BBS by Richard Buchanan - Image BBS v1.2a - Infoquick BBS by Lew Lasher ivory32.d64.gz - Ivory BBS version 3.2 by Bill Jackson ivory33.d64.gz - Ivory BBS v3.3 - Ivory v3.5 ribitbbs.arc - Ribit BBS by J.W. Fulmer sattelite.d64.gz - Sattelite BBS version 1.0 scbbsv3.arc - SCBBS 3.0 By Chad Stansel - Spence XP version 6.8 by Spence/McFarlane - Spence XP version 6.4 by Spence/McFarlane stellar.d64.gz - Stellar Zone BBS - ST/R BBS by Douglas McLaughlin - Super ML upgrade for Color 64 v7 by Anthony Tolle ucbbs13.d64.gz - Ultra-Com BBS version 1.3 - U.E.S. by Willie Goebel version 7.7 - Vision Color BBS by Vision Software - Xavian BBS by Star Tech Software - ZBBS by Mr. Bill version 1.2 zelch30.arc - Zelch 64 BBS Version 3.0 by Planet Ink. c64/database/ ChequeBook.sfx - Cheque Book Organiser by Peter Weighill. Contact Dealer v3.1.Flash Inc.prg - A database for contact information. Kind of like an address book. Contact Dealer-v2.CD.prg - A database for contact information. Kind of like an address book. This - version by Censor Design, released 1990. Handy-filer64.prg - This is a nice database program which lets you to define the fields and - their lengths. The database is kept in memory, and you can load from or - save it to disk. Practifile.d64.gz - This is a database program for your C= 64 and is very useful to store - lists of contacts, records, etc. formel1-500.sfx - Keep track of Formula One statistics with this German program. formel1-dat.sfx - Formula One statistics from 1991 to 1997. formel1.readme - Information about the formel1 program. c64/demodisks@ -> demodisks/c64 c64/demos/ * You may find more recent demos at . * Also see the SCS*TRC home page at , and the * Commodore 64 demoscene Hall of Fame . c64/demos/generic/ Blackice3.prg - 1992 Eclipse filled vector demo, NTSC, ok in PAL Bubbles.prg - 1988 The 'original' Juggler ;). Demos.lzh Demos.readme - Miscellanous demos by Mark Rejhon. Drivemusic.prg - Sing Song Serenade C64 1541 2031 by Cristopher C. Capon / Clockwork - Computing. Plays a tune with the disk drive. Flash80-demo.prg - A flickering but efficient 80 column routine by Powdered Toast Man. Magic Colors.prg - A demo by Soedesoft featuring nice color effects. MusiCalc.d64.gz MusiCalc.readme - 1983 MusiCalc Christmas Hits by the Waveform Corporation. Press ^ to - change tunes. Necrofile.prg - 1987 A demo by an American group TST. Only the first part seems to - work. Outspace.prg - Outspace by Orion 1988. Slow decruncher. This demo plays samples of - some games and has two pictures and a few sprite scrolls. Swishsynth.prg - 1985 Nice drawing demo with sound. TCCMusic.d64.gz - 1993 TCC party music compo winners. Universe.prg - 1987 c64/demos/generic/poor/ C64 Sprite Demo.prg - A German BASIC program trying to demonstrate the C64. Very poor, so - you can laugh at it. Made in 1982. Christmas Album.d64.gz - Disk image of Christmas Album. Christmas Album.lnx - A similar demo that even seems to contain ML routines. Written for - the Christmas 1982. Christmas Album.prg - Christmas Album, linked and crunched to a single part. Commodore 64 demo.prg - Another German demo written in BASIC. c64/demos/ntsc/ c64/demos/ntsc/9th Hell/ KallIt.prg - 1995 Maleficio.prg - 1995 c64/demos/ntsc/Abyss/ Aftershock.prg - Multi-page demo c64/demos/ntsc/Apostasy/ Animus.prg FruityPebbles.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Arson/ Flammable.prg - 1990 N.F.D.prg - 1991 Pressure.d64.gz Pyromania.prg - 1990 Touch.prg - 1990 "U Cant Touch This" c64/demos/ntsc/Ballistics/ Paradise Lost.prg Spotlight.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Carcass/ * Carcass A Little Bit of Carcass.prg - Released 1997. Features a 4x4 graphics mode in NTSC. Bloodmerry.prg Carnivorous.prg - September 30, 1996. Cutting Edge.prg Decay.prg - 1994 Dragon's Den.prg - This demo doesn't run on PAL machines at all. Draz-Lace-1.0.prg - A picture editor originally made by devil of noice, NTSC fixed on 2nd - October of 1997 by Fungus/Carcass. Fresh Air.Style+Carcass.lnx - January 1st, 1992 at 12:01 AM. A Style+Carcass Production. Inferno.sda - 1995 Insomnia.prg - April 9, 1993. Jingle Hells.prg - Dec 25, 1997 Jingle Hells a.k.a. Satan Claws II. Works on PAL as - well. Kiss My Carcass.prg National Cavader #1.prg - January 1994. A Carcass news letter. National Cavader #2.prg - March 1, 1994. A Carcass news letter. Oldcool.Necrophobic.prg - Oldcool, a tune for the 1998 Driven 4k music compo by Necrophobic. Rei.Pwizard.prg - Rei, a pic for the 1998 Driven 4k art compo by Pwizard. Sadisfaction-1.sfx - 1994 Sadisfaction-2.sfx - 1994 Satan Claws.prg - December 25, 1996, a christmas demo. Seduction.prg Shine on.Style+Carcass.prg - November 1, 1991, a Style+Carcass coproduction with vector graphics. Skull Drudgery.prg - Multipart demos. Sourceflux.Hoffman.prg - Sourceflux, a tune for the Driven 4k music compo by Hoffman. Sword.Wide Load.prg - Sword, a picture for the 1998 Driven 4k art compo by Wide Load. To Hell and Back.lnx - 15th December 1992. Untitled13.prg - 1994 An intro by Asnodeus/Carcass. c64/demos/ntsc/Cheyens/ Pieces of Light.prg - 1989 Pieces of Light c64/demos/ntsc/Co-op/ Party.Style+RPG.prg - 1994 co-op demo by Style and Renegade Programmers Group c64/demos/ntsc/DNA/ Never Die.prg Tracked.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Demonix/ 4YearsDemonix.prg - 4 years demo by Demonix, released in 1994 Brotherhood.prg - 1994 Birthday demo for Kyle & Dungeon BBS ad Dungeon.prg - 1994 Dungeon BBS ad c64/demos/ntsc/Dream/ Dreamland.prg - BBS ad Moldy Pie.prg - One part demo Party.prg - One part demo c64/demos/ntsc/Eclipse/ Decade.prg - Eclipse & Morrissey '90 Purple Haze.d64.gz - 1992 A multi-part demo Spherical.prg - One page "multi-effect" demo Whoa.prg - One part demo c64/demos/ntsc/Electron/ Adios.prg - 1994 Multi-page demo, Electron's farewell demo. Aphasia.prg - 1991 Multi-page demo Casino.prg - Casino BBS ad Jungle.prg Patience.prg - Multi-page demo Perplex.prg - 1992 Multi-page demo Saturn.prg - 1991 Multi-page demo c64/demos/ntsc/Elixir/ Gore Demo.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Entity/ 90125.prg Aixelsyd.prg Brain Damage.prg Perdition.prg - Multipart demo c64/demos/ntsc/Evil/ BrainDead.prg Deception.prg Hellchild.prg - One page demo by Wanderer/Evil. Incest.prg Lunacy.prg Puke-p1.prg SummerRain.prg TopsyTurvy.prg Twilight.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Fatal/ AON-Tribute.prg Cancerous.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Forces of Evil/ GrndsFInsty1.sfx GrndsFInsty2.sfx - 1994 Memberdrive.prg - 1994 Morbid1.sfx Morbid2.sfx Morbid3.sfx - 1995 Redrum.prg - A single file multi-part demo. Released in 1996 (?). Shadow.d64.gz - 1992 Shadow. Two of the pages were corrupted and so were removed - (Pages 6 & 9). A small little patch was made so that the demo would - end with some honor (instead of a hung machine showing a READY - prompt). This patch will black out the screen and force a cold boot - on your behalf...! Heh.. If someone has this demo with those two - pages intact...please upload it!! Uploaded by MAG. Wasted.sfx - 1994 c64/demos/ntsc/Havok/ Axis.prg Conspiracy.prg Phase One.prg Powerdrome.prg - Pages of an unfinished demo, Powerdrome. Stage One.prg Suicide.prg - Short demo c64/demos/ntsc/IMP/ Arise.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Longshot/ Coming Soon.prg - 1995 c64/demos/ntsc/Lords/ Birkenhead.prg - Multipart demo by Lords. Casa Pablo.prg - Multipart demo by Lords. Devil's Dream.prg - One part demo with digimusic by Lords. Flex.prg - One part demo with flex routine by Lords. Sellout.prg - One part(?) farewell demo by Reverb/Lords. Woga Woga.prg - One part demo by Lords. c64/demos/ntsc/Mystique/ Samhain2.prg - 1994 c64/demos/ntsc/Omni/ Shock.lnx - 1995 Vision.sfx c64/demos/ntsc/Opal/ Sacrilege.prg - 1988 c64/demos/ntsc/PSW/ * Here are PSW's first 5 demos... In order from oldest to newest they * are: Wevealed, Spin, Test Pattern, DYCP and 12th Day. 12th Day.prg DYCP.prg Spin.prg Test Pattern.prg Wevealed.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Plague/ Grand Posse.d64.gz c64/demos/ntsc/Reign of Terror/ Brain Child.prg - 1990 Deep Freeze.prg - 1990 c64/demos/ntsc/Renegade Programmers Group/ Armageddon.prg - Multipart demo Assembled.prg - 1995 Impact.d64.gz - Multipart demo Merry Xmas.prg - 1994 Oops.prg - Short demo We're Board-note.prg - July 22, 1992 - a demo by Warnock/RPG, spread by Firedrake/RPG. We're Board.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Retro 64/ * These are all the files that Retro 64 has released up to date. All * are NTSC/PAL compatible. The file "scd-r64" was removed, as it * doesn't load at all. Antiquetech.lnx - A six-part demo compressed in one file Easter.prg - Easter 1999 demo Logoland.prg - This demo appears to crash after the intro (broken copy?) Peach.prg - An intro by Fuzz c64/demos/ntsc/Revenge/ Bonestripper's Return.prg - Comeback demo by Bonestripper/Revenge, released on 1st January 1996. Retaliation.lnx - Demo by Bonestripper/Revenge. c64/demos/ntsc/Roy Batty/ BMT.prg - 1995 Tears95.lnx - 1995 c64/demos/ntsc/SSC/ Paragon.prg Thanks+Spook.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Second Dimension/ Chemistry.prg Last Call.prg Tragedy Change.prg Uncensored.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Shade/ Chime This.prg The Return.prg Wizard of Odd.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Sinister/ Contact.prg - 1994 c64/demos/ntsc/Storm/ Been Done.prg - Been done mix by Megmyx/Storm Canadian Bacon.sfx - 1995 CoC Back.prg - 1995 Forecast.prg Mispelt.prg Negspect Debut.prg Pearl.prg - 1994 Untitled.prg - 1994 c64/demos/ntsc/Style/ Alive.prg - 1994 Chaos101.prg - An older demo from summer 1991... still worth getting... some simple - yet attractive chaos algorithms on screen. Circleplot.prg - Demo showing off circle plotting. This appeared in an old issue of - Expose. Just a bunch of circles although still kinda cool... nice - music (note it's in two speeds!). D.C.S.prg - Dendrite Construction Set demo/utility. Lets you run the Diffusion - Limited Aggregation algorithm on a hires screen on your 64. Lots of - cool options... Fresh Air.Style+Carcass.lnx - January 1st, 1992 at 12:01 AM. A Style+Carcass Production. Fresh Air - megademo. Style's first disk demo... about 9-10 pages of cool screen - effects and great music... good art too... Gold.prg - Gold 1.4.1995 Greener Pastures.prg - 1994 Kicken Back.lnx - Multi file demo, Style's 1st ever demo, March 91. Life.prg - Demo based on John Conway's game of LIFE. Another old but great - (IMHO) demo from my summer of coding 1991. This is a 'demoish' - implementation of John Conway's LIFE automata. Lots and lots of - features in this one... if you enjoy LIFE or mathish things you could - play for days (I did). 26 Built in patterns, an editor, features for - controlling the LIFE environment... has docs in the demo. I'd be - REAL interested to hear your opinions of this one... probably the - demo I'm proudest of... New.prg - Demo w/ sideborder DYCP. Our Own.prg - Style's second ever demo. Three pages with assorted effects. Shine On.prg - November 1, 1991, a Style+Carcass coproduction with big vector - graphics. Spirographics.prg - Another of my mathematical-ish demos. Real interesting effects that - remind me of my old spirograph toy (thus the name). Some built in - patterns but also a nifty patterns editor so you too can play with - this toy. I'd REALLY like your comments on this demo! TCC Music.d64.gz - TCC Music Compo Winners - a compilation by Elwix/Style - This disk contains the 16 winners from the music competition at The - Computer Crossroads party held somewhere in Europe. A player is - included to listen to most of the musics. Unity note.prg - A note for the above, also a program. Unity.prg - Big multi-page April Fool's joke demo. c64/demos/ntsc/Suicide/ Max Trash.prg Reality.prg Slash.prg Sunlight.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Suppliers/ The Big Bang.prg - 1988 Welcome Guys.prg - 1988 c64/demos/ntsc/The Wanted/ Big Bang.d64.gz Dead or Alive 1.d64.gz Dead or Alive 2.d64.gz Focus.d64.gz Intros.prg Irone.d64.gz Silicate Omen.d64.gz Squeltch.d64.gz Summer Party 1.d64.gz Summer Party 2.d64.gz Sunshine.prg Union.d64.gz c64/demos/ntsc/Time/ Insense.prg - 1995 Martyr.prg - A multi-part demo published on January 24, 1995. c64/demos/ntsc/Venom/ Living Again.prg Premiere.prg TSA Winner.prg Waterlogged.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Vile/ Preferred.prg - Multipart demo S.U.A.P.prg - "Starting up a Posse" - multipart demo by Vile. c64/demos/ntsc/Vortex/ Flipped.prg - 1991 Multipart demo Icky Eek.prg - 1991 One part demo Insomnia.prg - 1991 Multipart demo Prism.prg - 1991 One part demo c64/demos/ntsc/Wanderer/ * Braindead, rampar, puke demo, hellfire, 4kaos, something fishy, * cremation, catchem, cremation, diehard, envyintro, hellchild 1581diskeditor.d64.gz 15yearsafter.d64.gz 4Kaos-Wanderer.d64.gz AMW Intro.prg After Forever.prg - Multipart demo "After Forever II" by Wanderer, released under The - Survivors. BitImploder2.5.prg Envy Intro.prg - Intro made by Wanderer. Fantasy Intro Editor.prg GAMETRAINERUTILITY.D64.gz - Search for the location of lives in games. For beginners to machine - language or even pros. Hellwriter.prg NEC Intro Editor.prg No Emotions_rmpr.prg Power Drive 2.prg - Multipart demo by Wanderer, released under Rampar. Power Drive.prg Relentless.d64.gz - full disk demo from January 20, 1990. Robocop.prg Santa Claws.prg - Christmas demo. Santa Claws3.prg - Christmas demo. Serenity.prg Show And Tell.prg Soft-protect RAM.prg Stormbringer.prg TS Intro-Alienbop.prg Timewise.prg Virus_Wanderer.d64.gz Wanderful.prg Wanderpacker.d64.gz af2.prg afterlife_by_survivors.d64.gz - By Satan (Wanderer) of The Survivors May 1988 NTSC 2 file demo and - 2005 note aftershock.t64 akropolis.prg anewdecade.t64 b-bobs.d64.gz bestdecade.prg braindead.prg - History of Wanderer catchem_by_wanderer.prg coherentlight.prg coolfantasyintro.prg cremation.d64.gz demos.d64.gz diehard.prg exodusintro.prg fantasy.t64 fantasy2.prg hellchild-wdr.prg hellfire.prg holocaust-ts.t64 illusion.d64.gz incestdemo-wdr.prg index.html jailbreak-wanderer.d64.gz letitrip.prg noemotions.d64.gz oldskooldemo.d64.gz - By Wanderer and Kickback onlyhuman.prg peintro.t64 puke-p1.prg puke-wdr-evil.prg radiancedemo.d64.gz rampar1.prg rampar2.prg rampar3.prg ramparintro.t64 ramparintro2.t64 ramparplasma.prg rfointro2.t64 rfointros.prg softspoken.prg somethingfishy.d64.gz summerrain.prg thunderrain.t64 topsyturvy.prg ts-01.prg ts-02.prg ts-04.prg ts-05.prg ts-07.prg ts-08.prg ts-10.prg ts-11.prg ts-12.prg ts-13.prg wanderlust.prg c64/demos/ntsc/Wildfire/ Rebirth-2.prg Subliminal Reality.prg c64/demos/ntsc/misc/ Battydemo.prg - 1994 CBM stock prices fall... A demo with intro digi speech C.O.C.prg - Paradox BBS ad CloseEncounter.Meg.prg ContactDeathy.prg CrapnoTune.Meg.prg DarkBeauty.Meg.prg Deranged.prg DigitalLSD.Meg.prg DragonsDen.prg Effects Unlimited.Light.prg - 1995 Equalizer.prg - A single-page demo. Imported (NTSC-fixed?) on 1 December 1987 by The - Undergroundrail Road. Very lame visual effects. FlexIt.prg - Flexing Phantasm logo.. Gfx-Zone.XmikeX.sfx - 1995 Guilty.Arcane.sfx - 1995 Hardcore.prg Jerki Insane.prg Jogging.prg - "A late jog by H." A skeleton animation. Juggler.prg - Animation demo by DW (similar to the Amiga Juggler). Just an Demo.prg - 1989 ISS/The Fanatic Duo: Just an demo. Lame.Anarchy.prg - 1995 M.A.D.-TheReturn.prg - MAD - the Return by Warped Minds, May 1994 MOF TelephoneAnarchy.prg Musicpack.sfx - 1995 NSP.Chill.prg - 1995 OriginDemo.Mirage.prg PSIDemo.prg Pacer demo.prg - This one-part demo by The Star Frontiers displays a running man on a - scrolling 3D checkerboard pattern. Released in 1993 or earlier. Plasma.prg QBudMorph.Pro.readme - A simple demo with precalculated morping pictures. QBudmorph.Pro.prg RFOShow.RFO.prg Rastertron.HAWK.prg Rawhide.prg Rebirth.prg Serenity.TS.prg Sizzln.prg Skulls+Skunkbud.DLOC.prg - A short demo by Dark Lords of Chaos. Stoned.FH.prg - 'support the legalization of marijuana' (NTSC?) Summahtime.prg Template Tutorial.FTA.prg Template Tutorial.FTA.readme - Explains how to use big character blocks, e.g. 5x5 characters, in - scrolltexts. ThreeTimes.prg TideOfTime.prg Tiger-1.Meg.prg TisLife.prg Track36.d64.gz Track36.readme - A bunch of demos released on April 19, 1994. TrueLord.prg VideoDeluge.prg Virtuafetti.Pegasus.prg - 1995 Void.prg Waveness-1.prg Waveness-2.prg - 1995 WelcomeToHell.prg Wildside-1.prg Wildside-1.readme - Rider/Wildside's a.k.a. Leonard Bailey's first demo. Wildside-2.prg Wildside-2.readme - Rider/Wildside's a.k.a. Leonard Bailey's second demo, "Da Babe", - advertising the Wildside BBS. Wow.prg Y'All Ready.Meg.prg Zone4 PEII.prg c64/demos/ntsc/ntsc-fixed/ * Note: All files in this directory are 'NTSC fixes' of European or * Australian demos. This just means they have been fixed to work on * NTSC c-64's, rather than the PAL c-64's the demos were originally * created on. Betrayal.prg - Betrayal by Majic-12. Chaos One.prg - Chaos One, a multi-part demo by Visual, released on March 3, 1994. - NTSC fixed by Destiny/Style, released on June 9, 1994. CleveMusic-1.sfx CleveMusic-2.sfx CleveMusic-3.sfx ComaLight.lnx - ComaLight by Oxyron. Oxyron's first demo. ComaLight6.d64.gz - ComaLight 6 by Oxyron. Cruise-gfx.d64.gz - Cruise's Graphics Show - a demo by Elysium, NTSC fixed by Elwix of - Style - A European graphics slideshow. Simply amazing FLI art (11 FLI - pictures). Interesting to note that Elysium is a Polish group. This - demo should run ok on both NTSC and PAL computers. D-lite.prg Deep Star.d64.gz - 'Deep Star' gfx collection by Cosmic, NTSC fixed by Style 1994 - (NTSC/PAL-1541) Dreams of Darkness.sfx - Dreams of Darkness by Creators - NTSC fixed by Decomp/Style. Exor'n'Divine.sfx ExtraPart-Shazam.prg Flotsam.prg LastTraktor3.lnx - Horizon's 'The Last Traktor 3' demo. MorbidArt3fx.lha - Morbid Art by Extend, NTSC fixed by Count Zero of TRC * SCS. NewStyleOfMusic.prg Potpourri.FH.prg - 1995 SIDRape-main.prg SIDRape-zak1.sfx SIDRape-zak2.sfx Summerdemo94.prg TheUnbits.prg - Triad's The Unbits demo WiredArts.(B)-ntsc.d64.gz - Wired Arts by Byterapers, NTSC fixed by Decomp/Style. This is a demo - consisting of 8 IFLI pictures. It uses a fastloader, and therefore - will only work with 1541's or compatible drives. c64/demos/pal/ c64/demos/pal/20th Century Composers/ Enigma Intro.prg - Enigma Intro - 20cc EVS (PAL) The musix to the revolution demo by EVS - - original tune before reduced to run at 4 raster lines. Uploaded: - Chief/Padua ( Revolution.prg - Revolution - 20cc EVS (PAL) Demo of musix which runs at 4 - rasterlines. Nice effects. Credits go to EVS. Uploaded: Chief/Padua - ( c64/demos/pal/Abnormal/ * Abnormal (Norway). The demo "Little shit" is missing. The Unicorn.prg c64/demos/pal/Accuracy/ Flabbergarsted.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Acrise/ WonderWimp.lnx - A multipart demo released in 1992. Uploaded by Riddler/Active - ( c64/demos/pal/Active/ 123Active.prg - 1992 Active: 1 2 3 (Three years of the Swedish demo group Active.) - Put up by Riddler/Active ( Game Over.prg O-Tech People.d64.gz O-Tech People.readme - 2nd place in Assembly '97 demo compo c64/demos/pal/Agony/ Agony Warez#9-1.d64.gz Agony Warez#9-2.d64.gz - Agony Warez Issue #9. A two-sided disk magazine. Utopia.prg - A single-file demo. c64/demos/pal/Alcoholics/ 1990.Alcoholics.prg c64/demos/pal/Antic/ Beyond Imagination 2.d64.gz Compo-Musix.prg - Compo-Musix - Antic (PAL) Compo Musix for the TCC pardy in Sweden, - musix by Zyron/Antic Uploaded: Chief/Padua ( Compopic.JOE.prg - Joecomppic/Antic - Antic (PAL) Double FLI Compo Pic from the TCC - pardy in Sweden, pic by Joe/Antic Uploaded: Chief/Padua - ( Compopic.prg - Compo Pic - Antic (PAL) Double FLI Compo Pic from the TCC pardy, pic - by Creeper/Antic Uploaded: Chief/Padua ( Dein Zycrex.lnx - 1994 Ethic.d64.gz Forgotten Beats.prg Galway-Tunes.d64.gz - Galway Tunes - Antic (PAL) The best demo I have seen in ages - no - magic routines but just a nice collection of tunes by the infamous - Martin Galway. Uploaded: Chief/Padua ( Lunacy 6.d64.gz - Lunacy 6 - The lost sequel. Published at Assembly '94. Lunacy 7-1.d64.gz Lunacy 7-2.d64.gz - Lunacy 7 Opera Omnia1.prg Opera Omnia2.prg Opera Omnia3.lnx Opera Omnia4.prg - Music demos Symptom from Afghanistan.prg - A music demo for Swemix The Coloured Fields.prg - A music demo for Swemix Zyron-Collection#01.lnx Zyron-Collection#02.lnx Zyron-Collection#03.lnx Zyron-Collection#04.lnx Zyron-Collection#05.lnx Zyron-Collection#06.lnx Zyron-Collection#07.lnx Zyron-Collection#08.lnx Zyron-Collection#09.lnx Zyron-Collection#10.lnx Zyron-Collection#11.lnx Zyron-Collection#12.lnx Zyron-Collection#13.lnx Zyron-Collection#14.prg Zyron-Collection#15.lnx Zyron-Collection#16.prg Zyron-Collection#17.lnx - Music collections c64/demos/pal/Array/ Array is Born.prg c64/demos/pal/Arson/ Blizzard.sda c64/demos/pal/Artline Designs/ Music-Pack!.prg c64/demos/pal/Ash&Dave/ Dual Cassette II.prg - A music collection with a dual tape deck as an user interface. Smooth Criminal.prg - A 3D intro. c64/demos/pal/Asphyxia/ * ASPHYXIA is the oldest active c64 Polish demogroup. Asphyxia.README - Some information about the group From Beyond-1.d64.gz From Beyond-2.d64.gz - The 5th megademo by ASPHYXIA. Released on 28.-30.12.1994 at the - party in Tarnow. Gasping for Air.d64.gz - The 1st megademo by ASPHYXIA Grave Story.d64.gz - The 4th megademo by ASPHYXIA Music-collection.d64.gz - A music collection by Extern and Jane. Released at 09.10.1992. c64/demos/pal/Assembly94/ * Content of this directory was updated 18-jan-95 (All releases should * be final now) -Mysdee ASM94-Invitation.prg - Official invitation intro to Assembly'94 by Deadbeat/The Sharks - (executable) ASM94-Results.txt - Official and final result text file by c64 organisers Attack of the Stupidos 3.Beyond Force.d64.gz - Attack of the Stupidos 3 by Beyond Force, 1st place at Asm'94 Best of Trinomic.d64.gz - Best of Trinomic by Trinomic, 3rd place at Asm'94 Graphics and Music.d64.gz - Graphics and music competition entries at Asm'94 Lunacy 6.Antic.d64.gz - Lunacy 6 / The Lost Sequel, Antic World of Code 2.Byterapers.d64.gz - World of Code 2 by Byterapers Inc., 2nd place at Asm'94 c64/demos/pal/Assembly95/ 00RESULTS - C64 results from Assembly 1995 7 Years.Beyond Force.d64.gz - Got the 3rd place in the demo compo ASM95Invitation.The Sharks.prg ASM95Note.The Sharks.prg ASM95Pre-Invitation.The Sharks.prg - Invitations to the party Bizarre.Symptom.prg - Got the 5th place in the demo compo Break Through 2.Panic.d64.gz - Got the 2nd place in the demo compo Extremes.Byterapers.d64.gz - Got the 1st place in the demo compo Graphics and Musics.d64.gz - Graphics and music entries It's Coming.Crest.prg - Got the 4th place in the demo compo Tribute To A.H..Chaos.prg - Got the 6th place in the demo compo c64/demos/pal/Assembly96/ * Here are the Commodore 64 productions from Assembly '96. ASM96-Results.txt - Results and general information Drug Sixtyfour.Reflex.d64.gz - Drug Sixtyfour, Reflex. Got the 5th place. Follow the Sign 3.Byterapers-1.d64.gz Follow the Sign 3.Byterapers-2.d64.gz - Follow the Sign 3, Byterapers. The winning demo. Fruits.Panic.d64.gz - Fruits, Panic. Got the 3rd place. Graphics and Music.d64.gz - Entries for the graphics and music competitions. Nothing But Code.Beyond.d64.gz - Nothing but Code, Beyond Force. Got the 2nd place. Stupidity 3.Wrath Designs.d64.gz - Stupidity III, Wrath Designs. Got the 4th place. c64/demos/pal/Assembly97/ * Assembly '97 was held in August 1997 in Helsinki, Finland. 3D Highlights.d64.gz - 3D Highlights by Lepsi Developments, 3rd place in demo compo Bailando.prg - A party note by Dual Crew Shining. Graphics.d64.gz - 1. "Scissors" Electric / Extend - 2. "Leon" Tyrant / Therapy - 3. "Astral Princess" Debris / Panic Music.d64.gz - 1. "Fugue in D-Minor" Trident / Active - 2. "Old Skool" Cube / Trauma - 3. "Space Dreams" Alien / WOW O-Tech People.d64.gz O-Tech People.readme - O-Tech People by Active, 2nd place in demo compo Speedway.d64.gz - Speedway by Panic Creations, 1st place in demo compo c64/demos/pal/Astral/ Future CT.prg - A tune by Agemixer/Astral for Assembly '93. Mr.Giga&Agemixer.prg - Co-operation tune by Mr.Giga and Agemixer/Astral c64/demos/pal/Atrix/ Exor'n'Divine.Atrix.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Avenger Electronics/ Platoon-demo.prg - 1988 Avenger Electronix: Platoon music and picture. c64/demos/pal/Babygang/ Hexagone-1.d64.gz Hexagone-2.d64.gz - Hexagone, a two-sided demo Hexagone2.d64.gz - Hexagone 2 c64/demos/pal/Battery/ Assault&Battery.d64.gz Green Man Story.prg The Didgery Demo.prg c64/demos/pal/Beyond Force/ 7 Years.d64.gz - Got the 3rd place in Assembly 1995 Anal Intruder-1.d64.gz Anal Intruder-2.d64.gz Attack of Stubidos II.d64.gz Attack of Stubidos III.d64.gz Attack of Stubidos.d64.gz Charlatan.prg Morphosis.prg - Release note: I just noticed one bug in 'morphosis' but i can't - change it anymore since I have destroyed the parts. You might not - see it though. Sorry about this but i hope you still enjoy the demo. - I was too anxios to get rid of the demo. (naturally i have the - calculation routines left but it doesn't help. the same goes with - spelling mistakes.) contacting: call 358-54-67310 (ask for Mika) No - game swapping!! (boring...) -Solomon of Beyond Force- - Note from Hazor : I am sorry that the demo is freezed but it didn't - work without freezing! Solomon told me to send a forgotten hello from - him to Level 99 ind. Nothing But Code.d64.gz - Got the 2nd place in Assembly 1996. One Year.prg Partytrap.d64.gz Poor.lzh - Beyond Force party-demo released in 1989 Splitter.prg Stubido.d64.gz Stubido2.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Black Mail/ Dutch Breeze-1.d64.gz Dutch Breeze-2.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Bonzai/ 3rd Dimension.prg Amiga Works II.d64.gz Amiga Works.lnx Bonzieed!!.prg Lethal Display 3.d64.gz Lethal Display 4.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Booze Design/ Totally Stoned 2-1.d64.gz Totally Stoned 2-2.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Borderzone/ * Borderzone had 3 members: Psy, Mat and Demon. Future Shock.prg - An intro with a scroller and a picture of an Amiga, released 1986. Metal bar 2.prg Metal bar.prg - These intros feature a multicolour picture together with a sprite - scroller in the bottom border area. c64/demos/pal/Brave/ * Brave was an Austrian group, formed by two Members (Jacky and Aacon) * after the splitting of The Wild Boys in 1989. To contact them, write * to Sascha Bamschoria Dieseltime 1.d64.gz - The first Brave-Demo, coded by Jacky and Aacon/Brave. After this demo - Jacky left the scene. Dieseltime 2.d64.gz - Brave-Demo Nr. 2, released on the Chaos-Party 1990 in Weiz/Austria. - Made by the only member left, Aacon/Brave. Dieseltime 3.prg - 1994 Aacon/Brave. Spriteplotter over FLI graphics and a scrolltext. c64/demos/pal/Breeze/ Bastard-1.d64.gz Bastard-2.d64.gz - A trackmo by Bigfoot/Breeze. The first side contains just the - loader. c64/demos/pal/Byterapers Inc/ * Byterapers is a Finnish and * North European group that is still active and producing state-of-art * demos. Descriptions, screenshots and demo backgrounds can be found by * linking directly to (B) * C-64 warepage. !Omed-note.prg - !Omed readme note. !Omed.prg - !Omed, demo released 11.09.1988. Coded by CSA of (B) Sweden. B-Party-1988-invitation.Academy.prg - (b)-party [a]+(b), demo released in summer 1988. Byterapers' - copyparty invitation demo coded by Denithor/Academy. Bytesinus-1.2.prg - Bytesinus v1.2. Sinus creator by SCS AKA PCS/(B). CSA Intro 2.prg - CSA Intro 2, intro coded by CSA of (B) Sweden. The 5 blk miracle - intro. CSA-IntroCruncher.prg - CSA Intro Cruncher. Utility to add the CSA Intro V2.2/V2.3 into - productions. Carillo!!!.prg - Carillo, demo released in 1988. Coded by The Action Force / (B). Deja Vu.prg - Deja Vu, demo released in early 1988. Coded by CSA of (B) Sweden. Don't Forget.prg - Don't Forget, demo released 07.10.1988. Coded by Devil / - The Action Force / (B). Don't Miss.prg - Don't Miss, note belonging to Rapid Application Product demo. Double Dragon Musics.prg - Double Dragon Game Musics, music pack released in 1988. Coded by - Rockstar, musics by Maniacs of Noise. Drive Logo.prg - Drive Logo, demo released 16.11.1988. Coded by Devil / The Action - Force / (B). Egg-note.prg - Egg note. Egg.prg - Egg, released in 1988. Basic made shit game where you guide a penis - into most interesting holes. Extremes.d64.gz - Extremes, 1st place at Assembly 1995. Coded by Mr. Sex. Possibly - visually the most attractive (B) demo ever. First Kiss.prg - First Kiss, demo released in 1988. Coded by Servant. Fixed Intro.Action Force.prg - Fixed Intro, released 16.11.1988. Coded by Devil / The Action Force / - (B). Follow the Sign 3-1.d64.gz Follow the Sign 3-2.d64.gz - Follow the Sign 3: Unsound Minds. 1st place at Assembly 1996 Coded by - Mr. Sex. Party version. Follow the Sign-greetings.prg - Follow The Sign - updated greetings. Follow the Sign.prg - Follow The Sign, demo released 04.10.1988. Coded by JTP. One of the - best early (B) demos. Giga Mosh!!!.lnx - Giga Mosh, demo released in 1988. Coded by Python & Rockstar. Grappo.prg - Grappo, demo released in early/middle 1988. - Coded by CSA of (B) Sweden. Grendel is Back.prg - Grendel Is Back, demo released in middle/late 1989. Coded by - Servant. HotRipp02.prg HotRipp03.prg HotRipp04.prg HotRipp05.prg HotRipp09.prg HotRipp10.prg HotRipp11.prg HotRipp13.prg - Hotripp #xx. Released during middle 1988. Music rip series done by - Apollyon & Devil / The Action Force / (B). In Action!!.prg - In Action, demo released in august 1988. - Coded by The Action Force / (B). Participated in Byterapers Inc.'s - Grendelparty demo competition. Incest.Byterapers&Bloodsuckers.prg - Incest, demo released in 1988. Cooperation demo by Byterapers & - Bloodsuckers. Bad jokes and unbelievable crap. Coded by Python/(B) & - Monster/BSK. Intro Collection.lnx - Intro Collection, demo released in 1989. A collection of (B) intros - between 1987-1989. Coded by JTP. Jopottaa!-note.prg - Jopottaa demo readme note. Jopottaa!.prg - Jopottaa, demo released in spring 1989 at Alvesta party. Coded by - JTP. Kasper Intro.prg - Kasper Waste Power/Raster Intro, intro released in early 1988. - Kasper's finest product of code, intro that was used in all (B) - productions for half a year. LOMPE.prg - Lords Of Midnight Picture Editor. A never released editor/utility for - creating pictures from Lords of Midnight's graphics. Master Music3.prg - Master Music III, music collection/demo released in early 1988. Coded - by JTP. Musics by Rob Hubbard. Master Music4.prg - Master Music IV, music collection/demo released in early 1988. Coded - by JTP. Includes musics from games Nemesis The Warlock, - Nomad, Risk and Overkill. Master Music5.prg - Master Music V, music collection/demo released in early 1988. Coded - by JTP. Includes 10 musics from games Mag Max, - Future Knight, Shockwave Rider, International Karate+ and - Thundercats. Master Music6.prg - Master Music VI, music collection/demo released 06.02.1988. Coded by - JTP. Musics from game Driller. Master Music7.prg - Master Music VI, music collection/demo released in early 1988. Coded - by JTP. Includes music from game Zynaps from Hewson, - from game Thundercats, from game Thrust II, from game Stratton Piccy by Jugi Perfect.prg - Piccy by Jugi Perfect, demo released in early 1988. Coded by CSA of - (B) Sweden. RAP.prg - Rapid Application product, demo released in early 1988. Coded by CSA, - Python & Rockstar. Rape 1.prg - Rape 1, demo released in march 1988. Made for the Silents/Stage3 - party in Alvesta. Coded by JTP, musics by Professor Fate. Shortwriter-1.0.prg - Shortwriter v1.0, utility released in may 1989 at Horizon party. - Coded by New Age of (B) Sweden. Sodomy.Byterapers&Browbeat.prg - Incest 2 - The Sodomy, demo released in early 1989. Created during - the totally failed, catastriphic Lahti-party to express a few - feelings. Coded by Python, Monster & someone from Browbeat. Still Strong.d64.gz - Megademo / Still Strong, demo (this version) released in 01.06.1989. - Original version released in may 1989 at Horizon party at Eskilstuna. - A huge multiload production containing code from: - DXC, Hero, Xadrix, King Fisher, Zag, Tron, Frazze, Alfatech, Python Sword.prg - Sword, demo released in early 1988. - Coded by SCS, Music by Rock/FIG, gfx Jugi Perfect. Technoshit 2.prg - Technoshit II, demo released in late 1989 at Rockstar's 18th - birthday party. Crazy stuff inside. Coded by Python. Technoshit-note.prg - Technoshit demo note. Technoshit.prg - Technoshit, demo released 04.05.1988. Coded by The Damage Inc. / (B). The New Intro.Hero.prg - The New Intro, released in winter/spring 1989. - Coded by Hero / The Zaints / (B) Sweden. TomtenrRd.prg - Tomten Är Röd, released 20.11.1989. Small info by Hero & - GoldenChild. Trip.prg - Trip, demo released in late 1989 at "Furuland" party. - Multi-part demo by Dr. Star & King Fisher. Ult. Creation!.prg - Ultimate Creation, released in middle/late 1989. Coded by CSA of (B) - Sweden. His last and technically finest C-64 demo. What A X-Mas.prg - What A X-Mas, released in 29.12.1989. Coded by Hero / The Zaints / - (B) Sweden. Wired Arts.d64.gz - Wired Arts, demo/slideshow released in 1994. Shows Mr. Sex's - excellent graphics routines using hundreds of colours. - Coded by Mr. Sex. World of Code 2.d64.gz - World of Code 2, 2nd place at Assembly 1994. Coded by Mr. Sex & Dr. - Dick World of Code 3.d64.gz - World of Code 3, 1st place at Tribute 1994 party in Sweden. Coded by - Mr. Sex World of Code.d64.gz - World of Code, released in early 1994. - The comeback demo from Byterapers on C-64 scene. Coded by Mr. Sex c64/demos/pal/Cage/ * Cage is a small English group. It was previously known as G-Tech. G-Tech Utilities.d64.gz G-Tech Utilities.readme - This is a simple utility disk with a wide variety of tools for the - C64/128. The utilities haven't been tested on NTSC systems. Simpsons-1.d64.gz Simpsons-2.d64.gz - 1998 The Simpsons sing the blues - a two-sided Simpsons picture demo - by Cage Development, with seventy pictures. There is a note on the - second disk side. Uploaded by Danny Tod ( c64/demos/pal/Camelot/ Produkthandler Komm Her.d64.gz Tower Power-1.d64.gz Tower Power-2.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Caution/ Booker's MSX-Pack.lnx c64/demos/pal/Censor Design/ 64-Bidrag.prg - A tune by Danko, player by JCH Boozed!.d64.gz Contact Dealer V2.prg - Contact Dealer 2.0 - Censor Design (PAL) A database that stores - information about address of contacts, phone numbers, dealer - information and generates a greetings output list to disk. Dragon.fli.prg - FLI pic of two women FatalNews#01.prg FatalNews#02.prg FatalNews#03.prg FatalNews#04.prg FatalNews#05.prg FatalNews#06.d64.gz FatalNews#07.d64.gz FatalNews#09.d64.gz FatalNews#10.d64.gz - Issues of a scene magazine put out by Censor Design in late 1980s and - early 1990s. For Your Eyes Only.d64.gz One Year in Wonderland.d64.gz Rasterblast II.prg - 1990 ? Censor Design, "Rasterblast II" Spasmolytic-1.d64.gz Spasmolytic-2.d64.gz Wonderland 5.d64.gz Wonderland 6.d64.gz Wonderland 8.d64.gz Wonderland 9-1.d64.gz Wonderland 9-2.d64.gz Wonderland.lzh - 1990 Censor, "Wonderland" Wonderland10-1.d64.gz Wonderland10-2.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Chromance/ * This directory contains the productions of Chromance, a Hungarian * group. * The LZH files contain whole disksides (ZipCode format), and the LNX * files contain multiple files. * Uploaded by Jean/Chromance ( 00README - A listing of the Chromance productions. A Bad Habit.prg Burning Chrome.d64.gz - 1990 Chromance Party V1/1st Duplo Land.lnx - Duplo Land/Vision+Chromance Fantasy!.d64.gz - 1995 Fantasy! In Kuwait.prg - In Kuwait!/Vision+Chromance Louie's Music Pack V1.prg Magic Intro Preview.prg - 1992 Magic Intro Preview Music1.prg Music2.prg - Music #001 and #002, released in 1990. Shining Chrome.lnx c64/demos/pal/Chromance/other/ Chromance Update 4 96.note.prg - 1996 Note E.C.I. Graphics Editor.prg - 1993 Graphics editor Foris.Party3.gfx.prg - 1993 Party III gfx entry Hammering 94.note.prg - 1994 Hammering Party info Let's Party.TRSI.prg - 1992 TRSI-M12 Party info LightVoices-v1.0.prg - 1992 Magic Disk Utility v1.0, single file version LightVoices.d64.gz - 1990 Magic Disk Utility Paarty Faces.prg - 1993 Faces CHR Party info c64/demos/pal/Collision/ 2ny-Heavy-Beat.prg - A digi-tune called Heavy-Beat by 2ny/Collision+Electric Boyz (PAL) - Compo tune for the ASM'93 compo in Finland. Uploaded: Chief/Padua - ( Cuba Libre.d64.gz Expanded.d64.gz Happy.d64.gz Liberty.d64.gz Megaends+Samples.prg - A digi-tune called MegaEnd+Samples by Bart/Collision+Electric Boyz - (PAL) Just a entry for the ASM '93 Compo. Uploaded: Chief/Padua - ( Paladin-pic.prg - Paladin/Cli'92 - Collision '92 (PAL) Compo Piccy for the ASM'93 compo - in Finland. This picture came second. Uploaded: Chief/Padua - ( Party-demo.lnx - Party Demo/Cli+Boyz - Collision and Electric Boyz (PAL) 1.8.1993 - Party Demo, this came 3rd at the ASM'93 show in Finland. c64/demos/pal/Commodore Clan/ * These demos were procuded by Commodore Clan, a Swedish group, before * it joined The Vicious Circle, which was based in Germany. CC Collection.prg Computer I.prg Spread Our Name.prg Sweden Music1.prg Sweden Music2.prg Sweden Music3.prg Thiz Iz Scroll.prg c64/demos/pal/Contex/ Anal-Probe.d64.gz Back Home.prg - Sampled music. Batmusic.prg - Here's the last CONTEX demo in 1990 called BATMUSIC II. It's a big - remix of the famous Batdance from Prince. Hope you'll like it. - Uploaded by Louis Egger . Graphical Excess.lnx Handjob Lotion.lnx Look Sharp!.prg Top Priority.d64.gz Youthquake.lnx c64/demos/pal/Cosine/ 2_block_party.d64.gz 4k_party.d64.gz 4k_party_2.d64.gz 4k_party_3.d64.gz Contraflow.d64.gz Lethargy.d64.gz - Lethargy by TMR/Cosine, 1993 Say_Ooh.d64.gz WebID.t64.gz backlog.d64.gz big_thing.d64.gz bipolar.d64.gz bouff.d64.gz bouncing.d64.gz cgm_ukscene.d64.gz citizen.d64.gz cute.d64.gz dentro.d64.gz inc_d020.d64.gz inc_d021.d64.gz m_muzak.d64.gz mini_melodies.d64.gz neoteric.d64.gz pc-89.d64.gz presets.d64.gz rollover.d64.gz setpiece.d64.gz snata.d64.gz sometims.d64.gz spectral.d64.gz spice.d64.gz suck_on.d64.gz tombraid.d64.gz trc_prts.d64.gz vladivar.d64.gz wotw.d64.gz x-files.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Cosmos Designs/ Cosmail.Cosmos&Blackmail-1.d64.gz Cosmail.Cosmos&Blackmail-2.d64.gz Cosmos Designs.lzh - 1990 Cosmos Designs, megademo Einstein 4.prg Just 4 Parts.d64.gz Living Chips.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Crazy/ That's Design.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Creators/ * Creators home page: * These demos were uploaded by Kranix/Creators * a.k.a. Ola Jacob Mjøen Iversen . asm93.lnx - (NOT assembly in Finland) ctrdemos.lnx - Some Creators demos smultring.lnx - The Smultring series, lotsa graphics c64/demos/pal/Crest/ * Crest is a German group. You can reach it over Internet via its * member Roland Tögel ( Avantgarde.d64.gz Hires-FLI-editor.prg - Hires-FLI editor Ice Cream Castle-1.d64.gz Ice Cream Castle-2.d64.gz It's Coming.prg Krestage2-fixed.d64.gz - Due to a little bug in the first released version of Krestage 2 the - endpart from the syndrom may crash on some computers. But hopefully - it will work with this new bugfixed version!!! Uploaded by Laszlo - Boszormenyi . Mc Donald's Restaurant-1.d64.gz Mc Donald's Restaurant-2.d64.gz Nutra Sweet.d64.gz One Year.d64.gz Red Hot Chilli Peppers.d64.gz Syndrom.TIA.Crest.prg - A tune by Matthias Hartung (The Syndrom/TIA/Crest) The Bubble Tale.d64.gz Trust Your Eyes.Crest&GP.d64.gz - Trust Your Eyes! / Crest & Genesis*Project Two Years.d64.gz Why I Like Demos.d64.gz - Why I Like Demos was coded by Maduplec/Crest a.k.a. Martin Arentoft - ( Xayne's Birthday.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Cross/ Bedlam.d64.gz Hulter til Bulter.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Danelaw/ Radical!.prg c64/demos/pal/Daniax/ * Daniax was a Danish group that used the acronym DNX. Piece of Dope.d64.gz - A mega-demo from 1990 c64/demos/pal/Danish Design/ Faction.prg - Faction music editor by Walt/Faction Skull Tour.prg - Skull Tour 1989 - Danish Design (PAL) Demo from a copy pardy compo in - the oldie days. c64/demos/pal/Death Sector/ Animated Act.d64.gz Heineken 2.d64.gz Heineken.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Defiance/ Jester.d64.gz - Jester Kyd's graphics collection, released on April 2, 1995. Also - contains HIV-Expert v1.00, a virus killer. c64/demos/pal/DemoBit95/ * DemoBit95 was the first big party organized in Slovakia. All * participiants were from Slovakia and the Chech Republic. Graphics&Musics.d64.gz - Graphics and musics from the party Kolaps99.Cult.d64.gz - Kolaps99%, the 3rd demo NOTE - A note from the uploader Plazmolytic!.React.d64.gz - Plazmolytic, the 2nd demo RESULTS - Competition results We Can't Code.Studio Style.d64.gz - We Can't Code, the 1st demo c64/demos/pal/Diffusion/ Creation.lzh - The first C64 demo of Diffusion, a Finnish group. c64/demos/pal/Digital Designs/ * Digital Designs was based in Norway. These demos were uploaded by * Glenn/Shape & Blues Muz'. Jerkland II-1.d64.gz Jerkland II-2.d64.gz - Released 1994 (TCC 1994, Sweden) Jerkland.d64.gz - Released 1993 (The Computer Crossroads, Sweden) Komagutt.d64.gz - Released 1993 (Nedenes party, Norway) Midnight Coffee Break.prg - Released 1992 (Aasane party, Norway) Ninja II.prg - Music from The Last Ninja II, released 1993 Quaternion.d64.gz - Released 1992 (Aasane party, Norway) Technochaos.d64.gz - Released 1992 (Light+Phenomena party, Sweden) c64/demos/pal/Digitize Design Group/ Breakdance.prg Byterapers Chorus.prg Radio City.prg Sabrina.prg c64/demos/pal/Digivision/ Charlie Chaplin.prg c64/demos/pal/Dinasours/ coble_demo.prg demo_of_the_year.d64.gz dns_letter_1.prg intro_1.prg meeting_demo.prg new_cool_dnsdemo.prg no_scrollers.prg no_sprites.prg nylon-collection_1.prg nylon-collection_2.prg print.prg wes_elite.prg c64/demos/pal/Dual Crew/ * Dual Crew Shining is a Swedish group that * started in 1985. Bailando.prg - Assembly '97 party note Russin-Demo.prg c64/demos/pal/Eastenders/ Talking Heads.prg - 1987 Dirty Den / Eastenders: Talking heads. c64/demos/pal/Eltronic/ 2 PM News.Eltronic.prg - 2 PM News, released in Spring of 1989 by Eltronic (not at a party) c64/demos/pal/Elysium/ Dentro.prg - World's first dentro by Elysium c64/demos/pal/Entropy/ Alchemy.d64.gz - Alchemy by Entropy Released at the Entropy party in Rotterdam 26- - 27.6.1993 c64/demos/pal/Equinoxe/ * Equinoxe was based in Germany. Audial Session #1.d64.gz - A SID music collection. B&B Dentro.lnx - B&B dentro. digis.lnx - A digitized music collection. c64/demos/pal/Equinoxe/mags/ IB#1.d64.gz IB#2.d64.gz IB#3.d64.gz IB#4.d64.gz IB#5-1.d64.gz IB#5-2.d64.gz - Ingenious Brain disk magazine. Passion1.lnx - Passion issue #1, a disk magazine released 26.08.1995. c64/demos/pal/Eternity/ Dreams.d64.gz Readme.txt c64/demos/pal/Extend/ Agony Tears.fli.prg - A Great FLI pic Mercenario.fli.prg - Double FLI pic "Mercenario" - Electric Of Extend (PAL) Compo piccy - for the ASM'93 compo in Finland. c64/demos/pal/FBI Crew/ * This directory contains the productions of FBI Crew, a Hungarian * group that later formed Chromance. The LZH files contain whole * disksides (ZipCode format), and the LNX files contain multiple files. * Uploaded by Jean/Chromance ( 00README - A list of FBI Crew's productions. Agronom.Jean.prg - 1988, 121 blocks Channel 42 Intro.prg - 1990, 37 blocks Cityline.prg - 1988, 120 blocks Hitzax.d64.gz - 1989, 1 diskside IO&Corporation.prg - 1989, 65 blocks Ikari Intro v2.0.prg Merry X-Mas.prg - 1990, 136 blocks Music Box 1.Jean.prg - 1988, 93 blocks New Intro.FBI+Quality.prg - Co-op demo with Quality No Commies.lnx - 1989, 129 blocks Rasterix.Jean.prg - 1988, 174 blocks Silly Coop Demo.FBI+Trays.d64.gz - 1989, 166 blocks Skyspace.prg - 1988, 44 blocks Sun For Fun.d64.gz - 1990, 1 disksides Time Operator.lnx - 1989, 190 blocks Traxess!.HIC+FBI.prg - 1988, 127 blocks logos1.lnx - Hotline, FCG, Falcon and Ikari logos. Released 1989. logos2.lnx - Fairlight, Quality, Warriors of Time logo 2, Legend, Culture and - Contex logos. Released 1990. c64/demos/pal/FBI Crew/other/ Compunet.lnx - 1989 Game released by FBI Crew, cracked by GP FLI Designer 100.lnx - 1990, FLI designer FLI Designer-v2.0.lnx - 1990, improved version of the FLI designer Font Editor+.prg - 1989 Front's editor improved c64/demos/pal/FairLight/ Algot's Revenge!.lnx Devil Tracks 2.d64.gz Eagle.fli.prg - FLI pic of an eagle by Ogami/Fairlight Legoland 2.d64.gz Legoland 3-1.d64.gz Legoland 3-2.d64.gz Legoland.d64.gz Rutig Banan.lnx Skaaneland-1.d64.gz Skaaneland-2.d64.gz Sumpan Kixx.Flash+Fairlight.prg - This small demo was made in autumn 1991 when Tron of Fairlight - visited Creeper of Flash Inc. Vir Optimus.prg c64/demos/pal/Fantasy/ A new decade.prg - 1990 Fantasy "A new decade" c64/demos/pal/Fashion/ Party Image.lzh - 1988 Fashion: A nice multi-part demo. c64/demos/pal/Fatum/ * Fatum is a Polish group. GrABBA/Fatum, or Robert Grabowski * uploaded these files. Abbads.d64.gz - A Super Hires Interlace graphics collection. Compod-100.d64.gz - A music collection by Compod/Fatum. Experience1.prg Experience2.prg Experience3.prg - Collections of Bax/Fatum's musics. Released in 1993-1995. All of - these contain 18-32 tunes by Bax. Intro collection.prg - Collection of Fatum intros. Melography.d64.gz - Graphics (logo) collection by Talbot/Fatum. MiNdriot.d64.gz - Graphics collection, released 09.05.1997. The pictures were drawn by - the best graphician on the polish C64 scene. Old style.prg - Collection of older Fatum intros. Prawda-edytor3.0.prg Prawda7-1.d64.gz Prawda7-2.d64.gz - A two-sided disk magazine in Polish, and an editor used to write it. c64/demos/pal/Finnish Gold/ Contest-Demo.prg The Deadline.prg Vertigo.prg - 1988 FCS/Finnish Gold. Very impressive overscan parallax scroll. c64/demos/pal/Flash Inc/ * Flash Incorporated was formed in Sweden in 1989. Visit their * homepage at for * more information. Attraction 3.lnx - Released on spring 1990 (not at a party). Attraction.lnx - Released on autumn 1989 at the Light/Triad party. #3 in compo. Avenza Demo 1991.FHI+Force.prg - Released in Summer of 1991 by Flash Inc and The Force Channel 64.d64.gz - Released in November 1990 on Censor's party in Gothenburg. #1 in - compo! FHI Classics side A.lnx FHI Classics side B.lnx - Two side greatest-hits collection, put together by The Spy, released - late in 1992. Collects many of Flash Inc's best demo parts from 1989 - to 1991. Fatal Attraction.lnx - Multi-part demo released early in 1990, not at a party. No IQ.prg - Released in Summer of 1990 (Wisch wanted to finish this part in time - for "Summer Code 4", but he didn't) Novation.lnx - Novation, released in Spring of 1990 - A solo demo by Nova of Flash Inc. Not released at a party. Party Attraction-1.d64.gz Party Attraction-2.d64.gz - Released in Easter of 1990 at the Horizon party in Stockholm. #3 in - compo. Prometheus Unbound-1.d64.gz Prometheus Unbound-2.d64.gz - Released in October 1992, not at a party. There are lots of Swedish - flags everywhere to celebrate the Swedish ice-hockey team's recent - victory.. Quartz.d64.gz - Released in Autumn 1989, not at a party. Return of the Megadildo.lnx - Return Of The Megadildo, released in Summer of 1990 - A solo demo by Kwon of Flash Inc (later a Bonzai member). Got to 2nd - place in the demo compo at the Daniax party. Shade Music Collection 2.prg - Shade Music Collection 2, released in Autumn 1992 (not at a party). - Uploaded by one of the authors, Still Crusin.note.prg Still Crusin.prg - A new demo from Flash Inc., released in 1995. Summer Code 1.lnx Summer Code 2.lnx Summer Code 3.lnx - Summer Code 1 - 3, released in Summer of 1989 - These are Flash Inc's first three demos ever. Summer Code 4.d64.gz - Released at Panoramic summer party 1990. #2 in compo! Sumpan Kixx.Flash+Fairlight.prg - This small demo was made in autumn 1991 when Tron of Fairlight - visited Creeper of Flash Inc. The Legacy-1.d64.gz The Legacy-2.d64.gz - Released on Easter 1991 at the Horizon party. #2 in compo! The Legacy2-1.d64.gz The Legacy2-2.d64.gz - Released in autumn 1991, not at a party. Tour De Europe.prg - Released in Summer of 1991. A demo with lots of stories about - Morpheus' and The Spy's travels all over Europe during the summer. Uxorious 2.lnx - Uxorious 2, released in Spring of 1991 - A solo demo by Unifier of Flash Inc. Uxorious.lnx - Uxorious, released in Summer of 1990 - A solo demo by Unifier of Flash Inc. Not released at a party. - Features the first ever sideborder zoomer. We love Olav.prg - 1991 Flash Inc. Released at the Aarhus party, Denmark. Quite bad - idea, and no new effects. Weird Bytes.sfx - Released late in 1990, not at a party. A two-file demo with many - multiplexed sprites. c64/demos/pal/Flood/ * Flood is a German demo group. Its home page is at * . This demo was uploaded by * Vultan/Flood . In Your Memory.d64.gz - 1997 A graphics demo. From the scroll text: This is Device of Flood - introducing our first demo. Its completion took several years, - because of pure laziness. The code had already been finished in - 1994. Credits: code by Freeman/Flood, graphics by Device/Flood, music - by Dolphin/Flood, brought to you on the Internet by Vultan/Flood. c64/demos/pal/Focus/ Beyond Reality.lnx Doolittle.lnx Dutch Gold.lnx Get A Life.lnx Innersatisfaction.lnx No 13 Baby.lnx Not Worthy.lnx On Our Own.lnx Revenge.lnx Too Wicked.lnx Untouchable.lnx Untouchable2.lnx Visual Delight-1.d64.gz Visual Delight-2.d64.gz Year of the Ankh.lnx c64/demos/pal/Forces of Evil/ Smoke Exploration Tool.prg - Smoke exploration tool by Forces of Evil. c64/demos/pal/Galicya/ Galicya Warez 1.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Genesis_Project/ Europes-No1.prg - 1995 The farewell demo of Genesis Project Scrapsin.prg - Genesis Project "low-budget" intro The Bat Cave.d64.gz Violator II.d64.gz intro019.prg - Genesis Project intro(maker) v3, 1990 intro118.prg - Genesis Project intro(maker) v1.1 intro138.prg - Genesis Project intro(maker) v1.0 11/89 c64/demos/pal/Graffity/ Justincase.Graffity.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/High Tec Crew/ Digi A.prg Digi B.prg c64/demos/pal/Hoaxers/ * Hoaxers has about 10 members, and is located in Norway.. As the demos * are in PAL, I guess some of you guys out there calling from the * States will have problems with some of the parts.. But it is still * worth getting them.. * Yours: Rune of Hoaxers ( Breathless.d64.gz - 1989 Hoaxers, "Breathless" Conquerer.d64.gz - 1990 Hoaxers, "Conquerer" Fragments.prg - Single filer demo Frantic.d64.gz - 1989 Hoaxers, "Frantic" Frantic2-1.d64.gz Frantic2-2.d64.gz - 1991 Hoaxers, "Frantic 2", 2 sides Ready.d64.gz - 1989 Hoaxers, "Ready for destruction" c64/demos/pal/Horizon/ * Horizon is/was a Swedish group. * Here is an almost complete collection of Horizon's C64 demos. (Two * demos are missing: "Code Is An Art" and "Dolly Party".) A.L.O.O.S.d64.gz - A Load Of Old Shit. Released 90-10-03 as a compilation of all the - demo ideas that never made it into HZ's other demos. 7 files, 9 - parts. Beatable.prg - Beatable. Released 88-12-12. Horizon's contribution to the "Demo of - The Year" competition. 2 parts, of which the second one evolves by - itself. Just wait! BilTandborste.lnx - Biltandborste. Released 91-03-29, featuring among other things a - LAAARGE FLI picture which is scrolling in all directions. Released at - HZ's mini party in Huddinge, Stockholm. 3 parts. Bonanza.lha - Bonanza. Released 88-11-06. MDT:s contribution to the competition at - the third. MDT joined Horizon shortly after. BountyHunter.lha - Bounty Hunter. Released 89-02-15 at a mini party at Bagder & Zagor's - house. 5 files, 19 demo parts. Code is Art.lnx Dolly Party.d64.gz HZ's Soede.prg Hackermon V1.prg Let's Disco-1.d64.gz Let's Disco-2.d64.gz - Let's Disco! Released 88-09-14 just after Horizon's party in - Enkoping, Sweden. 14 files, 40 demo parts! Looking Good.d64.gz - Looking Good. Released 89-04-03 at Ikari's scandalous party in - Slagelse, Denmark. 5 files, 11 demo parts. LoveThisNow.lha - Love This Now. Released 88-11-06. Horizon's contribution to the - competition at the third Alvesta party in Sweden. 6 files, 19 demo - parts. Newsweek 11-14.prg Snake or Die.d64.gz - Snake Or Die. Released 90-04-16 at Horizon's large party in Varby, - Stockholm. 5 files, 7 parts. Split.Triad&HZ.prg - Split. Released 88-10-10. A cooperation demo between Triad and - Horizon. Raster line $10 to $9B belong to Triad, and $9C to $FF to - Horizon... TCC 93 Invitation.prg The Last Traktor III.d64.gz - The Last Traktor III. Released 93-12-02. Horizon's last C64 demo, - featuring filled vectors and other neato stuff. Xpertelligence.prg - Xpertelligence. Released 92-03-06. 2 parts. c64/demos/pal/Hype/ Bullrock.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/IPC/ * Increasing Popularity Crew (IPC) was formed by Morpheus/Flash Inc. * and his friends. Just For Fun.prg - A multi-part demo. Released at Party Remedy in October 1995, got 3rd - place. Max Headroom.prg - Displays a picture of Max Headroom and plays 6 different tunes. c64/demos/pal/Ideal/ * Ideal is a Hungarian demo group. These demos were uploaded by * GCS/Ideal a.k.a. Laszlo Boszormenyi . AntiQ 97.prg - A "fake" demo, released on the AntiQ'97 party held in Pecs, Hungary. Crystal.d64.gz - A logoshow by Jonny, released in 1997. Infinity.d64.gz - A logoshow. Shows graphics on the "whole" screen, while an 1X1 - scroll comments them. Uses a custom fastloader and a custom file - format. Sacred.prg - A single file music collection by Flash, released in 1997. c64/demos/pal/Ikari/ Max. Overdrive2.Ikari&Unic.lnx Total Overdrive.lnx c64/demos/pal/Ikon Visual/ Sucker D.J.Mix.lnx c64/demos/pal/Interfox/ * This directory contains demos of Interfox. The demos are written from * about 1985 to 1989. Interfox for ACC.prg - Interfox and Active Cracking Crew intro ifox1.d64.gz - Part 1 of the demo collection. Mostly intros. ifox2.d64.gz - Part 2 of the demo collection. Game music. ifox3.d64.gz - Part 3 of the demo collection. Some music, Interfox for ACC intros - and more. c64/demos/pal/Knickers/ Crime.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Leader/ * Leader is a Hungarian legal demogroup, with its homepage at * . The members are: * - Qcy ........ code, lead * - Satyr ...... code, edit * - Victory .... code * - Flash ...... gfx, music * - CopAss ..... code, gfx * - Con ........ music * - McLoad ..... ex-swap Anoxia.d64.gz Anoxia.readme - January 12th, 1998. CoN's 3rd music collection. Uploaded by CoN - . Infinity II.d64.gz - The second logo collection from Flash. MiniBook.d64.gz - MiniBook. Noter Collection 1.d64.gz - A noter collection. Toolbook 2 Beta.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Lepsi/ 3D Highlights.d64.gz - 3rd place in the Assembly '97 demo compo c64/demos/pal/Light/ Brutal 2.d64.gz Brutal 3.d64.gz Brutal Vector.prg Brutal.d64.gz Brutality.d64.gz Jenny Nr.1.d64.gz My, Oh My!.d64.gz Rubicon.prg - 1990 Light, "Rubicon" c64/demos/pal/Maniax/ Future Vision.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Masters' Design Group/ Bring Me Edelgas.prg Vectormania.prg c64/demos/pal/Megastyle Inc/ Brainstorm 3.d64.gz Kalle Kloakk-1.d64.gz Kalle Kloakk-2.d64.gz Piece of Cake 3.d64.gz Seal of Focalor-1.d64.gz Seal of Focalor-2.d64.gz - 1993 Megastyle c64/demos/pal/Megaunit/ Conscious.prg - "Conscious" by Sandman of Megaunit Puke and Die 2.lnx - Puke and Die 2 by Megaunit released in week 25 of 1995. Sandman Music Collection.lnx - Sandman music collection by Megaunit. Released on 15th August 1993. c64/demos/pal/Modern Arts/ Graphixmania 2.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Motion/ Ingen Pant.d64.gz - 1990 Browbeat+Motion party-demo c64/demos/pal/Mr.Cursor/ Double Density.prg c64/demos/pal/Mute 101/ Be Original!.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Nato/ * In the period summer 1989 to summer 1992 the BUDS (Brain Using Demo * section) produced 8 demos for NATO. Starting with Wraxirmer 5, later * came Twister, Catcher, Wriggler, Tripler, Matcher, Dodger and finally * the BUDS demo. * BUDS started with Overall and Maduplec as members, but after the * first demo "Wraxirmer 5", Overall stopped his activities. Maduplec * then coded the rest of the demos with graphics from friends and * exclusive sound-tracks supplied by the Vibrants. However, in the last * couple of demos, all graphics and music was made by Maduplec. * NATO and BUDS stopped producing demos when Maduplec and the other * remaining danish members joined Crest in 1992 when NATO was * dissolved. Catcher.lnx - Catcher / Nato Dodger.lnx - Dodger / TheBrainUsingDemoSection / Nato Matcher.lnx - Matcher / TheBrainUsingDemoSection / Nato Tripler.lnx - Tripler / TheBrainUsingDemoSection / Nato Twister.lnx - Twister / TheBrainUsingDemoSection / Nato Wriggler.lnx - Wriggler / Nato c64/demos/pal/Neoplasia/ Felony.d64.gz - The newest NEOPLASIA Trackmo, this one is really hot and the - Spreaddate was set to around 21.07.1996 ! Viscid of Neoplasia c64/demos/pal/Nipson Product/ Defiance.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/NoName/ Voodoo People.d64.gz - No Name's techno rave demo for The Party 95. c64/demos/pal/Noice/ Goat-land.d64.gz - Goat-land by Noice, Released at Christmas-party in Denmark 1992 Music.Ratpoison.prg - A tune by Ratpoison/Noice. 1993 c64/demos/pal/North Party 1997/ * North Party 1997 was held at Bartoszyce, Poland in 7-9th February * 1997 by Fatum Band and Kraciki Design. This was the first North * Party, and 150 people attended to it. c64/demos/pal/North Party 1997/Graphics/ 1.valsary.prg 2.notrue.prg 3.jester.kyd.prg c64/demos/pal/North Party 1997/Intros/ 1.realtimeINTRO.prg - This winning intro uses the 1541 as a vector calculation - coprocessor. 3.6502intro.prg c64/demos/pal/North Party 1997/Music/ 1.kordiaukis.prg 2.wacek.prg 3.praiser.prg c64/demos/pal/Nostalgia/ 101-Depeche Mode Tribute.d64.gz - 101 - A Tribute to Depeche Mode, released 1998. A music collection - by Nostalgia. Uploaded by Sidburners#05.d64.gz - Uploaded by Mr.Alpha of Nostalgia, released August 21, 1999. Sidburners_7.d64.gz Sidburners_8.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Offence/ * Offence was lively in early 90's, and it is making a comeback. Emotional Breakdown-1.d64.gz Emotional Breakdown-2.d64.gz - A two-sided demo. Flexible.d64.gz - 1997 (?) Flexible, a demo containing some old parts. c64/demos/pal/Oneway/ Goatbeard.prg - 1990 Oneway, "Goatbeard" megademo c64/demos/pal/Origo Dreamline/ Abortion.lzh - 1989 Origo Biascrusher.sfx - 1989 Origo Coitus.prg Eldorado.lnx Elysion.d64.gz Four Years.prg Iisibiisi.prg - SID/digi tune "iisibiisi" by Mixer of Origo (?) (PAL) Tour De Force.prg c64/demos/pal/Orion/ Outspace.prg - 1988 Outspace. Slow decruncher. This demo plays samples of some - games and has two pictures and a few sprite scrolls. Run for Cover.prg c64/demos/pal/Oxyron/ Coma Light 10.d64.gz Coma Light 11-1.d64.gz Coma Light 11-2.d64.gz Coma Light 12.d64.gz Coma Light 2.d64.gz Coma Light 3.d64.gz Coma Light 4-1.d64.gz Coma Light 4.5.lnx Coma Light 5-1.d64.gz Coma Light 5-2.d64.gz Coma Light 6.d64.gz Coma Light 7.d64.gz Coma Light 8-1.d64.gz Coma Light 8-2.d64.gz Coma Light 9-1.d64.gz Coma Light 9-2.d64.gz Coma Light.d64.gz Dawnfall-1.1.prg - NTSC fixed version of Dawnfall uploaded by Graham/Oxyron. Originally - presented in 1995 at The Party 5 in Denmark. Fantasia.d64.gz Lameness Rules.d64.gz The Masque.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Padua/ The Final Torture.Padua.lha - Torture 5 - The Final Torture / Padua TheRoad.prg c64/demos/pal/Panic/ Break Through 2.d64.gz - Got the 2nd place in Assembly 1995 Fruits.d64.gz - Got the 3rd place in Assembly 1996 Speedway.d64.gz - Got the 1st place in Assembly 1997 c64/demos/pal/Panoramic Designs/ * Panoramic Design (Norway) (former Rawhead and The Shadows). * These demos were uploaded by Glenn/Shape. Destination'91.d64.gz Digital Delight.d64.gz - Released at Bergen party 1990 Mentallic.d64.gz Parapsykolog.d64.gz Pez in my brain.prg Pezed Bars.prg Pixel Magic.lha Psykolog.lha That's the Wave.prg With love.prg - (Hello Flash Inc!) c64/demos/pal/Paradize/ Wet Dreams II.Paradize.lha Wet Dreams.Paradize.lha c64/demos/pal/Paragon/ Fuck A Duck.Paragon&Zaints.prg Surrender II.prg - 1989 Paragon Taboo.lzh - 1990 Paragon, "Taboo" c64/demos/pal/Plush/ Go64!demo.plush.prg c64/demos/pal/Pretzel Logic/ * Pretzel Logic (Sweden). * Uploaded by Glenn/Shape & Blues Muz'. Batmania.prg Gaucho.prg Ignacio.prg Phaedra.d64.gz Sanforized.prg The Royal Scam.d64.gz - Released 1991 c64/demos/pal/Process/ Searching.lzh - 1990 Process, "Searching" party-demo c64/demos/pal/Psycho-Genesis/ Bad Moon Rising.PSG.lha c64/demos/pal/Pu-239/ * Pu-239 home page: * These demos were uploaded by Pasi 'Albert' Ojala Alias.prg - A handle-changing demo by Falstaff - 25.3.1989 AmigaEmulation.prg - Megademo with 6 original parts - 6.5.1990 Compact.prg - The first 'real' demo from Albert (very nice) - 10.3.1989 Finito.prg - Falstaff celebrates the end of school - 31.5.1989 Founder.prg - Pu-239 is born (not a very good demo) .. 10.1.1989 Mega92.prg - 21.6.1992 by Albert - Got interested again. 4 parts. Megascroll.prg - Another megademo from Pu-239 (big scrolls) - 27.8.1989 The first(?) - border-breaking sinus/expand scroll. Has a breakout game in it.. Midsummer.prg - The first megademo from Pu-239 - 20.6.1989 Pipe.prg - A quick demo from Albert, original idea - 4.6.1989 Pu-239.prg - A not-so-good demo by Albert - 12.2.1989 Roots.lha Roots.tar.gz - ** Third place in demo competition at Zoo'98 - 4-6.12.1998. Three- - part demo, the loader works with 154x, 157x and 1581 Screw.prg - An awesome demo by Falstaff - 12.5.1989 SlowIdeas.prg - Yet another megademo, original ideas - 31.12.1989 A Sprite tech-tech - and 2 other parts. SolidPlutonium.prg - Falstaff is learning to write demos - 28.2.1989 Vector.prg - Description of our copy-party weekend.. at Lahti - 31.5.1989 c64/demos/pal/Pulsar/ * Pulsar was a British demo group. Pulsar1.d64.gz Pulsar1.txt - Demo collection 1 (see .txt file for contents) Pulsar2.d64.gz Pulsar2.txt - Demo collection 2 (see .txt file for contents) Pulsar3.d64.gz Pulsar3.txt - Demo collection 3 (see .txt file for contents) Pulsar4.d64.gz Pulsar4.txt - Demo collection 4 (see .txt file for contents) Pulsar5.d64.gz Pulsar5.txt - Demo collection 5 (see .txt file for contents) tmb2000.jpg - A picture of, the uploader of these files. c64/demos/pal/Quality/ * This directory contains the productions of Quality, a Hungarian * group. The LZH files contain whole disksides (ZipCode format), and * the LNX files contain multiple files. * Uploaded by Jean/Chromance ( 00README - List of Quality's productions. 111 pic demo.prg - 1989, 193 blocks Beyond Logo.lnx - 1989, 20+2 blocks Depeche Mode.HIC+TSS.d64.gz - 1988, 1 diskside Factory.prg - 1988, 36 blocks Merry Xmas.prg - 1988, 91 blocks Module#01.prg - 1989, 142 blocks New Intro.FBI+Quality.prg - 1990, 26 blocks Quit.prg - 1989, 157 blocks The Cat.Quality+Euratom.prg - 1989, 149 blocks. Co-op demo with Euratom. Worldwide.prg - 1989, 45 blocks c64/demos/pal/Quality/other/ Digiripper.prg - 1990, 11 blocks. Rips digitized musics from memory. TSS Turbo v1.0.prg - 1988, 5 blocks. Fastloader. c64/demos/pal/Quintex Designs/ Ethanol.prg Follow the Crowd 2.d64.gz Mississippi.prg c64/demos/pal/Radio Fucom/ * Wolfgang Schliess coded demos in a number of German groups in the * late 1980s and early 1990s. ASS-Letter Demo.prg - Assault: Letter demo ATL-Atlas III.prg - Atlas: Atlas III ATL-Fantasy I.prg - Atlas: Fantasy I ATL-Girl.prg - Atlas: Girl ATL-Lechz.prg - Atlas: Lechz ATL-Move Demo.prg - Atlas: Move Demo Elite-We Was Here.prg - Elite: We Was Here PDA-Hi Freaks.prg - Paradroid Artists: Hi Freaks PDA-Multi-v1.1.prg - Paradroid Artists: Multiscroll v1.1 PDA-Multiscroll.prg - Paradroid Artists: Multiscroll USC-Int.Karate+.prg - Uranium Sound Crackers: the sound track of International Karate+ USC-Int.Karate.prg - Uranium Sound Crackers: the sound track of International Karate USC-Out Run I.prg - Uranium Sound Crackers: the sound track of Out Run I readme.txt - Release notes by Wolfgang c64/demos/pal/Radix/ Thursday.prg c64/demos/pal/Rawhead/ * Rawhead (Norway). Another dysp.prg Balldemo.prg Ok!.prg Partysqueezer+.prg Partysqueezer.prg Pimplesqueezer 3.prg Pimplesqueezer 4.prg Pimplesqueezer 5.prg - Pimplesqueezer 5 / Rawhead Pimplesqueezer 6.prg - 1989 Rawhead/The Shadows c64/demos/pal/Rebels/ Fear.lzh - A multipart demo by Rebels, an Australian group. c64/demos/pal/Reflex/ Access Denied.d64.gz Drug Sixtyfour.d64.gz - This demo got the 5th place at Assembly 1996. Mathematica-1.d64.gz Mathematica-2.d64.gz - A two-sided demo that won The Party democompo in 1995. c64/demos/pal/Resource/ * Resource is a rather new group based in Hungary. Its homepage is at * . Uploads by Edhellon/Resource ( Animate.prg - A dentro, released in October 1996, at Pie Slice'96 (1st place) Daze.d64.gz - A trackmo, released in December 1996, at The Party 1996 (3rd place) Inhumanity 2.prg - A dentro, released in January 1996. Inhumanity 3.prg - A dentro, released in August 1996, at AntIO'96 (1st place) Manga Overdose.d64.gz - A slideshow, released in January 1996. Out of Daze.d64.gz - A trackmo, released in April 1997, at Scenest3 (1st place) Reflection.d64.gz - A slideshow, released in August 1995. Winteractive.d64.gz - A trackmo, released in October 1995, at LiQid'95 (2nd place) c64/demos/pal/Scallop/ AgeMuz-1.d64.gz - Agemixer's compotunes music disk. Uploaded by agemixer at - Aquarium.prg - The first demo from Scallop, released at Zoo'97 Ice Age.prg - Agemixer's music collection c64/demos/pal/Science 451/ Light Some Dreams.prg Splended!.prg Tracker.prg - Voicetracker v4.2 - July1992 - Improved by Chotaire/Image c64/demos/pal/Scouse/ Reticulate.d64.gz - This demo, published in 1988, features best VIC-II interlacing of its - day, and to be honest, I haven't seen much interlacing in demos since - (Last Traktor 3 - credit page - comes to mind), so I believe you'll - find this demo enjoyable and of interest code-wise. Uploaded by XmX. c64/demos/pal/Shape/ * Shape is/was based in Norway. * Contact: Glenn Rune Gallefoss/Shape & Blues Muz' * * Acid!.Shape+CFA.prg - Acid!, released in March 1989. Co-op demo by The CFA & Shape. Alive&Kicking!.prg - Alive&Kicking, released in 1990. A two-part demo that is mainly - saying that Shape is still alive and kicking. Antisocial.prg - 09.04.1988 At Last.prg - Released 26.02.1989 (Askim party) Basic.d64.gz - Musicdemo 'Basic' by Glenn Rune Gallefoss/Shape/Blues Muz'. Released - 16.10.1997 Blue Forest.d64.gz - 16.01.1996 Blue.prg - 1988 Blues Music 1.prg - Bluesmuz pack 1, 1992 Blues Music 2.prg - Bluesmuz pack 2, 1992 Blues Music.Earwax.prg - Blues Music (Earwax pack, 1994) Blues Music.bad.prg - Blues Music (Born alive dead, 1996) Blues Music.dnc.prg - Blues Music (Does not compute, 1994) Blues Music.ios.prg - Blues Music (Iron of Steel, 1996) Blues Music.jch.prg - Blues Music (Odes to JCH, 1993) Blues Music.pal.prg - Blues Music (Pioneers are Lonely, 1996) Blues Music.raw.prg - Blues Music (Relationship A.the World, 1995) Blues Music.tmf.prg - Blues Music (The Magic Flute, 1993) City of Fear.prg - 1988 Co(w)shit.Shape+Contex.note.prg Co(w)shit.Shape+Contex.prg - Co-op demo 1989 Co-hop.Shape+TRC.d64.gz - Co-op demo 18th March 1989 Co-op.Shape+Impulse+Beyond.note.prg Co-op.Shape+Impulse+Beyond.prg - Co-op demo 1989 Crunched Orange.prg Delirium2.d64.gz - 1988 Demented Children.d64.gz - 1989 Escalate.prg - 07.08.1989 Meeting 2.prg - 26.12.1988 Millennium.d64.gz - August 1989 Opprobrious.prg - February 1988 Phoenix.d64.gz - 15.10.1989 (Shape+TRC party) Shape+TGT.prg - Co-op demo by Shape and The Golden Triangle 1988/89 Shaped Up.d64.gz - Released Easter 1991 (Horizon party) Sprite on Char v1.5.prg - Programmed by Glenn Rune Gallefoss/Shape. Additional coding by Glenn - H. Davanger/Impulse. ?=help page. Released 16.10.1997 Sputnik.prg - 1992 Superior.prg - 1989 Trasher.d64.gz - 1988 Warming up.prg - 1991 What A Mess.prg - 1988/1989 Wiz up'n urp.d64.gz - 09.01.1991 c64/demos/pal/Shield/ Slanting.prg - 1988 Shield, superb music c64/demos/pal/Shining 8/ * Shining 8 is a German demo group. These demos were provided by * Romrunner a.k.a. John Koelz . See also the * Shining 8 home page . A Lousy One.prg - by Reptil All Tobot.prg - by Trashcan Coop.ISF.S8.prg - by Pomes and Romrunner Example.prg - by Romrunner F. Burning.prg - by Rap F. Together.prg - by Rap, Romrunner and Reptil Hellbound.prg - by Devil and ECR Intro1.prg - An intro by Romrunner Intro2.prg - An intro by Romrunner Lunatic.prg - by Romrunner and Devil Madness 2.prg - by Romrunner Madness.prg - by Romrunner On Tour.prg - by Trashcan Party Demo S8.Excat.prg - by Romrunner and Pomes Recuperation II.prg - by Romrunner and Trashcan Shining 8.prg - by Romrunner The First One.prg - by Trashcan The Last One.prg - by Romrunner and Trashcan Welcome to Hell 2.d64.gz - Shining 8 megademo by Devil, ECR, Paco/Sledge and Trashcan/Romrunner. c64/demos/pal/Silicon Ltd/ Rave the Scene!.lnx c64/demos/pal/Sphinx/ Imbecile II.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Spirit/ * Demos made by the group Spirit. Dead or Alive.prg Graphical Dreams.d64.gz Spirited.d64.gz Spiritual Dreams.d64.gz - Number 3 in compo at The Party 1 in Denmark December 1991. Tales of Mystery.d64.gz - Released early in 1994 c64/demos/pal/Steel/ Common.lnx - Common, a multi-part demo by Joe/Steel . Nice IRQ-loader, plays music while loading and - decompressing. Technolo-G.tar - 1990 The first megademo by Steel. Two sides ZipCoded. Very nice IRQ- - loader. Uses the disk ID as decryption key, so be sure to format the - target disk when running ZipCode. For the same reason, the files - cannot be converted to D64 format! c64/demos/pal/Stoat&Tim/ Circlesque.prg - Displays some sinus patterns on the screen. Includes an editor. Love Bazza.prg - An one-screen demo with a picture over Great Britain. Thrust Concert.prg - Plays the soundtrack of the Thrust game. c64/demos/pal/Sub Zero/ Demopack.d64.gz - This is a collection of programs that I have written for the C64, - most were done 1991 to 1992, but I only got around to releasing them - in 1994 or so. E-Mail me at for any comments you might - have or just for a chat about the C64 etc. and also look out for me - in #c-64 on IRC as sub_zero. Iain Black (Sub Zero) c64/demos/pal/T'Pau/ Bernie's Lifestory.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Taboo/ * Taboo was founded in March 1992. Now, we have about 10 members, all * of us living in Poland. For more info about our present activity, go * to the Taboo Home Page * . Yours, MMS/Taboo * . * These files were uploaded by Krzysztof Matula . Altered States 50-1.d64.gz Altered States 50-2.d64.gz - A demo by Taboo! "Finished" on Dec'94, released on Jul'97 Intrigue.d64.gz - A Closer Look At Fazee's Art. A graphic-collection by Fazee/Taboo. - Released on Easter'94 More Than Nops.d64.gz - A demo by Taboo! Released on Mar'92. This is our very first - production! Place in the Space.d64.gz - A demo by Taboo! Released on Dec'92. 1st place at Skylight/CB party. Ritual II-1.d64.gz Ritual II-2.d64.gz - A graphic-collection by Cruise/Taboo. Released on Apr'95 Wayne's Graphic Collection.d64.gz - Released on May 1993 c64/demos/pal/Talent/ Demo-1.d64.gz Demo-2.d64.gz - A two-sided demo by Talent. Released at The Party 1995, reached 3rd - place. c64/demos/pal/Tetragon/ Hesitation.lnx c64/demos/pal/The Ancient Temple/ * This is the current archive of TAT (The Ancient Temple) productions * as it also exists on . Uploaded 2000- * 05-25 by Icey ( Achtung Baby.d64.gz - Multipart demo by the English section Air Dance I.d64.gz - One-side megademo by the Austrian section Air Dance II-1.d64.gz Air Dance II-2.d64.gz - Two-side megademo by the Austrian section Air Dance III.d64.gz - One-side megademo by the Austrian section Air Dance IV-1.d64.gz Air Dance IV-2.d64.gz - Two-side megademo by the Austrian section (bugfixed version by MRW) Airdance 2-1.d64.gz - A different version of Air Dance II, first side Airdance 3.d64.gz - A different version of Air Dance III Airdance 4-1.d64.gz Airdance 4-2.d64.gz - A different version of Air Dance IV Airwalk.d64.gz - One-side megademo by the Austrian section Awakening-1.d64.gz Awakening-2.d64.gz - Two-side trackmo by the Austrian section Heartbeat 4.5.d64.gz Heartbeat 5.d64.gz Heartbeat 6.d64.gz - Music collections by the English section Lazer Link.d64.gz - Megademo (containing a version of Air Dance I) by the Austrian - section Let's Melt.d64.gz - Multipart demo by the Austrian section Mega Blast I-1.d64.gz Mega Blast I-2.d64.gz - Two-side megademo by the Austrian section Mega Blast II.d64.gz - One-side megademo by the Austrian section Milchpause.d64.gz - One-side megademo by the Austrian section New Killa Dream.d64.gz - Multipart demo by the English section Precommercial.d64.gz - Precommercials for Air Dance II and Air Dance IV Softpizza.d64.gz - One-sided megademo by the Austrian section Special-1.d64.gz Special-2.d64.gz Special-3.d64.gz - Collection of very old stuff, including 'Air Dance 0' Visitation-1.d64.gz Visitation-2.d64.gz - Megademo by the Austrian section - PlaySID files by Imperial Zax / TAT - PlaySID files by Wuiti / TAT c64/demos/pal/The Black Lords/ Lethal II.prg c64/demos/pal/The Cream Crackers/ Mega Jive 2.prg - An FLI demo. Mega Jive.prg - A demo with a colour bar editor. c64/demos/pal/The Dutch USA-Team/ Digi-Mix One.prg c64/demos/pal/The Judges/ * The Judges was a located in the Netherlands. They programmed some of * the first demos that fiddled seriously with $d011. Hubbard Track 1.prg Hubbard Track 2.prg Hubbard Track 3.prg Think Twice 1.prg Think Twice 2.prg Think Twice 3.prg Think Twice 4.prg Think Twice 5.patched.prg Think Twice 5.prg - Think Twice, a series of demos. These demos introduced the FLD - technique. - Think Twice 5 has been partially unpacked and patched so that it - doesn't mess up with the $d030 register on the C128. Patched by - Marko Mäkelä (Marko.Makela@HUT.FI). c64/demos/pal/The Last Science/ Marrs-Mix.prg - Digimix by Fashion/TLS My Friends.prg Skeletor movie.prg - A low-resolution full-screen animation with a decent frame rate. c64/demos/pal/The Leftovers/ Balstaslappet.prg - Demo group: "The Leftovers" Who the hell were they: Unifier + people - from Oneway, Groovy Bits, Censor Released at Light/Triad party in - BÃ¥lsta, Sweden autumn 1989 c64/demos/pal/The Level 99 Industries/ Heavy X-Mosh.prg c64/demos/pal/The Party 4/ Access Denied.Reflex.d64.gz Bloempjes&Bytjes.Silicon.d64.gz Brutal Comeback.Light.d64.gz Comic Media.Comic Pirates.d64.gz Courtesy of Soviet.Wrath-1.d64.gz Courtesy of Soviet.Wrath-2.d64.gz Gfx&Music.Party4.d64.gz The Masque.Oxyron.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/The Radbrekkjers (IOC)/ * The Radbrekkjers (IOC) demos * Notice that we have parodied several famous groups in our demos. * (Fairlight, Oxyron, Panoramic Designs, Budbrain (Amiga) etc...) * Our famous slogans: -Schnabelkase immer, in deinem schlafenzimmer. - * Tanz mit mir Derrick, never mind Klein. * signed... Hi-potent :) Coming Soon.prg - Released 1995 Familiegud$tjeneste-1.d64.gz Familiegud$tjeneste-2.d64.gz - Parts of this demo were released at Tribute I, Sweden in 1994, but - the full demo was released in 1995. The Greatest Hits-1.d64.gz The Greatest Hits-2.d64.gz - Released at Bergen party, Norway in 1994 c64/demos/pal/The Ruling Company/ Digi-Dreams 2.TRC+Royalty.lnx - Digi-Dreams 2 / The Ruling Company+Royalty Horney Cow.Royalty+TRC.prg - Horney Cow / Royalty+The Ruling Company Party pack.lnx September Celebration.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/The Shadows/ * The Shadows (Norway). * The demos were uploaded by Glenn/Shape & Blues Muz' * ( 2 Hours work.prg - Co-op demo with Fairlight Chopper demo.prg Selv sugeren.prg Unlimited.prg - 1987 Wasted Years.prg c64/demos/pal/The Sharks/ Excellence.d64.gz IntroCollection.lnx Journey into Sound.prg Lamazing.prg Occult.prg Oriental 2.prg Ring Ring.prg Technophobia 2.d64.gz Technophobia.d64.gz Workaholic.prg c64/demos/pal/The Supply Team/ * The Supply Team was a Danish group active in 1985-1989. This * collection of TST demos was uploaded by Rambones ( * All files are in the public domain and may be put freely on CDs. Kongmus.prg - A single-file music+sprite demo README - Information about The Supply Team, its members etc. tstcoll1.d64.gz tstcoll2.d64.gz tstcoll3.d64.gz tstcoll4.d64.gz tstcoll5.d64.gz tstcoll6.d64.gz tstcoll7.d64.gz tstcoll8.d64.gz tstcoll9.d64.gz - The demo collection in nine 1541 disk images c64/demos/pal/The Vicious Circle/ * The Vicious Circle was a German group that got new members from * Commodore Clan, a Swedish group. Bidemo II.Unit5+TVC.lzh - A coproduction of Unit 5 and The Vicious Circle. Consists of two - files. Bidemo.ALF+TVC.lzh - A coproduction of ALF and The Vicious Circle. Consists of two files. Fast Demo.prg HTGAC.prg Last Ninja Demo.prg Last Ninja Demo2.prg Thiz Iz Scroll2.prg Vaereom.prg What Harm.prg c64/demos/pal/Topaz Beerline/ A Blind Marathon.d64.gz - April 1992: A Blind Marathon A Token From Hell.d64.gz - release date unknown Beyond the Times.d64.gz - 31.5.1990: Beyond Times (previously unreleased, put together on - 5.9.1992) Dark Ages.d64.gz - 1991: Dark Ages Graveyeard Blues 1.d64.gz - 1991: Graveyeard Blues! Graveyeard Blues 2.d64.gz - Graveyeard Blues 2: Rhytmic Bones Graveyeard Blues 3.d64.gz - 31.5.1993: Graveyeard Blues 3: My God is playing tricks on me a.k.a. - The Second Coming of the Problemchild Heating.d64.gz - 17.12.1990: Heating Le Graffix.prg - release date unknown Partyhole2+lamez.sfx - Partyhole 2 - The Hangover Day and Partylamez lame-demopart created - on the Light+Phenomena party 1992 Problemchild.Preview.d64.gz - Problemchild preview (previously unreleased) Problemchild.d64.gz - 1992: Problemchild - he knows me Warming Up.d64.gz - 10.10.1990: Warming up c64/demos/pal/Topaz Beerline/coop/ * Topaz Beerline co-operation demos Caught from Behind.prg - Caught From Behind/Topaz Beerline+Extend+Beyond Force (SBE'96) Igor!.prg - Igor!/Topaz Beerline+Extend (SBE'95) Mole.prg - Mole/Topaz Beerline+Extend (SBE'94) Party Zone.d64.gz - Party Zone/Topaz Beerline+Extend+Collision+Sharks (Asm'92) PartyDemo2.prg - Party demo 2/SCL+Topaz Beerline c64/demos/pal/Topaz Beerline/misc/ Dolphin.fli.prg - FLI pic by Death/Topaz Beerline Compo piccy for the ASM'93 compo in - Finland. Our Board.prg - Last Generation boardintro (Topaz Beerline WHQ) Pic.fli.prg - FLI pic with music. Pic by Death, Music by Thor/Extend c64/demos/pal/Tough/ Christmas demo 93.prg - 1993 Christmas demo. Uploaded by Roland Toegel - . Europe+4.prg - 1994 Another Europe-related demo from Tough. Tough to start also. :- - ) Europe.d64.gz - Tough & 64'er demo for W.O.C 64'er demo-competition c64/demos/pal/Triad/ * Triad is a cracker and demo group based in Sweden. The Triad * homepage is maintained by King Fisher at * . * These Triad productions were uploaded by King Fisher / Triad a.k.a. * Linus Walleij . Some of the files are unsorted and * with short filenames. These files should be correctly transferred, * unlike some Triad stuff you might have encountered elsewhere on the * net. * See also the Triad FTP site at * . c64/demos/pal/Triad/Multifile Demos/ * These demos consist of multiple files. Unfortunately we don't have * the full file names of all productions, and all the descriptions * are missing. 3rd Stone From Sun.lnx - 1992 Agraphix.lnx - The Triad Graphics Demo Cocktail.lnx Devotion.lnx - 1991 Triad/Noice Immortal.lnx Ko Opperation.lnx - 1990 Triad/Paragon/Horizon/Zone 45 Lickpipe.lnx Mind Control.lnx - 1993 - 5-part demo (PAL) No Booze.lnx - A party demo released in 1991 by Bob et al. Disconnect other - serial devices than the 1541! Portfolio 1.lnx - 1993 FLI slideshow by Dane/Triad Pravda.lnx - 1990. Disconnect other serial devices than the 1541! Red Storm.lnx TDM Backtracking.lnx - TDM Music collection (NTSC fixed) Takin' A Break.lnx - 1988 Technotica.lnx - Digi jam Time Out.lnx - 1991 Triad For Years.lnx - 1990 Utopia.lnx Wisdom.lnx c64/demos/pal/Triad/Onefile Demos/ * All these files are C64 demos packed into a single program file. * Some are distributed as Lynx archives. The full file names for some * productions are unfortunately missing. Feel free to send us the * descriptions for these demos. 7 55with.prg - Bottom/sideborder scroll A 'Nostalgic' Collection.prg - 2-part collection A New Dimension.prg - 1987 Best of Guran.prg - 1989 Boing Bum Zak.prg - digi mix (1-bit?) Brilliant Triad.prg - Top/bottom border scroller - ? Caza.prg - Picture+music Changed!.prg - 1987 Music with digi drums Chi-Taowon.prg Connection.prg - 1987 - Relax members join Triad Demon Mistress.IFLI.prg - An IFLI picture Fade Away.prg - 1988? Front 242.prg - digi mix Good Bye John.prg - A memorial to John Gorbatjov.prg - Gorbatjov-rapp Greatest.prg - 1987 Hand Made.prg - Logo stretching Hate!.prg - picture Havin Fun.prg - 4-part demo Humanoid.prg - picture In Bergen.prg In Despair.prg - picture In the Middle.prg - 1988 Incub8or.prg - picture Insects.prg - picture It's Me.prg Jordgubbar.prg - Picture and music with digi drums Justice.lnx Let's Kill.prg - picture Livercool.prg Lucifer's Revenge.prg - 1987 MIA.prg Metalpart.prg - Metalpart of Triad Mindblow.prg - Tech-tech etc. Mosh it Up.prg No Comments.prg - 1987 Arkanoide picture and music No Control.prg No Mercy.prg - 1987 Potrzebi.prg - New members: Jadawin, Powpin, Modesty Power.prg - 3-part demo Purgatory.prg Red October.prg Sarge Show.prg - 10 Sarge pictures Strange!.prg - 1987 Suckpipe.prg Summer Time Blues.prg The Traveller.IFLI.prg - IFLI picture The Unbits.prg - 1993 Triad (Plasma, plotscroll) The Winter.prg - 4 Seasons - The Winter, digi mix Thunder.prg - 1987 Tiger Hell.prg Traz Music.prg - Music from Traz Triad+HZ Split.prg - Triad+Horizon co-operation demo Trident Music Collection.prg Trifield.prg Wild Thing.IFLI.prg - IFLI picture Wonderland.prg - 1989 Xecution1.prg Xecution2.prg Xecution3.prg Xecution5.prg beastieb.prg - digi mix s-10.prg t awaken.prg c64/demos/pal/Triad/Text+Notes/ * Here are some texts and notes. chuckit.prg hack1.lnx hack2.lnx hack3.lnx hack4.lnx illegl3-.prg illsaymo.prg jan10.1990.prg letter.prg ltns.prg raidover.prg standard.prg vinews08.lnx vinews10.lnx c64/demos/pal/Triangle 3532/ 1_Year_Triangle.d64.gz 2_Years_Triangle.d64.gz Bodyshocker.d64.gz Brainbug.prg - 1988 Triangle Cosmix_Best.d64.gz Cozmix's Bezt II.prg Demo_of_the_Year_1987.d64.gz Dreamix.d64.gz Dreamix_2.d64.gz Exuberance is Beauty.lnx France.d64.gz Fun_Funs_Music_Selector_1.d64.gz Generic.d64.gz Human_One.d64.gz Is_there_a_Difference.d64.gz Letranger_PREVIEW.d64.gz Photon_DYSP.d64.gz Random-Bones-Upfront.d64.gz Road of Excess-1.d64.gz Road of Excess-2.d64.gz Road to Success-1.d64.gz Road to Success-2.d64.gz Short_and_Sweet.d64.gz Supply_Triangle.d64.gz The_Byte_Bite.d64.gz The_Square_Demo.d64.gz Triangle_Bust_01.d64.gz Triangle_Bust_02.d64.gz Triangle_Bust_03.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Tribute1994/ * ## Stuff released at Tribute1994 ## Energizer.Plush-1.d64.gz Energizer.Plush-2.d64.gz - Energizer/Plush Invitation.prg - Tribute 1994 party invitation uploaded by Motley/Genesis*Project Lameness Rules.Oxyron.d64.gz - Lameness Rules/Oxyron (2nd place) Music.d64.gz - Entries to Tribute music compo Rest1.d64.gz - 4 smaller demos released at Tribute: - Promille Goat/Noise - - Very/Liquid - Party/Afrika+TBHH - Kunonuko/Cyber Design Rest2.d64.gz - 2 smaller demos released at Tribute: - Alla Mot Static/? - - Deux???/Triad World of Code 3.Byterapers.d64.gz - World Of Code 3/Byterapers Inc. (1st place) c64/demos/pal/Trinomic/ Best Of.Trinomic.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Troopers/ * Troopers (Norway), later known as Prosonix. Afternoon.prg - 1988 Troopers, great music Jul1987.prg Kleptomania.prg - 1988 Troopers Moonetic.prg c64/demos/pal/Unic/ Challenge.prg - Runnable in NTSC. c64/demos/pal/Unit5/ * Unit 5 was a Swedish demogroup. Here are some of its productions. The * lzh files are multi-part demos. Use LHX64 to extract them. Contact U5.prg - Unit 5's address information Daemo.prg Neoyen.prg Orgasm.Unit5.lzh Reality.Unit5.lzh ShakingTheRump.prg - Shaking The Rump, released 1990 Spick&Span1.sfx Spick&Span2.sfx Spick&Span3.sfx - Spick & Span party-demo released 1990. The Look.Unit5.lzh c64/demos/pal/Vision/ Smokerings.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/Visual Reality/ Visuality 3.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/War Deal Lamers/ * War Deal Lamers was formed in May, 1989, (-: and it was the lamest * group on the scene :-), but it becomes better afterwards, hopes * Suicide/WDL . * The group currently has two active coders but almost no graphics * artists. It hasn't published anything for a year, but there is a new * demo under construction, and it will be released on a demo party. 2Fat2Fuck!.lzh - 2Fat2Fuck!/War Deal Lamers Fitterull.prg - Fitterull /War Deal Lamers Fitterull2.lzh - Fitterull2/War Deal Lamers Fitterull3.lzh - Fitterull3/War Deal Lamers Worldwar1.prg - Worldwar /War Deal Lamers Worldwar2.prg - Worldwar2 /War Deal Lamers c64/demos/pal/Whoop/ The Fatman-Demo.prg c64/demos/pal/X-95/ 00RESULTS - X95 Party results Contraflow.Cosine.d64.gz - Placed 3rd Nation.BCD.d64.gz - Nation by Black Code Design, got 5th place RadioNapalm.Reflex.d64.gz - Winner of the X95 c64 democompo, this great demo includes mindblowing - effects which will make commodore lover go wild !! WOIIFTD.F4CG.d64.gz - Placed 2nd, dedicated to Scope. World Demise.Slash Designs.d64.gz - Placed 4th c64/demos/pal/X-Ample/ Technorama.prg - Technorama, 1988 by X-Ample c64/demos/pal/X-Factor/ * X-Factor, started as Imagination Developments, was founded in Denmark * in 1989. These files were uploaded by Nep/CML. 1 Year demo.prg - 1990 One year of X-Factor Armageddon 1.d64.gz Armageddon 2.d64.gz Armageddon 3.d64.gz Bableblab.prg Galaxy High.prg - A BBS advertisement demo Imagination Developments.prg - X-Factor's first demo Lessons in Lust.d64.gz Music Pack 1 Jeff.prg Nexus.prg Pain Graphics.d64.gz Sljivovica.d64.gz Timewaster 1.d64.gz Timewaster 2.d64.gz c64/demos/pal/XAKK/ Bound To Be Best II.d64.gz Micro Sleep.d64.gz Waking Up!!.prg c64/demos/pal/Yawthrust/ Mad Egyptian.prg - First (?!) demo using a real nice resolution. c64/demos/pal/Z-Circle/ Giga-Demo!.prg c64/demos/pal/Zoko/ ZT09.prg - 1990 ? Zoko team, sprite stretching c64/demos/pal/Zone45/ 4 PM News.Zone45.prg - 4 PM News, released in Summer of 1989 by Zone45 (not at a party) c64/demos/pal/Zoo'97/ * Zoo'97 - C=64 Party at 21-23.11.1997 in Pori, Finland * Total Epygt by Extend wasn't released yet in this pack because the * compo versions were not finished.. * The D64 files were compiled by Agemixer/Scallop. This text is written * by Venturus/Vandals^Damage! The logo in file_id.diz is drawn by * Nup!/Pro^Arts. Mind.d64.gz - Final release of the Mind demo by Damage & Vandals. Released March - 9th, 1998. RESULTS - Party results and list of attenders Zoo'97-1.d64.gz Zoo'97-2.d64.gz - Productions, two 1541 disk sides. c64/demos/pal/misc/ 10 min Trap.Ratt Benn Jane.prg - A plug for a British BBS system, Compunet. Ratt&Benn is also known as - We Music. Album of the Year-1.d64.gz Album of the Year-2.d64.gz - A music album with lots of tunes. Animated1.prg - Poldi's (Daniel Dallmann's) first vector graphics demo, released in - 1994. Beat box II.FCS.prg - 1986 FCS: "Beat box II" Black samurai.CML.fli.prg - FLI pic - A man killing a dragon (PAL) Demos-MBC-Lions.d64.gz - Jubillee demo from Lions, CPC demo from MBC Digital Excess.prg - Here's the demo from DIGITAL EXCESS coded in 1990. Any - problems/reports to: MBEGGER@CNEDCU51.bitnet - Louis Egger - Universite de Neuchatel - Switzerland Disconsert 1.DUG.d64.gz ECI routine.prg - 1988 "Amiga Emulator", a Swedish demo presenting 120 colors on the - C64. Effect&MTV.JPSoft.lha Fillie Bub.Depredators.prg Finely Sliced.prg - 1991 "Finely Sliced" By Christopher Phillips Freestyle.Clique.d64.gz Gok Prutal.Conic.d64.gz Graphdemo2.prg - Poldi's (Daniel Dallmann's) vector graphics demo, released in 1994. Hit It.Ballistics.lha Hithouse Music Collection.TRC.prg Influence.The Force&Shades.d64.gz Intermezzo 2.Century.d64.gz - Pictures by Samar Introsnpart.d64.gz - Some intros from 1997 mainly by some Polish groups. MC Gottifant.prg - A German Ottifanten animation produced at a Horizon party. Marc's Movements.prg - 1988 ? Demo by Marc de Hingh (All kinds of effects) Megablast'89.Channel 42.prg Mutation-AC.lzh - 1990 Atomic Circle, "Mutation" New Gold Dream.Logic.prg New Wave.MSI.prg Nintendo Dest. Demo.Nathan.prg No limits.prg - This demo features a full-screen overscan scroller. - 1988 The Warlock Federation: A little music collection. Our Style IV.Starion.prg - A single-part demo released in 1988 by Starion Pajda.New Faith.prg Pappa Badger.Oneway.prg Piranha.GSL.fli.prg - FLI pic of a piranha (PAL) - Compo piccy for the ASM'93 compo in - Finland. Made by Saga of the Dolphins. RAW.Shape.prg Rastermania.Demix.prg SCS-collection2.Megaunit.lzh - Sidchip Scratchers Collection 2 by Cyke/MegaUnit. Scandale Finale.Alphaflight.sfx - An old Alphaflight demo by The Spy, not released until now (1995). Scarlet Music Coll..Samar.d64.gz Spaceball.Jetty Levis.prg That's the Wave it Is.PD.prg The Ass Demo.Starhack Crew.prg The Great Kloakkman.MSP.d64.gz The Wild Styles.prg - A multi-part demo with pictures of some games, released 1988 by Sigma - Crew. Slow decruncher. This Sucks.Sunga.prg - A Beavis & Butt-Head demo by Sunga. Verticality.Academy.prg Wriggler-NATO.lzh - 1990 NATO, "Wriggler" c64/demos/pal/misc/Games/ The 64-Scene-Adventure.prg c64/diskutil/ c64/diskutil/archivers/ BAM-Zipcode.prg - A version of the ZipCode disk archiver. The name hints that this one - is BAM optimized. action_replay_zip&unzip.prg - A version of the ZipCode 1541 disk archiver that is compatible with the - Action Replay freezer cartridge and with the 1581 disk drive. - Programmed by Steve of ScS*TrC 20.6.1994. dsk2file.prg - A BASIC/ML program to convert any CBM disk to a dump file (like VC1541 - disk to .d64) for a PET or C64. - The dump file should be written to a device larger than the dumped disk - (although the program can be tailored to split an image). - See also file2dsk.prg. Programmed and uploaded by André Fachat. emutil.prg emutil.readme - EMUTIL is a disk image archiver for all Commodore 64 8-bit computers. - It supports all known Commodore disk drives, of all capacities. It also - supports all CMD HD and RL Native partitions. Programmed by Bo - Zimmerman and André Fachat. file2dsk.prg - A BASIC/ML program to restore any CBM disk from a fitting disk image - (like .d64 restore to a VC1541). - See also dsk2file.prg. Programmed and uploaded by André Fachat. zipcode-1.0.d64.gz - ZipCode 1.0, included for nostalgic reasons. zipcode-2.0.d64.gz zipcode-2.0.readme - Instructions on installing ZipCode 2.0. Instead of the suggested - "unzip" program, use the "zipcode" program of this directory. zipcode.prg - Packer/unpacker for zipcode (disk image) files. The destination drive - must be a 1541. If you select 'normal' read, the source drive can be - 1571/81. c64/diskutil/directory/ 1581partition.prg 1581partition.txt - 1581 subdirectory creator. Runs on C64/C128. BlkCount.prg - Block Count v1 by Massive Onslaught/Style - I hate getting disks with altered file blocks... so with my suggestion - MO wrote this handy util... it takes your disk and traces each file, - correcting the blocks for each file. Further, it can unlock all the - locked files on the disk and validate it after fixing the blocks... - Commander 64, version 1. A German file manager for CMD devices by - Matthias Hensler and Günther Bauer 1997. This archive includes GIF - screenshots and a GEOS formatted German description of the software. - Commander 64 with some improvements, and a simpler version of the file - manager for just viewing or starting files. DirMaster-7.3.sfx - Directory editor by Antifan/Equinoxe Disc Wizard-2.0.prg - A directory editor written in 1986 by Hermann-Josef Rottkemper Disk Manager.lnx - Disk catalog manager/reporter. Keeps a database of the files in your - diskette collection. Disk Master.prg - Disk data base program written in BASIC. Keeps a database of the files - in your diskette collection. Disk-cataloger.prg - Helps you to maintain a catalog of your diskettes. GameSort.lnx.gz GameSort.txt - Disk catalog tool written in BASIC by Howard Feldman IDEA-v2.00.prg - IDEA (Intuitive Directory Editor Assistant) V2 is a directory editor - that will work on 1541, 1571, and 1581 drives. It was written by D. - Matt Corey. PhantomV1.lzh - Directory and partition editor for different drives. The Dir Editor.prg - Directory editor. Virtual Directory.prg - Released to public domain June 6th, 1985 by Robert E. Mason. Lists the - disk directory and the starting addresses of programs on it. deditv7.sfx - Directory Editor for all C= and CMD drives. diredit_sfd81.prg - A directory editor from 1986 by "Willie". Supports 1541s, 1571s, 1581s, - SFD drives. - DirMenu 2.1 by Joseph Rose hdpathfinder.prg hdpathfinder.readme - Find files on a CMD hard disk (maybe also floppy disk) whose names - match a search pattern. This is version 4, published by Adam Vardy - ( partinfo.sfx - Partition information for RAM Link and CMD HD. sdedit45.sfx - Super Directory Editor for all C= & CMD drives. c64/diskutil/diskcopy/ 1.5 minuten copy.prg - 1541 disk copier 15s par35t.prg - 1541 disk copier for parallel cable 15s par35treu.prg - 1541 disk copier for parallel cable and REU 15s par40t.prg - 1541 disk copier for parallel cable, 40 tracks BurstNibbler-1.8.prg - 1541 or 1571 disk copier for parallel cable and heavily protected - stuff. BurstNibbler-1.9.prg - 1541 or 1571 disk copier for parallel cable and heavily protected - stuff. CP-40-DataBecker.prg - Copy Becker. Requires a 1541 or 1571 in 1541 mode. Instructions for - this utility are in German. Di-Sector-3.0.d64.gz - These are ADVANCED disk tools for the (NTSC) C= 64. Nibble Backup, Fast - Backup, Sector Editor, Format Editor, Art's Backup (EA), StarMon - (Machine Code), Drive Renumbering (Soft). Disk Copy 64.prg - Disk copier for 1541/1571. Copies a disk in 2½ minutes using one - drive. Works on NTSC systems; PAL compatibility unknown. Uploaded by - Andrew Vardy . DualCopy.prg - Double Hack'em by Mike J. Henry. Dual 1541 disk copier. Fast Hack'em-1.9.prg - Single-file version of Fast Hack'em v1.9, a pack of 1541 disk copiers - by Mike J. Henry. Fcopy-3.0.prg - Fcopy v3.0 by Thomas Tempelmann. Requires SpeedDOS ROMs. Octa Copy.prg - 1541 disk copier with Flash 8 accelerator support. Online-Copy.prg - Online super copy, a single drive disk copy by Online in 1988. TurboNibbler-2.2.prg - 1541 disk copier that copies also protected stuff. TurboNibbler-4.0.prg - 1541 disk copier that copies also protected stuff. - C64: Rapid Copy Parallel Copy for two 1541 drives. Very Fast ! c64/diskutil/editors/ Countdown.sfx - Countdown by Peter Weighill. Adds a block counter to disk programs, so - that there is some action on the screen while they load. Disk Tool-6.5.prg - 1541 disk editor programmed by Klaus Raczek in 1987. DiskMonitor-1.0.prg - Disk Monitor v1.0 by Crazy Mind/QQRYQ. Try to figure out the commands. diskdoctor.prg - Simple classic sector editor. Change first line to use a different - drive. superdiskdoc.lnx.seq - Super Disk Doctor by Precision software c64/diskutil/fastloaders/ 1541-turbo.prg - Fastloader, works on both television systems. BurstLoader64.lzh - Burst loader for C64 and 1571/81, requires 2 wires added to C64. Hypra-Load.prg - C64-Hypra-Load-System © 1984 Tribar. A German fastloader, presumably - for PAL systems only. IC Star.prg - An 1541 fastloader, probably only for PAL systems. StarMenuLoad.prg - A disk menu program by Joe Forster/STA. The fastloader might work on - PAL systems only. Zapload.prg - Very good disk menu/fastloader program. Works with PAL and NTSC, 1541 - and 1571. epyx_fastload_drive_code.asm - Documented source to EPYX drive code, by Dave McMurtrie epyx_fastload_kernal_load.asm - Documented source to EPYX relocatable code, by Dave McMurtrie fastload.c000.d64.gz - EPYX FastLoad, loadable into $c000, ported by Dave McMurtrie nopload.d64.gz - Fasterloader with source c64/diskutil/filecopy/ 1541-1764-Copy.prg - Copies files between 1541 disks and a Commodore REU. Duplicator-2.0.prg - 1541 file copier. Modified version by "BARTJE". File Bacc'em.prg - File Bacc'em - 1764 edition. A version of File Hack'em (1541 file - copier) that makes use of the REU. Created by Bacchus/Fairlight. File Master-1.0.prg - 1541 file copier. Magic Copy-1.2.prg - 1541 file copier written by Thomas Enders in 1989 Sir-copy.prg - 1541 file copier by The Sir in 1992. Tape-to-disk.prg - Copies data from tape to disk, source code included. Uni-copy15xx.prg - Universal disk-file copy (works with any Commodore disk drive). relcopy.prg - Simple relative file copier. c64/diskutil/misc/ 1541-tester.prg - Checks the hardware aspects of a 1541. Useful for head alignment etc. Disk-Tools.DaveJB.d64.gz - Three disk tools written by Dave ( - Catalog Check: find bad sectors and file linkage errors - DOS Commander: a small tool similar to the Commodore DOS wedge - Clear Write Protection: write the standard value 'A' to the offset 2 of - track 18, sector 0 Drive Composer.lnx - Compose music for a 1541 or 1571 stepper motor. Includes an editor and - a few sample tunes. Written by Chester B. Kollschen and Jörg - Harmjanz. EZLoader2-7.sfx - A disk menu system for the C64 and the C128 by David Schmoll. Designed - for CMD's drives, but works also with Commodore drives. Shareware. Loader.sfx - You can use this program to automatically load a disk menu program by - pressing Restore. Programmed by Peter Weighill. MakeDir-v1.0.prg MakeDir.readme - MakeDir! v1.0 is easy-to use utility to create subdirectories for - c64/128 and 1541/71 disk drive. Subdirs work with most known programs - (Basic and ML), no changes in equipment or system needed. Author: - or StarVerify.prg - Compares two large binary files with each other. Programmed by Joe - Forster/STA. VDC-Ramdisk.readme VDC-Ramdisk.sfx - Use the C128's VDC memory as a RAM disk in the C64 mode. cbmcommand-2.3.d80.gz - File browser/loader for all CBM computers. chdirsys.sfx - A very nice subdirectory system for the 1541 (maybe also 1571). Lets - you to have up to 8 subdirectories on the disk, and changing the - directories is very easy with a simple disk command. - Directory menu program for CBM computers (C64, C128, CBM264 series) By - Joseph Rose, a.k.a. Harry Potter. Includes source for cc65. lockdisk64.prg - Create automatically starting versions of BASIC programs. The - autostart code assumes that the file will be loaded from device 8. s-jiffydos.lnx - S-JIFFYDOS ist ein C64 Betriebssystem, das im C64 oder einer Flash 8 in - einem Eprom laeuft. Es ist ein Patch fuer JIFFYDOS. s-jiffydos1541.d64.gz s-jiffydos1541.html - S-JiffyDOS 1541, a patch for CMD JiffyDOS s-jiffydos64.d64.gz s-jiffydos64.html - S-JiffyDOS 64, a patch for CMD JiffyDOS c64/diskutil/routines/ 71reads41back.prg 71reads41back.txt - Code for reading the flip side of a 1541 disk on a 1571, without - turning the disk. Does not work reliably or for tracks 1 to 5. - Uploaded by the author, Jochen Adler ( Disk Checker.prg - An improved "Validate" program for 1541 disks. FatumFormatter.prg - 1541 disk formatter. Format 15 seconds.prg - 15 seconds 1541 formatter. Adapted from Mike J. Henry by Alf Maier. Ultraformat v3.0.prg - Formats disks. scratcher.anf.prg - Fast file scratch routine for C64 and 1541 by Antifan/Equinoxe. You - are free to use the code in your programs, just remember to credit the - author. validate.anf.prg - Fast validate routine for 1541 by Antifan/Equinoxe. You are free to - use the code in your programs, just remember to credit the author. c64/diskutil/transfer/ DOS-1571or81.sfx - Read and write MS-DOS diskettes using a 1571 or 1581 drive. Programmed - by Miklos Garamszeghy. Published in the RUN magazine. ImageCreator.sfx ImageCreator.txt - Converts 1541 disk images (.d64 files) to 1541 disks and vice versa. - Requires two drives: one 1541 compatible and one with a bigger - capacity, to hold the disk image file. Includes also a notemaker, with - which the instructions have been written. Uploaded by the author, - cp.prg - This file is for the C64. It requires a 1571 drive. It converts a d64 - disk image to a regular commie disk. The image must be downloaded to - the 1571's double-sided mode. dfiler.prg - This program will take an 1541 disk image (*.D64, 174848 bytes) and - transfer it from a 1571/1581 disk drive (large enough to hold .d64 - file) to a blank 1541 formatted disk on a 1571/1541 disk drive. The - .D64 file must be PRG type. This program is for the C64 and takes 17 - minutes to work. ibm-d64.prg - Copy 1541 disk images from an MFM capable drive (1571, 1581 or CMD FD- - 2000) to a 1541 or 1571 disk. Slow (25 minutes, 6 passes). ibm.d64-1541v4.prg - Copy 1541 disk images from an MFM capable drive to a 1541 or 1571 disk. - Slow (25 minutes, 6 passes). The documentation is in German. msdoscopy.readme msdoscopy.sda - Reads and writes MS-DOS disks with a 1581. Version 1.42. c64/edu/ * Educational software for the Commodore 64 crane driver.lnx.gz - Excerpt from the documentation: "3 scenes, 6 games in this machine code - program, designed to develop letter recognition, abc sequence, and (at - the insistence of my son) a simple counting game. Use a joystick to lift - and place the large letter bricks in their correct place on the screen, - like driving a real crane! Because the program never takes control, the - child learns co-ordination, cause and effect, and to experiment, as he or - she manipulates the bricks!" mary.lnx.gz - An ABC game for kids, controlled with joystick in port 2. space lander.lnx.gz - An excerpt from the documentation: "A joystick controls the spaceship as - the control tower gives you the target pad as a simple sum. As in arcade- - type games you have 5 lives, and lots of noise (which you can turn off by - pressing any 'f' key)!" wordsearch-inst.seq - Instructions for Wordsearch: "This program requests the user to input - words, of upto 12 letters long. These words are then hidden, in any one - of eight directions, within a grid of letters. An option is given to - either print the screen or attempt to find the words. A joystick in port - 2 is needed to find the words: the fire button toggles between set colour - and white. Pressing F7 allows you to quit. Quit option reprints the word - search with the hidden words in black lowercase. It is possible to - change the number of words by altering the value of limit in line 90. - However you must load the program without running it to do this! have fun - Paul Hancock - PAH4" wordsearch.prg c64/edu/Canada@ -> pet/edu/Canada c64/firmware@ -> firmware/computers/c64 c64/games/ * All games you can find here are freely distributable. If you are looking * for commercial games, you are looking at the wrong place. Try e.g. * . 10000meters.d64.gz - 10000 meters, a realtime 10000 meters racing game in the style of - Decathlon. Written 2001. See also . 6fourdle.d64.gz - Wordle clone for the C64 Agricola.sfx - Agricola is a farm simulation (in German). It is somehow similar to the - commercial games "Hanse" or "Kaiser", if someone happens to know them. Armageddon-Files.prg - A public domain game developed with the Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit - (SEUCK). Backgammon.sfx - Backgammon game written by Peter Weighill . Balloonacy2+9m.d64.gz - Balloonacy 2 with 9 trainers Freeware as per the author, Richard Bayliss Bash.sda - Trivia game written by Troy Rutter . Allows you to - write your own modules. Berania-install.lnx - Installs the role game Berania by Amos to a hard disk partition. The - instructions are in German. Black Magic+4Trainer.d64.gz Blow Up the Earth.lnx Bombsweeper-NV.prg - Bombsweeper 64 NV by Matthias Hensler 1995-1996 CastleQuest.prg Cloud King.lnx - A shooting game by Andrea Canobbio . See also - . - Pong like Games, Works in PAL but I was unable to get past the intro - screen on an NTSC 64. Crush +5.d64.gz - A multi-load space game by Smash Designs. Daedalus.prg - A vertically scrolling shooting game by Andrew Smith for Commodore Format Dark Sky.prg Darkon.lnx - A shareware role playing game written in BASIC. - Collection of games from Donnie Russel II. Includes: Adventure, Archer, - Tetris, Berzerk, Blackjack, Chopper Command, Clue, Haunted House, - Lemmings, Old Maid, Q-Bert Draughts.sfx Elite-cheats.txt - Some cheats for Elite. Elite-deutsch.prg - A German version of Elite. Elite.d64.gz - Elite, the famous space trade game, downloaded from Ian Bell's home page - . Elite.txt - Project 64 e-text for Elite user's manual. FlappyBird.prg - Flappy Bird for the C64, ported by Sos Fourcell.readme Fourcell.sda - A Freecell variant (solitaire game) for the Commodore 64. Programmed by - Dick Trissel . GameBoy Tetris.prg - GameBoy Tetris. Only the standard game is emulated. Press SHIFT-LOCK to - start the game. Goldrunner.prg - Vertical shoot-em-up game preview. Weak graphics and digitized speech. Hawk.mission.prg - Commando clone. Hawk.prg - A vertical shoot-em-up. Documentation is in German. Maija.prg - A Finnish card game "musta maija" - , with computer- - guided players implemented in BASIC. Minesweeper.prg Minesweeper.readme - The infamous Windoze game Monopoly.prg - Monopoly game. Mr Shit Strikes Back.lnx Mr Shit's Space War.lnx Night Flight.prg - This is an I.F.R. flight simulation program from 1986, written in BASIC, - but still quite nice. Paranoid's Empire.prg Paranoid's Empire.readme - A shooting game for the C64. PoolORad-trnr.prg Psy.xx.prg - This is PAL game that also works with NTSC. It is a Game Construction Set - game that suffers from slowdown when intense sprite activity occurs. Richtofen's Revenge.prg - Horizontal shoot-em-up. Very primitive graphics that funnily reminds of - early BASIC games. S.G.A. II.lnx - A public domain game developed with the Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit - (SEUCK). ScudBusters.prg Shoot'em.Wild.prg Shoot'em.Wild.readme - Shoot-em up game for PAL C64's. Slime+1HD Commodore 64 by Mr. - Port of SLIME for the PET, includes source Solitaire.prg - The infamous Windoze game Sort of Darts.prg - Shareware darts game SpacePope.readme SpacePope.sda - A shoot-em-up game made with SEUCK. Splat_and_Shout.lnx Star Trek-Klingon Attack.prg - A two-dimensional static-screen shooting game Star Trek-Romulan Attack.prg - A two-dimensional static-screen shooting game Station Wagon Blues.readme Station Wagon Blues.sfx - Station Wagon Blues text adventure TV-game.lnx - A Pong clone written in BASIC. A compiled version generated with Austro- - comp is included. "Ye Olde TV Game" for the CBM-64. One of the oldest - games for the television set, when these were black/white. Written in - 1999 by Michael Husted in veneration towards the CBM-64 and this - marvellous although simple game. Positive comments to - Negative to anybody else :-) Tetrix.lnx - A shareware Tetris clone by Ryan Thompson. Many options, also for two - players. The Scoop.prg - A shootemup contributed by Wanderer Tiger-helicopter.prg - A vertical shoot-em up game. Tomb.lzh Tomb.readme - A multi-part adventure game. War.readme War.sda - Two player 'artillery' game. Warlords.lnx - A shareware multi-player strategy game by Perry Daymon Foster. Wet Paint.prg Wet Paint.readme - A Tron like game. Works in both PAL and NTSC. Whitewash.sfx Work-games.prg - Work day in a nuclear weapon factory. Up to 5 players. Zauberland.prg - This is a text adventure (text only) from the earlier days of the C64 - (January 1985). The game is in German. ecafreeze.txt - Instructions for hacking many games made by E.C.A. and Gremlin. freax-c64.prg - Freax - Space Invaders clone by A.Millett games.lzh games.readme - Some PD games written by Mark Rejhon. geoGames.readme geoGames.sfx - Miscellanous games for the GEOS. ordeal+2100p.d64.gz - Shootemup game contributed by Wanderer phassine.lnx - Petri Hassinen's games from 1987-1991. See his home page at - for more information. rose64.d64.gz - Hangman and two screen demos by Joseph Rose shooting gallery.prg - Game by Jeri Cosyn space_inv_basic.d64.gz - Space Invaders in all BASIC spriteinvaders.prg - Space Invaders clone star hawx -tnd.prg - Space Invaders type shooter. c64/games/Llamasoft/ * These games were produced by Jeff Minter a.k.a. Yak of Llamasoft * in the 1980's. He has kindly given * permission to distribute these files. Most of these files have been * obtained from unauthorised copies that may have been modified by * hackers. Original disk, tape or cartridge images are welcome. Ancipital.lnx.gz - Disk version of Ancipital; might not be completely original, as the - entry point and some of the data differs from the data loaded from the - tape image. Ancipital.prg - Compressed version of Ancipital, extracted from the original tape - image. Ancipital.tap.gz - Original tape image of Ancipital. The loader is Novaload S100101. Ancipital.txt - The scrolltext that is displayed while Ancipital loads from tape Attack of the Mutant Camels-8000.prg - The cartridge version of Attack of the Mutant Camels. SYS64738 to - start. Attack of the Mutant Camels.prg - The classic of Jeff Minter. This is a crunched version, as the game - starts at $1000. Two independently archived versions contained the - same data. Recompressed by Marko Mäkelä. Batalyx-2.prg - A compressed version of Batalyx. The uncompressed data appears to - contain unnecessary parts, such as some disk drive commands. Batalyx.prg - A game consisting of six subgames. This may be a cracked version. Can - anyone supply an original? Batalyx.txt - Instructions and background for Batalyx, written by Jeff Minter. Gridrunner-8000.prg - A 4-kilobyte cartridge version of Gridrunner. The originally archived - file contained two copies of the data. SYS64738 to start. Gridrunner.prg - Another version of Gridrunner. This originates from a cracked copy - that was originally run through a number of compression programs. The - payload ends at $8000-$8fff, but it is not exactly the same as the - cartridge version. Hellgate-trained.prg - A cracked version of Hellgate by Bod/Talent that features a - configuration option for unlimited lives. Hellgate.prg - Copyright © 1984 Jeff Minter / Llamasoft. The game is located at - $5000-$75ff. There is some assembler source code at $73c8. Identical - data was extracted from two archived copies, crunched with different - tools. This copy was crunched by Marko Mäkelä with PuCrunch. Hover Bovver.prg - Copyright © 1983 Jeff Minter / Llamasoft. Mow the lawn with a - borrowed machine, avoid hitting flowers, domestic animals and people. - The data is at $6000-$9fff. Except for the last (presumably unused) - bytes, identical data was extracted from two archived copies, crunched - with different tools. The data in this copy ends in "LMON1"; in the - other copy, the last two bytes were 0 and $32. This copy was crunched - by Marko Mäkelä with PuCrunch. Iridis Alpha-demo.prg - A demo version of Iridis Alpha, copied with some freezer cartridge. Iridis Alpha-trained.prg - A cracked version of Iridis Alpha that has configuration options for - unlimited lives and energy. The uncompressed data looks "cleaner" than - in the version cracked by Deadbeat. Iridis Alpha.prg - A horizontally scrolling shooting game with two views, similar to - Sanxion. Copyright © 1986 Llamasoft/Hewson Ltd, cracked from tape - version by Deadbeat/The Sharks on April 29, 1995. Laser Zone.prg - Shoot moving llamas with two laser cannons, mounted on a horizontal and - a vertical axis. The game, published in 1983, is 8 kilobytes at $8000- - $9fff. Recompressed by Marko Mäkelä. MIF II.prg - A single-file version of MIF II, a two-player combined Break-Out and - Pong game. The game is played with two joysticks. MIF II.tap.gz - Compressed original low-level tape image of MIF II. The custom loader, - Wild Save written by Andrew Challis and published by Interceptor Micros - in 1987, uses two different pulse widths. It overwrites the tape - buffer with a message for hackers. Mama Llama.prg - Mama Llama, one of the longest Llamasoft games for the Commodore 64 - (56023 bytes uncompressed). Recompressed by Marko Mäkelä. Matrix.prg - A shooting game with a stationary screen. Use joystick in port 1. This - 8-kilobyte cartridge was cracked by Antirom 1983. Metagalactic Llamas-2.prg - Uncompressed version of Metagalactic Llamas whose contents slightly - differ from the crunched version. Instead of "© 1984 Llamasoft - Software Ltd.", this version says "C.S. & CSS on the Firato 1984". Metagalactic Llamas.prg - Battle at the edge of time. Game design by Jeff Minter whilst on a bus - in Portugal. Converted by Aaron Liddiment. © 1984 Llamasoft Software - Ltd. This is a crunched version. Return of the Mutant Camels.prg - The sequel of Revenge of the Mutant Camels, with much improved - graphics, including graphics in the top and bottom screen borders. - This copy was cracked in August 26, 1987 by Idefix/Trianon Networks - (Offenbach, Germany). Revenge of the Mutant Camels.prg - The sequel of Attack of the Mutant Camels, a horizontally scrolling - shooting game. Sheep in Space.prg - A fast-paced horizontally scrolling shooting game. This copy was - recovered from two partially modified copies and recompressed by Marko - Mäkelä. Some source code can be seen in several memory locations. Synchrogoat.prg - Control the speed of conveyor belts in order to keep running goats - stationary with respect to the screen. Voidrunner.prg - A multi-level shooting game with a stationary screen and flashy - graphics. The game loads to $2000-$efff. This copy was originally - cracked May 13, 1987 by SLH of Hotline, a Dutch cracker group. - Recompressed by Marko Mäkelä. readme.txt rmc2021.d64.gz - Revenge of the Mutant Camels 2021 Permission of Jeff Minter a.k.a. Yak - to distribute these files c64/games/The Bingo Team/ * The games by The Bingo Team are rather simple, often two-player games. 100 Meter Dash.prg - 100 meter dash for two players by The Bingo Team Arena.prg - Shoot enemy objects and avoid collisions with them. Penguin.prg - A frogger-like game with penguins and sharks instead of frogs and cars Platforms.prg - Jump between elevator platforms and collect all coins on the screen. Steeplechase.prg - A horizontally scrolling two-player horse race Ten Pins.prg - Bowling for 1-4 persons c64/games/adventures/ * Most of these text adventures were distributed by The Bingo Team and * uploaded by Most are written by Dorothy Millard. Blackpool Tower.prg - You have been locked inside the house by your aunt who's up the street - shopping. Being 7 years young and adventurous, you wish to get out and - see the famous Blackpool Tower. Convention Blues.d64.gz - Find ten treasures hidden in an old house. Escape to Freedom.prg - Escape from an enemy country. Harboro.prg - Solve a murder. Land of the Giants.prg - The children, Peter and Mary, have been captured by the mean giant. You - have been chosen to rescue them. Lost in the Amazon.prg - You are the lone survivor of an expedition to South America to find the - famed Golden Condor. Your plane has crashed in the jungle and you are - completely lost. Misty Island.lnx - You have been thrown to a remote misty island with no food. Escape - from the island and return back to civilization. My House.prg - The aim of this adventure is to fix my printer, which is is ned of a - quick repair job. RJ's Ultimatum.prg - Seek a job after five years of doing nothing. Revenge of the Toothless Vampire.prg - You must help poor old Cedric, the Toothless Vampire, collect his false - teeth and get out of Wierdsville. St Jives.prg - Chase a mad scientist in a fishing village. The Big Aussie Adventure.d64.gz - Raise money for a local children's hospital by traveling across - Australia. The Million Dollar Great Jewel Heist.prg - You awake with a headache, oh boy what a headache, in the living room - of a large mansion. You ask yourself "What am I doing here?", and the - place appears to be deserted. Westbury Mystery.d64.gz - Escape from kidnappers and find stolen treasures. Yellow Peril.d64.gz - Escape from a magic world where everything is yellow. c64/games/preview/ Centric.prg - Preview of a shareware game where you must blockade the enemies by - building a wall. Includes two levels. Creatures.prg - PAL/NTSC; preview of platform game. Dynamoid.prg - PAL/NTSC; preview of pong-like game. Flummi's World.prg - PAL: preview of a platform game. Henry.prg - PAL ONLY; jump & run game preview. LazerDuel.prg - PAL/NTSC; preview of a tank game. Lemmings.prg - PAL/NTSC; preview of Lemmings. Minesweeper.prg Mushroom Torture.prg - PAL: preview of a vertically scrolling shoot-em-up Turrican-2.prg - PAL, works 90% in NTSC; jump & run game preview. silo64.prg - Preview, with permission from the author c64/graphics/ c64/graphics/converters.crossplatform@ -> crossplatform/graphics c64/graphics/converters/ AFLI-converter.prg - Converts hi-res FLI files, or Advanced FLI. Autograph-pics.sfx - Sample pictures for Autograph. Autograph.doc - Documentation of Autograph, in ASCII format. Autograph.prg - A graphics viewer/converter by Fuzzy Fox. Gfx-converters.Equinoxe.d64.gz - Equinoxe's collection of graphics converters, released 16.12.1996. Graphic-Tools.DaveJB.d64.gz - Five programs written by Dave, with source code included: - Picture Converter: recognizes six common graphic image file formats - Multicolor Picture Cleaner: makes bitmap files to more compressible - Hi-res Picture Cleaner: same thing for hi-res picture files - BMAP Colours: helps to choose colors of pure bitmap files - Sprite Peeper: a useful program to seek sprites in memory (don't say - sprite thief!) GraphicsConv-v1.2.prg GraphicsConv.readme - Converts between different graphics formats Logofix-1.0.TVC.prg - A Koala-to-character graphics converter by DAE/TVC. MacTo64-1525.prg MacTo64-1525.readme - views MacPaint graphic files on C64 MacToGeos-v1.1.prg - MacPaint to geoPaint conversion utility by J. Hastings-Trew PS.PM.NR.Convert.prg - Print Shop/Printmaster/Newsroom graphics converter Public Domain by - Brian Heyboer (Q-Link ID: MOSFET) With on-line instructions. gfxtrnfm.arc - The Graphics Transformer -- converts between different graphics - formats. pfb2pfa.lnx.gz pfb2pfa.txt - Convert Postscript Font Binary (PFB, Adobe Type 1) files to Postscript - Font ASCII (PFA, Adobe Type 2) files on the C64 or C128. c64/graphics/converters/GoDot/ * GoDot is an image processing program for the Commodore 64, developed * by Arndt Dettke. According to the author, this package has been * placed into the public domain on September 5, 2001. The following * excerpt is from : * Seit dem 5. September ist GoDot Public Domain! Nach Rücksprache mit * allen bisherigen Distributoren habe ich mich zu diesem Entschluss * durchgerungen. Es kann nun in allen PD-Archiven und auf Clubdisketten * weitergereicht werden. Einzige Bedingung: GoDot darf nicht ohne meine * Erlaubnis für eine öffentliche Distribution verändert werden. * These compressed 1541 disk image files have been extracted from the * original ZIP files. GoDot-minimal.d64.gz - Minimal GoDot installation (only this disk image) God127a.d64.gz God127b.d64.gz - GoDot program disk, two sides. GodExtrA.d64.gz GodExtrB.d64.gz - GoDot extra disks, two sides. GodNachtrag.d64.gz - GoDot addendum disk. IFLI-show.d64.gz - An IFLI picture slide show. c64/graphics/converters/GoDot/demo/ * This is an old demo of GoDot, when the program still was * distributed on a shareware basis. GoDot-demo.d64.gz - GoDot is an image processing system, and this is a shareware demo - version of it as a 1541 disk image. The GoDot home page is at - . GoDot-demo.lnx - GoDot demo version in Lynx format. GoDot-demo.readme - Release notes of the GoDot demo version. GoDot-demo1.sfx GoDot-demo2.sfx GoDot-demo3.sfx - GoDot demo version in three self-extracting files. c64/graphics/converters/GoDot/misc/ * Miscellanous additions for GoDot. GoDot-doodle.svr.prg - Saves Doodle format pictures from GoDot. Uploaded by the GoDot - author, Arndt Dettke. GoDot-koala.svr.prg - Saves Koala Paint format pictures from GoDot. Uploaded by the - GoDot author, Arndt Dettke. c64/graphics/converters/geos@ -> geos/graphics/converters c64/graphics/editors/ ArtCutter-1.10.prg - Multicolor graphics editor. Released 1st June 1993 by Alan Group, - Russia. CSLC-1.0.prg - Charsets Linker/Compressor by Alan Group, Russia. Finished 22th June - 1993, spread 1st July 1993. Charblaster2.prg - A character editor ChunkyEdit.prg ChunkyEdit.txt - This program was written to draw textures for the nowadays very common - 4by4 16-color chunky mode. It is still at a beta stage so some common - functions are not included in the program (i.e. Copy). Written and - uploaded by Graham/Oxyron ( DYCPFontMaker.prg - Font editor for DYCP scrollers EAFLI-editor.sfx - Extended Advanced FLI editor by John 'Graham' Selck of Oxyron - ( The documentation is in ASCII format, - and so is the source code for the EAFLI viewer that is included. FLI-Editor-v3.2.prg - 1989 Dolphins, FLI and bitmap editor FLI-Graph.prg - FLI designer v1.1 by CPU (PAL) FontEd.lnx.gz FontEd.txt - Font editor written in BASIC by Howard Feldman FontMagic-v1.2.prg - This is a font utility with nice pull down menu user interface. - (Joystick required). It works fine on PAL and NTSC. InterlaceHiresEditor.prg - Koala Painter I and II, Koala Pad LogoEditor-v1.2.prg - Logo-editor v1.2 by Henry of Centauri SuperHiresEditor-v1.2.prg SuperHiresInterlaceEditor.sfx - Super Hires Interlace Editor by COLABOR/VERMES released 03.12.1994 and - a bunch of graphics conversion utilities (Amiga->C64). SuperHiresStudio.sfx - An editor for sprite-enhanced hires bitmaps by Rascal of Sun Designs. - Includes displayer source code. Triplefont.prg - Character editor v1.0 True Paint I.d64.gz - MCI (MultiColor Interlace) graphics editor for PAL systems. The - pictures are startable from BASIC. Uploaded by the author, Robert - 'GrABBA' Grabowski ( bitmap_shifter.prg funpaint_ii.prg multidrawer11.prg multidrawer11.readme - Multi-purpose, multifunction graphics editor with many features. - Uploaded by the author, Silver Dream ! (Patryk Logiewa), - c64/graphics/editors/FGM/ * Most Fun Graphics Machine stuff has been uploaded by Jack * VanderWhite. FGM-Rolodex.sfx - Rolodex card template for use in FGM by Gaelyne Moranec FGM-font1.sda - Font file from old Q-link FGM area. FGM-overlay.sda - FGM KEYBOARD overlay from old Q-link FGM area. FGM-parallel-v6.vsd.prg - Use Geocable or other Parallel print cables with FGM. Release from - Ron Hackley for v6 & 6.5 of Fun Graphics Machine. Released 30 Nov - 95. FGM-parallel-v6a.vsd.prg - This is a self dissolving file. It is another print upgrade for - registered FGM users. This replaces the previous version released in - late 1995. The release date on this upgrade is 1/1996. - After you dissolve the file onto a disk run the first file and - read the docs. It will tell you evrything you need to know. This - upgrade offers Geocable and multi-pass printing for Epson compatible - printers. Many improvements over the last upgrade. - This release is from Ron Hackley through Jack Vander White for all - Registered FGM V6 users. Pass it round. Ron's address and e-mail - address are on the bottom of the readme docs. FGM-reader.sda - FGM reader from old Q-link FGM area. FGM-screen1.sda - FGM screens from old Q-link FGM area. FGM-sprite1.sda - FGM screens from old Q-link FGM area. FGM-sprite2.sda - FGM screens from old Q-link FGM area. FGM-update1.vsd.prg FGM-update2.vsd.prg FGM-update3.vsd.prg FGM-update4.vsd.prg FGM-update5.vsd.prg - Update v6 to v6.5. Self-dissolving File in 5 parts. Dissolve all - onto one disk. FGM-v6.demo.d64.gz - Demo version of Fun Graphics Machine v6. This version released by - Ron Hackley (30 NOV 95) has latest order information. Kverter.vsd.prg - Convert, Dither, Print Koala pics. Smobster.prg - FGM screen from old Q-link FGM area. Udraw.vsd.prg - Draw utility from earlier version of FGM. For registered FGM owners. doodle.txt - Text file for FGM from old Q-link FGM area. geoViewer.vsd.prg - Geoviewer utility. geofont.txt - Text file for FGM from old Q-link FGM area. c64/graphics/other/ Globe.prg Globe.readme - Draws a spinning globe on the screen. MandelPrint.prg MandelPrint.readme - Prints Mandelbrot and Julia fractals. Popeye.prg - Displays a picture of the famous sailor and plays his song. Printfox-ZS-Resizer.DaveJB.lnx - Printfox character set resizer v1.1+ by Dave. This utility changes the - character size in the Printfox publishing system font files. Very - needed if you want to redesign any of your fonts. c64/graphics/pictures/ c64/graphics/pictures/FLI/ * Some of these files require an FLI viewer, some are runnable, but * might work only on PAL or only on NTSC computers. Appacz.prg Colibri.prg - A picture of a humming-bird Dolphin.prg - A nice dolphin picture, from Topaz. Fish.prg - Two fish Giger1.prg - A 'goat'-headed woman by H.R.Giger Hands.prg - Two hands drawing eachother by M.C.Escher KMpec.prg - Star Trek: Klingon High-Council (K'Mpec) LawnmowerMan.prg - Snapshot of the Lawnmowerman virtual reality shot MonaLisa.prg - Mona Lisa by Leonardo DaVinci :-) Nagel20.prg Parrot.prg - A parrot Rose.prg - A rose SW-attacker.prg - Star Wars attack cruiser against Imperial Walkers Spacewalk.prg - An astronaut in the middle of a space walk SpiderQueen.prg - A spider queen by H.R.Giger africa.prg alapalooza.prg - Scanned image of "Weird Al" Yankovic's latest album cover betyboop.prg blackmail.prg - A demo picture from a FLI editor by Blackmail borgman.prg boyhowdy.prg budlight.prg - Budlight beer bottle bugsbuny.prg cherycok.prg clown.prg - A great closeup picture of a clown crestfli.prg dragon.prg earth.prg fist.prg flint.prg lords.prg magic.prg meaningl.prg mermaid.prg michelin.prg northstars.prg - A Minnesotta Northstars hockey player with a symbol from NHL. papawtun.prg pinkfld.prg - An album cover of Pink Floyd suicide.prg tilly.prg - Guest with David Letterman tpeaks00.prg - Picture of Sherilyn Fenn from Twin Peaks tpeaks01.prg - Group shot of characters in R&R Diner from Twin Peaks tpeaks03.prg - Kyle Mcglaughlin from Twin Peaks tpeaks04.prg - Lara Flynn Boyle from Twin Peaks c64/graphics/pictures/Koala/ c64/graphics/pictures/MacPaint/ Eagle.bin c64/graphics/pictures/PrintFox/ - Spacecraft in a battle - Band playing - Conan the barbarian #1 conan2.dn.bin - Bottom half of the Conan picture #2 conan2.up.bin - Top half of the Conan picture #2 conan3.dn.bin - Bottom half of the Conan picture #3 conan3.up.bin - Top half of the Conan picture #3 - Daughters of mercy, picture 1 - Daughters of mercy, picture 2 - Flintstones standing in front of their house - Military leader uses binoculars - Concert pianist in the act - Jaws 18 :-) c64/graphics/pictures/other/ * Here you will find pictures in custom formats. Infinity.d64.gz - A logoshow by Ideal, a Hungarian demogroup. Shows graphics on the - "whole" screen, while an 1X1 scroll comments them. Uses a custom - fastloader and a custom file format. Uploaded by GCS/IDEAL, or - Laszlo Boszormenyi . Probably does not - work on NTSC systems. eshi.sfx - Enhanced Super Hires viewer (sprite-enhanced hires mode) and some - pictures. Programmed by Frank Kontros "The Non Stop Cracker", - Might not work on NTSC systems. c64/graphics/pictures/runnable/ Agony Electric.prg Compopic-Antic.prg - Compo Pic from the TCC pardy, pic by Creeper/Antic PAL - Does NOT - work on NTSC Uploaded by Chief/Padua Compopic-Creeper.prg Compopic-Joe.Antic.prg - Compo Pic from the TCC pardy in Sweden, pic by Joe/Antic PAL - Does - NOT work on NTSC Uploaded by Chief/Padua Compopic-Joe.prg Condic1.prg - An interlaced FLI picture in PAL-G format OllieGFX.prg - Three pictures drawn by Ollie/Pride. PAL only. Visual-P.prg - A Norwegian graphician presents his skills. c64/graphics/viewers/ Doodle-4.1.prg - Display Doodle files. This BASIC program must be run from GEOS. FLI-viewer.NTSC.prg - Simple FLI viewer for NTSC, load pic&program and run FLI-viewer.PAL.prg - Simple FLI viewer for PAL, load pic&program and run KoalaViewer.prg - Simple Koala viewer for PAL/NTSC, load pic&program and run Macp21525.prg Macp2Epson.prg - Print MacPaint pictures. VGIF64.prg - A GIF viewer for standard C64 ViewGIF2.sfx - GIF viewer. Includes sample GIF. - JPEG viewers by Stephen Judd c64/html/ ultimax.html - Description of the VIC-10 a.k.a. UltiMax, the early downscaled game- - console version of the Commodore 64. ultimax.jpg - A German advertisement featuring the VC-10. c64/magazines/ Anarchy_01.d64.gz - Anarchy Magazine - Edition #01 / June 1994 - Produced by Crescent, uploaded by Wisdom/Crescent - Arachnophobia1.d64.gz - Arachnophobia #1 August '96 - diskmag - Uploaded by Havran/StudioStyle - CDiskUser-Cat.sfx - Catalog of the British Commodore Disk User magazine (rip). CSD-Mag-1.prg Chaotic2.TRC.lzh - Chaotic Country Choice issue #2 released by The Ruling Company Domination#12-1.d64.gz Domination#12-2.d64.gz - Domination issue 12, two sides. Envoyer.Unit5.prg - A one-file magazine by Unit5. Eternity#2-1.d64.gz Eternity#2-2.d64.gz - ISSUE 2 of ETERNITY made by the COMPUTER SCENE guys in England. 2 - disksides. 1998. Upped by Expose#5.d64.gz Expose#5.readme - Issue #5 of Expose, a North American disk magazine. Released in 1992. Hack_CD.readme Hack_CD_1.lzh Hack_CD_2.lzh Hack_CD_3.lzh Hack_CD_4.lzh - The Hacker's Crackdown, an electronic book by Bruce Sterling. Magness#9.lha NatlCadaver-1.prg NatlCadaver-2.prg Palladium1.d64.gz Palladium1.readme - Palladium issue #1,new diskmagazine from the turkish group Ascraeus! - Uploaded by Zapotek/AFL! Passion#1.lnx - A one-file disk magazine by Antifan/Equinoxe. Released 26-08-95. Relax13.Nov1995.d64.gz - Relax November Edition (Issue 13) © 1995 Phuture Rock'n'Roll#21-1.d64.gz Rock'n'Roll#21-2.d64.gz - ROLE proundly presents: ROCK'N'ROLL issue 21, the X-MAS issue 1996. - Converted to .d64 by Logiker. Shout#1-1.d64.gz Shout#1-2.d64.gz - A two-sided disk magazine by Equinoxe. SkyHigh13.Oxyron.d64.gz - Diskmaggy from Oxyron SmoothCriminal.Unit5.prg - Smooth Criminal single-file magazine by Unit5. The Grapevine 12.lha - Commodore Cee magazine, volume 1 issue 5. The last issue but one. - Commodore Cee magazine, volume 1 issue 6. The last issue released. codersworld1.lnx codersworld2.lnx - The first two issues of the Coders World disk magazine from The Phantom - and Wrong Way. pulse6.lzh - Issue #6 of Pulse - the quality disk magazine. reform10.lnx - Reform #010, an issue of a Swedish disk magazine. Uploaded by Thomas - Karlsen . the_pulse_july1995.lzh - The Pulse Mag, July 1995 issue. A PAL/NTSC scene magazine. c64/magazines/Ahoy/ * Issues of the Ahoy magazine 1986-01.d64.gz 1986-02.d64.gz 1986-03.d64.gz 1986-04.d64.gz 1986-05.d64.gz 1986-06.d64.gz 1986-07.d64.gz 1986-08.d64.gz 1986-09.d64.gz 1986-10.d64.gz 1986-11.d64.gz 1986-12.d64.gz 1987-01.d64.gz 1987-02.d64.gz 1987-03.d64.gz best-1985.d64.gz - Ahoy Best of 1985 best-utilities.d64.gz - Ahoy Best Utilities c64/magazines/Diehard/ Diehard_Issue_01_1992_May.pdf Diehard_Issue_02_1992_Jun.pdf Diehard_Issue_03_1992_Jul.pdf dieHard01.pdf - May 1992 dieHard02.pdf - June 1992 dieHard03.pdf - July 1992 dieHard04.pdf - October 1992 dieHard05.pdf - November/December 1992 dieHard06.pdf - January 1993 dieHard07.pdf - February 1993 dieHard08.pdf - March 1993 dieHard09.pdf - April 1993 dieHard10.pdf - May 1993 dieHard11.pdf - June/July 1993 dieHard12.pdf - August 1993 dieHard13.pdf - September 1993 dieHard14.pdf - October 1993 dieHard15.pdf - November 1993 dieHard16.pdf - December 1993 dieHard17.pdf - January/February 1994 dieHard18.pdf - March 1994 dieHard19.pdf - April 1994 dieHard20.pdf - June 1994 dieHard21.pdf - July/August 1994 dieHard22.pdf - September 1994 dieHard23.pdf - October 1994 c64/magazines/Driven/ * Driven Mag, a North American scene magazine. Driven-01.prg Driven-02.prg Driven-03.prg Driven-04.prg Driven-05.prg Driven-06.prg Driven-07.prg Driven-08.prg Driven-09.prg Driven-10.prg c64/magazines/Floppy Magazine/ * Floppy Magazine was published in Finland (in Finnish) from 1985 to * 1988. * Tiedostonimistä ilmenee julkaisuvuosi. Kaksipuoliset levykkeet on * merkitty päätteillä "a" ja "b". Katso myös * . fm85-1.d64.gz fm85-2.d64.gz fm85-3.d64.gz fm85-4.d64.gz fm85-5.d64.gz fm85-6.d64.gz - Vuosikerta 1985 fm85-pho.d64.gz - Parhaat hyötyohjelmat 1985 fm86-1.d64.gz fm86-2.d64.gz fm86-3.d64.gz fm86-6a.d64.gz fm86-6b.d64.gz - Vuosikerta 1986; numerot 4 ja 5 puuttuvat fm87-1a.d64.gz fm87-1b.d64.gz fm87-2a.d64.gz fm87-2b.d64.gz fm87-3a.d64.gz fm87-3b.d64.gz fm87-4a.d64.gz fm87-4b.d64.gz fm87-5a.d64.gz fm87-5b.d64.gz fm87-6a.d64.gz fm87-6b.d64.gz - Vuosikerta 1987 fm88-1a.d64.gz fm88-1b.d64.gz fm88-2a.d64.gz fm88-2b.d64.gz fm88-3a.d64.gz fm88-3b.d64.gz fm88-4a.d64.gz fm88-4b.d64.gz fm88-5a.d64.gz fm88-5b.d64.gz fm88-6a.d64.gz fm88-6b.d64.gz - Vuosikerta 1988 fm88-gua.d64.gz fm88-gub.d64.gz - GURU-supersoftaa 1988/1 c64/magazines/Gamers_Guide/ * Lately some of the older Guides were found to be corrupted and I have * thus made new transfers of the entire collection for safety reasons. * Programs used for this transfer were StarCommander 0.71 and Starlynx * for lynxing. I will now rely completely on Joe Forsters tools as * they've shown to be reliable in difference from other tools out there. * Files named gg_xx(n) are NTSC versions. From issue #09 forth the * Guides autodetect NTSC and fix themselves. We currently only have the * NTSC version of GG #06. * King Fisher / Triad aka Linus Walleij * * -- Information Wants to be Free gg_01.prg gg_02.prg gg_03.prg gg_04(n).prg gg_04.prg gg_05.prg gg_06(n).prg gg_07.prg gg_08.prg gg_09.lnx gg_10.lnx gg_11.lnx gg_12.lnx gg_13.lnx gg_14.lnx gg_15.lnx gg_15_5.lnx gg_16.lnx gg_17.lnx gg_18.lnx gg_19.lnx gg_20.lnx gg_21.lnx gg_22.lnx gg_23.lnx gg_24.lnx gg_25.lnx c64/magazines/Gazette/ BestOfGazetteGames89.D64.gz - Compute's Gazette disks from 1989. ComputeGazette-APR86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-APR87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-APR88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-AUG86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-AUG87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-AUG88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-AUG89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-Aug84.d64.gz ComputeGazette-DEC86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-DEC87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-DEC88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-Dec84.D64.gz - Compute's Gazette disks from 1984. ComputeGazette-Dec89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-FEB86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-FEB87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-FEB88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-Feb85.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JAN86.D64.gz - Compute's Gazette disks from 1986. ComputeGazette-JAN87.D64.gz - Compute's Gazette disks from 1987. ComputeGazette-JAN88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JAN89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JUL86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JUL87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JUL88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JUL89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JUN86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JUN87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JUN88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-JUN89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-Jan85.D64.gz ComputeGazette-July84.d64.gz ComputeGazette-June84.d64.gz ComputeGazette-June85.D64.gz - Compute's Gazette disks from 1985. ComputeGazette-MAR86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-MAR87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-MAR88.D64.gz - Compute's Gazette disks from 1988. ComputeGazette-MAY86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-MAY87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-MAY88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-MAY89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-March85.D64.gz ComputeGazette-May84.d64.gz ComputeGazette-May85.D64.gz ComputeGazette-NOV86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-NOV87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-NOV89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-OCT86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-OCT87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-OCT89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-Oct84.D64.gz ComputeGazette-SEP86.D64.gz ComputeGazette-SEP87.D64.gz ComputeGazette-SEP88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-SEP89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-Sept84.D64.gz ComputeGazette-apr89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-feb89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-mar89.D64.gz ComputeGazette-nov88.D64.gz ComputeGazette-oct88.D64.gz c64/magazines/Mojo/ * Mojo is published by a user group in North America. mojo293.lnx mojo493.lnx mojoBestOf92.lnx mojofall93.lnx c64/magazines/Newspress/ Insider - 14.1.1995: Insider#4 magazine from the Rebels. Two sides. Uploaded by - News Press #16.lnx - 22.2.1995: News Press #16 magazine from the Rebels, in Lynx format. - Uploaded by News Press #20-1.d64.gz News Press #20-2.d64.gz - 24.7.1999: News Press #20 magazine, two sides. Uploaded by - Mr.Alpha/F4CG/Nostalgia/News Press Staff. c64/magazines/Overshadow/ * Angels' Overshadow diskmags all the released issues from 1997 to 2020. Overshadow-01--1997.d64.gz Overshadow-02--1997.d64.gz Overshadow-03--1997.d64.gz Overshadow-04--1997.d64.gz Overshadow-05--1997.d64.gz Overshadow-06--1997.d64.gz Overshadow-07--1997.d64.gz Overshadow-08--1997.d64.gz Overshadow-09--1997.d64.gz Overshadow-10--1998.d64.gz Overshadow-11--1998.d64.gz Overshadow-12--1998.d64.gz Overshadow-13--1998.d64.gz Overshadow-14--1998.d64.gz Overshadow-15--1999.d64.gz Overshadow-16--1999.d64.gz Overshadow-17--1999.d64.gz Overshadow-18--1999.d64.gz Overshadow-19--1999.d64.gz Overshadow-20--1999.d64.gz Overshadow-21--2000.d64.gz Overshadow-22--2000.d64.gz Overshadow-23--2000.d64.gz Overshadow-24--2001.d64.gz Overshadow-25--2001.d64.gz Overshadow-26--2002.d64.gz Overshadow-27--2002.d64.gz Overshadow-28--2002.d64.gz Overshadow-29--2003.d64.gz Overshadow-30--2005.d64.gz Overshadow-31--2017.d64.gz Overshadow-32--2017.d64.gz Overshadow-33--2018.d64.gz Overshadow-34--2019.d64.gz Overshadow-35--2020.d64.gz Overshadow-36--2021.d64.gz Overshadow-37--2022.d64.gz Overshadow-38--2022.d64.gz Overshadow-39--2023.d64.gz Overshadow-Origins--2017.d64.gz Overshadow-Origins-2--1581--2022.d81.gz c64/magazines/Propaganda/ * Propaganda is a PAL scene magazine. Propaganda Gold.d64.gz Propaganda11.d64.gz Propaganda13.d64.gz - This issue may be corrupted. Propaganda16.d64.gz Propaganda19.d64.gz Propaganda26.d64.gz - Propaganda 26, uploaded by Count Zero of TRC * SCS / Talent - Technologies / CyberpunX . c64/magazines/Tiger Disk/ Tiger Disk 54-1.d64.gz Tiger Disk 54-2.d64.gz c64/magazines/VandalismNews/ * Vandalism News disk magazine. VandalismNews11a.sfx VandalismNews11b.sfx VandalismNews14.lzh vandal20.lnx vandal21.lnx vandal22.lnx c64/magazines/Violence/ Alivers--Violence-1--1997.d64.gz Alivers--Violence-2--1997.d64.gz Alivers--Violence-3--2002.d64.gz Alivers--Violence-4--2002.d64.gz Alivers--Violence-5--2002.d64.gz Alivers--Violence-6--2022.d64.gz Alivers--Violence-7--2023.d64.gz c64/magazines/Vision/ Vision-1.sfx Vision-2a.sfx Vision-2b.sfx Vision-2c.sfx Vision-7a.sfx Vision-7b.sfx Vision-7c.sfx Vision-7d.sfx - Vision issue 7 VisionGold1a.sfx VisionGold1b.sfx VisionGold1c.sfx c64/manuals/ * Commodore 64 related manuals * See also the Project 64 document homepage at * and the iDOC= homepage at * . * Some of these manuals were originally distributed with Commodore * computers & peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if * original is missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are * forbidden by copyright law. 64C_Test_Pilot.pdf - Game docs that came with C64C "Test Pilot" package C64C_GEOS_V1.2_Users_Manual.pdf - C64C GEOS 1.2 Users Manual C64C_GEOS_V1.3_Users_Manual.pdf - C64C GEOS 1.3 Users Manual C64C_GEOS_V1.5_Users_Manual.pdf - C64C GEOS 1.5 Users Manual C64C_Introductory_Guide.pdf - C64C Introductory Guide C64C_System_Guide.pdf - C64C System Guide C64UsersManual(IT).pdf - C64 Users Manual (Italian) C64_Programmers_Reference_Guide.pdf - C64 Programmer's Reference Guide C64_Programmers_Reference_Guide_(FR).pdf - C64 Programmers Reference Guide (French) C64_Programmers_Reference_Guide_(SP).pdf - C64 Programmers Reference Guide (Spanish) C64_User_Manual_1984_2nd_Edition.pdf - C64 Users Manual (UK version) C64_Users_Guide.pdf - C64 Users Guide C64_Users_Manual.pdf - C64 Users Manual Promenade.txt - Promenade EPROM burner user's guide, converted to e-text by Ward Shrake. SX-64_Users_Guide.pdf - SX-64 Users Guide c-diag10.txt - Commodore Diagnostics (45) c64-manual.txt - Commodore 64 User's Guide - Project 64 e-text version 1.0 c64-programmers-reference-guide.txt - Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide, 1/e (46) - Project 64 e-text version 1.0 - Converted by Ville Muikkula mapping-c64.txt - Mapping the Commodore 64, Project 64 e-text version 1.0. Converted by - David Holz c64/manuals/software/ Logo_Instruction_Manual.pdf Nevada_COBOL_for_the_Commodore_64.pdf Nevada_Fortran_for_the_Commodore_64.pdf Simons_BASIC_114_Additional_Instructions.pdf Simons_BASIC_Extensions.pdf Super_Expander_64.pdf c64/notemakers/ HellWriter.prg MessageMaker.sda - With this program you can create messages to be displayed e.g. in a - store's window. This program is from 1984, so don't expect too much. NightWriter.prg Notewriter-collection1.Megaunit.lzh - Notewriter collection #01 by Cascade/Megaunit. Released 14.2.1994. Octanoter 492.47.prg - Octanoter v492.47 by Morris/Agony Voodoo-Noter-2.1.prg - Equinoxe's notewriter c64/os/ - BASIC PET Emulator with manual in pdf PET Emulator.lnx - PET Emulator v0.6/021583 with DOS manager v5.1/071382 by Bob Fairbairn, - © 1982 Commodore Business Machines. TRIANGULAR uOS - BASIC GUI OS for the C64 kim2d64.d64.gz - KIM-1 emulator for the C64 vic-emulatorC64.lnx - This is a very primitive VIC-20 emulator. You might be able to run some - simple BASIC programs with this. - WiNGs OS for C64 w/ SuperCPU. Zip includes CMDHD directory tree. c64/os/GeckOS@ -> pet/os/GeckOS c64/os/ace@ -> c128/os/ace c64/os/geos@ -> geos c64/os/lunix/ * LUnix is a simple multitasking OS for the Commodore 64 being developed * by Daniel Dallmann . The LUnix homepage * is at * . lng020d64.gz - LUnix NG v 0.20 lunif.readme lunif.tar.gz - Ilker Ficicilar's LUnix utilities lunix-c64-reu.d64.gz - LUnix binaries 0.21 with REU support lunix-c64.d64.gz - LUnix binaries 0.21 lunix.readme lunix0p3b.c64.gz - LUnix distribution, self-extracting archive (gunzip it first, then run - it on a C64) lunix_tools.readme lunix_tools.tgz - LUnix cross-development package written in C. Includes luna (a 6502/10 - assembler), lupo (generic preprocessor) and lld (linker). lunix_tools_amiga.lha lunix_tools_amiga.readme - Amiga binaries of the LUnix cross-development tools c64/packers/ * These crunchers and packers are presented here mainly for historical * reasons. If you are looking for a fast and decent cruncher for serious * use, check Pasi Ojala's PuCrunch, a cross-platform cruncher. 4code zipper v2.0.prg ABCruncher.prg - 1993 Executable packer for C64 with/without REU. Very good compression. Alternate-v2.0.prg Alternative-1.1.prg - A level packer and depacker by Druid/Agony/Chromance BYG-Compact+.prg - 1989 NAF of Babygang, Executable packer BeastLink64k.prg Beeftrucker.prg BitImploder-v2.5.prg Bitimploder-v3.72.d64.gz ByteBlaster-v1.1.prg ByteBonker-v1.5.prg Bytebaby.prg - An executable compressor. Crosslink-v1.3.prg Crosslink-v2.0.prg CruelCrunch-v2.0.prg CruelCrunch-v2.2.prg - 1988 RGJ of ATG, Executable arithm. packer v2.2+ CruelCrunch-v2.5.prg - Cruel cruncher v2.5 Cruncher AB+.prg - An improved version of ABCruncher by Equinoxe. DarkPacker-v2.0.prg DarkSqz-REU.prg - A version of DarkSqueeze for REU-based systems. ECAPacker.prg FastCruel2.5.1.prg - Another version of Fast Cruel cruncher v2.5. FastCruel2.5.prg - Executable packer, fast Cruelcruncher by SCS v2.5a+ GalleonComp-v3.9.prg - 1988 Sphinx, Galleon Compactor v3.9/L Level-crusher-v1.0.prg - A packer system and an editor by MMS/TABOO NewsPacker.prg ShieldCruncher.prg - Crunches executables. SledgeHammer-2.2.CCS.prg - SledgeHammer 2.2 - The final version. Original code by Trap/Bonzai, - first improved by Vinzz/Wow, new improvements by Fungus/Carcass. SledgeHammer-2.prg - Improved by Trap/Bonzai SledgeHammer-3.0.prg - Improved by PCH (Hungary). Turbo loading, turbo saving, two pass - packing. SledgeHammer-v2.prg - Improved by Trap/Bonzai. This could be identical to SledgeHammer-2.prg, - only differently crunched. SledgeHammer.prg - Executable cruncher. Coded by Viz of the Z-Circle. Speedpacker-v1.2.prg - Matcham speed-packer v1.2 StarCruncher.prg TheMissingLinc.prg - A linker. TimeCrunch5.0.prg - Stoat & Tim, Executable packer v5.0 TimeCrunch509.DaveJB.lnx - Time Cruncher v5.09, with reverse-engineered source code. Packs - executable files with the same algorithm as Time Cruncher 5.0. Unipacker v2.prg - Equal char packer by Flash Inc. with fractal zoomer intro and a picture - by Creeper. Released in 1993. Unipacker v3.prg Unipacker.prg abuze cruncher v3.5+.prg alternative packer v1.1.prg alternative packer v2.0.prg beeftrucker-diff.prg bronx packer v1.0.prg - File difference packer/depacker for the c64 exploding faces cruncher v2.1.prg exploding faces cruncher v2.4.prg galleon equal charpacker.prg gnt-packer-v2.prg idt-packer-2.1.prg lightimizer.prg stat-packer-info.prg stat-packer.prg wave-packer-v2.1.prg c64/packetradio/ * This directory contains packet radio stuff for the C64. See modem.gif * for a schematic diagram. The software is packed using PK-Zip on MS-DOS. * Unpack it before transfering the files to your C64. These files were * uploaded by - Documentation for the packet radio software (Digicom v5.00). - The packet radio software. digicom-5.00.txt - Documentation for Digicom v5.00 in another format. modem.gif - The schematic diagram for a packet radio interface. c64/productivity/ * * This directory contains miscellaneous productivity software * for the * C64. This would include stuff like word processor, * calculation * software, and the like. Digicomm Texteditor.prg - 80 column text editor - Newsroom desktop publishing package, including Clip-Art. Disks in D64 - format. StarionTextEd.prg - Text editor that's very musical The Write Stuff-1.d64.gz The Write Stuff-2.d64.gz The Write Stuff-3.d64.gz The Write Stuff-4.d64.gz - This is a great Word Processing Program. On disk side 1 you can read the - docs or use the feature rich word processing feature. On disk side 2 you - can use the same processor, BUT it has the added feature of voice - synthesis! Meaning, it will speak out the words even an entire document - to you. Try some samples as it will read mary had a little lamb, etc for - you. The rest of the disk is packed with features, this is a great - program just read the documentations. - This is a collection of application programs I have available. These are - public domain/shareware programs. This archive was compressed under PKZip - 2.04g. My e-mail address is bitcoin-miner.prg - Bitcoin Miner, uses user port serial @ 1200 baud connected to a server buss-programs.d64.gz - Large suite of C= Business software buss-programs.txt - Directory of buss-programs.d64.gz datatool.lnx.gz datatool.txt - A spread-sheet or database application. The documentation is available - at . gnylf13.lnx gnylfdox.txt - Gnylf v1.3, a text converter utility by King Fisher of Triad. Converts - between various formats, not merely Commodore-specific. perhetalous-data.csm.gz - Data files for the tape version of the Finnish accounting program - "Perhetalouden suunnittelu- ja tilinpito-ohjelma" published in 1984 by - the bank Kansallis-Osake-Pankki (KOP). perhetalous-data2.csm.gz - A slightly different version of the data files. This copy was - reconstructed manually by Marko Mäkelä sometime in 1985-1987 when the - data side of his tape was accidentally erased by a hardware failure. - Printed documentation for the tape version of the Finnish accounting - program "Perhetalouden suunnittelu- ja tilinpito-ohjelma" published in - 1984 by the bank Kansallis-Osake-Pankki (KOP). perhetalous.csm.gz - Original tape image of the Finnish accounting program "Perhetalouden - suunnittelu- ja tilinpito-ohjelma" published in 1984 by the bank - Kansallis-Osake-Pankki (KOP). perhetalous.d64.gz - Disk version of the Finnish accounting program "Perhetalouden suunnittelu- - ja tilinpito-ohjelma" published in 1984 by the bank Kansallis-Osake- - Pankki (KOP). perhetalous.prg - Single-file tape version of "Perhetalouden suunnittelu- ja tilinpito- - ohjelma". recipe.sfx - This program reads recipes from a massive file, dumps them to a - 1541/1571/1581 system on a c64 or c128, and reads them back. This was - developed so the author could steal recipes from the - group and dump them to my his computer w/o having to type them in by - hand. Some modification to the stuff IS needed by the - user. This uses TWO drives. Programmed by sidwriter2.sfx - A letter-writer program; uses SID music. twscanbj.sfx - This is an upgrade to The Write Stuff 128 and 64 to allow full use of - Canon Bubble Jet printers In Black and White and Epson 24 pin printers. c64/programming/ 21-destructor.prg - Writes a read error 21 to a 1571 or 1541 disk. Destroys the whole track! 22-destructor.prg - Writes a read error 22 to a 1571 or 1541 disk. Destroys the sector! 23-destructor.prg - Writes a read error 23 to a 1571 or 1541 disk. Destroys the sector! - Forth cartridge for the Commodore 64. Author Tom Zimmer has given his - permission for 64FORTH to be freely distributed. AssBlaster-3.0.d64.gz - A feature-rich assembler distributed by Byterapers 1995. Uploaded by - Urpo Lankinen . BASIC-Programming-Tools.DaveJB.d64.gz - Several tools by Dave for managing BASIC programs and for expanding the - capabilities of the BASIC interpreter and the system services. BASIC-Syntaxer.DaveJB.d64.gz BASIC-Syntaxer.DaveJB.readme - An on-the-fly syntax checker for C= BASIC like languages by Hódi Gyula - 1988-1991. This system extension checks BASIC program files to find - Syntax and Type Mismatch Errors. Includes a language reference file - editor, data files for some common BASIC variants, and source files. - Data Becker Forth -- Includes German manual F8 AssBlaster Light.prg - An assembler for the Flash 8 accelerator card Final Cartridge III software.sfx - Software for the Final Cartridge III. LADS_Assembler.d64.gz - LADS assembler and source, from COMPUTE Logo-utilities.d64.gz Logo.d64.gz Logo.readme - Commodore Logo, an easy to learn functional, graphics-orientated - programming language. abacus-basic-64.g64.gz - Abacus BASIC 64 compiler - Abacus COBOL with pdf manual - Abacus FORTH with pdf manual - Abacus FORTRAN with pdf manual - Abacus Super C system with pdf manual - Abacus Super Pascal with pdf manual - Abacus Video BASIC with pdf manual - Abacus ADA with manual - Abacus Pascal64 with manual atass.lzh atass.tar.gz - @ass, a GPL licensed assembler by André Fachat. Source code included. atbasic.lzh atbasic.tar.gz - @basic, a GPL licensed BASIC extension by André Fachat. Source code - included. atmon.lzh atmon.tar.gz - @mon, a GPL licensed machine language monitor by André Fachat. Source - code included. - Blazin' Forth with docs disk cbm-assembler.d64.gz - C64 Assembler, editor, monitor package from Commodore - Comal64 0.14 deluxe disks - dotBASIC from Dave Moorman with manual - G-Pascal from Gambit Games with manual - KMMM Pascal-IV 6E with manual - Kyan Pascal with manual - LISP 64 Release 2 by von Peter Feldtmann - Merlin Assembler with docs - Micol Assembler with manual microlisp-2_6.d64.gz - MicroLISP 2.6 mlass-1.0.readme mlass-1.0.sfx - A restricted menu-oriented assembler. mlisp.sfx - Micro LISP. monitors.arc - Two full featured ML monitors. One at $c000, and the other at $2000. - Just SYS to run. - Oxford Pascal - several disk variations- with manual - Better Working Power Assembler from Spinaker with manual - Beter Working Power-C by Spinaker with manual - Prolog 64 from Brainware with manual - Rebel assembler with manual restrings.prg restrings.readme - Use Commodore REUs as string data storage in BASIC sal64.doc sal64.sda - An assembler - Turbo Macro Pro assembler from STYLE - Vanilla PILOT 64 with manual - White Lightning dev system with manuals - Zoom Pascal with manual c64/programming/documents/ ActionReplay6.txt - Instructions for the Action Replay Mk VI. Includes some undocumented - features. TurboAssembler.txt - Turbo Assembler documentation. c64-kernal.txt - C64 KERNAL jump table, composed by Frank Kontros - ( Wide format (119 columns). cbm-assembler.pdf - Manual for Commodore Assembly Development System disk keymatrix.txt - Commodore 64 keyboard matrix and how to read the keyboard. Uploaded by - Fungus/F4CG ( using-sprites.txt - This text file tells you how to program the movable object blocks, MOBs - or sprites, in BASIC or in machine language. c64/roms@ -> firmware/misc/c64carts c64/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/c64 c64/tapeutil/ Super Tape Turbo.prg - A tape speeder. Super Turbo-Tape 64.prg - A tape speeder. Turbo 250.prg - A tape speeder by Mr. Z. Turbo Tape 64.prg - A tape speeder written by Stephan Senz from Freiburg, Germany, in 1983. Turbo Tape.prg - A tape speeder. Turbo V3.prg - A tape speeder. giant copy.prg - Copy tapes to/from disk. justage-azimuth.prg - Azimuth alignment utility. Do a LOAD/STOP before running. c64/utilities/ 17xx-linker.prg - A 64 kilobyte linker that requires a Commodore REU. 80columns.prg - A utility to display 80 columns with the 64. Antifans-Toolbox.sfx - A tool collection by Antifan/Equinoxe. Includes Voodoo Noter - (notemaker), Stuff-lister and Dir-master (directory editor). Ballistic.prg - This BASIC program calculates some sort of ballistic data for cannons. Destroy Protector v1.0.prg Dreamcopy-v6.prg - Fast filecopy (the real one,not Sircopy). Filetype.64.prg - File type editor. G-Tech Utilities.d64.gz G-Tech Utilities.readme - This is a simple utility disk with a wide variety of tools for the - C64/128. The utilities haven't been tested on NTSC systems. HIV-finder.prg - A HIV virus finder. Mem-Shower-v1.0.prg - Displays memory contents on the screen. Programmed by Syllinor/Faces. Move80f.lzh Move80f.readme - Utility for exchanging data between C128's VDC RAM and main RAM while - operating in C64 mode. PromShell.readme PromShellv2a.sfx PromShellv2b.sfx - PromShell is similar to 'PromAid v4.2' - it's a shell program for burning - EPROMS using the Promenade EPROM Programmer and Promos 2.0, which you - must have in order to use this shareware program. Uploaded by - Protect-2.1.TVC.prg - Protects your machine-language programs with a password. Programmed by - DAE/TVC. Does not co-operate with all crunchers, so protect the programs - first before crunching. Sinus-Searcher.prg - This utility searches sinus curves in memory. Programmed by Brix/CP. SinusMaker-v3.2.prg - A sin/cos data creator Streamer 2.prg TFSwap.sfx Testbild.prg - Draws various test pictures for tuning the TV set. Tools.Spirit.sfx - Some packers and other utilities by Spirit, a German demogroup. Tools.Topaz.sfx - A disassembler and some text editing programs by Topaz Beerline, a - Finnish demogroup. TriadSinusmaker.prg - A sin/cos data creator by Triad Ufopack.sda - Ufo-Pack v1.0 by Trash/Vermes. Squeezer tools, Tab-Maker v1.0 (converts - 2x2 font to proportional font+tab), and Action Replay Player v0.3 (a - music player). Ultra-dos.prg - Document viewer/printer utility. Virus-killer.prg - Kills BHP viruses. Has anybody ever seen one? Rumour has it that the BHP - is an abbreviation from Bayrische Hackerpost, a German underground - magazine. WixBouncer4p3.sfx - A sin/cos data creator with loads of options. fontgrabber.sfx - Assists you in ripping 8x8 fonts from other programs. georamtest.prg - GEORAM. NEORAM, and BBGRAM-TEST v0.2 512K lamerkiller.prg - Protector for intros by Wanderer miscprog.lnx.gz miscprog.txt - Miscellanous BASIC programs by Howard Feldman spr-scan.readme spr-scan.sfx - Lets you to scan most of the memory for sprites. subzero.sfx - Removes deleted files and validates block count ultra55.arc - Ultra is a glorified SEQ file reader. - This is a collection of pd/shareware disk and text utilities programs - that I have for the Commodore 64. This file was archived under pkzip 2.04 - so you will need your ISP to unzip the file or find other means of - dissolving this file. Uploaded by Timothy M. Phelps - . c65/ * Here is some stuff for the Commodore 65, whose production was canned at the * very last minute in late 1991. * To extract files from the .lha or .lzh archives, use LHX64 in the C64 mode, * available from /pub/cbm/c64/archivers/. 1581UtilityV01.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: 1581 utilities 65ce02.txt - Differences between the Rockwell R65C02 and the Commodore CSG65CE02 used in - the 4510 processor of the Commodore 65. Composed by Michael Steil. C65_DOS_Manual-DJ81-06.d81.gz - C65 DOS Manual from Dennis Jarvis C65_DOS_Tests-DJ81-21.d81.gz - C65 DOS test programs from Dennis Jarvis Demos900907.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos Demos910610.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos DemosAutoboot.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos -Sector Skew 7- DosDisk.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: DOS files IFFDemoReel1.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: IFF Demos/Pictures InfoDisk1.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: C65 Information/Specs text files K2demo.D81.gz - C65 Demo created by K2 group KoalaDemo.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Koala Show 2.1 and Pictures RomDumpsAndDemos.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: C65 Rom dumps, IFF demos SampleIFFPics.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: IFF files Turbo Disk 65 v2.prg Turbo Disk 65 v2.txt - A disk utility written completely in BASIC. Works with ROMs 9101xx-9108xx. - The program and its instructions are in German. Turbo Disk 65 v3.prg - A newer version of Turbo Disk 65, released in March 1997. This one was - developed on ROM 910111, but it was also tested on 9104xx. Utilities880922.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: CBM DOS/Utilities for 64 and 128 WalrusSoftwareData870720.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Walrus Software internal docs autoboot.lzh bmdslide.lzh - A border demo by Stephan Kleinert. It's divided into a BASIC-Part, the .OBJ- - File and the source-code, which is a sequential file. The others are .PRG. c128basicReference.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: C128 programs, docs, and examples c65Disk1.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos c65Disk2.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos c65Disk3.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos c65Disk5.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: DOS files c65Disk6.d81.gz - From George Page C65 Disk Collection: Demos/Pictures c65demo-910610.d81.gz - C65 pictures demo 6a from Dennis Jarvis c65disk1.lha - C65 demo disk "c65 demo 900907" labeled "C65 demo disk #2 version 910107" c65disk1.lzh - C65 iff pictures demo disk, plus regina and iff demo c65disk2.lha - C65 demo disk "sector skew 7" labeled "DEMO DISK #2 version 910501" c65disk2.lzh - C65 demo disk "sector skew 7" labeled "DEMO DISK #2 version 910501" c65disk3.lha - C65 demo disk "c65 demo 910610" labeled "C64DX DEMO DISK #2D Use with ROM - v910624 VIC 4567R7 DMA F018A" c65disk3.lzh - C65 demo disk "c65 demo 910610" labeled "C64DX DEMO DISK #2D Use with ROM - v910624 VIC 4567R7 DMA F018A" c65disk4.lha - C65 demo disk "c128 basic" labeled "910923 Demo disk" c65disk4.lzh - C65 demo disk "c128 basic" labeled "910923 Demo disk" c65disk5.lha - C65 demo disk "c65 dos" labeled "C65 DOS TEST PROGS 12/89 1581 fmt" c65disk5.lzh - C65 pictures demo disk, unknown format, different than 1 and 6 c65disk6.lha - C65 demo disk "iff demo reel #1" labeled "C65 IFF DEMO REEL #1 FC65 - (filecopy) hack" c65disk6.lzh - C65 iff pictures demo disk, with autoboot c65disks.txt - Commodore 65 software (demo disks) index file, uploaded by George Page. freddle.d81.gz - Wordle clone for the C65, works in 911001 roms. iff-demo.lzh - A fixed version of the IFF demo that was on the demo disks. The original - demo does not run without an internal memory expansion and had also another - bug. The fixed version requires the IFF files from the demo disks 1-3. - Fixed and uploaded by Thomas Hechelhammer. pbsmoker.sfx romsave-2.01.prg - Thomas Hechelhammer's program for extracting the ROM from a Commodore 65. - This version should work with all ROM revisions. sk-demo-iffs.lzh sk-demo.lzh - A demo for the C65 by Stephan Kleinert. The files have been split into two - parts. The IFF pictures are in a separate file (true ILBM graphics). The - demo works with ROM version 910429 or later. c65/docs@ -> manuals/c65 c65/firmware@ -> firmware/computers/c65 c65/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/c65 c65/src@ -> src/c65 crossplatform/ * Here is our collection of cross-platform tools, e.g. programs that are * support the Commodore 8-bit computers on other platforms. ALLFILES - Index of all files under this area, text version. ALLFILES.html - Index of all files under this area, HTML version. crossplatform/audio/ crossplatform/audio/HighVoltageSIDs/ * HIGH VOLTAGE SID COLLECTION from * * At last! A SID tune collection specifically designed for SIDPlayer! * This collection has around 95% of the most popular tunes from the * Commodore 64... crossplatform/audio/msdos/ - The Commodore 64c skin for WinAmp by Jaromir Król. See also the page - . - A little program to show info on PSID music files, and change the - default song number. A new version, with long filename support added. - By Jaromir Król - "\//\SS/\GO". - Use this with Sidplayer music disk images to get more info on .D64 - files Uploaded by Peter Weighill (address no longer valid) crossplatform/audio/sounds/ - A mix of VIC-20 game music in MPEGAudio layer3 format. Composed by Timo - Raita , . - A Sound Font with VIC-20 sounds. Composed by Timo Raita - , . crossplatform/converters/ sjdmaker-0.1.tar.gz - Src for converter from US JiffyDOS to swedish (possibly others) Archive - file conversion tools for Windows. uudecode.bas - Unix to Unix decoder written in BASIC V2. Should work on all 8-bit - Commodores with at least one disk drive. crossplatform/converters/Amiga/ c64amiga.readme - Programs to transfer files C64 <-> Amiga and convert text, graphics and - font files. Uploaded by Peter Weighill - (address no longer valid). cbmconvert-amiga-2.1.2.lha - Converts different Commodore file formats between each other. Supports - various disk images, tape images, file archives and emulator file - formats. d64.lha - A program to convert C64 programs from datasette to amiga file format - for use with TheA64Package etc. Uploaded by Peter Weighill. crossplatform/converters/Windows/ - TEMP - T64 Extraction / Manipulation program A next version of my - ExtracT64 program. Windows cross-platform tool to manipulate T64 files. - It contains GUIs for some C64-related console applications, such as - tape64, PUcrunch, Cartridge convert. It's possible to join TAP files - too. Some functions to mix pictures to PRG programs. This program is - currently in experimental stage. - Convert PRG files to TAP Polish and English language. crossplatform/converters/c128@ -> c128/archivers crossplatform/converters/c64@ -> c64/archivers crossplatform/converters/msdos/ - 64Dmon: an editor for 1541 disk image files LZHconvert.lzh - Utility for renaming files in LHArchives. Instructions for creating - Commodore .SFX archives on other platforms, i.e. Unix or MS-DOS. arklnx.bas arklnx.readme - Shows contents of some .ARK and .LNX files. - A PETSCII to ASCII converter. Supports also BASIC and SpeedScript. - Source code not included. - 32-bit MS Windows version of cbmconvert 2.1.2, a conversion utility - that reads and writes files in different Commodore-specific archive - file formats, disk images or tape images. This version was created - with a cross-compiler version of gcc 2.95 on Linux, targeted for the - MinGW platform. The program requires the library file MSVCRT.DLL, - which should be distributed with Windows since version 95 OSR2, or - Internet Explorer since version 5. - 32-bit MS-DOS binary version of cbmconvert 2.0.4, a conversion utility - that reads and writes files in different Commodore-specific archive - file formats or disk images. This is the MS-DOS binary version created - with DJGPP; the source code is in the ../unix/ directory. You will - also need the file This file was provided by Wolfgang - Moser. convert.readme - These programs, together with LHA, simplify extracting CBM files with - original filenames from .LHA archives to .D64 disk files. copy2d64.arj copy2d64.readme - Copies MS-DOS files to 1541 disk images, includes Pascal source code. - CWSDPMI binary distribution (release 3). You will need this for - running cbmconvert and other programs compiled with DJGPP. - ctools V0.4 is a collection of programs to work with images of C64/C128 - CP/M disks under Linux and MS-DOS. The C++ source code is included. - Uploaded by the author, Jochen Metzinger <1metzing@informatik.uni- ->. - This 32-bit Visual Basic program (source code not included) will view - view the contents of your D64 files featuring a nice GUI. It requires - 32-bit Windows and the Visual Basic libraries. - Display the catalog of .D64 image file and copy files from it. No - source code included. Author: - A tool for extracting directory information from 1541 disk images. No - source code included; only MS-DOS and OS/2 executables. - A tool for choosing the default tune in a multi-tune SidPlay file. - fvcbm 2.0. Views listings of Commodore archive files. Runs on MS-DOS, - and compiles on SCO Unix and Linux and other little-endian systems. fvcbm30.readme - fvcbm 3.0. List directories of Commodore 64/128 compatible archive - files. Runs on MS-DOS and compiles on various Unix systems. - Use this with Geos disk images to get more info on .D64 files Uploaded - by Peter Weighill - List64 v0.67 (FREEWARE) - C64 file image viewer, lists the contents of - D64,X64,T64,Lynx,Zipcode File/4/5,Arkive,PC64,Net64,Lbr files. Supports - 40 Track images(ZipCode,D64,X64). Shows size in bytes, track/sector - and REL file infos,etc..., all infos you can gain out of the several - formats listed above. - Author: Stefan Weber - MS-DOS programs (including german & english documentation and TURBO - PASCAL source) that extract GEOS converted files (.cvt) from disk - images and translate GEOS texts, pictures and fonts to MS-DOS. Uploaded - by the author, Jochen Metzinger <>. - Convert ZipCode 6-Pack files to .G64 - Star Utilities, a pack of utilities for handling disk images, tape - images, Lynx archives and ZipCode archives. Freeware, uploaded by the - author, - Star Utilities: programs to create, list and extract several Commodore - archive formats E-Mail address: - Win32 executables of TargetD64 targetd64_src_0_2.tgz - TargetD64 is an "open source" C64 related conversion tool and emulator - frontend. Archives passed to TargetD64 will be converted into D64 - images without user interaction. td64test_0_2.tgz - Test suite for TargetD64 zip2d64.arj - MS-DOS utility that converts ZipCode files to 1541 disk images (for use - with the C64S emulator), with Turbo Pascal source code. zip2d64.txt - Converts ZipCode files to 1541 image format. No source code included! - Uploaded by the author ( - This is version 1.1 of ZIP2D64 by Volker Beck. Version 1.0 had some - problems with the ZIP-files of a ZIP-program that appends some useless - bytes to the files. crossplatform/converters/pet@ -> pet/archivers crossplatform/converters/plus4@ -> plus4/Archivers crossplatform/converters/unix/ LZHconvert.lzh - Utility for renaming files in LHArchives. Instructions for creating - Commodore .SFX archives on other platforms, i.e. Unix or MS-DOS. cbmconvert-1.1.tar.gz - Converts different C64 file/disk archives to LHARC / SFX format on a - Unix system. cbmconvert- cbmconvert-2.1.1.tar.gz cbmconvert-2.1.2.tar.gz - Converts different Commodore file formats between each other. cbmconvert.html - cbmconvert release notes crc32.c - C language source code for CRC32. crc32.prg - Calculates 32-bit CCITT checksums to ensure data integrity in file - transfers. C64/C128 executable. crc32.readme - Instructions for CRC32. crc32.s - 6502 source code for CRC32. ctools04.lsm - ctools V0.4 is a collection of programs to work with images of C64/C128 - CP/M disks under Linux and MS-DOS. The C++ source code is included. fvcbm30.readme - fvcbm 3.0. List directories of Commodore 64/128 compatible archive - files. Runs on MS-DOS and compiles on various Unix systems. ihex-bin.tar.gz - Converts Intel Hex to raw binary and vice versa. pcrc.c - C source code of PCRC. pcrc.prg - Calculates checksums for files. Older version of CRC32 to be phased - out. C64/C128 executable. pcrc.readme - Notes about PCRC. petlp-1.1.tar.gz - This is a small program that converts printer output to Postscript, - ASCII or PETSCII. petlp understands a limited set of Epson compatible - printer codes. The Postscript output, when fed to a postscript - printer, produces the text in a font resembling the output of a matrix - printer, including the CBM graphics characters :-) - The program used to be part of VICE, but since some of the code - violates the license of VICE, it was removed from the emulator and made - stand-alone. prg2tap-1.8-linux-x86_64-with-examples.tgz - Convert PRG files to TAP targetd64_bin_linux_i386_0_2.tgz - Linux i386 ELF libc6 binary distribution of TargetD64 targetd64_src_0_2.tgz - TargetD64 is an "open source" C64 related conversion tool and emulator - frontend. Archives passed to TargetD64 will be converted into D64 - images without user interaction. td64test_0_2.tgz - Test suite for TargetD64 unkar.c - Source to dissolve Kevin's Archiver archives. Can be compiled by C64 C - compilers aswell. crossplatform/converters/vic20@ -> vic20/archivers crossplatform/emulators/ detect-emu-c64.txt - Example program for detecting a Commodore 64 emulator. Most emulators use - a standard method for that. detect-emu-vic20.txt - Example program for detecting a Commodore VIC 20 emulator. crossplatform/emulators/Amiga/ A4.lha - A primitive shareware Commodore plus/4 emulator for Commodore Amiga. - Author: Thomas König . C64Emulator.lha - A 'funny' C64 emulator for Amiga. Emulates the screen editor, but - doesn't 'fully' execute basic commands.. (a link to - /pub/amiga/misc/funstuff/Commodore64Emulator.lha) FrodoV2_4.lha FrodoV2_4.readme - Frodo is a multitasking freeware C64 emulator for the Amiga and DraCo. - OS2.1 and a 68020 (or better) are required, as well as copies of the - original C64 ROMs, which are not included. This emulator focuses on the - exact reproduction of special graphical effects possible on the 64. - Programmed and uploaded by Christian Bauer (bauec002@goofy.zdv.uni- - . MagiC64.lha MagiC64.readme - MagiC64 is a C64 emulator for the Amiga, which tries to emulate a real - C64 in an exact manner. Programmed and uploaded by Michael Kramer - ( ShowVIC-3.06.lha - Displays and converts different Commodore 64 graphics files on the - Amiga. TheA64Package.lha - Commodore 64 emulator for Commodore Amiga, version V2.0d, without - support for communications over the Commodore serial bus. This is very - obsolete, but it has some historical value. According to the Usenet - article from November 1993, A64 is an - enhancement of GO64, which was a commercial failure. The Fred Fish - disk 156 - includes a program Go64 from August 1988 ("Not to be confused with the - commercial product Go-64! from Software Insight Systems"). vicV0.65.lha - A Commodore VIC-20 emulator for the Amiga. Uploaded by Peter Weighill. - Author: crossplatform/emulators/Atari/ c64.lzh - Commodore 64 emulator for Atari ST. Very rough emulation, and does not - work on all ST models. The documentation is in German only. c64.lzh.selostus - Finnish translation of the German documentation for the c64.lzh - archive. Translated by Marko Mäkelä. crossplatform/emulators/Frodo/ * Frodo V4.0 is a free, portable C64 emulator for BeOS, Unix, MacOS, * AmigaOS and Windows systems. Author: * (Christian Bauer) FrodoV4_1.Amiga.lha - Binary distribution for Amiga/DraCo with 68040/68060, AmigaOS 3.0 and - graphics card. (Use Frodo V2.x for other Amigas.) FrodoV4_1a.Be.tar.gz - Binary distribution for BeOS FrodoV4_1a.Src.tar.gz - Source distribution (for *nix systems) frodo-411.sit.hqx - MacFrodo V3.1.5 binary distribution (68k and PowerPC). See The Official - MacFrodo Home Page for - more information. - Windows 95/NT version of Frodo. Downloaded from - . crossplatform/emulators/MacOS/ Power20-10.hqx Power64-212.hqx frodo-411.sit.hqx - Frodo is a free, portable C64 emulator for BeOS, Unix, MacOS and - AmigaOS systems. MacFrodo V4.1.1 binary distribution (68k and PowerPC). - See The Official MacFrodo Home Page - for more information. mac64-04.hqx - Commodore 64 emulator v0.4 for Apple Macintosh. crossplatform/emulators/VICE/ * For more information about VICE, see its home page at . - VICE 2.4 for BeOS (PPC) - VICE 2.4 for BeOS (x86) - VICE 3.0 for Haiku (does not work on BeOS or Zeta) - VICE 3.0 for Haiku64 - VICE 3.0 for BeOS (PPC) - VICE 3.0 for BeOS and Zeta (x86) - VICE 3.1 for Haiku (does not work on BeOS or Zeta) - VICE 3.1 for Haiku64 - VICE 3.1 for BeOS (PPC) - VICE 3.1 for BeOS and Zeta (x86) - VICE 3.7 for Windows 32 bit - VICE 3.7 for Windows 64 bit (x64) - VICE 3.8 for Windows 32 bit - VICE 3.8 for Windows 64 bit (x64) SDL2VICE-3.0-win64.7z - SDL2 based VICE 3.0 for Win64 (x64) SDL2VICE-3.1-win32.7z - SDL2 based VICE 3.1 for Win32 - SDL2 based VICE 3.7 for Win32 - SDL2 based VICE 3.7 for Win64 (x64) - SDL2 based VICE 3.8 for Win32 - SDL2 based VICE 3.8 for Win64 (x64) SDLVICE-2.2.pkg - SDL based VICE 2.2 for SkyOS SDLVICE-2.3-ppcbe-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 2.3 for ppcbe QNX 6.x (QNX 6.x repository install file) - SDL based VICE 2.3 for Win64 (IA64) SDLVICE-2.4-armle-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 2.4 for armle QNX 6.x (QNX 6.x repository install file) SDLVICE-2.4-m68k-sunos.tgz - SDL based VICE 2.4 for 68k SunOS SDLVICE-2.4-mint.tgz - SDL based VICE 2.4 for Atari Mint SDLVICE-2.4-mipsbe-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 2.4 for mipsbe QNX 6.x (QNX 6.x repository install file) SDLVICE-2.4-mipsle-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 2.4 for mipsle QNX 6.x (QNX 6.x repository install file) SDLVICE-2.4-ppcbe-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 2.4 for ppcbe QNX 6.x (QNX 6.x repository install file) SDLVICE-2.4-qnx4.tar.F - SDL based VICE 2.4 for QNX 4.x SDLVICE-2.4-shle-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 2.4 for shle QNX 6.x (QNX 6.x repository install file) SDLVICE-2.4-sparc-sunos.tgz - SDL based VICE 2.4 for Sparc SunOS - SDL based VICE 2.4 for Win32 - SDL based VICE 2.4 for Win64 (IA64) - SDL based VICE 2.4 for Win64 (x64) - SDL based VICE 2.4 for MS-Windows 32bit (mips) SDLVICE-3.0-SkyOS.pkg - VICE 3.0 for SkyOS SDLVICE-3.0-Sortix32.tix.tar.xz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for 32 bit Sortix OS SDLVICE-3.0-Sortix64.tix.tar.xz - VICE 3.0 for SDL based VICE 3.0 for 64 bit Sortix OS SDLVICE-3.0-armle-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 3.0 for ARMLE QNX 6.x SDLVICE-3.0-interix30.tar.gz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Interix OS 3.0 SDLVICE-3.0-interix35.tar.gz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Interix OS 3.5 SDLVICE-3.0-interix52.tar.gz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Interix OS 5,2 SDLVICE-3.0-interix60.tar.gz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Interix OS 6.0 SDLVICE-3.0-interix61.tar.gz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Interix OS 6.1 SDLVICE-3.0-interix62.tar.gz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Interix OS 6.2 SDLVICE-3.0-m68k-sunos.tar.gz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for 68k unOS SDLVICE-3.0-mipsbe-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 3.0 for MIPSBE QNX 6.x SDLVICE-3.0-mipsle-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 3.0 for MIPSBE QNX 6.x SDLVICE-3.0-shle-public.qpr - SDL based VICE 3.0 for SHLE QNX 6.x SDLVICE-3.0-sparc-sunos.tar.bz2 - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Sparc SunOS 4.x SDLVICE-3.1-win32.7z - SDL based VICE 3.1 for Win32 SDLVICE-3.1-win64.7z - SDL based VICE 3.1 for Win64 (x64) SDLVICE-AmigaOS3-3.1.lzx - SDL based VICE 3.1 for AmigaOS 3.x - SDL based VICE 2.3 for Dingoo - SDL based VICE 2.4 for Dingoo SDLVICE-syllable-2.4.application - SDL based VICE 2.4 for Syllable SDLVICE-syllable-3.0.application - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Syllable - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Windows NT 3.50 - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Windows NT 3.51 VICE-2.4-x86-public.qpr - VICE 2.4 for x86 QNX 6.x (QNX 6.x repository install file) VICE-3.0-NS-NIHS.tar.gz - VICE 3.0 for NextStep VICE-3.0-OS-NIS.tar.gz - VICE 3.0 for OpenStep VICE-3.0-RH-I.tar.gz - VICE 3.0 for Rhapsody VICE-3.0-darwin-i386.tar.bz2 - VICE 3.0 for Intel Apple Darwin OS VICE-3.0-darwin-ppc.tar.bz2 - VICE 3.0 for PPC Darwin VICE-3.0-i386-hurd.tar.bz2 - VICE 3.0 for intel based GNU Hurd OS VICE-3.0-x86-public.qpr - VICE 3.0 for x86 QNX 6.x (QNX 6.x repository install file) VICE-3.0-xaw-cygwin32.tar.bz2 - VICE 3.0 for Cygwin for 32bit Windows VICE-3.0-xaw-cygwin64.tar.bz2 - VICE 3.0 for Cygwin for 64bit Windows VICE-3.0-xaw-cygwin9x.tar.bz2 - VICE 3.0 for Cygwin for 32bit Windows 95/98 VICE-3.0-xaw-cygwinnt.tar.bz2 - VICE 3.0 for Cygwin for 32bit Windows NT VICE-AROS64-2.4.tar.gz - VICE 2.4 for AROS64 VICE-AmigaOS3-2.4.tar.gz - VICE 2.4 for AmigaOS 3.x VICE-AmigaOS3-3.0.lzx - VICE 3.0 for AmigaOS 3.x VICE-AmigaOS3-3.1.lzx - VICE 3.1 for AmigaOS 3.x VICE-AmigaOS4-2.4.tar.gz - VICE 2.4 for AmigaOS 4 VICE-AmigaOS4-3.0.lzx - VICE 3.0 for AmigaOS 4 VICE-AmigaOS4-3.1.lzx - VICE 3.1 for AmigaOS 4 VICE-MorphOS-2.4.tar.gz - VICE 2.4 for MorphOS VICE-MorphOS-3.0.lzx - VICE 3.0 for MorphOS VICE-MorphOS-3.1.lzx - VICE 3.1 for MorphOS VICE-arm-AROS-2.4.tar.gz - VICE 2.4 for arm AROS VICE-arm-AROS-3.0.lzx - VICE 3.0 for arm AROS VICE-i386-AROS-2.4.tar.gz - VICE 2.4 for x86 AROS VICE-i386-AROS-3.0.lzx - VICE 3.0 for x86 AROS VICE-i386-AROS-3.1.lzx - VICE 3.1 for x86 AROS VICE-m68k-AROS-3.0.lzx - SDL based VICE 3.0 for 68k AROS VICE-powerpc-AROS-2.4.tar.gz - VICE 2.4 for PowerPC AROS VICE-powerpc-AROS-3.0.lzx - VICE 3.0 for PowerPC AROS VICE-powerpc-AROS-3.1.lzx - VICE 3.1 for PowerPC AROS VICE-x86_64-AROS-3.0.lzx - VICE 3.0 for AROS64 VICE-x86_64-AROS-3.1.lzx - VICE 3.1 for AROS64 - VICE 2.4 for IBM OS/2 - VICE 3.0 for IBM OS/2 - VICE 3.0 for IBM OS/2 - VICE for Windows 32 bit with SuperCPU support and Dink mods - VICE 2.4 for Win64 (IA64) - VICE 2.4 for Win64 (x64) - VICE 2.4 for Win32 WinVICE-3.0-ARM.7z - VICE 3.0 for Windows for ARM processors WinVICE-3.0-ia64.7z - VICE 3.0 for Win64 (IA64) WinVICE-3.1-x64.7z - VICE 3.1 for Win64 (x64) WinVICE-3.1-x86.7z - VICE 3.1 for Win32 - Compiled ffmpeg library for Win32, to be used with WinVICE 1.21 and up gtk3vice_3.8.deb - VICE 3.8 for Debian Linux (GTK3 based) sdl2vice_3.8.deb - VICE 3.8 for Debian Linux (SDL2 based) sdlvice-3.0-qnx4.tar.F - SDL based VICE 3.0 for QNX 4.x vice-2.2-1.m68kmint.rpm - VICE 2.2 for Atari Mint vice-2.2-sol10-x86-local.gz - VICE 2.2 for Intel Solaris 10 vice-2.2-sol11-x86-local.gz - VICE 2.2 for Intel Solaris 11 (AKA Solaris Express AKA OpenSolaris) vice-2.2-sol26-x86-local.gz - VICE 2.2 for Intel Solaris 2.6 vice-2.3-1.fc14.i686.rpm - VICE 2.3 for x86 fedora vice-2.3-1.fc14.x86_64.rpm - VICE 2.3 for amd64/x86_64 fedora vice-2.3-1.m68kmint.rpm - VICE 2.3 for Atari Mint vice-2.3-sol10-x86-local.gz - VICE 2.3 for Intel Solaris 10 vice-2.3-sol11-x86-local.gz - VICE 2.3 for Intel Solaris 11 (AKA Solaris Express AKA OpenSolaris) vice-2.3-sol26-x86-local.gz - VICE 2.3 for Intel Solaris 2.6 vice-2.3-win-gui-palette-fix.diff.gz - Patch for VICE 2.3 to fix the windows palette bug. vice-2.4.tar.gz - VICE 2.4 source code vice-3.0.tar.gz - VICE 3.0 source code vice-3.1.tar.gz - VICE 3.1 source code vice-3.7.tar.gz - VICE 3.7 source code vice-3.8.tar.gz - VICE 3.8 source code vice-arm64-gtk3-3.7.1.dmg - GTK3 based VICE 3.7 for Mac OS X Apple silicon vice-arm64-gtk3-3.8.dmg - GTK3 based VICE 3.8 for Mac OS X Apple silicon vice-arm64-sdl2-3.7.1.dmg - SDL based VICE 3.7 for Mac OS X Apple silicon vice-arm64-sdl2-3.8.dmg - SDL based VICE 3.8 for Mac OS X Apple silicon - VICE 2.2 for GP2X vice-macosx-cocoa-i386+ppc-10.4-gcc40-2.2.dmg - VICE 2.2 for Mac OS X 10.4 (native Cocoa) vice-macosx-cocoa-i386+ppc-10.4-gcc40-2.3.dmg - VICE 2.3 for Mac OS X 10.4 (native Cocoa) vice-macosx-cocoa-i386+ppc-10.5-gcc40-2.3.dmg - VICE 2.3 for Mac OS X 10.5 (native Cocoa) vice-macosx-cocoa-i386+ppc-10.5-gcc40-2.4.dmg - VICE 2.4 for Mac OS X 10.5 (native Cocoa) vice-macosx-cocoa-i386+x86_64-10.6-clang-2.3.dmg - VICE 2.3 for Mac OS X 10.6 (native Cocoa compiled with clang) vice-macosx-cocoa-i386+x86_64-10.6-clang-2.4.dmg - VICE 2.4 for Mac OS X 10.6 (native Cocoa compiled with clang) vice-macosx-cocoa-i386+x86_64-10.6-gcc42-2.3.dmg - VICE 2.3 for Mac OS X 10.6 (native Cocoa compiled with gcc) vice-macosx-cocoa-i386+x86_64-10.6-gcc42-2.4.dmg - VICE 2.4 for Mac OS X 10.6 (native Cocoa compiled with gcc) vice-macosx-cocoa-x86_64-10.12-3.0.dmg - VICE 3.0 for Mac OS X 10.12 and up (native Cocoa compiled with clang) vice-macosx-cocoa-x86_64-10.12-3.1.dmg - VICE 3.1 for Mac OS X 10.12 and up (native Cocoa compiled with clang) vice-macosx-gtk-i386+ppc-10.4-gcc40-2.3.dmg - VICE 2.3 for Mac OS X (X11 Gtk+) vice-macosx-sdl-i386+ppc-10.4-gcc40-2.3.dmg - VICE 2.3 for Mac OS X (SDL) vice-macosx-sdl-x86_64-10.12-3.1.dmg - SDL based VICE 3.1 for Mac OS X 10.12 and up vice-macosx-x11-i386+ppc-10.4-gcc40-2.2.dmg - VICE 2.2 for Mac OS X (X11 Athena Widgets) vice-macosx-x11-i386+ppc-10.4-gcc40-2.3.dmg - VICE 2.3 for Mac OS X (X11 Athena Widgets) vice-minix-2.4.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Minix 3.x vice-minix3-3.0.tar.bz2 - VICE 3.0 for Minix 3.x - VICE 2.2 for RISC OS vice-sdl-3.0-sol24-intel-local.pkg.tgz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 2.4 vice-sdl-3.0-sol25-intel-local.pkg.tgz - SDL based VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 2.5 vice-x86-64-gtk3-3.7.1-macOS-10.dmg - GDK based VICE 3.7.1 for Mac OS X x86 10.10 - 10.15 vice-x86-64-gtk3-3.7.1.dmg - GDK based VICE 3.7.1 for Mac OS X x86 11.0+ vice-x86-64-gtk3-3.8.dmg - GDK based VICE 3.8 for Mac OS X x86 11.0+ vice-x86-64-sdl2-3.7.1-macOS-10.dmg - SDL based VICE 3.7.1 for Mac OS X x86 10.10 - 10.15 vice-x86-64-sdl2-3.7.1.dmg - SDL based VICE 3.7.1 for Mac OS X x86 11.0+ vice-x86-64-sdl2-3.8.dmg - SDL based VICE 3.8 for Mac OS X x86 11.0+ vice-xaw-2.4-osol-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Intel Solaris Express/OpenSolaris vice-xaw-2.4-osr5-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for OpenServer 5.x vice-xaw-2.4-osr6-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for OpenServer 6.x vice-xaw-2.4-sol10-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Sparc Solaris 10 vice-xaw-2.4-sol10-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Intel Solaris 10 vice-xaw-2.4-sol11-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Intel Solaris 11 (AKA Solaris Express AKA OpenSolaris) vice-xaw-2.4-sol25-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Sparc Solaris 2.5 vice-xaw-2.4-sol25-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Intel Solaris 2.5 vice-xaw-2.4-sol26-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Sparc Solaris 2.6 vice-xaw-2.4-sol26-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Intel Solaris 2.6 vice-xaw-2.4-sol7-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Sparc Solaris 7 vice-xaw-2.4-sol7-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Intel Solaris 7 vice-xaw-2.4-sol8-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Sparc Solaris 8 vice-xaw-2.4-sol8-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Intel Solaris 8 vice-xaw-2.4-sol9-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Sparc Solaris 9 vice-xaw-2.4-sol9-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for Intel Solaris 9 vice-xaw-2.4-uw7-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 2.4 for UnixWare 7.x vice-xaw-3.0-osol-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris Express/OpenSolaris vice-xaw-3.0-osr5-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for OpenServer 5.x vice-xaw-3.0-osr6-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for OpenServer 6.x vice-xaw-3.0-sol10-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 10 vice-xaw-3.0-sol10-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Sparc Solaris 10 vice-xaw-3.0-sol11-x86-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 11.0 vice-xaw-3.0-sol11.1-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 11.1 vice-xaw-3.0-sol11.2-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 11.2 vice-xaw-3.0-sol11.3-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 11.3 vice-xaw-3.0-sol23-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Sparc Solaris 2.3 vice-xaw-3.0-sol24-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Sparc Solaris 2.4 vice-xaw-3.0-sol25-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Sparc Solaris 2.5 vice-xaw-3.0-sol26-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 2.6 vice-xaw-3.0-sol26-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Sparc Solaris 2.6 vice-xaw-3.0-sol7-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 7 vice-xaw-3.0-sol7-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Sparc Solaris 7 vice-xaw-3.0-sol8-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 8 vice-xaw-3.0-sol8-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Sparc Solaris 8 vice-xaw-3.0-sol9-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Intel Solaris 9 vice-xaw-3.0-sol9-sparc-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for Sparc Solaris 9 vice-xaw-3.0-uw7-intel-local.pkg.tgz - VICE 3.0 for UnixWare 7.x - VICE 2.4 for MS-DOS - VICE 3.0 for MS-DOS - VICE 3.1 for MS-DOS crossplatform/emulators/VICE/android/ * For more information about VICE, see its home page at * . AnVICE_x128-(arm64-v8a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c128 emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_x128-(armeabi)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c128 emulator for android (armeabi) AnVICE_x128-(armeabi-v7a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c128 emulator for android (armeabi 7a) AnVICE_x128-(mips)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c128 emulator for android (mips) AnVICE_x128-(mips64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c128 emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_x128-(x86)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c128 emulator for android (intel) AnVICE_x128-(x86_64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c128 emulator for android (intel 64 bit) AnVICE_x64-(arm64-v8a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_x64-(armeabi)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 emulator for android (armeabi) AnVICE_x64-(armeabi-v7a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_x64-(mips)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 emulator for android (mips) AnVICE_x64-(mips64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_x64-(x86)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 emulator for android (intel) AnVICE_x64-(x86_64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 emulator for android (intel 64 bit) AnVICE_x64dtv-(arm64-v8a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64dtv emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_x64dtv-(armeabi)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64dtv emulator for android (armeabi) AnVICE_x64dtv-(armeabi-v7a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64dtv emulator for android (armeabi 7a) AnVICE_x64dtv-(mips)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64dtv emulator for android (mips) AnVICE_x64dtv-(mips64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64dtv emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_x64dtv-(x86)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64dtv emulator for android (intel) AnVICE_x64dtv-(x86_64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64dtv emulator for android (intel 64 bit) AnVICE_x64sc-(arm64-v8a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64sc emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_x64sc-(armeabi)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64sc emulator for android (armeabi) AnVICE_x64sc-(armeabi-v7a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64sc emulator for android (armeabi) AnVICE_x64sc-(mips)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64sc emulator for android (mips) AnVICE_x64sc-(mips64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64sc emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_x64sc-(x86)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64sc emulator for android (intel) AnVICE_x64sc-(x86_64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64sc emulator for android (intel 64 bit) AnVICE_xplus4-(arm64-v8a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 plus/4 emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_xplus4-(armeabi)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 plus/4 emulator for android (armeabi) AnVICE_xplus4-(armeabi-v7a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 plus/4 emulator for android (armeabi 7a) AnVICE_xplus4-(mips)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 plus/4 emulator for android (mips) AnVICE_xplus4-(mips64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 plus/4 emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_xplus4-(x86)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 plus/4 emulator for android (intel) AnVICE_xplus4-(x86_64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 plus/4 emulator for android (intel 64 bit) AnVICE_xscpu64-(arm64-v8a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 w/ SCPU emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_xscpu64-(armeabi)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 w/ SCPU emulator for android (armeabi) AnVICE_xscpu64-(armeabi-v7a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 w/ SCPU emulator for android (armeabi 7a) AnVICE_xscpu64-(mips)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 w/ SCPU emulator for android (mips) AnVICE_xscpu64-(mips64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 w/ SCPU emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_xscpu64-(x86)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 w/ SCPU emulator for android (intel) AnVICE_xscpu64-(x86_64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 c64 w/ SCPU emulator for android (intel 64 bit) AnVICE_xvic-(arm64-v8a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 vic-20 emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_xvic-(armeabi)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 vic-20 emulator for android (armeabi) AnVICE_xvic-(armeabi-v7a)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 vic-20 emulator for android (armeabi 7a) AnVICE_xvic-(mips)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 vic-20 emulator for android (mips) AnVICE_xvic-(mips64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 vic-20 emulator for android (mips64) AnVICE_xvic-(x86)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 vic-20 emulator for android (intel) AnVICE_xvic-(x86_64)-3.0.apk - VICE 3.0 vic-20 emulator for android (intel 64 bit) crossplatform/emulators/VICE/old/ * For more information about VICE, see its home page at * . - Compiled ffmpeg library for Win32, to be used with WinVICE 1.14 - Compiled ffmpeg library for Win32, to be used with WinVICE 1.17 and - up vice-0.11.0.lsm vice-0.11.0.readme vice-0.11.0.tar.gz - Older version of VICE (unsupported). It also emulates the C128, - though. vice-0.12.0.readme vice-0.12.0.tar.gz vice-0.13.0.readme vice-0.13.0.tar.gz - Older versions of VICE (unsupported). vice-0.14.0-0.14.1.diff.gz - Differences between VICE 0.14.0 and 0.14.1. vice-0.14.1.lsm - Linux Software Map entry for VICE. vice-0.14.1.tar.gz - VICE 0.14.1 source distribution. Emulates VIC-20, C64 and PET on - Unix/X-Window or MS-DOS/Windows 95 systems. vice-0.14.2-roms.tar.gz - ROM images for VICE 0.14.2 (Unix/source distribution) vice-0.14.2.tar.gz - VICE 0.14.2 source distribution vice-0.15.0-roms.tar.gz - Firmware for running VICE 0.15.0 vice-0.15.0.lsm - VICE 0.15.0 Linux Software Map entry vice-0.15.0.tar.gz vice-0.16.0.tar.gz vice-0.16.1.tar.gz vice-1.0.tar.gz vice-1.1.tar.gz vice-1.10.tar.gz vice-1.11.tar.gz vice-1.12.tar.gz vice-1.13.tar.gz vice-1.14.tar.gz vice-1.15.tar.gz vice-1.16.tar.gz vice-1.17.tar.gz vice-1.18.tar.gz vice-1.19.tar.gz vice-1.2.tar.gz vice-1.20-beos.diff.gz - VICE 1.20 compile diffs for BEOS vice-1.20.tar.gz vice-1.21.tar.gz vice-1.22.tar.gz vice-1.3.tar.gz vice-1.4.tar.gz vice-1.5-noroms.tar.gz vice-1.5-roms.tar.gz vice-1.5.tar.gz vice-1.6.tar.gz vice-1.7.tar.gz vice-1.8.tar.gz vice-1.9.tar.gz vice-2.0.tar.gz vice-2.1.tar.gz vice-2.2.tar.bz2 vice-2.3.tar.gz vice-2.4.tar.gz vice-3.0.tar.gz vice-3.1.tar.gz vice-3.2.tar.gz vice-3.3.tar.gz vice-3.4.tar.gz vice-3.5.tar.gz vice-3.6.tar.gz vice-3.7.tar.gz vice-3.8.tar.gz - Source code for old versions of VICE. vice-roms.tar.gz - Firmware for running VICE. Contains the C128 ROM for VICE 0.11.0. crossplatform/emulators/VICE/plus/ - VICEplus v1.0 for BeOS (x86) - VICEplus v1.1 for BeOS (x86) VICEplus-AmigaOS3-v1.0-1.22.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.0 for AmigaOS 3.x VICEplus-AmigaOS3-v1.1.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for AmigaOS 3.x VICEplus-AmigaOS4-v1.0-1.22.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.0 for AmigaOS 4 VICEplus-AmigaOS4-v1.1.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for AmigaOS 4 VICEplus-i686-AROS-v1.0-1.22.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.0 for x86 AROS VICEplus-i686-AROS-v1.1.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for x86 AROS VICEplus-macosx-cocoa-ub-v1.1.dmg - VICEplus v1.1 for Mac OS X (Cocoa) VICEplus-macosx-gtk-ub-v1.0-1.22.dmg - VICEplus v1.0 for Mac OS X (X11 Gtk+) VICEplus-macosx-gtk-ub-v1.1.dmg - VICEplus v1.1 for Mac OS X (X11 Gtk+) VICEplus-macosx-x11-ub-v1.0-1.22.dmg - VICEplus v1.0 for Mac OS X (X11 Athena Widgets) VICEplus-macosx-x11-ub-v1.1.dmg - VICEplus v1.0 for Mac OS X (X11 Athena Widgets) VICEplus-powerpc-AROS-v1.0-1.22.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.0 for PowerPC AROS VICEplus-powerpc-AROS-v1.1.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.0 for PowerPC AROS VICEplus-v1.0-1.22-minix.tar.bz2 - VICEplus v1.0 for Minix 3.x VICEplus-v1.0-1.22-sol10-sparc-local.gz - VICEplus v1.0 for Sparc Solaris 10 VICEplus-v1.0-1.22-sol10-x86-local.gz - VICEplus v1.0 for Intel Solaris 10 VICEplus-v1.0-1.22-x86-public.qpr - VICEplus v1.0 for QNX (QNX 6.x repository install file) VICEplus-v1.0-1.22.tar.bz2 - VICEplus v1.0 source code VICEplus-v1.1-osr5-x86-local.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for OpenServer 5.x VICEplus-v1.1-osr6-x86-local.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for OpenServer 6.x VICEplus-v1.1-sol10-sparc-local.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for Sparc Solaris 10 VICEplus-v1.1-sol10-x86-local.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for Intel Solaris 10 VICEplus-v1.1-uw7-x86-local.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for Unixware 7.x VICEplus-v1.1-x86-public.qpr - VICEplus v1.0 for QNX (QNX 6.x repository install file) VICEplus-v1.1.pkg - VICEplus v1.1 for SkyOS VICEplus-v1.1.tar.bz2 - VICEplus v1.1 for Minix 3.x VICEplus-v1.1.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.1 source code VICEplus-x86_64-AROS-v1.1.tar.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for 64 bit x86 AROS - VICEplus v1.0 for Win32 - VICEplus v1.1 for Win32 dtvrom.bin.gz - Unpatched DTV ROM image dtvrom_patched.bin.gz - Patched DTV ROM image (gzip) - Patched DTV ROM image (zip) viceplus-v1.1-hppa-11.11.depot.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for HPPA HPUX viceplus-v1.1-ia64-11.31.depot.gz - VICEplus v1.1 for IA64 HPUX - VICEplus v1.0 for MS-DOS - VICEplus v1.1 for MS-DOS crossplatform/emulators/alec/ * This directory contains different releases of the shareware ALE C64 * emulator. * The files were uploaded by the author, - The ALE C64 Emulator Version 1.12: MSDOS binaries. alec64-1.12-aoutbin.tar.gz - The ALE C64 Emulator Version 1.12: Linux binaries in aout object format alec64-1.12-elfbin.tar.gz - The ALE C64 Emulator Version 1.12: Linux binaries in elf object format crossplatform/emulators/c64s@ -> crossplatform/emulators/msdos/c64s crossplatform/emulators/cb64/ * The development of the Come Back 64 emulator has been discontinued. - Come Back 64 version 0.9z, source code package included. - MS-DOS version - Java version comeback64_linux_cb64alpha1-freebsd.tgz - FreeBSD binary comeback64_linux_cb64alpha1-linuxaout.tgz - Linux a.out binary comeback64_linux_cb64alpha1-linuxelf.tgz - Linux ELF binary comeback64_linux_cb64alpha1-source.tgz - Source code for Unix version - Win32 version - Windows CE binary for ARM architecture - Windows CE binary for MIPS architecture - Windows CE binary for SH3 architecture crossplatform/emulators/ccs64@ -> crossplatform/emulators/msdos/ccs64 crossplatform/emulators/msdos/ - The Commodore 64 JokEmulator - . - Emulates the single-board computer Synertek SYM-1 on Win32. Created by - Andrew Dunn, May 2003. Based on the 65C02 emulator by Daryl Rictor - . - The emulator supports the SYM's "Supermon V1.1" , "Synertek Basic" and - the "RAE" resident assembler and editor ROMs. Usage: Click the reset - button after starting the program. At the "." prompt, type "G C000" to - start Basic, "G B000" to start the assembler, or "?" for a list of - monitor commands. - WinEMU version 0.5. The C16/Plus4 Emulator by Zsolt Prievara in 2001. - Requirements: Windows 95/98/Me/NT4SP3/2000/XP, DirectX 3.0 or better. - Very primitive C64 emulator for IBM PC. Requires Hercules graphics - card. This is probably world's first C64 emulator for IBM PC compatible - hardware. - Source code of Minus4 version 1.3. - A plus/4 emulator for MS-DOS by Mike Dailly - . pc128_31.txt - A C128 emulator for MS-DOS by Ulrich Meyer . - A plus/4 emulator for MS-DOS by V. Lidovski in 1997. Uploaded by - . crossplatform/emulators/msdos/VICE@ -> crossplatform/emulators/VICE crossplatform/emulators/msdos/c64s/ 4025.d64.gz - The 4025.D64 file contains five public domain programs for use with - the Commodore 64 emulator (C64S). The files on the disk image are: - Creeps - a Space Invaders clone - Invaders - another Space Invaders clone - Pool - a rather good game of billiards - Jungle Boy - a Wizard of War type game - Skier - first published by Commodore, now part of the public domain. - To use this disk image, you will need C64S version 0.9B or greater. - Just download this ** BINARY ** file to the C64S directory on your - hard - drive, and you are ready to go! Enjoy!! c64manip.readme - Contains utilities for manipulating the T64 tape images of the C64S - emulator. c64s.readme - Notes about the C64S emulator (version 0.9a). c64s09b.arj - Commodore 64 emulator for MS-DOS, requires 386 and VGA. - Version 0.9c of the c64s emulator.Replacement for c64s386.exe. - Version 1.0cd of the c64s emulator. c64s20bd.arj - C64S v2.0BD DEMO - Requirements: 386, VGA, DOS 3.0, 500K free. - Supports PC joysticks, GUS, SB and PAS. c64s25bd.arj - C64S German demo version V2.5B. Uploaded by Dohi/STYX - . - Utilities for Miha Peternel's C64S emulator for 386-based IBM PC/AT - compatibles. crossplatform/emulators/msdos/ccs64/ * CCS64 is currently the best Commodore 64 emulator for Pentium boxes * running MS-DOS. The author is HÃ¥kan Sundell * , and CCS64's home page is at * . * CCS64 is also available for some Unix variants, see * . - CCS64 demo version 1.09 for MS-DOS crossplatform/emulators/msdos/pc64/ * This directory contains distribution files of the Commodore 64 * emulator called PC64. It requires at least 386 and VGA, and runs in * MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2 as well as in the Linux dosemu. PC64 for * Windows is a newer product that requires Windows. * PC64 won't be developed or distributed any longer. See PC64-The * End.txt or PC64-Das Ende.txt for more details. - A collection of games published in the German 64'er magazine. PC64-Das Ende.txt PC64-The End.txt - The end of PC64, posted in comp.emulators.cbm on June 14, 1997. PC64-de.html - Informationen über PC64. Bitte dieses Dokument zuerst lesen! PC64-en.html - Information about PC64. Please read this document first! - The Emulator Developers Kit allows third party deveoplers to write - extensions for PC64Win, e.g. Freezer cartridges. To program for the - EDK, you'll need a Pentium PC with 32 MB RAM, Windows 95 or Windows - NT, and Visual C++ 4.1 or newer. - The EDK contains PC64Win 2.14. - Please install the EDK over PC64Win 2.1x because it doesn't come with - the ROM images to save space. - Italian user interface (Control Center) for PC64Win. - German version of PC64Dos 1.21. - German version of PC64Dos 1.22, last version released by Wolfgang - Lorenz. No shareware restrictions. - English version of PC64Dos 1.21. - English version of PC64Dos 1.22, last version released by Wolfgang - Lorenz. No shareware restrictions. pc64s.readme - Information about the PC64 source code. - Source code for PC64Dos. All references to LICENSE.DAT have been - removed. - Source code for PC64Win. This one will require some patching, see - pc64s.readme. - PC64 for Windows, update from 2.1x to 2.14. - PC64 for Windows, version 2.14. Runs in Windows 3.1 with Win32 and - WinG (see below), in Windows 95, and in Windows NT. Features - improved emulation, but the user interface is not finished yet. - Requires at least a 486DX66, and a 100MHz Pentium is recommended. testsuite-2.14.tar.gz - Emulator Test Suite version 2.14 in .tar.gz format, with .P00 files - converted to raw binary format. The .S00 files were not converted. - Emulator Test Suite version 2.14. Here you will find C64 programs - that can be used to test the CPU compatibility of different - emulators. - Emulator Test Suite version 2.15. The files are now in 1541 disk - image format, for easier access on all emulators. The test suite now - includes IRQ and NMI timing tests. - These two packages are needed to use PC64 for Windows under Windows - 3.x. crossplatform/emulators/msdos/pc64/transfer@ -> crossplatform/transfer crossplatform/emulators/pc64@ -> crossplatform/emulators/msdos/pc64 crossplatform/emulators/resid/ * ReSID is a Commodore 6581 or 8580 Sound Interface Device emulator. It * is included in VICE, a versatile Commodore emulator. resid-0.1.tar.gz resid-0.10.tar.gz resid-0.11.tar.gz resid-0.12.tar.gz resid-0.13.tar.gz resid-0.14.tar.gz resid-0.15.tar.gz resid-0.16.tar.gz resid-0.2.tar.gz resid-0.3.tar.gz resid-0.4.tar.gz resid-0.5.tar.gz resid-0.6.tar.gz resid-0.7.tar.gz resid-0.8.tar.gz resid-0.9.tar.gz crossplatform/emulators/unix/ FrodoV4_1a.Src.tar.gz - Frodo is a free, portable C64 emulator for BeOS, Unix, MacOS, AmigaOS - and Win32 systems. - Author: Christian Bauer - ccs64-1.09-aix-lib.tar.gz - CCS64 library for IBM AIX 4.1.4. ccs64-1.09-i486linux-lib.tar.gz - CCS64 library for Linux 2.0 (i386 and above). ccs64-1.09-osf1-lib.tar.gz - CCS64 library for OSF/1, a.k.a. Digital UNIX 4.0. ccs64-1.09.1-ui-src.tar.gz - CCS64 user interface source code. In order to compile it, you will - need the CCS64 library for the target platform. ccs64.readme - Information about CCS64. xcbm-0.1.2.tar.gz - Linux/curses-based C64 emulator. See also . crossplatform/emulators/unix/VICE@ -> crossplatform/emulators/VICE crossplatform/graphics/ * Here you will find converters, viewers and image processing tools for * different platforms. These programs support the graphics formats used on * 8-bit Commodores. crossplatform/graphics/Amiga/ C64Gfx-v1.3.lha - FLI and Koala to/from ppm converter for Amiga/U*ix C64Gfx.lha - C64 graphics conversion package, precompiled for Amiga (ANSI-C - sources). Version 1.5 (24.4.1999). C64Gfx1_4.lha - ppm to Koala/FLI/BFLI(/FFLI) precompiled for Amiga (ANSI-C sources) - Koala/FLI/AFLI/BFLI to IFF-ILBM/ppm precompiled for Amiga (ANSI-C - sources) Koala/FLI/BFLI viewers for C64 (PAL+NTSC), some examples. crossplatform/graphics/c64@ -> c64/graphics/converters crossplatform/graphics/msdos/ - ARTBMP v1.01b - An MS-DOS utility for viewing and converting PC/c64 - graphics c64demo.txt - C64 Picture displayer for the PC.Requires VGA. cbmbmp11.txt - A Windows program (written in Visual Basic) that makes conversions - between different Commodore graphics formats. See the description - file. - Image64 is a tool to converting any pictures from C64 to PC & PC to - C64. For more infos please read the file ''. koala2pc.arj koala2pc.readme - This MS-DOS utility converts Commodore 64 Koala Paint images to PCX - format - PetRUS 1.1 by Dima Sobolev, a character editor he wrote in order to - reproduce the Russian PET character generator ROM. The program - supports any Commodore 8*8 character ROMs with 256 or 512 characters - (2048 or 4096 bytes). - PIC64 is a programme to display C64-pictures on a PC with a VGA card. - All kinds of C64-formats are supported: Hires, Multicolour, AFLI, FLI - and interlaced FLI. Also different painting-programme-formats can be - displayed. Finally you are able to convert the pictures to the PCX- - format, known by most PC-picture- viewers. PIC64 is freeware made by - Volker Beck. crossplatform/graphics/msdos/ConGo/ * ConGo is an accessory program * for GoDot, running on Windows 95 or 98. These files were uploaded by * the author, Matthias Matting. - This archive contains example pictures for ConGo. To the best of the - uploader's knowledge, they are in the public domain. cgv22exe.readme - ConGo v2.2 without DLL files. congov22.readme - ConGo v2.2 with required DLL files. crossplatform/graphics/unix/ C64Gfx-v1.3.lha - FLI and Koala to/from ppm converter for Amiga/U*ix C64Gfx1_4.lha - ppm to Koala/FLI/BFLI(/FFLI) precompiled for Amiga (ANSI-C sources) - Koala/FLI/AFLI/BFLI to IFF-ILBM/ppm precompiled for Amiga (ANSI-C - sources) Koala/FLI/BFLI viewers for C64 (PAL+NTSC), some examples. crossplatform/programming@ -> programming crossplatform/transfer/ * Data transfer utilities transfer.html - A survey on the available data transfer methods for 8-bit Commodore - computers crossplatform/transfer/1541-dos/ * These are the programs and instructions on how to read and write MS-DOS * disks with a modified 1541. A 1541-II cannot unfortunately be modified * for the program. 1541-dos.readme - Overview and CRC32's for the files 1541-dos.sfx - C64 programs in a self-extracting archive: 1541-reads-dos, 1541-writes- - 90k 1541-dos.txt - Instructions for programs & the hardware modification - MS-DOS files in a self-extracting archive (and zipped):, - 1541bloc.gif, 1541-clk.gif. For those who have no access to LHA or MS- - DOS, the same files (pictures converted to a more modern format) are - available individually from this directory. 1541-rdp.prg 1541-rdp.readme - An improved, faster version of 1541-reads-dos. 1541bloc.png - Block diagram of the 1541 data flow when reading from the disk. 1541clk.png - An excerpt from the 1541 schematic diagram featuring the bit clock - circuitry. Includes the modification instructions. - MS-DOS utility for reading the special 90-kilobyte format. crossplatform/transfer/1541-to-PC/ - Commodore 1541 emulator for fast PCs running MS-DOS. Written by Ville - Muikkula. See . c642c64s.txt - A note from the author of - Connect a 1541 to an IBM PC compatible's parallel port. Besides files, - this program copies also entire disks. - Star Commander, a giftware utility that allows you to copy files or - whole disks between a PC clone running MS-DOS and a Commodore 1541 disk - drive. Uses the same cable as X1541. Uploaded by the author, - - The Star Commander: handles images of C64S, CCS64, PC64 and VICE, - copies files/disks from/to 1541/1571/1581 drives and converts many - Commodore archive formats - Trans64, a program for copying files or whole disks between a PC and a - 1541 disk drive. Uses its own cable or the X1541 cable. - Source code for the Trans64 transfer routines. - A Commodore 1541 emulator for MS-DOS and the X1541 cable. Version - 0.04pl6 beta (1998-10-26), by Torsten Paul. - Source code of - Connect a 1541 to an IBM PC compatible's parallel port. Buggy program, - does not work on too fast or too slow PCs. But it was the first program - of this kind, so it has some historical meaning. :-) crossplatform/transfer/Amiga/ D64trans.lha D64trans.readme - Transfers files and 1541 disk images between Amiga and C64 using a - parallel connection. Based on Timo Rossi's C64trans. Easy1541.lha Easy1541.readme - Connect a 1541 to your Amiga. This program will let you to access the - drive. An Exec library and lots of examples are included. Emul1541v11.lha Over5_0_711.lha Over5_0_711.readme - Transfers memory, files and 1541 disk images between Amiga and C64 or - VIC-20 using an RS-232C connection. c2n-amiga-1.1.4.lha - Converts Commodore C2N pulse streams to binary format that consists of - 192-byte tape headers and variable-length program blocks. Tested on - the PET, VIC-20, C64, C128, plus/4, and on the Tangerine Oric-1. The - program can be interfaced to a cassette drive emulator device C2N232 - via RS-232, and it can output the pulses as sinusoidal waves in raw PCM - format. - Version 1.0.3 adds preliminary support for tape images (.tap files). - Version 1.1 adds support for the Tangerine Oric-1 tape format. Version - 1.1.1 adds readable error messages for Windows. Version 1.1.3 switches - the C2N232 to idle mode when finished. Version 1.1.4 detects data - blocks (OPEN,PRINT#,...) properly. See also - . c2nload-amiga-1.0.4.lha - Load Commodore program files via the C2N232 device by first loading an - auto-starting 38,400 bps fastloader. The programs can be started with - a RUN or SYS command. See also - . - Version 1.0.4 has a rewritten AmigaOS serial.device interface. It has - been tested to work without problems on an A3000. Older versions used - to crash on AmigaOS. c64trans.zoo - File transfer system for C64 <-> Amiga. cbmlink-amiga-0.9.7.lha - A data transfer system between Commodore 8-bit computers and other - systems (Amiga, IBM PC compatible, Apple Mac OS X, Unix workstations). - See also This replaces prlink. - Precompiled Commodore executables for the cbmlink server. These files - contain a BASIC loader that relocates the server to a configureable - location. Please see readme.txt in the archive first. The archive - file contains the same code, but without support for - relocation. - Precompiled Commodore executables for the cbmlink server. These were - separated from the other distributions in version 0.9.3. The only - changes since version 0.9.5 are the changed start address of the VIC-20 - server and the shorter C2N232 transfer routines. cbmlink-cbmsrc.tar.gz - Source code for and In the - future, the source code for the cbmlink servers will be distributed - separately from the client source code. copy1581.lha - Allows you to use Amiga's builtin drive to read 1581 disks. Works only - with ks2.0+. The original copy1581 in the packet did not seem to work - and was replaced by a working version. 4-Jun-96 cutils-1.0-nopics.tgz cutils-1.0.readme cutils-1.0.tgz - A very simple pair of programs for transfers between the VIC-20 and - Linux (i386) or Amiga. iec.lzh - Here is the 2nd public version of IEC, the program that lets you use - your Commodore floppy 1541 with an Amiga. You need an adapter cable - between the parallel port and floppy, and a description of it follows - this package. pdata351.lha - PData is the ultimate binary/ASCII file transfer utility between your - Amiga and C64. Binaries for both Amiga and C64 included. pdata352.lha - Transfers files and 1541 disk images between Amiga and C64 using a - parallel connection. pdatafnl.lha - Assembly'94 cd-rom edition of PData. The final and the last version of - PData ever (development ended, future releases will appear under name - XData). prlink-amiga-0.9.5b.readme - Release notes for prlink 0.9.5b. prlink-amiga-0.9.5b.zoo - Source and precompiled prlink binaries for Amiga and all host systems - (PET, Vic20, C64 and C128). xfer64.lha xfer64.readme - Fast file transfer program for Amiga->c64 (Parallel port->User port) - Uploaded by the author, Adrian Gonzales - ( crossplatform/transfer/C2N232/ * C2N232 is a Commodore C2N cassette drive (datassette) emulator with an * RS-232 interface. It was designed by Marko Mäkelä * ( * The device allows data transfers between all 8-bit Commodore computers * that are equipped with a cassette interface (PET series, VIC-20, C64, * C128, 264 series, PET-II series) and any computer that has a 38400 bps * RS-232 interface. Supported protocols include pulse width modulation * (normal cassette LOAD/SAVE/OPEN, and any tape speeders that use at most * 3 different pulse widths), and a custom protocol whose transfer speed * exceeds 38400 bps already on a 1 MHz Commodore. * The software is work in progress. The preferred methods of using the * C2N232 are c2nload and cbmlink, the replacement of prlink. C2N232.html - A description of the C2N232 device. Read this first (or after - FAQ.html). - C2N232 Häufig gestellte Fragen. - C2N232 Usein esitettyjä kysymyksiä. FAQ.html - C2N232 Frequently Asked Questions. c2n-1.1.4.tar.gz - Converts Commodore C2N pulse streams to binary format that consists of - 192-byte tape headers and variable-length program blocks. Tested on - the PET, VIC-20, C64, C128, plus/4, and on the Tangerine Oric-1. The - program can be interfaced to a cassette drive emulator device C2N232 - via RS-232, and it can output the pulses as sinusoidal waves in raw PCM - format. - Version 1.0.3 adds preliminary support for tape images (.tap files). - Version 1.1 adds support for the Tangerine Oric-1 tape format. Version - 1.1.1 adds readable error messages for Windows. Version 1.1.3 switches - the C2N232 to idle mode when finished. Version 1.1.4 detects data - blocks (OPEN,PRINT#,...) properly. c2n-amiga-1.1.4.lha - M68k AmigaOS executable of C2N. - 32-bit MS Windows console version of C2N. Requires MSVCRT.DLL, which - should be included with the system or with an installation package of - newer Microsoft software, such as the Internet Explorer 5. c2nload-1.0.1.tar.gz c2nload-1.0.2.tar.gz c2nload-1.0.3.tar.gz c2nload-1.0.4.tar.gz - Load Commodore program files via the C2N232 device by first loading an - auto-starting 38,400 bps fastloader. The programs can be started with - a RUN or SYS command. Version 1.0.1 also works on Commodore AmigaOS. - Version 1.0.2 fixes a bug in the universal PET loader on port #2. - Version 1.0.3 loads to $d000..$dfff on the Commodore 64 and 128 and - adds a switch for disabling automatic start-up. Version 1.0.4 adds a - progress monitor for other systems than AmigaOS. c2nload-1.0.tar.gz c2nload-amiga-1.0.4.lha - M68k AmigaOS executable of C2NLOAD. - Version 1.0.4 has a rewritten AmigaOS serial.device interface. It has - been tested to work without problems on an A3000. Older versions used - to crash on AmigaOS. - 32-bit MS Windows console version of C2NLOAD. Requires MSVCRT.DLL. cbmconvert-2.1.2.tar.gz - Converts different Commodore file formats between each other. Includes - decent manual pages and support for the native Commodore tape format. cbmconvert-amiga-2.1.2.lha - Commodore AmigaOS (Motorola 68000) version of cbmconvert 2.1.2. - 32-bit MS Windows version of cbmconvert 2.1.2, a conversion utility - that reads and writes files in different Commodore-specific archive - file formats, disk images or tape images. This version was created - with a cross-compiler version of gcc 2.95 on Linux, targeted for the - MinGW platform. The program requires the library file MSVCRT.DLL, - which should be distributed with Windows since version 95 OSR2, or - Internet Explorer since version 5. cbmconvert.html - cbmconvert release notes cbmlink-0.9.1.tar.gz cbmlink-0.9.2.tar.gz cbmlink-0.9.3.tar.gz cbmlink-0.9.4.tar.gz cbmlink-0.9.5.tar.gz cbmlink-0.9.6.tar.gz cbmlink-0.9.7.tar.gz - A data transfer system between Commodore 8-bit computers and other - systems (Amiga, IBM PC compatible, Apple Mac OS X, Unix workstations). - See also cbmlink-0.9.tar.gz - A data transfer system between Commodore 8-bit computers and other - systems. cbmlink-amiga-0.9.7.lha - Commodore AmigaOS version of cbmlink 0.9.7. - Precompiled Commodore executables for the cbmlink server. These files - contain a BASIC loader that relocates the server to a configureable - location. Please see readme.txt in the archive first. The archive - file contains the same code, but without support for - relocation. - Precompiled Commodore executables for the cbmlink server. These were - separated from the other distributions in version 0.9.3. The only - changes since version 0.9.5 are the changed start address of the VIC-20 - server and the shorter C2N232 transfer routines. cbmlink-cbmsrc.tar.gz - Source code for and In the - future, the source code for the cbmlink servers will be distributed - separately from the client source code. - 32-bit MS Windows console version of cbmlink 0.9.7. Supports also the - parallel cables on Windows 95, 98 and ME. See also cbmlink- - cbmlink.html - cbmlink release notes faucet-1.0.tar.gz - Play or record TAP files via the C2N232 device, firmware version 4. - 32-bit MS Windows console version of FAUCET 1.0. crossplatform/transfer/C2N232/firmware/ * C2N232 is a Commodore C2N cassette drive (datassette) emulator with * an RS-232 interface. It was designed by Marko Mäkelä * ( * Here you can find the firmware for the C2N232 device. c2n-format.txt - A short description of the Commodore tape format. The C2N232 device - does not recognize this format; it just recognizes different pulse - widths and encodes them as the characters A through D. c2n232.asm - The source code of the first version of the firmware. Everything is - driven by interrupts. Four bytes of the 128-byte RAM are wasted for - processor stack; the remaining 124 bytes are used as an RS-232 input - buffer. c2n232.s - Firmware version 4 in GNU Assembler format. All previous versions of - the firmware can be selected as a compile-time option. c2n232.s19 - Compiled firmware version 4 for the SMDCR board in Motorola S record - format c2n232.txt - A very short design document of the firmware. - Rewritten firmware with added support for the cassette motor control - signal. Includes source code and compiled binary. cisp-1.0.1.tar.gz - Compact In-System Programmer, adapted for FreeBSD. The functionality - has not been changed since version 1.0. cisp-1.0.2.tar.gz - Compact In-System Programmer, version 1.0.2. The program no longer - aborts if it sees an unexpected response from the SPI device. cisp-1.0.3.tar.gz - Compact In-System Programmer, version 1.0.3. The program does not - report unexpected responses unless the -d parameter is specified. - The program is included in the AVR Cross Development Kit for RPM- - based GNU/Linux distributions, . cisp-1.0.4.tar.gz - Compact In-System Programmer, version 1.0.4. The byte programming - protocols have been improved, and there are other minor fixes as - well. cisp-1.0.tar.gz - Compact In-System Programmer. With this program, you can transfer - firmware to Atmel AVR microcontrollers via RS-232 or a PC-style - parallel printer port. The program has been tested on GNU/Linux and - on Microsoft Windows, and the serial routines should work on other - Unix systems as well. - Binary distribution of cisp 1.0.4 for Microsoft Windows. timing.dia - A timing diagram of the custom transfer protocol (the operating modes - "send" and "recv") in Dia v0.88.1 format. timing.png - A bit-mapped image of the timing diagram of the custom transfer - protocol. crossplatform/transfer/C2N232/gallery/ 8032-back.jpg - The C2N232 device between the rear cassette port of a CBM 8032-SK and - the RS-232 port of an IBM Thinkpad A20m. 8032-side.jpg - The C2N232 device inserted between the side cassette port of a CBM - 8032-SK and the RS-232 port of an IBM Thinkpad A20m 8032-side2.jpg - A CBM 8032-SK is loading a program from an IBM Thinkpad A20m that is - connected via the C2N232 device. backtoback.jpg - A family portrait of a CBM 8032-SK computer, a CBM 8250 dual disk - drive unit, a CBM 4022 tractor printer, and a C2N232 device - connecting the CBM 8032-SK rear cassette port to an IBM Thinkpad - A20m. case1.jpg - A DB25-to-DB9 adapter case modified for the "smdcr" board. Something - is sawed off from both sides of the wider end. case2.jpg - A DB25-to-DB9 adapter case modified for the "smdcr" board. The - bottom side of the cassette connector is glued to the case. The - photos were taken by Nicolas Welte, who made this modification. smdcr-bottom.jpg - The bottom side of the first unit of the first production run of the - C2N232. The components were desoldered from a prototype board. smdcr-top.jpg - The top side of the first unit of the first production run of the - C2N232. The device is powered from a Commodore cassette port - (bottom). The permanently installed jumper wire at the bottom right - makes it possible to update the AT90S2313 firmware when the jumper - pad at bottom right is closed. The DB9F connector provides an RS-232 - interface for the host computer. A three-wire interface (RxD+TxD+GND) - suffices for normal operation; CTS/RTS handshaking is needed for - updating the firmware. vic20.jpg - A Commodore VIC-20 equipped with a 32-kilobyte memory expansion, - connected to an IBM Thinkpad A20m via the C2N232 device for invoking - a game of Omega Race. crossplatform/transfer/C2N232/hardware/ * C2N232 is a Commodore C2N cassette drive (datassette) emulator with * an RS-232 interface. It was designed by Marko Mäkelä * ( * The hardware design (made with the Eagle layout editor by CadSoft) is * based on two integrated circuits: an Atmel AT90S2313 microcontroller * and a Maxim MAX232 line driver. * These files may be used according to the terms of the GNU General * Public License. Essentially, you may make money and need not pay any * royalties to anyone, and if you modify the design, you must make the * modifications available on the same conditions. - First prototype design (schematic diagram and circuit board layout) - for dual-in-line packaged chips (AT90S2313-DIP20 and MAX232-DIP16). - The files are in CadSoft Eagle and PNG formats. - The two prototype surface mounted designs "smd" and "smdl". The - archive contains the schematic diagrams and board layouts in CadSoft - Eagle format and rewiring instructions to make the board compatible - with newer designs. - Cost reduced surface mounted design of the board. There are no - resistors, and only one type of capacitors are used. The originally - planned 470 nF capacitors have been replaced with 100 nF. The - microcontroller is programmed via the RS-232 interface. The files - are in CadSoft Eagle and PNG formats. crossplatform/transfer/CBM-to-PC/ 64lan965.lzh - 64LAN version 0.965. A C64 <-> PC networking program, written by - Mathieu van Geffen from the Netherlands. The X.400-type e-mail address - of the author is C=NL; Admd=400NET; Prmd=PTT Telecom; S=van Geffen; - I=M. - The software development kit for 64NET. - 64NET, a program that lets you to use a PC's harddisk as a disk drive - on a C64. Requires a wedge on the C64 that is not too compatible with - any software. The program is shareware, this is an evaluation version. cbmlink-0.9.7.tar.gz - A data transfer system between Commodore 8-bit computers and other - systems (Amiga, IBM PC compatible, Apple Mac OS X, Unix workstations). - See also - Precompiled Commodore executables for the cbmlink server. These files - contain a BASIC loader that relocates the server to a configureable - location. Please see readme.txt in the archive first. The archive - file contains the same code, but without support for - relocation. - Precompiled Commodore executables for the cbmlink server. These were - separated from the other distributions in version 0.9.3. The only - changes since version 0.9.5 are the changed start address of the VIC-20 - server and the shorter C2N232 transfer routines. cbmlink-cbmsrc.tar.gz - Source code for and In the - future, the source code for the cbmlink servers will be distributed - separately from the client source code. - A data transfer system between Commodore 8-bit computers and other - systems (Amiga, IBM PC compatible, Apple Mac OS X, Unix workstations). - See also This replaces prlink. The sources can - also be compiled with Bruce's C Compiler to a MS-DOS COM executable. clink096.readme - An unidirectional transfer system (PC->plus/4,C16,C116,C64). Source - code (Turbo Pascal 7.0 and Table driven CrossAsm) included. - An unidirectional transfer system (PC->plus/4,C16,C116,C64). Source - code (Turbo Pascal 7.0 and Table driven CrossAsm) included. cutils-1.0-nopics.tgz cutils-1.0.readme cutils-1.0.tgz - A very simple pair of programs for transfers between the VIC-20 and - Linux (i386) or Amiga. - This archive contains precompiled Win32 binaries of Over5. You need the - over5-20021117.tar.gz archive aswell. over5-20021117.tar.gz - Transfers memory, files and 1541 disk images between Unix-like systems - or Windows and C64 or VIC-20 using an RS-232C connection. - . prlink-0.9.9.tar.gz - Multi-purpose transfer system for PET,Vic20,C64,C128 <-> Linux,MS- - DOS,Amiga. Transfers and starts Vic-20 cartridges and C= program files. - Copies files and whole disks (on any drive, using standard routines). - Source distribution with makefiles for GCC (Linux and AmigaDOS) and MS - C 8.0 (MS-DOS). - See - for cbmlink, the successor of prlink. - MS-DOS binary distribution of prlink 0.9.5a. ser64_80.txt - An MS-DOS program written in Turbo Pascal that emulates a Commodore - serial disk drive. Supports the X1541 and Disk64e cables. - This utility lets you to stop a hung MS-DOS program by pressing Ctrl- - Alt-Ins. Very useful with MS-DOS transfer programs that cannot - otherwise be aborted if the transfer hangs. crossplatform/transfer/Linux/ c2n-1.1.3.tar.gz - Converts Commodore C2N pulse streams to binary format that consists of - 192-byte tape headers and variable-length program blocks. Tested on - the PET, VIC-20, C64, C128, plus/4, and on the Tangerine Oric-1. The - program can be interfaced to a cassette drive emulator device C2N232 - via RS-232, and it can output the pulses as sinusoidal waves in raw PCM - format. - See also - . c2nload-1.0.4.tar.gz - Load Commodore program files via the C2N232 device by first loading an - auto-starting 38,400 bps fastloader. The programs can be started with - a RUN or SYS command. See also - . cbm4linux-0.3.1.readme cbm4linux-0.3.1.tar.gz - Allows the connection of Commodore serial bus peripherals to the - parallel port using the XM1541 or XP1541 cable (compatible with Star - Commander). A kernel module for Linux 2.2 is included (should work - with Linux 2.0 as well). cbm_virtual_hd-0.8.0.tar.gz - Virtual disk server using PC GPIB card. cbmlink-0.9.7.tar.gz - A data transfer system between Commodore 8-bit computers and other - systems (Amiga, IBM PC compatible, Apple Mac OS X, Unix workstations). - See also This replaces prlink. - Precompiled Commodore executables for the cbmlink server. These files - contain a BASIC loader that relocates the server to a configureable - location. Please see readme.txt in the archive first. The archive - file contains the same code, but without support for - relocation. - Precompiled Commodore executables for the cbmlink server. These were - separated from the other distributions in version 0.9.3. The only - changes since version 0.9.5 are the changed start address of the VIC-20 - server and the shorter C2N232 transfer routines. cbmlink-cbmsrc.tar.gz - Source code for and In the - future, the source code for the cbmlink servers will be distributed - separately from the client source code. disk2d64-0.0.1.readme disk2d64-0.0.1.tar.gz - Copy a 1541 disk in 50 seconds using a PAL C64 connected via a PC64 - cable to a Linux system's parallel port. faucet-1.0.tar.gz - Play or record TAP files via the C2N232 device, firmware version 4. over5-20021117.tar.gz - Transfers memory, files and 1541 disk images between Linux and C64 or - VIC-20 using an RS-232C connection. prlink-0.9.5a.tar.gz prlink-0.9.7.tar.gz prlink-0.9.8.tar.gz prlink-0.9.9.tar.gz - Multi-purpose transfer system for PET,Vic20,C64,C128 <-> Linux,MS- - DOS,Amiga. Transfers and starts Vic-20 cartridges and C= program files. - Copies files and whole disks (on any drive, using standard routines). - Source distribution with makefiles for GCC (Linux and AmigaDOS) and MS - C 8.0 (MS-DOS). See - for - cbmlink, the successor of prlink. wav-prg-1.1.readme wav-prg-1.1.tar.gz - WAV-PRG 1.1 for Linux (including source code). Uploaded by the author, - Fabrizio Gennari . wav-prg-1.2.tar.gz wav-prg.1.2.linux.readme - WAV-PRG 1.2 for Linux (including source code). Uploaded by the author, - Fabrizio Gennari . crossplatform/transfer/datassette/ - Tomaz Kac's Windows utility for converting .TAP tape image files to - .VOC PCM audio format. Source code is not included. - TAP <-> VOC Converters & Play TAP v0.03b by Tomaz Kac. Converts CCS64 - .TAP tape image files to and from .VOC format. - Luigi Di Fraia's Windows program for converting .TAP tape images to - .WAV PCM audio format. Source code is not included. - Luigi Di Fraia's Windows program for converting .TAP tape images to - .WAV PCM audio format. Source code is not included. TurboTapeLoaderV1_3.readme - This MS-DOS program, whose Turbo Pascal source code is included, - extracts files from audio files digitized from Commodore 64 tapes in - Turbo Tape format. - Multi-Platform TAP file generator using WAV files. c2n-1.0.1.tar.gz c2n- c2n-1.0.2.tar.gz c2n-1.0.3.tar.gz c2n-1.0.4.tar.gz c2n-1.0.tar.gz c2n-1.1.1.tar.gz c2n-1.1.2.tar.gz c2n-1.1.3.tar.gz c2n-1.1.4.tar.gz c2n-1.1.tar.gz - Converts Commodore C2N pulse streams to binary format that consists of - 192-byte tape headers and variable-length program blocks. Tested on - the PET, VIC-20, C64, C128, plus/4, and on the Tangerine Oric-1. The - program can be interfaced to a cassette drive emulator device C2N232 - via RS-232, and it can output the pulses as sinusoidal waves in raw PCM - format. - Version 1.0.3 adds preliminary support for tape images (.tap files). - Version 1.1 adds support for the Tangerine Oric-1 tape format. Version - 1.1.1 adds readable error messages for Windows. Version 1.1.3 switches - the C2N232 to idle mode when finished. Version 1.1.4 detects data - blocks (OPEN,PRINT#,...) properly. See also - . c2n-amiga-1.1.4.lha - M68k AmigaOS version of C2N 1.1.4. - 32-bit MS Windows console version of C2N 1.1.4. cbmtt101.readme - This MS-DOS program converts Commodore tapes to PC and back. Source - code not included. Uploaded by the author, Richard Storer - . - Recover data blocks in standard Commodore format from corrupted TAP - files. faucet-1.0.tar.gz - Play or record TAP files via the C2N232 device, firmware version 4. - 32-bit MS Windows console version of FAUCET 1.0. - Windows program for finding and fixing TAP file errors kimtap05.txt - A decoder for KIM-1, SYM-1 and HYPERTAPE tape formats, for MS-DOS. The - source must be in an 8-bit mono PCM format, sampled at 22050 Hz. Forth - source code is included. Downloaded from - . - Read datasette from PC parallel port using C64S interface. - Write datasette from PC parallel port using C64S interface. - Write datasette from PC parallel port using C64S interface. - Converts 16-bit audio samples to the TAP format used by CCS64 and VICE. - MS-DOS version. Uploaded by the author, . tape64_readme.txt - Release notes for Tape64. Note that this is slightly different from - the readme.txt files in the zip archives. - Converts 16-bit audio samples to the TAP format used by CCS64 and VICE. - Source code. Uploaded by the author, . - Converts 16-bit audio samples to the TAP format used by CCS64 and VICE. - Windows version. Uploaded by the author, . tapir-0.05b.tar.gz - Source code of TAPir 0.05beta, a real-time converter of audio samples - to low-level tape images, for Win32 and GNU/Linux. Downloaded from the - CVS repository of . - Win32 executable of TAPir 0.05beta. Downloaded from - . ttape010.readme - Turbo Tape for C64, plus/4 or C16 (presumably for PAL models) and for - PC compatibles running MS-DOS, with the datassette connected to the - parallel port. wav-prg-1.1.readme wav-prg-1.1.tar.gz - WAV-PRG 1.1 for Linux (including source code). Uploaded by the author, - Fabrizio Gennari . wav-prg-1.2.tar.gz wav-prg.1.2.linux.readme - WAV-PRG 1.2 for Linux (including source code). Uploaded by the author, - Fabrizio Gennari . wavprg11.readme - WAV-PRG is a program which can transfer sampled C64 tape files (in - Turbo Tape 64 format) to Windows 95 or NT and back. Uploaded by the - author, Fabrizio Gennari . wavprg21.readme - WAV-PRG 1.2 for Windows. Uploaded by the author, Fabrizio Gennari - . wireless.readme - Wireless Copy transfers 1541 disks between a C64/C128 and a PC running - Windows 95 or 98. The medium is not a cable, but a datassette tape. No - cables between the C64 and the PC are required, just a sound card on - the PC. Wireless Copy comes with full source code in Turbo Pascal 7.0. crossplatform/transfer/misc/ * This directory contains miscellanous transferring utilities. - 1581copy version 0.54 for MS-DOS. Copies Commodore 1581 disks to and - from disk images. Written by Wolfgang Moser. See also the home page - at . - 1581disk v0.1 copies .D81 images to and from a 1581 formatted disk in a - 3.5" PC disk drive on a real floppy controller (no USB). 1581Disk runs - on Windows 2000/XP/2003 and requires the free fdrawcmd.sys driver - (installer included in this zip file). Written by Simon Owen in 2006. cbm-ibm.readme - PETSCII/ASCII conversion program for MS-DOS. cbm-printer-to-ibm - Tells you how to connect a Commodore serial printer to an IBM PC - compatible. Contains some source code and instructions for building a - cable. You might be better off using the other packages in this - directory. cbmpr11.readme - Allows you to connect a Commodore printer to an IBM PC. lptiec-0.9.2.tar.gz - André Fachat's IEEE 488 interface for the PC's printer port. The - driver is for Linux. More information is available at - . demodisks/ * This directory contains test/demo diskettes (compressed disk images) of * different Commodore products. Uploads are naturally welcome. * These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are * corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden by * copyright law. cbm_consumer_v11.d64.gz - C64 diagnostic and tests for computer and peripherals p500demo.d82.gz - Sales/Demo disk for Commodore P500 computer. Uncovered by Steve Gray demodisks/c128/ * Here are disks supplied with the Commodore 128. * These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are * corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden by * copyright law. 1571-128d-v13-314855-02.d64.gz - C128d 1571 test/demo disk v1.3 p/n314855-02 README.cpm.disks.txt - A more detailed comparison of the Commodore 128 CP/M disks. Composed by - William Levak. README.cpm.files.txt - A rough comparison of the files contained on 5¼" Commodore 128 CP/M - system disks. Composed by Marko Mäkelä. cpm.622-5002336.d81.gz - CP/M 3.0 System Disk, serial number 622-5002336. The disk label says: - "Serial No. 622-5002336", "Commodore 1581 (TM) 3.5" DISK DRIVE", and - "CP/M Version 3.0". The suffix "5002336" has been printed with a dot - matrix printer. - User areas 1, 2 and 3 contain some source code. The files CPM3.LIB, - CXEQU.LIB, X6502.LIB and Z80.LIB exist in user areas 1 and 2. Others are - identical, but in Z80.LIB, the JR, JRC, JRNC, JRZ, JRNZ and DJNZ relative - jump offsets have been fixed in the copy stored in user area 2. cpm.system.622-3282252.d64.gz - CP/M System Disk, serial number 622-3282252. Dated 28 May 1987. cpm.system.622-3297432.d64.gz - CP/M System Disk, serial number 622-3297432. Dated 28 May 1987. cpm.system.622-580745.d64.gz - CP/M System Disk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0, serial number 622-580745. Dated - 1985. cpm.system.622-598666.d64.gz - CP/M System Disk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0, serial number 622-598666. Only a - few bytes in cpm+.sys differ from the 622-580745 image. cpm.system.6228129311.d64.gz - CP/M System Disk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0, Serial No. 6228129311. cpm.system.6228151676.d64.gz - CP/M System DIsk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0, Serial No. 6228151676. The only - differences from 6228129311 are in the CPM+.SYS file, which probably - stores three copies of the serial number. The back side of this disk was - identical with cpm-utilities2.d64.gz. cpm.system.german-1986.d64.gz - CP/M system disk, with modifications by Commodore Frankfurt, dated 1 May - 1986. Serial number unknown (disk marked 622-85). In the used disk area, - only the cpm+.sys file differs from the 6228129311 image. cpm.utilities.d64.gz - CP/M System User Utilities Disk, CP/M Plus Version 3.0. Dated 1985. cpm.utilities.german-1986.d64.gz - CP/M utilities disk, with modifications by Commodore Frankfurt, dated 1 - May 1986. Serial number unknown (disk marked 622-85). Compared to - cpm.utilities.d64.gz, there is one new file, cpm.utilities2.d64.gz - Another version of the Commodore 128 CP/M System User Utilities Disk. The - file is different from the one included on cpm.utilities.german- - 1986.d64.gz. Both are by Commodore Frankfurt, though. cpm.utilities3.d64.gz - Yet another version of the Commodore 128 CP/M System User Utilities Disk. - This was on the back side of the new system disk (May 28, 1987). This - disk contains exactly the same files ad cpm.utilities.d64.gz, i.e. - has been removed. - Devpak 128 on four disks (D64 images). diagnostics128.d64.gz - Commodore 128 Diagnostic Menu. Test programs for the C128, C128D and for - the 1571 disk drive. Track 18 has been reconstructed. tutor128.d64.gz - Commodore 128 Tutorial disk demodisks/c128/cpm@ -> ../cpm/sys/c128/system demodisks/c128/src@ -> src/c128 demodisks/c64/ * This directory contains test/demo diskettes supplied with the Commodore * 64 or products tightly related with it. * These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are * corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden by * copyright law. c64-demodiskette.d64.gz c64-demodiskette.readme - C= 64 demonstration programs made by Commodore Frankfurt, Germany. starter-kit.d64.gz - This "C64 starter kit" is a collection of some educational software - distributed by Commodore Canada, and some Commodore 64 and 1541 specific - utilities. The disk label says "C= commodore C-64 DISK BONUS PACK - ©Commodore Business Machines, Inc." No product number is obvious. sx64-demo.d64.gz - C= commodore SX-64 TEST/DEMO disk. This one seems to be based on the - 1540/1541 test/demo disk 1540042-02. There are some demos on this disk, - including a Christmas demo. demodisks/c64/cpm/ cpm.d64.gz - CP/M cartridge boot disk, 1982. The cartridge was available at least - until 1983. It was a complete flop and was pulled from the market. One - known cartridge has date codes like 8249 or 8239 on the chips. cpm2.d64.gz - Another version of the CP/M cartridge boot disk. This disk seems to - have more programs on it. cpm3.d64.gz - Yet another version of the boot disk. The serial number of the disk is - "D CP2 622-04414". demodisks/c64/cpm/src@ -> src/c64 demodisks/c64/modem/ * Software for Commodore modems 1660-a.d64.gz 1660-b.d64.gz - This is a C64/128 Commodore Modem 300 test/demo diskette with Quantum - Link and terminal programs. 1670-a.d64.gz 1670-b.d64.gz - This is a C64/128 Commodore Modem 1200 test/demo diskette with Quantum - Link and terminal programs. The first side is identical with the 1660 - test/demo diskette, and on the second side, the files "ascii.mts", - "boot", "mac.boot" and "optset" differ. In addition, the 1660 disk - lacks the file "vt52-64". AdattatoreTelematico6499.crt - Cartridge emulator image for Adattatore Telematico Commodore 6499 modem demodisks/c64/sfx/ sfx-secret.readme - A note on a hidden file on the Commodore SFX Sound Expander test/demo - disk. sfx-secretloader.prg - A program that loads the hidden file on the test/demo disk and patches - it for NTSC systems if required. sfx.d64.gz - Commodore SFX Sound Expander test/demo disk. The copy protection - (looking for 22,READ ERROR,18,18) has been removed by changing the two - bytes in block 26,1 at offsets $23 and $2A from $AC to $AE. demodisks/c900/ * Floppy and hard drive images for Commodore 900 (Z8000) computer. Most * images read in by the folks at, unless otherwise specified. - Kryroflux image and other data for Install Disk 1 for Workstation (HR) - C900s - Kryroflux image and other data for Install Disk 1 for Server (LR) C900s - Kryroflux image and other data for Install Disk 2 for all C900s - Kryroflux image and other data for Install Disk 3 for all C900s - C900 hard drive image from - C900 hard drive image from Contains partial - source. - C900 hard drive image from - Image of hard drive of HR C900 belonging to Santo Nucifora. Also contains - source. demodisks/cmd/ CMD-1750XL.d64.gz - 1750XL ram expansion disk CMD-FD-V1.05.d64.gz - FD2000/4000 demo disk cmd-hard.d64.gz - CMD Hard Drive demo disk cmd-trak.d64.gz - CMD Trackball demo disk ramlink.d64.gz - CMD RamLink utilities disk scpu-1.d64.gz - SuperCPU disk swift-a.d64.gz - Swiftlink RS232 disk turbo232.d64.gz - Turbo232 RS232 disk demodisks/drives/ * This directory contains test/demo diskettes shipped with different * Commodore disk drives. * These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are * corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden by * copyright law. 1540-demo.d64.gz - 1541 floppy disk drive test/demo disk. No other information given. 1541-demo.1540024-02.d64.gz - 1541 floppy disk drive test/demo disk. No date; probably from 1983. 1541-demo.d64.gz - C= commodore VIC-1541 TEST / DEMO. The files are the same as on the - 1540042-02 disk, but there are differences in the unused sectors. 1541-demo1.d64.gz - 1541 floppy disk drive test/demo disk, December 1984 1541-demo2.d64.gz - 1541 floppy disk drive test/demo disk, January 1985. Includes some - plus/4 and C16 examples. 1541-demo3.d64.gz - Model 1551/1541 test/demo diskette, almost like the January 1985 version, - but with an updated "view bam" program. - Disk label: C= commodore model 1541 test/demo-diskette. Also seen with - the label: C= commodore model 1541/1551 test/demo-diskette, single- - sided/48 tpi. 1541-diagnostic_v20.d64.gz - Commodore 1541 diagnostic disk v2.0, errors on tracks 1 & 34, but files - are OK. 1541-diagnostic_v20.g64.gz - Commodore 1541 Drive Diagnostic Disk v2.0. Contains errors on tracks 1 & - 34, but doesn't affect the files. 1551-demo.d64.gz 1570-demo.d64.gz - 1570 floppy disk drive test/demo disk. 1571-demo.d64.gz - 1571 floppy disk drive test/demo disk. Contains lots of C128 programs. - Disk label: Commodore 1570 TEST/DEMO DISKETTE WITH C128 DOS SHELL 1571-demo2.d64.gz - 1571 floppy disk drive test/demo disk. The same as above, but with a bit - longer version of the "dos shell" program. 1571_test_vp-1.3.d64.gz - 1570/1571 tests for Commodore 128, English 1581-demo.lzh - Some files contained in the 1581 drive demo disk. Unfortunately some of - the files were corrupt, but some files are better than none. 1581demo.354011-07.d81.gz - C= commodore - 1581 TEST/DEMO - back side of disk: P/N: 354011-07 40A028-007 - The file "burst subs.src" seems to be damaged, but this image should be - from an original disk. Also, there is some stuff in unused areas. 1581demo.d81.gz - C= commodore - 1581 TEST/DEMO 2031demo.d64.gz - Test/Demo disk for 2031 single floppy disk drive - Also seen with the label - Commodore® 1581(tm) - 3.5" Disk Drive - Demo/Utilities - P/N: 354011-07 20A28-007 2031lp-demo.d64.gz - 2031 LP floppy diskette drive test/demo diskette. No date or part number - on Commodore label. 2040-demo.d64.gz - 2040 floppy disk drive test/demo disk. 2040DEMO.LNX.ZIP - 2040 drive test/demo disk. Requires LYNX 8017 PET to unlynx. 4040037_test-demo.d64.gz - 2040, 3040, and 4040 test/demo disk pn#4040037 8050DEMO.LNX.ZIP - 8050 drive test/demo disk. Requires LYNX 8017 PET to unlynx. 8250.lnx.gz - Files from the 8250 test/demo disk. Copied by Ruud Baltissen. According - to him, the copying program "unit to unit" does not work, it just - produced "copy error" messages. 8250lp-demo.d82.gz - 8250 LP floppy diskette drive test/demo diskette. Probably identical to - the 8250 Test/Demo disk. No date or part number on Commodore label. CBM128BurnIn1570_1571.d64.gz - CBM 128D burn-in/diagnostic tests, German language D9090-DIAGNOSTIC.PRG - Diagnostic program for CBM 9060/9090 Hard drive HDTOOLS V2-D9090.PRG - Tools program for CBM 9060/9090 Hard drive sfd1001-demo.d82.gz - SFD 1001 floppy diskette drive test/demo diskette. No date or part number - on Commodore label. sfd1001-testdemo-extra.d82.gz - SFD 1001 drive Test/Demo disk with numerous extra utilities over previous - version. universal_demo.d64.gz - 2040/3040/4040 test demo-diskette, P/N 4040037 demodisks/other/ * This directory contains test/demo diskettes (compressed disk images) * shipped with miscellanous Commodore products. * These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are * corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden by * copyright law. 1351-demo.d64.gz - 1351 mouse demo disk, 24 October 1986 1351-demo2.d64.gz - 1351 mouse utility disk © 1986. The .bin files are unnecessarily long - on this diskette. - Tape software for 1600 vicmodem - Tape software for 1650 automodem 1700-demo.d64.gz - Disk label: 1700/1750 RAM EXPANSION, TEST/DEMO DISK, V1.0 12/5/85 - Most of the programs are for the Commodore 128, although the REU can be - used with the Commodore 64 as well. 1764-utility-geos.d64.gz - Back side of the 1764 RAM Expansion Utility Disk, labelled 1764 RAM - EXPANSION GEOS UPGRADE. Contains some sort of a GEOS upgrade from - version 1.2 to 1.3, and lots of deleted files. 1764-utility.d64.gz - 1764 RAM EXPANSION UTILITY DISK, 8 April 1987 325006-01_floppydisk.d82.gz - Software for 324402-01 High Speed Graphic Board for 8296 Comal_80.d64.gz - Disk that came with the Comal 80 cartridge for the C64 HandyScan12.d64.gz - Diskette for HandyScanner, including drawing program. Version 1.2 Hi-Eddi.d64.gz Hi-Eddi.readme - Diskette zum Buch "Mini-CAD mit Hi-Eddi plus auf dem C64/C128". This CAD - program disk was shipped with the above mentioned German book. - KCS EEPROM Programmer docs and demo disks. Tiny Eprommer V2.0.d64.gz - This disk was shipped with the Tiny Eprommer V2, an EPROM programming - device for the Commodore 64. Turbo Master CPU.d64.gz - Turbo Master CPU Demo/Utilities Disk for the Commodore 64. Schnedler - Systems. Rev. 5/4/91. conrad-dcf77.d64.gz - Software für C64/C128 zum "DCF-77 Empfänger" von Conrad Electronic - (Deutschland). The DCF-77 is a radio signal that carries the time of an - atomic clock located in Braunschweig, Germany. Uploaded by Christian - Janoff. mcs810.d64.gz - Commodore MCS 810 dot matrix printer test/demo disk. okimate20.d64.gz - Okimate 20 demo disk -- also for Commodore MCS810/820 - Software for the Commodore SFX Sound Sampler demodisks/pet/ * Test/demo diskettes for PET hardware * These software items were originally distributed with all new Commodore * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original disks are * corrupt or missing. Copying and selling this software is forbidden by * copyright law. 4032UTIL.LNX - PET 4032 Utilities disk. Requires LYNX 8017 PET utility to unlynx. 64k_mem_system_disk.d64.gz - PET 64k memory expansion system disk 8296d-systemdisk.d82.gz - A 8250 disk image of the Commodore 8296 system disk. The file l- - m.8296sys has been added later by Ken Ross, and there is something wrong - with the BAM of this disk. The contained files are identical with 8296d- - systemdisk.lha. 8296d-systemdisk.lha - The individual files of the Commodore 8296 system disk. Archived by Olaf - Seibert. 8296d_diagnostic_instr.pdf - How to use the test program 8296d diagnostic cbm970009.d64.gz - Test/demo disk, possible part no 970009.b? See cbm970009.dir.txt for - contents. cbm970009.dir.txt execudesk.d80.gz - 8296 Execudesk application suite disk. Requires Execudesk editor rom. system-2001.zoo - This is a copy of a diskette labeled "system-2001". It contains PET - software, mostly for "new roms", mostly games. system_2001-8050.d80.gz - This is a copy of a diskette labeled "system-2001". It contains PET - software, mostly for "new roms", mostly games. demodisks/pet/petdisk/ * These 8050 disk images were made from original-looking disks, but the * disks were not write protected. The txt files contain the disk labels * and the directory contents, and the d80.gz files are GNU zipped 8050 * disk images (2083 blocks, or 533248 bytes). pet-bok.d80.gz pet-bok.txt - PET-BOK 8000, NR: 2078-V4.2, 1982-09-01. pet-ent.d80.gz pet-ent.txt - PET-ENT 8000, NR: 270-V6.0, 1982-03-25. pet-gen.d80.gz pet-gen.txt - PET-GEN 8000, NR: 131-V2.1, 1982-09-02. The disk label is "GEN 810217 - 8000". pet-lev-front.jpg - A picture of the front side of PET-LEV 8000, NR: 600-V6.2, 1983-03-21. pet-lev.d80.gz pet-lev.txt - PET-LEV 8000, NR: 600-V6.2, 1983-03-21. This disk seems to be a copy - of PET-BOK, plus a 1-block sequential file "FIRMA DATA.". petdisk-back1.jpg petdisk-back2.jpg - Pictures of the back sides of two different PETDISK sleeves. documents/ DatasetteEnc.txt - CBM Datasette Encoding by Richard Storer documents/cables/ 128-videocable.txt - Notes about hooking C128 screen to TV or analog monitor c128-1702.txt - Tells you how to make a black&white 80 column cable between the C128 and - the Commodore 1702 monitor. See also 128-videocable.txt. c64-keyboard.txt - Commodore 64 keyboard connector and keyboard matrix. Composed by Ruud - Baltissen. c64burst.gif - Schematic diagram for using the burst transfer (as present in the 1571 - and 1581 disk drives) on the Commodore 64. geoCable2.txt - Tells you how to build a cable that works with Centronics printers in - GEOS. video-connectors.txt - Comparison of the video connector pinouts on different Commodore 8-bit - computers. Composed by William Levak. documents/chipdata/ - 16kb×8 mask-programmable asynchronous read-only memory - 4kb×8 mask-programmable asynchronous read-only memory - 8kb×8 mask-programmable asynchronous read-only memory - 32kb×8 read-only memory, hand-written printer's copy of the preliminary - data sheet. - Schematic/Pinout for 4502 CPU and C65 PLA. Lower-res. - Pinout / Layout info for 4567 VIC-III. Lower-res. - MOS 5706 is the LCD Controller Gate Array for C= LCD Computer - MOS 5707 is the MMU for C= LCD Computer 5710.txt - The floppy disk controller used in the 1571CR (128DCR internal drive); - data composed by William Levak. 5717.txt - Datasheet for CSG 5717, found in 1351 mice and compatibles. 64doc - A fairly complete description of the NMOS 65xx processors and the - Commodore 64. 6502-NMOS.extra.opcodes - "Extra Instructions Of The 65XX Series CPU" by Adam Vardy - ( - Describes the basic functionality of the extra NMOS 6502 opcodes. See - also 64doc. - CSG 6508 microprocessor with 256 bytes of RAM and 8 I/O pins - Preliminary 6510 CPU data sheets, rev. A, 11/82. At least the pin-out - has been changed later; the on-chip I/O port has only 6 bits. - CSG 6510 microprocessor with 6 I/O pins - Data sheets for the MCS6520 Peripheral Adapter, which appears to be a - Motorola 6821 PIA clone. 6522-VIA.txt - 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter data sheets converted to text by Frank - Kontros. This chip is used in many Commodore disk drives, in the - Commodore VIC-20 and in different PET models. The .zip file contains the - same information as the .txt file, only the graphics are in IBM Code Page - 437 character set instead of plain ASCII. - MCS 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter, preliminary data sheet, November - 1977. - CSG 6523 tri-port interface (preliminary information) - MOS 6525 Tri-port Interface Adapter, preliminary information, 2/81. - MOS Technology 6526 Complex Interface Adapter (CIA) data sheets, 11/81. - MOS 6526 CIA (Complex Interface Adapter) data sheet in HTML format. - CSG 6529 Single Port Interface, 4/81. Used in the C16, C116 and plus/4. 6529replacement.png - Schematic to replace 6529 6530.pdf - MCS 6530 (Memory, I/O, Timer array). Similar to - MCS 6530 (Memory, I/O, Timer array). 1024×8 ROM, 64×8 static RAM, - otherwise similar to the 6532. 6530_prelim.pdf - 6530 RIOT Preliminary Datasheet (1976) - CSG 6532 (Memory, I/O, Timer array); also called RIOT (RAM, I/O and - Timer). Used in simple peripheral devices and e.g. in the Atari VCS 2600 - game console. 128×8 static RAM, two 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports, - programmable interval timer with interrupt. 6540.png - Pinout of MOS 6540 ROM found in PET 2001 6550-datasheet.pdf - MOS 6550 ram datasheet 6550.jpg - MOS 6550 static ram Pinout and info - CSG 6551 Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter (ACIA), preliminary - information from 12/80. - MOS Technology 6560/6561 Video Interface Chip (VIC), 2/80. 6566adapterSchematic.png - 6567->6566 adapter schematic, by Christian Forstreuter - CSG 6567 video interface chip (preliminary) 6567_vicII_preliminary.pdf - Commodore documentation for 6567 VIC-II chip used in C64 and P500 656x-luminances.gif - Visualization of the measurements reported in 656x-luminances.txt. - Generated by Philip Timmermann . 656x-luminances.txt - MOS 6567 and 6569 luminance signal voltage levels for different colours, - measured by Marko Mäkelä. These measurement results cover the 6569R1, - 6569R3 (ceramic), 6569R4, 6569R5, 6567R5 6A and 6567R8 (plastic). - MOS Technology 6581 Sound Interface Device (SID), preliminary - information. 65ce02.txt - Differences between the Rockwell R65C02 and the Commodore CSG65CE02 used - in the 4510 processor of the Commodore 65. Composed by Michael Steil. - MOS 6702 (SuperPET) - Dissection and report by ttlworks, and logic by - rhialto 6702.txt - 6702 Functional Description (superPET disk) - Motorola 68B45 Cathode Ray Tube Controller (CRTC), used in the Commodore - Model II computers (B128/B256). It is generally not compatible with the - 6545 used in the PET computers. 7700_PLA.JPG - 7700-XX PLA Schematics with /CS $FD20-$FD2F (C16,C116,Plus4). 8520_datasheet.pdf - Data sheet for CSG 8520 CIA I/O chip found in 1581 disk drive. 8701.txt - 8701 is the clock generator chip used in Commodore 8-bit computers since - about 1985. Typical of Commodore, not all contacts of the chip have been - documented. Written and uploaded by William Levak . - Commodore IC clock generator data sheet C65_DMAgic_4151_F018-390957.pdf - C65 DMAgic chip data C65_ELMER_Pal_Spec-390548.pdf - C65 ELMER chip data C65_FDC_revC_GA4165_F011-D390491.pdf - C65 FDC chip data C65_IGOR1_Pal_Spec-390989.pdf - C65 IGOR1 chip data C65_MPU_4510_rev1-D390490.pdf - C65 CPU 4510 chip data C65_VIC3_4567_revA-D390489.pdf - C65 VICIII 4567 chip data C65_VIC3_4567_revB-390489.pdf - C65 VICIII 4567 chip data C65_memory_controller_revB-252535.pdf - C65 memory controller chip data - Technical Reference for CBM REU chip CSG8726. By Wolfgang Moser. Commodore_Component_Data_Catalog_1981.pdf - CSG Chipdata book for 6500, 6501, 6502, 6503, 6504, 6505, 6506, 6507, - 6508, 6512, 6513, 6514, 6515, 6520, 6522, 6523, 6525, 6530, 6532, 6560, - 6561, 6562, 6563, 65245, and charts for substitute parts. Final Cartridge III Internals.txt - Information about the BANKING functions of the FC3 (Version 1.0) - Hitachi Cathode Ray Tube Controller (CRTC), sometimes used in the PET - computers. MCS6500_Microprocessors.pdf - MOS Tech 6500 processor family common datasheet TDA1060_datasheet.pdf - Datasheet for chip found in CBM-II power supplies. VIC-Article.gz VIC-Artikel.gz - Detailed description of the VIC-II graphics chip. Updated 26.08.1996 - (corrected idle state graphics explanation). English version ("VIC- - Article.gz") and German version ("VIC-Artikel.gz"). - Uploaded by the author, Christian Bauer . VIC-I.txt - Almost full description of the MOS 6560/6561 VIC-I chip (used in the - Commodore VIC-20). Covers both 6560-101 (NTSC-M) and 6561-101 (PAL-B). - AMD Am2910A Microprogram Controller, used in the D9060/D9090 hard disk - drive c64-pla.txt - Logic equations in Abel format for the 82S100 PLA chip used in the C64, - and a JEDEC file that can used to burn a 82S100 as a C64 PLA. c64_pla_dissected_r1.1_a4ds.pdf - C64 PLA Dissected by Thomas ’skoe’ Giesel c64e.txt - Pinout of the custom chip used in the C64 BN/E board. Composed by - William Levak. - Detailed information about the guts of the MOS 6526 CIA, reverse- - engineered by Wolfgang Lorenz. Includes a C++ implementation of the CIA, - and test programs for testing emulators. cia6526_software_model.tar.gz - PDF about the inner workings of the 6526 -- by Wolfgang Lorenz - Information about chips produced by MOS Technologies or its successor, - CSG (Commodore Semiconductor Group). Includes the CPUS (6502-6515, 7501, - 8500-8503, 6520, 6522, 6526, 6532, 6525, 6529, 8520, 6560, 6561, 6566, - 6567, 6569, 6572, 6573, 8562, 8564, 8565, 8569, 7360, 8360, 8365, 8366, - 8563, 8568, 6545, 6581, 6582, 8580, rams, and 82s100 plas. - Some documentation about the GTE G65SC02 and G65SC816 microprocessors. mos_2332_rom_feb_1980.pdf - 4kb�8 mask-programmable asynchronous read-only memory mos_65e4_microprocessor_final_design_spec_may_10_1982.pdf - Final Design Specification for the MCS 65E4 microprocessor pal.timing - Reveals the most of the timing of the 6569 and 8566 video chips. See - also VIC-Article.gz and VIC-Artikel.gz, which are based on this article. programming.reu - Some aspects about programming the RAM Expansion Units. See reu.registers - for detailed REU description. reu.registers - Describes all 8726 RAM Expansion Controller registers. - Synertec 6522 data sheet, page 8 of which describes the problem with the - shift register. - Synertec 6530 Memory, I/O, Timer Array. April 1979. Seems to have the - same functionality as the MOS Technologies 6530. - Emulator Test Suite version 2.15. Tests 6502 emulation compatibility. - Developed as part of PC64 by Wolfgang Lorenz. The files are now in 1541 - disk image format, for easier access on all emulators. The test suite - now includes IRQ and NMI timing tests. documents/chipdata/6500/ * Commodore Semiconductor Group NMOS 6500/1 One-Chip Microcomputer 6500-01.gif - Introduction and Features 6500-02.gif - Signal Descriptions, Pin Configuration, Functional Description (CPU) 6500-03.gif - 6500/1 Block Diagram 6500-04.gif - Clock Oscillator, Interrupt Logic, CPU registers and flags 6500-05.gif - CPU flags (cont.), Memory (ROM at $800-$FFF, RAM at $00-$3F) 6500-06.gif - Input/Output 6500-07.gif - Timers 6500-08.gif - Power on/off Timing, System Memory Map 6500-09.gif - Addressing Modes 6500-10.gif - Instruction Set - Alphabetic Sequence 6500-11.gif - Instruction Set - Op Codes, Execution Time, Memory Requirements 6500-12.gif - Maximum Ratings, Static DC Characteristics 6500-13.gif - AC Characteristics, Timing Characteristics 6500-14.gif - Ordering Information documents/chipdata/6509/ * CSG 6509 Microprocessor with Memory Management, 10/86 6509-01.gif - Features and Pin Configuration 6509-02.gif - Block Diagram 6509-03.gif - Characteristics and Maximum Ratings 6509-04.gif - Timing for Reading Data 6509-05.gif - Timing for Writing Data 6509-06.gif - AC Characteristics; Signal Description 6509-07.gif - Signal Description (cont.) 6509-08.gif - Addressing Modes; Instruction Set - Alphabetic Sequence 6509-09.gif - Programming Model; Instruction Set - Op Codes 6509-10.gif - Memory Map documents/chipdata/650x/ * Commodore Semiconductor Group: NMOS 6500 Series Microprocessors 650x-01.gif - features; members of the microprocessor family 650x-02.gif - internal architecture 650x-03.gif - electrical characteristics 650x-04.gif - clock timing 650x-05.gif - 1 MHz clock timing 650x-06.gif - 3 MHz clock timing 650x-07.gif - signal description. According to William Levak, there is an error - under the heading "Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI)". About the middle of - the paragraph is the line: "NMI also requires an external 3K register - to VCC for proper wire-OR operation." This, of course, should say - resistor and not register. 650x-08.gif - addressing modes; instruction set 650x-09.gif - programming model; instruction set op-codes 650x-10.gif - pin configuration: 6502, 6503, 6504, 6505 650x-11.gif - pin configuration: 6506, 6507, 6512 650x-12.gif - pin configuration: 6513, 6514, 6515 documents/chipdata/6523/ * Commodore Semiconductor Group MPS 6523 Tri-Port Interface (TPI) 6523-1.gif - concept, features, registers, order number, pin configuration 6523-2.gif - 6523 internal architecture (block diagram) 6523-3.gif - maximum ratings, characteristics 6523-4.gif - read cycle, write cycle 6523-5.gif - read cycle timing, write cycle timing 6523-6.gif - 6523 functional description: registers; 6523 interface signals 6523-7.gif - 6523 interface signals (continued) documents/chipdata/6525/ * Commodore Semiconductor Group MPS 6525 tri-port interface 6525-1.gif - concept, features, registers, pin configuration, order number 6525-2.gif - 6525 internal architecture (block diagram) 6525-3.gif - maximum ratings, characteristics 6525-4.gif - read cycle timing, write cycle timing 6525-5.gif - read cycle timing, write cycle timing 6525-6.gif - 6525 internal registers, 6525 functional description 6525-7.gif - 6525 functional description (continued) 6525-8.gif - 6525 functional description (continued), 6525 interface and control documents/chipdata/6545/ 6545-english.txt - Description of the MOS 6545 CRTC (Cathode Ray Tube Controller). 6545-german.txt - Description of the MOS 6545 CRTC (Cathode Ray Tube Controller). PET_CRTC.csv - Display data table for PET crtc from each editor rom. - Data sheet for Commodore 6545 Cathode Ray Tube Controller (CRTC) - Data sheet for Commodore 6545 Cathode Ray Tube Controller (CRTC) documents/chipdata/6582/ * Commodore Semiconductor Group: HMOS 6582 Sound Interface Device 6582-01.gif - features; pin configuration 6582-02.gif - description; block diagram 6582-03.gif - control registers 6582-04.gif 6582-05.gif 6582-06.gif 6582-07.gif - register description 6582-08.gif - electrical characteristics 6582-09.gif - clock timing 6582-10.gif - appendix a: equal-tempered musical scale values 6582-11.gif - appendix b: envelope generators 6582-12.gif - appendix c: typical application documents/chipdata/65c23/ * Commodore Semiconductor Group 65C23 Tri-Port Interface (preliminary) 65c23-1.gif - concept, features, registers, pin configuration, order number 65c23-2.gif - internal architecture (block diagram) 65c23-3.gif - maximum ratings, characteristics 65c23-4.gif - timing diagrams: read cycle, write cycle 65c23-5.gif - read cycle, write cycle documents/chipdata/6809/ * Motorola Semiconductor Technical Data: MC6809E 8-bit microprocessing * unit 6809-01.gif - architectural features, hardware features, software features 6809-02.gif - maximum ratings, thermal characteristics, power considerations, DC - electrical characteristics 6809-03.gif - bus timing characteristics, read/write timing diagram 6809-04.gif - expanded block diagram, bus timing test load, programming model 6809-05.gif - index registers, stack pointer, program counter, condition code - register 6809-06.gif - pin descriptions, interrupt vectors 6809-07.gif - -RESET timing 6809-08.gif - -HALT and single instruction execution timing 6809-09.gif - bus signal descriptions; MPU operation 6809-10.gif - -IRQ and -NMI interrupt timing 6809-11.gif - -FIRQ interrupt timing 6809-12.gif - sample clock generator circuit; read-modify-write instruction example 6809-13.gif - BUSY timing; TSC timing 6809-14.gif - addressing modes 6809-15.gif - flowchart for MC6809E instructions 6809-16.gif - addressing modes (cont.) 6809-17.gif - addressing modes (cont.) 6809-18.gif - instruction set 6809-19.gif - instruction set (cont.) 6809-20.gif - SYNC timing 6809-21.gif - cycle-by-cycle performance (1 of 5) 6809-22.gif - cycle-by-cycle performance (2 of 5) 6809-23.gif - cycle-by-cycle performance (3 of 5) 6809-24.gif - cycle-by-cycle performance (4 of 5) 6809-25.gif - cycle-by-cycle performance (5 of 5) 6809-26.gif - 8-bit accumulator and memory instructions; 16-bit accumulator and - memory instructions; index register/stack pointer instructions 6809-27.gif - branch instructions; miscellanous instructions 6809-28.gif - hexadecimal values of machine codes 6809-29.gif - hexadecimal values of machine codes (cont.) 6809-30.gif - programming aid 6809-31.gif - programming aid (cont.) 6809-32.gif - programming aid (cont.) 6809-33.gif - indexed addressing modes 6809-34.gif - stack instructions; ordering information 6809-35.gif - pin assignment documents/chipdata/7501/ * This is a draft copy of the preliminary 7501 data sheet. It originates * from a pile of papers scanned by Tibor Biczo. William Levak, who sorted * and scaled the images, noticed that all but 2 pages are reworked copies * of the 6510 preliminary data sheet. Page 2 is missing. 7501-01.gif 7501-03.gif 7501-04.gif 7501-05.gif 7501-06.gif 7501-07.gif 7501-08.gif 7501-09.gif 7501-10.gif documents/chipdata/la8200m/ * Sanyo LA8200M read/write amplifier data sheet (equivalent to the Sony * CX20185 and the Motorola MC28719) 8200m-1.gif 8200m-2.gif 8200m-3.gif 8200m-4.gif 8200m-5.gif documents/chipdata/r650x/ * Rockwell R650X and R651X Microprocessors (CPU) * Document No. 29000D39, Data Sheet, Rev. 8, June 1987 r650x-01.gif - Description, Ordering Information, Features, R6500 CPU Family Members r650x-02.gif - Interface Signal Descriptions r650x-03.gif - Pinout and Features: R6502, R6503, R6504, R6505 r650x-04.gif - Pinout and Features: R6506, R6507, R6512 r650x-05.gif - Pinout and Features: R6513, R6514, R6515 r650x-06.gif - Functional Description r650x-07.gif - R650X and R651X Internal Architecture (Block Diagram) r650x-08.gif - Alphabetic Listing of Instruction Set, Programming Model r650x-09.gif - Addressing Modes r650x-10.gif - Instruction Set Op Code Matrix r650x-11.gif - Instruction Set Summary r650x-12.gif - Clock Timing, Read/Write Timing r650x-13.gif - AC Characteristics r650x-14.gif - Example of Time Base Generation for R6502 r650x-15.gif - Absolute Maximum Ratings, Operating Conditions, DC Characteristics r650x-16.gif - List of Rockwell distributors documents/chipdata/t6721/ * Toshiba Integrated Circuit, Technical Data: T6721A, T6772, T6684. * C²MOS Voice Synthesizing LSI, 1 Nov. 1983; revised 1 Jun. 1984. 6721-35.gif - title page 6721-36.gif - general 6721-37.gif - general (cont.) 6721-38.gif - configuration, CPU interface 6721-39.gif - manual interface; block diagram 6721-40.gif - specifications 6721-41.gif 6721-42.gif - operation under CPU control 6721-43.gif 6721-44.gif - commands 6721-45.gif 6721-46.gif 6721-47.gif - list of commands 6721-48.gif 6721-49.gif - timing diagrams 6721-50.gif 6721-51.gif 6721-52.gif - more timing diagrams 6721-53.gif 6721-54.gif - setting the ROM addresses 6721-55.gif 6721-56.gif - -BSY output 6721-57.gif - -BSY timing 6721-58.gif - power on transient status period 6721-59.gif - -EOS output 6721-60.gif 6721-61.gif - operation under manual control 6721-62.gif 6721-63.gif 6721-64.gif - dedicated mask ROM 6721-65.gif - pin description & pin connections 6721-66.gif - pin description & pin connections (cont.) 6721-67.gif - pin description & pin connections (cont.) 6721-68.gif - pin description & pin connections (T772, T6684) 6721-69.gif - pin connections, DIP 42 pin, FP 56 pin 6721-70.gif - pin connections, DIP 28 pin, FP 43 pin 6721-71.gif - system configuration diagram 6721-72.gif - system configuration diagram (cont.) 6721-73.gif - sample schematic diagram for manual control 6721-74.gif - sample schematic diagram for manual control 6721-75.gif - electrical characteristics; T6721A AC characteristics 6721-76.gif - definition of T6721A AC characteristics 6721-77.gif - T6721A DC characteristics 6721-78.gif - T6772 DC characteristics 6721-79.gif - outline drawing, 56 pin flat package 6721-80.gif - outline drawing, 43 pin flat package 6721-81.gif - outline drawing, 28 pin dual-in-line package 6721-82.gif - outline drawing, 42 pin dual-in-line package documents/chipdata/wd177x/ * Technical information about the Western Digital 1770/1772/1773 Floppy * Disk Controller chips. The WD1770 and the WD1772 are used in the * Commodore 1570/1571 and 1581 disk drives. 1772.txt - Technical information about the Western Digital WD1770-00 and WD1772-00 - MFM controller chips, used in the Commodore 1581 drive. 177x01.gif 177x02.gif 177x03.gif 177x04.gif 177x05.gif 177x06.gif 177x07.gif 177x08.gif 177x09.gif 177x10.gif 177x11.gif 177x12.gif 177x13.gif 177x14.gif 177x15.gif 177x16.gif 177x17.gif 177x18.gif 177x19.gif 177x20.gif 177x21.gif 177x22.gif 177x23.gif documents/chipdata/ym3526/ * This is the data sheet for the Yamaha YM3526 OPL FM synthesizer chip * used in the Commodore C64/C128 Sounder Expander cartridge. * Anyone wishing to program the YM3526 should refer to one of the many * documents available on the internet on programming the OPL FM * synthesizer used in Creative SoundBlaster cards. * According to Magnus Eriksson, the YM3526 should not be confused with * OPL2 (YM3812) or OPL3 (YMF262). ym3526-01.png ym3526-02.png ym3526-03.png ym3526-04.png ym3526-05.png ym3526-06.png ym3526-07.png ym3526-08.png ym3526-09.png ym3526-10.png documents/disk-drives/ - Two simple BASIC programs that assist in aligning a 1541 drive. 1541-stepmotor.txt - How to test the 1541 step motor on a C64 with a BASIC program. 1541-tester.prg - Checks that a 1541 works properly. Useful for repairing. Works also for - 1571 in 1541 mode. 1541-tricks.txt - Describes the utility loader (&) command etc. 1541align.prg - Alignment program for the 1541 (works also for 1571 in 1541 mode) 1571-fix.lnx - Tells you how to fix a broken 1571 disk drive head. The document is in - geoWrite format. This Lynx archive also contains a Commodore 128 BASIC - program that will format an MFM disk in the 1571. realigning-1541.txt - Describes how to realign a 1541. rel_files.txt - A description of using REL files, and how they are stored on disk. renumbering-1541.txt - Tells you how to permanently change the device number on the 1541. documents/maps@ -> maps documents/programming@ -> programming documents/projects/ documents/projects/accelerators/ c64-2MHz.readme - 2 MHz accelerator for the C64. Published in 64'er issue 2/94. documents/projects/accelerators/turboprocess/ * Roßmöller TurboProcess was a 4 MHz 65816 cartridge for the * Commodore 64. 01.gif 02.gif 03.gif 04.gif 05.gif 06.gif 07.gif 08.gif 09.gif 10.gif - Tuning 64 Bauanleitung 1.0, scanned at 200 dpi anleitung.txt - Documentation from the accompanying floppy, converted to ASCII eprom.bin - EPROM image from the accompanying floppy floppy.d64.gz - The accompanying floppy parts.gif - Parts list documents/projects/drives/ * Projects related to mass storage 1541-32k.txt - Expand 1541 ram to 32k 1541-II-PC.txt - Connecting a 1541-II disk drive to a PC/AT power supply. 1551-tia.gif - This German article describes how a broken 28-pin TIA chip in the - cartridge port connector of the 1551 disk drive was replaced with a - more common 40-pin version. 64hdproj.desc 64hdproj.sfx - Tells you how to connect an IBM XT hard disk (MFM) to the C64 using a - PC 8-bit MFM disk controller. burst_fastloader_for_c64.html - Burst mode for C64 by Pasi Ojala - PDF for a disk-cleaning template, with alignment disk drive-number-switch.txt - Build a device number switch for Commodore disk drives. iecata.tgz - Asbjørn Djupdal's Commodore serial bus based ATA hard disk controller - has been implemented on an Atmel AT90S8515 microcontroller in the C - programming language. This file includes the schematic diagrams, the - source code and the binary image for the microcontroller. See also - . - Schematic and rom image for KIM-1 -> IEC adapter, by Dave McMurtrie - Schematic and UD11 option rom for PET->IEC interface reset-for-diskdrive.txt - Build a RESET switch for Commodore disk drives. track-density-display.lnx - Build a track density display for Commodore 1541 or 1571. The document - is in geoWrite format. track-display.lnx - Build a digital track display for the Commodore 1541. The document is - in geoWrite format. documents/projects/ieee-488/ * IEEE-488 a.k.a. HP-IB a.k.a. GP-IB is a parallel bus used in the * Commodore PET line of computers. For its home computers, Commodore * developed a very slow serial version of the bus. IEEE-488.txt - An article about the IEEE 488 standard and its use in Commodore's - computers. ajni2blt.txt - Bill of materials and description of IEEE2IEC, an IEEE-488 to IEC - gateway based on the Atmel ATMega8515, to access IEEE-488 peripherals - on computers equipped with the Commodore serial bus, with or without - JiffyDOS. ajni2idi.d64.gz - Documentation and software in Commodore 64 format, for setting up the - ATMega8515 on the Commodore 64. - IEEE2IEC firmware source code lptiec-0.9.2.tar.gz - André Fachat's IEEE 488 interface for the PC's printer port. The - driver is for Linux. Developed from par2ser-1.tar.gz - Adapts Commodore serial bus devices to Commodore IEEE-488 bus (the - opposite of IEEE2IEC). Designed by André Fachat. - IEEE-488 interface for PC clones (to interface old PET age drives and - other stuff). Designed by Ruud Baltissen. vc1541-ieee.tar.gz - This is the description of the IEEE488 interface published in the - German 64'er magazin a long time ago. It is basically modelled after - the 2031 schematics, the IEEE488 sister drive to the VC1541. - Code to patch the VC1541 ROM is provided. The original 2031 ROM is - different in both ROM chips, but the patch manages to get the changes - into one ROM chip only. documents/projects/ieee-488/c64@ -> schematics/cartridges/c64/ieee-488 documents/projects/ieee-488/vic20@ -> schematics/cartridges/vic20/ieee-488 documents/projects/interfaces/ PCkeyb2C64.shar - Connect an IBM PC keyboard to a C64. This one requires a programmable - switch matrix, which can be difficult to find anywhere. pet_joystick.txt - An Atari-Joystick interface for the PET user port - SNES Controller/user port adapter, with example test programs in - BASIC 4 by Joe Travis and C src by Steve Lewis soundcard2tape.html - An interface from the audio output of a sound card to the tape drive - connector of Commodore computers, designed by Tomaz Kac. Copied from - . soundcard2tape.png - Schematic diagram for Tomaz Kac's tape drive interface. documents/projects/interfaces/mouse/ * This is a serial mouse interface for Commodore computers. It * effectively lets you to connect an RS-232C PC mouse as a 1351 * compatible device to the joystick port. Board.html - Instructions on etching a circuit board COPYING - Conditions for using and copying this work (GNU GPL) Mouse.html - The main file documents/projects/interfaces/mouse/Filez/ 1351.asm - Source code of the firmware 1351.hex - Compiled firmware in Intel HEX format Comp.gif - Component layout Comphi.gif - Component layout, 300 dpi Interftitle.jpg - Interface photo Pcb.gif - Printed circuit board, 300 dpi - Printed circuit board in CirCad 3.5 format Sch.gif - Schematic diagram - Schematic diagram in CirCad 3.5 format Schhi.gif - Schematic diagram, 300 dpi documents/projects/interfaces/mouse/Gallery/ Ma_com.gif - Interface board - revision A Mb1.jpg Mb2.jpg Mb3.jpg - Revision B Mbbottom.jpg - Bottom side of Rev B Mbtop.jpg - Top side of Rev B Mc232bot.jpg - Bottom side of Rev C Mc232com.gif - Component layout of Rev C Mc232top.jpg - Top side of Rev C Mdcom.gif - Component layout of Rev D documents/projects/interfaces/plus4joy/ * Here you will find instructions on building an adapter for connecting * a normal Atari VCS 2600 style digital joystick to the Commodore * plus/4. The document was created and uploaded by Levente Hársfalvi * . COPYING - The GNU General Public License, Version 2. figure1.gif - Commodore 64 and plus/4 joystick ports figure2.gif - Schematic diagram of the adapter figure3.gif - Pinout of the 74LS244 or 74LS757. paper.jpg - A wallpaper for the HTML document plus4joy.html - HTML document describing the adapter - A .zip archive of all these files documents/projects/interfaces/video/ pet-composite-video-adapter.jpg - PET Composite Video adapter by CPUC of England. pet-tv-monitor.gif pet-tv-monitor.readme - Connect an external composite monitor to the PET user port. documents/projects/memory/ - Flash programmer for Nicolas Welte's Universal 6502 RAM and ROM - expansion , - for the PET with BASIC 4.0 and the VIC-20. Uploaded by the author, - Marko Mäkelä. documents/projects/memory/c128/ * Memory expansions for the Commodore 128, 128D and 128DCR kernal-switch.html - Software-switchable KERNAL on the C128 and C128D documents/projects/memory/c128/1028/ * This directory contains the instructions for building an internal * memory expansion of 256, 512 or 1024 kilobytes for the Commodore * 128 or Commodore 128D computers. There are different versions of * the documentation, and some software to test the memory expansion. * Don't forget to look for prlink in /pub/cbm/transfer. It is a * transfer system for PC or Amiga and C= 8-bit computers. It * supports also this memory expansion. - Documentation in PostScript format. For DIN A4 paper, 32 pages. - Documentation in PostScript format. For letter paper, 46 pages. 1028.html - Documentation in validated HTML 4.0 1028.html-mmu-t.gif 1028.html-mmu.gif - Schematic diagram of the MMU part (four MMU memory banks) 1028.html-pia-t.gif 1028.html-pia.gif - Schematic diagram of the PIA part (256kB memory banks instead of - 64kB) 1028.tex - LaTeX 2.09 source code for the documentation. 1028.txt - Documentation in ASCII, at most 80 columns/line. piaglobe.128.d7c0.prg - The same as above, for a PIA that is located at $d7c0. piaglobe.128.prg - A globe viewer program for the 512 kB and 1024 kB memory - expansions. Assumes that the PIA is at $dfc0. piaglobe.asm - DASM source code of the globe viewer. ros-v1.sfx - Source code for RAM disk and some other utilities for C64 mode. util256.sfx - RAM disk, miscellanous utilities and some source code for C64 mode. documents/projects/memory/c64/ * Memory expansions for the Commodore 64 251715.txt - A do-it-yourself project for replacing the 251715-01 logic array in - the Commodore 64 BN/E circuit board (250469 rev.A) rec.vhdl - A draft VHDL description of the Commodore RAM Expansion Controller - chip used in the Commodore RAM Expansion Unit (REU). Reverse - engineered and written by Rainer Buchty in September 19, 2001. Some - syntax errors were corrected on September 17, 2004, but the design - has not been tested. documents/projects/memory/c64/256kB/ * This directory contains the instructions for building an internal * memory expansion of 256 kilobytes for the Commodore 64 computer. * There are different versions of the documentation, and some * software to test the memory expansion. - Documentation in PostScript format. For DIN A4 paper, 23 pages. - Documentation in PostScript format. For letter paper, 32 pages. 256kB.html - Documentation in validated HTML 4.0 256kB.html-pia-t.gif - Schematic diagram thumbnail for the HTML document 256kB.html-pia.gif - Schematic diagram for the HTML document 256kB.tex - LaTeX 2.09 source code for the documentation. 256kB.txt - Documentation in ASCII, at most 80 columns/line. ros-v1.sfx - Source code for RAM disk and some other utilities util256.sfx - RAM disk, miscellanous utilities and some source code documents/projects/memory/pet/ - ROM (EPROM) adapter for the PET-2001 Install upto four additional ROM - sets using 16 KB EPROMs (27128). The adapter plugs into the CPU - socket of the PET mainboard. No soldering on the PET board is - required, and the original ROMs can stay in place. Uploaded by the - author ( documents/projects/memory/plus4/ * Memory expansions for the Commodore 264 Series c116-256.gif - 256kB RAM expansion for the Commodore 116. Drawn by Drawn by Jerzy - Sobola, July 15, 1999. Downloaded from - . c16-256.gif - 256kB RAM expansion for the Commodore 16. Drawn by Drawn by Jerzy - Sobola, July 15, 1999. Downloaded from - . c16-to-1MB.gif - Control logic for expanding the Commodore 16 or plus/4 to 1 megabyte - of internal memory (four 256k banks). - Schematic diagrams (in German) and instructions (in English) for - building an EPROM expansion of up to 1.5 megabytes. H.Lux - 01.07.1991. - Two 1541 disk images containing - - 256kB RAM expansion hannes and update v1 - - EPROM expansion - - circuits and sheets for practical realisation. Note: texts are in - German; some 256kb-programs on disk kernal256.bin - A modified version of the 318004-04 firmware that supports the - c16/c116/plus4 256kB memory expansion documented by Jerzy Sobola. - 1551 floppy emulator for MS-DOS; uses a cable between the plus/4 and - the parallel port of the PC. Includes two EPROM images for the - plus/4. Features: datalink to PC, setup utility with SRAM card or - expansion, printer driver, floppy wedge, hardware check p4-256.gif - 256kB RAM expansion for the Commodore plus/4. Drawn by Drawn by - Jerzy Sobola, July 2, 1999. Downloaded from - . p4-expanded-bottom.jpg - A plus/4 circuit board with all OS96 expansions; bottom view p4-expanded-top.jpg - A plus/4 circuit board with all OS96 expansions; top view - A 256 kB RAM expansion for the plus/4 (Hannes/Solder/CSORY) - All you need to build the 384 kB SRAM expansion in your plus/4. Hand - drawn and scanned schematic diagrams with German descriptions documents/projects/memory/reu/ * Memory expansions for the Commodore RAM Expansion Unit 1750to2MB.txt - Expanding a 1750 REU to two megabytes 1764to512kB.txt - Expanding a 1764 REU to half a megabyte (to a 1750). Can be further - expanded to 2 MB (see 1750to2MB.txt). Beyond512K.txt - This document is essentially the same as 1750to2MB.txt; it is just - formatted differently. Beyond512KPlans.cvt - geoPaint V2.0 document. Make your own plug in board for Beyond512k - REU expansion. (C) 1990 Wesley Wiese, Andrew Mileski Beyond512kplans.gif - Beyond512k REU expansion document in a more readable format. documents/projects/memory/vic20/ * Memory expansions for the Commodore VIC-20 3-8-16-24kB.gif - External switchable memory expansion with two integrated circuits: a - 74LS11 triple 3-input AND, and a 62256 SRAM. Designed by William - Levak . 32kB.html - Internal 32-kilobyte memory expansion documents/projects/other/ 8modules8kernels.txt - inserting a 8x-kernel and 8x-Module switch inside the kernel C64MIDI-INTERFACE.TXT - Self-explanatory. Both ASCII and PS version. MK.gif MK7PLA.txt - Schematic diagram of an Action Replay freezer cartridge clone, and the - contents of the PLA chip required for the cartridge. PAL-VIC20-Goes-NTSC.html - Article about converting a PAL VIC-20 to NTSC. Second-SID.txt - Connect a 2nd SID chip to your C64 to get stereo sounds. Written and - uploaded by Charlie Young . c2n-conn.jpg - Home-made Commodore tape drive connector. From top to bottom: GND, VCC, - tape motor (unassigned), READ (red), WRITE (white), SENSE (unassigned). c2n-oric1.html - Connecting a Commodore tape drive to the Oric-1. This document refers - to the figures c2n-conn.jpg and c2n-oric1.jpg. c2n-oric1.jpg - Wiring a Commodore tape interface to the Oric-1. From left to right: - READ (red), VCC, GND, WRITE (white). The ICs on top are memory, and - the IC on the right is the sound chip. - Hardware modification to get more I/O space for the C64. Designed and - uploaded by MagerValp@Goth.Org c64-kernal-cartridge.gif - Schematic diagram of an external KERNAL cartridge for the C64. Drawn by - Ruud Baltissen . - Source files of the above. c64-with-12volts - How to make the Commodore 64 to work with a 12 volt battery. - Scanned images from the "Commodore" magazine article "Testing the - Commodore 64 Cassette Interface" by Don Fabrizio, Commodore Training - Manager. This article shows some Commodore 64 BASIC code and simple - connections for testing the cassette write and motor outputs and the - read and sense inputs. cooling-fan-C128DCR.txt - Equipping the Commodore 128 DCR (metal cased 128D) with a cooling fan. powersupply.txt - Build a heavy-duty power supply for the C64 (or VIC-20). Note that this - instruction assumes 110 V input voltage. reset-for-64.txt - Building a RESET switch for the Commodore 64. rtc.gif - Schematic diagram for a real time clock connected to the cassette port. secondsid.txt - Adding a second SID to the c64/c128. From usenet. usb-joystick.dia - Schematic diagram of an inverter circuit. See usb-joystick.png and usb- - joystick.html. usb-joystick.html - Connect Atari VCS 2600 style joysticks to a USB game controller. usb-joystick.png - Schematic diagram of an inverter circuit. The source file is usb- - joystick.dia. usb-joystick1.jpg - Top view of a modified Logitech WingMan Precision USB game controller. - See usb-joystick.html. usb-joystick2.jpg - Bottom view of a modified Logitech WingMan Precision USB game - controller. See usb-joystick.html. usb-joystick3.jpg - Internal view of a modified Logitech WingMan Precision USB game - controller. - Transfer data between C= 8-bits via the user port. documents/projects/rs232/ * The lack of real RS-232C interface on the C64 has inspired many people * to design their own interfaces and to write instructions how to build * them. c64-uart-1.tar.gz - André Fachat's RS-232C interface for the Commodore 64, using the - 16550A UART. The board interfaces to the 6581 SID socket. Software is - included. datapump.readme datapump.sfx - Directions on making a fast EIA RS 232-C / CCITT V.24 interface to your - C64 using an R6551 ACIA (the same chip as the Swiftlink cartridge from - CMD uses) - A better version of the above by Frank Kontros - . The schematic diagram is in a GIF file. - 9600bps userport RS-232C adapter. Based on the traditional userport - adapter, but with Daniel Dallmann's modification. Schematic diagram - (GIF file) drawn by Frank Kontros . This is the - UP9600 modification. rs232-userport.txt - A schematic to build a cheap RS-232C interface for the c64 - with 1488/1489 chips. documents/projects/scsi/ scsi64-1.tar.gz - SCSI adapter for the Commodore 64 and for some homebuilt embedded - systems. Uploaded by the author, André Fachat. documents/projects/transfer@ -> crossplatform/transfer documents/repair/ CommodoreOfficialColorBeige.jpg - Official "Commodore Beige" color information fans.txt - Extending the life of your equipment by adding cooling fans. hardware-failures.txt - This article lists common causes of hardware failures. Every owner of old - electronics equipment should read this. heatsink.txt - Extending the life of your equipment by adding heat sinks. keyboard.txt - Cleaning and repairing keyboards. troubleshooting-1541.txt - Troubleshooting, repairing and aligning the Commodore 1541 disk drive. - Updated July 19, 1999. troubleshooting-c128.txt - Troubleshooting and repairing the Commodore 128 troubleshooting-c64.txt - Troubleshooting and repairing the Commodore 64 documents/techtopics@ -> schematics/techtopics faq/ 8bit-emulation-faq.txt - CBM emulation FAQ c65-faq.2.0.gz c65-faq2.sfx - Some information about the Commodore 65, a planned successor to the - Commodore 64 that was never marketed. GNU zipped text version and self- - extracting archive. cbm-main-faq.3.1.gz - 'Root' FAQ (frequently asked questions) file for C= 'little' machines cbm-products.txt - Canonical list of known Commodore products ever produced. ftp-sites.txt - Commodore FTP site list petfaq.txt - Original PET faq by Larry Anderson. See updates faq/cpm@ -> ../cpm/faq faq/trivia/ * This directory contains Commodore trivia questions with answers. These * questions have been created by Jim Brain. cbm-trivia-01.txt cbm-trivia-02.txt cbm-trivia-03.txt cbm-trivia-04.txt cbm-trivia-05.txt cbm-trivia-06.txt cbm-trivia-07.txt cbm-trivia-08.txt cbm-trivia-09.txt cbm-trivia-10.txt cbm-trivia-11.txt cbm-trivia-12.txt cbm-trivia-13.txt cbm-trivia-14.txt cbm-trivia-15.txt cbm-trivia-16.txt cbm-trivia-17.txt cbm-trivia-18.txt cbm-trivia-19.txt cbm-trivia-20.txt cbm-trivia-21.txt cbm-trivia-22.txt cbm-trivia-23.txt cbm-trivia-24.txt cbm-trivia-25.txt cbm-trivia-26.txt cbm-trivia-27.txt cbm-trivia-28.txt cbm-trivia-29.txt cbm-trivia-30.txt cbm-trivia-31.txt cbm-trivia-32.txt cbm-trivia-33.txt cbm-trivia-34.txt cbm-trivia-35.txt cbm-trivia-36.txt cbm-trivia-37.txt cbm-trivia-38.txt cbm-trivia-39.txt cbm-trivia-40.txt cbm-trivia-41.txt firmware/ * This directory contains original firmware of 6502-based Commodore products, * for the purpose of troubleshooting and repairing old equipment. If you * have other ROMs or more precise information (i.e. ROM part numbers), feel * free to contact us. ALLFILES - Index of all files under this area, text version. ALLFILES.html - Index of all files under this area, HTML version. README.txt - Commodore Technical Support Bulletin table of contents - and Commodore ROM Genealogy firmware/characters/ c128.bin - 390059-01 Commodore 128 character ROM. The first half has the standard - Commodore 64 character set, and the second half has the C128 mode - character set, which is slightly different. All characters except the - lower case m are identical with the Commodore 16 character set. The - uppercase/graphics character set is identical with the C64, including the - reverse at sign (@) bug, which is missing from the lowercase/uppercase - character set. c16-hungarian.bin - Hungarian Commodore 16 character set made by Novotrade. The capital A - and P, the lower-case i and the graphics characters $65 and $67 in the - uppercase/graphics bank and $65 in the lowercase/uppercase bank have gone - through cosmetic changes. The national characters are present in the - lowercase/uppercase bank in positions obtained by pressing the C= key - with a letter. c16-hungarian.readme - Keyboard layout for using the Hungarian Commodore 16 character set. - Typed in the ISO 8859-2 (Latin-2) character set; when viewed with ISO - 8859-1 (Latin-1), the accents look a bit different. c16.bin - Commodore 16 character set with more beautiful lowercase/uppercase - character set than the C64. The lower case characters b, c, d, e, f, h, - i, j, k, l and m have been improved. The font does not contain reversed - characters, therefore only 2 kilobytes. c64-german.bin - An amateur hacked version of the Commodore 64 character set, with some - German special characters. This was found on a piggybacked EPROM in a - German VIC-20 (VC-20). There are three inconsistencies in the reversed - uppercase/graphics character set: The at sign bug/feature, the space char - (the ROM tries to define a fancy cursor), and the line-drawing char C=e - (code 113; an apparent bug). In the lowercase/uppercase character set - there are inconsistencies in following characters: @, j, m, y, space, ä - (code 110; the reversed ä is corrupted). c64-hungarian.bin - An amateur hacked version of the Commodore 64 character set, with some - Hungarian special characters. Except for the at sign (in the - uppercase/graphics character set at position 0; in the - lowercase/uppercase character set at position 100), the reverse character - set is consistent. c64-swedish.bin - Official Commodore 64 Swedish/Finnish character set with the Ã¥, ä and - ö characters. In addition to the at sign bug/feature, there's a bug in - the reversed upper case Ä character in both character sets. This image - might be corrupt. See c64-swedish3.bin. c64-swedish2.bin - Alternative version of the Commodore 64 Swedish/Finnish character set. - Compared to c64-swedish.bin, the Ä and Ö dots and the Ã… ring are - wider. This image might be corrupt. See c64-swedish4.bin. c64-swedish3.bin - Character rom from Swedish c64, equivalent to c64-swedish.bin c64-swedish4.bin - Character rom from Swedish c64, equivalent to c64-swedish2.bin c64.bin - 901225-01 Commodore 64/128 character set. Every vertical line is at - least 2 pixels wide in order to avoid color errors on television. Also - the C=M and C=G graphic characters have been made 2 pixels wide, which is - an error. The reverse at sign is not an exact reverse of the character, - which can be seen either as a bug (because of the 2 pixels minimum width - restriction) or as a feature. 2532 type. c65-caff.bin - Commodore 65 alternative character set, taken from a C65 ROM with the - checksum $CAFF. This is an exact copy of the Commodore 128 character - set. characters.901225-01.gif - image of the PET char rom 901225-01 characters.901447-08.gif - image of the PET char rom 901447-08 characters.901447-10.gif - image of the PET char rom 901447-10 characters.901447-azerty.bin - Char rom for french AZERTY keyboard, based on 901447-08 and 10. kauno.bin - A calligraphic font (Finnish: kaunokirjoitus, Swedish: välskrivning) for - the Commodore 64. The data was saved from a tape from 1985. keyboard-swedish.txt - Swedish/Finnish keyboard layout of the VIC-20, Commodore 64 and Commodore - 128. Composed by Pasi Ojala and Marko Mäkelä. listfont.c - C source code for displaying a 8*8 font. pet-1.bin - 901447-08 PET character generator ROM (BASIC 1). The character design is - the same as in 901447-10, only the lower case and upper case characters - have changed places. Reversed characters are absent. pet-2.bin - 901447-10 PET character generator ROM. Used in the Fat 40, 8032SK and - 8296. Doesn't contain reversed characters. This ROM is just like the - VIC-20 character set, except that the code $1c (in both halves) is - backslash (\) instead of the British pound sign (£), which was used in - the newer character sets. pet-greek.bin - Greek character generator ROM. Some Latin characters have been replaced - with Greek ones. This font is not very consistent: for instance, the two - copies of the @ sign at code positions $00 and $80, as do the two copies - of the capital Phi at $06 and $c6. This character generator was found on - a 4-kilobyte chip, whose first half was identical with the 901447-10 - character generator. pet-norwegian.bin - Norwegian character generator ROM. pet-russian.bin - 901447-10 PET character generator ROM modified to have Cyrillic letters - in the positions $42..$5a. Contributed (manually reproduced) by Dima - Sobolev. pet-swedish.bin - 901447-14 PET character generator ROM with the characters [\]{|} replaced - with ÅÖÅäöå. superpet-swedish.bin - 901640-01 SKAND.GEN (label on EPROM). SuperPET character generator ROM - with the characters [\]{|} replaced with ÄÖÅäöå. superpet.bin - 901640-01 SuperPET character generator ROM. The first half of this ROM - is identical with pet-2.bin, and the second half of this ROM contains a - true ASCII character set and an APL character set. vic20-german.bin - A German character set modelled after the Vic-20 character set. Used in - the German Commodore 128 (top part of the 315079-01 ROM) and in the - German 64DX (C65) prototype. vic20-japanese.bin - A Japanese character set used in the VIC-1001. The British pound (£) - has been replaced with a Japanese yen (Â¥) symbol, and the - lowercase/uppercase set has been replaced with an uppercase/Kanji set of - glyphs. vic20-norwegian.bin - A Norwegian/Danish character set modelled after the Vic-20 character set. - Used in the Norwegian/Danish Commodore 128. The characters @, !, /, <, > - and the up arrow are different, and so are many graphics characters. The - characters [£] have been replaced with ÆØÅ. vic20-swedish.bin - A Swedish/Finnish character set based on the Vic-20 character set. - Grabbed from a localized VIC-20. The reversed lower case ö is - malformed. Chip markings: NEC JAPAN R22101-207 / D2332C 510 UD7. (Yes, it - is a mask-programmable 4k*8 ROM!) vic20.bin - 901460-03 VIC-20 character generator ROM. Most lines are 1 pixel wide, - since there is no possibility of color errors with the Vic's wide pixels. - This character generator is also used on many PET computers. firmware/computers/ * Firmware for Commodore 8-bit home computers. The chronological order is: * VIC-20, C64, plus/4, C128, C65. firmware/computers/b/ * The Commodore 600 series was known as the B128 in the United States, * and the machine that was known there as the B256, was called the 700 * series in Europe. These machines are also known as "CBM II Low * Profile" and "CBM II High Profile", respectively. * The 600 and the 700 series are almost identical, but 700 series * machines have a built-in monitor, a separate keyboard, and a different * character generator ROM. The 610/710 has 128kB RAM, the 620/720 has * 256kB RAM, and the 630/730 has 256kB RAM and a co-processor card (Z80 * and 8088 were planned, but it is not sure if these cards actually * existed). * The 500 series uses a 6567/6569 VIC-II video chip instead of the 6845 * CRTC. It also runs at around 1 MHz instead of the 2 MHz of other Model * B computers. * Of th roms below, the kernal and BASIC 8k roms are 2364 / MCM68764 * compatible, while the character roms are .. complicated. The schematic * says they are 4k 2332s, but also that pin 21 (an active-high chip * select on the 2332) is A12, which suggests it wants to be an 8k * 2364/68764. I have no idea. * See also and . - Firmware of the 8088 board. The included disassembly has not been - cleaned up. - Data for various CBM-II PLAs in JED format by Steve Gray b128-8000.901243-02b.bin - B128 BASIC 4, low part. b128-8000.901243-04a.bin - B128 BASIC 4, low part, updated version. b128-a000.901242-02b.bin - B128 BASIC 4, high part. b128-a000.901242-03s2.bin - BASIC 4, high part from PET700(B128), sent by Christian Forstreuter, - bundled with 901243-02b and 901244-03b. Mislabeled 901240; corrected - here. b128-a000.901242-04_.bin - B128 BASIC 4, high part, with some additions to 901242-04a. b128-a000.901242-04a.bin - B128 BASIC 4, high part, updated version. b256-8000.610u60.bin - This ROM was in the socket U60 of a Hungarian B256, mapped at address - $8000. b256-8000.901241-03.bin - B256 BASIC 4, low part. b256-a000.901240-03.bin - B256 BASIC 4, high part. b256-a000.901240-04.bin - B256 BASIC 4, high part. Contributed by Oliver Fleischmann b256-a000.xxxxxx-xx-wgbz.bin - B256 BASIC 4 high part, from Bo Zimmermans West German low profile - machine. Paired with 901241-03.bin and unk kernal b500-8000.901243-01.bin - B500 BASIC 4, low part. b500-a000.901242-01a.bin - B500 BASIC 4, high part. b500-firmware.txt - Notes on the B500 firmware. characters-hungarian.bin - Hungarian model II character set, 8—8 matrix expanded to 8—16 by adding - blank lines. characters.324867-02.bin - German character rom from CBM 7X0 computer characters.901225-01.bin - Commodore P500 character set, 8—8 matrix (the same as in the Commodore - 64). characters.901232-01.bin - Standard model II character set, 8—16 matrix. characters.901232-02.bin - Char rom from Christian Forstreuter's high profile CBM 710. characters.901233-03.swedish.bin - Swedish/Finnish model II character set, 8—16 matrix. characters.901237-01.bin - Standard model II character set, 8—8 matrix expanded to 8—16 by adding - blank lines. characters.pet700_swe.bin - Char rom of PET700(B128), sent by Christian Forstreuter - Fuse maps for the two Signetics N82S100N chips used in the P500. - Submitted by Edward Shockley, . - Fuse maps for the Signetics N82S100N chip used in non-P models. - Submitted by Edward Shockley, . kernal.324866-03.bin - CBM-II kernal chip from German CBM 700 contributed by Oliver - Fleischmann kernal.901234-01.bin - Commodore P500 KERNAL ROM, older revision. Part of the KERNAL ROM is - stored in the high part of the BASIC ROM 901235-01. kernal.901234-02.bin - Commodore P500 KERNAL ROM, newer revision. kernal.901244-01.bin - Commodore B500 (a.k.a. 610) KERNAL ROM kernal.901244-03.swedish.bin - Swedish/Finnish B128/B256 KERNAL ROM kernal.901244-03b-swe.bin - Kernal from Swedish PET700(B128), sent by Christian Forstreuter, - bundled with 901243-02b and 901242-03S2 kernal.901244-03b.bin - B128/B256 KERNAL ROM kernal.901244-04a.bin - B128/B256 KERNAL ROM, updated version. kernal.901244-04a.official.bin - Official updated ROM from CBUG #67 kernal.901244-04b.official.bin - Official updated ROM from CBUG #67 kernal.hungarian.bin - Hungarian B128/B256 KERNAL ROM kernal.xxxxxx-xx-wgbz.bin - B256 Kernal from Bo Zimmermans West German low profile machine. - Paired with 901241-03.bin and unk BASIC HI - A modified kernal (version 3) for handling a 1541 connected to the - Cassette port. The source code is in ca65 format, and the schematic - diagram of the cable is included as a GIF file. Uploaded by the author, - Ullrich von Bassewitz ( - A disassembly (in ca65 format) of the kernal version 3 with German - comments. Uploaded by the author, Ullrich von Bassewitz - ( p500-basic-hi.901235-01.bin - Commodore 500 BASIC 4, high part, older revision. Part of the 901234- - 01 KERNAL is at the end of this ROM. p500-basic-hi.901235-02.bin - Commodore 500 BASIC 4, high part, newer revision. p500-basic-lo.901236-01.bin - Commodore 500 BASIC 4, low part, older revision. p500-basic-lo.901236-02.bin - Commodore 500 BASIC 4, low part, newer revision. pla-hp-906114-5.c - This C program contains logic equations of the 906114-5 PLA of - Commodore 700 series computers (high profile PET II). pla-lp-906114-4.c - This C program contains logic equations of the 906114-5 PLA of - Commodore 700 series computers (high profile PET II). The equations - were obtained independently, and they match exactly. - 64-kilobyte truth table dumps of the two PLAs used in the Commodore - 500. The inputs and outputs are permuted; see pla-hp-906114-5.c for the - mapping. - Contents of the 82S100 PLA used in the Commodore 600 series computers - (low profile PET II), part number 906114-5. Includes plans for - replacing the chip with a PAL16L8. plaReplacement2.jpg - Schematic for replacement -04 PLA, by Mate Sebok firmware/computers/b/drives@ -> firmware/drives/old firmware/computers/b/other@ -> b/carts firmware/computers/b/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/b firmware/computers/c128/ 128ROMs.readme - Some information about the C128 ROMs. - A full dump of the 8721 PLA in binary "truth table" format, extracted - by Nicolas Welte. Who can come up with the simplified logic equations? - Reduced equations for the 8721 PLA dump. Produced by Wolfgang Moser. - Who can reduce these further? README.italian - Notes about the Italian C128 firmware basic-4000.318018-02.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM. 1985 version, low part. basic-4000.318018-03.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM first upgrade. low part. basic-4000.318018-04.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM. 1986 version (final upgrade), low part. - Saved from an EPROM. basic-8000.318019-02.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM. 1985 version (final upgrade), high part. - Saved from an EPROM. basic-8000.318019-03.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM first upgrade. high part. basic-8000.318019-04.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM. 1986 version, high part. basic.252343-03.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM, a slightly newer 1985 version from a cost- - reduced Commdore 128 (128CR). The chip was a 27256 from a motherboard - marked "ENGR SAMPLE". basic.318022-01.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM (1985). Same as 318018-02+318019-02. basic.318022-02.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM (1986). Same as 318018-04+318019-04 and - 390393-01. basic.390393-01.bin - Commodore 128 BASIC V7 ROM (1986). Same as 318022-02 and 318018- - 04+318019-04. basic64.danish.325176-07.bin - C64 Kernel from a Danish C128. c128_c64part.325182-01.bin - C64 Kernel from a Swedish C128. Last revision. c128_c64part.norwegian.325179-01.bin - C64 Kernel for a Norwegian C128. Taken from a loose EPROM. c128rom1.gif c128rom2.gif c128rom3.gif c128rom4.gif - Commodore's C128 ROM Release announcement. characters.390059-01.bin - Commodore 64 character set and C128 mode character set. In the C128 - mode set, the lower case characters b, d, f, h, i, j, k, l, m, s, t, u, - w and y are different (all except the m are equal to the plus/4 - character set). characters.danish-d.325175-02.bin - Danish Commodore 128D ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character - set is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is - based on the C64 character set. characters.danish.325175-01.bin - Danish Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set - is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based - on the C64 character set. characters.french.325167-01.bin - French Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character - set is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is - based on the VIC-20 character set. The same character set has also - been used in Belgian and Italian versions. characters.german.315079-01.bin - German Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character - set is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is - based on the VIC-20 character set. characters.ifb.325167-02.bin - Unknown Commodore 128 character set (I/F/B). The PETSCII character set - is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based - on the VIC-20 character set. characters.norwegian.325078-02.bin - Norwegian Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character - set is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is - based on the VIC-20 character set. characters.norwegian.325178-01..bin - Norwegian Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character - set is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is - based on the VIC-20 character set. characters.spanish.325171-01.bin - Spanish Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character - set is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is - based on the VIC-20 character set. characters.swedish.325181-01.bin - Swedish Commodore 128 ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character - set is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is - based on the C64 character set. - Swiss Commodore 128D ASCII/DIN character set. The PETSCII character set - is the usual C64 character set, and the national character set is based - on the C64 character set. complete.252343-04.bin - Commodore 64 ROMs and Commodore 128 screen editor, Z80 BIOS and KERNAL, - a slightly newer 1985 version from a cost-reduced Commodore 128 - (128CR). The chip was a 27256 from a motherboard marked "ENGR SAMPLE". complete.318023-02.bin - Complete system ROM of an American Commodore 128 DCR. The C128 mode - BASIC and the character generator are on separate ROMs. - Layout: C64 BASIC (901226-01), C64 KERNAL (901227-03), C128 editor, Z80 - BIOS and C128 KERNAL. complete.danish.318082-01.bin - Ditto, for a Danish Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the - American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and - in the main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables). complete.french.bin - Ditto, for a French Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the - American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and - in the main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables). complete.german.318077-01.bin - Ditto, for a German Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the - American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and - in the main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables). complete.german.318077-03.bin - Ditto, for a German Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the - American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and - in the main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables). complete.italian.318079-01.bin - Ditto, for a Italian Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the - American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and - in the main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables). complete.norwegian.318083-01.bin - Ditto, for a Norwegian Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the - American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and - in the main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables). complete.spanish.bin - Ditto, for a Spanish Commodore 128 DCR. The only differences from the - American ROM are in the editor (jump to accent character handler) and - in the main KERNAL (keyboard maps and accent tables). complete.swedish.318034-01.bin - Ditto, for a Swedish/Finnish Commodore 128 DCR. EPROM label: - 318034-01 DCR - C128 Ker.Sw/Fi - Complete system ROM of a Swiss Commodore 128 DCR. editor.finnish1.bin - Finnish version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the Editor part ($C000- - $CFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. editor.finnish2.bin - Finnish version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the Editor part ($C000- - $CFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. editor.french.bin - French version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the Editor part ($C000- - $CFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. editor.italian.bin - Italian version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the Editor part ($C000- - $CFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. editor.norwegian.bin - Norwegian version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the Editor part - ($C000-$CFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. kernal.318020-03.bin - The C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the actual - KERNAL part. This should be the first version. kernal.318020-04.bin - The C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the actual - KERNAL part. First upgrade version kernal.318020-05.bin - The C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the actual - KERNAL part. This is identical with the upper half of the 318023-02 - ROM. Saved from an EPROM. kernal.fb.325166-02.bin - Unknown (F/B) C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and - the actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM. kernal.german.315078-01.bin - The German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the - actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM. kernal.german.315078-02.bin - The German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the - actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM. kernal.german.315078-03.bin - Updated German kernal rom kernal.german.315078-03p7.bin - Alternate german kernal uploaded by Sándor kernal.german.U35.bin - German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the - actual KERNAL part from C128 SN#DA4-246431 kernal.italian.325168-02.bin - Italian C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the - actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM. kernal.norwegian.325177-02.bin - Norwegian C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the - actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM. kernal.swedish.325180-02.bin - Swedish German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and - the actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM. kernal.swedish.325189-01.bin - Swedish German C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and - the actual KERNAL part. Saame as 325180-02. - Swiss C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the - actual KERNAL part. Taken from VICE. - Swiss C128 KERNAL ROM, containing the editor, the Z80 BIOS and the - actual KERNAL part. Saved from an EPROM. kernalpart.finnish1.bin - Finnish version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part ($E000- - $FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. kernalpart.finnish2.bin - Finnish version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part ($E000- - $FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. kernalpart.french.bin - French version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part ($E000- - $FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. kernalpart.italian.bin - Italian version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part ($E000- - $FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. kernalpart.norwegian.bin - Norwegian version of the Commodore 128 system ROM, the KERNAL part - ($E000-$FFFF). All have been copied from bigger ROMs or EPROMs. z80bios.bin - Commodore 128 Z80 BIOS. The first and only version. firmware/computers/c128/diag@ -> firmware/misc/c128diag firmware/computers/c128/drives@ -> firmware/drives/new firmware/computers/c128/other/ * ROM images for the open function-rom socket of the c128 - MEGABIT 128 rom for U36, includes schematics basic8.bin - BASIC 8 extension for C128. Requires BASIC 8 disk. diskmaster128v3_27128.bin - Diskmaster - hold CNTRL on boot to activate menu. geos-128-rom-am-1581.bin - GEOS 128 boot rom. Requires deskTop disk in 1581 drive 8 geos-128-rom-usa-1571.bin - GEOS 128 boot rom. Requires deskTop disk in 1571 drive 8 ieee-128_251913-01_C64.bin - Companion to IEEE-128, this is the C64 rom, similar to 251913-01 ieee-128_315078-01_C128.bin - IEEE-128 kernal rom , possibly for German keyboards-- more - information needed keydos-v2-user-manual.pdf - Manual for keydos utilities rom keydos-v2.3.bin - Utilities rom servant-manual.pdf - Manual for The Servant, another utilities rom servant.bin - The Servant is another utilities rom super_chip_a.bin - An enhancement EPROM that goes into the Function ROM socket on the - 128 super_chip_a.txt - Docs for Super Chip (rev A): an enhancement EPROM super_chip_b.bin - An enhancement EPROM that goes into the Function ROM socket on the - 128 The 1581 utilities? firmware/computers/c128/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/c128 firmware/computers/c64/ * Firmware for all variations on the Commodore 64k computer. The eprom * type for 8k BASIC & KERNAL is a 2564. A 2764 can be used with an * appropriate adapter. Char roms can be replaced with a 2532, or a 2732 * with adapter. The 16k rom in the 64C can be replaced with a 27128 * eprom. 64c.251913-01.bin - The 251913-01, used in newer versions of the Commodore 64 and some - versions of the Commodore 128, is a 16-kilobyte 23128 ROM chip. It - contains the Commodore 64 BASIC interpreter ($A000-$BFFF, corresponding - to the 8-kilobyte 2364 ROM chip 901226-01) and the Commodore 64 KERNAL - ($E000-$FFFF, corresponding to the 8-kilobyte 2364 ROM chip 901227-03) - in that order. 64gs.390852-01.bin - The 390852-01, used in the ill-fated Commodore 64GS game console based - on the BN/E circuit board, is a 16-kilobyte chip similar to the 251913- - 01. This one was archived from a 27128 EPROM 27128 EPROM chip in a - West German machine DA5 016014E, assy no. 250469, 252311 rev.B. The - chip has the label © 1984, 90 CBM / 390852-01 / C64GS ROM CS=DF34. The - BASIC part corresponds otherwise to 901226-01, but the 30 unused bytes - at $BF53-$BF70 are filled with $00 instead of $AA. The KERNAL part has - been modified from the 901227-03, and most modifications are in the - area $F72C-$FC92, which also contains a copyright message. Many jumps - have been redirected to $FB4D, which in turn jumps to $F707, which in - turn triggers I/O error #5. - PLA binary generator and source C64_PLA_Dissected.pdf - C64 PLA doc by Thomas 'skoe' Giesel README - Commodore 64 parts and firmware versions basic.901226-01.bin - Commodore 64 BASIC V2. The first and essentially only revision, - located at $A000-$BFFF. In the 64GS system firmware, the 30 unused - bytes at $BF53-$BF70 are filled with $00 instead of $AA. In the - Commodore 65 firmware, these bytes are filled with $FF. c64pla.txt - A simplification of the 906114-1 PLA equations by Dave Dahle. characters.325018-02.C2G007.bin - Character rom from Swedish c64, labeled 8407, C2D007, 28B-U4-KRN characters.325018-02.bin - Character rom from Swedish c64 characters.325056-03.bin - Character ROM from Spanish C64C characters.901225-01-DK.bin - Character rom from Danish c64 characters.901225-01.bin - The character generator ROM. 2532 type. characters.906143-02.bin - The character generator ROM from a Japanese Commodore 64. characters.turkish.bin - Char rom from Turkish C-64 "Teleteknik" - Croatian char rom and kernal uploaded by HN kernal-sx-64-ieee.bin - Strange SX-64 kernal signalling use with IEEE devices? kernal.325017.swedish-02.bin - Commodore 64 kernal from unit with Swedish keyboard layout. kernal.4064.901246-01.bin - This 8-kilobyte ROM has been reported in various machines (4064, PET64, - EDUCATOR64), which are versions of the Commodore 64 built in a PET case - with an integrated monochrome monitor. The system interrupt routine - resets sprite, background and border colors to black unless the high- - order bit of the location 646 (cursor colour, $0286) is set. Using any - colour command resets location 646 and, therefore, the colors. kernal.901227-01.bin - This 8-kilobyte 2364 ROM is the first revision of the Commodore 64 - KERNAL. The RS-232 timing table is designed for exactly 1 MHz system - clock frequency, although no C64 runs at that clock rate. Unlike later - KERNAL revisions, this one does not detect the video system (PAL/NTSC). - This KERNAL was probably only used in early North American Commodore 64 - units. kernal.901227-02.bin - This 8-kilobyte 2364 ROM is the second revision of the Commodore 64 - KERNAL. It is the second most widely spread version. kernal.901227-03-DK.bin - Commodore 64 kernal from unit with Danish keyboard layout. kernal.901227-03.bin - This 8-kilobyte 2364 ROM is the third and essentially last revision of - the Commodore 64 KERNAL. It is the most widely spread version. kernal.906145-02.bin - This 8-kilobyte 2364 ROM is from a Japanese release Commodore 64. kernal.c64-scand.bin - Kernal on a 2764 from a Scandinavian SX64. Had matrix printed label. - ** Reported broken**! Do you have a good image you can upload? kernal.swedish-03.C2D007.bin - Commodore 64 kernal from unit with Danish keyboard layout labeled 8407, - C2G007, 24B-U5-TKN kernal.swedish.txt - A description of the Swedish/Finnish versions of the Commodore 64 and - Commodore SX-64 KERNAL ROM - This 8-kilobyte ROM is the Commodore SX-64 KERNAL, which is based on - 901227-03. - SX-64 kernal w/ diff keyboard mapping that swaps azqm<>: Zip contains - images. kernal.sx64-scand.bin - Kernal on a 2564 from a Scandinavian SX64. Had matrix printed label. kernal.turkish.bin - Kernal rom from Turkish C-64 "Teleteknik". Different boot screen. - Similar to german 901227-03 pla-906114-1.c - Another version of pla.c, corresponding to the logic equations obtained - by Jens Schönfeld. The equation for CASRAM is much simpler. pla-906114-1.pds - A MACHXL design description of a replacement for the 906114-1 PLA. pla.251064-01.bin - As 901664-01, but pins A15-A0 and D7-D0 match the original PLA pla.901664-01.bin - Pins rearranged for a 27C512>PLA adapter PCB pla.c - This C program contains the logic equations for the 82S100 PLA chip - used in the C64 (906114-1), and converts them to a 64-kilobyte truth - table file. In this second version of the program, the input and - output lines are permuted so that they correspond to the 82S100-to- - 27512 adapter built by Jens Schönfeld, so that he could read out the - PLA with an EPROM programming device. pla.txt - Logic equations in Abel format for the 82S100 PLA chip used in the C64 - (906114-1), and a JEDEC file that can used to burn a 82S100 as a 906114- - 1. - An MS-DOS program for displaying the memory map of the Commodore 64 in - different configurations. Turbo Pascal source code included. The - archive also contains a picture of Jens Schönfeld's SuperPLA adapter - board. revisions.txt - This document lists the differences between all non-localised Commodore - 64 system firmware revisions that were published by Commodore. firmware/computers/c64/carts@ -> firmware/misc/c64carts firmware/computers/c64/diag@ -> firmware/misc/c64diag firmware/computers/c64/drives@ -> firmware/drives/new firmware/computers/c64/max/ basic.901230-01.bin - CBM BASIC V2, taken from the BASIC cartridge for the Commodore MAX, - also known as VIC-10 or UltiMax. Unlike the BASIC interpreter in the - Commodore 64, which resides at $A000-$BFFF, this one is located at - $8000-$9FFF. The 2764 EPROM was hand labeled 901230-01. The board in - the cartridge has three chips: two 2764 EPROMs (U1, BASIC and U2, - KERNAL) and one HM6116P-4 SRAM (U3). The bottom side is marked FAB - 326314, A/W 326315 REV A, and the top side is labelled - EPROM/EPROM/RAM and ASSY 326312. See also kernal.901231-01.bin. - There should also be "MINI BASIC I". kernal.901231-01.bin - Commodore MAX KERNAL ROM, taken from the BASIC cartridge for the - Commodore MAX. There is a copy of the standard Commodore 64 upper - case character set (corresponding to the first half of 901225-01) - located at $F000-$F7FF. The 2764 EPROM was hand labeled 901231-01. - See also basic.901230-01.bin. firmware/computers/c64/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/c64 firmware/computers/c64/source@ -> src/c64 firmware/computers/c65/ * The Commodore 65 was never produced. These ROM images are from * prototype units. The number codes are date codes: YYMMDD. 900321_prototype.bin - ROM image built from discovered source by Guenther Reiter 910111-390488-01.bin - This is the ROM from the C65 (Alan Share's), checksum $caff. The date - on boot up is 910111. The ROM date (at the beginning) is 910110. A bit - modified character set at $9000, with taller b and d letters, for - instance. Normal characters at $D000. Also found on a chip marked C65 - 390488-03. 910429.bin - This is the ROM from the C64DX (Russell Alphey's), checksum $e96a. The - date on boot up is 910429. The ROM date (at the beginning) is 910501. - Identical to a marked CSE96A-910501.bin from Anthony Becketts machine. - German character set at $9000. Normal characters at $D000. 910523.bin - C65 ROM V0.9B.910523 (Christian Zahn) 910624.bin - C65 ROM (from Bo Zimmerman's rev 2b) 910626.bin - This is the ROM from the C65 (Stephan Kleinert's). Version number: - V0.9B.910626. 910725.bin - Taken from a German C65 910828.bin - C65 ROM V0.9B.910828 (Simon & Veit Laule) 911001.bin - This is the ROM from a C65 (Thomas Hechelhammer's), checksum $4bcf. The - date on boot up is 911001. The ROM date (at the beginning) is 911008. - The character sets are the same as in the 910111 ROM. There is a BASIC - program stored at $4000. This must have been in a firmware developer's - machine. 911001patched.bin - This is the ROM from a C65 (Thomas Hechelhammer's), dated 911001. The - ROM date (at the beginning) is 911008. Based on 911001.bin, this - version has been patched by - to replace the BASIC program which does disk - accesses with a different program that drops the user into - the built-in monitor. - Rom reconstructed from src by Guenther Reiter. Zip includes source and - binary. c65-6ep1-UseWith4510r3.bin - Rom from Bo Zimmerman's workbench c65, undated, on a 27C512 EPROM. - PAL dumps from C65 rev 2b in U3 and U11. "Elmer" c65prom.lzh - Unknown C65 ROM dump, includes two 128k roms, and 3 8k roms presumably - the C64 basic and kernal firmware/computers/c900/ * Various roms and disk images for the Commodore C900 (Z8000) computer Coherent.0.7.3.Vol1.Hi.Res.bin - Coherent boot/install disk #1 image for hi-res machines Coherent.0.7.3.Vol1.Low.Res.bin - Coherent boot/install disk #1 image for low-res machines Coherent.0.7.3.Vol2.bin - Coherent boot/install disk #2 image Coherent.0.7.3.Vol3.bin - Coherent boot/install disk #3 image FD_Fl.Cont._S41_6-20-85.bin - Floppy controller rom bios_disassembly.txt - Portion of C900 bios disassembled boot-H_V_1.0.bin - C900 boot rom (High) boot-L_V_1.0.bin - C900 boot rom (Low) chars_380217-01_R.B_PC_U2.bin - Char rom from Low-res video board chars_380217-01_R.B_PC_U2_BZ.bin - Char rom from Low-res video board, Bo Zimmerman's machine fd_disassembly.txt - Information about the C900 floppy control system keyboard-r2.3-25.04.84.bin - Keyboard controller rom - Python scripts for learning more about the roms here wdc_MCU_U10.bin firmware/computers/kim1/ 6530-002.bin - Firmware at $1c00-$1fff 6530-003.bin - Firmware at $1800-$1bff 6530-004.bin - TIM firmware from $7000-$73ff firmware/computers/lcd/ * 27c256 roms from the two known prototypes, namely those from Bil Herd * and Jeff Porter, with thanks to those * gentlemen for their help. calc-13apr-u105.bin - "Calc" rom from Bil Herd's C=LCD calc-u107.bin - "Calc" rom from Jeff Porter's C= LCD char-rom-jp-u16.bin - Char rom from Jeff Porter's C= LCD char-rom-u16.bin - Char rom from Bil Herd's C= LCD kiz-5-28-new-io-u105.bin - Rom from Jeff Porter's C= LCD kiz-apr-u102.bin - Rom from Bil Herd's C=LCD siz-3-24-85-u108.bin - Rom from Jeff Porter's C= LCD siz-apr-u103.bin - Rom from Bil Herd's C=LCD term-sept-M-13apr-u104.bin - Term/Word Proc Rom from Bil Herd's C=LCD term-wp-5-30-u106.bin - Term/Word Proc Rom from Jeff Porter's C= LCD firmware/computers/pet/ Commodore ROM Genealogy.pdf - ROM info from Pet Users Club magazine by C= PET-Interfaces.txt - This document tells where in the PET address space different interface - chips are mapped. Written by William Levak. PET-board.txt - Information about the PET components and main boards, composed by - William Levak. PET-parts.txt - Information about PET parts and firmware, composed by William Levak. README - General information about the PET firmware, composed by Olaf Seibert. README.also - Additional information and corrections to the README document, written - by William Levak. basic-2-c000.901465-01.bin - Also available as 6540-020 + 6540-021. basic-2-d000.901465-02.bin - Also available as 6540-022 + 6540-023. basic-4-b000.901465-19.bin - BASIC 4 ROM, original version basic-4-b000.901465-23.bin - BASIC 4 ROM, patched version basic-4-c000.901465-20.bin - BASIC 4 ROM basic-4-d000.901465-21.bin - BASIC 4 ROM - An unknown ROM-Set saved from a CBM 3032. It seems to be a modified - Basic 4.0 for CBM 3001 characters-1.901447-08.bin - Character generator for BASIC 1. Slightly different mapping than in - the 901447-10 ROM. This ROM has upper case characters where the - characters-2 has lower case and characters-1 has lower case where - characters-2 has upper case. characters-2.901447-10.bin - Character generator for BASIC 2 and BASIC 4. The very same character - set was used in the VIC-20, except for one modification: the backslash - character (\) was replaced with a sterling pound symbol (£). characters-german.bin - German character generator rom. characters-german2.bin - German character generator rom from VICE characters-hungarian.bin - Hungarian character generator ROM characters-japan.901447-12.bin - Japanese character generator rom from original machine. characters-norwegian.bin - Norwegian character generator for BASIC 2 and BASIC 4. The characters - [\] are replaced by ÆØÅ; in the uppercase/lowercase set, the - uppercase ÆØÅ replace the three graphic characters that look like +|- - , and the graphic characters +| replace the two graphic characters that - contain ascending and descending diagonal patterns. Dumped from a 2716 - EPROM in a CBM 3032 by Eirik Risholm . characters-swedish.901447-14.bin - Swedish/Finnish character generator for BASIC 2 and BASIC 4. The - characters [\] are replaced by ÄÖÅ; in the uppercase/lowercase set, - the uppercase ÄÖÅ replace the three graphic characters that look - like +|-. edit-2-b.901474-01.bin - Screen editor ($E000-$E7FF) for BASIC 2, business keyboard, no CRTC (40 - columns) edit-2-n.901447-24.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 2, normal keyboard, no CRTC (40 columns) edit-4-40-b-50Hz.ts.bin - 901498-01 modified to use a business keyboard on a 50Hz 4032 edit-4-40-b-60Hz.ts.bin - 901499-01 modified to use a business keyboard on a 60Hz 4032 edit-4-40-n-50Hz.901498-01.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, normal keyboard, CRTC, 40 columns, 50 Hz edit-4-40-n-60Hz.901499-01.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, normal keyboard, CRTC, 40 columns, 60 Hz edit-4-40-n-60hz-901499-01.dis.txt - Commented disassembly of the PET 40 col editor by Steve J. Gray edit-4-40-n-alternate1.bin - Editor rom found in a 4032 -- possibly custom? edit-4-40-n-alternate2.bin - Editor rom from unknown source for 40 col BASIC 4 PETs. edit-4-80-b-50Hz.901474-04-0283.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, business keyboard, CRTC, 80 columns, 50 Hz edit-4-80-b-50Hz.901474-04-3681.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, business keyboard, CRTC, 80 columns, 50 Hz. - The chip is dated 3681. There are some differences from the other - archived copies of the 901474-04 ROM. edit-4-80-b-50Hz.901474-04_alt.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, business keyboard, CRTC, 80 columns, 50 Hz edit-4-80-b-50Hz.german.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, a German EPROM. Further information is - unavailable at the moment. edit-4-80-b-50Hz.swedish.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, business keyboard, CRTC, 80 columns, 50 Hz, - Swedish/Finnish keyboard layout. The 2716 EPROM chip has a label with - text "8000-UD7, SCREEN-04". edit-4-80-b-60Hz.901474-03.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, business keyboard, CRTC, 80 columns, 60 Hz edit-4-80-b-60hz.german.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, business keyboard, CRTC, 80 columns, 60 Hz, - German keyboard layout. EPROM Labeled "80/2/781" edit-4-80-n-50Hz.4016_to_8016.bin - Editor rom from PET 4016 found in Australia, Made in Japan. A 4016 - running in 80 columns with 6845 and normal keyboard, etc. edit-4-80-n_unk.bin - Editor rom for N-keyboard PETs with CRTC converted to 80 cols edit-4-b.901474-02.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, business keyboard, no CRTC (40 columns) edit-4-n.901447-29.bin - Screen editor for BASIC 4, normal keyboard, no CRTC (40 columns) kernal-2.901465-03.bin - KERNAL for BASIC 2. Also available as 6540-025 + 6540-026. kernal-4.901465-22.bin - KERNAL for BASIC 4 - Basic 4, editor, and char roms from 3008 with 6845-based 80 col video - board. rom-1-c000.901439-01.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1 C000-C7FF ROM. This is part of a bigger set. - Also found as model 6540-011. Might also be 901439-09.bin The files - matching the pattern rom-1-*-901439* will form the complete set. rom-1-c000.901447-01.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1 C000-C7FF ROM. This is part of a bigger set. - The files matching the pattern *901447* will form the complete set. rom-1-c800.901439-05.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 C800-CFFF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901439-01.bin - Also found as model 6540-012 rom-1-c800.901447-02.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 C800-CFFF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901447-01.bin rom-1-d000.901439-02.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 D000-D7FF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901439-01.bin - Also found as model 6540-013 rom-1-d000.901447-03.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 D000-D7FF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901447-01.bin rom-1-d800.901439-06.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 D800-DFFF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901439-01.bin - Also found as model 6540-014 rom-1-d800.901447-04.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 D800-DFFF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901447-01.bin rom-1-e000.901439-03.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 E000-E7FF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901439-01.bin - Also found as model 6540-015 rom-1-e000.901447-05.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 E000-E7FF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901447-01.bin rom-1-f000.901439-04.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 F000-F7FF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901439-01.bin - Also found as model 6540-016 rom-1-f000.901447-06.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 F000-F7FF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901447-01.bin rom-1-f800.901439-07.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 F800-FFFF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901439-01.bin - Also found as model 6540-018 rom-1-f800.901447-07.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 1/2 F800-FFFF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901447-01.bin rom-2-c000.901439-09.bin - Revised PET 2001 BASIC 2 C000-C7FF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901439-01.bin - Also found as model 6540-019 rom-2-c000.901447-09.bin - Revised PET 2001 BASIC 2 C000-C7FF ROM. See rom-1-c000.901447-01.bin rom-3-c000.901439-13.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 C000-C7FF ROM. This is part of a bigger set. - Also found as model 6540-020 The files matching the pattern rom-3- - *901439* will form the complete set. rom-3-c000.901447-20.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 C000-C7FF ROM. This is part of a bigger set. - The files matching the pattern rom-3-*901447* will form the complete - set. rom-3-c800.901439-14.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 C800-CFFF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901439-013.bin - Also found as model 6540-021 rom-3-c800.901447-21.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 C800-CFFF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901447-20.bin rom-3-d000.901439-15.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 D000-D7FF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901439-013.bin - Also found as model 6540-022 rom-3-d000.901447-22.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 D000-D7FF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901447-20.bin rom-3-d800.901439-16.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 D800-DFFF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901439-013.bin - Also found as model 6540-023 rom-3-d800.901447-23.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 D800-DFFF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901447-20.bin rom-3-e000.901439-17.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 E000-E7FF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901439-013.bin - Also found as model 6540-024 rom-3-e000.901447-24.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 E000-E7FF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901447-20.bin rom-3-f000.901439-18.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 F000-F7FF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901439-013.bin - Also found as model 6540-025 rom-3-f000.901447-25.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 F000-F7FF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901447-20.bin rom-3-f800.901439-19.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 F800-FFFF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901439-013.bin - Also found as model 6540-026 rom-3-f800.901447-26.bin - Original PET 2001 BASIC 3 F800-FFFF ROM. See rom-3-c000.901447-20.bin firmware/computers/pet/8096/ characters-french.bin - Character generator from French 8096 PET edit-french.bin - 8096 editor from french PET firmware/computers/pet/8296/ * Commodore 8296 specific firmware 324242-01.bin - PET Character DIN (UC5) 324242-10_chargen_din_uc5_8296.rom - German language chargen rom for 8296d 324243-01.bin - 8296d Editor ue8 324243-02b.bin - Editor ROM from André Fachat's working 8296. This is an EPROM - marked "8296 UE8", and it contains a patched version of 901474-04. 324243-02b.txt - Some notes about UE8.bin and other firmware in André Fachat's 8296 - systems. 324243-02b_editor_ue8_8296.bin - 8296d Swiss language editor ue8 324243-03.bin - 8296d Editor Rom 324243-04.bin - 8296d Editor Rom 324243-04_disassembly.txt - 8296d rom disassembly 324243-04_editor_din_ue8_8296d.rom - German language editor rom for 8296d 324402-01.bin - PET High Speed Graphik (same as 324381-01b) 324744-1.c - Verified logic equations of UE6, the address decoding PLA. 324745-1.c - Verified logic equations of UE5, the controller for the 8296 add-on. 324746-01.bin - BASIC/KERNAL ROM; a combination of: - 901465-23 ($B***) - 901465-20 ($C***) - 901465-21 ($D***) - 901465-22 ($F***). - Uploaded by André Fachat. 324746-01_b.bin - Combined rom from Christian Forstreuter's machine. Differs in first 9 - bytes from earlier rom. 324878-01.bin - UE7 daughterboard, 2764 EPROM. A combination of 901465-20 and 901465- - 21. 324878-02.bin - UE7 daughterboard, 2764 EPROM. A combination of 901465-23 and 901465- - 22. 324992-02.bin - 8296gd Hires Emulator (at $9000) 324993-02.bin - 8296gd HiRes BASIC (at $A000) 8296_uc2_74S288_prom.bin - 32 byte prom found at U2, read by Alessandro Liberalato 8296desc3.tar.gz - This archive contains the readouts of the three PROMs on the CBM 8296 - motherboard, UC2, UE5 and UE6. It further contains the logic - equations, the program to derive the logic equations and some - explanations. 8296gd_info.txt - Information about the graphics-board for the 8296 - For more explanations, please have a look at the 8296 addendum to the - 8032 manual. - Created and uploaded by André Fachat. [Note: some equations in the - file 829desc.txt in 82s100.tar.gz contained errors. They were - corrected by André Fachat in 2005.] - How to replace the PLA UE5 in a CBM8296 with a GAL 20V8 written in - 2005 by Nicolas Welte ( 901474-04-0384.bin - Editor ROM from André Fachat's non-working 8296; the same as 901474- - 04-3681.bin from the PET directory. PaperClip.bin - UE9 characters-901447-german8296d.bin - Char rom from German 8296D edit-4-80-b-50hz-german8296d.bin - Editor rom from German 8296D execudesk-50hz.bin - Editor ROM based off edit-4-80-b-50Hz.901474-04.bin and execudesk- - 60hz.bin execudesk-60hz.bin - Editor ROM from 8296 in UE8. Based off edit-4-80-b-60Hz.901474-03.bin pla.324744-01.bin pla.324745-01.bin firmware/computers/pet/8296/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/pet/8296 firmware/computers/pet/SuperPET/ * The SuperPET is a 8032 PET with one or two added boards that were * designed at the University of Waterloo. The computer has a built-in * RS-232C interface and many built-in programming languages. In * Europe, this machine was called the MicroMainFrame 9000, or MMF 9000. README - SuperPET part list and firmware, composed by William Levak. characters.901640-01.bin - SuperPET character generator. The second half of this ROM contains a - true ASCII character set and an APL character set. characters.swedish.bin - SuperPET character generator, with characters [\]{|} replaced with - ÄÖÅäöå. EPROM label: 901640-01 SKAND.GEN. sp2516-ud1-sp9000-blkcod.bin - Unknown rom found in UD11 of a 3-board SuperPET. waterloo-a000-bfff.970018-12.bin waterloo-a000.901898-01.bin waterloo-b000.901898-02.bin waterloo-c000-dfff.970019-12.bin waterloo-c000.901898-03.bin waterloo-d000.901898-04.bin waterloo-e000-ffff-970034-12.bin - From Christian Forstreuters 50Hz MMF9000 at U49 waterloo-e000-ffff.970020-12.bin waterloo-e000.901897-01.bin waterloo-e000.901897-x.50Hz.bin - Identical to 901897-01, with 50hz video changes. Uploaded by - Christian Forstreuter. waterloo-f000.901898-05.bin - Waterloo firmware for the 6809. The firmware was also available on a - set of three 2764 EPROMs, see the README file. firmware/computers/pet/SuperPET/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/pet/SuperPET firmware/computers/pet/cash_register/ * ROMS for prototype Commodore Cash Register, from Frank Hughes ccr-9000.bin ccr-901465-01-c000.bin ccr-901465-02-d000.bin ccr-901465-03-f000.bin ccr-a000.bin ccr-b000.bin ccr-e000.bin ccr-printer-19810429.bin firmware/computers/pet/cash_register/pictures@ -> pictures/cash_register firmware/computers/pet/cash_register/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/pet/cash_register firmware/computers/pet/drives@ -> firmware/drives/old firmware/computers/pet/other/ * 3rd party firmware for the PET Mostly for option rom slots: -- UD12 * $9000 (36864) -- UD11 $A000 (40960) 324381-01b.bin - PET High Speed Graphic Rev 1B 4032-2001N-9000-basic45-sys37000.bin - Basic extension for 40 col PETs. Basic 4.5 -- sys 37000 to start. 8-4032-9inches.bin - Completely unknown option from from a 9" 4032. Also possibly corrupt - image. - Package of roms from 8032, possibly to operate a crane - Basic, Assembly, & Text Processor. Includes ROM images, pdf docs. BEC_Accounting_bcc-2.bin - ROM for BEE Accounting software BPI_Accounting_Dongle_bpi-3.bin - ROM for BPI Accounting package Basic Expand-a000.bin - Basic Expand is a support tool for the Basic programmer on - CBM3016/3032 machines. It contains a lot of helpful additional Basic - commands such - as: AUTO RENUMBER FIND DELETE DLIST DPRINT DRUN - The file is for a 4k EPROM located at the addresses $a000-$afff. - Uploaded by: Basic Expand.txt - User's manual of Basic Expand (in German) - Expanded BASIC for all PET models. Includes german-language pdf - manual. Monjana1Assembler.38000.bin - Mojana Assember, labeled MON 697B. Started with SYS 38000 Monjana1Assembler_user_manual.pdf - Mojana Assembler rom manual OrgaBASIC101-a000.bin - ORGABASIC 101 V 1.4.015 (A000-AFFF) - Diag rom for all PETs developed by David E. Roberts. PaperClip20.bin - Option rom labeled CES PaperClip 2.0 PetMaster_Superchip_QuickRef.pdf - QuickReference chart for PetMaster Superchip. SMK_B_2.2-UD3.bin - SM-Kit Rev 2.2, BASIC utility extension for BASIC4 PETs - SMKit BASIC and ML Utils for 8032, UD11 and UD12 bin files in this - package. Super_Monitor_3032_B000_Metz_1983.bin - Monitor rom found in 3032. Provided by Christian. - TCL Pascal 1.8 with option rom and .d80 disk image. UD7_dump_univertex_8032_50hz.bin - Unknown "Univertex" rom for 50hz 8032 in UD7 amon1_a0.bin - 2k monitor for the 30xx at $a000. Uploaded by Christian Forstreuter. - SYS41000 arrow-a000.bin - A 3600 baud tape fastloader for BASIC 2. arrow-v4-a000.bin - A 3600 baud tape fastloader for BASIC 4. arrow.txt - Instructions for Arrow. bee_3.1.b000.bin - Unknown dongle rom @ b000 characters-901447-10m.bin - Custom char generator for PET. Unknown author. com40n.bin - Command-O ROM - 1980 BASIC Plus I com4-ou-1581 command-o_rom-9000.bin - Command-O ROM - 1980 BASIC extension create-base_rom-9000.bin - Option rom for Create-a-Base. This rom appears short, and is - untested. If you have another copy, please upload it. cross_ref-rom-9000.bin - cross ref option rom. Alsoa byte short, and untested. disc-o-pro_1980_30xx.rtf - Docs for disc-o-pro BASIC extension (discopr9.bin) discopr9.bin - BASIC extension for 30xx at $9000. SYS 36864. Uploaded by Christian - Forstreuter edex_4.2_french_a000_ud11.bin - EDEX 4.2 BASIC enhancement for 8032 edex_4.4_french_a000_ud11.bin - Option rom found in UD11 of a French 8096 computer edit-4-80-b-50Hz.901474-04-azerty.bin - Alternate editor rom from French PET 8032 w/ AZERTY keyboard helpb4_ue10_97f8.bin - Unknown utility eprom from an 8296, started with SYS38904 infodesigns-20447.bin - Unknown UD12 chip labeled Info Designs jimsam4_rom-a000.bin - Jinsam 4 Database option rom. Tested and working, but a byte short. jinsam8-rom-a000.bin - Jimsam 8 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested. kram2.0-rom-9000.bin - Kram 2.0 option rom for $9000. 1 byte short, and untested. kram2.0-rom-a000.bin - Kram 2.0 option rom for $a000. 1 byte short, and untested. mcterm1.11-rom-9000.bin - McTerm 1.1 option rom. Untested. mcterm1.17-rom-9000.bin - McTerm 1.17 option rom. Untested. mcterm1.21_rom-9000.bin - McTerm 1.21 option rom. Untested. micromon40-plus-a000.bin - ml monitor rom for 40 col pets @ a000 micromon40-ud12.bin - ml monitor rom for 40 col pets in UD12 micromon80-ud11-a000.bin - ml monitor rom for 80 col pets @ a000 micromon_9000.bin - ml monitor rom from unknown pet. sys36864 to enter. mikromon-instructions-DE.pdf - Commands and docs for Mikromon, in German mikromon.bin - Mikromon rom from cbm 3008 monitor_6502_8032_9000.bin - 6502 Monitor by Manfred Tausch from 8032 msvweigh-a000.bin - This program controls an electronic scale. newtim-9000.bin - NEWTIM S is an expanded TIM monitor for the CBM3016/3032. It - contains 40 additional commands such as assembler and disassembler - and supports comfortable printer output. In addition, it contains a - DOS wedge that can be accessed from BASIC. - The file is for a 4k EPROM located at the addresses $9000-$9fff. - Uploaded by: newtim.txt - User's manual of NEWTIM S (in German) newtim31-9000.bin - newtim v.3.1 o.p.104 (9000-9FFF) (this binary may be non-functional - or corrupt) oracle rom 9000.bin - For Oracle Consultant from Delphi Group oth-9000-ue10.bin - The contents of a 2532 EPROM labelled OTH 001321, plugged into the - UE10 socket of an 8296. Almost identical to SUO-9000.BIN, so perhaps - a calc result rom. paics2001-b000.bin - Paics $8000 for BASIC 1 PET 2001. Uploaded by Christian Forstreuter paics_fish_b000.bin - Multifunction run from unknown pet. Use SYS45056 for PAICS toolkit, - and SYS 48267 for Fish n chip pal_assembler_a000.bin - PAL Assembler. SYS40960 to execute paperclip-unk.bin - Similar to Paperclip-20 rom, so perhaps an unk version pascal3.0_rom-a000.bin - TCL Pascal 1.6 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested. - eproms from a 9" 40 to 80 column adapter in a CBM 3008 pet8032sk_sv-UD11-2732-104883B.bin - An $a000 ROM inside a Swedish 8032-SK, an 2732 EPROM labeled 104883B. - What is this? Dumped by petbasic2-erweiterung-b000.bin - This is a German BASIC expansion (BASIC ERWEITERUNG 1), started with - SYS47100, using 2k of ROM. The commands are: RUN AUTO STEP TRACE OFF - RENUMBER DELETE HELP FIND DUMP APPEND. petester.bin - Kernel replacement that tests non-CRTC PET memory and screen pettest2.bin - Kernel that tests 40 column CRTC PET memory and screen by Dave M pettester8032.bin - 8032 version of pettester.bin, supports CRTC picChip_micromonplus_doswedge_a000.bin - Multi-function rom from unknown pet. Use SYS 40960 for picchip, - 44103 for micromon, and 33559 for dos wedge. The wedge suggests 2.0 - machines? picchip2001-9000.bin - PicChip $9000 for BASIC 1 PET 2001. Uploaded by Christian - Forstreuter power-rom-9000.bin - Option rom for unknown program power_basic_30xx_a000.bin - Power BASIC extension rom for PET 30xx models (and 2001-XX non-CRTC - pets?) power_basic_8032_a000.bin - Power BASIC extension for 8032 PETs by Michael Shulte (sys 40960) power_rom-9000.bin - BASIC programming add-on POWER by Brad Templeton. Known to work on - 40 col CRTC PETs. Maybe others? programmersToolkitArticlesPDF.tar.gz - Two PDFs with some high level usage information about PET Programmers - Toolkit. s-tool_ud3.bin - Disk Wedge + keyboard autorepeat option ROM found on an italian 3032 - on position UD3. Activated by SYS37000. - SM-Kit BASIC 4 extension and ML monitor on a 4k ROM. Includes the - pdf manual. No version listed, so, rev1? - SM-Kit Revs 2.1-2.4 BASIC 4 extension ROMs for different PETs. - Includes pdf. spellmaster-9000.bin - Spellmaster ROM for the Spellmaster spell checking program used with - Wordpro. This is a 2532 EPROM with a gold colored paper label and is - located at $9000. suo-9000.bin - The contents of a TMS2532JL EPROM labelled SUO 001024, plugged into - the UD12 socket of a Finnish CBM 8032-SK (Commodore Model 200). - Might be - a Calc Result rom, as it has been confirmed to allow that software to - run. superchip-9000.bin - An editor enhancement. superchip-toolkit.txt - Instructions for Superchip and Toolkit, which can be used together - and with Arrow. superchip40-9000.bin - SuperChip editor enhancement 4.0 superchip4000-9000.bin - SuperChip editor enhancement 4.0 variation (v4000) toolkit-b000.bin toolkit-b000.txt - The BASIC Programmer's Toolkit (3032 version). Adds new commands to - PET's BASIC interpreter. toolkit3.0-rom-b000.bin - Toolkit 3.0 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested. toolkit4.0_alt-a000.bin - Alt version of toolkit4.0_rom, differs by 2 bytes and padding toolkit4.0_alt2-a000.bin - Alt version of toolkit4.0_rom toolkit4.0_rom-a000.bin - Toolkit 4.0 option rom. 1 byte short, and untested. toolkit4.0_rom-a800.bin - Identical to tooklkit4.0_rom-a000 except on 2716 rom marked TC49BX - PAICS - ROM that possibly allows a 1541 to be used from the user port. - Unknown 2k and 4k roms from Allen Yates disk collection. unk_ud12_ ST-01_80D.bin - Unknown rom from 4032 in UD12 visicalc-9000.901472-04.bin - Firmware for running all versions of Visicalc. The chip was - manufactured by MOS Technologies, and it is mapped at the $9000-$9fff - area. visicalc_rom-9000.bin - Visicalc option rom -- tested! watbas2-t2193.bin - Waterloo Structured BASIC for basic v2 PETs. sys36864 to start. watbas4-5929.bin - Waterloo Structured BASIC for UD12 on basic v4 PETs. sys36864 to - start. - ROM or loadable DOS wedge for $9000 or $a000 wordcheck_rom-9000.bin - WordCheck option rom wordcraft-9000.bin - 2532 EPROM, "Wordcraft, HI7, UD12". The chip was installed in the - socket UD12 of a CBM 8032 with Finnish keyboard layout. wordpro-a000.bin - ROM for the Wordpro word processor for the PET. This is a mask - programmed ROM labeled PSI-5054 and is located at $A000. It is used - for version 4 and 5 of Wordpro. Version 3 did not require a ROM. wordpro3-keyrom.bin - Uncertain, but apears to be wordpro v3 keyrom. wordpro3-rom-a000.bin - WordPro 3 option rom for $a000. Also 1 byte short, and untested. wordpro3-rom.9000.bin - WordPro 3 option rom for $9000. Also 1 byte short, and untested. wordpro4_rom-a000.bin - WordPro 4 option rom. Truncated and untested. firmware/computers/pet/petdiag@ -> firmware/misc/petdiag firmware/computers/pet/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/pet firmware/computers/pet/source@ -> src/pet firmware/computers/plus4/ * Here are the ROMs for the Commodore 264 series, which includes the C16, * C116 and the plus/4. 1551.318008-01.bin - 1551 disk drive DOS ROM. The drive is connected to the expansion port - via the TCBM interface (triple interface adapter chip). 3-plus-1.317053-01-french.bin - French version of the 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM low. 3-plus-1.317053-01.bin - The 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM low. 3-plus-1.317054-01-french.bin - French version of the 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM high. 3-plus-1.317054-01.bin - The 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM high. 3-plus-1.325010-01.bin - The 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM low. German language. 3-plus-1.325011-01.bin - The 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM high. German language. 3-plus-1.325155-01_swedish.bin - Swedish version of the 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM high. 3-plus-1.325155-02_swedish.bin - Swedish version of the 3-plus-1 word processor, function ROM low. 3-plus-1.bin - The 3-PLUS-1 word processor. This has been saved from a running - system, and therefore the bytes under the I/O area at $fd00-$ff3f are - wrong. The part number is unknown, but this should be the newer of the - two usual versions. README - plus/4 parts and firmware versions basic.318006-01.bin - Commodore 16 BASIC V3.5. kernal.318004-03.bin - Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. - PAL-G version, revision 3. kernal.318004-04.bin - Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. - PAL-G version, revision 4. kernal.318004-05.bin - Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. - PAL-G version, revision 5. kernal.318005-04.bin - Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. - NTSC-M version, revision 4. kernal.318005-05-french.bin - French version of the 264 KERNAL, ML monitor and the character set. - NTSC-M version, revision 5 kernal.318005-05.bin - Commodore 16 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. - NTSC-M version, revision 5. kernal.318030-01.bin - Commodore 264 KERNAL, Hungarian, Rev1 kernal.318030-02.bin - Commodore 264 KERNAL, Hungarian, Rev2 kernel.325155-03_swedish.bin - Commodore 264 KERNAL, Swedish pla.251641-02.bin pla.c - This C program contains the logic equations for the 82S100 PLA chip - used in the 264 series, and converts them to a 64-kilobyte truth table - file. pla.txt - Commodore 16 and plus/4 PLA truth table and memory configuration - information supplied by William M. Levak . firmware/computers/plus4/232/ kernal.318004-01.bin - Commodore 232 KERNAL, machine language monitor and the character set. - NTSC-M version, revision 1. firmware/computers/plus4/264/ basic-264-0119.bin - BASIC Rom from Bo Zimmermans 264 prototype, marked 1/19 basic-264-0203.bin - Commodore 264 BASIC from Jim Brains 264. Only marking was BASIC 2/3 basic-264-alpha.bin - BASIC rom from an alpha 264 machine kernal-264-0119.bin - KERNAL Rom from Bo Zimmermans 264 prototype, marked 1/19 kernal-264-0203.bin kernal-264-alpha.bin - KERNAL rom from an alpha 264 machine Commodore 264 KERNAL from Jim - Brains 264. Only marking was KERNAL 2/3 firmware/computers/plus4/364/ * This directory contains original firmware of the Commodore 364 * prototype. Uploaded by Bo Zimmerman ( See * for more information * All are 16K, either 23128 ROMs and 27128 EPROMs 3-plus-1.317053-01.bin - Low Function ROM 3-plus-1 3-plus-1.317054-01.bin - High Function ROM 3-plus-1 basic.318006-01.bin - BASIC ROM proto-ted-kernal.bin - EPROM prototype of the C116 family kernal ($c000-$ffff) spk3cc4.bin - Speech ROM ($c000-$ffff?) firmware/computers/plus4/PI9/ ted-hihi.bin ted-hilo.bin ted-lo.bin firmware/computers/plus4/carts@ -> firmware/misc/plus4carts firmware/computers/plus4/diag@ -> firmware/misc/264diag firmware/computers/plus4/drives@ -> firmware/drives/new firmware/computers/plus4/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/plus4 firmware/computers/plus4/source@ -> src/plus4 firmware/computers/vic20/ basic.901486-01.bin - Commodore VIC-20 BASIC V2. The first and only version. characters.901460-02.bin - Commodore VIC-1001 (Japanese VIC-20) character generator ROM. characters.901460-03.bin - Commodore VIC-20 character generator ROM. characters.DK_901460-03.bin - Commodore VIC-20 character generator ROM for Danish character set. characters.NecP22101-207.bin - Commodore VIC-20 character generator ROM for Swedish/Finnish character - set. kernal.901486-02.bin - Commodore VIC-1001 (Japanese VIC-20, NTSC-M) KERNAL ROM. kernal.901486-04.bin - Commodore VIC-20 KERNAL ROM, revision 4. Found in a early NTSC VIC-20. - Provided by Jeff Schaap. Came on ceramic MOS part dated 0881. kernal.901486-06.bin - Commodore VIC-20 KERNAL ROM, revision 6. Intended for NTSC-M systems. - Probably not the first revision. But not the sixth revision either, - since the BASIC ROM has the same part number. kernal.901486-07.bin - Commodore VIC-20 KERNAL ROM, revision 7. Intended for PAL-B systems. - Probably the last revision. kernal.DKB_901486-07.bin - Commodore VIC-20 KERNAL ROM, 901486-07 version patched for Danish - keyboard and character set. kernal.NecP22081-206.bin - Commodore VIC-20 KERNAL ROM, 901486-07 version patched for - Swedish/Finnish keyboard and character set. Chip markings: NEC JAPAN - P22489-207 / D2364C 689 UE12 (Yes, it is a 8kb*8 mask-programmable - ROM!). kernal.differences - Lists the differences between the VIC-20 KERNAL ROMs 901486-06 and vic20patchedkernalswe.bin - Fixes tape bug in Swedish Keyboard VIC-20s 901486-07. firmware/computers/vic20/carts@ -> vic20/roms firmware/computers/vic20/diag@ -> firmware/misc/vc-20diag firmware/computers/vic20/drives@ -> firmware/drives/new firmware/computers/vic20/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/vic20 firmware/computers/vic20/source@ -> src/vic20 firmware/drives/ * Firmware for Commodore disk drives. * According to William Levak, Commodore used six different native disk * formats: * 2040/3040 - This is slightly different from later formats: tracks 18 - 24 * have 20 sectors instead of 19. * 2031/4040/1540/1541/1551/1570 - single sided, single density, 48tpi * 1571 - A double sided version. * 8050 - single sided, 96tpi * 1001/8250 - double sided, 96tpi * 1581, 3½" DD with MFM * While we're on the subject, Commodore's single density drives are * actually double density, and the double density drives are actually quad * density. Quad density disks have the same capacity of high density disks, * but the magnetic film is compatible with double density disks. firmware/drives/new/ * Serial bus based Commodore disk drives firmware/drives/new/1541/ * This directory contains ROMs of 1540, 1541, 1541C and 1541-II drives. * The ROM checksums are valid. If you add the byte values together * (adc data:adc #0), the sum of the $c000-$dfff ROM will be $c0, and * the $e000-$ffff ROM will add up to $e0. This applies also to the * halves of the 1541-II ROM. The 2764 and 27128 eproms can be used as * replacements. 1540-c000.325302-01.bin - The ROM chip for $c000-$dfff. This seems to be the same on all - models before the 1541-II. 1540-e000.325303-01.bin - The firmware of an 1540 (the drive that the C64 wouldn't keep up - with). The revision number might be something else than -01. A - speciality of this chip is the power-up message: 73,CBM DOS V2.6 - V170,00,00. Did Commodore want to call the drive V170 first? The - ROM checksum is correct. The long-board 1541 had the same hardware as - the 1540; this upper ROM was the only difference. The lower ROM was - 325302-01 on both drives. 1541-II.251968-03.bin - 1541-II firmware. Released in 1987. 1541-II.355640-01.bin - 1541-II firmware. This version only appears in drives with the - newtronics - mechanisms with belt type drives and no track 0 sensor. 1541-c000.325302-01.bin - The ROM chip for $c000-$dfff. This seems to be the same on all - models before the 1541-II. - Assembly differences between various 1541 roms 1541-e000.901229-01.bin - This is believed to be the first revision of the 1541 firmware. The - service manual says that this ROM is for North America and Japan - only. According to it, a 901229-02 also exists, but not in North - America. 901229-03 is said to be the first version that is usable in - Europe. 1541-e000.901229-02.bin - Second version of the 1541 firmware. Uploaded by Raymond Day - . Two delay loops are shorter than in 901229- - 03, and the checksum byte at $fee6 has been adjusted accordingly. 1541-e000.901229-03.bin - The firmware of an old-style 1541 with long board. This ROM has an - autobooting feature: if CLK and DATA are held low during bootup, the - drive will wait for them to raise, and execute a "&*" command. 1541-e000.901229-04.bin - Take from an SX-64 1541-e000.901229-05.bin - The firmware of an old-style 1541 with short board. 1541-e000.901229-06AA.bin - The firmware of an old-style 1541 with short board. 1541C-to-1541-II.txt - A comparison of the 1541C and 1541-II firmware by Wolfgang Moser. The - support for the optical "track 0" sensor, which was introduced in the - 1541C firmware, was removed in the 1541-II firmware. 1541C.251968-01.bin - The firmware of an old-style 1541 in white case. This drive was - introduced around the same time with the C128 and the 1570, to make - it look like the C128 and the 1570, which was also in a white 1541- - style case. The C128 was also white. This drive has an optical - track 1 sensor, but it won't be used unless the jumper J3 on the - board is cut. - The $c000-$dfff part of this chip is identical to the 325302-01 ROM. 1541C.251968-02.bin - An upgrade ROM for the 1541C. There are patches in both 8k halves. 1541C.251968-02.txt - Release notes for the 251968-02. firmware/drives/new/1541/hacks/ * Modifications to the original Commodore 1540, 1541 or 1541-II * firmware 1541-II-SpeedDOS.txt - Instructions for adapting the SpeedDOS firmware for the 1541-II. 1541-II-relocated.bin - A version of the 1541-II ROM where the modifications to older - firmware have been relocated to the lower bank ($c000-$dfff), to - improve compatibility with fastloader systems. Made by Wolfgang - Moser. 1541-II-relocated.txt - Documentation for 1541-II-relocated.bin. firmware/drives/new/1541/schematics@ -> schematics/drives/new/1541 firmware/drives/new/1551/ * The 1551 was designed for the Commodore 264 series of computers, * consisting of the C16, C116 and plus/4. Replacement eprom for * firmware is the 27128 1551.251641-3.c - This C program contains the logic equations of the PLA. 1551.318008-01.bin - The only known version of Commodore 1551 disk drive firmware README - Information about the 1551 disk drive pla.251641-03.bin firmware/drives/new/1551/schematics@ -> schematics/drives/new/1551 firmware/drives/new/1571/ * Here is the firmware of the 1570, 1571 and 1571CR drives. There are * some differences between these drives. The 1570 is single-sided, * while the others are double-sided. See the README file for details. * The 27256 eprom can be used as a firmware replacement. 1570-rom.315090-01.bin - The firmware of a 1570 disk drive. The board may say "1571 disk", - but the 1570 and 1571 were very similar anyway, the most remarkable - difference being that the 1570 has single-sided drive mechanism. 1571-rom.310654-03.bin - The firmware of a 128D's built-in 1571 disk drive, or of a stand- - alone 1571. 1571-rom.310654-04.10-12-86.d8c6.bin - The firmware from a CBM rom collection, uploaded by Tokra 1571-rom.310654-05.bin - An upgrade of the above. Corrects the bug of 310654-03 that moves - the R/W head between each sector when writing on the disk's top side. - Source Code 1571cr-rom.318047-01.bin - The firmware of a 128DCR's built-in 1571CR disk drive. 1571cr-rom.318047-02.bin - Identical to 1571cr-rom.318047-01.bin, which makes this file - suspicious. It's been seen as an eprom in one or more boards with a - printed sticker label. firmware/drives/new/1571/schematics@ -> schematics/drives/new/1571 firmware/drives/new/1581/ * The Commodore 1581 is a 3,5 inch drive with serial bus connection. * The drive used a normal MFM controller and a double density drive * mechanism. The 27256 can be used as a replacement eprom. 1563-rom.bin - ROM from a C128D / 81 with "1563" board inside. 1581-rom.318045-01.bin - System firmware, first version. This chip has also been numbered - 312558-01. 1581-rom.318045-02.bin - System firmware, second version. 1581-rom.beta.bin - EPROM dated 11/26/1986 from prototype 1581 in Amiga 1010 case. - Source Code 1581ref.txt 1581zp.txt - A few cross-references for the 1581 firmware 318045-01, created by - Asger Alstrup . firmware/drives/new/1581/hacks/ * These files were uploaded by TFSS of GPS ( 1581rom5.bin - CBM-1581 Binary ROM Program UpDate-5 By TFSS Of The GPS list1581.ls5 - CBM-1581 Source Listing ROM UpDate-5 (August 11, 1996) Using 8K - SRAM Expansion $2000-$3FFE, And MOSTECH 6529B PIO $3FFF for - parallel data transfer routine from BARD'S TALE III. list1581.ls6 - CBM-1581 Source Listing ROM UpDate-6 By TFSS Of The GPS firmware/drives/old/ * Here you will find firmware and technical data of Commodore's * professional disk drives, equipped with the IEEE-488 interface. * Most of the disk drive information was supplied by William M. Levak * . read6530.lst - A PET BASIC program by William Levak that reads out the 6530 ROM. firmware/drives/old/1001/ * Firmware ROMs of COMMODORE SFD 1001 IEEE488 Floppy Disk Drive, with * 1MB capacity on 5¼" DS/DD disks. 251257-02A.bin - Floppy Disk Controller (FDC) ROM. Different from 8250. 901467-01.bin - SFD-1001 GCR ROM 901887-01.bin - Disk Operating System (DOS) ROM low. Same DOS in 8250 drive. 901888-01.bin - Disk Operating System (DOS) ROM high. Same DOS in 8250 drive. firmware/drives/old/1001/schematics@ -> schematics/drives/old/1001 firmware/drives/old/2031/ * These files were uploaded by William M. Levak . 901484-03.bin - 2364-107 ROM DOS 2.6 C000-DFFF 901484-05.bin - 2364-123 ROM DOS 2.6 E000-FFFF firmware/drives/old/2031/schematics@ -> schematics/drives/old/2031 firmware/drives/old/4040/ * These files were uploaded by William M. Levak . - Source code 901466-01.bin - 6530 RIOT DOS 1 901466-02.bin - 6530-028 RIOT DOS 1.2 901466-04.bin - 6530-034 RIOT DOS 2 901468-06.bin - 2332-020 ROM DOS 1 E000-EFFF 901468-07.bin - 2332-021 ROM DOS 1 F000-FFFF 901468-11.bin - 2332 ROM DOS 2 D000-DFFF 901468-12.bin - 2332 ROM DOS 2 E000-EFFF 901468-13.bin - 2332 ROM DOS 2 F000-FFFF 901468-14.bin - 2332-191 ROM DOS 2 rev2 D000-DFFF 901468-15.bin - 2332-192 ROM DOS 2 rev2 E000-EFFF 901468-16.bin - 2332-193 ROM DOS 2 rev2 F000-FFFF firmware/drives/old/4040/schematics@ -> schematics/drives/old/4040 firmware/drives/old/8050/ * These files were uploaded by William M. Levak . 251167-01.bin - 8250LP GCR ROM (same as 901467) 251474-01b.bin - The floppy drive controller (FDC) firmware for 8250LP and 8296D - drives. This is very similar to 901869-01. Ville Muikkula reports - that his 8250LP has a little circuit board inserted in the place of - the 6530 RIOT chip. Located on this circuit board are the original - 901869-01 and a 2732 EPROM chip. The first 3 kilobytes of the 2732 - are filled with $aa. In Marko Mäkelä's 8296D, the daughter board - contains a 901885-04 RIOT and a 74LS04 in addition to the EPROM. 8250lp.txt - Parts list for 8250LP. Compiled by William Levak 901467-01.bin - 6316-017 ROM GCR (the same as 901467 without the revision marking) 901482-03.bin - 2364 ROM DOS 2.5 C000-DFFF 901482-04.bin - 2364 ROM DOS 2.5 E000-FFFF 901482-06.bin - 2364-092 ROM DOS 2.5 rev. $a000-$bfff and $e000-$ffff 901482-07.bin - 2364-091 ROM DOS 2.5 rev. $8000-$9fff and $c000-$dfff 901483-02.bin - 6530-036 RIOT DOS 2.5 901483-03.bin - 6530-038 RIOT DOS 2.5 Micropolis 901483-04.bin - 6530-039 RIOT DOS 2.5 (Tandon) 901869-01.bin - 6530-48 RIOT DOS 2.7 MPI 901885-04.bin - 6530-47 RIOT DOS 2.7 Micropolis 901887-01.bin - 2364 ROM DOS 2.7 C000-DFFF 901888-01.bin - 2364 ROM DOS 2.7 E000-FFFF dos-2.7b.bin - CBM DOS 2.7B from the 8250LP inside Wolfgang Günther's 8296D. The - EPROM where the code was stored carried no Commodore part number. fdc-2.7b.bin - CBM DOS 2.7B FDC ROM from the 8250LP inside Wolfgang Günther's - 8296D. The EPROM where the code was stored carried no Commodore part - number. speeddos-c000.bin - SpeedDOS firmware from a 8250LP, C000-DFFF speeddos-e000.bin - SpeedDOS firmware from a 8250LP, E000-FFFF speeddos-fdc-f800.bin - SpeedDOS disk controller firmware from a 8250LP. Note that this is 2 - kilobytes instead of the usual 1 kilobyte. firmware/drives/old/8050/d/ * The files in this directory were supplied by Olaf Seibert. 8250.notes - Notes about the files in this directory. 8250ram00 8250ram10 8250ram43 - RAM dumps from different pages. 8250rom.dis - A disassembly of the 901887-01 and 901888-01 ROMs. 8250romfdc-fc00 - This is the contents of the 6530 RIOT chip for the floppy - controller (unknown revision, looks like a slightly patched 901869- - 01) - Ville Muikkula reports that his 8250LP has a little circuit board - inserted in the place of the floppy drive controller 6530 RIOT - chip. Located on this circuit board are the original 901869-01 and - a 2732 EPROM chip that has a label with part number 251474-01B, and - agrees with this dump. The extraneous 3 kilobytes of the 2732 are - filled with $aa. 8250romfdc.dis - Disassembly of the above data8250 data8250fdc labels8250 labels8250fdc mk8250rom.dis routines - d65 control files for creating the disassembly listings from the - 8250 firmware firmware/drives/old/8060/ 901488-01.bin - Uploaded by Michael Steil 901488-02.bin - Uploaded by Michael Steil 901489-01.bin - Uploaded by Michael Steil firmware/drives/old/8280/ * These files were saved off some EPROM chips on a 8280 motherboard. * Uploaded by Bo Zimmerman . 300541-revB.bin - floppy drive controller (FDC) firmware for 8280 300542-revA.bin - CBM DOS 3.0, $c000-$dfff part, rev. A 300543-revA.bin - CBM DOS 3.0, $e000-$ffff part, rev. A chips.txt - A list of chips on the 8280 motherboard. Composed by Bo Zimmerman. firmware/drives/old/9090/ * The Commodore D9060 and D9090 can use the same firmware. The * difference between these units is that the jumper J14 on the DOS * board is open in the D9060, and closed in the D9090 to select a 4- * head vs. 6-head drive. The jumper J13 seems to be unused. * According to Wolfgang Günther, the EPROM type may be 2564 or 2764, * depending on the board version ("Assy No. 300012-001, Rev.B" or "Assy * No. 300012-002, Rev.A"). This is the case of 300516/300517 rev.C. 300515-revA.bin - D9090 ROM image from 2716 at location 4C from D9090 s/n 2041 - Uploaded by Ethan Dicks . An EPROM of equal contents - was in Bo Zimmerman's 9090. The chip was labelled "300515 Rev A". 300515-revB.bin - D9060 ROM image from 2716 at location 4C from D9060 s/n 1533 - Uploaded by Ethan Dicks . The chip was labelled - "300515 Rev B". 2716 EPROMs with the same contents were in the D9060 - and D9090 (s/n 3677) drives of Wolfgang Günther - . Those chips were labelled "300515-001" or - "300515 Rev B". 300516-revB.bin - A 2564 EPROM at location 7C. This firmware was encountered both in - Bo Zimmerman's D9090 and in Ethan Dicks' D9060 (s/n 1470). 300516-revC.bin - A 2564/2764 EPROM at location 7C, labelled "300516 Rev. C". This - firmware was encountered in Wolfgang Günther's all drives. 300517-revA.bin - D9090 ROM image from an EPROM of Bo Zimmerman's 9090. 300517-revB.bin - D9060 ROM image from 2564 at location 7D from D9060 s/n 1470 Uploaded - by Ethan Dicks . 300517-revC.bin - A 2564/2764 EPROM at location 7D, labelled "300517 Rev. C". This - firmware was encountered in Wolfgang Günther's all drives. 44-1.BIN - Firmware @5B on 90x0 controller board. An N82s137N. 44-2.BIN - Firmware @6B on 90x0 controller board. An N82s137N. 44-3.BIN - Firmware @7B on 90x0 controller board. An N82s137N. 44-4.BIN - Firmware @8B on 90x0 controller board. An N82s137N. 44-5.BIN - Firmware @9B on 90x0 controller board. An N82s137N. - Source Code versions.txt - William Levak's note on the 9060/9090 ROM versions. firmware/drives/old/9090/schematics@ -> schematics/drives/old/9090 firmware/drives/other/ * Firmware for disk drives not manufactured by Commodore. firmware/drives/other/commander/ * Firmware for Commander Electronics Disk Drives Commander_C-II_8K_ROM1.bin - ROM '1' for C-II 5.25dd. Has Chinon F051 drive unit, Commander_C-II_8K_ROM2.bin - ROM '2' for C-II 5.25dd. Has Chinon F051 drive unit, firmware/drives/other/misc/ * Firmware for Miscellaneous Disk Drives Enhancer 2000 Comtel 2.6.bin - Firmware for the Enhancer 2000 5.25" drive (1541 compat) RF501C_D2_27C128.bin - RF501C floppy drive ROM (archived by - Firmware for the above Rapid Access FD148.bin bluechip_fd_stockrom.bin - ROM from Blue Chip 1541 compatible. Reports as V2.6. - PET Computhink Disk Controller, includes roms, manuals enhancer_2000.bin - Enhancer 2000 drive rom from Mitch Farley firmware/drives/other/msd/ * These drives were manufactured by MSD Systems, Inc., 10031 Monroe, * Suite 206, Dallas, TX 75229. The SD-1 is a single disk drive unit, * and the SD-2 is a dual disk drive unit. sd-1-1.3-c000.bin - MSD SD-1 firmware, $c000-$dfff. sd-1-1.3-e000.bin - MSD SD-1 firmware, $e000-$ffff. sd-2-2.3-c000.bin - MSD SD-2 firmware, $c000-$dfff. sd-2-2.3-e000.bin - MSD SD-2 firmware, $e000-$ffff. firmware/misc/ - Custom roms for C900 to reformat hard drive, includes instructions. diag.txt - Notes on the diagnostic cartridges Raymond Carlsen acquired. See - for the - Commodore 64 diagnostic cartridge. magicboard_2516.bin - 2k rom from PET 8032 'Magic Board" printer adapter add-on from C=. firmware/misc/264diag/ 264_diag_rev2.0-a.bin 264_diag_rev2.0-b.bin 325062-01.bin - C16/C116/plus4 Diagnostic Test 1.5 UK/PAL 325201-01.ted_diag_rev1.1_pal.bin - Diag 264 packed from Ron Clarke. - c16-diag-rev2.0-a.bin c16-diag-rev2.0-b.bin c16-diag-rev2.0-c.bin c16-diag-rev2.0.bin c16_test_PAL_1.1.bin - C16 test cartridge ROM 1.1, Very very similar to 325201-01 except for - size, and a few bytes. ted_diag_rev1.3_pal.bin firmware/misc/c128diag/ 325099-01.bin - Commodore 128 Diagnostic 325109-10.bin - C128DCR Diagnostic c128_burnin_rev1.0_5.6.89.bin - c128 burn-in test rom c128_diag_rev1.2.bin - c128 diagnostic cart rom - C128 Diagnostic ROM, uses 586220 harness c128_diag_rev6.8_9.11.88.bin - c128 diagnostic cartridge rom - C128 Diagnostics ROM, Manual, and harness schematic - C128 Diagnostics, uses 586220 harness - C128 Diagnostics, 2 roms, manual, harness schematic c128_final_burnin_rev7.0_5.6.89.bin - c128 final burn-in cartridge rom - C128DCR Integral Diagnostic rom firmware/misc/c64carts/ 251476-01.bin - Rom for C64 Magic Voice cartridge, a 27128 315102-01.bin - Super Games cartridge (U1) 315103-01.bin - Super Games cartridge (U2) 317004-01.bin - Magic Desk I (U1) 317005-01.bin - Magic Desk I (U2) 317006-01.bin - Magic Desk I (U3) 317007-01.bin - Magic Desk I (U4) 317017-01.bin - International Soccer (U1) 317018-01.bin - International Soccer (U2) 317038-01.bin - Jack Attack (U1) 317039-01.bin - Jack Attack (U2) 324872-03.bin - Der Rechenl�we: Fit in Addition und Subtraktion (U1) 324872-04.bin - Der Rechenl�we: Fit in Addition und Subtraktion (U2) 324874-03.bin - Der Rechenl�we: Fit in Mathematik - 1. Schuljahr (Ger) (U1) 324874-04.bin - Der Rechenl�we: Fit in Mathematik - 1. Schuljahr (Ger) (U2) 325351-02.bin - Jupiter Lander 325356-02.bin - Clowns 325362-02.bin - Kickman 325426-01.bin - Tooth Invader (U1) 325427-01.bin - Tooth Invader (U2) 901230-01.bin - MAX Maxi-Basic Cartridge U1 901231-01.bin - MAX Maxi-Basic Cartridge U2 C64104_Super_Expander-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Super Expander Cartridge C64108_Simons_Basic_1-8000.bin C64108_Simons_Basic_2-a000.bin - ROM for C64 Simon's BASIC Cartridge C64228_Financial_Advisor-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Financial Advisor Cartridge C64312_Number_Nabber_Shape_Grabber-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Number Nabber Cartridge C64320_A_Bee_Cs-8000.bin - ROM for C64 ABCs Cartridge C64402_Music_Machine-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Music Machine Cartridge C64403_Music_Composer-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Music Composer Cartridge C64601_Jupiter_Lander-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Jupiter Lander Cartridge C64602_Kickman-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Kickman Cartridge C64603_Sea_Wolf-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Sea Wolf Cartridge C64604_Speed_Bingo_Math-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Speed Math/Bingo Math Cartridge C64605_Radar_Rat_Race-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Radar Rat Race Cartridge C64606_Clowns-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Clowns Cartridge C64609_Visible_Solar_System-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Visible Solar System Cartridge C64610_Tooth_Invaders-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Tooth Invaders Cartridge C64612_Blueprint-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Blueprint Cartridge C64613_Lazarian-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Lazarian Cartridge C64614_Omega_Race-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Omega Race Cartridge C64615_Wizard_of_Wor-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Wizard of Wor Cartridge C64616_Le_Mans-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Le Mans Cartridge C64617_Pinball_Spectacular_1-8000.bin C64617_Pinball_Spectacular_2-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Pinball Spectacular Cartridge C64618_Gorf-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Gorf Cartridge C64619_Solar_Fox-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Solar Fox Cartridge C64621_Avenger-e000.bin - ROM for C64 Avenger Cartridge C64622_Super_Smash-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Super Smash Cartridge C64623_Star_Post-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Star Post Cartridge C64624_Frog_Master-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Frog Master Cartridge C64631_Star_Ranger-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Star Ranger Cartridge C64632_Dragons_Den-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Dragons Den Cartridge C64635_International_Soccer-8000.bin - ROM for C64 International Soccer Cartridge C64636_Viduzzles-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Viduzzles Cartridge C64638_Jack_Attack-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Jack Attack Cartridge C64801_Magic_Desk_I_(CCS)_1-8000.bin C64801_Magic_Desk_I_(CCS)_2-8000.bin C64801_Magic_Desk_I_(CCS)_3-8000.bin C64801_Magic_Desk_I_(CCS)_4-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Magic Desk (CCS) Cartridge C64801_Magic_Desk_I_1-8000.bin C64801_Magic_Desk_I_2-8000.bin C64801_Magic_Desk_I_3-8000.bin C64801_Magic_Desk_I_4-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Magic Desk Cartridge Comal_80_1-8000.bin Comal_80_2-8000.bin Comal_80_3-8000.bin Comal_80_4-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Comal 80 Cartridge MAX3101_Mini_Basic-e000.bin - ROM for Max Machine Mini BASIC Cartridge MAX3102_Max_Basic_1-8000.bin MAX3102_Max_Basic_2-e000.bin - ROM for Max Machine Max BASIC Cartridge MAX3401_Omega_Race-e000.bin - ROM for Max Machine Omega Race Cartridge MAX3402_Wizard_of_Wor_Ver_1-e000.bin - ROM for Max Machine Wizard of Wor (version 1) Cartridge MAX3402_Wizard_of_Wor_Ver_3-e000.bin - ROM for Max Machine Wizard of Wor (version 3) Cartridge MAX3402_Wizard_of_Wor__Ver_2-e000.bin - ROM for Max Machine Wizard of Wor (version 2) Cartridge MAX3504_Radar_Rat_Race-e000.bin - ROM for Max Machine Radar Rat Race Cartridge MAX3509_Clowns-e000.bin - ROM for Max Machine Clowns Cartridge - Magic Desk with Magic Voice support. Includes 3 roms, crt file, pics. - Provided by John Feagans and Chuck Hutchins Sales_Cartridge-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Sales Cartridge Structured_BASIC_Waterloo_1984_original.crt - Waterloo Structured BASIC (16k version) Super_Games_1-8000.bin Super_Games_2-8000.bin Super_Games_3-8000.bin Super_Games_4-8000.bin - ROM for C64 Super Games Cartridge Waterloo_Structured_BASIC.crt - Waterloo Structured BASIC (4k version) - Waterloo Structured BASIC (Manual in images) ieee488.bin - Commodore 64 IEEE-488 Adapter 2732 ROM viatel67886.bin - Firmware for C64 Australia Viatel modem firmware/misc/c64carts/btx/ * BTX, or Bildschirmtext, is/was a modem-based on-line system that * started in the 1980s. It was run by the state-owned telephone * corporation. btx-mk1-325221-02.bin - Firmware of a BTX decoder mark I, part number 325221-02, checksum - $3E0F. This was copied from a 27128 EPROM labelled with the part - number and "BTX C64 C128". btx-mk2-V30113-C375-81-1.bin - Firmware of a BTX decoder mark II, dumped from a 27256 EPROM. The - sticker on the erase window has a Siemens logo and "V30113-" at the - top line, "C375-81-1" at the middle line and "( EX )" at bottom. The - checksum is $D68F. btx-v3.3.bin - Firmware of a BTX decoder mark II, version 3.3. index.html - Firmware for the Buildschirmtext Decoder cartridge firmware/misc/c64diag/ c64_burn-in_7.2_5.6.89.bin - C64 burn-in test rom 7.2 c64_burn-in_test.bin - C64 burn-in test rom. - C64 Dead Test Kit, includes Manual and Cartridge ROM c64_diag_rev4.1.1.bin - c64 diagnostic test rom v4.1.1 - C64 Diagnostic ROM, uses harness 586220 c64_final_burnin_26.10.88.bin - C64 final burnin test rom c64_final_burnin_3.0_5.6.89.bin - C64 final burn-in test rom c64_hot_burn-In.bin - c64 hot burn in cartridge test rom c64gs_diag.1.1.bin - Diagnostic rom for C64GS game system. Taken from a loose EPROM. C64 - diagnostics kit, includes rom, manual, harness schematic c64gs_diag.2.0.bin - Diagnostic rom for C64GS game system. Taken from a loose EPROM. firmware/misc/cbm2carts@ -> b/carts firmware/misc/chessmate/ 6332-005.bin - Firmware mk2 6530-024.bin - MK2 Firmware from $ec00-$efff 901462-01.bin - ROM dumped from Dave McMurtrie's Chessmate 901462-02.bin - ROM dumped from Dave McMurtrie's Chessmate firmware/misc/cmd/ scpu-dos-1.4.bin - 1.4 SuperCPU dos from SuperCPU64 scpu-dos-2.04.bin - 2.04 SuperCPU dos from SuperCPU128 firmware/misc/petdiag/ 2001test10.bin - Diagnostic rom for original chiclet 2001 by Vossi (H7 socket) 40col_diag_20_10_1_f000.bin - Diag rom for 40 col PET kernal socket. Find diag clip info @ - schematics/cartridges/pet 80col_diag_v1.1.bin - Diag rom v1,1 for 80 col PET kernal socket Find diag clip info @ - schematics/cartridges/pet 901447-18.081c7aad.bin - Unknown rom, probably Diagnostics-related. 901447-30-9000.bin - 2001 diag rom @ 9000 - sys 38912 to start Find diag clip info @ - schematics/cartridges/pet 901447-30_2001_ext_diag_unit.bin - 2001 diag rom for external expansion. Might be at $9800 Find diag - clip info @ schematics/cartridges/pet 901481-01_80col_diag_f000.bin - Diag rom for 80 col PET kernal socket Find diag clip info @ - schematics/cartridges/pet - Modification to Use the Diagnostic Test Fixture on Original PET's - Diagnostic rom for various PETs by David Roberts firmware/misc/plus4carts/ * Firmware and cartridge images for the Commodore Plus/4 Includes the * Commodore 116, C16, 232, 264, and V364 computers. firmware/misc/plus4carts/Games@ -> plus4/Games/carts firmware/misc/plus4carts/Tools@ -> plus4/Tools/carts firmware/misc/printerif/ ESL CO64 Printer - Epson Printer interface uploaded by John Hardie adapter_wiesemann.bin adapter_wiesemann.txt - Firmware for the Wiesemann "WW 92000/G C64/Centr", an adapter between - the Commodore serial bus and a Centronics printer. firmware/misc/unknown/ 187c046f.bin 1b0109f3.bin 40-80-60h.bin 4080-9in-60hz_pet_editor.bin 740turbo1-1.bin 8in-cpm-trbdos.bin 901484-03-2031ro_c000.bin b3e62dc9.bin create-new-base.bin sew-b4-v5-96.bin tc49b-paics.bin ultima-ii-v1-73.bin unmarked3.bin unmarked4.bin firmware/misc/vc-20diag/ diag-vic20.bin - The firmware of a diagnostic cartridge for the Commodore VIC-20. Mapped - to -BLK5 ($a000). vc-20-diag.324173-01.bin - Another diagnostic cartridge for the Commodore VIC-20. Mapped to -BLK5 - ($a000). vc-20-diag.txt - Notes on the above diagnostic cartridge. - Pictures of the above diagnostic cartridge and its wiring harness. firmware/misc/viccarts@ -> vic20/roms firmware/printers/ control.txt - Control codes and secondary addresses for Commodore printers firmware/printers/1515/ vic1515-80j5.bin - rom uploaded by Bo Zimmerman firmware/printers/1520/ 1520-01.asm.html - Firmware disassembly of rom 01 by Soci/Singular 1520-03.asm.html - Firmware disassembly of rom 03 by Soci/Singular 325340-01.bin - VC-1520 Plotter 325340-03.bin - VC-1520 Plotter firmware/printers/1525/ VIC1525_japan.bin firmware/printers/1526/ * The Commodore 1526 is a dot matrix printer that attaches to the serial * bus. 1526-07b.skand.bin - Firmware of the Commodore 1526 printer with Finnish character set. It - contains a string "COMMODORE MODEL MPS-802 PRINTER - REV 07B". This - 2564 EPROM chip was installed on a 24/28 pin ROM/EPROM pinout adapter - and the label has the text: - CBM 1526 VERS. 1.0 - SKAND.GEN 1526-325341-05.bin - Firmware for Commodore 1526 printer 1526-325341-08.bin - Firmware for Commodore 1526 printer 4023-325360-02.bin - Firmware of the Commodore 4023 IEEE-488 printer. Except for the - interface this printer seems to be the same as the 1526/MPS 802. The - 2764 EPROM containing the firmware is labeled: 4023 /P 360-02 This - EPROM is installed on a 24/28 pin ROM/EPROM adaptor. README - Part list and a list of ribbons that are suitable for the 1526. mps802-341-07b.bin - ROM from MPS-802, marked 341-07B mps802_rev_7b_swedish.bin - Custom Swedish rom for 1526/mps802 mps802_switchable_gfx.bin - Switchable graphics rom uploaded by Martin Hansen firmware/printers/3022/ * Firmware of the Commodore 3022 IEEE-488 printer 901472-03.bin - CBM 2023 Firmware 901472-04.bin - CBM 2022/2023 Firmware 901472-05.bin - CBM 3022 Firmware 901472-06.bin - CBM 3022 Firmware 901472-07.bin - CBM 3022 Firmware README - Part list firmware/printers/4022/ 324764-01.bin - 4022 Firmware 901490-01.bin - 4022 Firmware (U8AB) 901631-02.bin - Firmware for 4022P Bi-Directional firmware/printers/4023@ -> firmware/printers/1526 firmware/printers/6400/ 601140-28.bin 601140-29.bin cbm6400_rom0.bin - rom0 uploaded by Bo Zimmerman cbm6400_rom1.bin - rom1 uploaded by Bo Zimmerman firmware/printers/8023P-MPP1361/ * These files were uploaded by William M. Levak . 325320-01.bin - Rom from 8023, uploaded by Bo Zimmerman 325320-02.bin - 8023P firmware README.txt - Information about the chips in the 8023P. firmware/printers/8028/ * These files were contributed by Nicolas Welte . README - General information about the boards inside the 8028 printer UA10-CAR 06.bin - UA10 2716 EPROM UA5-M 07 A.bin - UA5 2764 EPROM UA8-DSY 06-2.bin - Second variation on UA8-DSY 06. Sent by Christian Forstreuter UA8-DSY 06.bin - UA8 2716 EPROM firmware/printers/dps1101/ dps1101-0-8b.bin firmware/printers/mcs801/ mcs801-7ja-7.bin mcs801-f7ja-1.bin firmware/printers/mcs810-820/ mcs810-65-1115.bin mcs820-65-1437.bin firmware/printers/mps1000/ mps1000-e2-ce8.bin firmware/printers/mps1224/ mps1224-font-ic2-sz347b-0141-8810-2.BIN mps1224-font-ic3-sz347b-0141-8810-2.BIN mps1224-font-ic5-0140-8809-1.BIN mps1224_08f9_40081_x_b.bin mps1224_2ffa0a_ic5_font_0140_8809-0.bin firmware/printers/mps1230/ * Firmware for the Commodore printer MPS-1230 601240-95-v1.1d-19881110.bin - Contents of the 27C512 EPROM, labeled "PDL2". This firmware is dated - November 10, 1988, and it is for the German version of the printer. mps1200-k405-0202.bin - Read from IEC MPS-1200 board mps1230-v11e-xxxxxx-xx.bin mps1250_k111_0201.bin parts.txt - Parts and layout info for this printer. r-1.1e-19890809.bin - Revised firmware for MPS-1230 firmware/printers/mps1270/ mps1270-601250-54.bin mps1270a_revCSC.bin - TI 27C512 eprom from an MPS1270A firmware/printers/mps2020/ mps2020roms.tgz - roms for mps2020 24 pin printer firmware/printers/mps801/ mps801-unknown2732.bin - Unknown 2732 eprom labeled "New MPS801" mps801.bin - Firmware of the MPS801 printer. This is a 2732 EPROM with a paper - label on it reading"5JW". The circuit board is labeled "SEIKOSHA GP- - 500J". mps801_swe.bin - MPS801 rom with Swedish (and Finnish?) characters firmware/printers/mps803/ mps803.bin - Firmware for mps803 mps803_78c11.bin - Dump from 78C11 mask rom by Diego Barzon firmware/speed/ * This directory contains firmware for computers and disk drives to speed * up disk io. Check the manuals area for documentation. sjdmaker-0.1.tar.gz - DOS/Unix software to convert U.S. JiffyDOS roms to Swedish - 1541-Flash! firmware for the sx-64 and internal 1541 disk drive geos/ * GEOS is a graphical environment for the Commodore 64, 128 and the plus/4. * Some versions of it are available for download at * . ALLFILES - Index of all files under this area, text version. ALLFILES.html - Index of all files under this area, HTML version. geos/GeoThek/ * This is a collection of German GEOS files (GeoThek library). The * collection is provided here "as is", mainly for two reasons. First, the * disks are organized with some kind of internal logic (files that belong * together are on the same diskette), and second, even though many of these * files are available in the main archive (even as newer versions), some * files may be adapted for German needs and might not work in English GEOS * versions properly. * Merging this collection with our GEOS archive would be possible but very * time-consuming, since there are no descriptions for individual files * (other than the info block), and it would be difficult to decide which * files belong together. geos/GeoThek/128/ Index.cvt - List of the GEOS 128 disks in geoWrite format. gt601a.d64.gz gt601b.d64.gz gt602a.d64.gz gt602b.d64.gz gt603a.d64.gz gt603b.d64.gz gt604a.d64.gz gt604b.d64.gz gt605a.d64.gz gt605b.d64.gz gt606a.d64.gz gt606b.d64.gz gt607a.d64.gz gt607b.d64.gz geos/GeoThek/Fonts/ Index.cvt - List of the font disks in geoWrite format. gt201a.d64.gz gt201b.d64.gz gt202a.d64.gz gt202b.d64.gz gt203a.d64.gz gt203b.d64.gz gt204a.d64.gz gt204b.d64.gz gt205a.d64.gz gt205b.d64.gz gt206a.d64.gz gt206b.d64.gz gt207a.d64.gz gt207b.d64.gz gt208a.d64.gz gt208b.d64.gz gt209a.d64.gz gt209b.d64.gz geos/GeoThek/Fotoalben/ Index.cvt - List of the photo album disks in geoWrite format. gt401a.d64.gz gt401b.d64.gz gt402a.d64.gz gt402b.d64.gz gt403a.d64.gz gt403b.d64.gz gt404a.d64.gz gt404b.d64.gz gt405a.d64.gz gt405b.d64.gz gt406a.d64.gz gt406b.d64.gz gt407a.d64.gz gt407b.d64.gz gt408a.d64.gz gt408b.d64.gz gt409a.d64.gz gt409b.d64.gz gt410a.d64.gz gt410b.d64.gz gt411a.d64.gz gt411b.d64.gz gt412a.d64.gz gt412b.d64.gz gt413a.d64.gz gt413b.d64.gz gt414a.d64.gz gt414b.d64.gz geos/GeoThek/Programme/ Index.cvt - List of the program disks in geoWrite format. gt101a.d64.gz gt101b.d64.gz gt102a.d64.gz gt102b.d64.gz gt103a.d64.gz gt103b.d64.gz gt104a.d64.gz gt104b.d64.gz gt105a.d64.gz gt105b.d64.gz gt106a.d64.gz gt106b.d64.gz gt107a.d64.gz gt107b.d64.gz gt108a.d64.gz gt108b.d64.gz gt109a.d64.gz gt109b.d64.gz gt110a.d64.gz gt110b.d64.gz gt111a.d64.gz gt111b.d64.gz gt112a.d64.gz gt112b.d64.gz gt113a.d64.gz gt113b.d64.gz gt114a.d64.gz gt114b.d64.gz gt115a.d64.gz gt115b.d64.gz gt116a.d64.gz gt116b.d64.gz gt117a.d64.gz gt117b.d64.gz gt118a.d64.gz gt118b.d64.gz gt119a.d64.gz gt119b.d64.gz gt120a.d64.gz gt120b.d64.gz gt121a.d64.gz gt121b.d64.gz gt122a.d64.gz gt122b.d64.gz gt123a.d64.gz gt123b.d64.gz gt124a.d64.gz gt124b.d64.gz gt125a.d64.gz gt125b.d64.gz gt126a.d64.gz gt126b.d64.gz gt127a.d64.gz gt127b.d64.gz geos/GeoThek/Spezial/ Index.cvt - List of the special disks in geoWrite format. gt501a.d64.gz gt501b.d64.gz gt502a.d64.gz gt502b.d64.gz gt503a.d64.gz gt503b.d64.gz gt504a.d64.gz gt504b.d64.gz gt505a.d64.gz gt505b.d64.gz gt506a.d64.gz gt506b.d64.gz gt507a.d64.gz gt507b.d64.gz gt508a.d64.gz gt508b.d64.gz gt509a.d64.gz gt509b.d64.gz gt510a.d64.gz gt510b.d64.gz gt511a.d64.gz gt511b.d64.gz gt512a.d64.gz gt512b.d64.gz gt513a.d64.gz gt513b.d64.gz gt514a.d64.gz gt514b.d64.gz gt515a.d64.gz gt515b.d64.gz gt516a.d64.gz gt516b.d64.gz gt517a.d64.gz gt517b.d64.gz gt518a.d64.gz gt518b.d64.gz gt519a.d64.gz gt519b.d64.gz gt520.d64.gz gt521a.d64.gz gt521b.d64.gz gt522a.d64.gz gt522b.d64.gz gt523a.d64.gz gt523b.d64.gz gt524a.d64.gz gt524b.d64.gz gt524c.d64.gz gt524d.d64.gz gt525a.d64.gz gt525b.d64.gz gt525c.d64.gz gt525d.d64.gz gt526a.d64.gz gt526b.d64.gz gt527a.d64.gz gt527b.d64.gz geos/GeoThek/geoPaint/ Index.cvt - List of the geoPaint disks in geoWrite format. gt301a.d64.gz gt301b.d64.gz gt302a.d64.gz gt302b.d64.gz gt303a.d64.gz gt303b.d64.gz gt304a.d64.gz gt304b.d64.gz gt305a.d64.gz gt305b.d64.gz gt306a.d64.gz gt306b.d64.gz gt307a.d64.gz gt307b.d64.gz gt308a.d64.gz gt308b.d64.gz gt309a.d64.gz gt309b.d64.gz gt310a.d64.gz gt310b.d64.gz gt311a.d64.gz gt311b.d64.gz gt312a.d64.gz gt312b.d64.gz gt313a.d64.gz gt313b.d64.gz gt314.d64.gz gt315a.d64.gz gt315b.d64.gz gt316a.d64.gz gt316b.d64.gz gt317a.d64.gz gt317b.d64.gz gt318a.d64.gz gt318b.d64.gz gt319a.d64.gz gt319b.d64.gz gt320a.d64.gz gt320b.d64.gz gt321a.d64.gz gt321b.d64.gz gt322a.d64.gz gt322b.d64.gz gt323a.d64.gz gt323b.d64.gz geos/GeoThek/sonstige/ baden1.d64.gz baden2.d64.gz - Fonts or printing utilities created by a GEOS user group from Baden. geomag1.d64.gz geomag2a.d64.gz geomag2b.d64.gz geomag3a.d64.gz geomag3b.d64.gz geomag4a.d64.gz geomag4b.d64.gz - GeoMag issues (in German). geos/autoexec/ 128 DA Auto-Boot.cvt - Auto-Boot the first desk accessory, C128, by Dan Willmott 128_dualboot.cvt - Run c128 Dual Top 3.0 at boot 1571 Boot Fix.cvt - 1571BootFix V1.0 by Jim Collette. Fix a Maverick boot disk 64_dualboot.cvt - Run c64 Dual Top 3.0 at boot AutoCalendar doc.cvt AutoCalendar.cvt - AutoCaledar v1.0 by Michael E. Landon. This file may be corrupted. AutoClock 1.0.cvt - Auto-Clock v1.0 by Rick Koch AutoClock doc.cvt - Docs for AutoClock by Rick Koch. AutoClock-1.2.cvt - AutoClock V1.2 by Rick Koch. AutoClock-1.5.cvt - AutoClock V1.5 by Rick Koch. AutoClock-1.6.cvt - AutoClock V1.6 by Rick Koch, bug fixed by Bruce Thomas AutoDate.cvt AutoDate.doc.cvt - AutoDate V1.2 by Rick Koch. Checks Calendar At Boot. The documentation - is in geoWrite V2.1 format. AutoMagicMaker-1.0.lnx - Auto Magic Maker is a program that creates auto executable files to run - Desk Accessories during the GEOS startup sequence. It was written mainly - to run geoCalender and the Note Pad, but it will run any DA that you - desire. AutoRAW.lnx - This program is a GEOS auto-exec file that will play the first .RAW type - digital sound file it encounters on your boot disk. AutoRAW has been - tested and successfully runs under GEOS 64 versions 1.3 and 2.0, and GEOS - 128 versions 1.4 and 2.0 in both 40 and 80 column modes. AutoRun-3.0.lnx - AutoRun is a newer version of AutoRunner. AutoRunner-2.0.lnx - This application will load and execute all of the AUTO_EXEC files it - finds on a disk (up to a 16 file limit). If you use AUTO_EXEC utilities - on your boot disk, this is helpful after any situation where a load - "rboot",8,1 command was used. AutoTime15-fixed.lnx - AutoTime/AutoClock 1.5 fixed for 80 cols. Set time on boot. CENTER 80.cvt - Fix 80 Col. in GEOS 128. V1.0 by Jim Collette. Fancy Start Doc.cvt FancyStart.cvt - Fancy Start V1.0 by Anthony Sommers. MouseUp 1.1.cvt - MouseUp v1.1 by Terry Mullett. Loads prefs for autoexecs. MouseUp 3.0.lnx - Load drivers before other auto-execs, v3.0 MouseUp 3.1.cvt - MouseUp v3.1 by Greg King. Loads prefs for autoexecs. MouseUp Doc.cvt NoRBOOT.cvt - Disable 128 RBOOT by Jim Collette PhotoStart.cvt - PhotoDisplay 1.0 by James Lewis Kolb. Photoscrap Viewer. Uses Photoscrap - as opening screen on bootup! RAWAUTO.cvt - RAW Player V0.9 by Gregory C. Dent. SYSTEM ERROR 2.1.cvt - System Error 2.1 by Jason Hoos. SmartWatch.cvt - Read SmartWatch at boot by Ken Wallace. SmartWatch.doc.cvt StartUpScrn.cvt - StartUpScn 2.0 by Ed Flinn. UnBoot.cvt - UnBoot V1.0 by William C. Coleman. Turns a boot disk into a regular one. UpDate.lnx - SetDate/UpDate set the date at boot by Irv Cobb auto clock.cvt - Set the GEOS clock on system boot autodate.cvt - Check your Calendar at boot, v1.1 by Rick Koch\ autoloader.cvt - Autoloader - load any program by boot, by Jim Collette autominder.cvt - Set alarm based on calendar datebook, by Kent LS autonotepad.cvt - Load notepad on boot, an auto-pref 1.3 remix from Arthur Dahm autopref.cvt - Bring up preferences at boot time, by Arthur Dahm autoset.cvt - Auto set the date/time at boot by William Coleman bootie.cvt - Run all autoexecs on all drives, by Kent LS fancystart 128.cvt - Fancy Start 128 v1.0 by Anthony Sommers geoPassword doc.cvt geoPassword.cvt - geoPassword V1.0 by Lee Semel. geopim.lnx - Boot Pref Mgr and Calender, by Bruce Thomas. geowizard.d64.gz - Task switcher auto-exec program for GEOS mygeodiary.lnx - Automatically load geoDiary newkeys.lnx - New Keys - Key replacer, designed for geoWrite, but works with others. - By J Major. newsystemerror 2.0.cvt - New System Error 2.0 for GEOS 1.3 by Jason Hoos pckeyboard.cvt - PC Keyboard, probably made with KeyMaker, by Irv Cobb qtauto.cvt - Auto-load QuikTop desktop replacement quick dater.cvt - Set date at startup, by a Genius quickstart.cvt - Loan another application at boot time instead of deskTop, By James Cook qwikstash.lnx - Automatically copy files to Ram Disk on boot ramboot.lnx - Better reboot for GEOS 64 with REU reminder.cvt - Use with Tim's Timer and Calendar to bring up the day's schedule - by - Arthur Dahm smartwatch-utils.lnx - SmartWatch date/time docs and utilities timesetter1.2.lnx - Set date/time at boot by Jason Hoos geos/c128/ 128 rboot3072.cvt - Alternative RBOOT for GEOS 128 by J Major 128DTV10.lnx - Dual Top v1.0 - alternative deskTop 128DTV26.lnx - Dual Top v2.6 - alternative deskTop 128DTV27.lnx - Dual Top v2.7 - alternative deskTop 128DUALV4.lnx - Demo of Dual Top v4 - alternative deskTop 128_dualtop.cvt - Dual Top Rev E 3.0, a deskTop replacement by Paul Murdaugh 128config211.lnx - CONFIGURE 2.1.1 with better REU support. 128dualtop 2.5.lnx - Dual window deskTop replacement 2.5 by Paul Murdaugh 128pointer.lnx - Auto-Exec apps to change GEOS 128 pointer BlackOut 128.cvt BlackOut 128.doc.cvt - BlackOut V1.1 by Jean F. Major. An auto-exec screen saver which blacks - the screen after 1 minute. Runs under GEOS128. The document is in - geoWrite V1.1 format. DUALMOD.lnx - Convert module for Dual Top DUALTOP26.DOCS.CVT - Docs for Dual Top 2.6 - GEOS 128 v2.0 boot disk MouseEdit-2.0.cvt MouseEdit-2.0.doc.cvt - MouseEdit V2.0 by James D. Robbins. Edit the appearance of the VDC mode - mouse pointer. RESCUE 128.cvt RESCUE 128.doc.cvt - Allows you to perform a RAM RBOOT of GEOS 128 regardless of the - arrangement of your drives when you left GEOS and the current numbering - of your drives. Also, if you crash GEOS, allows you to RBOOT GEOS by - going through 64 mode. The document, in geoWrite 2.1 format, might be - corrupt. RPN.readme RPN128.cvt - RPN 128 V1.0 by Robert A. Knop Jr. Calculator for GEOS 128. Reverse - Polish Notation? Reset128v1.1.cvt - Cold Start your C128 from GEOS TopDesk128v5r1.d64.gz - TopDesk deskTop replacement V5 R1, 12-2021 VDC-background.sfx - This archive contains geoProgrammer source files (geoWrite 2.1 format) - with routines that implement a 80 column GEOS128 BackGround screen that - uses the free VDC memory in a system with 64K of VDC RAM. Also included - is a short test/demo program (both source and binary). Ref: Usenet - Hacking Mag Issue #3, by Robert A. Knop Jr. bootmaker128.doc.cvt - Docs for BootMaker128 bootmaker128.lnx - Create 1581 GEOS 128 boot disk, by Jean Major c128 keyboard.cvt - Enhance keyboard by Michael Schell color128.lnx - Adds some color to GEOS 128 fix128kybd.lnx - Make the num keypad Enter key work like Return: by Irv Cobb gateWay128.d64.gz - gateWay 128 boot disk - bootable GEOS compatible OS. - Requires GEOS 128 v2.0 booted. gateWay26_128_r001.d81.gz - gateWay128 v2.6 system disk r0.01 by Paul Murdaugh geoList80.lnx - GeoList80 will list a GEOS disk directory to either a Printer, or create - a geoWrite V1.1 document file. gw128-4mb-r01.d64.gz - Patch files for gateWay 128 to support 4mb move80col.cvt - Move the 80 column screen around by Rob Phoenix mp33-de.d81.gz - MegaPatch 3 for GEOS 128 - OS patch (2018 version - German) mp33-en.d81.gz - MegaPatch 3 for GEOS 128 - OS patch (2018 version - English) mp3_c128.d64.gz - megaPatch 3 for GEOS 128 - deskTop replacement and OS patch (1998 rev) mp3v3e128.d81.gz - MegaPatch 3 for GEOS 128- deskTop and OS patch (1999 rev) pointer128.lzh pointer128.readme - Mouse pointer replacement for GEOS 128; source code included. rescue128.lnx - Rescue 128 docs and versions. Reboot GEOS 128 from BASIC. topdesk128.d64.gz - topDesk deskTop replacement for GEOS 128 topdesk128de4.d64.gz - German deskTop Replacement geos/c64/ 64DUALTOP2.0.lnx - Dual Top v2.0 - alternative deskTop 64DUALTOP25.lnx - Dual Top v2.5 - alternative deskTop 64config211.lnx - CONFIGURE 2.1.1 with better REU support BSW2Swedish.cvt BSW2Swedish.readme - FontChanger V1.0 by Irv Cobb. Modifies the default GEOS font (BSW) to - include swedish characters Ã…, Ä and Ö as well as É and Ãœ. Uploaded - by Jonas Hultén ( DUAL TOP.CVT - Alternative deskTop for GEOS 64 and gateWay 64 DUALMOD.lnx - Convert module for Dual Top DUALTOP.lnx - DualTop 1.0 alternative deskTop for gateWay 64 by Paul Murdaugh DUALTOP4.lnx - Demo of Dual Top Rev E 3.0, a deskTop replacement by J.D. Robbins DUALTOPDOC.CVT - Docs for Dual Top GEOS2000-20020329.tar.gz - GEOS 2.0 source code, assembled by Maciej Witkowiak GEOS25de.d64.gz - GEOS 2.5 (topDesk) boot disk GEOS64v1.0.d64.gz - GEOS 1.0 boot disk. RPN.readme RPN64.cvt - RPN 64 V1.0 by Robert A. Knop Jr. Calculator for GEOS 64. Reverse Polish - Notation? SwedishKeys64.cvt SwedishKeys64.readme - Kbd Install V1.0 by Jonas Hultén. Modifies the GEOS 64 2.0 keyboard - table to handle a swedish keyboard. Uploaded by the author, Jonas Hultén - ( WorkDesk5.1.cvt - AutoExec mini deskTop by Payton Snider WormDesk4.cvt - Alternate deskTop for GEOS 64 v2 WormDesk4Docs.cvt - Docs for WormDesk 4 desktop21.cvt - deskTop 2.1, with 4 drive support, new icons dualTopV3.1R1.13+.d64.gz - Dual Top 3.1 R1.3+ by Paul Murdaugh, released 2022 dual_top_3.cvt - Dual Top Rev E 3.0, a deskTop replacement by Paul Murdaugh gateWay26_64_r001.d81.gz - gateWay64 v2.6 system disk r0.01 by Paul Murdaugh gateWay64-v25-docs.d64.gz - Documentation for gateWay64 v2.5 gateWay64.d64.gz - gateWay 64 v2.5 system disk - requires GEOS 2.0 boot gdesk64-v10en.d64.gz - geoDesk 64 v1.0e desktop replacement - geoShell command line interface for GEOS - Command extensions for geoShell geos-nederlands.d64.gz - GEOS 2.0 localized for the netherlands. - GEOS 64 v2.0 boot disk and utility disks, with manual geosnap.lnx - geoSnap - makes bootable disk image. Source included. geosyscopy.lnx - GEOS 1.3 system copy package gw64-4mb-r01.d64.gz - Patch files for gateWay 64 to support 4mb mp33-de.d81.gz - MegaPatch 3 for GEOS 64 - OS patch (2018 version - German) mp33-en.d81.gz - MegaPatch 3 for GEOS 64 - OS patch (2018 version - English) mp3_c64.d64.gz - megaPatch 3 for GEOS 64 - deskTop replacement and OS patch (1998 rev) mp3v3e64.d81.gz - MegaPatch 3 for GEOS 64 - deskTop replacement and OS patch (1999 rev) multigeos.lnx - Demo of a new type of plug-in deskTop quick-change1.6.lnx - Simple dialog-box type deskTop quick-change1.cvt - Simple dialog-box type deskTop qwik top 3.0.cvt - Qwik Top v3.0 by John Howard qwik top3.1.cvt - QwikTop 3.1 - desktop replacement qwiktop2.4.cvt - QwikTop 2.4 - desktop replacement qwiktop20.lnx - QwikTop 2.0 - desktop replacement qwiktop22.lnx - QwikTop 2.2 - deskTop replacement rboot.cvt - RBOOT by BSW for GEOS 1.3 rescue 64.lnx - Rescue 64 - Reboot GEOS 128 from BASIC. topDesk64-1305.d64.gz - GEOS64 TopDesk desktop replacement, v5.0- German and English topdesk.d64.gz - topDesk deskTop replacement for GEOS 64 3.2 - German language wormdesk 5.0.cvt - WormDesk v5.0 by Payton Snider geos/comm/ W128V10.ZIP - The Wave 128 browser and terminal Program. W64V10.ZIP - The Wave 64 browser and terminal Program. geoDex.dial-patch.cvt - DexDialFix V1.0 by Steve Main. Patches geoDex v2.0 or v2.1 to autodial - any Hayes compatible modem. geoTerm.defaultModem-patch.prg - This Commodore BASIC program patches the geoTerm disk and sets the - default modem. geoTerm.font-patch.lnx - This program patches geoTerm to use a different font. geoTerm.keys.cvt - geoPaint V2.0 document. Simple chart of keyboard commands for GeoTerm 2.0 geocbmterm1.lnx - Full color PETSCII 40 col term for Wifi modems geotelnet13.lnx - ANSI Telnet app for C64Net (and other) wifi modems geoterm.cvt - GeoTerm 1.0 by Will Coleman. Simple terminal. geoterm128.lnx - geoTerm128 v2.1 Modem/Terminal program for GEOS 128 geoterm64.lnx - geoTerm64 v2.0 - Modem terminal program by William Coleman geoterm64v21de.lnx - geoTerm 64 v2.1, German language version wavedemo.sfx - Wave demo with docs by Maurice Randall geos/deskacc/ 34FILLS.CVT - Use the "extra" fill patterns AnalogClock.cvt - Analog clock with sounds by Charles Bozarth AnalogClock.doc.cvt - Docs for Analog Clock - AutoRAW has been tested and successfully runs under GEOS 64 versions 1.3 - and 2.0, and GEOS 128 versions 1.4 and 2.0 in both 40 and 80 column - modes. CalcMove.cvt CalcMove.doc.cvt - CalcMover V1 by Steven E. Eyrse. This will move the Calculator to where - YOU want it. Airs' :) DeskPackPlus.d64.gz - BSW Deskpack Plus package, with Gfx grabber, Calendar, Blackjack, Icon - Editor, geoDex, geoMerge, and new photo managers. FPE.sfx - FPE is a full featured fill pattern editor, created specifically for use - with GeoPaint, although it will work with other applications as well. FontSwap128.cvt - FontSwap V1.5 by Payton W. Snider II. FontSwap128.doc.cvt - Docs for Font Swap 128 GEOSMON.cvt - Monitor V1.3 by Mystical Stuff. This file may be corrupted. HAL 2001.RAW.cvt - RAW V1.0 file. This file may be corrupted. HEX_PRINT.cvt - Steve DA V1.0 by Steven E. Eyrse. HEX_PrintHP.cvt - Steve DA V1.0 by Steven E. Eyrse. IconGrabber 1.3.cvt - Icon Grabber - fast icon transfers by John Young IconGrabber 1.5.lnx - Icon GrabberV1.5 by John Paul Young. InfoView-1.0.cvt - InfoViewDA V1.0 by Douglas Adams. Lets you to view a program's info box - and the icon from another program. The document is in geoWrite V2.1 - format. InfoView-2.0.cvt - InfoViewDA V2.0 by Douglas Adams. The document is in geoWrite V2.1 - format. Input Choices 2.cvt - Select InputV2.0 by Rick Coleman. Locate128.lnx - GEOS 128 accessory for locating files on a disk MOUSER.cvt - MOUSER V1.0 by Douglas Adams. Mailbars-1.0.lnx - This program helps you interpret the bar codes used on envelopes in the - North American postal system. Programmed by Steven E. Eyrse. The - document is in geoWrite V2.1 format. NX10 ALL STYLES.cvt - Text Print V1.0 by Terry Van Camp. NewTools doc.cvt - geoWrite V1.1 document. NewTools.cvt - NewTools V1.0 by David B. Ferguson. NewTools is a Desk Accessory meant - for use in GeoPaint. Printer Choices2.cvt - Select PrintV2.0 by Rick Coleman. ReFill.80.cvt - HelperDA V6.0 by JimmyD. ReFill.cvt - HelperDA V6.0 by JimmyD. SWAP-PALBUMS.CVT - Swap photo albums on disk, by James Lewis Kolb SWAP-TALBUMS.CVT - Swap text albums on disk, by James Lewis Kolb Screen Dump 1.0.cvt - Screen Dump 1.0 - Dump screen to printer, by Arthur Dahm Select Printer doc.cvt Select Printer.cvt - ChangePrint V1.0 by Jim Collette. The document is in geoWrite V2.1 - format. Serial Number.cvt - Protectus document. This file may be corrupted. Show-Font-1.2.cvt - Show Font V1.2 by Jörgen Eckel. Show-Font-1.3.cvt - Show Font V1.3 by Jörgen Eckel. SpellHelp.cvt - HelperDA V2.0 by JimmyD. TextPrint-2.5.sfx - Text Print is a program to print geoWrite files (Write Image V2.0 or - V2.1) using your printer's resident fonts and features. WRITEHELP.cvt - HelperDA V1.0 by JimmyD. Wristwatch-4.0.cvt - Wristwatch V4.0 by Master Blaster. This file may be corrupted. analog-clock.cvt - Very tiny analog clock by Douglas S Curtis calendar 1.0.cvt - Calendar 1.0: datebook by Jung & Wedgwood change input.cvt - Change Input V1.0 by Arthur J. Dahm III. change printer.cvt - Change printer driver DA by Arthur Dahm convert2.5(da).cvt - Convert GEOS files to SEQ 2.5 desk accessory culture.lnx - Game of Life type desk accessory da-runner.lnx - Run any desk accessory from 3 drives by Jim Collette disp.clk.1.2-1.3.cvt - Installs a constant-display clock for GEOS 1.2 and 1.3 display clock.cvt - Display clock on GEOS 1.2 and 1.3, by Steve Leavitt dump double.cvt - Dump double-sized screen to printer by Doug Fults dump.cvt - Dump screen to printer by Doug Fults fontswap.cvt - Select fonts from inside geoWrite or another app fontswap.doc.cvt - Docs for Font Swap geoSliders.DOC.cvt - geoWrite V1.1 document. geoSliders.PRN.cvt - geoWrite V1.1 document. geoSliders.cvt - geoSliders V1.0 by Lester Gock. geoalbum10.lnx - Saves screen to photo album. Version 1.0-1.1 by Jean Major geoalbum30.lnx - geoAlbum - Copies screen into a photo album, by J Major. Includes Album - Timer and mouse drivers for it. Version 3.0 geofetch.cvt - Grab a photo scrqap from the screen, by Scott Resh geoformat.cvt - Fast formatting da by Arhur Dahm v1.0 geohexcalc.cvt - Programmer calculator that supports HEX. by Bill Sharp geohexcalc.lnx - geoHexCalc v1.0 - Hex calculator by Bill Sharp geohexcalc1.lnx - geoHexCalc V1.0 by Bill Sharp. This file may be corrupted. The doc is in - geoWrite V1.1 format. geos info.cvt - A sort of instant screen saver DA, by Jeff Fox getDirectory.cvt - getDirectoryV1.2 by Nick Vrtis. This file may be corrupted. getDirectory.doc.cvt - Docs for getDirectory getdirectory1.2.cvt - Get Directory to text scrap, by Nick Vrtis. grabit2.lnx - Grab graphics from screen 1.0 by Richard A Rardin infobox.lnx - Displays serial number, drive, printer info by Michael Myers marker.cvt - A measuring tool, esp useful for geoPaint, by David Ferguson minidesk.cvt - Mini-DeskTop desk accessory by Jim Collette mousemate.cvt - Select input driver by Chuck Kinney newtools2.lnx - A new set of tools to be used in geoPaint, by David Ferguson pattern editor v1.cvt - Pattern Editor 1.0, edit the 32 geos patterns, by Arthur Dahm pattern editor v2.cvt - Pattern Editor 2.0, edit the 32 geos patterns, by Arthur Dahm pattselectda.cvt - PatternSelect DAV - Loads fill patterns by David Ferguson print screen.cvt - PrintScreen V1.1 by Michael T. Graham. ruler1.4.cvt - Ruler desk accessory 1.4 by Michael Graham ruler1.5.cvt - Ruler v1.5 by Michael Graham ruler1.6.cvt - ruler V1.6 by Michael T. Graham. s-mem dump 1.cvt - Spelunker memory browser by Tony Reynolds. Might only be stable under - GEOS 1.3, as it crashes in 2.0+ scrap2vidpg.cvt - geoVidPage Scrap-er screen printer 2.0.cvt - Screen Printer 2.0 desk accessory by Greg King screen printer 2.1.cvt - Screen Printer 2.1 desk accessory by Greg King screendumper.2.cvt - Dump screen from anywhere, by Jeff Huntington screenphoto.cvt - Capture screen as photo scrap, by David Hall selector.cvt - Selector V1.0 by John L. Brown. geos/drivers/ GW1571.d64.gz - Update to 1571 disk driver by Paul Murdaugh - Special drivers and fonts for getting higher resolution print-outs out of - dot matrix printers. From Creative Micro Designs. geodrivers.d64.gz - Various GEOS drivers geos/drivers/input/ 128 1351 v1.cvt - comm 1351v1 V2.0 by Stefan Milcke. 128 JOYSTICK P2.cvt - Input Drvr V2.0 by Berkeley Softworks. 128 Koala Pad 1.cvt - Willmott document. 128 mouse jh 1.cvt - C128 1351 driver where right-button slows pointer 128JOY PORT2.cvt - Input Drvr V2.0 by Berkeley Softworks. 1351-rdc.d64.gz - 1351 drivers for 64 & 128: right button double-click 1351.leftright.cvt - Use both buttons as click, by Arthur Dahm 64 l2r2l 1351.cvt - 1351 mouse driver, right-click moves pointer to edge Atari CX80 Trackball.sda COMM 1351 p2.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by David Durran. COMM 1351(a) p2.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by Chris Hawley. COMM MOUSE2.cvt - Input Drv. V1.0 by D. CATTELL. COMM1351V1.cvt - Input Drvr V2.1 by Stefan Milcke COMM1351V2.cvt - Input Drvr V2.2 by Stefan Milcke COMPUTEREYES.cvt - Eyes Driver V1.0 by David Durran. INKWELL.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by David Durran. JOYSTICK PORT 2.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by Berkeley Softworks. JOYSTICK p2.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by BSW/Spike Dethman. KOALA PAD 1.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by W. Bruce Moore. KOALA PAD 2.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by W. Bruce Moore. KOALA PAD II.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by Arthur J. Dahm III. KOALA PAD III-2.cvt - A slightly different version of KOALA PAD III (different icon?) KOALA PAD III.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by Arthur J. Dahm III. KOALA PAD.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by David Durran. KOALA PAD2.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by Mystic Jim. KOALA SIDE p2.cvt - Input Drvr V1.2 by Spike Dethman. KOALA SIDE.cvt - Input Drvr V1.2 by Spike Dethman. KPAD II2.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by Arthur J. Dahm III. KoalaVert docs.cvt - geoWrite V1.1 document. KoalaVert.cvt - KoalaVert V1.0 by Spike Dethman. LIGHT PEN.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by Papa Doc. NEW KOALA docs.cvt - geoWrite V1.1 document. New KOALA PAD p2.cvt - Input Drvr V1.2 by Spike Dethman. New KOALA PAD.cvt - Input Drvr V1.2 by Spike Dethman. PENJOY.cvt - Input Drvr V1.4 by Mystic Jim. SLOW STICK.cvt - SLOWSTICK V1.0 by Master Blaster. This file is corrupted. anypen.cvt - Input Drvr V1.1 by David Durran. auto pref-input 1.0.cvt - This could be a utility auto pref-input 1.1.cvt - 1.1 of this utility driver for early GEOS 64 by David Feltenberger disk.cvt - Right button does open-disk, by Arthur Dahm comm 1351(A).cvt - Accellerated 1351 mouse driver comm 1351.cvt - 1351 mouse driver double click 128.cvt - 1351 Right button double clicks - by Andrew Mileski double click 64 v2.0.cvt - 1351 Right button double clicks v2.0 - by Andrew Mileski double clicker 64 v1.1.cvt - 1351 c64 right mouse button double clicks v1.1 joystick 1.1.cvt - Joystick driver koala pad.cvt - Koala Pad driver lightpen.cvt - Driver for light pens with buttons lpen-80.cvt - 80 col inkwell light pen driver mouse 1351.cvt - Another 1351 mouse driver from David Durran mouse2.cvt - 1351 mouse driver by David Durran port2drivers.doc.cvt - geoWrite V1.1 document. ssport1.cvt - SuperSketch port 1 driver ssport2.cvt - SuperSketch port 2 driver supersketch.cvt - SuperSketch 1.3 driver by Alex Boyce twobuttons.lnx - 1351 right-double-click driver by Duran and Armes geos/drivers/printers/ * Here you will find some printer drivers for GEOS. 10-X bitshift.cvt - Gemini 10/x driver that adds extra bit 10-X dualshift.cvt - Gemini 10/x driver dual pass with 1 bit shift 1180 2x PLOTTER.cvt - LASERMATRIX V2.0 by Bill Prendergast. 1180 4xDENSITY.cvt - LASERMATRIX V2.0 by Bill Prendergast. 1525-80dpi.cvt - 1525driver V1.0 by Maurice Randall. 1526-g.cvt - Commodore MPS-802 / 1526 with Graphik-ROM 1526-n.cvt - Commodore MPS-802 / 1526 with Graphik-ROM 1526.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. 24 pin drivers.cvt - Docs for some 24 pint drivers 24pin.lnx - 24 pin printer drivers. 80pageAdv-drvr.cvt - Driver for printers that need paper advance BubbleJet.LQ1.cvt - ShellDriverEV2.0 by Lloyd Hayes. Comm 1 line.cvt - Comm 1 line V2.2 by Rick Coleman. Comm80.120.cvt - ShellDriverDV2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. DESKJET+.cvt - HP DESKJET by ED PHILLIPS. DskJet_LQ.cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by Steven E. Eyrse. DskJtNLQ.cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by Steven E. Eyrse. EP24PCLR(GC).CVT.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. EPSON FX-80 (GC).cvt EPSON LQ (GC).cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by David Durran. EPSON LQ(GC).CVT.cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by David Durran. EPSON LQ-1500.cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by David Durran. EPSON-Highquality.lnx - High quality EPSON printer drivers EPSON8PINCLRGC.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. EX-800 NLQ.cvt - This file may be corrupted. EX-800 V3.4.cvt - Printdriver V3.3 by Kevin McConnell. Epson MX-80.cvt Epson24pin.cvt - ShellDriverEV2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson24pin90GC.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson24pin90dpi.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson24pinColor.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson24pinDraft.cvt - ShellDriverEV2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson24pinGrey.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson8pin3pass.cvt - ShellDriverBV2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson8pin80dpi.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson8pinColor.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson8pinDarker.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Epson9pin.cvt - ShellDriverDV2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. FX-80 DS (GC).cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by David Durran. FX-80 QS (GC).cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by David Durran. FX-850 SIX.cvt - Printdriver V3.3 by Kevin McConnell. HP-textprint.lnx - HP text print drivers. HP_NLQ_V4.cvt - Steve_Ptr___V2.0 by Steven E. Eyrse. IBM 5152+.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. IBM9pin80dpi.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. ImageWriter II.cvt - ClrPrntDrvr V2.0 by David Durran. ImageWriter.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. KX-P1091.lnx - Panasonic and LM KX-P1091 drivers. LaserJet (GC).cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by David Durran. LaserJet PAR-2.cvt - A slightly different version of the HP LaserJet parallel driver. LaserJet PAR.cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by David Durran. LaserJet SER.cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by David Durran. LaserMatrix-2.0.lnx - LaserMatrix, a printer driver toolkit (define your own driver). MPS 5152+138 SD.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by Mod by L. Hayes. MPS-5152+ DS.cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by Mod by L. Hayes. MPS-5152+ QS.cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by Mod by L. Hayes. MPS-801.1525.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. MPS1000 codes.cvt - geoWrite V2.1 document. NLQSTAR.cvt - Printdriver V2.1 by Steven E. Eyrse. NX-1000C.lnx - Star NX-1000C printer drivers. NX-1000_6 3.4.cvt - Printdriver V3.4 by Kevin McConnell. NX1000cbm.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by James Lewis Kolb. OKI 120 NLQ.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. Oki 10 NLQ.cvt - OKIMATE 10 V2.2 by Rick Coleman. Okimate 10.cvt - ClrPrntDrvr V2.0 by David Durran. Okimate 20.cvt - ClrPrntDrvr V2.0 by David Durran. Okimate20Grey.cvt - ShellDriverAV2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Okimate20HighRes.cvt - ShellDriverAV2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Okimate20LowRes.cvt - ShellDriver V2.0 by George H. Wells, Jr. Olivetti PR2300.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. P1124i.EPS LM.cvt - LASERMATRIX V2.0 by Bill Prendergast. P1124i.IBM LM.cvt - LASERMATRIX V2.0 by Bill Prendergast. SEAR2000.cvt - PRINTDRIVER V2.0 by DOUG BLAKELEY. SG-10C MD.cvt - SG-10C MD V1.0 by Stephen V Allen. SL-10C 120 DPI.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by James Bassemier. SL-10C Q80 DPI.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by James Bassemier. Scribe.Omni.cvt - PrintDriver V2.1 by Rick Coleman. Seikosha SP-1000.lnx - Seikosha SP-1000 printer drivers. Also known as Okimate 10. Shell Printer Drivers.src.lnx - Source code for Epson and Okimate shell printer drivers. Star LM-1000.cvt - LaserMatrix V1.0 by Bill Prendergast. Star NB-15.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. Star NL-10(com).cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. Star NX-10.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. Star NX-1000 n.r.cvt - PrintDriver V2.1 by Rick Coleman. Star NX-1000x6.cvt - Printdriver V3.3 by Kevin McConnell. Star NX-10C.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. Star SG-10 LM.lnx - LaserMate drivers for Star SG-10. Star SG-10 QD.DS.cvt - Printdriver V1.0 by James R. Deal. Star SG-10 QD.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. Star SG-10C LM.cvt - LASERMATRIX V2.0 by Bill Prendergast. Userport-driver.asm - Source code for driving printers connected with Centronics cable on the - user port. ascii-only.cvt - Text-only printer driver bitshift 10-x.cvt - Gem 10/X printer driver bj-200E 3 pass.cvt - Cannon BubbleJet 200E driver (3 pass) bj-200E.cvt - Cannon BubbleJet 200E driver bluechip (gc).cvt - BlueChip M120 geoCable driver bluechip daisy.cvt - ASCII only driver for BlueChip D12/10 Daisywheel bluechip m120.cvt - BlueChip M120 and compatibles bluechip-daisy.cvt - ASCII-only driver for BlueChip D12/10 Daisywheel c.itoh 8510 (gc).cvt - C.Itoh 8510 and compatibles (geoCable) c.itoh 8510 d.s..cvt - C.Itoh 8510 and compatibles (double strike) c.itoh 8510 q.s..cvt - C.Itoh 8510 and compatibles (quad strike) c.itoh 8510.cvt - C.Itoh 8510 and compatibles c.itoh 8510a.cvt - C.Itoh 8510 and compatibles with formfeed issue c.itoh red..cvt - C.Itoh 8510 and compatibles (50% linear reduction) comm compat 1.2.cvt - Generic Commodore Compatible printer driver comm compat 2.0.cvt - Generic Commodore Compatible printer driver comm. compat..cvt - Generic Commodore Compatible printer driver cr-220 8060 PRI.cvt daisy12-10.cvt - Blue Chip D12/10 printer driver dblstrike10-x.cvt - Gemini 10-X double strike driver ep8pin3pass.cvt - Epison/IBM printer driver, 3 pass smoothing eps.label.driver.cvt - EPSON driver for printer 1" labels epson 1 line.cvt - Epson driver, sets form length to 1 or 2 lines epson dbl.prt.cvt - NLQ printer driver for Epson FX-80 by Terry Mills epson ex-800.cvt - Epson EX-800 v3.2 driver epson fx-120.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson fx-120.dbl.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson fx-240.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson fx-240.dbl.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson fx-60.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson fx-60.dbl.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson fx-72.cvt epson fx-72.dbl.cvt epson fx-80 (gc).cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. epson fx-80 ds.cvt - Epson FX-80 9 pin double-strike driver epson fx-80 qs.cvt - Epson FX-80 9 pin quad-strike driver epson fx-80.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson fx-80.dbl.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson fx-85.cvt - Epson FX-85 printer driver epson fx-86e.cvt epson fx-90.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson fx-90.dbl.cvt - Epson FX printer driver by David Durran epson gc (no.ff).cvt epson gc 90.cvt epson jx-80 (gc)-2.cvt - EPSON HX-80 geoCable driver - Alternate epson jx-80 (gc).cvt - EPSON JX-80 geoCable driver epson jx-80.cvt - EPSON JX-80 driver epson labels.cvt epson lx-80.cvt - EPSON LX-80 driver epson mx-80 (gc).cvt - EPSON MX-80 geoCable driver epson mx-80.cvt - Printdriver V2.0 by David Durran. epson red..cvt - 66% reduction for EPSON printers epson red.cvt epsonfx-80.dsx.cvt epsonfx-80.x.cvt epsonfx-90.dsx.cvt epsonfx-90.x.cvt epsonlaser 2.1.cvt - Epson lasermatrix2 driver v2.1 epsonlaser 3.0.cvt - Epson lasermatrix2 driver 3.0 epsonlaser2.cvt - EPSON LaserMatrix 2 driver epsonlq1500[pp].cvt - Epson LQ 1500 cable printer driver ex-800 v3.3.cvt - Epson EX-800 v3.3 printer driver ex-800 v3.4 (gc).cvt - EX-800 geoCable driver ex-800 v3.5 (gc).cvt ex-800 v3.5.cvt fx-80c.cvt - FX-80 driver, single pass, vertically compresses fx80 4-1.cvt - Epson FX-80 quad density driver fx80 double.cvt - Epson FX-80 double density driver 1/3 dot line feed fx80 paintpages.cvt - Epson FX-80 PaintPages driver gemini 10x (gc).cvt - Gemini 10X, Delta, and Radix printers (geoCable) gemini 10x.cvt - Gemini 10X, Delta, and Radix printers gemini ds.cvt - Star Gemini printer driver gemini ii 80 d.cvt - Gemini II 80 printer driver gemini ii 80 n.cvt - Gemini II 80 printer driver gemini ii.cvt - Star Gemini II gemini qs.cvt - Star Gemini quad-strike driver geoCable2.txt - Tells you how to build a cable that works with Centronics printers in - GEOS. hp laserjet.cvt - HP LaserJet printer driver hp5xx6xx.d64.gz - Printer Drivers for HP 5xx and 6xx printers by Grimm ibm 5152 (gc).cvt - IBM 5152+ driver (geoCable) ibm 5152 ds.cvt - IBM 5152+ driver (double strike) ibm 5152 qs.cvt - IBM 5152+ driver (quad strike) imagewriterds.cvt - ImageWriter series driver (double strike) imagewriterqs.cvt - ImageWriter series driver (quad strike) imwrtr ii ds.cvt - ImageWriter II series driver (double strike) imwrtr ii qs.cvt - ImageWriter II series driver (quad strike) interceptor 1.3.cvt - Print to a geoPaint document interceptor-sleuth.cvt - Printer driver for geoSleuth that sends text to geoWrite file. interceptor.cvt interlace epson.cvt interlace epsonD.cvt kx-p1124 lm.cvt laserjet par.cvt - HP LaserJet lasermatrix sg10.cvt laserwriter 2.1.cvt lq 24-60N.cvt - Panasonix KX-P1124 in Epson LQ-2500 24-PIN mode, 60 card line lq 24-80N.cvt - Panasonix KX-P1124 in Epson LQ-2500 24-PIN mode, 80 card line lq 8-60N.cvt - Panasonix KX-P1124 in Epson LQ-2500 8-PIN mode, 60 card line lq 8-80N.cvt - Panasonix KX-P1124 in Epson LQ-2500 8-PIN mode, 80 card line lq-2500 lm.cvt mps 1200 qs.cvt - MPS1200 quad strike driver mps-1000-alt.cvt - MPS-1000 printer driver (alt) mps-1000.cvt - Commodore MPS-1000 driver mps-1200 ds.cvt - MPS-1200 double strike driver mps-801.cvt - Commodore MPS-801 driver mps-802.cvt - For MPS-802 with Graphic-ROM mps-803 12.cvt - MPS-801 printer driver for 12" paper mps-803-alt.cvt - MPS-803 alternate driver mps-803.cvt - MPS-803 printer driver mps1200.lnx - Commodore MPS-1200 Assorted printer drivers mps1230.lnx - Commodore MPS-1230 Assorted printer drivers mps1250.lnx - Commodore MPS-1250 Assorted printer drivers nx-10 72 mac.cvt - Star NX-10 72dpi "plotter graphics" driver nx-1000 rainbow.cvt - Star Color NX-1000 printer driver nx1000-b.ins.cvt nx1000b.cvt oKI120NW.cvt - Okimate - removes whitespace between lines oki 120 nlq.cvt - Oki 120 NLQ driver oki 120.cvt - Oki 120 driver oki 20 hIres.cvt - Okimate 20 driver 60 dpi oki ml-92-93 (gc.cvt - Oki Microline 92 driver (geoCable) oki ml-92-93.cvt - Oki Microline 92 driver okimate 10-alt.cvt - Okimate 10 alternate driver okimate 10.cvt - OkiMate 10 printer driver okimate 20 bw.cvt - 8 colors, 80 dpi okimate 20c.cvt - Okimate 20 color 80 x 7s dpi driver oliv.pr2300.cvt - Olivetti Ink Jet Printer driver paint pages.cvt - Creates a geoPaint file compatible with EPSON DBLPRT, by Doug Fults pan dbl quad.cvt - Panasonic 1091 double density driver pan dbl.cvt - Panasonic 1091 printer driver (double density) pan draft.cvt - Panasonic 1091 printer driver pan quad.cvt - Panasonic 1091 driver quad dbl.prtV2.cvt - Quad denisity driver for Epson FX-80, by Terry Mills quad sgl.prtV2.cvt - Panasonic KX-P1080-1091 driver ras4c64net.lnx - IPP/CUPS net driver for C64Net WiFi Modems riteman c.cvt - C.Itoh Rideman C+ printer driver (plus mode, SW3) scribe.cvt - Apple II Scribe driver sg 00.cvt - Star SG-10 printer driver sg 01.cvt - Star SG-10 printer driver sg 10.cvt - Star SG-10 printer driver sg 11.cvt - Star SG-10 printer driver sg-10 crt ii.cvt - Star SG-10 CRT II 90 DPI driver star 2.prnt.cvt - SG-10 printer drive by Scott Hudson star nb-15 (gc).cvt - Star NB-15 (geoCable) star nx-10 (gc).cvt - Star NX-10 driver (geoCable) star nx-10 ds.cvt - Star NX-10 driver (double strike) star nx-10 qs.cvt - Star NX-10 driver (quad strike) star nx-nl-10 90dpi.cvt - Star NX-10, NL-10 w/ par interface star sg-10 (gc).cvt - Star SG-10 driver (geoCable) star sg-10-15.cvt - Star SG-10 driver starnx1000c.cvt - Star NX-1000C driver tandy dmp106.cvt - Tandy DMP printers toshiba p321.cvt - Toshiba P321 printer driver x24 24-60N.cvt - Panasonix KX-P1124 in IBM X24 24-PIN mode, 60 card line x24 24-80N.cvt - Panasonix KX-P1124 in IBM X24 24-PIN mode, 80 card line x24 8-60N.cvt - Panasonix KX-P1124 in IBM X24 8-PIN mode, 60 card line x24 8-80N.cvt - Panasonix KX-P1124 in IBM X24 8-PIN mode, 80 card line zero fix.prg - No idea what this BASIC program does, but it's related to printer - drivers geos/fonts/ NLQ 10Q.cvt - GeoFont 1.4. To be used with a QUAD or double density driver. Has - 9,10,11pt. sizes. dingBatSamt.cvt - geoWrite doc for the dingbat font - Font pack 1 from Berkeley Softworks - Four disks of various fonts music-key.cvt - geoWrite doc for music key fonts - New Fonts disks A and B geos/fonts/60dpi/ Calif60.cvt.gz - 60 DPI font V1.1. Roma60.cvt.gz - 60 DPI font V1.1. SixtyCanoes.cvt.gz - 60 DPI font V1.1. Universixty.cvt.gz - 60 DPI font V1.1. geos/fonts/60dpimega/ Mega Cal60.cvt.gz - mega font V1.5. Modified by Irv Cobb Mega Roma60.cvt.gz - mega font V1.5. Modified by Irv Cobb Mega Tippe60.cvt.gz - mega font V1.5. Modified by Irv Cobb geos/fonts/barcode/ 3of9.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. GENUINE 3 of 9 (aka 39) barcode font - can be USED! - D.K.Merriman 900217 3of9.txt.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. UPC 2 DOC.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. Docs for UPC 2, print with the font file on the - same disk! UPC 2.cvt.gz - UPC 2 V2.0. Universal Product Code - 38 point Taller size. UPC.cvt - David Anthony Reyes, ID499 geos/fonts/english/ 10 cpi.cvt - Best font for NLQ printing 10cpi forbold.cvt - Best font for NLQ printing (for bold) 12 cpi.cvt.gz - GeoFont V1.4. This font, by R. S. Whitaker, is to be used with Custom - Print for Pica (12cpi) spacing 3dshadow.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 3d, but just the shadow. Point sizes: 10, 12, 18, 24 5x5 Char..cvt.gz - CadFont 0401 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM 5x7 normal.cvt.gz - CadFont 0402 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM 5x7 w descn.cvt.gz - CadFont 0420 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM 96SKINNY.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. Line1: Uppercase, Plain Text. Line2: Lowercase, - Superscript. Created with font editor 2.5 ABC GRAPHICS.cvt.gz - GeoFont V1.4. ABERDEEN.MAC.cvt ABYSS FONT.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link ADDON.cvt ADELINE.cvt.gz - Micro-G.....V1.0. (C)1992 BY MICRO-G PRODOXINS DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC - INC POB 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA AGATHA FRAMES.cvt AGATHA ITALIC.cvt AGATHA.cvt ALIEN.cvt AMOR.cvt ANALECT.cvt ANDROMEDA.cvt ANGLE.cvt.gz - COPY OF PRINT SHOP ANGLE FONT ALL CAPS, #'s & Punctuation 16pt & 28pt - Font Editor 2.4 & Grabber ANGULAR.cvt ANSI.cvt.gz - CadFont 0419 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM ANTEXT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 14 point. Hi-Res font. Author: T. Dively ARIZONA.cvt ARKAID.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link ARROW24 PD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. TT grafix fonts disks $6.95 ea - 326 Clothier Spring Rd. RD #1 - Malvern, PA 19355-9657 ASTRA.cvt ASTRA.cvt.gz - FONT 98. Font from Letraset. Entered by Grey Mouser. Lower case by - B.R.Gilson. ATHENS.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. ATLANTIC.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. AZTEC.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. Abderos.cvt Achaios.cvt Alpheios.cvt America.cvt Anacostia.cvt.gz - Anacostia V1.0. One of the "River Fonts" by Bruce R. Gilson Anniversary.cvt Aquarius.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point modified University font by Daffy Dave (David F. - Podjasek) Autolyte.cvt BACKSTRIPE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 22,24 pt.- 2 Styles of letters on a continous background. - T. Dively BALLOON+.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. BALLOON.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. large puffy letters! lower case only. BANNER.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. BELINDA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c) 1992 BY PRODOXIN DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 - SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA BIG BOY.cvt BIGTOP.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 28 Point. Thick letters with shadow. Capitals and numbers. - T. Dively BIJOU.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. BILLBOARD.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. BILLETS.cvt.gz - Billets V1.0. A novelty font. Numbers and Capitals only. By Bruce R. - Gilson. BINARY2.cvt.gz BISQUE+.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. For info. on Font Disks send S.A.S.E. to: - Peak Graphics 5355 - Hwy. 73 Evergreen,Co. 80439 BISQUE.cvt.gz - BISQUE 1 V1.1. BLACKLTRS.MAC.cvt BLACKLTRS.MAC.cvt.gz - PhoenixPhontV1.0. Created from MacPaint font with Red Storm's Font - Monster! 30pt, large caps, small caps and num BLOCK.cvt.gz BLOCKHEAD.cvt BLOCKS.FNT.cvt.gz - GeoFont V2.0. 36 point, numbers & caps. Designed by LadyCarmen (Qlink) - based on Mac font BLOCKUP.cvt.gz - Font File V1.0. Arranged by Q-Link's Chaos0 (I did not Invent this - Font) :) BOARDWALK.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 BONES.cvt BOOKPLATE.cvt.gz - GeoFont V1.4. Used for monogram or "iluminated" text. (43 pt.) BOSIE.MAC.cvt BOX ICONS.cvt BOXED.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. BP1.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. First half of Bookplate font (A-M) cut for geoPaint use. BP2.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. Second half of Bookplate font (N-Z) cut for geoPaint use. BRAGGO+.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. For info. on Font Disks send S.A.S.E. to: - Peak Graphics 5355 - Hwy. 73 Evergreen,Co. 80439 BRAGGO.cvt.gz - BRAGGAO V1.5. BRIAN BORU.cvt.gz - font V1.1. 12 & 14 pt Celtic Font. - Variant of NIALL. BRICKS.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 29 point Font. This one is made out of bricks! T. Dively BRITANNIA.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 BROADWAY PD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. An updated version of the FONT Mega Roma. I have added - imagination. E NINJA This file may be corrupted. BROADWAY.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. This font was converted from a Fontmaster II font. - With INFONT shareware... BSW SANS BOLD.cvt BSW SANS.cvt BUENO.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. BULLFROG.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. Balios.cvt Bancroft.cvt Barnum.cvt Biadike.cvt Birge.cvt Boalt.cvt Bonanza.cvt Bowditch.cvt Bowles.cvt Branchos.cvt Brennens.cvt Briseus.cvt Bubble.cvt CABARET.cvt.gz CAIRO.cvt CALIF.CVT CANDY.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (C)1992 PRODOXIN DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 SALEM - MA 01970-0111 USA CAPITAL.FNT.cvt.gz - Commodore V1.1. Character Set 8 for BobsTerm CAPUNDER.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 9,13,19 point. HiRes font with descending capitals. T. - Dively CARDIOGRAPH.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. CASIO.cvt CAVEMAN.cvt.gz - Commodore V1.1. Font from Caveman Ugh-lympics. Coverted with too many - programs to list. CHASSIS.cvt CHUNK.cvt CIRKULUS.cvt COBRAM.cvt COMPAX.cvt COMPUFONT.cvt COUNTERPOINT.cvt CUT.cvt Cad Roman.cvt.gz - CadFont 0408 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM California.cvt Callaghan.cvt Chalkodon.cvt Channing.cvt Charybdis.cvt Chicago.cvt Chrysothemis.cvt Chylos.cvt Clothsline.cvt Commodore.cvt Cory.cvt Cursive.cvt DANUBE.cvt DAWSON.cvt DECOR.cvt DEF LEPPARD.cvt DICTIONARY.cvt DIGITAL VAX.cvt DIGITAL.cvt DOORS20 PD.cvt DQ ROMA.cvt DROPPED.cvt DUNGEON.cvt Damysos.cvt Dana.cvt Daskylos.cvt Deimachos.cvt Derby.cvt Deukalion.cvt Dryas.cvt Durant.cvt Dwight.cvt Dwinelle.cvt ELEGANT24.cvt ELITE.cvt ELVIRA.cvt EVES.cvt Echion.cvt Elektryon.cvt Ellsworth.cvt Elmwood.cvt Epimedes.cvt Eshlemen.cvt Etcheverry.cvt Euclid.cvt Eurylochos.cvt Eurytion.cvt FEDERATION.cvt FINO.cvt FOLDED RIBBON.cvt FONT.IBM+.cvt FONT.SQUARE+.cvt FONTGORIA.cvt FRANKFURT.cvt Flints.cvt Fog.cvt FontKnox.cvt Frosty.cvt GALLIMAUFRY FRMS.cvt GALLIMAUFRY.cvt GATSBY.cvt GEMINI.cvt GEOMETRIX.cvt GI FONT.cvt GOTHIC 22.cvt GOTH_14_GEOS.cvt GREENWICH.cvt GRIFTER.cvt Garanos.cvt Glaukos.cvt Grizzly.cvt Gyges.cvt HAMBURG.cvt HAMILTON.cvt HAVANA.cvt HAYWIRE.cvt HEARTS 32.cvt HEARTS.cvt HILL.cvt HOLLOW.cvt Haliskos.cvt Haste.cvt Hearst.cvt Heleios.cvt Helvetica.cvt Hesychios.cvt Hippolytos.cvt Hyperion.cvt ITALIQUE LQ.cvt Iapetos.cvt Iphikles.cvt Itylos.cvt JASPER.cvt JAVELINA.cvt KESSWALD.cvt KIDBITS_FR_A-Z.cvt KIEV.cvt KINGSTON.cvt KNEE-ON.cvt KNOXPLUS.cvt Kadmos.cvt Kallipolis.cvt Katreus.cvt Kensington.cvt Kepheus.cvt Kips.cvt Kleitos.cvt Kyzikos.cvt LAURIOL.cvt LIBERIA.cvt LINES 1.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link LINES 2.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. LINES AND DOTS.cvt.gz LINET.cvt LOGS.cvt LYON.cvt Lakinios.cvt Latimer.cvt LeConte.cvt Learchos.cvt Lewis.cvt Linos.cvt Lynkeus.cvt MACHINE.cvt MADRID.cvt MANIA 14-A.cvt MANIA 14-B.cvt MANIA 14-C.cvt MARQUETRON.cvt MAXIoblique.cvt MAXIposter.cvt MAYFLY24.cvt MED WANTED.cvt MEGA DECO.cvt MEGAREUS.cvt MESQUITE.cvt MICROFONT.cvt MIRROR.cvt MONTE CARLO.cvt MONTREAL.cvt MONTREUX.cvt MOSCOW.cvt MUKILTEO 14 21.cvt MULTI-FONTS.cvt MUSKET.cvt MYSTIC.cvt Main Street.cvt Marathos.cvt Maricopa.cvt Medallion.cvt Megapenthes.cvt Moffit.cvt Molpos.cvt Mongol.cvt Mykonos.cvt Myskelos.cvt N.R ENGLISH.cvt.gz - Font MonsterV1.0. NIAGARA.cvt Nauplios.cvt Nereus.cvt Nikostratos.cvt Nomios.cvt North Gate.cvt OC&SW.cvt ODIN.cvt OLDE ENGLISH 48.cvt ORIENT.cvt OUTLINER.cvt OZ FONT.cvt Ormond.cvt Oxford.cvt PARTY.cvt PEIGNOT.cvt PLAN.cvt PRICELIST.cvt PRIZMA.cvt PUBLISHER 80.cvt PUZZLE FONT+.cvt Paintbrush.cvt Peppermint.cvt Publisher.cvt Pueblo.cvt Putnam.cvt R S V P.cvt RALLY SAMPLE.cvt RALLY.cvt REPORTER.cvt RHODESIA.cvt RIPPLE.cvt RONSPUB 1.1.cvt RONSWRITER 2.2.cvt ROPE-23.cvt ROPE-LETTERS.cvt ROPE-NOs.cvt RSVP 23.cvt RSVP A-Z.cvt RSVP-NOs.cvt Ribbon.cvt Roma.cvt SAHARA.cvt SALOON.cvt SATURN.cvt SCHOOL.cvt SCOREBOARD.cvt SCOTIA.cvt SCRIBBLE.FNT.CVT SCRIPTEX.cvt SEVENTEEN CPI.cvt SHADE A-M.cvt SHADE N-Z.cvt SHADOW PD1.cvt SHADOW PD2.cvt SHOCK.cvt SILVER SCREEN.cvt SIMPLICITY.cvt SMEDLEY.cvt SNOW.cvt SOHO.cvt SPACEBALLS.cvt SPLIT.cvt SQUADRATA.cvt SQUARE14.cvt SQUARE14_GEOS.cvt SQUAT.cvt STAR FLEET.cvt STAR TREK.cvt STENCIL STAR.cvt STENCIL.cvt STICKS.cvt STRATEGIC.cvt STRIKEOVER.cvt STRIPES.cvt Santa Maria.cvt Sather.cvt Shades.cvt Solano.cvt Spats.cvt Spook.cvt Sproul.cvt Spruce.cvt Stadium.cvt Stern.cvt Superb.cvt TAKE-OUT.cvt TAKOMA.cvt TANNENBERG.cvt THE WHAT.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. THIN.cvt TIDYCORY.cvt TORONTO.cvt TREK 24.cvt TUKWILA 14.cvt TYPE.FM.cvt Telegraph.cvt The Vatican.cvt Tilden.cvt Tolman.cvt UNISYS.cvt USEFUL 7PT.cvt University.cvt VAL 1.cvt VIA.cvt VILAS.cvt Vatican.cvt Venetian.cvt WALES.cvt WARTEL.cvt WEATHERLY.cvt WELLINGTON.cvt WESTERN.cvt WILDE.cvt WILSON919.cvt WOODY.cvt Wheeler.cvt XEROSET.cvt YORKSHIRE.cvt YOSEMITE.cvt ZAPF.cvt Zellerbach.cvt - A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim Collette. badge.cvt barnum28.cvt border font info.cvt - Font from LoadStar borderfont.cvt - Font from LoadStar camp hill.cvt charger.cvt chop suey.cvt commodore 2.cvt cursive24.cvt delorean.cvt - Font from LoadStar edgewood.cvt elegant.cvt exelsior.cvt - Font from LoadStar fancy.cvt fareast.cvt - Font from LoadStar freehand.cvt future.cvt futurefont.cvt - FutureFont from LoadStar futurfont.cvt - Font from LoadStar gothic.cvt - Font from LoadStar great.cvt iconfont.926.cvt italica.cvt - Font from LoadStar juniper.cvt korinna.cvt - Font from LoadStar mage.cvt mega corona.cvt mega juniper.cvt mideast.cvt - Font from LoadStar obliq.cvt olde englishe 2.cvt - Font from LoadStar olde englishe.cvt - Font from LoadStar outline.cvt reader.cvt - More readable font reckless.cvt reverse.927.cvt robin hood.cvt s text 48.cvt script 16 r14.cvt scriptpen f.cvt - Font from LoadStar scriptpen s.cvt - Font from LoadStar shadow box.cvt shadow.cvt sidewinder.cvt sire.cvt smith corona.cvt somerton.cvt spartan 101218.cvt - Font from LoadStar spartan 14 16.cvt - Font from LoadStar sprite font.cvt - Font-sized english font square.cvt style.cvt tiny-square.cvt who font.cvt who font2.cvt - Font from LoadStar geos/fonts/hungarian/ Birge_HUN.cvt Bodoni_HUN.cvt Branchos_HUN.cvt California_HUN.cvt Callaghan_HUN.cvt Chalkodon_HUN.cvt Charybdis_HUN.cvt Chrysothemis_HUN.cvt Cory_HUN.cvt Cursive_HUN.cvt Damysos_HUN.cvt Daskylos_HUN.cvt Deimachos_HUN.cvt Dwight_HUN.cvt Dwinelle_HUN.cvt Futura_HUN.cvt Glaukos_HUN.cvt Heleios_HUN.cvt Iphikles_HUN.cvt Itylos_HUN.cvt Mega Cal_HUN.cvt Nysa_HUN.cvt Parthenia_HUN.cvt Roma_HUN.cvt Solano_HUN.cvt Triballos_HUN.cvt University_HUN.cvt Wheeler_HUN.cvt geos/fonts/math/ Mathematical.cvt.gz - Mathfont V1.0. 12pt.=normal font. 11pt.=sub- scripts & some symbols. 13 - pt.=exponents & more sym. keycaps.mathfont.cvt mathfont.lnx.gz melinda.mathfont.cvt script.mathfont.cvt symbols.mathfont.cvt - Mathematical fonts. geos/fonts/mega/ ANGUS.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. MEGA 48- Complete set - Heavy black chars. with 'light' lines. T. Dively BEHEMOTH.cvt.gz - IPFont96 V1.0. 48: A - G 49: H-N 5O: O-T 51: U-Z - 1st line: upper,normal - 2nd line: lower, superscript CHISEL.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 48 pt. 'Chiseled' with shadowing (Both sets). T. Dively MEGA 3FOLD.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 and Font - Monster MEGA AMERICA.cvt MEGA AMERICA.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. A GeoPub compt. version of this patriotic font! Reworked - by TripleC1! MEGA ANGLE.cvt MEGA ASHBY.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. A GeoPub compt. version of this graphic font! Reworked by - Triple C1! MEGA BACKSTRIPE.cvt.gz - Star Font V1.0. Adapted from 'Starman35' with GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by - Jim Collette. MEGA BIRGE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. MEGA BOOKBINDER.cvt MEGA BRENNENS.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. A 48 pt. GeoPublish compt. version of this calligrapic - font by Claude Campbell III! MEGA BRUSHED.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA BRUSHSCRIPT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 2-sided megaFont disk, send $15. to Susan Lamb, 1764 Ave. - B, Yuma AZ 85364 MEGA BUBBLE.cvt.gz - A 48 pt. geoPublish compt. version of this overblown font by Claude - Campbell. MEGA BUBBLE2.cvt.gz - MegaFont V1. MEGA BUENO.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA CALLAGHAN.cvt MEGA CHANCERY.cvt MEGA CHESS.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA CRAZY1.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. MEGA DESPLAINES.cvt MEGA ETCHEVERRY.cvt.gz - MegaFont V2.5. A 48 pt. geoPublish compt. version of this stencil font - by Claude Campbell MEGA EXPLODE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA FANCYFULL.cvt MEGA FORT KNOX.cvt.gz - Mega Font V2.5. A 48 pt. geoPublish compt. version of this monetary - font by Claude Campbell. MEGA FROSTY.cvt MEGA GALLERY.cvt MEGA GHOSTY.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 and Font - Monster. MEGA GLOW.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA GOTHIC.cvt MEGA GRAFFITI.cvt MEGA GRIDLINES.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. MEGA HALSA.cvt MEGA HEADERETTE.cvt.gz - font V1.0. MEGA HILGARD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. A 48 pt. GeoPublish compt. version of this graphic font by - Claude Campbell III! MEGA HOLLOW.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA ICONS.cvt.gz - Font Editor V2.5. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA INGOT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Send $10 to 3487 E Terrace Fresno CA 93703 for GEOS Font - Resource Directory, displays 400+ font MEGA JEANNIE.cvt.gz - font V1. MEGA KENINGSTON.cvt.gz - MegaFont V2.5. A 48 pt. geoPublish compt. version of this ornate font - by Claude Campbell. MEGA KENSINGTON.cvt MEGA KNOX.cvt MEGA LETTERS.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA LEWIS.cvt MEGA LUMPY.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 and Font - Monster. MEGA MISMATCHED.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA MOUNTAIN.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA NAZARETH 2.cvt.gz - Stae Font V1.0. MEGA NESQUE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 48 PT. Fancy higher-case only. T. Dively MEGA NEWS.cvt MEGA NEWS.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the FontMonster,FontEditor2.5 and the - font Minima+. MEGA NEWS2.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the FontMonster,FontEditor2.5 and the - font Minima+. MEGA ODIN.cvt MEGA OLD ENGLISH.cvt.gz - Font V1.0. Created by Ken Brown 272 North Patsy Porterville, Ca. 93257 - (209) 784-3488 Let's trade P.D.Geos MEGA OX.cvt.gz - MEGA V2.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA OX2.cvt.gz - MEGA V2.0. MEGAFONT using NEOFONT Oxford. Actual 36pt size includes all - keyboard chrs. MEGA PAINTBRUSH.cvt MEGA PAINTBRUSH.cvt.gz - Font V1.0. Mega-fied by Ken Brown 272 North Patsy Porterville Ca 93257 - (209) 784-3488 Let's trade P.D.Geos MEGA PARADE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA PENCIL.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA PEOPLE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA PLAIN.cvt MEGA RELIC.cvt MEGA SANTA MARIA.cvt MEGA SCRIPTY.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA SHADOWEDBAR.cvt.gz - IPFont V3.0. The L character is under the * key for memory reasons, so - type *ADDER for "ladder" MEGA SHATTERED.cvt.gz - MegaFont V1. MEGA SMURF.cvt.gz - Font V1.0. Created by Ken Brown 272 North Patsy Porterville, Ca. 93257 - Let's share P.D. Geos. MEGA SNOW.cvt MEGA SOCIETY.cvt.gz - font V1. MEGA SOLANO.cvt.gz - Mega V1.0. A MegaFont version of Solano, from GEOS Font Pack 2. By - Bruce R. Gilson. MEGA SPATS.cvt.gz - MegaFont V2.5. A 48 pt. geoPublish compt. version of this fanciful font - by Claude Campbell. MEGA SPEED.cvt MEGA STAX.cvt MEGA SUPERB 24.cvt.gz - Font Editor V2.5. BSW font converted to Mega by Dick Estel with Jim - Collette's GEOS Font Editor 2.5 MEGA SUPERB 30.cvt.gz - Font Editor V2.5. BSW font converted to mega by Dick Estel with the - GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim Collette. MEGA SUPERB 48.cvt MEGA SUPERB.cvt.gz - Mega Font V2.5. A 48 pt. GeoPublish compt. version of this Art-Deco - font by Claude Campbell III! MEGA TOLMAN.cvt.gz - font V1.0. MEGA TOMBIGBEE.cvt MEGA TREK.cvt MEGA ULTRAINFRA.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MEGA VALDEZ.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. Use either for oil spills or "blood&guts" movies. MEGA VANDAL.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 and Font - Monster. MEGA VATICAN.cvt MEGA VENETAIN.cvt.gz - MegaFont V2.5. A 48 pt. geoPublish compt. version of this blinding font - by Claude Campbell. MEGA WURSTER.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. A 48 pt. geoPublish compt. version of this architectural - font by Claude Campbell. MELLOW.cvt - Do not change or modify M_ARABIAN NIGHTS.cvt MegaFuture.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. PERSPECTION.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 48 PT. Thick letters with 'perspective' horizontal lines. - T. Dively SUPRA ADELINE.cvt.gz - MICRO-G V1.2. (c)1990 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA BELINDA.cvt.gz - MICRO-G V1.2. (c)1990 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA CANDY 24.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1990 Micro-G DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 SALEM - MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA CANDY 40.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1990 Micro-G DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 SALEM - MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA ELENA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1990 Micro-G DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 SALEM - MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA ESTRELLA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA GIANA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1991 MICRO-G DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 SALEM - MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA KARA-R.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.3. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA KARA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.3. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA MARINA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA OLIVIA 24.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1990 Micro-G DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 SALEM - MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA OLIVIA 40.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1990 Micro-G DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 SALEM - MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA SEXY.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.1. (c) 1990 Micro-G DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 SALEM - MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA VILIA.cvt.gz - V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 - SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA SUPRA ZELIA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA mEGAcORY.cvt.gz - font V1.0. mega news font.cvt mega news_38.cvt - Font by Raymond Day, 38 pt mega superb 48 2.cvt supraHeidi.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify supraInez.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify supraKatia.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.1. (c)1992 ProDOXions Micro-G (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify supraLuana.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.1. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify supraLydia.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify supraSonia.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify supraWench.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.1. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify supraYvana.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. geos/fonts/music/ 1-2 notes.cvt 1-4 notes.cvt 1-8 notes.cvt - note fonts from geomusic 64 CROTCHET.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 2 1/2 oct. Music Font. 1/4 notes, barlines and symbols. - Doug Nye. GUITARCHART.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. DM-GALEY 32PT CHRD - Major,Minor,7th,Minor 7th,Major 7th, 9th MINIM.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 2 1/2 oct. Music Font. 1/2 notes, barlines and symbols. - Doug Nye. MUSIC #&b.cvt MUSIC 1.cvt MUSIC 1_16.cvt MUSIC 1_2.cvt MUSIC 1_4.cvt MUSIC 1_8.cvt MUSIC SCALE.cvt Music.cvt.gz - CadFont 0416 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Music.lnx.gz - Fonts for typesetting notes. NOTES QTR.cvt NOTES WHL.cvt QUAVER.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 2 1/2 oct. Music Font. 8th notes, barlines and symbols. - Doug Nye. SEMIBREVE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 2 and 1/2 oct. music font. Whole notes, natural signs and - signs & dots. Doug Nye. SEMIQUAVER.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 2 1/2 oct. Music Font. 16th notes, barlines and symbols. - Doug Nye. WORDSONG.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. dotted notes.cvt - note fonts from geomusic 64 flats-symb.cvt - note fonts from geomusic 64 geosong64.lnx - Music notation program from Red Storm lo-notes.cvt - note fonts from geomusic 64 tablaturefon.lnx.prg - Guitar music fonts by Dale Lute whole notes.cvt - note fonts from geomusic 64 26 point. Letters placed on a musical - scale. T. Dively geos/fonts/nonenglish/ AGATHA HELEN.cvt ANGERTHAS.DOC.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. this file documents the key locations of J.R.R. - Tolkien's Angertha runes ANGERTHAS.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. CHARLEMAGNE.cvt CURSIVE.ES.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. ID# 218 - 17, 29 puntos DORIC.cvt Der Vaterland.cvt ESPANOL.cvt.gz - Spanish V1.1. FONTS w.ES. DOC.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. French Roma 2.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Available in 12, 18 and 24 point with special French - characters. German.cvt.gz - CadFont 0411 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM HEBREW.cvt LATIN.cvt.gz - davidFont V1.0. Latin Font 9pt - Special characters included. - ID#: 444 Morseschrift.cvt Mulford.cvt PILFMAN.ES.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Font by Dale Beach/7048 Michigan Street/Elwell, MI 48832 ROMA-FRENCH.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Available in 12, 18 and 24 point with special - French characters. ROMA.ES.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. ID# 226 - 12, 14, 18, 24 puntos RUSSO-ROMA-9.cvt.gz - Russo-Roma V2.0. Russian 9pt font in the classic Roma 9pt style with a - Complete character set! Russian.cvt.gz - Russian GKM V1.0. SANSKRIT.DOC.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. SANSKRIT.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. SPANISH DOCS.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. TEXT 2.0.cvt.gz - geoWrite V1.1 document. Text of the Latin font showing new positions of - key characters... THEBAN SCRIPT.cvt - GeoFont 1.4. comic font.cvt - Peanuts characters geoRusski.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.0. Russian Cyrillic Font Designed by Michael Martinez geos-klingon.d64.gz - Klingon gothic.cvt.gz geos/fonts/postscript/ LW_Bacon.cvt.gz - LW_PlusB V1.1. LW_Barrows.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Available in 9,10,12,14,18, and 24 point. Use LW fonts for - geoLaser output. LW_California.cvt.gz - Available in 9,10,12,14,18, and 24 point. Use LW fonts for geoLaser - output. LW_Cowell.cvt.gz - LW_PlusE V1.1. LW_FRENCH.cvt - Apple LaserWriter II. LW_Galey.cvt.gz - LW_PlusF V1.1. LW_Giannini.cvt.gz - LW_PlusA V1.1. LW_Greek.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Available in 9,10,12,14,18, and 24 point. Use LW fonts for - geoLaser output. LW_Haviland.cvt.gz - LW_PlusC V1.1. LW_Piedmont.cvt.gz - LW_PlusD V1.1. LW_Roma.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Available in 9,10,12,14,18, and 24 point. Use LW fonts for - geoLaser output. LW_Shattuck.cvt.gz - LW_PlusG V1.1. LW_Zapf.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. This is a laser font which supports the Chancery Zapf font - on the geos/fonts/signlang/ Braille.cvt DACTUS.A-N.cvt.gz - Font MonsterV1.0. THE "DACTYLOLOGY" ALPHABET FOR THE DEAF. 48 POINT A-N DACTUS.O-Z.cvt.gz - Font MonsterV1.0. THE "DACTYLOLOGY" ALPHABET FOR THE DEAF. 48 POINT O-Z - AND"&" DACTUS2.A-N.cvt.gz - Font MonsterV1.0. THE "DACTYLOLOGY" ALPHABET FOR THE DEAF. 48 POINT A-N DACTUS2.O-Z.cvt.gz - Font MonsterV1.0. hand signs.cvt - From LoadStar THE "DACTYLOLOGY" ALPHABET FOR THE DEAF. 48 POINT O-Z - AND"&" geos/fonts/symbols/ ASTRO.12.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 12 and 24 point font for astrology notes. ASTRO.24A.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. ASTRO.24B.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Ashby.cvt BORDERLINE.cvt Barrington.cvt CHECKMATE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24,32 Point. Chess pieces with black and white square. T. - Dively CHEM 482.DOC.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. Print with Chemical 484 font on the disk CHEM 484 DOCS.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. Print with Chemical 484 font on the disk CHEMICAL 482.cvt.gz - CHEMICAL V482. (c) 1990 David A. Reyes CHEMICAL 484.cvt.gz - CHEMICAL V484. The new chemistry font by David Anthony Reyes CHESSET.cvt CHESSFONT.CD.cvt CIRCUITS.FONT.cvt.gz - font file V1.0. Chemistry.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Evans.cvt FANT.DUNJON.FONT.cvt.gz - map font filV1.0. An indoor dungeon mapping font. 10/21/89 01:25 am - EMAIL suggestions/comments! FANT.MAP.DOC.cvt.gz - geoWrite V1.1 document. This is the documentation (key strokes) that - goes with the font FANT.MAP.FONT.cvt.gz - Font File V1,0. This Font was done by David Brown(BLACKANGEL) EMAIL - COMMENTS!! Hope ya like it! Fill A.cvt.gz - CadFont 0417 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Fill B.cvt.gz - CadFont 0422 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Fill C.cvt.gz - CadFont 0424 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Flow Sym.cvt.gz - CadFont 0421 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM GREEK Symbols.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 GUTARCHRDS.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Graphix.cvt Hilgard 1.cvt Hilgard 2.cvt ICON DOCS.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. ICON FONT.cvt INDIAN.cvt Icons.cvt.gz - Icons V1.3. Available in 21 point. Various deskTop icons. ID# 49. LOGOS 1.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 LOGOS 2.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 Label Sym.cvt.gz - CadFont 0413 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Lawrence.cvt Map Sym.cvt.gz - CadFont 0414 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Map Sym2.cvt.gz - CadFont 0415 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Map Sym3.cvt.gz - CadFont 0423 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM McLaughlin.cvt RONSTEXTER 1.4.cvt SHILLING.cvt Symbolica.cvt.gz Wurster.cvt - New Roma GKMV1.0. graphic.cvt mini-graphics.cvt - Graphics font from LoadStar upc.cvt - UPC Symbols font geos/fonts/unsorted/ Blackrock.cvt.gz - FONT 77. 24 Point, Caps only. Use 1 point space and period for making - fine adjustments CELTIC.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. This font was converted from a Fontmaster II font. - With INFONT shareware... CHAMELEON1.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. This is a multiple point sized font made up of several - other Brody font files. CHANCERY.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Pool's Calligraphy Font from 16th Century Renaissance - Italy. CHARACTER SET1.cvt.gz CHARSET.cvt.gz CHESSBOARD.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. CHOO CHOO.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 21,24 pt. - These letters ride the railroad tracks. T. - Dively CIRCLESQUARE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 and Font - Monster. CLOTHSLINE.cvt.gz - Font V2. COAL.cvt.gz - IPFonts V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. COAL2.cvt.gz - IPFonts V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. COLLEGIATE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point "Big 10", kind of font. Diskoveries PD, POB 9153, - Waukegan, IL 60085 COMIC FONT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. COMICY1.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. Modified BUBBLE font. COMM ELITE.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. Font file for NLQ while in ELITE mode. COMPUFONT.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link COMPUTER.SS.cvt.gz - Commodore V1.1. CONTEMPORARY.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. COOL.SET.cvt.gz COUGAR-1.cvt.gz - TEXT FONT V1.1. ID 268-12,16,24 pnts From the "Upper LeftHand Corner" - by MargeR2 GO WSU COUGs! CRAZED.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 CRUSADER.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. CS FONT.cvt.gz - cs1 V1.0. 10-11 * COMM/FR. 20 * B20 + WAGON. 21 * DIESEL + RIDELLE. 35 - * CIC. 36 * LOCO USA. 38 * B800. CUBIC.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 CURSIVE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 Computer.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Converted from Speedscript character set D'NEALIAN.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Available in 6, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 point. DATRONIC.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point. Data style font with upper and lower case. T. - Dively DE VILLE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. This font was converted from a Fontmaster II font. - With INFONT shareware... DECO.cvt.gz - FONT EDITOR V2.5. DELTA.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. DEVANAGARI.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. Alphabet of Sanskrit and Hindi, progenitor of Bengali, - Siamese, Tibetan, etc. DIGITAL.SET.cvt.gz DIGITEK.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. DINGBATS.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A clipArt font by James Hastings-Trew DIVELY.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 27 pt. - Thick letters with non-connecting shadow. T. - Dively DM_Galey.cvt.gz - DM_Font V1.0. Dot-matrix version of LW_Galey. 10-, 12-, 14-, 18-, and - 24-point sizes. DM_Greek.cvt.gz - DM_Font V1.0. Dot matrix version of LW_Greek. 9-, 10-, 12-, 14-, 18-, - and 24-point sizes. DONATO.cvt.gz - DONATO V1.0. 18 pt Font; Print in outline for best effect - Created with Font Editor 2.4 DOORS.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. - DOORS - [MMod89] - 20 pt., upper/lower case, numbers, & punctuation. DOORS20 PD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. DOTTY.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. DOWNTRACK.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. DUCKABUSH 16.cvt.gz - text V1.2. ID 383 Art Deco font from the "Upper LeftHand Corner" by - MargeR2 DUNGEON.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. This font was converted from a Fontmaster II font. - With INFONT shareware... DVORAK.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.1. DWINELLE 36.cvt.gz - geoFont V2.0. Digi Layout.cvt.gz - This geoWrite document presumably describes the layout of DigiFont.cvt. DigiFont.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.0. DigitalFont.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Created by Richard Guinn using geoFont. Complete char. - set, 18 pt., ID# 174. Dungeon.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. EASTERN.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point. Use of wedges and cresents for an oriental look. - T. Dively EDGAR ALLEN.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. EIGHT.BTP.cvt.gz - Commodore V1.1. Character Set 8 for BobsTerm ELDRITCH Demo.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. ELEGANT.cvt.gz - ELEGANT FONTV2. This is a great font that was fixed with Jim Collette's - Font Editor 2.2. ELENA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (C) 1992 BY PRODOXIN DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 - SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA ELITE-PICA.cvt.gz - Font V2.2. ESPERANTO.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Available in 6, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 point. ESTRELLA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA EXOTIC.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. designer: MELVENA (q-link) - Good for monograms. ENJOY EXPRESS.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. Eldritch.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. Electric.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 Elizabethan.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A decadent font - Point sizes: 36 Elizibethan caps.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A decadent font - Point sizes: 36 Elizibethan lowr.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A decadent font - Point sizes: 36 FANCY.cvt.gz - conv scn fntV1. FANTASEA.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 FINESSE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point. 3D shaded font. T. Dively FINN FONTS.DOC.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. BSW FONT FIRE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. FISSON.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. FONTWAY.cvt.gz - Font Conv. V1.1 by mod.1 Bk Softworks. Converts GEOS font files only to - Commodore PRG and back. FRAKTUR.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. This font is unfinished. Its parent was Lefont+ or some - such. FRANKFORT.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link FRANKFURT.cvt.gz - FONT V1.0. FREEHAND.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. to get a disk of Brodyfonts, send $6 to 3251 S 176th #205, - Seattle,WA 98188 FUTURA U+L.cvt.gz - IPFonts V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. FUTURE.cvt.gz - conv scn fntV1. FUZZY.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 pt <> 36/37 pt <> Fancy.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Furniture A.cvt.gz - CadFont 0409 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Furniture B.cvt.gz - CadFont 0410 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Futhark Runes.cvt.gz - Font V1. Germanic Rune row in 9, 12, 18, & 24 point sizes. Created by: - Odhin Future.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Converted from public domain character set (Quantum Link) GALLERY.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 20 and 24 point only and CAPS ONLY! This is very nice for - titles. GALLIA.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point only and CAPS ONLY! This is a very fancy font. - Also works in GeoPublish! GET DOWN.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. GIANA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.1. (C) 1992 BY PRODOXIN DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 - SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA GLYPTIC.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. GRAFFITI24 PD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. TT grafix fonts disks $6.95 ea - 326 Clothier Spring Rd. RD #1 - Malvern, PA 19355-9657 GREAT.cvt.gz GREECE.cvt.gz GREEK.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. This font was converted from a Fontmaster II font. - With INFONT shareware... Garnet.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. Gothic.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Converted from public domain character set Goudy.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Designed by F.W. Goudy, GEOS translation by Scott Nickell. - Sizes: 10,12,18,24 Graph Sym.cvt.gz - CadFont 0412 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Great.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Converted from public domain character set HALF+HALF.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. HALLOWEEN.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987,RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 HALVED.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. HEADERETTE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point. Picturesque font for column dividers and - subtitles. T. Dively HEATHER.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. HENRION.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. HEXAGON.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. HIGH STRUNG.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. HOH 12 16.cvt.gz - text font V1.1. ID 464 From the "Upper LeftHand Corner", by MargeR2 HOLLYWOOD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 Point. Outlined font with low common background. T. - Dively HORIZON.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 HORTHERN.cvt.gz - GEOFONT V1.4. HOSTAGE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5. by Jim - Collette. Harmon.cvt.gz - Harmon V1.1. Available in 10 and 20 point. ID# 9. Hebrew-2.cvt.gz - Hebrew V1.0. Corrected version by B. R. Gilson of Hebrew font orig. put - on Q-Link by Marshall Kragen. Heidi.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not modify or change Hieroglyph Demo.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. A list of the characters in the font - "Hieroglyphs." Hieroglyphs.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. The Egyptian Hieroglyphic alphabet. Font sizes: 24 IBM.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 II 128.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. IINLINE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point Font. With inline, you get an illusion of 3D - roundness. T. Dively IMPLIED.cvt.gz INGOT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. c 1989 by Dick Estel - 36 point caps. 36 = A-M & #'s; 37 = N-Z <> IRISH OGAM.cvt.gz - characters V1.1. 13 pt IRISH OGAM Font. - Variant of OGAM CONSAINE. ITALIAN 2.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. ITALIAN PRINT.cvt.gz Inez.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify JASPER.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. 20 pt. very readable Old-English style. Designed by James - R. Schwartz JOKER24 PD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. TT grafix fonts disks $6.95 ea - 326 Clothier Spring Rd. RD #1 - Malvern, PA 19355-9657 JabbaFont.cvt.gz - Display font based on two cross-stitch alphabets. - Font prepared by J.A. Grau. Jallex.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A 7 point font with extremely good looks Jeannie.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. KARA-R.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.2. (c)1992 Micri-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA KARA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB - 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA KIDBITS.FR.A-Z.cvt.gz - FONT V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. KITEFONT.cvt.gz - Geo-Font V4.0. KLICKITAT 12 16.cvt.gz - text V1.1. ID 554 From the "Upper Left Hand Corner", by MargeR2 KNEET.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 12 point. Font used to seperate sections of print. T. - Dively Katakana.cvt.gz - CadFont 0404 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Katia.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify L CRYSTAL.cvt.gz - FONT EDITOR V2.5. LABEL FONT.DOC.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. A PUBLIC DOMAIN release! P.E.ACE 1990! "You've - Got to Understand" LABEL FONT.cvt.gz - daveFont V2.0. labelFont for making labels. (c) 1990 David A. Reyes LINED MANUSCRIPT.cvt.gz - GeoFont V1.4. designer: MELVENA (q-link) companion to MANUSCRIPT LOCOS CS FONT.cvt.gz - geoWrite V1.1 document. LORRAINE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 LOUGHMAN.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 LOWBROW.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point. This font cuts the lower sections of the - letters. T. Dively LOWERY.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 25 point. Eccentric style of twists and shadows. T. - Dively Luana.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify Lydia.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify MACINTOSH.cvt.gz - GeoFont V1.4. MAGE.cvt.gz MANUSCRIPT.cvt.gz - GeoFont V1.4. MARINA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (C) 1992 BY MICRO-G PRODOXINS DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC - POB 111 SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA MATRIX.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MATT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 MESSY1.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. MESSY2.cvt.gz - IPFont V2.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MESSY3.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 and Font - Monster MILLS NLQ 11.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. 7, 10 & 11 point font. Works well as NLQ font with Epson - EX-800 driver. Includes useful 7 font. MILLS NLQ.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. 10 point font. Works well as NLQ font with Epson EX-800 - driver by KevinM44. MINIMA +.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.2. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MINIMA.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link MISFIT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 14 pt. - 2 Sets of smaller letter styles. T. Dively MISMATCHED 2.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MISMATCHED.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. MOD OMBRA.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point. Fashionable style. T. Dively MODERN STENCIL.cvt.gz MONOGRAM.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. Designed by Toodles using Cosmac's Geofont program. MOOZIK.cvt.gz MORRISVILLE.cvt.gz - Beth Font V1.1. U/l case 10, 12, 14, 18, & 24 points. Lower case are - smaller caps. MUDDY.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Monster MUKILTEO 14 21.cvt.gz - text font V2.0. ID 682 A font from "the Upper LeftHand Corner" by - MargeR2 MUNDOBARS.cvt.gz - IPMUNDOFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. M_A_S_H.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. CREATED BY STEVE SCHOWIAK. Consists of caps, numbers, - space, and hyphen. Machine.cvt.gz - CadFont 0407 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Mage.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. NAMEPLATE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Use all UPPERCASE letters and enclose text in brackets: - [NAMEPLATE] NAZARETH.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 28 point. Complete font with descending letter parts. T. - Dively NEEDLE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. NEGATIVE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 31 point. Shadowed letters with a 'negative' effect. T. - Dively NEW CHAR.SET.cvt.gz NEW NINE.cvt.gz - Font Editor V2.5. The font SIX.BTP, with major modifications by Dick - Estel NEW SET.cvt.gz NEWS.FM.cvt.gz - F.T. MASTER V1.0. SIZE 16 NEWS.cvt.gz - Font MonsterV1.0. NEWTRONIC.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 NIALL.cvt.gz - font V1.1. 12 & 14 pt Celtic font. Variant of BRIAN BORU. NINE.BTP.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. NLQ 10.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. To be used with a QUAD or double density driver. Has - 9,10,11pt. sizes. NLQ 10Q.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. To be used with a QUAD or double density driver. Has - 9,10,11pt. sizes. NLQ.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. NORM 18.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 18 point. - Just another Roman style font. T. Dively OGAM CONSAINE.cvt.gz - ogam char V1.1. 13 pt OGAM font. Variant of IRISH OGAM font. OGAM SAMPLES.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. OLDEN.cvt.gz - V1.0. OLIVIA.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.1. (C) 1992 BY MICRO-G DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 - SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA OLYMPIA.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. OPAL PUB.cvt.gz - Font MonsterV1.0. 26 point font: designed w/ Font Monster, Font Edit - 2.2, & geoFont (based on Pub80) ORIENT.cvt.gz - PRINTSHOP OVPSC. ORIENT FONT FROM PS COMPANION DISK - 12pt & 18pt Font Editor 2.4 & Grabber OUTLINE.cvt.gz OUTLINER.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 30 point. Bold plain font with a halo. T. Dively OVAL.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. OXFORD 12.18.cvt.gz - FONT V1.0. Old English.cvt.gz - CadFont 0400 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Omni.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A 24 point font based on the titles in "omni" magazine. Orator.cvt.gz - GEOFont V1.0. All caps, suitable for speech notes, etc. ID#100 : - 12,18,24 point - DKM 900310 Outline.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Converted from public domain character set PAINTBRUSH 48.cvt.gz - Font V1.0. Created by Ken Brown 272 North Patsy Porterville, Ca. 93257 - (209) 784-3488 Let's trade P.D.Geos PARALLELOGRAM.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. PARCEL POST.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 PEACE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. PHANTOM.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point. Transparent letters with deep black shadows. T. - Dively PICA.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Created by Steve Schowiak PIMPF.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. - PIMPF - [MMod89] 20 pt., upper/lower case, numbers, & - punctuation. PLATFORM.cvt.gz - Font Editor V2.5. PLAYBILL.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 25 pt. - Billboard style. T. Dively PLETHORA.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 POLKADOT.MAC.cvt.gz - PhoenixPhontV1.0. 42/43 point, all caps and numbers; created from - MacPaint font with Red Storm's Font Monster! POPSICLE24 PD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. TT grafix fonts disks $6.95 ea - 326 Clothier Spring Rd. RD #1 - Malvern, PA 19355-9657 PRINCETON24 PD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. TT grafix fonts disks $6.95 ea - 326 Clothier Spring Rd. RD #1 - Malvern, PA 19355-9657 PRINT.FM.cvt.gz - F.T. MASTER V1.0. SIZES 16 18 PRINT.cvt.gz - conv scn fntV1. PRINT2.cvt.gz PRINTER.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. PRISM II.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point. Letters made of parallel lines. T. Dively PRO-Type.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 1423 S. Wabash Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33803 PSYCHO.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 PUYALLUP 12 24.cvt.gz - text font V2.0. ID 789 ArtNouveau font from the"Upper LeftHand Corner" - by MargeR2 PYRAMID.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link PYSHT 14.cvt.gz - TEXT FONT V1.3. ID 797 Cursive font from the "Upper LeftHand Corner" by - Marge R2 Paintbrush.cvt.gz - Paintbrush V1.2. Available in 36 point. ID# 161. Park Avenue.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Available in 18 point. Patterns.cvt.gz - CadFont 0406 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Patuxent.cvt.gz - Patuxent V1.1. Revised version of Patuxent, a River File by Bruce R. - Gilson. Peewee.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Plumbing.cvt.gz - CadFont 0418 V1. NON SUM QUALIS ERAM Print 2.cvt.gz - Commodore V1.1. Converted from Quantum Link public domain character set QDFONT.cvt.gz - qdfont V1.0. Font based on Q&DEdit, created with FontEditor2.5, 9 - point, ID#185, "Its RikiG" QWERTY KAPZ.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. QuikSilvr Pro LC.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. * Quicksilver Pro LC * By Dan Lurie * lower case only QuikSilvr Pro UC.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. * Quicksilver Pro UC * By Dan Lurie * UPPER CASE LETTERS - ONLY RACEWAY.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 pt. - Challenger stripe style of font with a couple of - vehicles. T. Dively REAL ROUND.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. RECKLESS.cvt.gz - conv scn fntV1. REGAL.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. Designed by Toodles using Cosmac's Geofont program. REPORTER.cvt.gz - Font MonsterV1.0. REVERSE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Reverse - University modified by Dick Estel; 12 point only - <> RIBBON.PS.cvt.gz - Font MonsterV1.0. ROCO.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 pt. font (all letters & punctuation) adapted by Buck - McArthur ROMAN.cvt.gz - conv scn fntV1. RONS-ASCII V2.2.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A 9&10 point font created by Ronald B. Romine. a.k.a - (GeoRon) on Q-Link. ROUNDED.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link RUTGERS.KCN.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. TT grafix fonts disks $6.95 ea - 326 Clothier Spring Rd. RD #1 - Malvern, PA 19355-9657 RUTGERS24 PD.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. TT grafix fonts disks $6.95 ea - 326 Clothier Spring Rd. RD #1 - Malvern, PA 19355-9657 Reckless.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Roman 2.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Ron's Fonts.lnx.gz - A font collection. RonFont Info 2.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. Info about RonsText v3.3 font, and RonsASCII - v1.1 font. RonsASCII 1.1.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A 9 point font created by - Ronald B. Romine. - a.k.a (GeoRon) on Q-Link. RonsTEXT 3.3.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A 9,18,27 point font created - by Ronald B. Romine. +10pt. - a.k.a GeoRon on Q-Link. Runes.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. Runes and Glyphs from - World of Greyhawk Gazeteer - by Blue Bolt (MJS) SANDWICH.cvt.gz - FONT EDITOR V2.5. SCHBLOCK.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 17,29 point. The most basics of block letter design. T. - Dively SCHOOL.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. SCORE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. SCOREBOARD.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-Link SCRABBLEFONTV1.5.cvt.gz - ScrabbleFontV1.5. By ItsRikiG w/FontEditor2.5, - ID#180,26pt=ScrabbleTiles (*=blank,AllCaps) 12pt=Ormond SCRAWL.SS.cvt.gz - Commodore V1.1. SCRIBBLE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. SCRIPT 16.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. SCRIPT 16revised.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. SCRIPT.FM.cvt.gz - F.T. MASTER V1.0. SIZE 16 SEPULCHRE.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. Gothic font in 24 pt. only made with Font Editor 2.2 SEQUIM 14 24.cvt.gz - fat V1.1. ID 737 Sturdy ArtDeco font from the "Upper LeftHand Corner" - by MargeR2 SERIF.SS.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. SHADOW.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 pt. font (caps & punctuation only) designed by Buck - McArthur.Â¥e SHADOWED BARS.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link SHADOWEDBARS2.cvt.gz SHADY DEAL.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 3-15-88 NICE FONT !! SHILLING.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Symbol font created by Dick Estel - copyright 1989 - - released for free use SHOTGUN.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. SIMPLIFONT12+.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Author: Johan G.F. Belinfante - This font uses only widths of 4, 8 and 12 points. SIRE.cvt.gz SIX.BTP.cvt.gz - Commodore V1.1. Character Set 8 for BobsTerm SKAGIT 12.cvt.gz - text font V2.0. ID 752 Modified WEISS font from the "Upper LeftHand - Corner", by MargeR2 SLICED.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. SOHO.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Available in 17, 22, 30 and 40 point. Modified by Ken - Brown from a non-working font SPACE AGE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. SPEED.SS.cvt.gz - Commodore V1.1. SPEED.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link SPEED2.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. SPIRIT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 SPLOTCH.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 SPOOKY GALORE+.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. Halloween faces by Piersen 2, modified by DickE to work in - 'paint & 'publish SPOOKY GALORE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 2.0. SQUARE 16.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 16 point - Small narrow font with high resolution. T. - Dively SQUARE.cvt.gz SQUIRT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 STEALTH.CHRSET.cvt.gz STEEL.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. STENCIL.cvt.gz - FONT EDITOR V2.5. STINK.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. STOP.SET.cvt.gz STREAK.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 STRETCH.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-link STRIPED.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. STRIPED2.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. STTNG.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION STYLE.cvt.gz SUNSET.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. Scoutbats.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. A clipArt font by James Hastings-Trew Scribble.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Scribble Font in 12,18,25,35 Point. 35 Point is To Large - for GEOPAINT! Others work! Script.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Sexy.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. Distributed by Parsec, Inc. POBox 111 Salem, MA 01970- - 0111 USA - uploaded by JBEE to GEnie 92' Shadow.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Shell.cvt.gz - ShellFont V1.0. geoSHELL's original font. copied by Ian McKinney ShellBSW.cvt.gz - ShellFont V1.0. Shortened BSW font created by Ian McKinney ShellBSW80.cvt.gz - ShellFont V1.0. Font shortened from 80 col BSW font for use with - geoSHELL. Looks great in 40 cols. also! Sire.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Small Caps.cvt.gz - Small Caps V1.0. Sonia.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify Square.cvt.gz - Commodore V1.1. Stars.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. FONT by TT grafix - 326 Clothier Spring Rd. R.D. #1 - Malvern, PA 19355-9657 Stop 1.cvt.gz - Stop V1.0. The original STOP.SET font with cap. and l.c. letters - reversed and MINOR fixes. Stop 2.cvt.gz - Stop ProportV1.0. The Stop 1 font, made proportional, with a few more - chars., and new sizes. Style.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Superb Modified.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Ken Edwards' modified version of GEOS 'Superb' font. TABLED.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 34 point. Letters sitting on a table surface. 3D style. - T. Dively TAFONT.cvt.gz - GeosFont V5.0. Tafont by daspf fonters. Designed on 1-27-90. TAHUYA 12 16.cvt.gz - text V1.2. ID 824 sturdy font from the "Upper LeftHand Corner" by - MargeR2 TAJ MAHAL.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. TAPE.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. TARA.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. 14, 21, 28 point Devanagari style alphabet. Designed by - J.R. Schwartz Q-Link: Balarama TECH FONT.cvt.gz - Technical V1.0. TECH1.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. TENGWAR.cvt.gz - Elvish V1.0. Font id #50 THEATRE.cvt.gz - GeoFont V1.4. designer: MELVENA (q-link) ENJOY! THIN2.cvt.gz TIARIA.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. @ 1987, RABID CONCEPTS - 432 Cornelia Ave. Lakeland, - Florida 33801 (813) 686-3238 TILT.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. TIPPECCANOE.cvt.gz TNT.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. TRAINS.01.cvt.gz TRAPEZOID.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. TRUE 80C.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 11 pt. - Fixed width 80 column to view draft printouts. - T. Dively TUBBY.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 31 point. Fat 'pickle-like' letters with a shadow. T. - Dively TWISTED.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 31 point. Macrame letters. T. Dively TYPED.cvt.gz - font V1. By Raymond Day TYPESETTER.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. UNDERSCORE FONT.cvt.gz - INFINITE PARADOX. Nicholas Mathewson - 92 Weatherly Tr. - Guilford, CT 06437 - Nikkk on Q-Link UPTITE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 24 point. Shadowed letters that hug each other. T. Dively USEFUL 7PT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Ultima.cvt.gz - Ultima Font V1.0. VIA FACE DON.cvt.gz - Font V1.0. 47 points = A-N; 48 points = O-Z. Created by Jean - Parmentier, Belgium VIENNA.cvt.gz - Mod Neo V1.0. Modified by Bruce R. Gilson from DANUBE using Font Editor - 2.5. VILIA.cvt.gz - Micro-G. (C) 1992 BY MICRO-G DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 SALEM MA - 01970-01111 USA VOIVOD.cvt.gz - geoFont V1.4. 18 pt font. Lettering used on inside sleeve of Voivod's - Nothingface WAFERESQUE.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. 29 point Font. Decorative wafered style. T. Dively WAREIZIT.cvt.gz - GeoFONT V1.4. 10/20 points, inspired by a plaque with word 'JESUS'. Use - period at end of words. WAZZU 12 16 24.cvt.gz - text V1.2. ID-929 From the "Upper Left Hand Corner" by Marge R2 ---GO - WSU COUGARS!!!--- WEATHERLY.cvt.gz - IPFont V1.0. A font created with the GEOS Font Editor 2.5 by Jim - Collette. WEISS 10PT.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. WIDE.cvt.gz Wabash 21.cvt.gz - Wabash V1.1. Correction to the Wabash 21-point file in Comm-Plex - Software's Font Collection 1. Wall.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. The writing on "The Wall" (Pink Floyd) Point sizes: 12, 24 Wench.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not modify or change Western.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. Converted from public domain character set YOSEMITE.cvt.gz - Font Editor V2.5. Modified from Niagara font by Dick Estel with Font - Editor 2.5 Yvana.cvt.gz - Micro-G V1.0. (c)1992 Micro-G ProDOXions (with permission) distributed - by Parsec Inc. Do not change or modify ZAPF 10 14.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. ZELIA.cvt.gz - Micro-G. (C) 1992 BY MICRO-G AND DISTRIBUTED BY PARSEC INC POB 111 - SALEM MA 01970-0111 USA [Outline].cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.3. RABID CONCEPTS 1987 - 432 Cornelia Ave. - Lakeland, FL 33801 comic font2.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. metallica FONT.cvt.gz - Font V1. sampler24pt.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. This is a Country Sampler Font at 24 pts. Caps Only By - Video Prof. short stuff.cvt.gz - GeoFont 1.4. geos/fonts/utilities/ ChangeBSW 2.0.lnx - ChangeBSW is an AUTO-EXEC program that allows the GEOS user to change - the resident system font at boot time. $5.00 shareware by Irv Cobb. ChangeBSW1.2.lnx - ChangeBSW is an auto-exec program to change resident font. By Irv Cobb Font Dump II.cvt Font Dump II.doc.cvt - Font Printer 2.0 by Red Storm. Print font sample sheets, 40/80 col., - upto 80dpi. Written by Joe Buckley. The documentation is in geoWrite - V1.1 format. Font Dump III.cvt Font Dump III.doc.cvt - Font Printer 3.0 by Red Storm. Print font sample sheets, 40/80 col., - upto 80dpi. Written by Joe Buckley. The documentation is in geoWrite - V1.1 format. Font Dump.cvt Font Dump.doc.cvt - Font Printer 1.0 by Red Storm. Print sample sheets for GEOS fonts. - Written by Joe Buckley. The documenattion is in geoWrite V2.1 format. Font Editor-2.2.cvt Font Editor-2.2.doc.cvt - Font Editor V2.2 by Jim Collette 10/88. Use the Font Editor to edit - existing fonts, or to create your own. The documentation is in geoWrite - V1.1 format. Font ID Printer.cvt - geoFont ID V1.1 by Nancy Wertzberger. Supports two drives and - draft/high quality printing. Font Thief.cvt - Font Thief V1.0 by Joe Buckley. Import a single font point to - geoProgrammer files. FontLoader.cvt FontLoader.doc.cvt - FontLoader V1.5 by Steven E. Eyrse. Loads any fonts required by - geoWrite documents. The documentation is in geoWrite V2.1 format. FontView-patch.lnx - A patch for FontView. FontView.cvt - FontView V1.0 by Christopher Flynn. FontView will view font files to - the screen. Use +,- icons to change point size. - Font editor 2.0 by Arthur Dahm, includes catalog pdf. IdentiFont-2.1.cvt - IdentiFont 2.1 by Dennis Seitz IdentiFont-3.2.cvt IdentiFont-3.2.doc.cvt - Identifont V3.2 by Dennis N. Seitz. Identify fonts contained in your - geoWrite documents or on individual disks. The documentation is in - geoWrite V2.1 format. MegaFont Fix 1.2.cvt - MegaFontFix V1.2 by John P. Dalbec. RonsWriter-FX80.lnx - A BSW font replacement and tools for NLQ printing user-defined fonts on - Epson FX80 compatible printers. Z Right Font.cvt - FontChanger V1.1 by Irv Cobb. font printer.cvt - Print fonts from a disk, by Kent Smotherman fontview.lnx - FontView v1.5 -- viewer by Flynn and Run fontviewer.cvt - Font Viewer 1.0 by Roger lawhorn geoDirPrint1.1-alt.cvt - geoDirPrint - print directories, alternate build. By John Howard geofont1.3.cvt - Font editor 1.3 by Arthur Dahm geofont1.4.cvt - Font editor 1.4 by Arthur Dahm geofontizer.lnx - Extract font from a geoPaint document geos/games/ 3d geobreak.cvt - 3D geoBreak - breakout by Wayne Dempsey CLICKDASUBJECT.CVT - Game for learning parts of grammar Cluster Wars.cvt - CLUSTER WARSV1.1 by F.G.Kostella. Dear Diary.cvt - A joke in geoWrite format. DrawPoker.cvt - Draw Poker card game v1.1 by Gary Reynolds DrawPoker.doc.cvt - Docs for Draw Poker - Docs for Draw Poker Fortune.cvt - Fortune V1.1 by Spike Dethman. Ancient Book of Inspirational Computer - Proverbs... GEOCINQUAIN.CVT - geoBASIC program that shows several poems GeoNim.cvt - GeoNim V1.0 by Ed Pflager. Take away pegs. Last one loses. GeoNim.doc.cvt - Doc about GeoNim GeosGoals.lnx - This set of geoPublisher files is meant to be printed out and hanged on - the wall, or something. LandMark-demo.cvt - Demo of the LandMark Series II diskette, available from PARSEC. I don't - know if PARSEC (James D. Robbins) is still in business. It contains - GEOTet (64), VDCTet (128), 4thDrive40/80, 4Kernal64/128, GeoSolitaire - (64), VDCSolitaire (128), Lace II+ (128), DualTop 64/128, Checkerboard. - The document is in geoWrite V1.1 format. MahJong.lnx - MahJong. MahJongVDC.lnx - MahJong for the C128 (VDC screen). MahJongVDC35.lnx - MahJong VDC v3.5 for GEOS 128 MissingWords.answers.cvt MissingWords.cvt - A small word quiz in geoWrite V1.1 format. Parallax.lnx - A Minesweeper-like game. PokerMachine.cvt - geoGames V1.0 by D.J. Sherren. The docs are in geoWrite V2.1 format. PokerMachine.doc.cvt Solo Poker.cvt Solo Poker.doc.cvt - Solo Poker V1.0 by Ken D. Turner. The docs are in geoWrite V1.1 format. StatesNCaps.cvt - Learn states and capital cities with this program. StatesNCaps.doc.cvt - Docs for States N Caps VDCTetDemo.cvt - VDC Tetris V1.7 by Paul B. Murdaugh. Yahtzee.cvt - Yahtzee Game by Terry Mullett Yahtzee.doc.cvt - Docs for Yahtzee Yahtzee_s.cvt - Yahtzee dice game by Kent Smotherman always a winner.cvt - A mind reading demo by Randy Winchester chaos.cvt - Chaos Triangle demo by Nate Fiedler cheatsheet.lnx - A cheat sheet for a game in two geoPaint files. checkerboard.cvt - 2 player manual checkers by Paul Murdaugh chessecreta2.lnx - Chess Secretary 2 by Kent Smotherman circe.cvt - Circe, a world domination game - Docs for circe clusterw.doc.lnx - Cluster Wars docs in geoPaint format desktop9.9.cvt - A deskTop Parody by FlatDisk Software dice.cvt - A graphical dice roller by Michael Landon egyptsiege.lnx - Egyption Siege - board game by G Kostella geo-puzzler.cvt - Puzzle game using geoPaint docs, by Scott Resh - Docs for geoComix geoComix.lnx - geoComic V1.0 by Sean Huxter. A Choose Your Own Path Adventure Comic. - Uploaded to QLink, March, 1990. Includes one comic, "The Orb". geoGlyph.cvt - A pattern-matching desk accessory from Sean Huxter. geoMath.cvt - A Math tutorial game by Richard Rardin geoMimic.cvt - Simon-Says type game from Sean Huxter. geoSimpleSentence.cvt - Educational game for identifying parts of a sentence geoSpeller.d64.gz - Educational program for spelling geoTacToe-2.1.cvt - GEO-TAC-TOE V2.1 by Ed Pflager. Tic Tac Toe against your computer. geoUNO.cvt - geoUNO by unknown. geoWAR.cvt geoWAR.doc.cvt - geoWAR V1.0 by Lysle E. Shields. Place the game of world domination! The - docs are in geoWrite V1.1 format. geobreak.cvt - geoBreak - breakout 1.0 game by Wayne Dempsey geochess12.lnx - geoChess, one player chess game by Scott Hutter geogammon.cvt - BackGammon game by Doublas Curtis geogammon.lnx - Backgammon by Kent Smotherman geolotto.cvt - LOTTO number picker by Bruce Thomas geomille.lnx - Travelling-themed card game by Dale Lutes geomines.lnx - Minesweeper by Dale Lutes geopegs.cvt - Peg game v1.1 by Gene Koesling geosenso.cvt - geoSenso - Simon type game in German by Wolfgang Tischer geoslots.cvt - One armed bandit game by DJ Sherren geosolitaire.cvt - 40 col Klondike Solitaire by Paul Murdaugh geostactoe-1.cvt - GEOS-Tac-Toe v1.0 by Ed Pflager geostorm.lnx - Game by Kent Smotherman geotet.cvt - 40 col Tetris by Paul Murdaugh geotile.lnx - geoTILE - Majong type game by F. Kostella hazard.lnx - Color Minesweeper DA by Sean Huxter lightship.lnx - Game by Kent Smotherman menuchase.lnx - MenuChase, a game by Maurice Randall mind.lnx - Mind guessing game by Sean Huxter paletteplay.lnx - Game by Kent Smotherman panicbutton.cvt - A Don't Panic message app from Jeff Fox puzzle.cvt - A little puzzle desk accessory by rgh scoreup.cvt - Colorful puzzle game by Dale Lutes shootout.lnx - Shoot Out v1 - quick-shot game by Wayne Dempsey slimed pet 2001.prg - Fast paced shooting game by Milasoft snake.lnx - A snake clone desk accessory by Asbjoern Djupdal sneaky snake.cvt - Snake game by John Chrisman starforce_fixed.prg - Star Wars game, fixed? version of starforce.prg supermind.lnx - Guessing game by Sean Huxter telp.lnx - Game by Kent Smotherman towers.cvt - Towers of Hanoi by Bruce Thomas triples.lnx - Game by Kent Smotherman ttt-3d-1.0.cvt - 3D Tic-Tac-Toe v1.0 ttt-3d.cvt - 3D Tic Tac Toe vdcsolitaire.cvt - 80 col Klondike Solitaire by Paul Murdaugh vdctet.cvt - 80 col Tetris by Paul Murdaugh words-1-19.cvt - Word search game v1.1 by David Ferguson geos/graphics/ RonsPrefs.lnx - The Ron's Pref. Collection. This is a collection of eight "Preference" - files. Each file is identical with the exception of the pointer's Icon. - Most I created specifically for this upload, the Quill and Arrow are - older pointers that I've used in the past. geos/graphics/albums/ BosIcons.lnx - Various icon and button images from Bo Zimmerman CLIP2.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. Seasons, Notes, & other clips for your newsletters. - From PARA DMON Projects Disk-labels.lnx.gz - Disk labels for GEOS diskettes. FAX CLIPs.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. Fax Clips 1.cvt.gz GEOLABEL.lnx - "Master Labels" photo album GEOS ICONS.cvt - Photo manager with a collection of geos icons Geoc01-16.sfx - List of files in some file area or disk collection, part 1. Geoc17-28.sfx - List of files in some file area or disk collection, part 2. ICONS-1.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. ICONS-2.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. ICONS-3.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. ICONS-4.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. Icons+.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0. Collection of Icons for use with ICON EDITOR READ ME-BORDERS.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.0 document. ScreenScales.cvt - geoPaint V1.1 document. This is a pixel scale of the screen, photo - album picture & zoom. Submachine Gun.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. For the album animator. John Hitchings, Wichita, KS. Working.45.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. FOR THE ALBUM ANIMATOR. John Hitchings, Wichita, KS. alb.boot.cvt alb.geopaint.cvt alb.telecom.cvt alb_basic and games.cvt - photo album of disk labels alb_q-link.cvt alb_writers workshop.cvt - photo album of disk labels albumanim-ex.lnx - A couple of photo albums for use with album animator bibleclips.cvt.gz bl-clips1.cvt.gz bl-sports.cvt.gz borders.cvt - Photo Album of border images for geoPublish bryantscrap1.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. cartoons.cvt cetacean-alb.cvt - whale photo album from frd calendar package children.cvt.gz christian02.cvt.gz clipart1.cvt.gz clipart2.cvt - Photo album of various clip art clipart3.cvt - Photo album of larger clip art cmdhardware.cvt.gz dinosaurs-alb.cvt - dinosaur photo album from frd calendar package fancy borders.cvt flag.cvt frogges-alb.cvt - frog photo album from frd calendar package geo holiday.cvt - Holiday clip art from LoadStar geoc.01c.cvt.gz geoc.10a.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.10b.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.11a.cvt.gz geoc.11b.cvt.gz geoc.11c.cvt.gz geoc.12a.cvt.gz geoc.12b.cvt.gz geoc.13a.cvt.gz geoc.13b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.14a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.14b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.15a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.15b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.16a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.16b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.17a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.17b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.18a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.18b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.19a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.19b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.1a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.1b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.1c.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.20a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.21a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.21b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.22a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.22b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.23a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.23b.cvt.gz geoc.24a.cvt.gz geoc.24b.cvt.gz geoc.25a.cvt.gz geoc.25b.cvt.gz geoc.26a.cvt.gz geoc.26b.cvt.gz geoc.27a.cvt.gz geoc.27b.cvt.gz geoc.27c.cvt.gz geoc.28a.cvt.gz geoc.2a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.2b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.3a.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.3b.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.4a.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.4b.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.5a.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.5b.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.6a.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.7a.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.7b.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.8a.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.8b.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.9a.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geoc.9b.cvt.gz - photo album V1.0 by GetGraphic V1.0. geopublish photos.cvt - Photo album clipart for geoPublish geos icons.cvt - Alternate photo manager with geos icons geotransport.cvt - Transportation clip art from LoadStar geowrite photos.cvt - Photo album clipart for geoWrite girl.cvt - Photo album holidays.cvt.gz icon-templates.lnx - Two geoPaint files, named Button and Icons. impulse graph 2-alb.cvt - photo album impulse graph 3-alb.cvt - photo album from frd calendar package impulse graph 4-alb.cvt - photo album from frd calendar package impulse graphics-alb.cvt - photo album from frd calendar package jm_icon_pics.cvt - A few icon pics in a photo manager by J Major lady.cvt - Photo album large art.cvt meltdown.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. For the Album Animator. John Hitchings, Wichita, Ks. mice.cvt - Album of tiny graphics to use as mouse pointers mouse 2.cvt - Photo album of small clip art for icons or mouse pointers pa_cartoons 1.cvt - photo album from geoPrint disk pa_cartoons-2.cvt - photo album from geoPrint disk pa_celebrate 1.cvt - photo album from geoPrint disk pa_christmas.cvt - photo album from geoPrint disk pa_faith 1.cvt - photo album from geoPrint disk patterns.cvt - Some patterns to use with the SetPattern app people2.cvt.gz photo album 1.cvt photo album 2.cvt photo album 3.cvt photo print 2.1.cvt photo print1.1.cvt pub borders.cvt - photo album V1.0 borders for geopublish quicksilver pa 03.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 05.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 10.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 11.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 13.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 14.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 16.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 19.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 20.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 21.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 23.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 28.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks quicksilver pa 29.cvt - QuickSilver clip art (random) from geoMetrix disks randy_clipart1.cvt - from Randy Winchester randy_clipart2.cvt - from Randy Winchester randy_computerpics.cvt - from Randy Winchester robbery.cvt.gz - photo album V2.1. For the album animator. John Hitchings, Wichita,Ks. space 1-alb.cvt - space photo album from frd calendar package specialholidays.cvt.gz teddy bears.cvt.gz valentines.cvt - Valentines clip art from LoadStar geos/graphics/converters/ Album Reverter.cvt - Album RevertV1.0 by J. Buckley. Downgrade V2.1 photo albums to work - with the V1.X managers. AlbumCopy.doc.cvt - AlbumCopy V2.1 by Michael Myers. With this application you can copy - photo scraps (up to 16K) from one photo album to another, even if the - albums are in separate drives. You can also paste a photo scrap from - the source disk into the destination album. AlbumCopy2.1.cvt AlbumCopy2.2.lnx - AlbumCopy 2.2 - Copy photo scraps between albums Click Pix.cvt Click Pix.doc.cvt - Click Pix V1.2 by Spike Dethman. Creates executable versions of - geoPaint pictures. The document is in geoWrite V2.1 format. GetGraphic1.1.lnx - GetGraphic is a program written to convert Print Shop compatible - graphics into pictures in a GEOS Photo Album. Graphic Storm.cvt - GraphicStormV1.0 by Red Storm. Import several standard graphic formats - into geoPaint/photo album. Graphic Storm.doc.cvt - A README for Graphic Storm Handy Import.cvt - HS to GEOS 1.0 by Red Storm. Import from Handy Scanner format. Written - by Joe Buckley. MACATTACK2+.lnx - Another version of MacAttack II+, the Mac<->geoPaint converter MacAttack II+.cvt MacAttack-2.2.cvt - Mac to GEOS V2.2 by Joe Buckley. Convert MacPaint files to geoPaint - with centering and color options. MacAttack-2.3.cvt - Mac to GEOS V2.3 by Red Storm. Convert MacPaint files to geoPaint with - centering and color options. MacAttackII+.doc.cvt - Wrath of Mac 1.3 by Red Storm. Converts between MacPaint and GeoPaint - image formats. The documentation is in geoWrite V1.1 format. MirrorMirror.cvt MirrorMirror.doc.cvt - Mirror,Mirror1.0 by Red Storm. Mirror a geoPaint file about the Y axis. - Written by Joe Buckley. The document is in geoWrite V1.1 format. PIConvert-1.0.cvt - PIConvert V1.0. Convert between geoPaint and Doodle. Modified to - include conversion of RLE ASCII files. Paint Rotate.cvt Paint Rotate.doc.cvt - Paint RotateV1.2 by Spike Dethman. Rotate, Mirror, and Invert ENTIRE - geoPaint documents. $2.00 Shareware. The document is in geoWrite V2.1 - format. Paint-Scrap 1.0.lnx - Turn geoPaint doc into photo scrap. By Dennis Seitz Paint-Scrap 2 docs.cvt - Paint-Scrap 2.0 docs Paint-Scrap Info.cvt Paint-Scrap-2.1.lnx - Paint-Scrap is a utility that will allow you to convert an entire - geoPaint file to a Photo Scrap, so it can be pasted into a geoPublish - document. Version 2.1 of Paint-Scrap adds some requested enhancements. - Any size scrap up to 64K bytes can be created, and the mouse pointer - can be controlled by keyboard. Paint-Scrap.cvt - Paint-Scrap V1.0 by Dennis N. Seitz. Place an entire geoPaint page in a - photo scrap. The document is in geoWrite V1.1 format. Paint-Scrap.doc.cvt - Docs for Paint-Scrap PicShow-2.0.cvt - By Payton Snider, converts picture formats and slide show. PicShow-3.3.cvt - PicShow v3.3 by Payton W. Snider II. Converts Hi-Res and Multi-Color - Picture Formats and Slide Show! PicShow-3.4.cvt - PicShow v3.4 by Payton W. Snider II. Converts Hi-Res and Multi-Color - Picture Formats and Slide Show! Retriever 2.0.cvt - Retriever V2.0 by Ed Flinn. Retrieve photo scraps from geoWrite, - geoFile and geoPublish documents. ScrapIt!-1.0.lnx - ScrapIt! will convert artwork stored in one of several graphic data - file formats (Photo Scrap, geoPaint, Doodle!, Koala) to another format. - ©1989 Michael W. Schell. geoGIF-1.1.cvt geoGIF-1.1.doc.cvt - geoGIF V1.1 by Randy Weems. A GIF viewer. The document, in geoWrite - V1.1 format, is partially corrupted. geoGIF-1.2.cvt geoGIF-1.2.doc.cvt - geoGIF V1.2 by Randy Weems. A GIF data stream format to geoPaint - converter. The document is in geoWrite V2.1 format. geoPCX docs.cvt geoPCX.cvt - GeoPCX V1.0 by Jim Collette. Converts geoPaint drawings to the popular - PCX format used on IBM PC's. It will not convert the other way. geos-pm.lnx - Convert PhotoScraps into PrinterMaster or PrintShop graphics, by Roger - Lawhorn iconget 1.1.cvt - IconGet v1.1 - Grab photo script from app icon, by Robert Norton iconget.cvt - Make photo scrap from icon, v1.0, by Robert Norton icongetdbl.cvt - Convert ICON to Photo Scrap importrunner.lnx - ImportRunner - convert several formats to geoPaint by J Buckley macattack 1.0.cvt - Original Mac->geoPaint converter by Joe Buckley macattack 2.1.cvt - Convert Mac->geoPaint, by Joe Buckley and Red Storm?! macattack2.lnx - MacAttack II - the Mac<->geoPaint converter\ paintrot1.3.lnx - Paint Rotate v1.3 by Spike Dethman. Rotate, Mirror, and Invert ENTIRE - geoPaint documents. - PCX-geoPaint converter and sample art disks retriever 2.0.cvt - Extract photo scraps from various GEOS app data files rotadj.lnx - Copy utility for rotpages rotpages.cvt rotpages.doc.cvt - Docs for 'rotpages' Rotates, clips, and prints a 'page' file from Paint - PAGES. geos/graphics/demos/ 80 column demo.cvt - 80 column demo by F Kostella big eye demo.cvt - 40 column demo by F Kostella fourlines.cvt - Line drawing demo with knobs by Ed Flaherty fourlines.doc.cvt - Docs for fourlines demo geoPowerTools Ad.cvt - Demo for geoPowerTools disks geoboxes.cvt - Box drawing demo with knobs by Ed Flaherty utilities.disk.demo.cvt - Demo for a commercial utilities disk geos/graphics/editors/ Big Clipper.Doc.cvt - Docs for Big Clipper BigClipper-2.1.cvt - BigClipper V2.1 by Nick Vrtis. A program to make big clippings from a - geoPaint picture. One of two alternate 2.1 builds. ChromoPhobe.lnx - A geoPaint color alteration/replacement tool. ChromoPhobe will allow - you to alter the colors in a geoPaint file with either a forced global - change, or a search and replace change. You may also invert the - graphic image data, so that the colors become reverse. GCMPATCH.ZIP - Patch for GEOCANVAS V3.0 to use it in MegaPatch V3. See Read me! GCWPATCH.ZIP - Patch für GEOCANVAS V3.0 to use it in Wheels. See Read me! geoZIP - packed. GeoPaint.d64.gz - BSW geoPaint 2.0 picture editor GeoVidPage.lnx - Screen Page graphics drawing program GeoVidSlidViewDemo.lnx - GeoVideo Slide Viewer Demo Mover-1.0.cvt Mover-1.0.doc.cvt - Photo-Mover V1.0 by Rick Coleman. Use me to move scraps between photo - albums. NewTools Docs.cvt - geoWrite V2.1 document. NewTools demo.cvt - geoPaint V2.0 document. NewTools.80.cvt - NewTools V1.0 by David B. Ferguson. A new set of tools to be used in - geoPaint for 128 in 80 columns only! NewTools.cvt - NewTools V1.0 by David B. Ferguson. A new set of tools to be used in - geoPaint (as a Desk Accessory). Scrap It 1.0.cvt - Scrap It V1.0 by Terry Van Camp. Cut oversized scraps from Paint - document. No limit on size! Script It 1.1.cvt - Scrap It V1.0 by Terry Van Camp. Grab oversized scraps from geoPaint - docs. bigclipper21.lnx - Make big clippings from geoPaint, by Nick Vrtis One of two alternate - 2.1 builds. bigclipper3.cvt - Extract larger scraps from geoPaint bigclipper3.doc.cvt - Docs for BigClipper 3 createpatt.lnx - Create & auto-load new fill patterns into GEOS, includes tons of - examples, by David Ferguson designer.lnx - Designer v1 by David Lucas. Even after reading the docs, I'm still not - sure what this app does. gc128.d64.gz - GEOCANVAS V3.0 for Geos 128 gc64.d64.gz - GEOCANVAS V3.0 for Geos 64 geoCanvas.readme geoCanvas.sfx - geoCanvas V1.0 by Nate Fiedler; a demo version of CMD's geoPaint - replacement. geoPaint Tips.cvt - Some tips and tricks about geoPaint and other image processing programs - for GEOS. This document may be corrupted. geoPaint64-4.cvt - geoPaint 64 with 4 drive support, r1, by Paul Murdaugh geoStamp-1.0.lnx - A desk accessory to be used with geoPaint. - Docs for geoStamp geoanimator_40.cvt - geoAnimator 40 col- create stand-alone animations, by G Kostella geoanimator_80.cvt - geoAnimator 128, 80 col- create stand-alone animations, by G Kostella geocanvas128.lnx - geoCanvas 128 geocanvasdem.lnx - geoCanvas Demo and some docs geopaint128-4.cvt - geoPaint 128 with 4 drive support, by Paul Murdaugh icon editor.cvt - Icon editor by Eric del Sesto iconDIr2.doc.cvt - Doc for iconDir 2 iconDir2.cvt - Icon Directory Lister for GEOS users. Written in Student Forth. iconEdit-2.0.cvt - Icon editor v2.0 by Terry Mullett iconEdit-2.1.cvt - iconEdit V2.1 by Terry R. Mullett. Create, edit or duplicate icons for - any GEOS filetype. Works with 1581. iconedit1.lnx - iconEdit 1.0 by Terry Mullett iconedit2.cvt - IconEdit 2.0 by Bill Helfenstein -- edit document icons iconedit21dox.cvt - Docs for IconEdit 2.1, in geoWrite format iconedit2bsw.cvt - Icon Edit 2.0 by Berkeley Softworks iconget 1.1.cvt - IconGet 1.1 Grab an icon to photoscrap by Rob Norton icongrabber.lnx - Icongrabber saves icons to photo album, by J Major photomover1.0.cvt - Move images between photo albums by Rick Coleman scrapgrab.cvt - ScrapGrab 2.1 - Manage photo scraps and albums, by Michael Myers thumbnail.cvt - Thumbnail v1 - geoPaint image de-scaler by J Buckley ultimatestage.cvt - Ultimate Stage - animation program by RM Pingleton ultimatestage.doc.cvt - Docs for Ultimate Stage geos/graphics/images/ * To save space, all Lynxed and Converted files are in GNU Zip format. * The .sfx files can be directly used on the Commodore. 640X592 demo pic.cvt - Several stunning images in a single geoPaint doc 8-pretty.8.cvt - Photo of women converted to geoPaint ADV AUSTRALIA.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. AIRCRAFT-1.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. AIRCRAFT-2.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. AIRCRAFT-3 RAAF.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. AMERICA.1+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Converted from Handy Scanner format. Written - by Joe Buckley. AMERICA.2+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Converted from Handy Scanner format. Written - by Joe Buckley. APRIL CAL.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. BY TRICKY WOO! Genie E mail S. BAUMHOVER AUSTRALIA.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Airborne Ranger.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. An aide for when you have identify the campaign - ribbons in Airborne Ranger BATTLEGRID1.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. BATTLEGRID2.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. BOOK.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS BORDER SET.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. BORDER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS Birthday.lnx.gz - Scanned birthday pictures. Blitzen.sfx - A picture of JBEE's dog. CERTIFIED.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Wackey Certificates........ :+] CIRCLETXT.PS.cvt.gz - geoWrite V1.1 document. This file was created with Wrong is Write. - Written by Joe Buckley. COUNTRY SCENERY.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. BY TRICKY WOO ! Genie E Mail S. Baumhover Clowns.sfx - Pictures of clowns and circus people. Clowns2.sfx - Pictures of clowns and circus people. DGCURVE TRACER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. A picture is worth a thousand words. - Proverb DIAG. SPOTS.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS DISK COVER STD.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. USE EPSON FX-85 DRIVER IN 144DPI. DTDV4.1.lnx - Schematics for Track/Sec display for 1541 Dutch-Boat+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. (C) Lloyd Hayes. May not be distributed for - profit. ENDPAD.UL.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Eagle.sfx - Scanned pictures of eagles. Easter1.sfx Easter2.sfx Easter3.sfx Easter4.sfx Easter5.sfx Easter6.sfx Easter7.sfx - Scanned Easter pictures. FACE SCROLL.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS FAMILY AT BEACH+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Converted from Handy Scanner format. Written - by Joe Buckley. FEATHER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS FILM BORDER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. A border which looks like 35mm film. Created by - Herb Kruger. Call the TUSK BBS 717-560-1750 FLOPPY BORDER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Geopaint border looks like floppy disks. By - Herb Kruger. Call The TUSK 717-560-1750 FOODS1.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. FOODS2.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Fisherman.lnx.gz - Scanned pictures. GEO DUNGEON.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. GEOMORPH MSTR.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. GEOS DISK COVER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. USE EPSON FX-85 DRIVER IN 144DPI GEOS.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS GS Sample3.5.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Makes a template for a disk sleeve. By LeeM8. - Original by Ken Slaughter. Gstep.Aldrin.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. HALLOWEEN.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS HARDWARE.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. HAWK2.1++.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. HOLIDAYS 1.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. By TRICKY WOO ! Genie E Mail S. Baumhover HOLIDAYS2.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. By TRICKY WOO! HOLLY.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS Halloween1.lnx.gz - Scanned Halloween pictures, part 1. Halloween2.lnx.gz - Scanned Halloween pictures, part 2. Holly1.GB+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. (C) Lloyd Hayes. May not be distributed for - profit. INTRO.CON.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. JAGGED.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS JESSIE BUNNY.cvt.gz - JESSIE BUNNYV1.2 by Spike Dethman. Executable geoPaint picture, created - by Click Pix. June.sfx - Scanned pictures. Lemmings.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. MARBLES 1.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS MARBLES 2.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS MARCH CAL.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. By: TRICKY WOO! Genie E Mail S. BAUMHOVER MAY CAL.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. BY TRICKY WOO! MIL JETS.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. This file is free for distribution or - modification. G. Surette MIR SPACESTA.cvt.gz - MIR SPACESTAV1.2 by Spike Dethman. Executable geoPaint picture, created - by Click Pix. MISCELLANEOUS-1.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MISCELLANEOUS-2.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Man-Woman.lnx.gz - Scanned pictures. May1.sfx - Scanned pictures, part 1 of 4. May2.sfx - Scanned pictures, part 2 of 4. May3.sfx - Scanned pictures, part 3 of 4. May4.sfx - Scanned pictures, part 4 of 4. Motorbikes.lnx.gz - Scanned pictures of motorbikes. PAUL-MB+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. A converted HS scan of Paul McAleer, or the - infamous PAUL-MB on GEnie. :) PEOPLE.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS PIANO.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS PICTURE FRAME.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS PIN LETTER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS PRETTY FACES.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. PSSCRIPT TIPS.cvt.gz - geoWrite V2.1 document. PUBBORDER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS Paperboy.sfx - Scanned pictures of paper boys. Photo Scrap.cvt - This Photo Scrap V1.1 file might be corrupted. Pipe-Man.GB+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. (C) Lloyd Hayes. May not be distributed for - profit. REPTILES.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. REU ICON.CVT.cvt.gz - geoWrite V1.1 document. Drawing of a 17XX C= REU. Nice for gateWay - RAMDisk icon. ROPE 1.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS ROPE.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS SCROLL.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS SECTION A.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SECTION B.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SECTION C.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SECTION D.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SECTION E.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SECTION F.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SECTION G.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SECTION H.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SECTION I.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SET1.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SET2.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. SHADOW LETTER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS SNOWMOBILES.CVT.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Free for distribution and modification. G. - Surette SPORTSCAR.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS SQUARE CORNER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS STS62.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. STS62CREW.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Scan1.sfx - Scanned pictures. Scan2.sfx - Scanned pictures. Scan4.sfx - Scanned pictures. Sheri-C2.GB+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. (C) Lloyd Hayes. May not be distributed for - profit. Sheri.GB+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. (C) Lloyd Hayes. May not be distributed for - profit. Shuttlelaunch.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Super64CPU.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. TENNIS FAM+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Converted from Handy Scanner format. Written - by Joe Buckley. TIGER.073+.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Converted from Handy Scanner format. Written - by Joe Buckley. TRUCK BANNER.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS U.S.Spacecrafts.lnx.gz - A geoPublish document about U.S. spacecrafts. USA FLAG.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. U.S. Flag with 50 stars (shaded circles) and 13 - stripes. Drawn by Tim Phelps WE XMAS 94 CLR.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. Full snowscene inside. Santa on back. Snowman - on front. By HAYSEED - December 1994 Color in 64 WHALES-2.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. WINDOW.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. MICK CAMPBELL-BURNS X-Mas 95 Paint.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. XMAS 1994.cvt.gz - geoPublish V1.0 document. XMAS 95 Pub.cvt.gz - geoPublish V1.0 document. amiga.lady.cvt - Photo of a woman converted to geoPaint animalia.cvt - Animal clip art from LoadStar animalia2.cvt - Animal clip art from LoadStar animals.cvt - Animal clip art from LoadStar arch.cvt.gz atv.1.cvt.gz atv.2.cvt.gz - geoPaint autumn images b.leoutsacos.cvt.gz bday.100.cvt.gz bday.125.cvt.gz bday.150.cvt.gz bday.200.cvt.gz bigclipper.aid.cvt - Image with guidelines for BigClipper blitzen#2.cvt.gz book-2.cvt.gz border 1.usr - Music border image border 5.usr - Twisted border image border 6.usr - Piano keys border image border 7.usr - Baseball border image brian.cvt.gz bsa clip art 2.cvt - Colorful clip art geoPaint image bsw 128 2.0_labels4sleuth.cvt - labels for geoSleuth bsw2.0_labels4sleuth.cvt - labels for geoSleuth business 1.cvt - Business related clip art geoPaint christmas.cvt - Christmas clip art from LoadStar city girl.cvt couple.cvt.gz cyclists.1.cvt.gz cyclists.2.cvt.gz disk jacket.cvt.gz f.d.r..cvt.gz f.d.r.2.cvt.gz fisherman.cvt.gz floppy border-2.cvt.gz frdgx10a.d64.gz frdgx10b.d64.gz frdgx11a.d64.gz frdgx11b.d64.gz frdgx12a.d64.gz frdgx12b.d64.gz frdgx13a.d64.gz frdgx13b.d64.gz frdgx14a.d64.gz frdgx14b.d64.gz frdgx15a.d64.gz frdgx15b.d64.gz frdgx16a.d64.gz frdgx16b.d64.gz frdgx17a.d64.gz frdgx17b.d64.gz frdgx18a.d64.gz frdgx18b.d64.gz frdgx19a.d64.gz frdgx19b.d64.gz frdgx1a.d64.gz frdgx1b.d64.gz frdgx20a.d64.gz frdgx20b.d64.gz frdgx2a.d64.gz frdgx2b.d64.gz frdgx3a.d64.gz frdgx3b.d64.gz frdgx4a.d64.gz frdgx4b.d64.gz frdgx5a.d64.gz frdgx5b.d64.gz frdgx6a.d64.gz frdgx6b.d64.gz frdgx7a.d64.gz frdgx7b.d64.gz frdgx8a.d64.gz frdgx8b.d64.gz frdgx9a.d64.gz frdgx9b.d64.gz frdscana.d81.gz frdscanb.d81.gz frdscanc.d81.gz frdscand.d81.gz frdscane.d81.gz frdscanf.d81.gz frdscang.d81.gz funckeyschts.cvt.gz geocalprint.cvt - January, 1988 calendar image geoclub icons.cvt - Image of tiny graphics to use as mouse pointers geograpeshot.cvt - Grapeshot images from LoadStar geojacket 2.cvt - GEOS disk jacket geolabel demo.cvt geopaint_lobster.d64.gz - Famous Lobster image from geoPaint advertisements graphic labels.cvt - Labels template for Multi Labels app (geoPaint) graphpaper.lnx - Three geoPaint V2.0 files. What exactly are these? halloween art.cvt - Halloween clip art from LoadStar halloween1.cvt.gz halloween2.cvt.gz halloween3.cvt.gz halloween4.cvt.gz halloween5.cvt.gz halloween6.cvt.gz halloween7.cvt.gz halloween8.cvt.gz halloween9.cvt.gz holidays one.cvt - geoPaint pic with various holiday clip-art, from Run holidays two.cvt - geoPaint pic with various holiday clip-art, from Run laur.cvt.gz - geoPaint V1.1 document. leisure.cvt - Leisure clip art geoPaint image light.cvt.gz lizard.cvt.gz lots of icons.cvt marbles 1-2.cvt.gz motorcycles.1.cvt.gz motorcycles.2.cvt.gz mushroom2.cvt.gz object art.cvt - Photo album of various clip art of objects ocean life.cvt - Ocean life clip art from LoadStar old-man.cvt.gz old-woman.cvt.gz oldstudio.cvt.gz peter.8x10.cvt - Photo conversion to geoPaint, of "Peter" photo dbfile 1.0.cvt photo dbfile.doc.cvt - Docs for Photo DBFile 1.0 pic_easy geolabels.cvt - for geoLabel pic_geolabel x 10.cvt - for geoLabel pic_geolabelsleeve.cvt - for geoLabel pointers 2.cvt - Image of tiny graphics to use as mouse pointers pointers.cvt - Image of tiny graphics to use as mouse pointers post notions.cvt - Images of cute sayings and signs potpourri.cvt - Potpourri of clip art from LoadStar quick clips 1.cvt railroad.d64.gz raquel welch.cvt reu-plans.lnx - Beyond 512 geoPaint plans for an REU upgrade to 2mb runart five.cvt - Pic with various clippable art from Run Magazine runart four.cvt - Pic with various clippable art from Run Magazine runart one.cvt - Pic with various clippable art from Run Magazine runart three.cvt - Pic with various clippable art from Run Magazine runart two.cvt - Pic with various clippable art from Run Magazine santa by jeff.cvt - Santas face scanart.cvt - Art scanned with a handy scanner sdump pic.cvt - Recursive desktop geoPaint pic seal pup 2.cvt.gz sealpup1.cvt.gz set3.cvt.gz - geoPaint V2.0 document. shadowletter.cvt.gz t m n t.cvt unicorn.cvt us-space.d64.gz websters.cvt - geoPaint doc of Clip Art - creatures of the world whales.cvt - Pictures of whales? winter art.cvt xmas girl.cvt - Christmas girl geoPrint image - geoPaint Christmas art zodiac.cvt - Zodiac clip art from LoadStar geos/graphics/viewers/ AlbumAnimDoc.cvt - Docs for Album Animator AlbumAnimator.cvt - Animator V1.0 by Dennis N. Seitz. AutoView.cvt - Paint View0 V2.0 by Red Storm. View geoPaint files as a slide show. - From Storm Systems. GraphicView1.0.cvt - GEOS 128 64K VDC Viewer of geoPaint, Doodle, other pics GraphicViewV1.1.cvt - GraphicView V1.1 by Kenneth L. Bell Jr.. Viewer for geoPaint, Doodle, & - Bitmap graphics. Needs 64K of VDC ram. Photo Album Lister.cvt Photo Album Lister.doc.cvt - geoBasic application to read photo names from V2.1 albums PhotoGrab2.1.cvt - PHOTOGRAB V2.1 by Michael Myers. Use PHOTOGRAB to manage photo scraps - and albums. PhotoGrab2.5.lnx - Grab and manage photo scraps 2.5 ReadPaint.lnx - Simple geoPaint viewer with source by M. Randall ScraPeek 2.2.cvt - ScraPeek V2.2 by Ed Flinn. ScraPeek 3.2.cvt - ScraPeek V3.2 by Ed Flinn. ScraPeek 3.4.cvt - ScraPeek V3.2 by Ed Flinn. ScraPeek for GEOS 64 and 128 40/80! - Support for photo album 2.1 added. ScrapPeek 3B.cvt - ScraPeek V3.B by Ed Flinn. dotview.lnx - DotView by Todd Elliot, for viewing GoDot 4bit files. Includes - samples. geoRLE.cvt - GEOS RLE Display by Arthur J. Dahm III. Displays RLE pictures from - other computers stored in SEQ or PRG format. geoView11.cvt - GeoView V1.1 by Stephen R. Bassler. View, scroll, and print GeoPaint - pictures in full-screen mode. geoview1.cvt - GeoView V1.0 by Stephen R. Bassler. View, scroll, and print GeoPaint - pictures in full-screen mode lace ii.cvt - GEOS 128 picture viewer by Paul Murdaugh macpaint view 1.0.cvt - MacPaint View (GEOS 128) - view on 80 col screen by Jim Collette macpaint view 1.1.cvt - MacPaint View (GEOS 128) - view on 80 col screen by Jim Collette paintview1.2.cvt - PaintView 1.2 geoPaint image viewer by Red Storm paintview20.cvt - PaintView_II v2.0 by Red Storm - view geoPaint files patternscolors.cvt - View system patterns in any color scrapgrab2.5.lnx - Manage scraps and photo albums, by Michael Meyers geos/magazines/ geos/magazines/GTUG/ GTUG488A.d64.gz GTUG488B.d64.gz GTUG588A.d64.gz GTUG588B.d64.gz GTUG688A.d64.gz GTUG688B.d64.gz GTUG688C.d64.gz GTUG788A.d64.gz GTUG788B.d64.gz GTUG888A.d64.gz GTUG888B.d64.gz GTUG888C.d64.gz GTUG988A.d64.gz GTUG988B.d64.gz GTUG988C.d64.gz GTUGB88A.d64.gz GTUGB88B.d64.gz GTUGB88C.d64.gz GTUGB88D.d64.gz geos/magazines/LoadStar/ LS-GEOS-Apps2.d81.gz LS-GEOS_Fonts1.d81.gz loadstar-geos-apps1.d64.gz loadstar-geos-apps1a.d64.gz loadstar-geos-apps2.d64.gz loadstar-geos-art1.d64.gz loadstar-geos-art2.d64.gz loadstar-geos-fonts.d64.gz geos/magazines/Run/ - ReRun Companion disks - GEOS PowerPak I from RUN Magazine - GEOS PowerPak II from RUN Magazine geos/magazines/geoVision/ GEOVIS1A.D64.gz GEOVIS1B.D64.gz GEOVIS2A.D64.gz GEOVIS2B.D64.gz GEOVIS3A.D64.gz GEOVIS3B.D64.gz geos/magazines/geoWorld/ geoWorld-1a.d64.gz geoWorld-1b.d64.gz geoWorld-23a.d64.gz geoWorld-23b.d64.gz geoWorld-24a.d64.gz geoWorld-24b.d64.gz geoWorld-25a.d64.gz geoWorld-25b.d64.gz geoWorld-26a.d64.gz geoWorld-26b.d64.gz geoWorld-2a.d64.gz geoWorld-2b.d64.gz geoWorld-3a.d64.gz geoWorld-3b.d64.gz geoWorld-4a.d64.gz geoWorld-4b.d64.gz geoWorld-5a.d64.gz geoWorld-5b.d64.gz geos/manuals/ CONCEPT.pdf - Manual for Concept and Concept+ assemblers from Click Here Soft GTWAYDOC.CVT - gateWay OS manuals becker-basic-manual.pdf - Manual for Abacus Becker BASIC geobasic-manual-quag.pdf - geoBASIC User Manual geocalc-manual.pdf - geoCalc Manual geochart-manual.pdf - geoChart Manual geofile-manual.pdf - geoFile Manual geoprogrammer-manual.pdf - geoProgrammer Manual - geoPublish Manuals in pdf geos-deskpack1-user-manual.pdf - Deskpack1 Manual geos-fontpack1-user-manual.pdf - Font pack 1 Manual - GEOS 128 Manuals in pdf - GEOS 64 v2.0 Manuals in pdf runs-geo-companion-manual-quag.pdf - RUN Magazine's GEOS Companion Manual geos/non-GEOS/ Convert-2.5.prg Convert-2.5.readme - Tool to convert between GEOS and standard Commodore file format (*.cvt). Convert-2.5DA.prg - A different version of Convert. DA=Desk Accessory? Doodle-4.1.prg - Display Doodle files. This BASIC program must be run from GEOS. SEQ2Scrap.1.prg - This Commodore BASIC program converts SEQ files to Scrapbook files. SmartWatch-128.v2.sfx - Programs for reading the time from a SmartWatch device that plugs into - the joystick port. A GEOS driver is included. WRAPTOR3.prg - c64 file archiver often used on GEOS files, by Bill Lucier applebin.lnx - Convert Apple GEOS files too/from bin. GEOS2BIN and BIN2GEOS. font checker.prg - Validates GEOS fonts on the same disk geo-info.64.cvt - Print info sector all files by Paydon Snider (PRG with GEOS header) geoPack-2.1.cvt geoPack-2.1.doc.cvt - Converts and Lynxes a set of GEOS files. geoRAM wedge.prg geoRAM wedge.readme - Make the C128 FETCH and STASH commands to work with the geoRAM expansion - unit. geoexport-v1.prg - Convert geoWrite documents to PETSCII or to ASCII text files. geopointer.cvt - Pointer Editor v2 by Chuck Jordan, PRG with GEOS header geos-looker.sda - A disk sector viewer that turns bit 5 in all the bytes on the sector - before displaying them, so that you can view GEOS disks more easily. This - program appears to be compiled BASIC. - Program to reboot GEOS 128 from REU. geovert.cvt - geovert by Mystic Jim (PRG with GEOS header) imagecon.cvt - Imagecon picture converter by Mystic Jim (PRG with GEOS header) macgeopaint.cvt - Mac->geoPaint picture converter by Hastings Drew (PRG with GEOS header) note printer.cvt - Note Printer by Arthur Dahm (PRG with GEOS header) notes-album.cvt - Convert notes to text album, by Randy Winchester notes-textalbum 1.1.cvt - Notes to Text Album, by Randy Winchester (PRG with GEOS header) piconvert.cvt - PICconvert 1.0 (PRG with GEOS header) prgtogeos2.cvt - PRG to GEOS2 (PRG with GEOS header) ps-pm-nr.cvt - PS/PM/NR V1.2 by Brian Heyboer (PRG with GEOS header) pshop-doodle.cvt - PShop/Doodle by Brian Conrad (PRG with GEOS header) pshopx2.cvt - PShop X2 by Mystic Jim (PRG with GEOS header) seq-text scrap 1.1.cvt - SEQ Text file to Text Scrap, by Randy Winchester (PRG with GEOS header) seq-text-scrap 1.3.cvt - SEQ Text file to Text Scrap, by Randy Winchester (PRG with GEOS header) seq-text-scrap 2.1.cvt - SEQ Text file to Text Scrap, by Randy Winchester ungeos.lnx - Convert a GEOS disk back to a non-GEOS disk. Be careful with this - program! Use geoPack or Convert if you want to transfer files from GEOS - disks. geos/patches/ 128 configure2.1_2mb.cvt - CONFIGURE 2.1 with 2mb REU support for GEOS 128 128CONFIGURE20R.CVT - GEOS 128 CONFIGURE for geoRAM 128CONFIGURE21R.CVT - GEOS 128 CONFIGURE for expanded BBG geoRAM 1571bootfix.uue - A fix for booting Maverick 1571 from GEOS, or something. Documentation - and a uuencoded binary in an ASCII file. 1581-2.0 info.prg - An addendum to the GEOS 2.0 user's manual regarding the 1581 disk drive. 64CONFIGURE2.0.CVT - GEOS 64 CONFIGURE for geoRAM 64CONFIGURE21R.CVT - GEOS 64 CONFIGURE for expanded BBG and geoRAM GW-HDTime.d64.gz - Updated gateWay modfule to read time from CMD HD. GW1571.d64.gz - Update to 1571 disk driver by Paul Murdaugh GetID.cvt - GetID V2.0 by Robert A. Knop Jr. Checks the serial number of your GEOS - Kernal. ID.doc.cvt - geoWrite V2.1 document about GetID and NewID. Maverick-boot-fix.lnx - Tools for patching backup copies of the GEOS system disk so that they - work. NewID.cvt - NewID V3.2 by Robert A. Knop Jr. Changes the runtime serial number of - your GEOS Kernal to any specified value. Useful if you have software you - bought used which was installed under a different Kernal from the one you - want to use it under. REU-Configure.lnx - Tools for testing a Commodore RAM Expansion Unit under GEOS, and various - utilities for configuring GEOS to make use of the RAM expansion and some - devices produced by CMD. TrojanKiller.cvt - DeTrojan V1.0 by Jim Collette. Remove the built-in trojan horse from the - DeskTop. This way, if you make a second boot disk, or a 1581 boot disk, - you can move the files around on that disk without fear of losing your - three system files. Written for GEOS2.0; I don't think it will run under - GEOS 1.x (anyone?). TrojanKiller.doc.cvt - Docs for Trojen Killer autopatt1_0.cvt - Load a custom pattern into GEOS configure2.1_2mb.cvt - CONFIGURE 2.1 with 2mb REU support for GEOS 64 ctrl-tab.lnx - Make control key tab in geoWrite 64 dbgetfiles.lnx - Patch by Jean F. Major. DBGetFiles will update the GetFiles dialogue box - of your GEOS KERNAL, so that you will not have to click each time you - want to scroll up or down. Just hold the button until you reach the file - you want and make your choice. It will update GEOS 64 and 128, version - 1.3 and 2.0. Numerous versions included, as well as docs. flashalarm.cvt - Changes alarm tone to border flash, by Kent LS geoMakeBoots.d64.gz - GEOS boot disk makers geoSnap-20130616.d64.gz - ShadowM's GEOS boot disk maker geobusters3.d64.gz - GEOS boot disk copier geodex upgrade 1.1.cvt - upgrade geoDex from 1.0 to 1.1 geodex upgrade 1.2.cvt - upgrade geoDex from 1.0 to 1.2 geodex upgrade 1.3.cvt - upgrade geoDex from 1.0 to 1.3 geodex.fix doc.cvt - geoDex dialing/rs232 manual fix instructions geodexpatch1.cvt - Fix for geoDex .. patch 1.0 by Kent LS geofile patch.cvt - Unknown geoFile patch geos-supercpu.d64.gz - SuperCPU patches for GEOS from CMD geosleuthupd.lnx - Update geoSleuth to support 1581, by J Major grabber upgrade.cvt - Upgrade Graphics Grabber to 1.1 majorbox64g.cvt - Update DBGetFile for more files. German GEOS 64 v2.0 maketurbo.lnx - Quick boot GEOS 64 using TurboMaster hardware maverickupd.lnx - Updated Maverick to work in 80 cols under GEOS 128 merge upgrade 1.1.cvt - Upgrade geoMerge to 1.1 merge upgrade 1.3.cvt - Upgrade geoMerge from 1.0 to 1.3 mountbbgram.cvt - Patches GEOS to support BBSRam Expansion Unit, by Alex Malcoms - Patch for MegaPatch 3 128 standard applications (Write, Paint, - Patches for MegaPatch 3 64 standard applications (Write, Paint, - Merge, File, Calc, ...) pmpatch.cvt - Patch PhotoManager 1.3 or 2.1 for cont scrolling, by Kent LS publishupd.lnx - Patch to geoPublish to fix crash on missing text file, by J Major publishupdat.doc.cvt - Docs for publishupd set patt.doc.cvt - Docs for Pattern Edit/ Set Pattern by James Trew setpattern.lnx - Set Pattern by James Hastings-Trew - SuperCPU 128 utilities from CMD superbox128.lnx - SuperBox 2.0 - Patches GEOS 2.0 kernal for a better file opening box, by - Roger Lawhorn superbox64.lnx - SuperBox 2.0 - Patches GEOS 2.0 kernal for a better file opening box, by - Riger Lawhorn supercpu-utils.d64.gz - SuperCPU SuperInstall disk image t-grab upgrade 2.1.cvt - Upgrade Text Grabber from 2.0 to 2.1 toolbox128_541.cvt - Toolbox 5.4.1 for Wheels 128, supporting larger REUs toolbox64_541.cvt - Toolbox 5.4.1 for Wheels 64, supporting larger REUs writemenu.cvt - Constrain the geoWrite 2.1 menus by Payton Snider II Merge, File, Calc, - ...) - Patches for US GEOS 64/128 programs GEOLASER and GEOPUBLASER to - fix the Y2K problem - Patch for the US GEOS 64/128 program Calendar I V1.0 to fix the - Y2K problem - Patches for US GEOS 64/128 programs geoWrite, geoMerge, geoPublish, - GeosLQ (PerfectPrint) and calendar (from Deskpack) to fix the - Y2K problem geos/plus4/ * Graphic Environment Operating System for the Plus/4 Might also require * the 1551 disk drive. Uses a joystick for operation p4geos1a-boot-geopaint.d64.gz - Boot disk with geoPaint p4geos1b-geosdemo.d64.gz - GEOS demos disk p4geos2a-boot-geowrite.d64.gz - Boot disk with geoWrite p4geos2b-geopaint.d64.gz - geoPaint work disk p4geos3a-printer-drivers.d64.gz - Printer Drivers p4geos3b-fonts.d64.gz - Fonts p4geos4a-geowrite.d64.gz - geoWrite work disk p4geos4b-printer-creator.d64.gz - Printer driver creator disk geos/productivity/ Apocalypse Calculator.cvt - Calculate the chance of the Apocalypse - BSW GeoCalc spreadsheet software. Includes manual. - BSW geoChart, graphing software, includes manual. - BSW GeoFile database tool. Includes manual. - BSW geoPublish desktop publishing pkg, with manual - BSW geoSpell - Spell Checker for geoWrite documents GeoWrite.d64.gz - BSW GeoWrite v2.1 word processor. SpellChecker.d64.gz - Spell Checker for geoWrite documents - Official BSW Wrier's Workshop package, with geoMerge, Text Grabber, - geoLaser. Includes manual. barcoder.lnx - Generate barcodes from numbers by Carlos Amezega cal123geoABC.cvt - Typing tutoring program in geoBASIC changeover.cvt - Convert mass/length/temp between metric and imperial, by Bruce Thomas geoCheckBook-1.5-demo.cvt geoCheckBook-1.5-docs.cvt - geoCheckBookV1.5 by Kent L. Smotherman. A demo version of a home finance - program. The documentation is in geoWrite 2.1 format. geoDiskFilter12.lnx - Database for disk files - geoPublish tutorial by Bruce Thomas. Includes DNP image and PDF doc - geoText - GW compatible light weight word procc geochart_ge.d64.gz - geoChart - unprotected last version geocheckbk15.lnx - geoCheckBookV1.5 by Kent L. Smotherman. A home finance program. geocheckbook15.cvt - Alternative build of geoCheckbook 1.5 by Kent LS. See also the .lnx - version. geocheckboox128.cvt - geoCheckBook 128 by Kent L. Smotherman. A home finance program. geodiary.lnx - geoDiary 1.0 - diary writer by KentLS geodiary2.lnx - geoDiary 2.0 - diary writer by KentLS geofamily.lnx - Family database tool v2.6 by David Lucas geoglobe.lnx - geoGlobe World city mapper by David Ferguson - Deskpack1 geotype.cvt - Typing practice program geowrite128-4.cvt - geoWrite 128 updated with 4 drive support geowrite64-4.cvt - geoWrite updated with 4 drive support hurrtracker.lnx - Hurricane tracking tool by Joe Buckley listmaker.cvt - A Grocery Shopping list creator by Michael Iafrate - WYSIWYG Newsletter authoring software publishupdat.cvt - Run from geoPublish backup disk to fix various bugs publishupdat.doc.cvt - Docs for publishupdat qd-edit.lnx - Q&D Editor - geoWrite & SEQ file editor by Buckley & Kostella - Writer 64 from TimeWorks. Includes docs - Better Working Word Publisher from Spinnaker geos/productivity/docs/ 1571FIX.lnx - Doc for 1571 disk drive repair 1581 dir sorter docs.cvt - Docs for 1581 directory sorter app 2megreuplans.lnx - Schematics and notes for converting REU to 2mb 64 turbo doc.cvt - Article about speeding up the C64 C-PORT.CVT - Doc about C-PORT : a speed and ram drive interface DISPLAY.GCR.lnx - GCR and Disk Density display document book.cvt - geoPublish doc from geoVision collection feather border.cvt - geoPublish doc from the geoVision collection font codes.cvt - List of common fonts and their points frdcalendar.lnx - FRD geoPublish calendar package, enormous! geoNews dec89.cvt - geoNews from December, 1989 georam from basic.doc.cvt - Docs for using geoRAM from BASIC geoworldcovs.lnx - Pair of geoPublish docs for geoWorld covers label maker review doc.cvt - Review of Label Maker process chart.cvt - geoPublish doc scroll.cvt - geoPublish doc from the geoVision collection stamp template.cvt - geoFile doc of Stamp collecting sttng manual.lnx.gz - Star Trek the Next Generation manuals vdc upgrade info.cvt - Doc for upgrading c128 vdc ram to 64k geos/programming/ CopeAssembler.lnx - An integrated Assembler development environment. DialogBox-Editor.cvt - BoxEditor V1.0 by Stephen Van Egmond. This program allows you to create - dialog boxes for your programs. DisAssembler-2.0.cvt - DisAssemblerV2.0 by Marc F. Brouillette. Produce a GeoWrite file for a - prg. Will now work with any drive..Airs' :) - Original geoBASIC from BSW. Includes manual. See also - documents/geobasicbugs.cvt - BSW geoProgrammer assembly dev package with manual. Mega Assembler-a.d64.gz Mega Assembler-b.d64.gz Mega Assembler.readme - An accompanying disk for a German GEOS programming book with an assembler - and tools for GEOS64 and GEOS128 program development. SpringBoard.lnx - The Springboard Assembler takes geoWrite files (any version), and uses - them as 6502 assembly source files. It can assemble up to sixteen files - into a sixteen-module GEOS application. There is no need for a linker. assemblerupd.lnx - Converts linker in geoAssembler 1.1 to run in C128 80 cols at 2mhz backdebug.cvt backdebug.readme - A little patch for geoDebugger 2.0 to force it to automatically come up - as the BackRAM Debugger. - Abacus Becker BASIC with manual pdf brian_fig_forth.d64.gz - Brian FIG FORTH development - Concept+ Macro assembler for SCPU from Maurice Randall and Click Here - Software - Assembler/Linker/Development package for Wheels 64 and Wheels 128 - Assembler/Linker/Development package for Wheels 64 and Wheels 128 with a - SuperCPU. db128rboot.readme db128rboot.sfx - This is a hack I put together before I had geoDebugger 2.0 with the - BackRAM debugger. debugdelay.cvt - Alters the key-repeat delay in geoDebugger versions debuggerupd.lnx - Upgrades geoDebugger v1.0, docs included geoBEAVER.lnx - geoBEAVER. Screen, Menu, and Dialog visual editor that generates - geoWrite source code. Version 1.0 by Bo Zimmerman geoBasic-minidemo.cvt geoBasic-minidemo.notes.cvt - geoBasic demo. The notes are in note pad V2.0 format. geoBasic.patch.lnx - A patch for geoBasic that adds some features to it. geoCom.lnx - Demo version of a Basic compiler developed in Germany. This compiler - uses its own Basic dialect. geoCope.d64.gz - Cope assembler v1.3 geoForth.d64.gz - geoForth programming language geoProgPatch2.1.cvt geoProgPatch2.1.readme - This is the geoProgrammer Patch 2.1 which allows the geoProgrammer - applications to be run under GEOS128. geoProgrammer.errata.cvt - Errors found in geoProgrammer. This geoWrite V2.0 document is dated - 01/25/88. - geoProgrammer 2.1 with macro updates, includes new manual geoSourcer31.d64.gz - geoSourcer 3.1, a 2-pass Disassembler geoSplitter.prg - This Commodore BASIC program extracts data from GEOS directory entries. geodebugger2021.cvt - geoDebugger updated by Paul Murdaugh 6/2021 geostripper.lnx.prg - "De-Compiles" a geoBASIC program by removing the runtime. linkerupd.lnx - Updates geoLinker 1.1 to run in 80 cols under GEOS 128 loadermaker.cvt - Add a GEOS loader to a normal assembly program. By Nick Vrtis printdbgsym.cvt - Print symbols from .dbg file by Steve Motto test_64.dbg.cvt - Empty debug file for geoDebugger, by J Major geos/programming/documents/ Convert format.txt - File format used by the Convert tool (*.cvt files). GEOS Programmers Reference Guide.pdf - Official BSW Geos Programmers Reference Guide Geos128.txt - Converting programs from GEOS 64 to GEOS 128. debugger2.0.readme debugger2.0.sfx - This is the only part of the geoProgrammer 2.0 packaged that ever got - near enough completion to be released. gbasicbugsinfo.cvt - Information about geoBASIC bugs geoPaint format.txt - Description of the file format used by geoPaint. geoProgrammer.seq - Hitchikers Guide to geoProgrammer: 2.0 a long text file containing a - collection of information about the geoProgrammer 2.0 project geoProgrammer.txt - This is a LONG text file which contains a collection of information - about the geoProgrammer 2.0 project. geobasicbugs.cvt - A document with workarounds for geoBASIC bugs geoprogref.lnx - GEOS Programmers Reference by Alex Boyce, original SEQ files geostechref.html - GEOS Programmer's Reference Guide in hypertext format, formatted by - Marko Mäkelä. See also Bo Zimmermann's revised version of the - document, which is available at - . geostechref.txt - GEOS Programmer's Reference Guide by Alexander Boyce in ASCII format. - According to Andreas Varga , this - document was written back when GEOS 1.2 was current, and most of the - information in this text is wrong, or not applicable to GEOS 2.0. It - is the result of reverse-engineering GEOS, and contains lots of errors. gkbdevdov.cvt - Information about Keyboard reading in GEOS hitchikers_guide_to_geos-v2022.pdf - GEOS development/api documentation, revised 2022 by Paul B Murdaugh icon pix 2.cvt - geoPaint doc for developing icons memory_gp_jm.lnx - Memory/Symbol map in geoPublish by J Major geos/programming/source/ GDIPrintSrc.arc - Source for geoDirPrint, in ARC format. ROTPAGES.src.cvt - geoWrite V2.1 document. Student Forth source code for ROTPAGES, which - prints "PAGE xy" files sideways. StartUpScreen-2.0.lnx - geoProgrammer sample file. This program loads and displays a picture - when GEOS is started up. UTILITIES1-SRC.cvt - geoWrite V2.0 document. Generic Disk Error Handler by William C. - Coleman. Wheels-c81-Driver.pdf - Source code for Wheels 1581 disk driver. directory entries. autodate-src.lnx - AutoDate source by Kent LS diary-src.lnx - geoDiary source by Kent LS dirmastersrc.lnx - DirMaster source by Kent LS geoBasic-Example-MAD.d81.gz - Example geoBASIC "MAD Pic" geoCanvasToolSrc.d64.gz - Source and notes for coding new Tools for geoCanvas geoFontID.lnx - Source code for managing GEOS font identifiers. geomodules.lnx - geoModules project 12/20/2021 by Bo Zimmerman. Assorted geoProgrammer - code libraries for GEOS programming. geopaint8.raw.s.gz - geoPaint 128 source, disassembled from binary. geos128Sym.cvt - geoWrite V1.1 document. New equates, variables and constants - see - Transactor 9:4 - with VDC colour values geosMac.cvt - geoWrite V1.1 document. geoProgrammer sample file. Useful macros. geosSym.cvt - geoWrite V1.1 document. geoProgrammer sample file. Labels for GEOS - routines and data structures. jm_equates.cvt - equates by J Major jm_routines.cvt - Routines by J Major loc128source.lnx - Source code from author of Locate 128 paintview.lnx - geoPaint viewer with source by M Randall, et al rawplayer.src.cvt - rawplayer digital player source rpn-src.readme rpn128-src.sfx rpn64-src.sfx - Source code of the Reverse Polish Notation calculator by Robert A. Knop - Jr. unlock.lnx - This is presumably a program that can set and remove the write lock - from geos/util/ - Collette Utilities disks geoBrowser1.6.lnx - geoBrowser 1.6 - viewer for geoWrite, geoPaint, text, and other docs. - Power Tools utility disks geos/util/archiving/ GEOPACK.lnx - geoPack 2.0, for creating/dissolving LYNX archives convert 128.cvt - Convert 2.0 - to/from GEOS and CVT formats, any model convert1.1.cvt - Convert to/from GEOS and CVT formats convert1.4.cvt - Convert to/from GEOS and CVT formats convert2.1.cvt - Convert to/from GEOS and CVT formats convert2.2.cvt - Convert to/from GEOS and CVT formats convert2.4.cvt - Convert to/from GEOS and CVT formats convert2.5.cvt - Convert .CVT between GEOS and CBM file types, by William Coleman convert3.0.cvt - Convert to/from GEOS and CVT formats geoPack-2_1.cvt - geoPack is a Convert and LYNX archiver for GEOS. geoPack-2_1_doc.cvt - Docs for geoPack geobeap2c.lnx - geoBEAP 2.1c - a file and disk image archiver for GEOS by Bo Zimmerman. - Supports .Dxx, LNX, CVT, ARK, others. geoconverte98f.cvt - Convert E98.f by M Kanet, supports files up to 16MB. geopack-2.2.lnx - geoPack v2.2 - a Convert and LYNX archiver for GEOS by Spike Dethman - geoZip English Version - geoZip German Version gunzip.lnx - GunZip utility with docs - geoZip Source Code geos/util/database/ Baseball-stats.lnx - Baseball statistics templates for geoCalc. CardFile.cvt - Card Filer V1.0 by Red Storm (Joe Buckley). A simple database program. Expenses.cvt - geoCalc V1.0 document. This GeoCalc 128 template will help keep track - of your yearly expenses. Written by Russ Tahsler. Family tree.lnx - Template for use with geoFile to help you keep track of your family - tree. A Photo Scrap for the template is included. - BSW geoDex contact database. Contains manual. - BSW GeoFile database tool. Includes manual. INET-Addr-geopub.cvt - geoFile template for internet addresses ReaderLog.cvt - geoFile template for Readers area codes.cvt - geoFile database autodate_ks.cvt - Set common holiday dates in Calendar bookcase.cvt - Book case geoFile database family_group.doc.cvt - Docs for family group (tree?) geoDiskFiler12.lnx - geoDiskFiler - disk file database manager geoLogger.cvt - geoLogger V1.0 by Mike Craig. GEOS128 80 col. disk file cataloging - system. Shareware - $5.00. geofamily1.lnx - Family database tool v1 by David Lucas geomovie.cvt - geoFile movie database video libary.cvt - GEOFILE V1.0 document. this is a video libary template. By Dan Barber - (J.Barber9) geos/util/disk/ CMDRESET.cvt - geoWrite V2.1 document. Tells you how to reset your CMD devices - properly after running GEOS. Desk Organizer.cvt - DESK ORG V1.0 by John Howard. Add or Delete blank pages... Fill in - empty spaces moving all files to front pages... Disk Repair.cvt - DISK REPAIR V1.1 by Various. The program will allow you to view the - BAM, repair damage to the OPD block, etc. 1/22/88 -wcc DiskLock.cvt - Disk Locker/protector 1.0 by Lee Semel DriveCleaner-english.cvt - Cleaner V2.0 by Jorgen Eckel. for GEOS 128, V2.0, 80 col. ONLY!!! Use - this program and a cleaning disk to clean the drive's read&write heads. DriveCleaner-german.cvt - Cleaner V1.0 by Jürgen Eckel. The only difference from version 2.0 is - that this program is in German. FFTB.cvt - FastFormattrV1.0 by Scott E. Resh. Fast Format That Baby is a nice - little disk utility. GEOS Busters 4.0.d64.gz - Disk copy program for GEOS 64, for copying BSW disks. MajReOrg21.lnx - Major ReOrg - Disk file organizer that supports all modern drives. - Includes GEOS Info sector editor built-in. By Bo Zimmerman Pik-Stash.lnx - This pair of programs lets you automatically dump selected files from - your boot disk to your RAMdrive and, if you desire, swap the RAMdrive - for your boot or data drive. QwikTop2.3doc.cvt - Docs for disk file organizer/manager v2.3 dir. repair.cvt - 1541 directory repair by Far Bear dirmanager.cvt - Disk directory sorter for 1541, 71, 81 dirmaster1.0.lnx - Directory manipulation for 41/71 disks dirmaster1.1.lnx - Manipulate disk dirs on 41/71 dirmaster2.lnx - Manipulate 1541/71/81 directories v2.0, by Kent LS diskmaster1.0.cvt - Change a disk to/from a Master disk. By Steven Eyrse diskprotect1.cvt - DiskProtect V1.0 by Robert L. Thaller. Change a disk to Boot, Master or - Work disk diskprotect2.5.cvt - DiskProtect V2.5 by Robert L. Thaller. Change a disk to Boot, Master or - Work type. diskprotect2.cvt - DiskProtect V2.0 by Robert L. Thaller. Change a disk to Boot, Master or - Work type. erase-header-v1.cvt - Erase disk header v1.0 by Alex Burger erase-header-v2.lnx - Removes GEOS header (including Master status) from disks. Includes 64 & - 128 versions. geoDiskEdit.cvt - geoDiskEdit V1.0 by Mike Craig. geoHacker-1.6.cvt - GEOHACKER V1.6 by Mystic Jim. geoOrganizer.cvt - Reorganize the disk directory contents. geoOrganizer.doc.cvt - Docs for geoOrganizer geoboot1581.lnx - geoBoot 1581 creates GEOS 64 boot disk for 1581 by J Major. geodos64de29.d81.gz - geoDOS - read PC disks (German language) geodos64en29.d81.gz - geoDOS - read PC disks - Application for reading/writing FAT formatted disk in 1581 or 1571 - drives geohacker.cvt - geoHacker v1.0 by mystic jim geolist20.cvt - List a directory to disk or printer geomakedir.2.2.cvt - A tool to create subdirectories on 1541 drives by Maciej Witkowiak. To - change a directory simply double click its icon. Do not validate! geomakedir.doc.cvt - Documentation of GeoMakeDir by Maciej Witkowiak. geos 2.0 hacker.prg - Aid for copying GEOS v2.0 boot disks geos1581.lnx - Create 1581 boot disks for GEOS 64 and GEOS 128 hd_geos_utils.d64.gz - CMD hard drive utility disks maverick s.e..cvt - Maverick Sector Editor by Mills/KJPB mavse2021.lnx - Maverick Sector Editor (SE), 2021 build by PBM plus21k.cvt - Use extra supported tracks on 1541 disk for more space quick format.cvt - Quick Format 1.0 by Jason Hoos qwikbam.cvt - Show disk BAM map, by John Howard qwiktop2.1.lnx - Disk file organizer/manager v2.1 qwiktop2.3.lnx - Disk file organizer/manager v2.3 qwiktop2.3b.cvt - Disk file organizer/manager v2.3 uiec-man.lnx - uIEC manager, for switching disk images on a uIEC. ulecSwitch1.3 r.04.d64.gz - Switch between D81 images on a uIEC drive unTrash-2.0.cvt - unTrash V2.0 by John F. Howard. Updates V1.0 - supports two drives and - automatically validates disk. ungeos info.cvt - Doc for ungeos ungeos.cvt - Converts GEOS disk back to regular one, v1.1 by William Coleman Make - GEOS 2.0 boot disks on a 1581. For the C64 or C128 versions. geos/util/file/ FindFile 1.0.lnx - Find files on disk by Nate Fielder FindFile-1.5.cvt - FindFile V1.5 by Nate Fiedler. Searches for a filename on all drives. - The document is in geoWrite V2.1 format. Flag Setter.cvt Flag Setter.doc.cvt - Flag Setter 1.0 by Red Storm. Reset the 'runable on' flags in the GEOS - file header. The documentation is in geoWrite V1.1 format. GetItWrite.cvt GetItWrite.doc.cvt - Pub Aid V1.0 by Joseph Thomas. Lists and allows renaming of geoWrite - files that are imported by a geoPub file. The documentation is in - geoWrite V2.1 format. HeaderEditor-1.1.cvt HeaderEditor-1.1.doc.cvt - HeaderEditorV1.1 by Nate Fiedler. Edit GEOS file headers. The - documentation is in geoWrite V1.1 format. Lock.UnLock1.1.cvt - Lockr/UNLckrV1.1 by Scott E. Resh. Use 'Lock/Unlock' to change the - "Write Protect' bit on files. Lock.Unlock1.0.cvt - Alter the protect bit on files, by Scott Rush aka.lnx - A.K.A. creates an alias of a file on a slower drive to load from a - faster one batch_copier.cvt - Batch Copier of files by Jim Collette file checksum calc.cvt - File Checker 1.0 by Jim Collette file copier.cvt - A fast 2-drive file copier by KJPB geoCrypt.cvt geoCrypt.doc.cvt - geoCrypt V1.0 by Spike Dethman. Encode and decode your Application Data - files. $2.00 Shareware. The documentation is in geoWrite V2.1 format. geokey.lnx - Change the protect bit on files, includes 80 col version. By Scott - Resh iconEdit-1.0.cvt - Edit a files icon, by Wayne Dempsey infoedit1.lnx - Edit text of info box by David Lucas, includes 128/40 version. lockandkey.cvt - Lock geoDiary files from snooping eyes presto!.cvt - Convert app to/from auto-exec, by Kent LS set 40-80 flag.cvt - Change the 40/80 col flag on a file unLock.cvt - unLock v1.0 by Nancy Wertzberger. Unlocks all the files on your disk at - once. Supports two drives. Will not unlock RAM. unlock1.1.cvt - unLock v1.0 by Nancy Wertzberger. Supports ram-drives now. untrash 2.0.cvt - Un-Trash 2.0 by John Howard. untrash.cvt - Un-Trash by John Howard. More info needed. untrash3.0.cvt - Remove from Trash 3.0 by John Howard geos/util/font@ -> geos/fonts/utilities geos/util/internet/ geoLink-1.01.d64.gz - IRC and Ping client for RR-net/64Nic compatible network carts geos/util/misc/ Alarm Flash.cvt - Alarm Flash is an application which will flash the color of the screen - border when the preset alarm time has been reached. Fast_Ami!.cvt - Fast_Ami! V1.0 by Scott E. Resh. Transfers files between the Amiga & - the C64/C128. KeyMaker-2.1.lnx - KeyMaker is an application that allows the user to redefine almost any - key on the 64 or 128 keyboard. Serialnumber doc.cvt - Docs for SERIAL # V1.0 by Doc Kinne. This file may be corrupted. Serialnumber.cvt - SERIAL # V1.0 by Doc Kinne. This file may be corrupted. SetPointer.cvt - Put the pointer where you want on the deskTop SmartWatch-Set.cvt - Set SmartWatch from GEOS by Ken Wallace. Switcher.cvt - Quickly move between applications with this mini-dialog desktop basic stop.cvt - Transfer safely from GEOS to BASIC, by Terminator Cbn chgpointer 1.1.lnx - Change pointer from inside gateWay OS colorsmasher.cvt - Add more color to GEOS 64 & 128 geoFax-demo.sfx - Preview of Maurice Randall's GeoFax. GeoFax is available from CMD. - This demo will run on any C=64 or C=128. geoWizCheck.cvt - geoWizCheck V1.0 by Jim Collette. This program, when run under GEOS - (does it require 2.0? I'm not sure...) will let you know if your - system as you currently have it configured can run geoWizard, by Jim - Collette. geoWizard requres a 17xx REU with at least one unused 64K - bank. A 128 running GEOS 2.0 with a 512K 1750 configured as a single - RAM1571 IS able to run geoWizard; for other configurations, use - GEOWIZTEST to find out if it'll work. geodisk2demo.cvt - Demo and info about AntiGrav Toolkit geoDisk II geowizard.d64.gz - geoWizard by Jim Collette - GEOS 64 task switcher keygrabber.lnx - Save and Load KeyMaker keyboards, by Irv Cobb keymaker2.0.lnx - Keymaker 2.0, with KeySwitch and docs ls-presenter 1.7.cvt - Read LoadStar magazine articles from GEOS mouser.lnx - Set mouse pointer from photo album by Kent LS new system error.cvt - Change system error popup appl 1.0 by Jason Hoos newsysmod.cvt - Modify System Error dialog pattern editor.cvt - Pattern Editor 2.0 - edit the GEOS system patterns in GEOS 64 or 128 quick dateset.cvt - Quick Dateset v1 by Jeff Fox reset64.cvt - Cold Start your C64 from GEOS scantastic.cvt - Demo of scanning software stormdemo.cvt - Demo app for Storm System Disk wristwatch v3.cvt - Wristwatch v3.0 -- Set date/time wristwatch.cvt - Wristwatch v1.1 -- Set date/time geos/util/printing/ AllPrint.cvt - BatchPrinterV1.0 by CornyWare/Irv Cobb. DIR 81.cvt - Print a 1581 disk directory. DatePrint.cvt DatePrint.doc.cvt - DatePrint V1.0 by Dennis N. Seitz. Shareware: $5. This GEOS - application allows you to print the contents of the Datebook file - created by the Calendar desk accessory without leaving the desktop. You - can run GEOS accessories (like the calendar) by selecting them from the - GEOS menu. Near letter quality and draft printing modes are supported. FormPrint-1.5.cvt FormPrint-1.5.doc.cvt - FormPrint V1.5 by Dirk Lausecker. Converted to English 10/92. For - typing directly to the printer. The documentation is in geoWrite V1.1 - format. HP Directory 1581.cvt - Prints out a 1581 size Dir list on a HP deskjet or Laserjet. LaserMatrix-2.0.lnx - A printer driver toolkit M_Label2.0.cvt - Multi Label V2.0 by David B. Ferguson. Prints multiple labels ineither - Draft, NLQ or Hi-Res. NotePrint.cvt NotePrint.doc.cvt - NotePrint V1.0 by Dennis N. Seitz. Shareware: $5. This GEOS - application allows you to print the contents of your Notepad Notes - files without leaving the desktop. PS Patcher Doc.cvt - Docs for PS Patcher-2.0 PS Patcher-2.0.cvt - PS Patcher V2.0 by Jim Collette. Patches GEOLASER & GEOPUBLASER to save - PostScript files to disk. - Now works with all drives! - LQ Printing from Dot Matrix printers Photo Print 1.1.cvt - PHOTO PRINT V1.1 by Dave Hunt. Prints photo albums in neat order & will - also number them. PosterPrint-FX.lnx - Print double-sized characters on an Epson FX-80 compatible printer. PrintDrvrPatcher.cvt - Patch Printer Drivers, by George Wells ShellPrintEditor.cvt - Shell EditV1.0 by George H. Wells, Jr.. Shell Printer Driver Editor. - (Will not open under GEOS 128 if DA's are present.) SideDirPrint.cvt - Sideways directory printer made with Student Forth - (c) 1990 Hank Wilkinson Text Print-1.0.cvt - Print geoWrite docs using resident fonts by Terry Camp (alt build of - 1.0) Text Print-1.2.sda - Text Print is a program to print geoWrite files (Write Image V2.0 or - V2.1) using your printer's resident fonts and features. It is - structured as a Desk Accessory in order to use it within an application - as well as from the DeskTop. Text Print-2.5.sda - A newer version of Text Print. asciidir.cvt - Print disk directory. A FORTH program by Hank Wilkinson customprint.cvt - Customize Text Print accessory dirlabel 2.0.alt.lnx - Directory label printer by Red Storm, alternate build dirlabel 2.0.lnx - Directory label printer by Red Storm geo replicator.cvt - geoRepublicator - print multiple copies of geoPaint doc by Scott Resh geoDirPrint1.1.cvt - geoDirPrint V1.1 by John F. Howard. Updates V1.0 - supports two drives - and draft/high quality printouts. - geoLabel v1.2 by Roger Lawhorn, including templates - geoLaser postscript printing tools geoList.cvt - geoList V2.0 by John F. Howard. Lists a disk directory to printer or - disk file. geoPrint20.lnx - GeoPrint 2.0 - Print banners, posters, and cards in color, by Roger - Lawhorn. Includes geoPaint templates. geodirprint1.cvt - geoDirPrint V1 by John F. Howard geolabel.cvt - SampleV1.0 by John T. White. geolabel128.lnx - geoLabel 128 v1.4 - World's Greatest Label Makin' Program by Roger - Lawhorn geolabel64.lnx - geoLabel v1.4 - World's Greatest Label Makin' Program by Roger Lawhorn geolist21-kx1091.lnx - geoList 2.1 for KX1091 printers geolist80-128.cvt - geoList for the geos 128 geoprint demo.cvt - Demo version of geoPrint 1.0, from Roger Lawhorn geoprint12.lnx - geoPrint v1.2 by Roger Lawhorn w/ docs geoprintdemo.sda - geoPrint demo documentations labeler.cvt - SampleV1.0 by John T. White. Create and print labels. labeler.doc.cvt - Docs for labeler labeler2.1.cvt - Labeler v2.1 by Nick Vrtes lasermatrix.edit.lnx - Some docs for editing LaserMatrix printer drivers lasermatrix1.lnx - A printer driver toolkit for high quality printing multi print doc.cvt - Docs for Multi Print multilabel25.lnx - Multi-Label printer v2.5 by Will Corley multiprint.cvt - Multi Label labelmaker v1.1, by David Ferguson paintdrivers.cvt - Create print drivers to print to a geoPaint file photo print 2.5.cvt - PHOTO PRINT V2.5 by Dave Hunt. Prints photo albums in neat order & will - also number them. postprint.lnx - PostScript printing utility printIt-1.0.cvt - printIt V1.0 by Mike Craig. printIt prints the current screen to the - printer from all GEOS versions and modes. printIt-1.1.cvt - printIt V1.1 by Mike Craig. Print the current screen from all GEOS - versions and modes. Compatible with paint drivers. printpages.cvt - Prints all Paint Pages on a disk shell print docs.cvt - Docs for Shell Print Editor textprint.lnx - Print a geoWrite doc in normal text mode of the print driver textprint12.lnx - Print geoWrite in native fonts, (non-HP?) by Terry Van Camp geos/util/screensavers/ MELTDOWN!.cvt - MELTDOWN! V1.1 by Spike Dethman. Essential Screen Utility... TERMITES!.cvt - TERMITES! V1.1 by Spike Dethman. Another Essential Screen Utility... blackout docs.cvt - Docs for blackout 1.4 blackout1.2.cvt - Blackout screen saver v1.2 blackout1.4.cvt - Blackout screen saver desk accessory (?!) by Halloway and Kinney blackout30.lnx - Blackout 3.0 screen saver by Jim Holloway blackout32.cvt - Blackout screen saver v3.2. Not compatible with geoBASIC! geos/util/sound/ CZ Editor-1.2.cvt CZ Editor-1.2.doc.cvt - CZEDITOR v1.2 by Douglas Adams. A MIDI sequence editor for the Casio CZ - synthetizer. The documentation is in geoWrite V2.1 format. CZ Librarian-2.0.cvt CZ Librarian-2.0.doc.cvt - CZLIBRARIAN v2.0 by Douglas Adams. A MIDI sequence librarian for the - Casio CZ synthetizer. The documentation is in geoWrite V2.1 format. Musical Notes.cvt - GeoFont 1.4. Musical character set for Sid Printer program. SID Printer.cvt - SID Printer V1.1 by Charles L. Boling. Print sheet music from any - SIDPlayer file. Supports 6-voice Stereo! Tuner-2.1.cvt Tuner-2.1.doc.cvt - TunerDA V2.1 by Randy L. Smith. Tunes your guitar... The documentation - is in geoWrite V2.1 format. czeditor.lnx - Voice Editor and Librarian for Casio CZ series synthesizers, by Douglas - Adams g-o-bach40.lnx - G.O. Bach 40 col, music editor by G Kostella g-p-bach80.lnx - G.O. Bach 128, 80 col, music editor by G Kostella geoSidPlayer alt1.cvt - An alternative version of Roger Lawhorn's geoSIDPlayer v1.0 geoSidPlayer alt2.lnx - geoSIDPlayer by Roger Lawhorn, alterate build#2 "improved" geoSidPlayer.cvt - geoSidPlayer V1.0 by Roger L. Lawhorn. Play SidPlayer .mus files from - GEOS. geokeyboard.cvt - Simple tinking music keyboard 1.0 by James Cook geomidi.cvt - geoMIDI V1.1 by Jim Holloway. ( stops sequencer.) geomusic.d64.gz geomusic.readme - GeoMusic plays USA Music Assembler files. Some tracks by Andrew Fisher - are included. Uploaded by Danny Tod / Cage Developments, - . geomusicplay.lnx - geoMusicPlayer plays G.O. Bach music, by G Kostella geosid.lnx - geoSID sid player by Scott Resh musicbox.lnx - Music Box waveform sound application tuner.cvt - Sounds to tune a guitar by, a DA by Randy Smith you might think.cvt - A sound demo geos/util/text/ ADDmerge.cvt - ADDmerge V1.0 by Frank Schroeder. Combines a series of short geoMerge - files into one geoWrite document. Appending-geoWrite.cvt - This geoWrite V2.0 document tells you how to merge geoWrite documents - together. BluePencil.cvt - Blue Pencil V1.0 by Charles E. Kinney. Document analysis application - for geoWrite V1.1 to V2.1 files... Count characters, words and lines in - geoWrite documents. Converter-6.0.cvt - Converter V6.0 by Joe Buckley. Convert geoWrite file formats amongst - each other. Copy Editor.cvt - Copy Editor V1.0 by Raymond A. Kerby. Use Readers Index as a guide to - the Grade level of your readers. Downgrade-5.0.cvt - Downgrade V5.0 by Joe Buckley. Alter geoWrite file formats from 2.0&2.1 - source formats to 1.1,2.0,2.1&2.1 wide margin. Envelope.cvt Envelope.doc.cvt - Envelope V1.0 by Spike Dethman. Address Your Envelopes. $2.00 - Shareware. The documentation is in geoWrite V2.1 format. Landlord.lnx - Two geoWrite V2.1 document templates, one for rental agreement and one - for rent application. MailRoom.lnx - A mailing list database program that can maintain 2000 mailing labels - on a disk, indexed by name, city, and ZIP. Includes a geoPublishable 5- - page manual with font and driver. NLQ_Write.cvt - Toggle print default in geoWrite between NLQ and High SEQ View.cvt - SEQ View V1.0 by Joe Buckley. View CBM SEQ files from the GEOS deskTop. Toolkit-1.2.cvt Toolkit-1.2.doc.cvt - TOOLKIT V1.2 by Rick Krantz. A geoWrite Utility Kit. The documentation - is in geoWrite V2.1 format. Toolkit-2.3.cvt - TOOLKIT V2.3 by Rick Krantz. A geoWrite Utility Kit - 128 GEOS ONLY! WriteView.cvt - QuickView V1.0 by BSC TechUnit. Dump Write files to screen. Patched to - work with geoWrite 2.X. WrongIsWrite6.0.cvt - Convert Write file formats amongst each other. By Red Storm WrongIsWrite6.1.cvt - Convert Write file formats by Red Storm WrongIsWrite6.2.cvt - Converter V6.2 by Red Storm. Convert Write file formats amongst each - other. WrongIsWrite7.cvt - Converter V7.0 by Red Storm. Convert Write file formats amongst each - other. comb11doc.cvt - Docs for Combiner V1.1. combiner.cvt - Combiner V1.0 by Nick Vrtis. Combine multiple geoWrite documents into - one. combiner11.cvt - Combiner V1.1 by Nick Vrtis. Combine multiple geoWrite documents into - one. combiner_alt.cvt - Appears to be another variation on Combiner 1.0 docwriteiiv4.lnx - DocWrite II v4.0 by Joe Buckley: Generate runnable docs file merger.cvt - File Merger - combine two geoWrite docs, by Wayne Dempsey geoGraph-fixed.lnx - This upload contains a "fixed" version of the GEOGRAPH program written - by Ernest Hunter. GeoGraph can make bar, point, or line graphs and - save them as text scraps for use in GeoWrite or GeoPaint documents. geoGraph.doc.cvt - Docs for geoGraph geoSleeve.lnx - Document templates for creating customized disk sleeves. geoWrite-2.1-2.2.patch.lnx - Patch geoWrite V2.1 to V2.2. geomiser.cvt - geoMiser -- minimizes geoWrite doc size geovax.lnx - Convert OpenVMS Text getitwrite.lnx - Rename geoWrite files imported by geoPublish, by Joseph Thomas hulme view.cvt - SEQ File Viewer labeller.cvt - Print labels with graphics from geoWrite docs noted-album.cvt - Notepad archiver by R Winchester quickview.cvt - v1.0, does a sequential listing of a geoWrite file to the screen. quickview1.1.cvt - v1.1, does a sequential listing of a geoWrite file to the screen. transtext-forms.lnx - Forms for use with TransText transtext.cvt - TransText - convert prg,seq,usr to geoWrite doc transtext.doc.cvt - Docs for TransText unpublish.cvt - Downgrades GW doc from geoPublish back down wordcount2.0.lnx - Count words in geoWrite doc, by Michael Meyers write-hand-man.cvt - Write Hand Man 1.0 - examine word counts - by Joe Buckley writerscramp1.1.cvt - Downgrade geoWrite docs from 2.0->1.1. By Red Storm html/ * Here you will find miscellanous HTML documents and pictures related to * Commodore. CeBit84.html - Zwei Freaks auf der Hannover-Messe. A report from the German computer - fair, published in the RUN magazine in June 1984. tomczyk.html - An interview of Michael Tomczyk (former Assistant of Jack Tramiel, the - President of Commodore International), September 2003, by Hally of VORC - . Mr. Tomczyk lead the product development of - the VIC-20 and wrote the book "Home Computer Wars". html/c64@ -> c64/html html/pet@ -> pet/html html/plus4@ -> plus4/html magazines/ magazines/c=hacking/ * The main C=Hacking archive is at * . C=Hacking01.txt C=Hacking02.txt C=Hacking03.txt C=Hacking04.txt C=Hacking05.txt C=Hacking06.txt C=Hacking07.txt C=Hacking08.txt C=Hacking09.txt C=Hacking10.txt C=Hacking11.txt C=Hacking12.txt C=Hacking13.txt C=Hacking14.txt C=Hacking15.txt C=Hacking16.txt C=Hacking17.txt C=Hacking18.txt C=Hacking19.txt C=Hacking20.txt C=Hacking21.txt - GNU zipped text versions of the C= Hacking net-magazine. Everything is - included (any example programs are uuencoded). magazines/c=hacking/code/ * Example programs for different C=Hacking issues magazines/c=hacking/code/01/ hires.demo.prg hires80.bin.prg - Simple Hires Line Drawing Package for the C-128 80-Column Screen by - Craig Bruce magazines/c=hacking/code/02/ bmover.sfx - A short demonstration GEOS program which moves data to other RAM - banks (0, 2, 3, as opposed to GEOS's "FrontRAM," which is RAM 1), and - calls a routine in another RAM bank. Complete source is included - (save geosSym and geosMac which come with geoProgrammer). This - program is discussed in Robert Knop's article in the comp.sys.cbm - Hacking Mag issue #2. sort.bin.prg - Example programs for Craig Bruce's dynamic memory allocation article. sort.prg magazines/c=hacking/code/03/ missing.64.ntsc.prg missing.64.pal.prg - Sample programs for Pasi Ojala's video timing article. vdc-bg.sfx - A self-extracting archive with geoProgrammer code in geoWrite 2.1 - format. Includes some routines that implement an 80-column GEOS128 - Background screen in VDC RAM for 128's with 64K of VDC RAM. This is - all discussed in the Usenet Hacking Mag Issue #3. wc.prg - The Unix "wc" command for the C128, representing the Burst protocol - described by Craig Bruce's article. magazines/c=hacking/code/04/ invasion1.sfx - Invasion is a game whose construction is discussed in Craig Taylor's - article. lrr.128.prg lrr.bin.prg - Little Red Reader, a Craig Bruce program that reads MS-DOS diskettes - on a dual drive Commodore 128 system. magazines/c=hacking/code/05/ lrr-128.prg lrr.bin.prg - Little Red Reader, Craig Bruce's C128 utility for reading and writing - MS-DOS diskettes with a two-drive setup. stretch.64.prg - Example program for Pasi Ojala's sprite stretching article. magazines/c=hacking/code/06/ dycp-ntsc.bas.prg dycp.64.prg - Files for Pasi Ojala's DYCP article. keyscan128.prg keyscan64.boot.prg keyscan64.prg keyshow.prg - Example files for Craig Bruce's article on scanning the keyboard with - the three key rollover technique. lzw.bas.prg - Example programs for Bill Lucier's article on LZW compression. schematic.cvt - Schematic diagram of a heavy-duty power supply, in geoPaint format. - Designed by John C. Andrews. This file seems to be corrupted. xFFF.64.prg xfff-ntsc.64.prg - Examples for Pasi Ojala's article about opening the screen borders. magazines/c=hacking/code/07/ hello.prg - A "Hello World" program for the C64 that runs under the I/O area. - Part of Marko Mäkelä's "Hiding kilobytes" article. tech.64.prg - A demonstration program for Pasi Ojala's article describing the "Tech- - Tech" video effect. magazines/c=hacking/code/08/ cube3d.o.prg cube3d.s.prg init3d.prg listme3d.prg runme3d.prg - These files belong to the C=Hacking8 article that tells you how to - make three-dimensional graphics on the C64. magazines/c=hacking/code/09/ cube3d2.0.o.prg cube3d2.0.s.prg cube3d2.1.o.prg init3d2.0.prg notes2.0.prg - These files belong to the C=Hacking9 article that continues on the - subject of making three-dimensional graphics on the Commodore 64. magazines/c=hacking/code/10/ bos.prg - Example program for Craig Bruce's article about a "Real" Operating - System for the C128. copper.6560.prg copper.6561.prg - Examples for Marko Mäkelä's article on exact raster effects. cube3d3.2.o.prg cube3d3.2.s.prg - These files belong to the article "A Different Perspective - Part - III" by Stephen Judd and George Taylor. raster.63.prg raster.64.prg raster.65.prg - Examples for Marko Mäkelä's article on exact raster effects. shape3.2.prg tables$8f80-$95ff.prg - These files belong to the article "A Different Perspective - Part - III" by Stephen Judd and George Taylor. magazines/c=hacking/code/12/ polygonamy.prg - Object code for Stephen Judd's article about creating 3D worlds. This - C64 program features texture filled vector graphics. magazines/c=hacking/code/13/ dim4.lnx - Stephen Judd's entry to the 4k demo contest held by Driven magazine. - Part of his article "Hacking Graphics". dungeon.sda - Todd Elliot's example program. His article "Hacking Graphics" shows - you how to create a 3-dimensional scene for a dungeon game. magazines/c=hacking/code/14/ mbox1000.bin - Jeff Jones' Menu Toolbox, located at $1000. mbox8000.bin - Jeff Jones' Menu Toolbox, located at $8000. magazines/c=hacking/code/15/ 4080.lnx - Michael Nausch's instructions for integrating a 40/80 column switch - to the mouse. The schematic diagrams are in geoPaint format. dp.gif - Frank Kontros' Datapump (RS-232C adapter) schematics. magazines/c=hacking/code/16/ lib3d.o.bin table.rotmath.bin tables.c000.bin - Example files for the "3D Graphics for the Masses" article by Stephen - Judd. magazines/c=hacking/code/17/ slowideas-ntsc.prg - Slow Ideas by Pu-239, NTSC-fixed by Russel Reed , - Robin Harbron , S. Judd magazines/c=hacking/code/18/ - Masters Class: "NTSC/PAL fixing: FLI", by Russell Reed - , Robin Harbron , and S. Judd. - "Obj3d: The 3D object library", by S. Judd magazines/c=hacking/code/19/ burster-cia1.asm burster-cia1.bin burster-cia2.asm burster-cia2.bin - The burstloader programs for C64, both CIA1 and CIA2 versions, and - the corresponding source codes. See also - magazines/c=hacking/code/20/ - Software for the article "The C64 Digi", by Robin Harbron - , Levente Hársfalvi , and - Stephen Judd . - Examples for the article "Quick Quadratic Splines", by Stephen Judd - . magazines/commodorefree/ issue1.pdf issue10.pdf issue11.pdf issue12.pdf issue13.pdf issue14.pdf issue15.pdf issue16.pdf issue17.pdf issue18.pdf issue19.pdf issue2.pdf issue20.pdf issue21.pdf issue22.pdf issue23.pdf issue24.pdf issue25.pdf issue26.pdf issue27.pdf issue28.pdf issue29.pdf issue3.pdf issue30.pdf issue31.pdf issue32.pdf issue33.pdf issue34.pdf issue35.pdf issue36.pdf issue37.pdf issue38.pdf issue39.pdf issue4.pdf issue40.pdf issue41.pdf issue42.pdf issue43.pdf issue44.pdf issue45.pdf issue46.pdf issue47.pdf issue48.pdf issue49.pdf issue5.pdf issue50.pdf issue51.pdf issue52.pdf issue53.pdf issue54.pdf issue55.pdf issue56.pdf issue57.pdf issue58.pdf issue59.pdf issue6.pdf issue60.pdf issue61.pdf issue62.pdf issue63.pdf issue64.pdf issue65.pdf issue66.pdf issue67.pdf issue68.pdf issue69.pdf issue7.pdf issue70.pdf issue71.pdf issue72.pdf issue73.pdf issue74.pdf issue75.pdf issue76.pdf issue77.pdf issue78.pdf issue79.pdf issue8.pdf issue80.pdf issue81.pdf issue82.pdf issue83.pdf issue84.pdf issue85.pdf issue86.pdf issue87.pdf issue88.pdf issue89.pdf issue9.pdf issue90.pdf issue91.pdf issue92.pdf issue93.pdf issue94.pdf issue95.pdf issue96.pdf magazines/computes_gazette/ mlx.tar.gz - All versions of MLX for C64, C128, VIC, with notes by Ryan Sarson and - screenshots proofreader.tar.gz - All versions of Proofreader for C64, C128, VIC, with by Ryan Sarson notes - and screenshots speedscript.tar.gz - All versions of Speedscript for C64, C128, VIC, with by Ryan Sarson notes - and screenshots magazines/computes_gazette/disks@ -> c64/magazines/Gazette magazines/cursor/ * CURSOR Programs for PET Computers Started in 1978 by The Code Works in * Godeta, California CURSOR01.D64.gz CURSOR02.D64.gz CURSOR03.D64.gz CURSOR04.d64.gz CURSOR05.D64.gz CURSOR06.d64.gz CURSOR07.D64.gz CURSOR08.D64.gz CURSOR09.D64.gz CURSOR10.D64.gz CURSOR11.D64.gz CURSOR12.D64.gz CURSOR13.D64.gz CURSOR14.D64.gz CURSOR15.D64.gz CURSOR16.D64.gz CURSOR17.D64.gz CURSOR18.D64.gz CURSOR19.D64.gz CURSOR20.D64.gz CURSOR21.D64.gz CURSOR22.D64.gz CURSOR23.D64.gz CURSOR24.D64.gz CURSOR25.D64.gz CURSOR26.D64.gz CURSOR27.D64.gz CURSOR28.D64.gz CURSOR29.D64.gz CURSOR30.D64.gz - Cover disks for Cursor Magazine. Originally appeared as a one-sided - casette tape. Cursor_Issues.pdf - PDF of all Cursor Magazine newsletters magazines/disk/ * Disk magazines for different platforms magazines/disk/c64@ -> c64/magazines magazines/disk/plus4@ -> plus4/magazines magazines/disk/vic20@ -> vic20/magazines magazines/pet_users_club/ * Official Commodore magazine started in 1979 Pet_Users_Club_v1_i1.pdf - Volume 1, Issue 1 (1979) Pet_Users_Club_v1_i10.pdf - Volume 1, Issues 10 (1980) Pet_Users_Club_v1_i2.pdf - Volume 1, Issue 2 (1979) Pet_Users_Club_v1_i3.pdf - Volume 1, Issue 3 (June?, 1979) Pet_Users_Club_v1_i4_i5.pdf - Volume 1, Issues 4 and 5 (July?, 1979) Pet_Users_Club_v1_i6.pdf - Volume 1, Issues 6 (Jan?, 1980) Pet_Users_Club_v1_i7.pdf - Volume 1, Issues 7 (1980) Pet_Users_Club_v1_i8.pdf - Volume 1, Issues 8 (1980) Pet_Users_Club_v1_i9.pdf - Volume 1, Issues 9 (1980) magazines/transactor/ * The Transactor started on April 30, 1978, as a bulletin of Commodore * Business Machines at Agincourt, Ontario, Canada. Later, it became an * independent publication. The files in this (still incomplete) archive * were provided by Craig Bruce and others. The metadata (textual * descriptions) and the browsing system were constructed by Marko Mäkelä. * Permission to distribute these files was granted by the editor of The * Transactor magazine, Karl Hildon, who is still selling reprints of The * Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology, * . Contact him for details at * . * If you have any of the missing magazines or disks, please contact us. index.css - Style sheet for the thumbnail directories. magazines/transactor/100/ magazines/transactor/200/ magazines/transactor/400/ magazines/transactor/disks/ * These disk images are available here with the permission of Karl * Hildon, the former editor of The Transactor magazine. For each disk, * there are two files: a photograph of the label side, and a compressed * image of the 1541 disk contents. * If you have any of the missing disks, please contact us. 01.d64.gz 01.jpg - Disk #1: Sept 83 to Dec 84, Volume 4 Issues 01 to 06 - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 02.d64.gz 02.jpg - Disk #2: Jan 84 to June 84, Volume 5 Issues 01, 02 & 03 - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 03.d64.gz 03.jpg - Disk #3: January 85, Volume 5 Issue 04, Business & Education - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 04.d64.gz 04.jpg - Disk #4: March 85, Volume 5 Issue 05, Hardware & Peripherals - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 05.d64.gz 05.jpg - Disk #5: May 85, Volume 5 Issue 06, Aids & Utilities - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 06.d64.gz 06.jpg - Disk #6: July 85, Volume 6 Issue 01, More Aids & Utilities - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 07.d64.gz 07.jpg - Disk #7: Sept 85, Volume 6 Issue 02, Communications & Networking - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 08.d64.gz 08.jpg - Disk #8: November 85, Volume 6 Issue 03, The Languages - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 09.d64.gz 09.jpg - Disk #9: Jan 86: Volume 6 Issue 04, Implementing The Sciences - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 10.d64.gz 10.jpg - Disk #10: March 86: Volume 6 Issue 05, Hardware & Software Interfacing - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 11.d64.gz 11.jpg - Disk #11: May 86: Volume 6 Issue 06, Real Life Applications - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 12.d64.gz 12.jpg - Disk #12: July 86: Volume 7 Issue 01, ROM Routines, Kernel Routines - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 13.d64.gz 13.jpg - Disk #13: Sept 86: Volume 7 Issue 02, GAMES From The Inside Out - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 14.d64.gz 14.jpg - Disk #14: Nov 86: Volume 7 Issue 03, Programming The Chips - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 15.d64.gz 15.jpg - Disk #15: Jan 87: Volume 7 Issue 04, Gizmos and Gadgets - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 16.d64.gz 16.jpg - Disk #16: March 87: Volume 7 Issue 05, More Languages - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 17.d64.gz 17.jpg - Disk #17: May 87: Volume 7 Issue 06, Simulations and Modelling - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 18.d64.gz 18.jpg - Disk #18: July 87: Volume 8 Issue 01, Math - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 19.d64.gz 19.jpg - Disk #19: September 87: Volume 8 Issue 02, Operating Systems - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 20.d64.gz 20.jpg - Disk #20: Volume 8 Issue 03, November 87 - Copyright © 1987 Transactor Publishing Inc. 21.d64.gz 21.jpg - Disk #21: Volume 8 Issue 4, January 88 Copyright © 1987 Transactor - Publishing Inc. 22.d64.gz 22.jpg - Disk #22: Volume 8 Issue 5, March 88, Binary Trees - Copyright © 1988 Transactor Publishing Inc. 23.d64.gz 23.jpg - Disk #23: Volume 8 Issue 6, May 88 - Copyright © 1988 Transactor Publishing Inc. v4i1.d64.gz v4i1.txt - Disk for Volume 4, Issue 1 v5i1.d64.gz v5i1.txt - Disk for Volume 5, Issue 1 v5i5.d64.gz v5i5.txt - Disk for Volume 5, Issue 5 v5i6.d64.gz v5i6.txt - Disk for Volume 5, Issue 6 v6i1.d64.gz v6i1.txt - Disk for Volume 6, Issue 1 v6i3.d64.gz v6i3.txt - Disk for Volume 6, Issue 3 magazines/transactor/v4i6/ * The Transactor, Volume 4, Issue 06, May 1984 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 4, Issue 6: BASIC Construction: - Building Programs Should Be FUN, Not Work! j2.jpg - Advertisement: Utilities an 'C64 Link' by Richvale Telecommunications j3.jpg - Advertisement: Laser Strike for the Commodore 64 by Isis Hathor Digital - Productions j4.jpg - Advertisement: Amdek Color-I monitor p001.jpg - Advertisement: Nüfekop software for the VIC-20 and Commodore 64 p002.jpg - Advertisement: Bliztext wordprocessor for the Commodore 64 by Hofacker p003.jpg - Article Index p004.jpg - General Information p005.jpg - Editorial p006.jpg - News BRK (1/10) p007.jpg - News BRK (2/10) p008.jpg - News BRK (3/10) p009.jpg - News BRK (4/10) p010.jpg - News BRK (5/10) p011.jpg - News BRK (6/10) p012.jpg - News BRK (7/10) p013.jpg - News BRK (8/10) p014.jpg - News BRK (9/10) p015.jpg - News BRK (10/10) p016.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/8) p017.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/8) p018.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/8) p019.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/8) p020.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/8) p021.jpg - Bits and Pieces (6/8) p022.jpg - Bits and Pieces (7/8) p023.jpg - Bits and Pieces (8/8) - Book Review: Megabucks from your Microcomputer p024.jpg - CompuKinks (1/2) p025.jpg - CompuKinks (2/2) p026.jpg - The MANAGER Column (1/7) p027.jpg - The MANAGER Column (2/7) p028.jpg - The MANAGER Column (3/7) p029.jpg - The MANAGER Column (4/7) p030.jpg - The MANAGER Column (5/7) p031.jpg - The MANAGER Column (6/7) p032.jpg - The MANAGER Column (7/7) p033.jpg - Updating Programs p034.jpg - A Mid Stringers Night Dream (1/2) p035.jpg - A Mid Stringers Night Dream (2/2) p036.jpg - The INPUT Glitch p037.jpg - Subroutine Eliminators p038.jpg - Three GET Subroutines (1/2) p039.jpg - Three GET Subroutines (2/2) p040.jpg - Master Menu Driver Type 1 (1/2) p041.jpg - Master Menu Driver Type 1 (2/2) p042.jpg - Master Menu Driver Type 2 (1/2) p043.jpg - Master Menu Driver Type 2 (2/2) p044.jpg - Sub Section Menu Driver p045.jpg - Directory Subroutines p046.jpg - Two Date Input Subroutines p047.jpg - Status Interrogator p048.jpg - Universal Disk Routines (1/2) p049.jpg - Universal Disk Routines (2/2) p050.jpg - Making Friends With SID Part 4 (1/4) p051.jpg - Making Friends With SID Part 4 (2/4) p052.jpg - Making Friends With SID Part 4 (3/4) p053.jpg - Making Friends With SID Part 4 (4/4) p054.jpg - Making Friends With SID Part 5 (1/3) p055.jpg - Making Friends With SID Part 5 (2/3) p056.jpg - Making Friends With SID Part 5 (3/3) p057.jpg - Put Those Function Keys To Work (1/3) p058.jpg - Put Those Function Keys To Work (2/3) p059.jpg - Put Those Function Keys To Work (3/3) p060.jpg - A Simple Disk Copier for the Commodore 64 (1/2) p061.jpg - A Simple Disk Copier for the Commodore 64 (2/2) p062.jpg - Advertising Section (1/18) p063.jpg - Advertising Section (2/18) p064.jpg - Advertising Section (3/18) p065.jpg - Advertising Section (4/18) p066.jpg - Advertising Section (5/18) p067.jpg - Advertising Section (6/18) p068.jpg - Advertising Section (7/18) p069.jpg - Advertising Section (8/18) p070.jpg - Advertising Section (9/18) p071.jpg - Advertising Section (10/18) p072.jpg - Advertising Section (11/18) p073.jpg - Advertising Section (12/18) p074.jpg - Advertising Section (13/18) p075.jpg - Advertising Section (14/18) p076.jpg - Advertising Section (15/18) p077.jpg - Advertising Section (16/18) p078.jpg - Advertising Section (17/18) p079.jpg - Advertising Section (18/18) p080.jpg - Advertising Index magazines/transactor/v4i6/100/ magazines/transactor/v4i6/200/ magazines/transactor/v4i6/400/ magazines/transactor/v5i1/ * The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 01, July 1984 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 5, Issue 1: Sound and Graphics j2.jpg - Advertisement: Utilities an 'C64 Link' by Richvale Telecommunications j3.jpg - Advertisement: Laser Strike for the Commodore 64 by Isis Hathor Digital - Productions j4.jpg - Advertisement: Amdek Color-I monitor p001.jpg - Advertisement: book 'CAD/CAM: A Productivity Enhancement Tool' by ZANIM - SYSTEMS p002.jpg - Advertisement: Pro-Line Software p003.jpg - Article Index p004.jpg - General Information p005.jpg - Editorial p006.jpg - News BRK (1/10) p007.jpg - News BRK (2/10) p008.jpg - News BRK (3/10) p009.jpg - News BRK (4/10) p010.jpg - News BRK (5/10) p011.jpg - News BRK (6/10) p012.jpg - News BRK (7/10) p013.jpg - News BRK (8/10) p014.jpg - News BRK (9/10) p015.jpg - News BRK (10/10) p016.jpg - Letters (1/2) p017.jpg - Letters (2/2) p018.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/5) p019.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/5) p020.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/5) p021.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/5) p022.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/5) p023.jpg - CompuKinks (1/3) p024.jpg - CompuKinks (2/3) p025.jpg - CompuKinks (3/3) p026.jpg - The MANAGER Column (1/7) p027.jpg - The MANAGER Column (2/7) p028.jpg - The MANAGER Column (3/7) p029.jpg - The MANAGER Column (4/7) p030.jpg - The MANAGER Column (5/7) p031.jpg - The MANAGER Column (6/7) p032.jpg - The MANAGER Column (7/7) p033.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (1/10) p034.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (2/10) p035.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (3/10) p036.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (4/10) p037.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (5/10) p038.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (6/10) p039.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (7/10) p040.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (8/10) p041.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (9/10) p042.jpg - Four Wordprocessors for the Commodore 64 (10/10) p043.jpg - The New Commodore Computer: Originally called the "TED", Commodore's - new 264 and 364 are their latest entries (1/2) p044.jpg - The New Commodore Computer: Originally called the "TED", Commodore's - new 264 and 364 are their latest entries (2/2) p045.jpg - Subroutine Eliminators p046.jpg - A Quick Musical Tour (1/3) p047.jpg - A Quick Musical Tour (2/3) p048.jpg - A Quick Musical Tour (3/3) p049.jpg - WAVES for the 64 p050.jpg - Programming Sound on the VIC 20 (1/2) p051.jpg - Programming Sound on the VIC 20 (2/2) p052.jpg - Sound Effects (1/3) p053.jpg - Sound Effects (2/3) p054.jpg - Sound Effects (3/3) p055.jpg - The SID in Review p056.jpg - Sound Maestro (1/2) p057.jpg - Sound Maestro (2/2) p058.jpg - Sprite Rotate (1/2) p059.jpg - Sprite Rotate (2/2) p060.jpg - QUASIMOB: Break the 8 Sprite Barrier! (1/4) p061.jpg - QUASIMOB: Break the 8 Sprite Barrier! (2/4) p062.jpg - QUASIMOB: Break the 8 Sprite Barrier! (3/4) p063.jpg - QUASIMOB: Break the 8 Sprite Barrier! (4/4) p064.jpg - Changing The C64's Screen Colours p065.jpg - Simple Harmonic Motion (1/3) p066.jpg - Simple Harmonic Motion (2/3) p067.jpg - Simple Harmonic Motion (3/3) p068.jpg - Projectile Motion (1/2) p069.jpg - Projectile Motion (2/2) p070.jpg - Voice for Commodore Computers (1/2) p071.jpg - Voice for Commodore Computers (2/2) p072.jpg - Hardware Corner (1/2) p073.jpg - Hardware Corner (2/2) p074.jpg - How Cartridges Work p075.jpg - Generator Programs (1/3) p076.jpg - Generator Programs (2/3) p077.jpg - Generator Programs (3/3) p078.jpg - Advertising Section (1/14) p079.jpg - Advertising Section (2/14) p080.jpg - Advertising Section (3/14) p081.jpg - Advertising Section (4/14) p082.jpg - Advertising Section (5/14) p083.jpg - Advertising Section (6/14) p084.jpg - Advertising Section (7/14) p085.jpg - Advertising Section (8/14) p086.jpg - Advertising Section (9/14) p087.jpg - Advertising Section (10/14) p088.jpg - Advertising Section (11/14) p089.jpg - Advertising Section (12/14) p090.jpg - Advertising Section (13/14) p091.jpg - Advertising Section (14/14) p092.jpg - Advertising Index magazines/transactor/v5i1/100/ magazines/transactor/v5i1/200/ magazines/transactor/v5i1/400/ magazines/transactor/v5i2/ * The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 02, September 1984 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 5, Issue 2: The Transition To - Machine Language j2.jpg - Advertisement: Pro-Line Software j3.jpg - Advertisement: Laser Strike for the Commodore 64 by Isis Hathor Digital - Productions j4.jpg - Advertisement: Amdek Color-I monitor p001.jpg - Advertisement: book 'CAD/CAM: A Productivity Enhancement Tool' by ZANIM - SYSTEMS p002.jpg - Advertisement: Software for VIC, Commodore 64, PET from King Microware p003.jpg - Article Index p004.jpg - General Information p005.jpg - Editorial p006.jpg - News BRK (1/9) p007.jpg - News BRK (2/9) p008.jpg - News BRK (3/9) p009.jpg - News BRK (4/9) p010.jpg - News BRK (5/9) p011.jpg - News BRK (6/9) p012.jpg - News BRK (7/9) p013.jpg - News BRK (8/9) p014.jpg - News BRK (9/9) p015.jpg - Letters (1/2) p016.jpg - Letters (2/2) p017.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/7) p018.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/7) p019.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/7) p020.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/7) p021.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/7) p022.jpg - Bits and Pieces (6/7) p023.jpg - Bits and Pieces (7/7) p024.jpg - CompuKinks (1/3) p025.jpg - CompuKinks (2/3) p026.jpg - CompuKinks (3/3) p027.jpg - The MANAGER Column (1/7) p028.jpg - The MANAGER Column (2/7) p029.jpg - The MANAGER Column (3/7) p030.jpg - The MANAGER Column (4/7) p031.jpg - The MANAGER Column (5/7) p032.jpg - The MANAGER Column (6/7) p033.jpg - The MANAGER Column (7/7) p034.jpg - MAILPRO 64: A Review (1/2) p035.jpg - MAILPRO 64: A Review (2/2) p036.jpg - PERSPECTIVE: To GET Or Not To GET... How Useful A Trick? p037.jpg - All About Commodore BASIC Abbreviations (1/3) p038.jpg - All About Commodore BASIC Abbreviations (2/3) p039.jpg - All About Commodore BASIC Abbreviations (3/3) p040.jpg - How BASIC Works (1/9) p041.jpg - How BASIC Works (2/9) p042.jpg - How BASIC Works (3/9) p043.jpg - How BASIC Works (4/9) p044.jpg - How BASIC Works (5/9) p045.jpg - How BASIC Works (6/9) p046.jpg - How BASIC Works (7/9) p047.jpg - How BASIC Works (8/9) p048.jpg - How BASIC Works (9/9) p049.jpg - Messing With The Stack (1/2) p050.jpg - Messing With The Stack (2/2) p051.jpg - The Un-Token Twin's (1/2) p052.jpg - The Un-Token Twin's (2/2) p053.jpg - Merging BASIC Programs (1/2) p054.jpg - Merging BASIC Programs (2/2) p055.jpg - An Introduction to the Tools and Techniques of Machine Language - Programming (1/3) p056.jpg - An Introduction to the Tools and Techniques of Machine Language - Programming (2/3) p057.jpg - An Introduction to the Tools and Techniques of Machine Language - Programming (3/3) p058.jpg - Your BASIC Monitor (1/5) p059.jpg - Your BASIC Monitor (2/5) p060.jpg - Your BASIC Monitor (3/5) p061.jpg - Your BASIC Monitor (4/5) p062.jpg - Your BASIC Monitor (5/5) p063.jpg - Finding PI Experimentally (1/3) p064.jpg - Finding PI Experimentally (2/3) p065.jpg - Finding PI Experimentally (3/3) p066.jpg - Translating A BASIC Program Into Machine Language (1/6) p067.jpg - Translating A BASIC Program Into Machine Language (2/6) p068.jpg - Translating A BASIC Program Into Machine Language (3/6) p069.jpg - Translating A BASIC Program Into Machine Language (4/6) p070.jpg - Translating A BASIC Program Into Machine Language (5/6) p071.jpg - Translating A BASIC Program Into Machine Language (6/6) p072.jpg - A Few Of The Stranger 6502 Op Codes Explained (1/4) p073.jpg - A Few Of The Stranger 6502 Op Codes Explained (2/4) p074.jpg - A Few Of The Stranger 6502 Op Codes Explained (3/4) p075.jpg - A Few Of The Stranger 6502 Op Codes Explained (4/4) p076.jpg - Getting BASIC To Communicate With Your Machine Code (1/7) p077.jpg - Getting BASIC To Communicate With Your Machine Code (2/7) p078.jpg - Getting BASIC To Communicate With Your Machine Code (3/7) p079.jpg - Getting BASIC To Communicate With Your Machine Code (4/7) p080.jpg - Getting BASIC To Communicate With Your Machine Code (5/7) p081.jpg - Getting BASIC To Communicate With Your Machine Code (6/7) p082.jpg - Getting BASIC To Communicate With Your Machine Code (7/7) p083.jpg - CIA Timers (1/3) p084.jpg - CIA Timers (2/3) p085.jpg - CIA Timers (3/3) p086.jpg - Commodore 64: 6526 Time Of Day Clock (1/4) p087.jpg - Commodore 64: 6526 Time Of Day Clock (2/4) p088.jpg - Commodore 64: 6526 Time Of Day Clock (3/4) p089.jpg - Commodore 64: 6526 Time Of Day Clock (4/4) p090.jpg - JOYCURSOR: A Cheap Mouse for Your Commodore 64 p091.jpg - An Executive SX-64 Emulator p092.jpg - Advertising Section (1/12) p093.jpg - Advertising Section (2/12) p094.jpg - Advertising Section (3/12) p095.jpg - Advertising Section (4/12) p096.jpg - Advertising Section (5/12) p097.jpg - 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Your BASIC Monitor, Part 2: The Disassembler (2/2) p036.jpg - Picprint: A High-Resolution Screen Dump Utility (1/2) p037.jpg - Picprint: A High-Resolution Screen Dump Utility (2/2) p038.jpg - Comparing Two Basic Programs (1/2) p039.jpg - Comparing Two Basic Programs (2/2) p040.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 1: Current Methods (1/4) p041.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 1: Current Methods (2/4) p042.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 1: Current Methods (3/4) p043.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 1: Current Methods (4/4) p044.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 2: Programming Sleight of Hand (1/7) p045.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 2: Programming Sleight of Hand (2/7) p046.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 2: Programming Sleight of Hand (3/7) p047.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 2: Programming Sleight of Hand (4/7) p048.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 2: Programming Sleight of Hand (5/7) p049.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 2: Programming Sleight of Hand (6/7) p050.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 2: Programming Sleight of Hand (7/7) p051.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 3: The Legal Issue (1/2) p052.jpg - Unveiling the Pirate, Part 3: The Legal Issue (2/2) p053.jpg - Piracy vs. Protection: Who Loses? p054.jpg - Spiffy Listings! (1/2) p055.jpg - Spiffy Listings! (2/2) p056.jpg - Collecting: Another View p057.jpg - Scrambling A BASIC Program (1/3) p058.jpg - Scrambling A BASIC Program (2/3) p059.jpg - Scrambling A BASIC Program (3/3) p060.jpg - Two Password Protection Tools (1/4) p061.jpg - Two Password Protection Tools (2/4) p062.jpg - Two Password Protection Tools (3/4) p063.jpg - Two Password Protection Tools (4/4) p064.jpg - Disk Defender (1/2) p065.jpg - Disk Defender (2/2) p066.jpg - LockDisk: Force RUN on LOAD (1/2) p067.jpg - LockDisk: Force RUN on LOAD (2/2) p068.jpg - Drive Protect (1/2) p069.jpg - Drive Protect (2/2) p070.jpg - DiskMod: Examine Diskettes Sector by Sector (1/7) p071.jpg - DiskMod: Examine Diskettes Sector by Sector (2/7) p072.jpg - DiskMod: Examine Diskettes Sector by Sector (3/7) p073.jpg - DiskMod: Examine Diskettes Sector by Sector (4/7) p074.jpg - DiskMod: Examine Diskettes Sector by Sector (5/7) p075.jpg - DiskMod: Examine Diskettes Sector by Sector (6/7) p076.jpg - DiskMod: Examine Diskettes Sector by Sector (7/7) p077.jpg - 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Phile Master (1/5) p042.jpg - Phile Master (2/5) p043.jpg - Phile Master (3/5) p044.jpg - Phile Master (4/5) p045.jpg - Phile Master (5/5) p046.jpg - Home Budget (1/2) p047.jpg - Home Budget (2/2) p048.jpg - Your BASIC Monitor, Part 3: The Assembler (1/3) p049.jpg - Your BASIC Monitor, Part 3: The Assembler (2/3) p050.jpg - Your BASIC Monitor, Part 3: The Assembler (3/3) p051.jpg - Structured Programming in Commodore BASIC (1/3) p052.jpg - Structured Programming in Commodore BASIC (2/3) p053.jpg - Structured Programming in Commodore BASIC (3/3) p054.jpg - Lincoln College Commodore Campers Key In on Computers (1/2) p055.jpg - Lincoln College Commodore Campers Key In on Computers (2/2) p056.jpg - Speller: A Drill Program Using Vectors (1/3) p057.jpg - Speller: A Drill Program Using Vectors (2/3) p058.jpg - Speller: A Drill Program Using Vectors (3/3) p059.jpg - Helping The Handicapped p060.jpg - Comics (1/2) p061.jpg - Comics (2/2) p062.jpg - Nine Easy Pieces (1/4) p063.jpg - Nine Easy Pieces (2/4) p064.jpg - Nine Easy Pieces (3/4) p065.jpg - Nine Easy Pieces (4/4) p066.jpg - Interrupt Driven Code on the Commodore 64 (1/3) p067.jpg - Interrupt Driven Code on the Commodore 64 (2/3) p068.jpg - Interrupt Driven Code on the Commodore 64 (3/3) p069.jpg - AUTOSWAP: A Multiprocessing System on the C64 (1/8) p070.jpg - AUTOSWAP: A Multiprocessing System on the C64 (2/8) p071.jpg - AUTOSWAP: A Multiprocessing System on the C64 (3/8) p072.jpg - AUTOSWAP: A Multiprocessing System on the C64 (4/8) p073.jpg - AUTOSWAP: A Multiprocessing System on the C64 (5/8) p074.jpg - AUTOSWAP: A Multiprocessing System on the C64 (6/8) p075.jpg - AUTOSWAP: A Multiprocessing System on the C64 (7/8) p076.jpg - AUTOSWAP: A Multiprocessing System on the C64 (8/8) p077.jpg - Advertising Section (1/4) p078.jpg - Advertising Section (2/4) p079.jpg - Advertising Section (3/4) p080.jpg - Advertising Section (4/4) q1.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (1/3) q2.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (2/3) q3.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (3/3) magazines/transactor/v5i4/100/ magazines/transactor/v5i4/200/ magazines/transactor/v5i4/400/ magazines/transactor/v5i5/ * The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 05, March 1985 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 5, Issue 5: Hardware and - Peripherals j2.jpg - Advertisement: Pro-Line Software j3.jpg - Advertisement: Ahoy! Back Issues j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - News BRK (1/7) p005.jpg - News BRK (2/7) p006.jpg - News BRK (3/7) p007.jpg - News BRK (4/7) p008.jpg - News BRK (5/7) p009.jpg - News BRK (6/7) p010.jpg - News BRK (7/7) p011.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/6) p012.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/6) p013.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/6) p014.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/6) p015.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/6) p016.jpg - Bits and Pieces (6/6) p017.jpg - Letters (1/3) p018.jpg - Letters (2/3) p019.jpg - Letters (3/3) - Transbloopers p020.jpg - The Commodore DOS: A Review of Two Books: The Anatomy of the 1541 Disk - Drive, Inside Commodore DOS p021.jpg - Machine Language for The Commodore 64 and other Commodore Computers: A - Review (1/2) p022.jpg - Machine Language for The Commodore 64 and other Commodore Computers: A - Review (2/2) p023.jpg - Commodore 16/Plus-4 Memory Maps (1/3) p024.jpg - Commodore 16/Plus-4 Memory Maps (2/3) p025.jpg - Commodore 16/Plus-4 Memory Maps (3/3) p026.jpg - The MANAGER Column (1/2) p027.jpg - The MANAGER Column (2/2) p028.jpg - Subroutine Eliminators (1/2) p029.jpg - Subroutine Eliminators (2/2) p030.jpg - Introducing TransBASIC (1/6) p031.jpg - Introducing TransBASIC (2/6) p032.jpg - Introducing TransBASIC (3/6) p033.jpg - Introducing TransBASIC (4/6) p034.jpg - Introducing TransBASIC (5/6) p035.jpg - Introducing TransBASIC (6/6) p036.jpg - Hardware Corner (1/3) p037.jpg - Hardware Corner (2/3) p038.jpg - Hardware Corner (3/3) p039.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 1: The KERNEL Routines (1/5) p040.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 1: The KERNEL Routines (2/5) p041.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 1: The KERNEL Routines (3/5) p042.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 1: The KERNEL Routines (4/5) p043.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 1: The KERNEL Routines (5/5) p044.jpg - Fixing Commodore Keyboards p045.jpg - Life with the 1541 p046.jpg - Learning the Language of DOS (1/6) p047.jpg - Learning the Language of DOS (2/6) p048.jpg - Learning the Language of DOS (3/6) p049.jpg - Learning the Language of DOS (4/6) p050.jpg - Learning the Language of DOS (5/6) p051.jpg - Learning the Language of DOS (6/6) p052.jpg - Inside the Commodore 64 (1/5) p053.jpg - Inside the Commodore 64 (2/5) p054.jpg - Inside the Commodore 64 (3/5) p055.jpg - Inside the Commodore 64 (4/5) p056.jpg - Inside the Commodore 64 (5/5) p057.jpg - All About Printers: What you should know before buying (1/5) p058.jpg - All About Printers: What you should know before buying (2/5) p059.jpg - All About Printers: What you should know before buying (3/5) p060.jpg - All About Printers: What you should know before buying (4/5) p061.jpg - All About Printers: What you should know before buying (5/5) p062.jpg - Evolution of the CPU and Revolutionary Memory Advancements (1/2) p063.jpg - Evolution of the CPU and Revolutionary Memory Advancements (2/2) p064.jpg - Modifying the VIC-20 3K RAM Pack for Use with EPROMs (1/3) p065.jpg - Modifying the VIC-20 3K RAM Pack for Use with EPROMs (2/3) p066.jpg - Modifying the VIC-20 3K RAM Pack for Use with EPROMs (3/3) p067.jpg - Computer Slide Projector Control (1/3) p068.jpg - Computer Slide Projector Control (2/3) p069.jpg - Computer Slide Projector Control (3/3) p070.jpg - Audio/Video Cable Adapter for the VIC 20 (1/2) p071.jpg - Audio/Video Cable Adapter for the VIC 20 (2/2) p072.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 1 (1/5) p073.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 1 (2/5) p074.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 1 (3/5) p075.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 1 (4/5) p076.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 1 (5/5) p077.jpg - Computing Desk p078.jpg - Rethinking DATAfication (1/2) p079.jpg - Rethinking DATAfication (2/2) p080.jpg - Captain Syntax (continued, to be continued) p081.jpg - Elmo Mellonhead p082.jpg - Advertisement Section (1/3) p083.jpg - Advertisement Section (2/3) p084.jpg - Advertisement Section (3/3) magazines/transactor/v5i5/100/ magazines/transactor/v5i5/200/ magazines/transactor/v5i5/400/ magazines/transactor/v5i6/ * The Transactor, Volume 5, Issue 06, May 1985 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 5, Issue 6: Programming Aids and - Utilities j2.jpg - Cover Art j3.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/5) p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/5) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/5) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/5) p008.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/5) p009.jpg - Letters (1/2) p010.jpg - Letters (2/2) p011.jpg - Introducing "VERIFIZER" (1/2) p012.jpg - Introducing "VERIFIZER" (2/2) p013.jpg - The MANAGER Column (1/6) p014.jpg - The MANAGER Column (2/6) p015.jpg - The MANAGER Column (3/6) p016.jpg - The MANAGER Column (4/6) p017.jpg - The MANAGER Column (5/6) p018.jpg - The MANAGER Column (6/6) p019.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #2 (1/3) p020.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #2 (2/3) p021.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #2 (3/3) p022.jpg - A New Wedge for the Commodore 64 (1/4) p023.jpg - A New Wedge for the Commodore 64 (2/4) p024.jpg - A New Wedge for the Commodore 64 (3/4) p025.jpg - A New Wedge for the Commodore 64 (4/4) p026.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 2: KEYWIZARD - An Amazing Keyboard - Driver (1/5) p027.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 2: KEYWIZARD - An Amazing Keyboard - Driver (2/5) p028.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 2: KEYWIZARD - An Amazing Keyboard - Driver (3/5) p029.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 2: KEYWIZARD - An Amazing Keyboard - Driver (4/5) p030.jpg - The Commodore 64 Keyboard, Part 2: KEYWIZARD - An Amazing Keyboard - Driver (5/5) p031.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 2 (1/6) p032.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 2 (2/6) p033.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 2 (3/6) p034.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 2 (4/6) p035.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 2 (5/6) p036.jpg - Linked Lists, Part 2 (6/6) p037.jpg - A High Resolution Graphics Utility for the 64 (1/8) p038.jpg - A High Resolution Graphics Utility for the 64 (2/8) p039.jpg - A High Resolution Graphics Utility for the 64 (3/8) p040.jpg - A High Resolution Graphics Utility for the 64 (4/8) p041.jpg - A High Resolution Graphics Utility for the 64 (5/8) p042.jpg - A High Resolution Graphics Utility for the 64 (6/8) p043.jpg - A High Resolution Graphics Utility for the 64 (7/8) p044.jpg - A High Resolution Graphics Utility for the 64 (8/8) p045.jpg - VIC Parameters (1/3) p046.jpg - VIC Parameters (2/3) p047.jpg - VIC Parameters (3/3) p048.jpg - BIGPRINT: A True Proportion High-Res Printer Dump Utility (1/2) p049.jpg - BIGPRINT: A True Proportion High-Res Printer Dump Utility (2/2) p050.jpg - Two Short Sprite Editors (1/2) p051.jpg - Two Short Sprite Editors (2/2) p052.jpg - A List Scrolling Routine for the C64 (1/2) p053.jpg - A List Scrolling Routine for the C64 (2/2) p054.jpg - STP: Execute From A Sequential File (1/2) p055.jpg - STP: Execute From A Sequential File (2/2) p056.jpg - Quote Killer p057.jpg - Gap Remover p058.jpg - Machine Language Print Loader (1/6) p059.jpg - Machine Language Print Loader (2/6) p060.jpg - Machine Language Print Loader (3/6) p061.jpg - Machine Language Print Loader (4/6) p062.jpg - Machine Language Print Loader (5/6) p063.jpg - Machine Language Print Loader (6/6) p064.jpg - Aligning the Commodore 1541 Disk Drive (1/2) p065.jpg - Aligning the Commodore 1541 Disk Drive (2/2) p066.jpg - Super Cat p067.jpg - Software Numeric Keypad for the Commodore 64 p068.jpg - Disk/Extramon 64 (1/3) p069.jpg - Disk/Extramon 64 (2/3) p070.jpg - Disk/Extramon 64 (3/3) p071.jpg - Drive Peeker: A Quick Peek Inside Your Drive p072.jpg - File Compare (1/2) p073.jpg - File Compare (2/2) p074.jpg - Comics p075.jpg - Captain Syntax (continued, to be continued) p076.jpg - News BRK (1/4) p077.jpg - News BRK (2/4) p078.jpg - News BRK (3/4) p079.jpg - News BRK (4/4) p080.jpg - Advertisement Section q1.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (1/4) q2.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (2/4) q3.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (3/4) q4.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (4/4) magazines/transactor/v5i6/100/ magazines/transactor/v5i6/200/ magazines/transactor/v5i6/400/ magazines/transactor/v6i1/ * The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 01, July 1985 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 6, Issue 1: More Programming Aids & - Utilities j2.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk j3.jpg - Cover Art j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology, Only - $14.95 p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/4) p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/4) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/4) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/4) p008.jpg - Auxiliary Bits (for the +4/C16, B Series, 1541, and 8050) (1/3) p009.jpg - Auxiliary Bits (for the +4/C16, B Series, 1541, and 8050) (2/3) p010.jpg - Auxiliary Bits (for the +4/C16, B Series, 1541, and 8050) (3/3) p011.jpg - Letters (1/2) p012.jpg - Letters (2/2) p013.jpg - The MANAGER Column p014.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #3 (1/5) p015.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #3 (2/5) p016.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #3 (3/5) p017.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #3 (4/5) p018.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #3 (5/5) p019.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" p020.jpg - Save with Replace Exposed!! - Or, SAVE @ Your Own Risk! (1/2) p021.jpg - Save with Replace Exposed!! - Or, SAVE @ Your Own Risk! (2/2) p022.jpg - Disk Tricks (1/2) p023.jpg - Disk Tricks (2/2) p024.jpg - DiskBusters: Reviews of some current disk copying packages (1/2) p025.jpg - DiskBusters: Reviews of some current disk copying packages (2/2) p026.jpg - DOS File Executor: Execute Machine Language Programs inside your 1541 - (1/3) p027.jpg - DOS File Executor: Execute Machine Language Programs inside your 1541 - (2/3) p028.jpg - DOS File Executor: Execute Machine Language Programs inside your 1541 - (3/3) p029.jpg - Alphabetize Your Disk Directory (1/3) p030.jpg - Alphabetize Your Disk Directory (2/3) p031.jpg - Alphabetize Your Disk Directory (3/3) p032.jpg - Auto Default for the Commodore 64 (1/4) p033.jpg - Auto Default for the Commodore 64 (2/4) p034.jpg - Auto Default for the Commodore 64 (3/4) p035.jpg - Auto Default for the Commodore 64 (4/4) p036.jpg - File Pursuit: A File Trace and Size Utility for All Drives p037.jpg - SuperNumbers for the Commodore 64: Finally - Indestructible Variables - (1/3) p038.jpg - SuperNumbers for the Commodore 64: Finally - Indestructible Variables - (2/3) p039.jpg - SuperNumbers for the Commodore 64: Finally - Indestructible Variables - (3/3) p040.jpg - VARPTR: Creation of a new BASIC Function (1/2) p041.jpg - VARPTR: Creation of a new BASIC Function (2/2) p042.jpg - Bootmaker II p043.jpg - Datapoke Aid: The Easy Way to Enter BASIC Loader Programs (1/3) p044.jpg - Datapoke Aid: The Easy Way to Enter BASIC Loader Programs (2/3) p045.jpg - Datapoke Aid: The Easy Way to Enter BASIC Loader Programs (3/3) p046.jpg - Load & Run: Start Up Machine Language Programs Just Like BASIC! (1/4) p047.jpg - Load & Run: Start Up Machine Language Programs Just Like BASIC! (2/4) p048.jpg - Load & Run: Start Up Machine Language Programs Just Like BASIC! (3/4) p049.jpg - Load & Run: Start Up Machine Language Programs Just Like BASIC! (4/4) p050.jpg - Extra EPROM Space for PETs p051.jpg - A Really Cheap Multi-Channel Analogue Input for Micro Computers (1/5) p052.jpg - A Really Cheap Multi-Channel Analogue Input for Micro Computers (2/5) p053.jpg - A Really Cheap Multi-Channel Analogue Input for Micro Computers (3/5) p054.jpg - A Really Cheap Multi-Channel Analogue Input for Micro Computers (4/5) p055.jpg - A Really Cheap Multi-Channel Analogue Input for Micro Computers (5/5) p056.jpg - The Plus 4 - A Quick Overview (1/3) p057.jpg - The Plus 4 - A Quick Overview (2/3) p058.jpg - The Plus 4 - A Quick Overview (3/3) p059.jpg - The Programmable Kitchen p060.jpg - Chopper and Labelgun for the Commodore 64: A multiple statement line - splitter and a label re-definition utility for PAL source programs - (1/6) p061.jpg - Chopper and Labelgun for the Commodore 64: A multiple statement line - splitter and a label re-definition utility for PAL source programs - (2/6) p062.jpg - Chopper and Labelgun for the Commodore 64: A multiple statement line - splitter and a label re-definition utility for PAL source programs - (3/6) p063.jpg - Chopper and Labelgun for the Commodore 64: A multiple statement line - splitter and a label re-definition utility for PAL source programs - (4/6) p064.jpg - Chopper and Labelgun for the Commodore 64: A multiple statement line - splitter and a label re-definition utility for PAL source programs - (5/6) p065.jpg - Chopper and Labelgun for the Commodore 64: A multiple statement line - splitter and a label re-definition utility for PAL source programs - (6/6) p066.jpg - An R65C02 Assembler ...a pin for pin direct plug-in replacement for the - NMOS 6502 (1/9) p067.jpg - An R65C02 Assembler ...a pin for pin direct plug-in replacement for the - NMOS 6502 (2/9) p068.jpg - An R65C02 Assembler ...a pin for pin direct plug-in replacement for the - NMOS 6502 (3/9) p069.jpg - An R65C02 Assembler ...a pin for pin direct plug-in replacement for the - NMOS 6502 (4/9) p070.jpg - An R65C02 Assembler ...a pin for pin direct plug-in replacement for the - NMOS 6502 (5/9) p071.jpg - An R65C02 Assembler ...a pin for pin direct plug-in replacement for the - NMOS 6502 (6/9) p072.jpg - An R65C02 Assembler ...a pin for pin direct plug-in replacement for the - NMOS 6502 (7/9) p073.jpg - An R65C02 Assembler ...a pin for pin direct plug-in replacement for the - NMOS 6502 (8/9) p074.jpg - An R65C02 Assembler ...a pin for pin direct plug-in replacement for the - NMOS 6502 (9/9) p075.jpg - Captain Syntax (continued) p076.jpg - News BRK (1/5) p077.jpg - News BRK (2/5) p078.jpg - News BRK (3/5) p079.jpg - News BRK (4/5) p080.jpg - News BRK (5/5) magazines/transactor/v6i1/100/ magazines/transactor/v6i1/200/ magazines/transactor/v6i1/400/ magazines/transactor/v6i2/ * The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 02, September 1985 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 6, Issue 2: Networking and - Communications j2.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk j3.jpg - Cover Art j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology, Only - $14.95 p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/3) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/3) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/3) p008.jpg - Letters (1/3) p009.jpg - Letters (2/3) p010.jpg - Letters (3/3) p011.jpg - How to Get the Most Out of CompuServe: A Review p012.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #4 (1/6) p013.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #4 (2/6) p014.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #4 (3/6) p015.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #4 (4/6) p016.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #4 (5/6) p017.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #4 (6/6) p018.jpg - Telecomputing: From Concept to Connect (1/6) p019.jpg - Telecomputing: From Concept to Connect (2/6) p020.jpg - Telecomputing: From Concept to Connect (3/6) p021.jpg - Telecomputing: From Concept to Connect (4/6) p022.jpg - Telecomputing: From Concept to Connect (5/6) p023.jpg - Telecomputing: From Concept to Connect (6/6) p024.jpg - A Comedy of Errors (1/2) p025.jpg - A Comedy of Errors (2/2) p026.jpg - World Connection: Telecompute Without the 'Phone' (1/2) p027.jpg - World Connection: Telecompute Without the 'Phone' (2/2) p028.jpg - Electronic Mail in the Office (1/2) p029.jpg - Electronic Mail in the Office (2/2) p030.jpg - Computer Networking Systems: A Look at 3 Popular Multi-User Networks - (1/4) p031.jpg - Computer Networking Systems: A Look at 3 Popular Multi-User Networks - (2/4) p032.jpg - Computer Networking Systems: A Look at 3 Popular Multi-User Networks - (3/4) p033.jpg - Computer Networking Systems: A Look at 3 Popular Multi-User Networks - (4/4) p034.jpg - Helping to Communicate - The TDD Network (1/6) p035.jpg - Helping to Communicate - The TDD Network (2/6) p036.jpg - Helping to Communicate - The TDD Network (3/6) p037.jpg - Helping to Communicate - The TDD Network (4/6) p038.jpg - Helping to Communicate - The TDD Network (5/6) p039.jpg - Helping to Communicate - The TDD Network (6/6) p040.jpg - Easy Intercomputer Connection: A Simple 3-wire RS-232 interface (1/2) p041.jpg - Easy Intercomputer Connection: A Simple 3-wire RS-232 interface (2/2) p042.jpg - Modems and REMOTE 64: LOAD, LIST, SAVE, even edit programs... all from - remote control! (1/3) p043.jpg - Modems and REMOTE 64: LOAD, LIST, SAVE, even edit programs... all from - remote control! (2/3) p044.jpg - Modems and REMOTE 64: LOAD, LIST, SAVE, even edit programs... all from - remote control! (3/3) p045.jpg - Riding the RS-232 Bus Lines (1/5) p046.jpg - Riding the RS-232 Bus Lines (2/5) p047.jpg - Riding the RS-232 Bus Lines (3/5) p048.jpg - Riding the RS-232 Bus Lines (4/5) p049.jpg - Riding the RS-232 Bus Lines (5/5) p050.jpg - C64 BBS Link (1/2) p051.jpg - C64 BBS Link (2/2) p052.jpg - Tele-Tone 64: A Synthetic Model Telephone (1/3) p053.jpg - Tele-Tone 64: A Synthetic Model Telephone (2/3) p054.jpg - Tele-Tone 64: A Synthetic Model Telephone (3/3) p055.jpg - Fun with the 1541 (1/5) p056.jpg - Fun with the 1541 (2/5) p057.jpg - Fun with the 1541 (3/5) p058.jpg - Fun with the 1541 (4/5) p059.jpg - Fun with the 1541 (5/5) p060.jpg - Simulating a Dual Drive with Two 1541's (1/2) p061.jpg - Simulating a Dual Drive with Two 1541's (2/2) p062.jpg - In Defense of the Frontal Assault p063.jpg - Flexible Vector Management (1/5) p064.jpg - Flexible Vector Management (2/5) p065.jpg - Flexible Vector Management (3/5) p066.jpg - Flexible Vector Management (4/5) p067.jpg - Flexible Vector Management (5/5) p068.jpg - SAVE @ Exposed: The Debate Continues p069.jpg - News BRK (1/7) p070.jpg - News BRK (2/7) p071.jpg - News BRK (3/7) p072.jpg - News BRK (4/7) p073.jpg - News BRK (5/7) p074.jpg - News BRK (6/7) p075.jpg - News BRK (7/7) p076.jpg - Compu-toons p077.jpg - Captain Syntax p078.jpg - Advertisement Section (1/3) p079.jpg - Advertisement Section (2/3) p080.jpg - Advertisement Section (3/3) q1.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (1/4) q2.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (2/4) q3.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (3/4) q4.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (4/4) magazines/transactor/v6i2/100/ magazines/transactor/v6i2/200/ magazines/transactor/v6i2/400/ magazines/transactor/v6i3/ * The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 03, November 1985 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 6, Issue 3: The Languages j2.jpg - Advertisement: Commodore 64 Software: The Gold Disk j3.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology, Only - $14.95 p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/6) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/6) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/6) p008.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/6) p009.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/6) p010.jpg - Bits and Pieces (6/6) p011.jpg - Letters (1/4) p012.jpg - Letters (2/4) p013.jpg - Letters (3/4) p014.jpg - Letters (4/4) p015.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (1/13) p016.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (2/13) p017.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (3/13) p018.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (4/13) p019.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (5/13) p020.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (6/13) p021.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (7/13) p022.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (8/13) p023.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (9/13) p024.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (10/13) p025.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (11/13) p026.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (12/13) p027.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #5 (13/13) p028.jpg - The Atari 520ST: An Overview (1/2) p029.jpg - The Atari 520ST: An Overview (2/2) p030.jpg - Doing Away With Drama p031.jpg - C Power - A Users Review p032.jpg - Commodore 128 Keywords and Tokens (1/2) p033.jpg - Commodore 128 Keywords and Tokens (2/2) p034.jpg - From Apple to Commodore and Back (1/3) p035.jpg - From Apple to Commodore and Back (2/3) p036.jpg - From Apple to Commodore and Back (3/3) p037.jpg - What is COMAL? (1/3) p038.jpg - What is COMAL? (2/3) p039.jpg - What is COMAL? (3/3) p040.jpg - COMAL for the Commodore 64 (1/5) p041.jpg - COMAL for the Commodore 64 (2/5) p042.jpg - COMAL for the Commodore 64 (3/5) p043.jpg - COMAL for the Commodore 64 (4/5) p044.jpg - COMAL for the Commodore 64 (5/5) p045.jpg - Is 10K Enough? - Using the COMAL 0.14 System on the C64 (1/3) p046.jpg - Is 10K Enough? - Using the COMAL 0.14 System on the C64 (2/3) p047.jpg - Is 10K Enough? - Using the COMAL 0.14 System on the C64 (3/3) p048.jpg - GO LOGO GO (1/2) p049.jpg - GO LOGO GO (2/2) p050.jpg - Hidden Op-Codes (1/3) p051.jpg - Hidden Op-Codes (2/3) p052.jpg - Hidden Op-Codes (3/3) p053.jpg - A Comparison of CPUs: The MOS 6502, Motorola 6809 and Motorola 68000 - (1/5) p054.jpg - A Comparison of CPUs: The MOS 6502, Motorola 6809 and Motorola 68000 - (2/5) p055.jpg - A Comparison of CPUs: The MOS 6502, Motorola 6809 and Motorola 68000 - (3/5) p056.jpg - A Comparison of CPUs: The MOS 6502, Motorola 6809 and Motorola 68000 - (4/5) p057.jpg - A Comparison of CPUs: The MOS 6502, Motorola 6809 and Motorola 68000 - (5/5) p058.jpg - The Intel 8088 Microprocessor (1/3) p059.jpg - The Intel 8088 Microprocessor (2/3) p060.jpg - The Intel 8088 Microprocessor (3/3) p061.jpg - A Quick PC Primer (1/5) p062.jpg - A Quick PC Primer (2/5) p063.jpg - A Quick PC Primer (3/5) p064.jpg - A Quick PC Primer (4/5) p065.jpg - A Quick PC Primer (5/5) p066.jpg - Speeding Up Your BASIC Programs (1/3) p067.jpg - Speeding Up Your BASIC Programs (2/3) p068.jpg - Speeding Up Your BASIC Programs (3/3) p069.jpg - Hi-Res Text Maker: Scaled Text for Your Hi-Res Screen! (1/4) p070.jpg - Hi-Res Text Maker: Scaled Text for Your Hi-Res Screen! (2/4) p071.jpg - Hi-Res Text Maker: Scaled Text for Your Hi-Res Screen! (3/4) p072.jpg - Hi-Res Text Maker: Scaled Text for Your Hi-Res Screen! (4/4) p073.jpg - The SAVE@ Debate Rages On - A Few More Observations (1/2) p074.jpg - The SAVE@ Debate Rages On - A Few More Observations (2/2) p075.jpg - Captain Syntax p076.jpg - A Gazeteer of Programming Languages p077.jpg - Compu-toons p078.jpg - News BRK (1/2) p079.jpg - News BRK (2/2) p080.jpg - Advertisement Section magazines/transactor/v6i3/100/ magazines/transactor/v6i3/200/ magazines/transactor/v6i3/400/ magazines/transactor/v6i4/ * The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 04, January 1986 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 6, Issue 4: Implementing The - Sciences j2.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk j3.jpg - Cover Art j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology, Over 7,000 - Delivered Since March '85 p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/5) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/5) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/5) p008.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/5) p009.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/5) p010.jpg - Letters (1/5) p011.jpg - Letters (2/5) p012.jpg - Letters (3/5) p013.jpg - Letters (4/5) p014.jpg - Letters (5/5) p015.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (1/10) p016.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (2/10) p017.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (3/10) p018.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (4/10) p019.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (5/10) p020.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (6/10) p021.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (7/10) p022.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (8/10) p023.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (9/10) p024.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #6 (10/10) p025.jpg - Sky Travel - A Review (1/3) p026.jpg - Sky Travel - A Review (2/3) p027.jpg - Sky Travel - A Review (3/3) p028.jpg - Accurate Sum Of Squares (1/2) p029.jpg - Accurate Sum Of Squares (2/2) p030.jpg - The Projector: As close to 3D as possible short of holographics... - (1/5) p031.jpg - The Projector: As close to 3D as possible short of holographics... - (2/5) p032.jpg - The Projector: As close to 3D as possible short of holographics... - (3/5) p033.jpg - The Projector: As close to 3D as possible short of holographics... - (4/5) p034.jpg - The Projector: As close to 3D as possible short of holographics... - (5/5) p035.jpg - Microsecond Timer for the Commodore 64: Count microseconds for up to 70 - minutes (1/3) p036.jpg - Microsecond Timer for the Commodore 64: Count microseconds for up to 70 - minutes (2/3) p037.jpg - Microsecond Timer for the Commodore 64: Count microseconds for up to 70 - minutes (3/3) p038.jpg - Projectile Motion (1/4) p039.jpg - Projectile Motion (2/4) p040.jpg - Projectile Motion (3/4) p041.jpg - Projectile Motion (4/4) p042.jpg - SID's Programmable Filter: the filter in one SID chip may not be - identical to that in another (1/3) p043.jpg - SID's Programmable Filter: the filter in one SID chip may not be - identical to that in another (2/3) p044.jpg - SID's Programmable Filter: the filter in one SID chip may not be - identical to that in another (3/3) p045.jpg - The Compressor: A High-Resolution Picture Compressor/Decompressor (1/9) p046.jpg - The Compressor: A High-Resolution Picture Compressor/Decompressor (2/9) p047.jpg - The Compressor: A High-Resolution Picture Compressor/Decompressor (3/9) p048.jpg - The Compressor: A High-Resolution Picture Compressor/Decompressor (4/9) p049.jpg - The Compressor: A High-Resolution Picture Compressor/Decompressor (5/9) p050.jpg - The Compressor: A High-Resolution Picture Compressor/Decompressor (6/9) p051.jpg - The Compressor: A High-Resolution Picture Compressor/Decompressor (7/9) p052.jpg - The Compressor: A High-Resolution Picture Compressor/Decompressor (8/9) p053.jpg - The Compressor: A High-Resolution Picture Compressor/Decompressor (9/9) p054.jpg - Indestructible Variables (1/3) p055.jpg - Indestructible Variables (2/3) p056.jpg - Indestructible Variables (3/3) p057.jpg - Disk Un-Assembler for the Commodore 64: Create Real Source from Object - Files (1/5) p058.jpg - Disk Un-Assembler for the Commodore 64: Create Real Source from Object - Files (2/5) p059.jpg - Disk Un-Assembler for the Commodore 64: Create Real Source from Object - Files (3/5) p060.jpg - Disk Un-Assembler for the Commodore 64: Create Real Source from Object - Files (4/5) p061.jpg - Disk Un-Assembler for the Commodore 64: Create Real Source from Object - Files (5/5) p062.jpg - Super Sound (1/4) p063.jpg - Super Sound (2/4) p064.jpg - Super Sound (3/4) p065.jpg - Super Sound (4/4) p066.jpg - Eliminating The BASIC Loader (1/2) p067.jpg - Eliminating The BASIC Loader (2/2) p068.jpg - U What? It's a case of mutual confusion... (1/2) p069.jpg - U What? It's a case of mutual confusion... (2/2) p070.jpg - Solving SAVE@: "So Close We Can Taste It!" (1/2) p071.jpg - Solving SAVE@: "So Close We Can Taste It!" (2/2) p072.jpg - Compu-toons p073.jpg - Captain Syntax p074.jpg - News BRK (1/5) p075.jpg - News BRK (2/5) p076.jpg - News BRK (3/5) p077.jpg - News BRK (4/5) p078.jpg - News BRK (5/5) p079.jpg - Advertising Section (1/2) p080.jpg - Advertising Section (2/2) magazines/transactor/v6i4/100/ magazines/transactor/v6i4/200/ magazines/transactor/v6i4/400/ magazines/transactor/v6i5/ * The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 05, March 1986 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 6, Issue 5: Hardware and Software - Interfacing j2.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk j3.jpg - Cover Art j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology, Over 7,000 - Delivered Since March '85 p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/5) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/5) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/5) p008.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/5) p009.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/5) p010.jpg - Letters (1/7) p011.jpg - Letters (2/7) p012.jpg - Letters (3/7) p013.jpg - Letters (4/7) p014.jpg - Letters (5/7) p015.jpg - Letters (6/7) p016.jpg - Letters (7/7) p017.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #7 (1/8) p018.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #7 (2/8) p019.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #7 (3/8) p020.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #7 (4/8) p021.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #7 (5/8) p022.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #7 (6/8) p023.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #7 (7/8) p024.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #7 (8/8) p025.jpg - The Commodore 128: Impressions and Observations p026.jpg - Machine Language: Maxims for the Commodore 128 p027.jpg - Commodore 128 Memory Maps: Important Locations p028.jpg - MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface (1/6) p029.jpg - MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface (2/6) p030.jpg - MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface (3/6) p031.jpg - MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface (4/6) p032.jpg - MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface (5/6) p033.jpg - MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface (6/6) p034.jpg - Real-World Interfacing with the REL64 Cartridge (1/2) p035.jpg - Real-World Interfacing with the REL64 Cartridge (2/2) p036.jpg - 1541 RAM Expander (1/8) p037.jpg - 1541 RAM Expander (2/8) p038.jpg - 1541 RAM Expander (3/8) p039.jpg - 1541 RAM Expander (4/8) p040.jpg - 1541 RAM Expander (5/8) p041.jpg - 1541 RAM Expander (6/8) p042.jpg - 1541 RAM Expander (7/8) p043.jpg - 1541 RAM Expander (8/8) p044.jpg - Assembly Language Disk Access (1/4) p045.jpg - Assembly Language Disk Access (2/4) p046.jpg - Assembly Language Disk Access (3/4) p047.jpg - Assembly Language Disk Access (4/4) p048.jpg - Directory Match (1/3) p049.jpg - Directory Match (2/3) p050.jpg - Directory Match (3/3) p051.jpg - Commodore 64 Memory Configurations (1/7) p052.jpg - Commodore 64 Memory Configurations (2/7) p053.jpg - Commodore 64 Memory Configurations (3/7) p054.jpg - Commodore 64 Memory Configurations (4/7) p055.jpg - Commodore 64 Memory Configurations (5/7) p056.jpg - Commodore 64 Memory Configurations (6/7) p057.jpg - Commodore 64 Memory Configurations (7/7) p058.jpg - 6510 Opcodes p059.jpg - The Undocumented 6500 Series Instructions: A Summary (1/2) p060.jpg - The Undocumented 6500 Series Instructions: A Summary (2/2) p061.jpg - A Computer Rolltop Stand (1/3) p062.jpg - A Computer Rolltop Stand (2/3) p063.jpg - A Computer Rolltop Stand (3/3) p064.jpg - Superkey: A Homebrew External Keypad (1/2) p065.jpg - Superkey: A Homebrew External Keypad (2/2) p066.jpg - String Calc (1/2) p067.jpg - String Calc (2/2) p068.jpg - Getting on Viewtron: It's This Easy! (1/2) p069.jpg - Getting on Viewtron: It's This Easy! (2/2) - The SAVE@ Saga - Compu-toons p070.jpg - Captain Syntax p071.jpg - The Transactor Disk (1/5) p072.jpg - The Transactor Disk (2/5) p073.jpg - The Transactor Disk (3/5) p074.jpg - The Transactor Disk (4/5) p075.jpg - The Transactor Disk (5/5) p076.jpg - News BRK (1/4) p077.jpg - News BRK (2/4) p078.jpg - News BRK (3/4) p079.jpg - News BRK (4/4) p080.jpg - Advertisement Section magazines/transactor/v6i5/100/ magazines/transactor/v6i5/200/ magazines/transactor/v6i5/400/ magazines/transactor/v6i6/ * The Transactor, Volume 6, Issue 06, May 1986 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 6, Issue 6: Real Life Applications j2.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk j3.jpg - Cover Art j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology, Over 7,000 - Delivered Since March '85 p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/6) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/6) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/6) p008.jpg - 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The Amiga: A Programmer's Perspective (3/5) p036.jpg - The Amiga: A Programmer's Perspective (4/5) p037.jpg - The Amiga: A Programmer's Perspective (5/5) p038.jpg - Amiga DOS & CLI Commands (1/4) p039.jpg - Amiga DOS & CLI Commands (2/4) p040.jpg - Amiga DOS & CLI Commands (3/4) p041.jpg - Amiga DOS & CLI Commands (4/4) p042.jpg - AMIGA Editor Commands p043.jpg - EDIT: Amiga's Line Oriented Editor p044.jpg - Pick Areas and Pop Menus: Drop-Down Menus for Your Commodore 64 (1/5) p045.jpg - Pick Areas and Pop Menus: Drop-Down Menus for Your Commodore 64 (2/5) p046.jpg - Pick Areas and Pop Menus: Drop-Down Menus for Your Commodore 64 (3/5) p047.jpg - Pick Areas and Pop Menus: Drop-Down Menus for Your Commodore 64 (4/5) p048.jpg - Pick Areas and Pop Menus: Drop-Down Menus for Your Commodore 64 (5/5) p049.jpg - Dvorak Keyboard for the Commodore 64 (1/3) p050.jpg - Dvorak Keyboard for the Commodore 64 (2/3) p051.jpg - Dvorak Keyboard for the Commodore 64 (3/3) p052.jpg - Screenboard for the Commodore 64 (1/4) p053.jpg - Screenboard for the Commodore 64 (2/4) p054.jpg - Screenboard for the Commodore 64 (3/4) p055.jpg - Screenboard for the Commodore 64 (4/4) p056.jpg - Crystall Ball for the C64 or VIC 20 (1/6) p057.jpg - Crystall Ball for the C64 or VIC 20 (2/6) p058.jpg - Crystall Ball for the C64 or VIC 20 (3/6) p059.jpg - Crystall Ball for the C64 or VIC 20 (4/6) p060.jpg - Crystall Ball for the C64 or VIC 20 (5/6) p061.jpg - Crystall Ball for the C64 or VIC 20 (6/6) p062.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (1/10) p063.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (2/10) p064.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (3/10) p065.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (4/10) p066.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (5/10) p067.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (6/10) p068.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (7/10) p069.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (8/10) p070.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (9/10) p071.jpg - Home Control on a VIC 20 (10/10) p072.jpg - A Comparison of Four Word Processors (1/3) p073.jpg - A Comparison of Four Word Processors (2/3) p074.jpg - A Comparison of Four Word Processors (3/3) p075.jpg - News BRK (1/3) p076.jpg - News BRK (2/3) p077.jpg - News BRK (3/3) p078.jpg - Captain Syntax p079.jpg - Compu-toons p080.jpg - Advertisement Section magazines/transactor/v6i6/100/ magazines/transactor/v6i6/200/ magazines/transactor/v6i6/400/ magazines/transactor/v7i1/ * The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 01, July 1986 g1.jpg - Transaction Advertisement Insert (1/4) g2.jpg - Transaction Advertisement Insert (2/4) g3.jpg - Transaction Advertisement Insert (3/4) g4.jpg - Transaction Advertisement Insert (4/4) j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 7, Issue 1: ROM Routines / Kernel - Routines j2.jpg - Advertisement: Paperback Software (1/2) j3.jpg - Advertisement: Paperback Software (2/2) j4.jpg - Advertisements: TPUG, COMAL Users Group USA, The 1986 Commodore - Reference Diary j5.jpg - Advertisement: Transactor pays $40 per page for articles j6.jpg - Advertisement: GNOME Speed, a Basic 7.0 compiler for your Commodore 128 - by SM Software, Inc. j7.jpg - Advertisement: Super Kit 1541 by Prism Software j8.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - S.N.I.F.F.: A Bold New Vision in Recording Media p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/8) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/8) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/8) p008.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/8) p009.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/8) p010.jpg - Bits and Pieces (6/8) p011.jpg - Bits and Pieces (7/8) p012.jpg - Bits and Pieces (8/8) p013.jpg - Letters (1/5) p014.jpg - Letters (2/5) p015.jpg - Letters (3/5) p016.jpg - Letters (4/5) p017.jpg - Letters (5/5) p018.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #9 (1/7) p019.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #9 (2/7) p020.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #9 (3/7) p021.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #9 (4/7) p022.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #9 (5/7) p023.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #9 (6/7) p024.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #9 (7/7) p025.jpg - Longer Life for Your 64 and 1541 p026.jpg - Matrix Manipulator (1/3) p027.jpg - Matrix Manipulator (2/3) p028.jpg - Matrix Manipulator (3/3) p029.jpg - Jim Butterfield's Complete C128 Memory Map (1/5) p030.jpg - Jim Butterfield's Complete C128 Memory Map (2/5) p031.jpg - Jim Butterfield's Complete C128 Memory Map (3/5) p032.jpg - Jim Butterfield's Complete C128 Memory Map (4/5) p033.jpg - Jim Butterfield's Complete C128 Memory Map (5/5) p034.jpg - The C128 - You Can Bank on It (1/2) p035.jpg - The C128 - You Can Bank on It (2/2) p036.jpg - Getting the C128's CP/M+ In Gear (1/2) p037.jpg - Getting the C128's CP/M+ In Gear (2/2) p038.jpg - C128 RAM Disk: Add a 16k RAM Disk to your C-128 with No Additional - Hardware (1/4) p039.jpg - C128 RAM Disk: Add a 16k RAM Disk to your C-128 with No Additional - Hardware (2/4) p040.jpg - C128 RAM Disk: Add a 16k RAM Disk to your C-128 with No Additional - Hardware (3/4) p041.jpg - C128 RAM Disk: Add a 16k RAM Disk to your C-128 with No Additional - Hardware (4/4) p042.jpg - AmigaBasic Function Plot: An Auto-Scaling Plotting Demo (1/2) p043.jpg - AmigaBasic Function Plot: An Auto-Scaling Plotting Demo (2/2) p044.jpg - Kernel Routines In the B128 (1/2) p045.jpg - Kernel Routines In the B128 (2/2) p046.jpg - Unmasking the Kernal - A collection of notes about using the I/O - routines (1/2) p047.jpg - Unmasking the Kernal - A collection of notes about using the I/O - routines (2/2) p048.jpg - Kernal Who? (1/6) p049.jpg - Kernal Who? (2/6) p050.jpg - Kernal Who? (3/6) p051.jpg - Kernal Who? (4/6) p052.jpg - Kernal Who? (5/6) p053.jpg - Kernal Who? (6/6) p054.jpg - Adding Functions to Basic: Execute Machine Language programs inside - your 1541 (1/4) p055.jpg - Adding Functions to Basic: Execute Machine Language programs inside - your 1541 (2/4) p056.jpg - Adding Functions to Basic: Execute Machine Language programs inside - your 1541 (3/4) p057.jpg - Adding Functions to Basic: Execute Machine Language programs inside - your 1541 (4/4) p058.jpg - Command Wedge: Modifying BASIC's Commands (1/5) p059.jpg - Command Wedge: Modifying BASIC's Commands (2/5) p060.jpg - Command Wedge: Modifying BASIC's Commands (3/5) p061.jpg - Command Wedge: Modifying BASIC's Commands (4/5) p062.jpg - Command Wedge: Modifying BASIC's Commands (5/5) p063.jpg - Improving the SYS Command (1/3) p064.jpg - Improving the SYS Command (2/3) p065.jpg - Improving the SYS Command (3/3) p066.jpg - AutoLoad & the EPROM (1/3) p067.jpg - AutoLoad & the EPROM (2/3) p068.jpg - AutoLoad & the EPROM (3/3) p069.jpg - SYMASS: A Symbolic Assembler for the Commodore 64 (1/8) p070.jpg - SYMASS: A Symbolic Assembler for the Commodore 64 (2/8) p071.jpg - SYMASS: A Symbolic Assembler for the Commodore 64 (3/8) p072.jpg - SYMASS: A Symbolic Assembler for the Commodore 64 (4/8) p073.jpg - SYMASS: A Symbolic Assembler for the Commodore 64 (5/8) p074.jpg - SYMASS: A Symbolic Assembler for the Commodore 64 (6/8) p075.jpg - SYMASS: A Symbolic Assembler for the Commodore 64 (7/8) p076.jpg - SYMASS: A Symbolic Assembler for the Commodore 64 (8/8) p077.jpg - News BRK (1/4) p078.jpg - News BRK (2/4) p079.jpg - News BRK (3/4) p080.jpg - News BRK (4/4) magazines/transactor/v7i1/100/ magazines/transactor/v7i1/200/ magazines/transactor/v7i1/400/ magazines/transactor/v7i2/ * The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 02, September 1986 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 7, Issue 2: Games "From the Inside - Out" j2.jpg - Advertisement: Pocket Writer, Pocket Planner and Pocket Filer for the - Commodore 128 and 64 (Digital Solutions Ltd.) j3.jpg - Advertisement: Pocket Writer, Pocket Planner and Pocket Filer for the - Commodore 128 and 64 (Digital Solutions Ltd.) j4.jpg - Advertisement: 2 MEGs For Your Amiga by Comspec Communications Inc. j5.jpg - Advertisement: Join TPUG, COMAL Users Group USA, The 1986 Commodore - Reference Diary j6.jpg - Advertisement: GNOME Kit (programming, designing and debugging aids for - BASIC and machine language programming) by SM Software, Inc. j7.jpg - Advertisement: Super Kit 1541 by Prism Software j8.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/8) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/8) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/8) p008.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/8) p009.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/8) p010.jpg - Bits and Pieces (6/8) p011.jpg - Bits and Pieces (7/8) p012.jpg - Bits and Pieces (8/8) p013.jpg - Letters (1/5) p014.jpg - Letters (2/5) p015.jpg - Letters (3/5) p016.jpg - Letters (4/5) p017.jpg - Letters (5/5) p018.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #10 (1/6) p019.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #10 (2/6) p020.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #10 (3/6) p021.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #10 (4/6) p022.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #10 (5/6) p023.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #10 (6/6) p024.jpg - The ATARI ST Notebook (1/4) p025.jpg - The ATARI ST Notebook (2/4) p026.jpg - The ATARI ST Notebook (3/4) p027.jpg - The ATARI ST Notebook (4/4) p028.jpg - Commodore 128 Disk Boot Basics (1/2) p029.jpg - Commodore 128 Disk Boot Basics (2/2) p030.jpg - New Loops: The Commodore 128 Basic Stack (1/3) p031.jpg - New Loops: The Commodore 128 Basic Stack (2/3) p032.jpg - New Loops: The Commodore 128 Basic Stack (3/3) p033.jpg - Eliminating SAVE@ And Other 1541 Bugs (1/3) p034.jpg - Eliminating SAVE@ And Other 1541 Bugs (2/3) p035.jpg - Eliminating SAVE@ And Other 1541 Bugs (3/3) p036.jpg - FORMAT TRACK 36 (1/2) p037.jpg - FORMAT TRACK 36 (2/2) p038.jpg - An Amiga Parallel Printer Cable (1/2) p039.jpg - An Amiga Parallel Printer Cable (2/2) - TransBloopers p040.jpg - Save SYMASS Symbols: Create Symbol Table Files Accessible from the - BASIC Editor (1/2) p041.jpg - Save SYMASS Symbols: Create Symbol Table Files Accessible from the - BASIC Editor (2/2) p042.jpg - Transcribe 64: A Relative File Copy Utility for the Commodore 64 (1/4) p043.jpg - Transcribe 64: A Relative File Copy Utility for the Commodore 64 (2/4) p044.jpg - Transcribe 64: A Relative File Copy Utility for the Commodore 64 (3/4) p045.jpg - Transcribe 64: A Relative File Copy Utility for the Commodore 64 (4/4) p046.jpg - Animals: An Exercise in Artificial Intelligence (1/4) p047.jpg - Animals: An Exercise in Artificial Intelligence (2/4) p048.jpg - Animals: An Exercise in Artificial Intelligence (3/4) p049.jpg - Animals: An Exercise in Artificial Intelligence (4/4) p050.jpg - BREAK KEY 64: alter parameters while a program is running (1/4) p051.jpg - BREAK KEY 64: alter parameters while a program is running (2/4) p052.jpg - BREAK KEY 64: alter parameters while a program is running (3/4) p053.jpg - BREAK KEY 64: alter parameters while a program is running (4/4) p054.jpg - MOVE: A General Purpose Propagating Move Routine (1/2) p055.jpg - MOVE: A General Purpose Propagating Move Routine (2/2) p056.jpg - Bit Addressing of Sprite Controls p057.jpg - Sprite Numbers: A painless way to flash numbers on text or graphics - screens (1/3) p058.jpg - Sprite Numbers: A painless way to flash numbers on text or graphics - screens (2/3) p059.jpg - Sprite Numbers: A painless way to flash numbers on text or graphics - screens (3/3) p060.jpg - Adding Depth to Your Screens - Some Tips on 3-D Sprite Animation p061.jpg - Viewports for the Commodore 64: A Hi-res and Multicolour Mode Windowing - Utility (1/5) p062.jpg - Viewports for the Commodore 64: A Hi-res and Multicolour Mode Windowing - Utility (2/5) p063.jpg - Viewports for the Commodore 64: A Hi-res and Multicolour Mode Windowing - Utility (3/5) p064.jpg - Viewports for the Commodore 64: A Hi-res and Multicolour Mode Windowing - Utility (4/5) p065.jpg - Viewports for the Commodore 64: A Hi-res and Multicolour Mode Windowing - Utility (5/5) p066.jpg - Commodore 64 High Resolution Draw Routine: A High-Res Utility You Can - Incorporate Into Your Own Programs (1/2) p067.jpg - Commodore 64 High Resolution Draw Routine: A High-Res Utility You Can - Incorporate Into Your Own Programs (2/2) p068.jpg - Hi-Res Search and Print: The Complete Hires Printer Utility! (1/4) p069.jpg - Hi-Res Search and Print: The Complete Hires Printer Utility! (2/4) p070.jpg - Hi-Res Search and Print: The Complete Hires Printer Utility! (3/4) p071.jpg - Hi-Res Search and Print: The Complete Hires Printer Utility! (4/4) p072.jpg - Commodore 128 High-Res Graphics: Hi-Res Graphics on the Commodore 128's - 80 Column Screen Using BASIC 7.0 Commands (1/3) p073.jpg - Commodore 128 High-Res Graphics: Hi-Res Graphics on the Commodore 128's - 80 Column Screen Using BASIC 7.0 Commands (2/3) p074.jpg - Commodore 128 High-Res Graphics: Hi-Res Graphics on the Commodore 128's - 80 Column Screen Using BASIC 7.0 Commands (3/3) p075.jpg - Computoons p076.jpg - News BRK (1/5) p077.jpg - News BRK (2/5) p078.jpg - News BRK (3/5) p079.jpg - News BRK (4/5) p080.jpg - News BRK (5/5) magazines/transactor/v7i2/100/ magazines/transactor/v7i2/200/ magazines/transactor/v7i2/400/ magazines/transactor/v7i3/ * The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 03, November 1986 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 7, Issue 3: Programming The Chips j2.jpg - Advertisement: Pocket Writer, Pocket Planner and Pocket Filer for the - Commodore 128 and 64 (Digital Solutions Ltd.) j3.jpg - Advertisement: Super Kit 1541 by Prism Software j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk p000a.jpg - Advertisement: Pocket Writer, Pocket Planner and Pocket Filer for the - Commodore 128 and 64 (Digital Solutions Ltd.) p000b.jpg - Advertisement: Join TPUG, COMAL Users Group USA, The 1986 Commodore - Reference Diary p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" (1/2) p005.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" (2/2) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/4) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/4) p008.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/4) p009.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/4) p010.jpg - Letters (1/5) p011.jpg - Letters (2/5) p012.jpg - Letters (3/5) p013.jpg - Letters (4/5) p014.jpg - Letters (5/5) p015.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #11 (1/7) p016.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #11 (2/7) p017.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #11 (3/7) p018.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #11 (4/7) p063.jpg - The 8563 VDC Chip: all about the C128 Video Display Controller chip - (7/7) p065.jpg - Keyboard Expander (2/12) p066.jpg - Keyboard Expander (3/12) p067.jpg - Keyboard Expander (4/12) p068.jpg - Keyboard Expander (5/12) p069.jpg - Keyboard Expander (6/12) p070.jpg - Keyboard Expander (7/12) p071.jpg - Keyboard Expander (8/12) p072.jpg - Keyboard Expander (9/12) p073.jpg - Keyboard Expander (10/12) p074.jpg - Keyboard Expander (11/12) p075.jpg - Keyboard Expander (12/12) p076.jpg - News BRK (1/5) p077.jpg - News BRK (2/5) p078.jpg - News BRK (3/5) p079.jpg - News BRK (4/5) p080.jpg - News BRK (5/5) p081.jpg - Computoons p082.jpg - Advertisement: 2 MEGs For Your Amiga by Comspec Communications Inc. magazines/transactor/v7i3/100/ magazines/transactor/v7i3/200/ magazines/transactor/v7i3/400/ magazines/transactor/v7i4/ * The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 04, January 1987 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 7, Issue 4: Gizmos and Gadgets j2.jpg - Advertisement: Pocket Writer, Pocket Planner and Pocket Filer for the - Commodore 128 and 64 (Digital Solutions Ltd.) j3.jpg - Advertisement: Pocket Writer, Pocket Planner and Pocket Filer for the - Commodore 128 and 64 (Digital Solutions Ltd.) j4.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk j5.jpg - Advertisement: GNOME Speed (BASIC 7.0 compiler) and GNOME Kit - (programming, designing and debugging aids for BASIC and machine - language programming) by SM Software, Inc. j6.jpg - Advertisement: Super Kit 1541 by Prism Software j7.jpg - Advertisement: The World of Commodore, December 4-7, 1986, - International Centre, Toronto p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" p005.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/6) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/6) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/6) p008.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/6) p009.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/6) p010.jpg - Bits and Pieces (6/6) p011.jpg - Letters (1/4) p012.jpg - Letters (2/4) p013.jpg - Letters (3/4) p014.jpg - Letters (4/4) p015.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #12 (1/4) p016.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #12 (2/4) p017.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #12 (3/4) p018.jpg - TransBASIC Installment #12 (4/4) p019.jpg - TeleColumn (1/5) First Transactor Online Conference! Saturday, November - 1, 1986 p020.jpg - TeleColumn (2/5) p021.jpg - TeleColumn (3/5) p022.jpg - TeleColumn (4/5) p023.jpg - TeleColumn (5/5) p024.jpg - Build a Modem Emulator (1/2) p025.jpg - Build a Modem Emulator (2/2) p026.jpg - Universal RS-232 Cable (1/3) p027.jpg - Universal RS-232 Cable (2/3) p028.jpg - Universal RS-232 Cable (3/3) p029.jpg - A $2.00 Printer Interface Reset Switch p030.jpg - The Commodore 64 Capacitance Meter (1/4) p031.jpg - The Commodore 64 Capacitance Meter (2/4) p032.jpg - The Commodore 64 Capacitance Meter (3/4) p033.jpg - The Commodore 64 Capacitance Meter (4/4) p034.jpg - Commodore 64 Frequency Counter (1/3) p035.jpg - Commodore 64 Frequency Counter (2/3) p036.jpg - Commodore 64 Frequency Counter (3/3) p037.jpg - An Inexpensive Teaching Robot for an Inexpensive Microcomputer (1/5) p038.jpg - An Inexpensive Teaching Robot for an Inexpensive Microcomputer (2/5) p039.jpg - An Inexpensive Teaching Robot for an Inexpensive Microcomputer (3/5) p040.jpg - An Inexpensive Teaching Robot for an Inexpensive Microcomputer (4/5) p041.jpg - An Inexpensive Teaching Robot for an Inexpensive Microcomputer (5/5) p042.jpg - Low Cost Universal EPROM Programmer (1/7) p043.jpg - Low Cost Universal EPROM Programmer (2/7) p044.jpg - Low Cost Universal EPROM Programmer (3/7) p045.jpg - Low Cost Universal EPROM Programmer (4/7) p046.jpg - Low Cost Universal EPROM Programmer (5/7) p047.jpg - Low Cost Universal EPROM Programmer (6/7) p048.jpg - Low Cost Universal EPROM Programmer (7/7) p049.jpg - A C64 Cartridge Without EPROMs (1/5) p050.jpg - A C64 Cartridge Without EPROMs (2/5) p051.jpg - A C64 Cartridge Without EPROMs (3/5) p052.jpg - A C64 Cartridge Without EPROMs (4/5) p053.jpg - A C64 Cartridge Without EPROMs (5/5) p054.jpg - Upgrade Your C128 with a 48K RAM Disk (1/2) p055.jpg - Upgrade Your C128 with a 48K RAM Disk (2/2) p056.jpg - The Commodore 128 - Banking on the Turns (1/2) p057.jpg - The Commodore 128 - Banking on the Turns (2/2) p058.jpg - Software On/Off Write Protect for the 1541 (1/2) p059.jpg - Software On/Off Write Protect for the 1541 (2/2) p060.jpg - Amiga Dispatches (1/3) p061.jpg - Amiga Dispatches (2/3) p062.jpg - Amiga Dispatches (3/3) p063.jpg - Exploring the World of MFM on the 1571 Disk Drive (1/5) p064.jpg - Exploring the World of MFM on the 1571 Disk Drive (2/5) p065.jpg - Exploring the World of MFM on the 1571 Disk Drive (3/5) p066.jpg - Exploring the World of MFM on the 1571 Disk Drive (4/5) p067.jpg - Exploring the World of MFM on the 1571 Disk Drive (5/5) p068.jpg - C64 Mini-Tracer (1/5) p069.jpg - C64 Mini-Tracer (2/5) p070.jpg - C64 Mini-Tracer (3/5) p071.jpg - C64 Mini-Tracer (4/5) p072.jpg - C64 Mini-Tracer (5/5) p073.jpg - Shiloh's Raid: 1541 Relative File Bug Spray (1/4) p074.jpg - Shiloh's Raid: 1541 Relative File Bug Spray (2/4) p075.jpg - Shiloh's Raid: 1541 Relative File Bug Spray (3/4) p076.jpg - Shiloh's Raid: 1541 Relative File Bug Spray (4/4) p077.jpg - News BRK (1/4) p078.jpg - News BRK (2/4) p079.jpg - News BRK (3/4) p080.jpg - News BRK (4/4) p081.jpg - Computoons q001.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 1, Number 1, page 1 - Welcome to the TPUG/Transactor Pages q002.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 1, Number 1, page 2 - TPUG on Delphi q003.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 1, Number 1, page 3 - Review: 1670 Modem-1200 from Commodore - Review: Creative Writer from the G.A.S.S. Co. q004.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 1, Number 1, page 4 - Review: The Hobbit from Addison Wesley q005.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 1, Number 1, page 5 - TPUG C-64 Library Supplement (1/4) q006.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 1, Number 1, page 6 - TPUG C-64 Library Supplement (2/4) q007.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 1, Number 1, page 7 - TPUG C-64 Library Supplement (3/4) q008.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 1, Number 1, page 8 - TPUG C-64 Library Supplement (4/4) r001.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (1/4) r002.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (2/4) r003.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (3/4) r004.jpg - Transactor Advertisement Insert (4/4) s001.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 1/44 - The First Choice of a Network Nation s002.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 2/44 - CompuServe compatible hardware (1/3) s003.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 3/44 - CompuServe compatible hardware (2/3) s004.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 4/44 - CompuServe compatible hardware (3/3) s005.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 5/44 - Communication/Forums (GO COMMUNICATE) s006.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 6/44 - Forums - Special Interest Groups s007.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 7/44 - EasyPlex Electronic Mail Citizens Band Simulator s008.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 8/44 - News/Clipping Services (GO NEWS) s009.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 9/44 - Electronic Shopping s010.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 10/44 - Financial Transaction Services (GO BANKING) s011.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 11/44 - Entertainment & Games (GO GAMES) s012.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 12/44 - Travel (GO TRAVEL) s013.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 13/44 - Education & Reference (GO REFERENCE) s014.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 14/44 - Home, Health & Family (GO HOME) s015.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 15/44 - Money Matters & Markets (GO MONEY) s016.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 16/44 - Business & Other Interests (GO BUSINESS) s017.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 17/44 - The Executive Option s018.jpg - CompuServe IntroPak page 18/44 - Start Getting the Most from Your Computer Now, It's Easy! 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Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 7, Issue 5: More Languages magazines/transactor/v7i5/100/ magazines/transactor/v7i5/200/ magazines/transactor/v7i5/400/ magazines/transactor/v7i6/ * The Transactor, Volume 7, Issue 06, May 1987 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 7, Issue 6: Simulations and - Modelling p001.jpg - Article Index p015.jpg - Letters (3/3) - TransBloopers p039.jpg - Universal EPROM Programmer Update (1/4) p040.jpg - Universal EPROM Programmer Update (2/4) p041.jpg - Universal EPROM Programmer Update (3/4) p042.jpg - Universal EPROM Programmer Update (4/4) magazines/transactor/v7i6/100/ magazines/transactor/v7i6/200/ magazines/transactor/v7i6/400/ magazines/transactor/v8i1/ * The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 01, July 1987 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 8, Issue 1: Math magazines/transactor/v8i1/100/ magazines/transactor/v8i1/200/ magazines/transactor/v8i1/400/ magazines/transactor/v8i2/ * The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 02, September 1987 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 8, Issue 2: Operating Systems magazines/transactor/v8i2/100/ magazines/transactor/v8i2/200/ magazines/transactor/v8i2/400/ magazines/transactor/v8i3/ * The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 03, November 1987 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 8, Issue 3 magazines/transactor/v8i3/100/ magazines/transactor/v8i3/200/ magazines/transactor/v8i3/400/ magazines/transactor/v8i4/ * The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 04, January 1988 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 8, Issue 4 j2.jpg - Advertisement: The Potpourri Disk j3.jpg - Advertisement: The Transactor Disk j4.jpg - Advertisement: The World of Commodore, International Centre, December 3- - 6, '87, Toronto p001.jpg - Article Index p002.jpg - General Information p003.jpg - Editorial p004.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" (1/2) p005.jpg - Using "VERIFIZER" (2/2) p006.jpg - Bits and Pieces (1/6) p007.jpg - Bits and Pieces (2/6) p008.jpg - Bits and Pieces (3/6) p009.jpg - Bits and Pieces (4/6) p010.jpg - Bits and Pieces (5/6) p011.jpg - Bits and Pieces (6/6) p012.jpg - Letters (1/3) p013.jpg - Letters (2/3) p014.jpg - Letters (3/3) p015.jpg - Tranzbloopurz p016.jpg - TeleColumn (1/2) p017.jpg - TeleColumn (2/2) p018.jpg - The Projector, Part II (1/11) p019.jpg - The Projector, Part II (2/11) p020.jpg - The Projector, Part II (3/11) p021.jpg - The Projector, Part II (4/11) p022.jpg - The Projector, Part II (5/11) p023.jpg - The Projector, Part II (6/11) p024.jpg - The Projector, Part II (7/11) p025.jpg - The Projector, Part II (8/11) p026.jpg - The Projector, Part II (9/11) p027.jpg - The Projector, Part II (10/11) p028.jpg - The Projector, Part II (11/11) p029.jpg - Computer Generated Holography on a C64 (1/8) p030.jpg - Computer Generated Holography on a C64 (2/8) p031.jpg - Computer Generated Holography on a C64 (3/8) p032.jpg - Computer Generated Holography on a C64 (4/8) p033.jpg - Computer Generated Holography on a C64 (5/8) p034.jpg - Computer Generated Holography on a C64 (6/8) p035.jpg - Computer Generated Holography on a C64 (7/8) p036.jpg - Computer Generated Holography on a C64 (8/8) p037.jpg - CIRCLES for the C64 (1/6) p038.jpg - CIRCLES for the C64 (2/6) p039.jpg - CIRCLES for the C64 (3/6) p040.jpg - CIRCLES for the C64 (4/6) p041.jpg - CIRCLES for the C64 (5/6) p042.jpg - CIRCLES for the C64 (6/6) p043.jpg - Inside C128 CP/M: Supporting More Foreign Disk Formats (1/5) p044.jpg - Inside C128 CP/M: Supporting More Foreign Disk Formats (2/5) p045.jpg - Inside C128 CP/M: Supporting More Foreign Disk Formats (3/5) p046.jpg - Inside C128 CP/M: Supporting More Foreign Disk Formats (4/5) p047.jpg - Inside C128 CP/M: Supporting More Foreign Disk Formats (5/5) p048.jpg - CP/M 3.0: Plus Redirection and Batch Processing (1/4) p049.jpg - CP/M 3.0: Plus Redirection and Batch Processing (2/4) p050.jpg - CP/M 3.0: Plus Redirection and Batch Processing (3/4) p051.jpg - CP/M 3.0: Plus Redirection and Batch Processing (4/4) p052.jpg - Square Roots in Machine Language (1/2) p053.jpg - Square Roots in Machine Language (2/2) p054.jpg - PLACEHOLDER for the Commodore 64 (1/2) p055.jpg - PLACEHOLDER for the Commodore 64 (2/2) p056.jpg - Reviews - The Turbo Processor for the C64 (1/2) p057.jpg - Reviews - The Turbo Processor for the C64 (2/2) - Machine Language Routines for the Commodore 64/128 (1/2) p058.jpg - Reviews - Machine Language Routines for the Commodore 64/128 (2/2) - Merlin-128: 6502 Macro Assembler Development System (1/2) p059.jpg - Reviews - Merlin-128: 6502 Macro Assembler Development System (2/2) - Benchmark Modula-2 (1/4) p060.jpg - Reviews - Benchmark Modula-2 (2/4) p061.jpg - Reviews - Benchmark Modula-2 (3/4) p062.jpg - Reviews - Benchmark Modula-2 (4/4) p063.jpg - Amiga Dispatches (1/3) p064.jpg - Amiga Dispatches (2/3) p065.jpg - Amiga Dispatches (3/3) p066.jpg - TWM: A Paneless Approach to Tiny Window Management (1/6) p067.jpg - TWM: A Paneless Approach to Tiny Window Management (2/6) p068.jpg - TWM: A Paneless Approach to Tiny Window Management (3/6) p069.jpg - TWM: A Paneless Approach to Tiny Window Management (4/6) p070.jpg - TWM: A Paneless Approach to Tiny Window Management (5/6) p071.jpg - TWM: A Paneless Approach to Tiny Window Management (6/6) p072.jpg - The View Port (1/2) p073.jpg - The View Port (2/2) - Advertisement: New! Improved! TransBASIC 2! with SYMASS p074.jpg - ACCESS: The best of non-commercial software (1/2) p075.jpg - ACCESS: The best of non-commercial software (2/2) - Advertisement: Bits & Pieces I: The Disk p076.jpg - News BRK (1/4) p077.jpg - News BRK (2/4) p078.jpg - News BRK (3/4) p079.jpg - Advertisement: NorthWest Music Center Inc.: We want to be your - Commodore shop - Hacker's Corner - NWM's Inventory Control System - Commodore's SuperPET 9000 - SFD 1001 - B-128 $145 - Software for the B-128! p080.jpg - News BRK (4/4) q1.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 2, Number 1, page 1 - President's Report q2.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 2, Number 1, page 2 - World of Commodore q3.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 2, Number 1, page 3 - The 1581 Disk Drive q4.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 2, Number 1, page 4 - Yes, There IS a Difference Between Micros and 'Big' Computers q5.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 2, Number 1, page 5 - Jim Butterfield: A-1 in past, present and future incarnations q6.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 2, Number 1, page 6 - Reviews - Pocket Modem 1200 from BOT Engineering - The Sentry from Firebird q7.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 2, Number 1, page 7 - Chess and Computer Chess Boards - TPUG Disk Library Supplement (1/2) q8.jpg - TPUG News, Volume 2, Number 1, page 8 - TPUG Disk Library Supplement (2/2) r1.jpg - Transaction Advertisement Insert (1/4) r2.jpg - Transaction Advertisement Insert (2/4) r3.jpg - Transaction Advertisement Insert (3/4) r4.jpg - Transaction Advertisement Insert (4/4) magazines/transactor/v8i4/100/ magazines/transactor/v8i4/200/ magazines/transactor/v8i4/400/ magazines/transactor/v8i5/ * The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 05, March 1988 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 8, Issue 5 magazines/transactor/v8i5/100/ magazines/transactor/v8i5/200/ magazines/transactor/v8i5/400/ magazines/transactor/v8i6/ * The Transactor, Volume 8, Issue 06, May 1988 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 8, Issue 6 magazines/transactor/v8i6/100/ magazines/transactor/v8i6/200/ magazines/transactor/v8i6/400/ magazines/transactor/v9i1/ * The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 01, September 1988 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 9, Issue 1 magazines/transactor/v9i1/100/ magazines/transactor/v9i1/200/ magazines/transactor/v9i1/400/ magazines/transactor/v9i2/ * The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 02, December 1988 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 9, Issue 2 magazines/transactor/v9i2/100/ magazines/transactor/v9i2/200/ magazines/transactor/v9i2/400/ magazines/transactor/v9i3/ * The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 03, February 1989 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 9, Issue 3 magazines/transactor/v9i3/100/ magazines/transactor/v9i3/200/ magazines/transactor/v9i3/400/ magazines/transactor/v9i4/ * The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 04, April 1989 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 9, Issue 4 magazines/transactor/v9i4/100/ magazines/transactor/v9i4/200/ magazines/transactor/v9i4/400/ magazines/transactor/v9i5/ * The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 05, June 1989 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 9, Issue 5 magazines/transactor/v9i5/100/ magazines/transactor/v9i5/200/ magazines/transactor/v9i5/400/ magazines/transactor/v9i6/ * The Transactor, Volume 9, Issue 06, August 1989 j1.jpg - Cover Page of The Transactor Volume 9, Issue 6 magazines/transactor/v9i6/100/ magazines/transactor/v9i6/200/ magazines/transactor/v9i6/400/ manuals/ * Commodore related manuals * See also the Project 64 document homepage at * and the iDOC= homepage at * . * These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers & * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing. * Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law. manuals/anthology/ * The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology was composed by Karl J.H. * Hildon, the editor of The Transactor magazine * . He has given the permission * to distribute these files, but he is still selling reprints of this book. * Contact him for details at . * These images were obtained from Craig Bruce. The metadata (textual table * of contents) and the browsing system were created by Marko Mäkelä. index.css - Style sheet for the thumbnail directories. j1.jpg - Cover Page j2.jpg - Calendar 1984-1987 and Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data p000a.jpg - Foreword p000b.jpg - Table of Contents, page 1 of 2 p000c.jpg - Table of Contents, page 2 of 2 p001.jpg - BASIC Section: Commands and Statements p002.jpg - BASIC Section: String Functions, Arithmetic Functions p003.jpg - BASIC Section: Arithmetic Operations, Special Symbols, Hierarchy of - Operations, Reserved Variables, BASIC 4.0 Disk Commands p004.jpg - BASIC Section: BASIC RAM Memory Allocation, BASIC Text Line Structure, - Variable Formats, 'FOR' Stack Entry, 'GOSUB' Stack Entry, Reserved - Variables: ST, DS, DS$ p005.jpg - BASIC Section: Additional B Series Commands, Additional +4/C16 Commands p006.jpg - BASIC Section: B/+4/C16 Escape Key Sequences p007.jpg - BASIC Section: BASIC 2.0/4.0 Error Messages p008.jpg - BASIC Section: B Series/+4/C16 Error Messages p009.jpg - BASIC Section: BASIC Abbreviations p010.jpg - BASIC Section: C64 Super Expander Commands p011.jpg - COMAL Section: Reserved Variables, COMAL Commands p012.jpg - COMAL Section: Sprite Commands, Turtle Graphics Commands, COMAL 2.0 - Library Descriptions p013.jpg - COMAL Section: COMAL 2.0 Memory Map (1 of 2) p014.jpg - COMAL Section: COMAL 2.0 Memory Map (2 of 2) p015.jpg - COMAL Section: COMAL 0.14 Memory Map p016.jpg - Printer Section: Matrix Printer Control Characters, Matrix Printer Format - Characters, Letter Quality Printer Commands, Greek Alphabet Characters p017.jpg - Business Software Section: Wordprocessing Reference Guide (1 of 2) p018.jpg - Business Software Section: Wordprocessing Reference Guide (2 of 2) p019.jpg - Business Software Section: Spreadsheet Commands p020.jpg - Business Software Section: +4: 3+1 Software Commands p021.jpg - Machine Language Section: Machine Language Monitor Commands, Assembler - Commands p022.jpg - Machine Language Section: CPU Model, Pocket Op-Codes Chart, 6502 Extra Op- - Codes, Hexadecimal Conversion Table p023.jpg - Machine Language Section: Instruction Set Summary (1 of 2) p024.jpg - Machine Language Section: Instruction Set Summary (2 of 2) p025.jpg - Machine Language Section: Instruction Set Descriptions, Addressing Modes p026.jpg - Machine Language Section: User Callable ROM Routines p027.jpg - Machine Language Section: BASIC 2.0/4.0 Kernal Routines, VIC 20/Commodore - 64 Kernal Routines p028.jpg - Machine Language Section: Keyword Tokens and Entry Points p029.jpg - Superchart BASIC 2.0/4.0 (PET/CBM, 1 of 2) p030.jpg - Superchart BASIC 2.0/4.0 (PET/CBM, 2 of 2) p031.jpg - Memory Maps: PET/CBM BASIC 2.0/4.0 RAM and I/O p032.jpg - Memory Maps: PET/CBM BASIC 2.0/4.0 ROM Routines p033.jpg - Memory Maps: PET/CBM BASIC 2.0/4.0 Zero Page Contents (1 of 2) p034.jpg - Memory Maps: PET/CBM BASIC 2.0/4.0 Zero Page Contents (2 of 2) p035.jpg - Memory Maps: VIC 20 RAM, ROM p036.jpg - Memory Maps: VIC 20 RAM, I/O p037.jpg - SuperChart: VIC 20/Commodore 64 (1 of 2) p038.jpg - SuperChart: VIC 20/Commodore 64 (2 of 2) p039.jpg - Memory Maps: Commodore 64 RAM, ROM p040.jpg - Memory Maps: Commodore 64 I/O p041.jpg - Memory Maps: Commodore VIC 20/C64 Zero Page Contents (1 of 2) p042.jpg - Memory Maps: Commodore VIC 20/C64 Zero Page Contents (2 of 2) p043.jpg - Memory Maps: B Series RAM, ROM, I/O (1 of 2) p044.jpg - Memory Maps: B Series RAM, ROM, I/O (2 of 2) p045.jpg - Memory Maps: +4/C16 RAM p046.jpg - Memory Maps: +4/C16 ROM, I/O p047.jpg - Disk Drives Section: Disk Specifications, Directory Header Formats, - Directory Sector Formats p048.jpg - Disk Drives Section: Block Availability Map Formats, Sector Recording - Format p049.jpg - Disk Drives Section: Data File Format, PET/CBM Disk Access Routines, - Utility Command Set, User Command Jump Table, LED Error Diagnostics, - Track/Sector Distribution Table, GCR Codes p050.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 4040 Memory Map (1 of 4) p051.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 4040 Memory Map (2 of 4) p052.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 4040 Memory Map (3 of 4) p053.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 4040 Memory Map (4 of 4) p054.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 8050 Memory Map (1 of 3) p055.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 8050 Memory Map (2 of 3) p056.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 8050 Memory Map (2 of 3) p057.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 1541 Memory Map (1 of 3) p058.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 1541 Memory Map (2 of 3) p059.jpg - Disk Drives Section: 1541 Memory Map (3 of 3) p060.jpg - Music Section: Music Symbols p061.jpg - Music Section: Note Frequency Table, Chord Note Derivatives p062.jpg - Music Section: CB2 Note Values, VIC 20 Note Values, Commodore 64 SID Note - Values, Commodore 64 ADSR Envelope Values, +4/C16 SOUND Values p063.jpg - Video Section: VIC 20 Screen and Border Colours, 6845 Video Chip - Registers, Colour Codes, 8032 Screen Control Characters, Secondary - Address Table p064.jpg - Video Section: VIC 20 Screen Memory Addresses, VIC 20 Character Base - Addresses, Commodore 64 Screen Memory, Commodore 64 VIC II Chip - Addresses, Commodore 64 Character Base, Character ROM Contents p065.jpg - Video Section: Sprite Design p066.jpg - Video Section: Programmable Character Design, PET/CBM 40 Column Screen - Map p067.jpg - Video Section: VIC 20 Screen and Colour Table Maps without Expansion - Memory p068.jpg - Video Section: VIC 20 Screen and Colour Table Maps with Expansion Memory p069.jpg - Video Section: C64 Screen and Colour Table Maps p070.jpg - Video Section: 80 Column Screen Map p071.jpg - Video Section: B Series 80 Column Screen Map p072.jpg - Video Section: +4/C16 Screen and Colour Table Map p073.jpg - Video Section: True ASCII Conversion Table (1 of 2) p074.jpg - Video Section: True ASCII Conversion Table (2 of 2) p075.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Network Phone Numbers (1 of 2) p076.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Network Phone Numbers (2 of 2) p077.jpg - Telecomputing Section: CompuServe Commands p078.jpg - Telecomputing Section: CompuServe Category Index p079.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (1 of 5) p080.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (2 of 5) p081.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (3 of 5) p082.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (4 of 5) p083.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards by Area Code (5 of 5) p084.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Time Zone and Area Code Map p085.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (1 of 5) p086.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (2 of 5) p087.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (3 of 5) p088.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (4 of 5) p089.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Bulletin Boards in Alphabetical Order (5 of 5) p090.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (1 of 7) p091.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (2 of 7) p092.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (3 of 7) p093.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (4 of 7) p094.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (5 of 7) p095.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (6 of 7) p096.jpg - Telecomputing Section: Computer Clubs (7 of 7) p097.jpg - Hardware Section: Tape Recording Format, Cassette Port, IEEE Standard - Definitions p098.jpg - Hardware Section: IEEE 488 Bus Signals, IEEE Byte Transfer Sequence, IEEE - Cable Connector Pinouts, IEEE Port Pinouts p099.jpg - Hardware Section: PET/CBM User Port, 6522 Registers, Commodore 64 User - Port, Commodore 64 Expansion Port, VIC 20/C64 Keyboard Matrix p100.jpg - Hardware Section: VIC 20 I/O Ports, Commodore 64 I/O Ports p101.jpg - Hardware Section: 6520 PIA Registers p102.jpg - Hardware Section: 6522 VIA Control Registers p103.jpg - Hardware Section: 6526 CIA Control Registers p104.jpg - Hardware Section: Commodore 64 Board Layout, Resistor Colour Codes, - Transistor Lead Assignments p105.jpg - Hardware Section: RS 232 and ACIA Control Registers p106.jpg - Hardware Section: B Series I/O Ports p107.jpg - Hardware Section: Chip Pinouts (1 of 2) p108.jpg - Hardware Section: Chip Pinouts (2 of 2) p109.jpg - Hardware Section: Semiconductor Testing Guide (1 of 2) p110.jpg - Hardware Section: Semiconductor Testing Guide (2 of 2) p111.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Inch Fractions, International System of Units p112.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Names for Large Numbers, Roman Numerals, - Constant Values, Boolean Truth Table, Force Formulae, Mathematical - Functions, Trigonometry Rules p113.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (1 of 5) p114.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (2 of 5) p115.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (3 of 5) p116.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (4 of 5) p117.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Unit to Unit Conversion Tables (5 of 5) p118.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Geometric Areas and Volumes (1 of 3) p119.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Geometric Areas and Volumes (2 of 3) p120.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Geometric Areas and Volumes (3 of 3) p121.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Periodic Table of The Elements (1 of 2) p122.jpg - Arithmetic and Mathematics: Periodic Table of The Elements (2 of 2) p123.jpg - Advertisement for The Transactor and The Transactor Disk p124.jpg - Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (1 of 5) p125.jpg - Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (2 of 5) p126.jpg - Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (3 of 5) p127.jpg - Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (4 of 5) p128.jpg - Jim Butterfield's C128 Memory Map (5 of 5) q1.jpg - Order Form for the USA and Canada: Front Page q2.jpg - Order Form: Back Page (no stamp needed when mailed in the USA or Canada) manuals/anthology/100/ manuals/anthology/200/ manuals/anthology/400/ manuals/c128/ * Commodore 64 related manuals * See also the Project 64 document homepage at * and the iDOC= homepage at * . * Some of these manuals were originally distributed with Commodore * computers & peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if * original is missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are * forbidden by copyright law. C128-128DSystemManual(IT).pdf - C128-C128D Users Guide (Italian) C128D_Introductory_Guide.pdf - C128D Introductory Guide C128D_System_Guide.pdf - C128D System Guide C128_Introductory_Guide.pdf - C128 Introductory Guide C128_Introductory_Guide_(US).pdf - C128 Introductory Guide (US Version) C128_Programmers_Reference_Guide.pdf - C128 Programmers Reference Guide C128_System_Guide.pdf - C128 System Guide Commodore_128_Setup_Wiring_Diagram.pdf - C128 Setup Wiring Diagram - Commodore 128 Introductory Guide c128sysg.txt - Commodore 128 Personal Computer System Guide, CBM Ltd. 1985. manuals/c64@ -> c64/manuals manuals/c65/ C64DX-System-Spec-Update-1-May-1-1991.pdf - C65 Specifications doc from Fred Bowen C64D_preliminary_product_definition.pdf - C65 Product Definition from Fred Bowen in 1987 c65_nostalgia.pdf - Collection of conversations, technical discussions in early days of C65 - community - C65 command set, in PETSCII format - PETSCII version of Marko Makala's C65 FAQ c65faq2.sfx - C65 FAQ by Marko Makala, in petscii seq files c65faq20.asc.txt - ASCII version of Marko Makala's C65 FAQ c65infos.sfx - Info about C65 in petscii SEQ files c65manual.txt - Commodore 65 preliminary documentation (March 1991), "C64DX SYSTEM - SPECIFICATION", with addendum for ROM version 910501. The document was - scanned by Andreas Boose and Marko Mäkelä in 1995 and converted to text - by Frank Kontros in 1998 to 2001. c65manualupdated.txt - The c65 manual with helpful comments, corrections, and references by Ken - Summerall. manuals/c900/ * Commodore 900 related manuals and documentation The non-Coherent docs * were scanned by Frank Hughes Async Line Driver.pdf Boot ROM.pdf C900 Floppy Specification.pdf C900 System Hardware Specification.pdf Coherent_AS_Assembler.pdf Coherent_AWK_Manual.pdf Coherent_Admin_Guide.pdf Coherent_BC_Calculator.pdf Coherent_Command_Manual.pdf Coherent_Editor_Ed.pdf Coherent_LEX_Utility.pdf Coherent_Learn_Utility.pdf Coherent_M4_Macro_Processor.pdf Coherent_NROFF_Text_Processor.pdf Coherent_OS_Vol2.pdf Coherent_Release_Notes.pdf Coherent_SH_Shell_Manual.pdf Coherent_System_Manual.pdf Coherent_YACC_Parser.pdf Coherent_microEMACS_Tutorial.pdf Commodore Z8000 System Family.pdf Custom MMU Proposal.pdf MWC Coherent Report.pdf ROM Bootstrap.pdf Z8000-HR Console.pdf Z8000HR Hardware Specification.pdf Z8000HR WD controller driver.pdf Zilog S8000 MMU Configuration.pdf manuals/cbm2/ * Manuals for Commodore 500/600/700 (CBM-II / PET-II) Computers See also * the Project 64 document homepage at and * the iDOC= homepage at . * Some of these manuals were originally distributed with Commodore * computers & peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if * original is missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are * forbidden by copyright law. B_Series_Users_Guide.pdf - B series computer users guide - Commodore 500/600/700 Bedienungshandbuch (German) - png images - Commodore 500/600/700 Users Guide (English) - png images CBMII-500-600-700-Guide.pdf - Commodore 500/600/700 Users Guide (English) Commodore_700_Reference_Manual.pdf manuals/cmd/ * Creative Micro Designs related manuals * . * Some of these manuals were originally distributed with CMD computers & * peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if original is * missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by * copyright law. - JiffyDOS 6.0 manual for the 1541 - JiffyDOS 6.0 manual for the 1571 1750-CLONE-users-guide.txt - 1750 clone users guide. - CMD HD hard drive manual CMD-SwiftLink-232.pdf - Manual for Swiftlink RS232 cartridge. CMD-Turbo232-Manual.pdf - Manual for Turbo232 RS-232 cartridge. - CMD FD2000 3.5" floppy disk drive manual - JiffyDOS 6.0 floppy disk drive enhancement chip manual - JiffyDOS 6.0 manual for the Commodore 64 swiftLink-232-application-notes-revised.pdf - Programming/developer notes for CMD SwiftLink SuperCPU accellerator for - the Commodore 128 manual manuals/drives/ * Manuals for Commodore disk drives See also the Project 64 document * homepage at and the iDOC= homepage at * . * Some of these manuals were originally distributed with Commodore * computers & peripherals, and they can be downloaded for own use if * original is missing. Copying and reprinting of these documents are * forbidden by copyright law. 1530-1531_Datasette_Manual_Drean_(SP).pdf - Spanish manual for the Drean Datasette 1530_Datasette_Users_Manual.pdf - English Manual for 1530 datasette 1530_Datassette_C2N_Operating_Instructions.pdf - 1530 Manual 1530_Datassette_Operating_Instructions_Model_C2N_(IT).pdf - 1530 Manual (Italian) 1531_Datassette_Manual.pdf - 1531 Datasette Manual 1540_Users_Manual.pdf - 1540 Users Manual 1541-Flash!.txt - Manual for the 1541 Flash! floppyspeeder. Uploaded by David Holz - ( 1541-II_Users_Guide.pdf - 1541-II Users Guide 1541-manual.txt - Commodore 1541 disk drive user's manual. 1541C_Users_Guide.pdf - 1541 C Users Guide 1541_Users_Guide.pdf - 1541 Users Guide 1551_Disk_Drive_Users_Guide.pdf - 1551 Disk Drive Users Guide 1570-1571_Disk_Drive_Users_Guide.pdf - 1570/1571 Users Guide 1571-users-manual-1.0.txt - Commodore 1571 disk drive user's manual. 1571_Users_Guide.pdf 1571_Users_Guide_252095-01_(1985_Jun).pdf 1571_Users_Guide_252095-04_(1985_Aug).pdf - Commodore 1571 Disk Drive Users Guide 1581-manual.txt - Commodore 1581 disk drive user's manual. Project 64 e-text version 1.1 - (text #139) 1581_Users_Guide.pdf - 1581 3.5" Disk Drive Users Guide 2040_Users_Manual_(July_1979_PN_329830-4).pdf - 2040 Dual Drive users manual 8061UsersManual.pdf - Manual for CBM 8061 8" disk drive 8250_Dual_Floppy_Manual_Addendum_Part_Number_(8250003).pdf - CBM 8250 dual floppy manual addendum. C2N_Cassette_Unit_Operating_Instructions.pdf - C2N Datasette user manual C2N_Your_Model_Tape_Cassette_Operating_Instructions.pdf - Manual for C2N Datasette CBM-Disk-Reference-Manual-D9090-D9060-8250-8050-4040-2031.pdf - Reference manual for early CBM disk drives. CBM_3040_Users_Manual.pdf - Users manual for 3040 dual drive CBM_DOS_Quick_Reference_Guide.pdf - CBM DOS Error and Quick Reference Guide CBM_Users_Manual_for_Dual_5.25_Floppy_Drives_Addendum_(PN_8250003).pdf - Addendum to CBM dual drive floppy manual, scanned by Steve Gray CBM_Users_Manual_for_Dual_5.25_Floppy_Drives_Addendum_Part_Number_ (320967).pdf - CBM Dual Drive Floppy Manual Addendum CBM_Users_Manual_for_Dual_5.25_Floppy_Drives_Part_Number_(320899)_1980_Oct.pdf - CBM Dual Drive Floppy Manual DOS_2.0_Upgrade_Kit_Docs_NO_321625_Oct_1980.pdf - CBM Dual Drive DOS upgrade kit manual Disk_Reference_Manual_(D9090_D9060_8250_8050_4040_2031).pdf - Reference manual for various IEEE-488 drives and CBM DOS. Disk_System_User_Reference_Guide.pdf - Disk System User Reference Guide - Manuals, roms, and utility disks for the Mini Chief Hard Disk System VIC-1541_(IT).pdf - VIC-1541 Users Guide (Italian) - The Anatomy of the 1541 by Abacus Software - Anatomy 4040, a book on the Commodore 4040 disk drive, spread amonst 8 - .D64 images, split into files from an unknown text editor/viewer. bedienungshandbuch_cbm_8050.pdf - CBM 8050 Drive manual - German bedienungshandbuch_cbm_disk_drives.pdf - CBM IEEE-488 Dual Drives Manual - German c2n10.txt - Commodore C2N cassette drive user's manual. oc-118.txt - User's guide for the Oceanic OC-118, a clone for the Commodore 1541 - floppy disk drive. vc1541.tar.gz - The German "VC1541 Floppy Disk Bedienungshandbuch" André Fachat got with - his first VC1541. It basically is a VC1540 manual, with a new cover and - an additional page explaining the UI+/- commands. The example programs - are for the VIC-20, not for the C64. manuals/monitors/ * Commodore Monitor related manuals * See also the Project 64 document homepage at * and the iDOC= homepage at * . * These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers & * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing. * Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law. - Manual for Commodore 1070 Monitor 1084S-D2_User_Manual 368806-01.pdf - User manual for 1084S-D2 monitor 1084S_Color_Monitor_Manual_319650-01_(1988).pdf - Manual for 1084S monitor 1084S_Color_Monitor_Manual_319651-01_(1988_Aug).pdf - Manual for 1084S monitor 1084S_Color_Monitor_Manual_363299-02.pdf - Manual for 1084S monitor 1084S_Monitor_Users_Guide.pdf - 1084S 14" Color Monitor users guide 1084_High_Resolution_Monitor_(319650-02).pdf - Manual for 1084 monitor 1084_PAL_instructions.pdf - Manual for Commodore 1084 PAL monitor with SCART connection. 1084s.txt - Commodore 1084s colour monitor manual. 1701_Monitor_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for 1701 monitor 1701_Monitor_Users_Guide_Alt.pdf - 1701 Video Monitor -- Another version of the users manual 1702_Monitor_Users_Manual.pdf - Users manual for 1702 monitor 1702v10.txt - Commodore 1702 colour monitor manual. 1802_Color_Monitor_Users_Guide_(251986-01).pdf - Users guide for 1802 monitor (brown) 1802_Color_Monitor_Users_Guide_(251986-01)_(FR).pdf - Users guide for 1802 monitor (French) 1802_Color_Monitor_Users_Guide_(319885-01).pdf - Users guide for 1802 monitor (tall) 1802_Color_Monitor_Users_Guide_(482-440G).pdf - Users guide for 1802 monitor (fat) 1802v10.txt - Commodore 1802 colour monitor manual. 1902A_Monitor_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for 1902A monitor (US) 1902A_Monitor_Users_Guide_(English-French).pdf - Users guide for 1902A monitor (PAL) 1902_Color_Monitor_Users_Guide_(315048-01).pdf - Users guide for 1902 monitor 1940-1942_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for 1940-1942 monitors 2002_Monitor_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for 2002 monitor manuals/mos/ KIM-1_Poster.jpg - Schematic/Poster of the KIM-1 computer KIM-4_Users_Manual_Motherboard.pdf - Manual for KIM-4, the KIM-1 motherboard attachment KIM3B_Mem_User_Manual.pdf - Manual for KIM 3B memory expansion board kim1_hints.pdf - KIM-1 Hints from MOS kim1_user_manual.pdf - KIM-1 User Manual mcs6500_cross_assembler_1975.pdf - Cross Assembler manual by MOS Tech mcs6500_family_hardware_manual.pdf - MCS Chip Family manual mcs6500_family_programming_manual.pdf - MCS6501-MCS6505 Assembly Instruction Set manuals/other/ CBM-ETL_1991.pdf - German Parts List from 1991 Commodore-TV-GAME-3000H.pdf - Manual for Commodore TV-Game console LCD Specification.pdf - Commodore LCD Portable computer Specification - Memory and hardware specs for Commodore LCD Laptop computer Manual (in - PDF) for an early Commodore Portable Typewriter commodore chessmate manual.pdf - Manual for Commodore chessmate game manuals/peripherals/ * Commodore related manuals * See also the Project 64 document homepage at * and the iDOC= homepage at * . * These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers & * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing. * Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law. 1350_Mouse_for_128_Computer.pdf - 1350 Mouse Reference 1351_Mouse_Users_Guide_( 312066-01).pdf - 1351 Mouse Users Guide 1351_Mouse_Users_Manual(DE).pdf - 1351 Mouse Users Manual (German) 1351_Mouse_Utility_Disk_Instructions.pdf - 1351 Mouse Utility Disk Instruction Sheet 1351ms11.txt - User's manual for the 1351 mouse. 1600_VIC-20_VICMODEM_Manual.pdf - VICMODEM Manual 1650_Automodem_Users_Manual.pdf - 1650 Automodem Users Manual 1660_Modem_300_Users_Manual.pdf - 1660 Modem Users Manual 1670_Modem_1200_Users_Guide.pdf - 1670 Modem Users Guide 1670modm.txt - Manual for the 1670 modem 1700-1750_Ram_Expansion_Module_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for 1700 and 1750 REUs 1700re10.txt - Manual for the 1700 128k REU 1764_Ram_Expansion_Module_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for 1764 REU 324890-01_manual.pdf - Manual for 8296 HIRES Graphics Board 325006-01_manual.pdf - Manual for 324402-01 High Speed Graphic Board for 8296 4dip1670.txt - Manual for the 4-dip switch 1670 modem 8010_Modem_Operators_Manual.pdf - 8010 Modem Operators Manual C64_CP-M_Operating_System_Users_Guide_(Preliminary).pdf - Manual for the CP/M cartridge for the C64 C64_Dead_Test_Diagnostic_Manual_(1988-Jan).pdf - C64 Dead Test Diagnostic Manual (PN-314139-02) Commodore_1311_Joystick_Manual.pdf - Japanese manual for original 1311 "Atari-style" joystick Magic_Voice_Speech_Module_Errata.pdf - Users guide Errata for Magic Voice speech cartridge Magic_Voice_Speech_Module_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for Magic Voice speech cartridge Music_Maker.pdf - Software manual for Music Maker keyboard PET_Model_4010_Voice_Response_Unit_Users_Manual.pdf - Users guide for PET user port speech module VIC-1011A_RS-232C_Manual.pdf - Manual for VIC-1011A RS-232 cartridge VIC1020.pdf - Documents for the VIC-1020 expansion chassey magicvoice.txt - Manuals for Magic Voice cartridge - Manual for the omnitronix RS232 interface soundexpander.txt - Manual for the Sound Expander cartridge soundsampler.txt - Manual for the Sound Sampler cartridge manuals/pet/ * Manuals for the Commodore PET * These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers & * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing. * Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law. A brief introduction to your Commodore PET (temporary version)_text.pdf - Original temporary introduction to the first PET 2001, scanned by Chuck An introduction to your new PET (original).pdf - Intro manual for original PET 2001 BASIC_v4_Users_Reference_Manual.pdf - BASIC 4.0 Users Reference Manual BASIC_v4_Users_Reference_Manual_addendum.pdf - BASIC v4 manual addendum Bedienungshandbuch PET 2001.pdf - Bedienungshandbuch PET 2001 (German Users Manual) Dated 6/78 Scanned by - Christian Dirks from documents lend by Helmut Proxa C=GermanTechDocs.pdf - Various C= PET Technical docs, in German CBM_8032_Expansison_Memory_Board_64K_Users_Guide.pdf - Users Guide for 8032 Expansion Board CBM_Business_Computer_User_Manual-2001.pdf - User manual for models 2001-16, 2016N, 2032, 2032N and 3016, 3016N, 3032 - & 3032N CBM_DOS_Quick_Reference_Guide.pdf - CBM DOS Erros and Quick Reference CBM_Models_2001-16,_2016N,_2032,_2032N_and_3016,_3016N,_3032_&_3032N.pdf - CBM Business Computer users manual CBM_User_Manual_(2001-16).pdf - User manual for PET 2001-16,16N,32,32N Commodore_Basic_4_Users_Reference Manual.pdf - Commodore BASIC 4 Users Reference Manual PET Users Handbook.pdf - PET Users Handbook This seems to be an older version than the PET Users - Manual from october 1978. Scanned by Christian Dirks from documents lend - by Helmut Proxa PET_User_Manual_(2001-8).pdf - User Manual for PET 2001-8 Pet_User_Manual_Model_2001-8.pdf - PET 2001-8 users manual (b&w) Series_8000_Users_Guide_1980_Commodore.pdf - Users Guide for PET/CBM 8000 Series PETs bedienungshandbuch_cbm_2001_3001.pdf - Manual for PET 2001 / CBM 3001 - German bedienungshandbuch_cbm_4032.pdf - Manual for CBM 4032 - German bedienungshandbuch_cbm_8032.pdf - Manual for CBM 8032 - German bedienungshandbuch_cbm_8096-LOSKIT.pdf - CBM 8096 LOSKIT manual - German bedienungshandbuch_cbm_8096.pdf - CBM 8096 manual - German manuals/pet/8296supplement@ -> pet/manuals/8296supplement manuals/pet/MemExpansion/ CBM_Expansion_Memory_Board_ Installation_Instructions.pdf CBM_Expansion_Memory_Board_Add-on-Loader.pdf CBM_Expansion_Memory_Board_Add-on-Mon.pdf CBM_Expansion_Memory_Board_Expanded-Basic.pdf CBM_Expansion_Memory_Board_Users_Guide_324008_(1981_Jun)_Alt.pdf CBM_Expansion_Memory_Board_Users_Guide_Software_Addendum_324065-01_(1981_Jul).pdf manuals/pet/SuperPET/ * Waterloo Manuals for the SP9000 or MMF 9000 "SuperPET" SuperPET_Computers_System_Overview.pdf SuperPET_Serial_Port.pdf - Waterloo/WATCOM Serial port Manual for SuperPET. SuperPET_Waterloo_6809_Assembler.pdf - Waterloo Assembler manual for SuperPET SuperPET_Waterloo_MicroPascal.pdf - Waterloo Pascal manual for SuperPET SuperPET_Waterloo_microAPL.pdf - Waterloo APL manual for SuperPET SuperPET_Waterloo_microBASIC.pdf - Waterloo BASIC manual for SuperPET SuperPET_Waterloo_microCOBOL.pdf SuperPET_Waterloo_microFortran.pdf - Waterloo FORTRAN manual for SuperPET SuperPet-StarterPak.pdf - SuperPET Starter Pack manual, from SuperPET Gazette SuperPet-reference1.pdf - SuperPET (SP9000) Reference sheet 1, DOS and MicroEDITOR Waterloo_COBOL_Reference.pdf - Waterloo COBOL manual for SuperPET (2 parts) mmf9000_systemuberblick.pdf - MMF 9000 System Manual - German manuals/pet/SuperPET/SuperPET-overview/ * Commodore SuperPET Computers System Overview provides an introduction * to the hardware of the Commodore SuperPET and an overview of the * Waterloo software for that computer. * This manual was scanned by William Levak. The blank pages have been * omitted. 00-front.gif - Front cover 01-i.gif - Title page 02-ii.gif - Publisher information 03-iii.gif - Table of Contents 04-iv.gif 05-v.gif 06-vi.gif - Subscribing information for the Waterloo Computing Systems Newsletter 07.gif - Chapter 1: Introduction 09.gif - Chapter 2: Commodore SuperPET hardware 10.gif 11.gif 12.gif 13.gif 14.gif 15.gif 17.gif - Chapter 3: Waterloo Micro Software Description 18.gif 19.gif 20.gif 21.gif 23.gif - Chapter 4: File System - Generally 24.gif 25.gif 27.gif - Chapter 5: Files with Commodore SuperPET 28.gif 29.gif 30.gif 31.gif 32.gif 33.gif 34.gif 35.gif 37.gif - Chapter 6: File System - Host 38.gif 39.gif 41.gif - Chapter 7: Waterloo microEditor 42.gif 43.gif 44.gif 45.gif 46.gif 47.gif 48.gif 49.gif 50.gif 51.gif 52.gif 53.gif 54.gif 55.gif 56.gif 57.gif 59.gif - Chapter 8: Host Setup Program 60.gif 61.gif 63.gif - Appendices 65.gif - Appendix A: Floating Point Emulation 66.gif - Appendix B: Waterloo Library 67.gif - Appendix C: Screen Handling 68.gif 69.gif 72-back.gif - Back cover manuals/plus4/ 264_Preliminary_Manual.pdf - 264 Series Preliminary Manual C116_User_Manual.pdf - User manual to C= 116, the european-only tiny C16 computer. C16_Owners_Guide.pdf - Owners guide for Commodore 16 Commodore_16_Operation_Manual_(DE).pdf - Operation manual for Commodore 16 (German) Commodore_16_User_Manual_(IT).pdf - Users manual for Commodore 16 (Italian) Plus_4_Integrated_Software_Manual.pdf - Software manual for Plus/4 Plus_4_Users_Manual.pdf - Users manual for Plus/4 manuals/printers/ * Commodore related manuals * See also the Project 64 document homepage at * and the iDOC= homepage at * . * These manuals were originally distributed with all Commodore computers & * peripherals, and can be downloaded for own use if original is missing. * Copying and reprinting of these documents are forbidden by copyright law. 1520_Printer_Plotter_Users_Manual_(Style_A).pdf - 1520 Plotter Manual 1520_Printer_Plotter_users_Manual_(Style_B).pdf - 1520 Plotter Manual 1526_Printer_Users_Manual.pdf - Manual for Commodore 1526 dot matrix printer 4022_Printer_Users_Manual.pdf - Users manual for 4022 printer 4023_Printer_Users_Manual.pdf - Manual for CBM 4023 IEEE-488 printer 6400_Printer_Users_Manual.pdf - Users manual for 6400 printer 8023P_Printer_Users_Manual.pdf - Users manual for 8023P printer 8024_Printer_Manual_(DE).pdf - German manual for CBM 8024 printer 8024_Printer_Operator_Guide.pdf - Operator guide for 8024 printer 8300P_Letter_Quality_Printer_Technical_Manual.pdf - Tech manual for CBM 8300P printer CBM-1520-PrinterPlotter-Manual.pdf - 1520 plotter manual CBM-2022+2023-Printer-Manual.pdf - cbm 2022 and 2033 printer manual CBM-VIC-1515-Printer-Users-Manual.pdf - VIC-1515 printer manual CBM-VIC-1525-Printer-Users-Manual.pdf - VIC-1525 printer manual Druckerhandbuch_cbm_3022_3023.pdf - German manual for CBM 3022 and CBM 3023 MCS-820_Printer_Handbook_(aka_Okimate_20).pdf - MCS-820 color printer handbook MPP-1361_Printer_Users_Manual.pdf - Users manual for MPP-1361 printer MPS-1000_Dot_Matrix_Printer_Users_Manual.pdf - MPS 1000 printer manual MPS-1200_Dot_Matrix_Printer_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for MPS-1200 printer MPS-1230_Dot_Matrix_Printer_Users_Guide.pdf - MPS-1230 printer users guide MPS-1250_Dot_Matrix_Printer_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for MPS-1250 printer MPS-1270A_Installation_and_Users_Guide.pdf - MPS 1270A ink jet printer users guide MPS-801_Printer_Users_Manual.pdf - Users manual for MPS-801 printer MPS-802_Dot_Matrix_Printer_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for MPS-802 printer MPS-803_Printer_Users_Guide.pdf - Users guide for MPS-803 printer mps801.txt vc_4023_matrixdrucker_bedienungshandbuch.pdf - VC 4023 printer manual - German Manual for the Commodore MPS801 printer manuals/vic20@ -> vic20/manuals maps/ * Memory Maps for various Commodore 8-bit computers. Some of these are from * . 00index.txt - An index file that describes the rest of the files C128CPM.txt - Memory map for the CP/M mode on C128 C128_Mapping.pdf - Mapping the C128 by COMPUTE Books C128io.txt - C128 I/O map, including Mem management & REC C128ram.txt - C128 RAM map and Jump Tables C128rom.txt - List of C128 Basic and Kernel ROM entries C1541ram.txt - C= 1541 disk drive RAM map and I/O assignments C1541rom.txt - The 1541 disk drive's ROM entry points C16.MemoryMap.txt - Plus/4 and C16 RAM, I/O and ROM map C16io.txt - C16/116/+4 I/O documented by Michael Stiller C64.MemoryMap.txt - C64 RAM and I/O map C64io.txt - C64 I/O map C64ram.txt - C64 RAM map C64rom.lib - Addresses of various C64 ROM locations C64rom.txt - List of C64 Basic and Kernel ROM entries - A documented ROM dump of the 8250 disk drive DOS. All pages are png files. PET Memory Map-all models-searchable.pdf - PET Memory Map for all roms, searchable PET Memory Map-all models.pdf - PET Memory map for all roms, non-searchable PET8032rom-map.txt - Commodore PET 8032 ROM Memory Map PET_ROM2_MemMap(Osborne).pdf - Memory Map for PETs with ROM 2 from PET/CBM Guide, Second Edition PET_ROM3_MemMap(Osborne).pdf - Memory Map for PETs with ROM 3 from PET/CBM Guide, Second Edition PET_ROM3_ROM4_Labels(Osborne).pdf - Memory Map for PETs with various ROMs from PET/CBM Guide, Second Edition PETio.txt - Description of the I/O circuitry and the PET firmware. 6545 info may be - incorrect. PETramMap.txt - Commodore PET RAM Memory Map Vic20.MemoryMap.txt - Vic20 RAM and I/O map Vic20rom.txt - List of VIC-20 BASIC and Kernel ROM entries b128-610-memmap.jpg - CBM-II "B" Series memory map (B128, 610) b128-architecture.jpg - CBM-II (B128/610) basic memory layout b128-roms-registers.jpg - CBM-II basic rom vectors, and some chip register into (B128/610) c64_kernal.lib - Asm label declarations for C64 Kernel Jump Table c65_rom_memory_map_20201109_Gunther_Reiter.pdf - C65 Memory map based on 911001 rom by Gunther Reiter p500-memorymap.jpg - p500 basic memory layout - Plus/4 memory map as an enormous html cross-referenced doc plus4.MemoryMap.txt - Plus/4 and C16 RAM, I/O and ROM map zero-page-disk-number-one.d64.gz - Extremely detailed map of C128 locations from $00 - $0a10 pet/ * See also the PET home pages * , * , and * . ALLFILES - Index of all files under this area, text version. ALLFILES.html - Index of all files under this area, HTML version. pet/SuperPET/ * The SuperPET is a 8032 PET with one or two added boards that were * designed at the University of Waterloo. The computer has a built-in RS- * 232C interface and many built-in programming languages. In Europe, this * machine was called the MicroMainFrame 9000, or MMF 9000. - Game in APL, source included, by Solarbreeze. Requires joystick. Pascal-demo-source.d80.gz - Disk containing Pascal source from unk author(s) SuperPET_WCS-97009.d80.gz - SuperPET language disk. Includes COBOL. Demo 97009. SuperPET_WCS_wCOBOL-97009.d80.gz - SuperPET language disk. Includes COBOL. Demo 97009. Waterloo-Development.d64.gz - Development Package Examples, typed in by William Levak from the paper - documentation Waterloo-Language-1.d64.gz - Waterloo Language disk, first version Waterloo-Language-2.d64.gz - Waterloo Language disk, first version Waterloo-Tutorial.d64.gz - Waterloo Tutorial disk, first version. Together with the two language - disks for the first version, the file watlib.exp on this disk forms a - complete set of Waterloo software. Waterloo2-Language-1.d64.gz - Waterloo Language disk 1, second version. Basic v1.1, editor v1.1, - Fortran v1.1, Pascal v1.1. Waterloo2-Language-2.d64.gz - Waterloo Language disk 2, second version. APL v1.1, COBOL v1.0, - development v1.1, watlib.exp, fpplib.exp. Waterloo2-Language-No6702-1.d64.gz - Language disks without MOS 6702 dongle check. By Dave E. Roberts. Waterloo2-Language-No6702-2.d64.gz - Language disks without MOS 6702 dongle check. By Dave E. Roberts. - APL - v1.0 to APL v1.1 conversion routines Waterloo2-Tutorial.d64.gz - Waterloo Tutorial disk, second version: - - APL v1.1 examples - - COBOL examples astro.d80.gz - SPMON monitor by Terry Peterson. Sector @56,12 was defective. basicdisasm.d80.gz - Waterloo Editor with dongle check removed bdc62.d80.gz - BEDIT and DEVEDIT by Joe Bostic bedcalc10.d80.gz - BEDCALC 1.0 and BEDIT 1.0 by Joe Bostic. Also SPMON by Terry Peterson. besrc.d80.gz - Source for BEDIT and DEVEDIT by Joe Bostic bostic.d80.gz - Text editor by Joe Bostic - Com-Master terminal package, by Dan Jeffers. Includes manual, scanned by - Michael Cook. dir-newterm.d80.gz - DIR, DIRECTORY, and NEWTERM with source piphelp.d80.gz - Waterloo microPIP file copy sp9000lang.d80.gz - Standard Waterloo SuperPET Language Disk sp9000tut.d80.gz - Waterloo language tutorial files disk superforth51.d80.gz - SuperFORTH 5.1 programs and docs telecom.d80.gz - ISPUG Master Telecom Disk 1.0 for 6809 and 6502 termpkg.d80.gz - Term package TV920 (Televideo 920 emulator) pet/SuperPET/firmware@ -> firmware/computers/pet/SuperPET pet/SuperPET/os9/ OS9_SW_Docs.pdf - Docs from the amazing Andy Grady on using OS/9 on the SuperPET, as well - as instructions on loading and using various applications. You - absolutely need this. adv.d80.gz - Collossal Cave adventure. See OS9 SW docs for load instructions. basic09.d80.gz - BASIC compiler. See OS9 SW docs for more information. - C Compiler in d80 disks, including combined /d1,/d3 and original - separated images. See OS9 SW docs for more information. - Dynacalc spreadsheet on a pair of .D80 disk images. See OS9 SW Docs for - more information. dynastar.d80.gz - Dynastar word processor. forth09.d80.gz - FORTH language. os9-relo-bin.d80.gz - Contains code to reconfigure OS/9 os9-system-tpug-1.1.d80.gz - The original TPUG OS/9 v1.1 system disk - Original TPUG boot/system disk with manual on D80 images - Boot/System disk with D80 images for /d1, /d2, and /d3 See OS9 SW docs - for more information. - Pascal compiler in a pair of .D80 images. No further info available - Stylograph word processor and spell checker on a pair of .D80 images. - See OS9 SW Docs for more information. testram9000.d80.gz - Programs for testing Super OS/9 MMU ram as well as SuperPET ram. See - README on the disk. tpug-9-3.d80.gz - Unknown OS/9 boot disk from TPUG. pet/SuperPET/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/pet/SuperPET pet/archivers/ dsk2file.prg - A BASIC/ML program to convert any CBM disk to a dump file (like VC1541 - disk to .d64) for a PET or C64. - The dump file should be written to a device larger than the dumped disk - (although the program can be tailored to split an image). - See also file2dsk.prg. Programmed and uploaded by André Fachat. emutil.prg emutil.readme - EMUTIL is a disk image archiver for 8-bit Commodore computers. - It supports all known Commodore disk drives, of all capacities. It also - supports all CMD HD and RL Native partitions. Programmed by Bo Zimmerman - and André Fachat. file2dsk.prg - A BASIC/ML program to restore any CBM disk from a fitting disk image - (like .d64 restore to a VC1541). - See also dsk2file.prg. Programmed and uploaded by André Fachat. lynx8017.txt - Lynx 17 compatible archiving tool written in BASIC by Ken Ross. A version - compiled with PetSpeed is included. pet/audio/ * Audio and music utilities for the PET series compose music.prg - Keyboard song maker with load and save o canada!.prg - Patriotic Canadian song for the PET petsynth007.prg - PET Synth 0.7 - music player rhinodevels_keyboard-v1_0-basic_v2-v4.prg - Music Keyboard player for PET BASIC 2-4 rhinodevels_keyboard-v1_1-basic_v1.prg - Music Petboard for PET 2001 BASIC 1 sound sine.prg - Simple sound test sound1-ek.d64.gz - Disk of song files, possibly a player, maybe requiring a rom? Please - contact with info. sounddemo.prg - Sound Effects demo program soundeff..prg - Sound Effects Library program vmm.prg - Visible Music Monitor by Dr. Frank Levinson 1980. This is an excellent - music program with 4 voice polyphony and voice generation by harmonic - mixing. Scrolling display of music possible (playback quality is better - with screen off). Requires 8 bit DAC connected to user port. If you - need the instruction book, ask to forward your - request to Tim Howe. vmm_user_manual.pdf - Manual for Visual Music Monitor by Dr Frank Levinson pet/comm/ - Steve Punters BBS System v.18, with documentation. .D80 format. - User port terminal program for PET, supports 300-2400 baud. auto term auto c=bbs1.d64.gz - Steve Punters BBS program for the PET, programs and data disk. c=bbs2.d64.gz - Steve Punters BBS program for the PET, instructions and term program johnsikerscomm.d64.gz - Disk of unknown utilities by John Sikora. Email me! p-xp-term.d64.gz - More term programs: XPTerm103 v1.2, various PTerm versions for 103 and - rs232 pet-term.d64.gz - Term program from Allan Yates for unknown User Port modem (Intelcom?) petcom.d64.gz - Collection of terminal programs: petcom 3.0 & 3.1, pterm 2.1 & 2.2, and - SX-100 petterm-0.4.0.d64.gz - User port terminal program for PET, supports 300-1200 baud. - PAL source to term.r12 terminal_r12.d64.gz - Terminal program for unknown intelcom modem. pet/comm/mcterm/ mcterm-manual.pdf - MCTerm Manual mcterm.d80.gz mcterm040.d64.gz mcterm121.d64.gz mcterm126e.d64.gz pet/cursor@ -> magazines/cursor pet/demodisks@ -> demodisks/pet pet/demos/ * Demos for Commodore PET series computers abrelosojos.prg - 80 column demo Abre los ojos andromeda.prg back2pet.prg - Back to the PET Demo demo of 8032.prg - Demo of 8032 business computer, from Commodore donkey kong (mad preview).prg - Preview of what a PET Donkey Game might be dragon demo.prg - Halloween demo by Milasoft. Includes versions for diff PETs. holyhalter.prg maze demo.prg - Random maze & solver demo mtu_gfx_prgs.d64.gz - Programs for MTU Visible Memory boards (K-1008) - No Pets Allowed 4032 demo - Hardcore PEtting by Noice 2010 petdemo.d64.gz - Rockwell demo, PET clock, Printer Demo, World Clock, PET Graphics demo, - PET demo, reflections calculator petopia - Petopia demo with source by Milasoft seasonsgreetings2017.prg - Seasons Greetings candle - Transactor demo for CBM 8296 computer pet/demos/Cursor/ * These animations were published in the Cursor tape magazine. They work * best on 40-column PETs. Beware, some of these demos make use of the * "smoke POKE" that speeds up video on older PETs and may damage some * newer models. andromeda.prg - Cursor #18: Attack from the outer space. Copyright © 1980 Bob Carr. hawaii.prg - Cursor #15: A trip to Hawaii. Copyright © 1979 Ken Morley. phuzzy wuzzy hawaii.prg - Phuzzy & Wuzzy go to Hawaii phuzzy wuzzy moon.prg - Phuzzy & Wuzzy go to the moon rain dance.prg - Cursor #21: Indian rain dance. Copyright © 1980 Bob Carr. space flight.prg - Cursor #12: The Canadians make it to the moon! Copyright © 1979 Ken - Morley. pet/edu/ 3-d pictures.prg - Construct and rotate 3d shapes Onderwijs.lnx.gz - Dutch and English teaching programs, including high school mathematics - and physics. Uploaded by Olaf Seibert in 1995; converted to gzipped Lynx - by Marko Mäkelä in 2001. alpha_scatter.prg - Alpha particle scatter plot chemistry.d80.gz - Instructional chemistry programs from the University of Michagan - Chemistry Department, circa 1985. The programs are run through the "MENU" - program. Uploaded by William Levak. microtyping.d64.gz - Typing lessons and tutorial system morse tutor pet.prg - Tutoring in Morse Code ryerson_rpidigsys.d64.gz - Assorted math and science programs for RPI Digital Systems. sunrise - sunset.prg - Determine time of sunrise/sunset pet/edu/Canada/ * These programs were distributed by Commodore Business Machines Canada * as public domain in the Commodore Educational Software collection dated * 1983. Unfortunately, not all disks are present, and not all disks are * complete. * These programs run on PETs with Basic 2.0 and 4.0 with either 40 or 80 * column screens, and on the Commodore 64. On every disk there is the * program "cbm4032v2.1 50 hz" to run the programs on the 8032. README.txt - Additional information by Olaf Seibert, who uploaded these files in - 1995. Edited by Marko Mäkelä, who reorganized these files in 2001. bb.lnx.gz bb.txt - Business ca.lnx.gz ca.txt cb.lnx.gz cb.txt - Computer Science ea.lnx.gz ea.txt ec.lnx.gz ec.txt ed.lnx.gz ed.txt ee.lnx.gz ee.txt - English ga.lnx.gz ga.txt gb.lnx.gz gb.txt ge.lnx.gz ge.txt gf.lnx.gz gf.txt - Games ma.lnx.gz ma.txt mc.lnx.gz mc.txt md.lnx.gz md.txt me.lnx.gz me.txt mg.lnx.gz mg.txt mm.lnx.gz mm.txt mt.lnx.gz mt.txt - Mathematics ra.lnx.gz ra.txt - Geography sa.lnx.gz sa.txt sb.lnx.gz sb.txt sd.lnx.gz sd.txt se.lnx.gz se.txt sg.lnx.gz sg.txt sh.lnx.gz sh.txt - Science ta.lnx.gz ta.txt tb.lnx.gz tb.txt - Technical ua.lnx.gz ua.txt - Utilities pet/edu/Canada/misc/ * These programs were distributed by Commodore Business Machines Canada * as public domain in the Commodore Educational Software collection * dated 1983. They run on the following computers: BASIC 2.0 PET, * BASIC 4.0 PET, 8032 CBM (with an 40-column emulator program) and the * Commodore 64. The programs seem to be slightly updated versions * compared to the collections at * uploaded by Olaf * Seibert. a or an.prg - Fill in the gaps in text with "a" or "an". addition teacher.prg - Teach at most 2-digit integer additions. alphabetter.40.prg - Measures the knowledge of the alphabet by asking random letters to be - sorted. big math.prg - Tests addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. buoyancy.prg - Elementary physics: mass, weight, density and buoyancy. cascade.prg - A visual simulation of water fall over a terrain. caves.prg - A maze game. cbm4032v2.1 50hz.prg - A 40-column PET emulator required for using these programs with the - Commodore 8032. changemaker.prg - This program simulates buying items in a North American store (sales - tax is added to the total). comp.history.40.prg - Questions about the history of computers and computing. counting.prg - Teaches numbers (count various objects drawn on the screen) cylinder.prg - This program does not work, as it appears to have been truncated. It - is a modified version of the "cylinders.c2" program in the SB - (science) disk. electricity.prg - Electricity problems: Ohm's law, energy, power, cost of energy. flash.prg - Trains reading and writing by showing a word on the screen quickly - and then asking for the word to be typed on the keyboard. french drill.prg - This French-language program asks the student to translate English - words to French. geography quiz.prg - This program drills the student on his knowledge of capital cities, - states of the USA, leading agricultural products of various - countries, as well as general geographical facts. grammar 2.40.prg - Basic English grammar questions hangman 2.40.prg - Hangman 2, with English words. lakes game.prg - This hangman game will test your knowledge of the lake district of - England. macbeth.prg - A quiz about various aspects of the Shakespearean play Macbeth. magic square.prg - A 3×3 square transformation game. missing letter.prg - This program is a quiz about the letters of the alphabet and the - letters' order in the alphabet. (One letter of the alphabet is - hidden at a time, and the student has to guess which one.) momentum cai.prg - Momentum problems (force, mass, acceleration, speed etc.) number guess.prg - Guess a number between 0 and 9. population.prg - Population dynamics with hares, wolves and hawks. scramble.prg - This program is designed to help students with their spelling skills - at a level of grade 8. The computer permutes the letters of words - that the student has to guess. symbology.prg - This program is a quiz on map symbols. pet/edu/math/ addition.prg - Addition Drill from Cursor #8 avrge.prg - Find the average of a list of numbers basicmath.d64.gz - A Slew and Myriad (~97) of small math problem programs in BASIC math-hayden.d64.gz - Math programs from Hayden Book Co. pascals-triangle.prg - Pascals triangle print-sine.prg - Prints a sine curve quadratic-solve.prg - Solves quadratic equations sines.prg - Plots a sine curve pet/edu/programming@ -> pet/programming/lessons pet/firmware@ -> firmware/computers/pet pet/games/ pet/games/english/ 10line-canyonrun.prg 3d star trek.prg - The excellent 3D Star Trek by M P McDonald and M H Clements for 3000 - series 40-column PETs. Does not fully work on the 4000 series, and not - at all on the 8000 series. - Keys: D=damage report, I+number=impulse drive, L=long range scan, - P+number=launch photon torpedo (steer with shift and normal steering - keys), home=steer counter clockwise coarse, down=steer counter - clockwise fine, del=steer clockwise coarse, right=steer clockwise fine, - maybe other keys? - Battle stations: number keys; space to fire 3d startrek.prg - A version of 3D Star Trek for the original PET 2001 firmware. The - battle stations have better graphics than the version for newer ROMs. 3d-os+xs.prg - 3d tic-tac-toe with sound, 8k LadyBug (Commodore PET) - MR NOP game, includes versions for 3 PETs PET Robots - Shareware version of Attack of the PETSCII Robots. Requires 32k PET. - Find the full version at PETPANIC.d64.gz - Clone of Apple PANIC by Jim Orlando Pet_3D_StarTrek.pdf - Official instruction manual for 3d star trek. Space Invaders MR NOP.d64.gz - Space Invader versions for every PET model. Telengard_PET.tap - Avalon Hill RPG for 40 col PETs and Tape drive - RPG From "Computing Today" for 32k PET. acrobat.prg - Acrobat II (Commodore Japan), PET users' club S-game. Requires 3000 - series firmware (does not work on 4000 or 8000 series). In this game - you have to pop baloons. The same game has been published later on the - VIC-20 and Commodore 64 as "Clowns". acrobat2.prg - Alternate version of Acrobat II from Commodore air_attack.prg - bombing game aircraft_lander.prg - Aircraft landing simulator alien - side scrolling shooter android nimm.prg - Game by Don Denis with sound andromeda conquest.prg - Space Conquest game from Avon Hill (16k) aquire.prg - Acquire from Avon Hill (16k) attack.prg - Base defense game b1.prg - B1 Bomber from Avon Hill backgammon.prg - A 40-column backgammon game for 0-2 players. backgammon1.prg - The classic board game backgammon2.prg - Version by J Aughton - tidy graphics, works on all PET models. baseball 7.3.prg - 2 player baseball game baseball.prg - Baseball Strategy from Avon Hill (32k) bioterror!.d64.gz - Bioterror! Resource game by Jason Grow (8k) - Pattern game by Cosine, 8k with instructions bomber_attack.prg - Bomber Attack from Avon Hill (8k) bombs away.prg - Bombing game by Allan Yates boxing comp.prg - 2 player boxing game breakth.-34-s1.prg - Breakthrough -- the classic paddle game with sound. - Arkanoid-like breakthru game by Milasoft bridge.prg - Bridge game. bugg.prg - Centipede like game by Kevin Pickell of Milasoft candy-man.prg - Pacman clone by Milasoft. Instructions needed. - Shooting game for all PETs. Includes source. capture.prg - Capture - a go-like game car race 2.prg - Race car game castle adv.prg - Castle Adventure by David Malmberg 32k catchall.d64.gz - Asst games: Star Quest, Asteroidz, Pirate Adventure, Adventureland, - Space Grocer, Chess, Freefall, Six Second Club, others caveman.prg - Steal a dinosaurs eggs! computerspace2001.prg - Computer Space 2001 shooter - Computer Space 2001 Norbert Landsteiner, with docs conflict 2500.prg - Conflict 2500, a galactic conquest game from Avon Hill (16k) connect 4.prg - 2 player Connect 4 connect-4.prg - Connect-4 board game connect4.prg - Another version of the classic boardgame cosmiads m.prg - patched version of 'cosmiads uni' that no longer uses the cass#1 - buffer. cosmiads m.txt - instructions for cosmiads m.prg cosmiads uni.prg - Cosmiads - Excellent implementation of Galaxian. POKE 2571,79 before - RUN for joystick on user port. LEFT=PA0, RIGHT=PA1, FIRE=PA5. cosmiads_galaxians.prg - Yet another version of cosmic cosmiads cosmic force.prg - Shoot as many aliens as possible cosmic raiders.prg - Space Invaders like game for 80 col PETs dactetris.prg - Tetris with Dac sound by Tim Howe 32k defender2020.prg - Defender, for 40 or 80 col 32k home pets, by Jim Orlando dhunterpet.prg - Destiny Hunter by voidstar78 disasteroids.prg - Disasteroids by Kevin Moughtin (16k) dnd1 (fix).prg - Richard Garriot DnD1 (1/6) 32k dnieper river line.prg - Dnieper River Line, an Avon Hill game 32k donkeyjr8032.d64.gz - Donkey Kong Jr for 8032 dow_jones.prg - Dow Jones investment game dragons - an RPG game dungeon of death [flipped char].prg - Dungeon of Death (flipped char) dungeon.prg - Dungeon game for 40-column PETs from Cursor #15, copyright 1979 Brian - Sawyer. Controls: 6, 4, 2, 8 for movements. dungeonofdeath - Dungeon crawl game for original 8k PET 2001 ello.lnx.gz - A board game. fantastic voyage.prg - Fantastic voyage by Greg Hopkins. Drive your ship around shooting - cancer cells! fire.prg - Fire department game for 40-column PETs from Cursor #16, copyright 1980 - Brian Sawyer. Controls: 6, 4, 2, 8 for movements and 5 for dropping - water. football!.prg - American Football coaching game: raiders vs computer frogger.prg - Frogger fury.prg galactqu.d64.gz - Galactic Quest game galaga.prg - Arcade space game galaxy!.prg - Galactic Empire game for 1-20 players galaxy!_no-sound.prg - Galaxy! (no sound version) from Avon Hill (16k) gridrunner-src.asm - Gridrunner source code from Milasoft gridrunner.prg - Gridrunner by Jeff Minter, ported to PET by Milasoft guns of fort defiance.prg - The Guns of Ft Defiance from Avon Hill 16k hey taxi.prg - Radar Rat Rate taxi game by Milasoft innuh-pet-en.prg - The Innuh's Pyramid - text adventure invader.prg - Space Invaders clone for the 3032 and the 4032. Written in machine - language. Controls: 4, 6 and A. island_rescue.prg - Island Rescue: resource management, 32k 40 col k&d80.prg - Knights and Drmobs by Kabuto Factory (8032) land slide.prg - Catch the falling rocks by Kevin Pickell leap frog.prg - Frogger clone lemonade!.prg - Lemonade Stand for 40 col PET, with new Intro loderunner.prg - Lode Runner port for 32K 40 or 80 COL, by Jim Orlando lords_of_karma (sys1024).prg - Lords of Karma (sys1024) - takes a long time to initialize. manbiki.d64.gz - Manbiki Shonen (Shoplifting Boy), for 8k PET, with alt versions by - Robin Harbron mastermind.prg - Number guessing game meteorites.prg - Missle Command-type target shooter microchess.prg - Microchess 2.0 for the 3032, copyright 1978 Micro-Ware Ltd, written by - Peter Jennings. Press RETURN to start the game. midway campaign.prg - Midway Campaign by Avon Hill (16k) miner.prg - Miner game for 40-column PETs from Cursor #19, copyright 1980 Ron - Longfellow. Controls: 2, 4, 6, 8 for movements. missile command.prg - Good port of the arcade classic Missile Command mission imposs.prg monopoly.prg - Classic board game multi-invaders!.prg - Space Invaders with numerous graphical and gameplay options night driver f40.prg - Driving game nightmare park.prg - Multi faceted 'action' adventure game for 40-column PETs. north atlantic cr.prg - North Atlantic Convoy Raider by Avon Hill (8k) nukewar (reconversion).prg - Nukewar (reconversion) from Avon Hill games nukewar.prg - Nukewar from Avon Hill off-the-wall.prg - Steer a bouncing ball by placing '\' and '/' shaped paddles by pressing - the 'm' and 'n' keys. Copyright 1978 CBM. This game is for 40-column - PETs. Similar to "Target Pong". oilswell.d64.gz - Oils Well 2013 by Mr.Nop osero_othello.prg - Board game oslobors.prg - Stock trading game 1-4 players pacman!.prg - Pacman-like game paladin.prg - Defender-type clone pbros.prg - PET Mario Bros by Jim Orlando personality.lnx.gz - Dr. Sinister's personality test for 40-column PETs. pet panic.prg - patched version of Jim Orlando's 'pet panic' that will run on both rev - 3 ROMs and rev 4 ROMs. petball 4.0.prg - Pinball game petchess univ.prg - Petchess 4000 - Huge 32k chess program. petdle.d64.gz - A WORDLE impl for 32k PET (40 or 80, any kybd). By Steve Gray & Bo - Zimmerman petlifter.prg - Petlifter: Choplifter game for 40 or 80 col, 32k, by Jim Orlando petpanic!.prg - PET Panic! By Jim Orlando petportal!.prg - Portal game for 32k PETs (40 or 80 col) by Jim Orlando petract.prg - A Star Trek variation - Strip Poker with pixel graphics. 40/80 col and 8296. phantom fighter.prg pkong.prg - PET Donkey Kong by Jim Orlando plc23_lightcycles.prg - Tron light-cycles game (single player) - v0.1 by David Given. 3d golf-like game. Includes instructions. pssp.prg - PETSCII Side-Scrolling Platformer by Jimbo pzlmgs.prg - Zombie Lemmings for 32K PETs (40 or 80 col) by Jim Orlando road race.prg - Road Race by Avon Hill games (8k) - Rotor Rampage shooter, all 32k versions, by Dave Duke and Ken McIlveen scramble.prg - Scramble space shooter by Milasoft sea wolf.prg - Sea Wolf 1978 Creative Software shooting gallery.prg - Submarine shooter type game simon puzzle.prg - A puzzle game by Yates snake.prg - Simple snake game for BASIC 4 by Bo Zimmerman space debr-34-s1.prg - Space Debris shooter w/sound by Kevin Moughtin space debris 2001pet.prg - Space Debris space invad-4-s1.prg - Space Invaders space invader.prg - The Space Invaders for the 2001 and the 3032. Controls: '.', '=' and ' - '. space invaders.prg - Commercial Space Invaders clone for the 3032. Controls: '4', '6' and - 'A'. space war.prg - Star war joystick game, copyright 1981 Chris Mills. space.prg - Space! - modified version of game from Cursor#8 spacechase.8032.270716.prg - Space Chase beta 270716 for 8032 by Christian Krenner spaceinv2.prg - Space Invaders II for 32K 40 or 80 col, by Jim Orlando spyders.d64.gz - Space Invaders like game for all PET versions, by Mr. NOP. star spores!.prg - Fun and difficult galaxian type shooter with good graphics star trek-80.prg - 80 column PET version of Star Trek star wars rev.prg - Star War game - very scenimatic , supp sounds star wars.prg - You know Lucas Arts X-Wing? See here :-) This game works with the - 3032. Controls: numbers for movement, A for shooting starforce.prg - Star Wars game, alt of star wars.prg startrek.prg - Star Trek game for 40 column PETs. starwars.prg - Star Wars target FPS game submarine.prg - Bomb subs from your destroyer ship super g instruc.prg - Instructions for Super Glooper. super glooper (alt hack).prg - Pac-Man clone (alternate version) super glooper m.prg - Version of Super Glooper patched by T. Howe to avoid use of CASS#1 - buffer. (Makes easier to save) super glooper.prg - Excellent Pac-Man port for 40-column PETs by D.E. Anthony 1981. - Controls: '8','4','6','2' on the numeric keypad. You may also use '5' - for moving down. super glooper3k.prg - Pac-Man clone (alternate version) super_glooper 8032.prg - Pacman clone fixed for 80 col PETs superstartrek-1.1a.prg - Super Star Trek converted to 40 cols by Mike Mayfield tankticks.prg - Tanktics by Avon Hill games (16k) target - Missile Command clone target pong.prg - Steer a bouncing ball by placing '\' and '/' shaped paddles by pressing - the 'm' and 'n' keys. Copyright 1978 CBM. This game is for 40-column - PETs. Similar to "Off-the-Wall". telengard-pet.d64.gz - Avalon Hill RPG for 40 col PETs, adapted for disk tetris.prg - Tetris port tetris13.tgz - PET Tetris v1.3 by Tim Howe. Includes 3 variations, including DAC. toa.d64.gz - Temple of Apshai toa_commands.pdf - Commands cheat sheet for Temple of Apshai toa_manual.pdf - Manual for Temple of Apshai - Tower and Dragon 3.0 by Jason Cook. Includes D64, tap, wav, etc trek-pet-3e.prg - Re-port of the Star Trek game trek-x - Trek-X game for original 8k PET 2001 trekwar.prg - TrekWar - Star Trek action game for 40 or 80 col, 32k, by Jim Orlando twrdef2021.prg - Tower Defense 2021 for 40 or 80 col 32K, by Jim Orlando ushergam.d64.gz - House of Usher, RPG adventure game vortex.prg - Challenging alien shooting game wallbanger.prg war trek pt1.prg - War Trek, first part of two. A Star Trek game for 40-column PETs. wartrek2.prg - War Trek, second and last part. wasps.prg - Gorf-like shooter game weather.prg - Ouranos (take the enemy by storm) for 40-column PETs from Cursor #21, - copyright 1980 Kathy Hiby. This two-player game resembles the - artillery duel game. pet/games/english/8k/ 3d0s+xs.prg - Noughts and Crosses / Tic-Tac-Toe 8ktetris.prg - PET Tetris 1.3 Tim Howe (bad copy?) alien-attack.prg - Shoot aliens before they reach you. aliens!.prg - Shoot decending aliens before they land! anagram.prg - Simple program to generate all anagrams of a given word arrows.prg - Manual artillary game baccarat.prg - Baccarat - card game blitz.prg - Street bomber for 40-column PETs: bomb a city down before the plane - lands. boot-hill.prg - Two player cowboy dueling game breakoutv3.1_(fixed Mr.NOP).prg - Breakout clone, fixed by Mr. NOP breakthru.prg - Breakout type game bridge 2 dealer.prg - A bridge simulation. Some data is written on tape. card-sharp.prg - Card sharp (memory test) checkers2.prg - Update to the original PET Checkers from Cursor chess.prg - [Model 2001-8N only] Microchess 2.0 - copy using sys(826) clever-os-xs.prg - Intellegent Noughts and Crosses cluedo.prg - Cluedo countto100.prg - Count to 100 game dodgems.prg - Dodgems galactic-attack.prg - Galactic Attack guessing-game.prg - Guessing game gunner.prg - Gunner (by elevation) hangman.prg - Hangman hunter.prg - Catch blob hurkle.prg - Hurkle hypno.prg - Hypnotiser imphex.prg - Imphex / Hexpawn life.prg - Life - sys(6400) to go lunar-lander.prg - Lunar lander mastermind.prg - Mastermind mazer.prg - Find way round maze nim.prg - Nim noughtscrosses.prg - Noughts and crosses othello.prg - Othello pinball-alt.prg - Pinball like game pinball.prg - A pinball game for the 2001 and 3001 series PETs. pingpong.prg - Ping Pong/Table Tennis for 2 players poetry.prg - Composes poems pontoon.prg - Pontoon power_boat.prg - Power boat reaction_test.prg - Reaction test reverser.prg - Reverser saucer_war.prg - Saucer War shooter.prg - Shoot the blob shooting_gallery.prg - Shooting Gallery slalom.prg - Slalom space.prg - Space! space_invaders.prg - Space Invaders spact.prg - Space attack squash.prg - Squash (solo) stomper.prg - Stomp on an insect supertank.prg - Supertank sweeper.prg - Sweeper target_practice.prg - Target practice treasure_maze.prg - Treasure Maze worms.prg - Worm race zap-2001.prg - Zap by Matt Ganis zombie.prg - Zombie pet/games/english/infocom/ HitchhikersManual.pdf - HHGTG manual ccadventure.d80.gz - Collossal Cave adventure deadline.d64.gz - Deadline deadline.pdf - Deadline manual hhgtg.d64.gz - Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy infidel.d64.gz - Infidel infidel.pdf - Infidel manual phobos.d64.gz - Leather Goddesses of Phobos phobos.pdf - phobos manual starcross.d64.gz - Starcross starcross.pdf - starcross manual zork_i.d64.gz - Zork 1 zork_i.pdf - Zork 1 manual zork_ii.d64.gz - Zork II zork_ii.pdf - Zork II manual zork_iii.d64.gz - Zork III zork_iii.pdf - Zork 3 manual pet/games/english/joy/ * Games adapted for user port Joystick controller found in the * documents/projects area, mostly by Joe Travis afo.prg - Adapted by Joe Travis arrow.prg - Adapted by Joe Travis bomber.prg - Adapted by Joe Travis break-out.prg - Adapted by Joe Travis breakout.prg - Adapted by Joe Travis brickwall.prg - Adapted by Joe Travis cosmiads uni.prg - Cosmiads - Excellent implementation of Galaxian. POKE 2571,79 before - RUN for joystick on user port. LEFT=PA0, RIGHT=PA1, FIRE=PA5. galaxy invdr joy.prg - Galaxy Invader - Space Invaders clone. Joystick support by Jim64 invaders.prg - Patched version of commercial Space Invaders - uses joystick on user - port: LEFT=PA0, RIGHT=PA1, FIRE=PA5. joystick_test.prg - Joystick testing program by Joe Travis leap frog fix.prg - Frogger-like game pong joysticks.prg - Pong clone. Dual joystick support by Jim64 print_racer.prg - Adapted by Joe Travis shark.prg - Adapted by Joe Travis space war.prg - Star war joystick game, copyright 1981 Chris Mills. star spores.prg - Fun and difficult galaxian type shooter with good graphics zap.prg - Adapted by Joe Travis pet/games/english/snes/ * Games adapted for the TexElec SNES controller found in the * documents/projects area, mostly by Joe Travis 10pr.racer.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis afo.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis arrow.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis bat!.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis bomber.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis breakout.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis brickwall.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis capture!.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis crazybaloon.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis everest.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis ferry!.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis lightcycles.prg - light cycles by Larry Anderson pzlmgs.prg - Lemmings! by Jim Orlando shark.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis space!.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis zap.prg - Adapted for SNES by Joe Travis pet/games/english/unsorted/ Jim_Summers_Games.d64.gz - Jim Summers games - Astro-Rescue, Slime, Star Spores asstgames-auto.d64.gz - Assorted games - Datestones o Ryn, Invasion Orion, Temple of Asphai, - Morloc's Tower games-1.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing games-1.dir.txt games-10.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing games-10.dir.txt games-2.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing games-2.dir.txt games-3.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing games-3.dir.txt games-4.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing games-4.dir.txt games-5.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing games-5.dir.txt games-6.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing games-6.dir.txt games-7.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing games-7.dir.txt games-8.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing games-8.dir.txt games-rpr1.d64.gz - Assorted games disk pet_games_01.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_01.dir.txt pet_games_02.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_02.dir.txt pet_games_03.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_03.dir.txt pet_games_04.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_04.dir.txt pet_games_05.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_05.dir.txt pet_games_06.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_06.dir.txt pet_games_07.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_07.dir.txt pet_games_08.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_08.dir.txt pet_games_09.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_09.dir.txt pet_games_10.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_10.dir.txt pet_games_11.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_11.dir.txt pet_games_12.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_12.dir.txt pet_games_13.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_13.dir.txt pet_games_14.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_14.dir.txt pet_games_15.d64.gz - Assorted games disk - see *.dir.txt for listing pet_games_15.dir.txt pet/games/german/ 17&4.prg - A blackjack game. Works with both 40 and 80 columns (garbled display - on 40 columns when dealing more than 5 cards). 3-d tic-tac-toe.prg - 4x4x4 tic-tac-toe game from the VIC-20 4-gewinnt.prg - four in a row (a kind of tic-tac-toe with gravity) blackjack_de.prg - Blackjack 8k bomber.prg - Bomb a city with a descending aeroplane. This game is for the 3032. crash.prg - A maze game for 40-column PETs diktator.prg - Simulation (SimCity predecessor?) fluglandung.prg - flight simulation for 40-column PETs hangman.prg - PET2001 hangman, should work in all PETs hit the target.prg - Control a beam to targets by dropping mirrors hockenheim.prg - car race for PET 4032 hyper wurm.d64.gz - Hyper Wurm by Thomas Korn (16k) 40-column action game irrgarten.prg - A three-dimensional maze game for 40-column PETs kurvendiskussion-fixed.prg - A function analysis and plotting tool for the CBM 4032. The function - is defined in the line 10000. The fixed version corrects some obvious - typing mistakes; other errors may remain in the program. kurvendiskussion.prg nightmare park.prg - A maze game for 40-column PETs with various subgames. Controls in the - main maze: N, S and O. pacman.prg - A Pac-Man clone for 40-column PETs by André Fachat. robots.prg - Avoid enemy robots in a 40-column maze. schlange.prg - Eat objects with a growing snake. This game is for 40 columns. spukhaus.prg - 40-column PET version of a VIC-20 adventure game squash-4032.prg - Breakout clone for the 4032 squash.prg - Breakout clone for the 3032 steinchenspiel.prg - Thinking game (the one who removes the last stone from the board - loses). This game is for the 3001 and 4001 series. In 80 columns, the - display is a little garbled. sternenfalle.prg - Avoid obstacles in this 40-column game. verfolg.prg - Chase computer-steered objects in a 40-column playfield. vokabeln.prg - Learn foreign language words. The program writes and reads the data - file "engl,seq". zombie.prg pet/html/ * HTML documents related to the Commodore PET Commodore PET FAQ.html - Original PET FAQ by Larry Anderson. Updated SIPODV3.ZIP - IEC to IEEE interface between c64/vic and PET - Instructions on building a cassette interface for C= computers - A German article about Chuck Peddle peddle.en.html - English translation of an article about Chuck Peddle peddle.gif - Picture of Chuck Peddle pet/manuals/ - Corrections to the PET/CBM Personal Computer Guide, second edition. All - these corrections are in the seventh printing, but not all are in the - fifth printing. pet/manuals/8296supplement/ * Supplement to the PET 8032 manual, covering the PET 8296. 8296supplement.html - HTML version of the supplement, with inline images 8296supplement.txt - Text version of the supplement pet/manuals/8296supplement/imgs/ 8296changes.gif - B.2. Connectors, modifications as compared with 8032 expmemmap.gif - Figure 2.1. Expansion Memory Mapping fullmemmap.gif - A. Memory map j1+j12.gif - Connectors J1 and J12 (IEEE-488) j10.gif - Connector J10 (power, AC) j11.gif - Connector J11 (power, DC) j13.gif - Connector J13 (keyboard) j14.gif - Connector J14 (reset) j2.gif - Connector J2 (user port) j3+j6.gif - Connectors J3 and J6 (cassette) j4.gif - Connector J4 (memory expansion) j5.gif - Connector J5 (keyboard) j7.gif - Connector J6 (video) j8.gif - Connector J8 (power in) j9.gif - Connector J9 (memory expansion) jumpersmap.gif - Possible memory mapppings for the area $8000-$FFFF pet/manuals/LOS-96/ * LOS-96 Handbuch. German manual for the PET 8096. LOS-96-titel.gif - Title page LOS-96.html - HTML version - Postscript version Los96-de.txt - Text version pet/manuals/LOS-KIT/ * German 8096 LOS-KIT User's Manual. LOS-KIT is a set of development * tools especially for the LOS-96 `operating system'. LOS-KIT-titel.gif - Title page LOS-KIT.html - HTML version - Postscript version LOS-KIT.txt - Text version pet/os/ TRIANGULAR uOS - A GUI OS in BASIC for 4k PETs. Manual included zram-4040.d64.gz - CP/M boot disk for PETs with Madison Z-RAM boards. pet/os/GeckOS/ c64.d64.gz - pre-assembled disk image for the Commodore 64 cbm8x96.d64.gz - pre-assembled disk image for 8x96 PETs oa-2.0.0.base.tar.gz - GeckOS/A65 2.0.0 without possibly copyrighted stuff oa-2.0.0.lib.tar.gz - Lib6502 programs that come with GeckOS/A65 - Should be easy to port them to another lib6502-compatible OS (Lunix?) oa-2.0.0.tar.gz - GeckOS/A65 version 2.0.0 complete archive oa-2.0.8.tar.gz - GeckOS/A65 version 2.1.0-pre8. Includes preliminary FAT16 and SCSI - support. pet32k.d64.gz - pre-assembled disk image for PETs with 32k of RAM pet/os/LOS-96/ * LOS-96 is an BASIC-4 extension for the 8096 and 8296 los96-1.4.d80.gz - Uploaded by Christian Dirks los96-1.6.d80.gz - Uploaded by Christian Dirks los96.tar.gz - Files from the LOS-96 system disk los96_8096_en.pdf - English manual for 8096 LOS-96 Basic extension pet/os/LOS-96/LOS-96@ -> pet/manuals/LOS-96 pet/os/LOS-96/LOS-KIT@ -> pet/manuals/LOS-KIT pet/prod/ 83 ont tax v1.0.prg - 1983 Ontario Tax calculation. You need this! SpellMaster.pdf - Manual for SpellMaster, scanned by William Levak clock.prg - petscii analog clock createabase.d64.gz - Create-A-Base database system. Requires option rom. critcal path.prg date-book.prg - Simple Date book (db) execudesk.d80.gz - Execudesk disk for 8296. Requires execudesk editor rom. finance.d64.gz - Finance Pak (investments, depreciation, loans) flexifile2.d64.gz - Flex File 2.0 data manager genldgr.d64.gz - BPI General Ledger 2.2 disk 1 - needs option rom genldgr2.d64.gz - BPI General Ledger 2.2 disk 2 - needs option rom graphic editor.prg - PETSCII screen editor home-accounting.d64.gz - Home Accountant instruc.d64.gz - Instruction-Printing disk for VisiCalc, WordPro, PaperMate, Power - Instruction, BASIC Programmers Toolkit, others.. invmanager.d64.gz - Inventory Manager, requires two data disks jinsam4demo.d64.gz - Jinsam Data Manager demo, includes 4.0 and 8.0 jinsam8demo.d64.gz - Jinsam Data Manager demo, includes 1.0, 4.0 and 8.0 keyprint.d64.gz - Type directly to printer -- by Frank Yates kram.d64.gz - Unknown application, which probably requires option rom. What is this? maillist.d64.gz - Mailing List/Data Manager from CMS Software manager-oracle.d64.gz - The Manager v1.69 database/file manager. Seems to work w/o rom. monthly mortgage.prg - Calculate mortgage payments oracle.d64.gz - Oracle DBMS. Might require a rom. paperclip-2.8-mx80.d64.gz - PaperClip word processor 2.8, includes rom file for burning. paperclip-2.83.d64.gz - PaperClip word processor 2.83, includes rom file for burning. paperclip-4040-2.8.d64.gz - PaperClip word processor 2.8 pathdesign.d64.gz - Several scientific programs. See pathdesign.dir.txt for contents. pathdesign.dir.txt spellmaster.d64.gz - Spellmaster for WordPro 4+ requires option rom story_writer_1982.prg - A simple 1982 word processor for the PET supersortomnifile.d64.gz - SuperSort, OmniFile, Superbase database systems tax-86.d64.gz - Ontario Tax preparation in 1986 by Jim Butterfield themanager.d64.gz - The Manager v1.84 database/file manager, prob requires option rom themanager.d80.gz - The Manager v1.84 database/file manager, prob requires option rom timewrk1.d64.gz - TimeWorks SwiftTax disk 1, a 1982 tax preparation program timewrk2.d64.gz - TimeWorks SwiftTax disk 1, a 1982 tax preparation program typer.prg - little typing practice program versacalc40.d64.gz - Versacalc File Manager for 40 column Business PETs. visic8096.d80.gz - Visicalc 1.70AM for 8032 and 8096, requires option rom. visicalc-norom.d64.gz - Visicalc 1.70AM 40 col, 80 col, and 96k versions, no rom required, - includes - rom visicalc-pocketref.pdf - VisiCalc Pocket Reference visicalc.d64.gz - VisiCalc 1.75A, the world's first spreadsheet program by Dan Bricklin. - This - version should run on all 32 kB PET models that have the 901472-04 ROM at - $9000. An IBM PC version of VisiCalc for DOS 1.0 and later is available - at visicalc.txt - Information about VisiCalc visicalc170a.d64.gz - Visicalc 1.70a dfferent variation with copy protection removed. visicalc176a.d64.gz - Visicalc 1.76a visicalc40-80+rom.d64.gz - 40 and 80 col versions of Visicalc 1.70A, requires option rom, and rom is - included on the disk. - Visicalc manual, possibly 1982 version, in two pdfs. wordcheck.d64.gz - Wordcheck -- more information needed wordcraft+utils.d64.gz - Wordcraft+ Utilities (master disk copier, convert from WordPro, other..) wordcraft40e.d64.gz - Wordcraft 4.0e word processor wordpro-quickref.pdf - WordPro 2-5 Quick Ref - uploaded by William Levak wordpro3.d64.gz - WordPro 3+, requires option rom. wordpro3norom.d64.gz - Wordpro 3 and 3+ no-rom required versions - PDF Manual for WordPro 4 word processor wordpro4plus.d64.gz - Wordpro 4 and 4+ no-rom required versions wordpro5plus.d64.gz - Wordpro 5 and 5+, option rom required - Wordpro 5+ d80 image, w/option rom(s) and pdf manual wpros.prg - Tiny 1 screen word processor w/ load-save pet/prod/jimsam/ jimsam4core.d64.gz jinsam-dbbooks.d64.gz jinsam-dbcrime.d64.gz jinsam-dbinven.d64.gz jinsam-dbpetdl.d64.gz jinsam4access.d64.gz jinsam8sys1.d64.gz jinsam8sys2.d64.gz pet/programming/ * Programming examples, tools and documentation - Commodores ML monitor (TIM) for BASIC 1 (and others?). Manual included. - POWER Basic Extension demo disk and $9000 option rom apmon-v112.tar.gz - ML monitor for the basic4 PET, by Andre Fachat assembler-disk1.d64.gz - Assembler disk 1 assemblers.d64.gz - Includes 6502 Assembler & Disassembler, Micro Assembler & Disassembler, - and SuperMon auto_number.prg - Tool for auto-numbering in BASIC basic-aid-power-aid.d64.gz - Basic-Aid, Power-Aid, BASIC source basml combiner.prg - Combine BASIC and ML components c=development.d64.gz - Assemblers, source editors, and loaders for BASIC 2 & 4 PETs, 16k and 32k comal4master1.d64.gz - Comal 80 rev 0.11 from Commodore comalhelp.d64.gz - Comal 80 help disk crtctest-1.1.tar.gz - Test programs and reverse-engineered information on the 6845/6545 Cathode - Ray Tube Controller (CRTC). Composed and uploaded by André Fachat. disk disassmbler.prg - Disassemble a file directly from disk dos dissassem.prg - Disassemble drive dos to screen/printer dtl-basic-4.3-40col.d64.gz - DTL BASIC compiler 4.3, 40 col, no rom required, but seems to need dual - drive dtl-basic-4.7-80col.d64.gz - DTL BASIC compiler 4.7, 80 col, no rom required, but seems to need dual - drive dtl-basic.lnx.gz - DTL Basic compiler for the 8032. Runs but looks funny in 40 columns - (4032). dtl_pet.pdf - Manual for DTL BASIC Compiler for PET dtlbasic2001.d64.gz - DTL BASIC Compiler 4.1 for 32k 2001. Req dual drives. Probaby needs - option rom. dtlbasic2001nd.d64.gz - DTL BASIC Compiler 4.1 for 32k 2001. Req dual drives. No option rom - required. dtlbasic4032.d64.gz - DTL BASIC Compiler 4.3 for 4032. Req dual drives. Option rom probably - required. dtlbasic4032nd.d64.gz - DTL BASIC Compiler 4.3 for 4032. Req dual drives. No option rom - required. dtlbasic8032.d64.gz - DTL BASIC Compiler 4.7 for 8032. Req dual drives. Option rom probably - required. dtlbasic8032nd.d64.gz - DTL BASIC Compiler 4.7 for 8032. Req dual drives. Option rom Not - required. forth.d64.gz - Fig Forth 1.0 graphicaid4.d64.gz - BASIC Extension for doing graphics kmmm-pascal.d64.gz - KMMM Pascal Editor, Compiler, Interpretor lockdisk.prg - Make a BASIC program run-only. By Jim Butterfield mae30.d64.gz - MAE Assembler/Monitor package for 2.0/3.0 roms. mae40.d64.gz - MAE Assembler/Monitor package for 4.0 roms. micromon 23296.prg - Excellent TIM monitor enhancement - loads at $5B00. Start with SYS - 23296. micromon 24500.prg - As micromon 23296 but includes a poke 59458,62 (fast VDU mode / killer - POKE for some). Call with SYS 24500. micromon.txt - Micromon command summary, composed by Tim Howe. moser-assembler.d64.gz - Moser Assembler pal-assembler2.d64.gz - Brad Templeton's PAL Assembler. Seems more complete that - pal_assembler.d64.gz pal_assembler.d64.gz - Brad Templeton's PAL Assembler adapted for the PET by Paul Lalonde pascal3norom.d64.gz - Pascal 3.0, requires and includes rom. Need instructions! petass1.d64.gz - PET Assembler petieee.prg - BASIC implementation of the IEEE-488 code for the PET. Includes all - routines (talk, listen, sectalk etc.). The example will produce and read - a syntax error from the disk drive. Programmed and uploaded by André - Fachat. petspeed-80col.d64.gz - Petspeed BASIC Compiler v2.3 petspeed.d80.d64.gz - Petspeed Compiler v2.1 in D80 format renumber.prg - Code fragment for renumbering BASIC lines. supergraphics.d64.gz - Graphics commands BASIC programming extension for various PETs - Versions of SuperMON ML Monitor by Jim Butterfield, for BASICs 1, 2, and - 4. Instructions included. tcl_pascal_users_manual.pdf - TCL for CBM users manual, uploaded by Andreas Unverdorben tclpascal16.d64.gz - TCL Pascal v1.6 for the 8032, includes option rom file - TCK Pascal v1.0 for the 8032, no option rom required? tclpascal8032-16.d64.gz - TCL Pascal v1.6 for the 8032, requires option rom trace.prg - Trace - initialise = sys(7876), on = sys(7906), off = sys(7852) pet/programming/firmware@ -> firmware/computers/pet/other pet/programming/lessons/ * These files were uploaded by Olaf Seibert in 1995 and converted to * gzipped Lynx format by Marko Mäkelä in 2001. basic-basic.d64.gz - Beginning BASIC for the PET basic-basic8032.d64.gz - Same as basic-basic.d64, but with 40 col adapter for 80 col PETs basicles.lnx.gz - Basic lessons in English. These are for old PETs, which you can - recognise by the pokes that go to the "shadow" of the screen memory, - that is not present anymore in newer PETs. It's pretty funny though - from time to time. basicles2.lnx.gz - Different (older? 1977) lessons for Basic. machineles.lnx.gz - Machine language lessons in German. Note that their load address is - $0400 instead of $0401, presumably because they were saved from a BASIC - 1.0 machine. Also note that there are two lines numbered 4. How can - these be loaded to a PET? stepbystep.d64.gz - Step-By-Step computer instruction course for non-Business PETs stepbystep8032.d64.gz - Step-By-Step computer instruction course for 8032 subroutines.d64.gz - Various BASIC subroutines, to serve as programming examples. pet/programming/snippets/ check.prg - Memory Check codes+decodes.prg - Codes + decodes flashscreen.828.prg - [Model 2001-8N only] Flashes screen at ~ 60Hz - alter interrupt: POKE - 538,3 : POKE 537,58 hex-loader.prg - Hex loader - Put data in program as DATA statements mem-printer-826.prg - Memory printer - run, then sys(826) memory-check.prg - Memory Check nocopy-826.prg - No copy program - saves - use sys(826) pound.prg - Draws £ sign on printer random-test.prg - Random number tester rev-screen.prg - 'Reverses' screen - sys(826) to go reverse-char.prg - Reverses characters only - sys(826) screencopyd.prg - Prints out the screen, double chars - RUN (in top left) is erased trans.prg - Transfer 1K to Screen - sys(826): POKE 827, K of source urchr.prg - User character printer - no's are data for char definition pet/schematics@ -> schematics/computers/pet pet/src@ -> src/pet pet/unsorted/ ADP_Series_1.t64 ADVENTUR.d64.gz BFRDUAL.d64.gz GAMES_DiskA.d64.gz GAMES_DiskB.d64.gz GAMES_DiskC.d64.gz HOTELADV.d64.gz Hands_on_BASIC_Pt1.t64 Hands_on_BASIC_Pt2.t64 Hands_on_BASIC_Pt3.t64 JIMB86.d64.gz PETCOM.d64.gz STONE_Disk96A.d64.gz STONE_Disk96B.d64.gz TIMMS_Disk.d64.gz assorted.d80-d82.Contents.txt - List of contents of assorted PET software in d80/d82 format. - Assorted PET software in d80/d82 format. basic-source-1.d64.gz basic-source-2.d64.gz delnxfinal.bas - SEQ Src for an Un-LYNXer, in an unknown version of BASIC paperclip-files.d64.gz - Paperclip text files. Useful for testing? Could be interesting? petguide.d64.gz - Help disk for Osborne/McGraw-Hill CBM & PET Guides. sikcomm.d64.gz - I have no idea what this is. Email me. teletype.d80.gz - Daves Utilities testdisk1.d64.gz - Test Disk 1 - various games and utilities. See testdisk1.dir.txt for - contents. testdisk1.dir.txt pet/unsorted/CBM/ * Official software from CBM for Pet comptuers 321000_ml_monitor_s2.t64 - Simple ML monitor 321000_squiggle_big_time_s1.t64 - Squiggle, and Big Time games 321002_biorhythm_s2.t64 - Biorhythm from the Diet Planner tape 321002_diet_planner_s1.t64 - Diet Planner 321004_treasure_trove_of_games_1.t64 - Treasure Trove of Games #1 321005_basic_basic_s1.t64 - Basic Basic - learn BASIC 321005_basic_basic_s2.t64 - Basic Basic - learn BASIC 321013_basic_finance_s1.t64 - Basic Finance side 1 321013_basic_finance_s2-err.t64 - Basic Finance side 2 - need better copy 321029_machine_code_handler.t64 321030_hex_edit_and_load.t64 mp033_books.t64 - "Books" #131179 mp040_treasure_trove_of_games_1.t64 - Treasure Trove of Games #1, #191279 Wumpus/3d Tic-Tac Toe Lunar - Landing/Rotate mp041_treasure_trove_of_games_2.t64 - Treasure Trove of Games #2, #020180 Draw Poker/Galaxy Games Jumbojet - Lander/Target Pong mp045_treasure_trove_of_games_6.t64 - Treasure Trove of Games #6, #191279 Polaris Backgammon/Crypto/Life mp050_numerical_methods.t64 - Numerical Methods (differential equations, etc) Also Roots. #141179 mp068_acrobat_s1.t64 - Acrobat for old roms #280480 "Pet Pack" mp068_acrobat_s2.t64 - Acrobat for new roms #280480 "Pet Pack" mp069_3d_star_trek_s1.t64 - 3D Star Trek for old roms #280480 "Pet Pack" mp069_3d_star_trek_s2.t64 - 3D Star Trek for new roms #280480 "Pet Pack" mp075_night_drive_s1.t64 - Night Drive for old roms #400580 "Pet Pack" mp075_night_drive_s2.t64 - Night Drive for new roms #400580 "Pet Pack" mp076_car_race_s1.t64 - Car Race for old roms #400580 "Pet Pack" mp076_car_race_s2.t64 - Car Race for new roms #400580 "Pet Pack" mp105_crazy_balloon.t64 - Crazy Balloon #131180 "Pey Pack" pet/unsorted/Davies/ * Collection from John Davies of Wales DAVIES_Disk10A.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk10B.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk10C.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk10D.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk11A.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk11B.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk11C.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk2A.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk2B.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk3A.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk3B.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk3C.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk3D.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk3E.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk3F.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk4A.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk4B.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk4C.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk5.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk6.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk7A.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk7B.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk8A.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk8B.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk8C.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk9A.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk9B.d64.gz DAVIES_Disk9C.d64.gz pet/unsorted/ICPUG/ * ICPUG Collection "Brown", "COMAL", and various disks BROWN_DiskA.d64.gz BROWN_DiskB.d64.gz BROWN_DiskC.d64.gz COMAL_Disk0A.d64.gz COMAL_Disk0B.d64.gz COMAL_Disk1.d64.gz COMAL_Disk2.d64.gz COMAL_Disk3.d64.gz COMAL_Disk4.d64.gz DiskA0A.d64.gz DiskA0B.d64.gz DiskA1.d64.gz DiskA2.d64.gz DiskA3.d64.gz DiskA4.d64.gz DiskA5.d64.gz DiskB1.d64.gz DiskB2A.d64.gz DiskB2B.d64.gz DiskB3A.d64.gz DiskB3B.d64.gz DiskC1A.d64.gz DiskC1B.d64.gz DiskC2.d64.gz DiskC3.d64.gz DiskC7.d64.gz DiskC8.d64.gz DiskC9.d64.gz DiskCA.d64.gz DiskCB.d64.gz DiskCC.d64.gz DiskCD.d64.gz DiskCE.d64.gz DiskCFA.d64.gz DiskCFB.d64.gz DiskCGA.d64.gz DiskCGB.d64.gz DiskCHA.d64.gz DiskCHB.d64.gz DiskCI.d64.gz DiskCJ.d64.gz DiskCK.d64.gz DiskE1.d64.gz DiskSE1.d64.gz DiskSE2.d64.gz DiskU1A.d64.gz DiskU1B.d64.gz DiskU2A.d64.gz DiskU2B.d64.gz DiskU3A.d64.gz DiskU3B.d64.gz pet/unsorted/KBV/ * Assembly source from K.B.V. Controls ASSM_DiskA.d64.gz ASSM_DiskB.d64.gz ASSM_DiskC.d64.gz ASSM_DiskD.d64.gz ASSM_DiskE.d64.gz pet/unsorted/KenRoss/ * Collection from Ken Ross of London KEN_Disk11A.d64.gz KEN_Disk11B.d64.gz KEN_Disk3A.d64.gz KEN_Disk3B.d64.gz KEN_Disk4.d64.gz KEN_Disk5A.d64.gz KEN_Disk5B.d64.gz KEN_Disk6.d64.gz pet/utilities/ 4040n8x50test.d80.gz - 4040 and 8x50 test and diagnostic tools 8032.mem.prg - This program, copied from the 8096 system disk, tests the memory on the - 64k board. All other programs on the 8096 system disk are identical to - the programs on the 8296 disk. 8050diag35.d80.gz - 8050 Diagnostics programs, v3.5 8050exam.d80.gz - 8050 Physical Exam 8250exam.d82.gz - 8250 Physical Exam PET40colUtilities.d64.gz - Various utilities for 40 column PETs. See .dir.txt file for listing. PET40colUtilities.dir.txt - Tape accelleration wedge for BASIC 3 Commodore PET with 32K of RAM alpha dir.prg - Alphabetize directory auto disk boot.prg calculator.prg - Calculator program cbm4032 any hz.prg cbm4032 any hz.txt - This utility switches a 80 column PET to 40 column mode. Unlike the - CBM4032 50 Hz program distributed in the educational software collections - , this one should work - with all 80 column PETs. cbm_dealer_tests.d80.gz - Drive and computer tests and diags for the PET cbm_technician_disk.d80.gz - Drive and computer tests and diags for the PET cbmcommand-2.3.d80.gz - File Browser/Loader for all CBM computers, esp for PET-SD drives. cbmeqtest.d64.gz - 8032 mem tests, 64k ram exp test, burn-in test, disk perf cbmeqtest.dir.txt cbmutildisk.d64.gz - Various utilities. See cbmutildisk.dir.txt for contents. cbmutildisk.dir.txt crtcx-pet-v1.prg - CRTC register twiddler by Steve Gray diagslevak.d64.gz - PET Diagnostics tools, uploaded by William Levak diagslevak.txt - Information about diagslevak.d64.gz diagtest1.d64.gz - Test and diagnostic utilities for CBM computers and drives. A superset - of cbmeqtest.d64.gz See diagtest1.dir.txt for contents. diagtest1.dir.txt disk append.prg - Type SYS 826 to append something to a file. disk copier.prg - drive to drive disk copier with visuals disk hex dumper.prg - Dump file as hex to screen or printer disk to tape v4.prg - Copy disks to tape diskmaster.d64.gz - Disk Cataloging system, req dual drive. By Allan Yates doctor 4032.prg - Disk sector editor doctor 8032.prg - Disk Sector Editor for 80 col dos hex dumper.prg - Hex dump of drive dos drive speed test.prg - Drive speed checker emutil.prg emutil.readme - EMUTIL is a disk image archiver for most Commodore computers. - It supports all known Commodore disk drives, of all capacities. It also - supports all CMD HD and RL Native partitions. Programmed by Bo Zimmerman - and Andr� Fachat. fireball-xl7.prg - Fireball XL7 Offline HTML reader for PET 80XX computers. header changer.prg - Change disk name house finder.prg - A utility for real estate dealers. The data is written on tape. key-repeat.prg - Auto repeat key - start = sys(832), stop = sys(848) load addr.prg - Edit the load address of a file. This seems to be the ancestor of the - Vic-20 utility "Edit Load Addr." lynx8017.prg - LYNX Utility for PET computers. mem-softtools.d64.gz - Memory utilities, and numerous option roms with instructions for loading. mem-softtools.dir.txt petunia_drivers.d64.gz - Driver/Sample progs for Petunia auto/video board by HUH Electronics romload8096.d64.gz - Program to load various productivity app option roms into 64k 8032 - expansion via software. Several application roms are included. scopy5.8032.prg - Unit/Drive file copier for 8032 screenconf11.prg - Screen Configuration utility by Steve Gray sfdfinal.d82.gz - SFD Final Burn-In Test disk, probably from Commodore softrom.d64.gz - Soft-ROM master disk, contains option roms for numerous apps, required - special board talk.prg - Demo utility for the CBM 4010 voice unit. tape to disk v4.prg - Copy tape to disk tbtools1.d64.gz - Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt - for contents. tbtools1.dir.txt tbutils1.d64.gz - Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt - for contents. tbutils1.dir.txt tbutils2.d64.gz - Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt - for contents. tbutils2.dir.txt tbutils3.d64.gz - Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt - for contents. tbutils3.dir.txt tbutils4.d64.gz - Assorted tools and utilities, many prog and disk related. See *.dir.txt - for contents. tbutils4.dir.txt univdemo.d64.gz - DOS Wedge, plus numerous test/diag tools and utils for PET drives utils8032.d64.gz - Various 8032 computer utilities: screen align and test, disk test, memory - test, 40 col screen, etc pet/utilities/text/ Wordcraft-80-nl.lnx.gz - Dutch language version of Wordcraft-80 for the 8032. Wordpro3.tar.gz - Wordpro 3+ is a text editor for CBM 3016/3032 machines published by - Lotus. pictures/ pictures/8280/ 8280-plb.pdf - Large motherboard photo for 8280 CBM8280_TM848controlboard.jpg - Control board of the drive mech, uploaded by William Levak CBM8280_TM848driveBelt.jpg - Underside of the drive mech, uploaded by William Levak CBM8280motherboard.jpg - Main motherboard, uploaded by William Levak pictures/c65/ * This directory contains pictures of a Commodore C65 prototype. The * project was canned, but the prototypes were sold in Autumn 1993 when * Commodore liquidated one of its warehouses. The pictures are scanned * from the German 64'er magazine, issue 3/94. Read the article and also * the interview of a chief engineer Fred Bowen in issue 4/94 to get more * information. * Note that these pictures have poor quality, since they were scanned from * the magazine. c65-back.jpg - Commodore 65, the back view. c65-board.jpg - The Commodore 65's motherboard. There are some arrows in the picture, - showing out parts that were zoomed in the magazine. c65-front.jpg - Commodore 65, the front view. c65-left.jpg - Commodore 65, the left view. The joystick and power connectors are here. c65-transformer.jpg - The Commodore 65 transformed, made by sticking a label on a 64c - transformer. pictures/cash_register/ CCR-Marketing-1.pdf - Marketing brochure CCR-Marketing-2.pdf - Marketing brochure CCR-Marketing-3.pdf - B&W Photograph CCR-Marketing-4.pdf - PET Family photo with cash register backlabel.jpg backlabel2.jpg backports.jpg frontmonitor.jpg keyboard.jpg keyboardback.jpg motherboard.jpg motherboard2.jpg opened.jpg printerboard-mounted.jpg printerboard.jpg printerboardcloser.jpg printermech.jpg printermech2.jpg receipt.jpg screen.jpg screen2.jpg pictures/custom/ * Pictures of custom 8-bit equipment or hacks 1541custom.gif - Tony Cavén's three modified 1541 drives. 64c-oldkbd.jpg - Jouko Valta's Commodore 64c with an old keyboard from the breadcase - model. pictures/gpage1/ * Here are the pictures of George Page's computer collection, part 1. You'd * better view them through the file gpage1.html. 01.jpg - 2 different CBM adding machines & calculators, and a pair of Commodore - walkie talkies and a Commodore mini tape recorder. 02.jpg - 5 different standard Datasettes & 1531 Plus/4 Datasette, & 2 aftermarket - datcorders (b/w box is for black C2N, other for white). 03.jpg - 8061 dual 8", 9060 & 9090 hard-drives, 2040, MDS 6500 (Microcomputer - Development System) 2040, 4040. 04.jpg - 2031, 2 different cased 2031LP's, SFD1001, 8050, 8250. (all above are - IEEE488 drives). 05.jpg - VIC1541, several different 1541's, 1541B's, 8250LP (IEEE), several - different 1541C's. 06.jpg - Backside view of previous drive group, showing different ID and FCC - labels all mixed up. 07.jpg - 2 different 1541-II's (top is belt drive Newtronics, bottom is direct - drive Chinon)(difference visible in lever recess) and 1570. 08.jpg - My main "stack". Bottom to top:Newtronics 1571, Alps 1571, CMD HD20, 2 - 1581's, CMD FD4000. 09.jpg - 2 different VIC20's. "Square key" with early logo, and rounded keys with - newer logo. 10.jpg - Earliest (I believe) 64 case style, standard 64 case (with "intermediate" - style keyboard), 64C style case. 11.jpg - C65! 12.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg 15.jpg 16.jpg 17.jpg - Several different views of the European 128D (plastic case, rare in USA). 18.jpg - 18. 2nd party after-market drives. Bottom: back & front of MSD SD-1, MSD - SD-2, Lien-Yig (sold under a few different names). Top: Concourde C321- - P, 2 different colored Enhancer 2000's. 19.jpg - Bottom to top, Left to Right: Excellerator/Oceanic FSD-1, Excellerator - FSD-2, Golden Image FSD-2, 2 different Indus GT models (twist lever and - squeeze lever), 2 mirror imaged Blue Chip BCD5.25's (1541 clone), Rapid - Access FD148 ('41), Blue Chip BCD128 ('71), Roctec RF512C ('71), Amtech - RF512C ('71). 20.jpg - Hard drives: I.C.T. Data Chief & Mini Chief (with power supply), Lt - Kernal with multiplexer and host adaptor & cable. gpage1-01-10.html - HTML for the thumbnails of images 1 through 10 gpage1-11-20.html - HTML for the thumbnails of images 11 through 20 gpage1.html - Descriptions of all the pictures, with HTML links pictures/gpage1/t/ * Here are the thumbnails of George Page's computer collection, part 1. * You'd better view them through the file ../gpage1.html. 01.jpg - 2 different CBM adding machines & calculators, and a pair of Commodore - walkie talkies and a Commodore mini tape recorder. 02.jpg - 5 different standard Datasettes & 1531 Plus/4 Datasette, & 2 - aftermarket datcorders (b/w box is for black C2N, other for white). 03.jpg - 8061 dual 8", 9060 & 9090 hard-drives, 2040, MDS 6500 (Microcomputer - Development System) 2040, 4040. 04.jpg - 2031, 2 different cased 2031LP's, SFD1001, 8050, 8250. (all above are - IEEE488 drives). 05.jpg - VIC1541, several different 1541's, 1541B's, 8250LP (IEEE), several - different 1541C's. 06.jpg - Backside view of previous drive group, showing different ID and FCC - labels all mixed up. 07.jpg - 2 different 1541-II's (top is belt drive Newtronics, bottom is direct - drive Chinon)(difference visible in lever recess) and 1570. 08.jpg - My main "stack". Bottom to top:Newtronics 1571, Alps 1571, CMD HD20, 2 - 1581's, CMD FD4000. 09.jpg - 2 different VIC20's. "Square key" with early logo, and rounded keys - with newer logo. 10.jpg - Earliest (I believe) 64 case style, standard 64 case (with - "intermediate" style keyboard), 64C style case. 11.jpg - C65! 12.jpg 13.jpg 14.jpg 15.jpg 16.jpg 17.jpg - Several different views of the European 128D (plastic case, rare in - USA). 18.jpg - 18. 2nd party after-market drives. Bottom: back & front of MSD SD-1, - MSD SD-2, Lien-Yig (sold under a few different names). Top: Concourde - C321-P, 2 different colored Enhancer 2000's. 19.jpg - Bottom to top, Left to Right: Excellerator/Oceanic FSD-1, Excellerator - FSD-2, Golden Image FSD-2, 2 different Indus GT models (twist lever and - squeeze lever), 2 mirror imaged Blue Chip BCD5.25's (1541 clone), Rapid - Access FD148 ('41), Blue Chip BCD128 ('71), Roctec RF512C ('71), Amtech - RF512C ('71). 20.jpg - Hard drives: I.C.T. Data Chief & Mini Chief (with power supply), Lt - Kernal with multiplexer and host adaptor & cable. pictures/gpage2/ * Here are the pictures of George Page's computer collection, part 2. You'd * better view them through the file gpage2.html, which has full * descriptions of the images. 01.jpg 02.jpg 03.jpg 04.jpg 05.jpg 06.jpg - These pictures were all taken while the machines were on display at the - club meeting. I tried to display them in chronological order as best as - I could. Each will be covered in more detail further on through the - pictures. Looks like I had 26 on display. All of these belong to me - except for the Educator 64 in the standard 64 case. (This is the one - that looks like a regular 64 in picture #2, with no logo on its case.) 07.jpg - These are 3 of the 2001 series of PET's--the original styles. 08.jpg 09.jpg 10.jpg - Close-ups of these three machines. I was hoping the yellow stick-on - label could be read, but no luck. It identifies the added keyboard as - made by Maxi-Switch Company, P/N 2160020, with S/N 820-170. Also had # - 630011-05 on the keyboard. The cassette unit visible in the pictures is - one of the oldest I've found. It doesn't even say Commodore anywhere on - the outside, but has a Commodore board inside to replace the original - audio boards. It was a standard portable audio cassette recorder of the - late 70's, modified by Commodore--the original manufacturer's name was - scratched off the cover! 11.jpg 12.jpg 13.jpg - A 4064 (Educator 64 in a standard large PET case) and a SuperPET - (SP9000). #12 shows the switches on the side of the SP that switched - between ROMs and also write-protected memory. 14.jpg - Back of the right (black 8kB) and center (8kB) machines. 15.jpg - Back of the left (4kB) and center (8kB) machines. 16.jpg 17.jpg - An 8032 and 8032-32-B (high profile case). The high-profile case allowed - the installation of internal drive mechanics, like the 8250 LP, and the - 4040 LP (if the 4040 LPs were actually made). 18.jpg - Two low profile B/P series machines, and an MDS 6500. The left hand - machine is a P500. The MDS6500 was a specially modified PET 2001-32N - with some built-in software and a matching 2040 drive. Supposedly less - than 500 made. (But this has S/N 804932 on back--maybe CBM's original - number for the unmodified machine?) The right machine is a B128-80LP. 19.jpg - Back of the P500. ('82?) I don't have any info dug out on this one yet. 20.jpg - Back of the MDS (Microcomputer Development System). 21.jpg 22.jpg - Back and bottom of the B128-80LP. 23.jpg 24.jpg 25.jpg 26.jpg - B128-80HP and 720 (B256-80HP). Detachable keyboards, built-in monitors, - and room to install two internal low profile drive mechanics, such as - 8250LP. 27.jpg 28.jpg 29.jpg 30.jpg - Three different style VIC-20's ('82). 3 different keyboards styles (if - you look closely), the two different case labelings, and picture 29 shows - the two different side panel/power connectors. #29 also shows a standard - C64 for comparison. 31.jpg 32.jpg 33.jpg 34.jpg 35.jpg 36.jpg 37.jpg - Various views of a C16 and Plus/4, along with their boxes and power - supplies. The Plus/4 is the smaller machine, with the larger power - supply (square plug). ('84) 38.jpg 39.jpg 40.jpg 41.jpg 42.jpg 43.jpg - Various views of an SX64. This is mine that I added the second drive - into. A few extra switches and stuff, for toggling device numbers, - turning second drive on/off, and un-write protecting. 44.jpg - A trio composed of the legendary C65, C64C, and a prototype C128. Also a - C64 in the background. 45.jpg - Closeup of 64C. 46.jpg - Back of C64C and C65. 47.jpg - The prototype C128. Missing keys are just broken--not designed that way. - S/N of this machine is less than 300, and supposedly has version 1 (never- - released) ROMs. Also had not been FCC approved yet. This particular - machine isn't working right now. 48.jpg - C65. 49.jpg - Back of C128. 50.jpg 51.jpg 52.jpg - Comparison views of European and US models of the C128D. 53.jpg - Family portrait of two different 2031LP cases, and a VIC1540 and VIC1541. gpage2-01-10.html - HTML for the thumbnails of images 1 through 10 gpage2-11-20.html - HTML for the thumbnails of images 11 through 20 gpage2-21-30.html - HTML for the thumbnails of images 21 through 30 gpage2-31-40.html - HTML for the thumbnails of images 31 through 40 gpage2-41-50.html - HTML for the thumbnails of images 41 through 50 gpage2-51-53.html - HTML for the thumbnails of images 51 through 53 gpage2.html - Descriptions of all the pictures, with HTML links notes.html - Computer demo/display notes in HTML format notes.txt - Computer demo/display notes by George Page. pictures/gpage2/t/ * Here are the thumbnails of George Page's computer collection, part 2. * You'd better view them through the file ../gpage2.html, which has full * descriptions of the images. 01.jpg 02.jpg 03.jpg 04.jpg 05.jpg 06.jpg - These pictures were all taken while the machines were on display at the - club meeting. I tried to display them in chronological order as best - as I could. Each will be covered in more detail further on through the - pictures. Looks like I had 26 on display. All of these belong to me - except for the Educator 64 in the standard 64 case. (This is the one - that looks like a regular 64 in picture #2, with no logo on its case.) 07.jpg - These are 3 of the 2001 series of PET's--the original styles. 08.jpg 09.jpg 10.jpg - Close-ups of these three machines. I was hoping the yellow stick-on - label could be read, but no luck. It identifies the added keyboard as - made by Maxi-Switch Company, P/N 2160020, with S/N 820-170. Also had # - 630011-05 on the keyboard. The cassette unit visible in the pictures - is one of the oldest I've found. It doesn't even say Commodore - anywhere on the outside, but has a Commodore board inside to replace - the original audio boards. It was a standard portable audio cassette - recorder of the late 70's, modified by Commodore--the original - manufacturer's name was scratched off the cover! 11.jpg 12.jpg 13.jpg - A 4064 (Educator 64 in a standard large PET case) and a SuperPET - (SP9000). #12 shows the switches on the side of the SP that switched - between ROMs and also write-protected memory. 14.jpg - Back of the right (black 8kB) and center (8kB) machines. 15.jpg - Back of the left (4kB) and center (8kB) machines. 16.jpg 17.jpg - An 8032 and 8032-32-B (high profile case). The high-profile case - allowed the installation of internal drive mechanics, like the 8250 LP, - and the 4040 LP (if the 4040 LPs were actually made). 18.jpg - Two low profile B/P series machines, and an MDS 6500. The left hand - machine is a P500. The MDS6500 was a specially modified PET 2001-32N - with some built-in software and a matching 2040 drive. Supposedly less - than 500 made. (But this has S/N 804932 on back--maybe CBM's original - number for the unmodified machine?) The right machine is a B128-80LP. 19.jpg - Back of the P500. ('82?) I don't have any info dug out on this one - yet. 20.jpg - Back of the MDS (Microcomputer Development System). 21.jpg 22.jpg - Back and bottom of the B128-80LP. 23.jpg 24.jpg 25.jpg 26.jpg - B128-80HP and 720 (B256-80HP). Detachable keyboards, built-in - monitors, and room to install two internal low profile drive mechanics, - such as 8250LP. 27.jpg 28.jpg 29.jpg 30.jpg - Three different style VIC-20's ('82). 3 different keyboards styles (if - you look closely), the two different case labelings, and picture 29 - shows the two different side panel/power connectors. #29 also shows a - standard C64 for comparison. 31.jpg 32.jpg 33.jpg 34.jpg 35.jpg 36.jpg 37.jpg - Various views of a C16 and Plus/4, along with their boxes and power - supplies. The Plus/4 is the smaller machine, with the larger power - supply (square plug). ('84) 38.jpg 39.jpg 40.jpg 41.jpg 42.jpg 43.jpg - Various views of an SX64. This is mine that I added the second drive - into. A few extra switches and stuff, for toggling device numbers, - turning second drive on/off, and un-write protecting. 44.jpg - A trio composed of the legendary C65, C64C, and a prototype C128. Also - a C64 in the background. 45.jpg - Closeup of 64C. 46.jpg - Back of C64C and C65. 47.jpg - The prototype C128. Missing keys are just broken--not designed that - way. S/N of this machine is less than 300, and supposedly has version 1 - (never-released) ROMs. Also had not been FCC approved yet. This - particular machine isn't working right now. 48.jpg - C65. 49.jpg - Back of C128. 50.jpg 51.jpg 52.jpg - Comparison views of European and US models of the C128D. 53.jpg - Family portrait of two different 2031LP cases, and a VIC1540 and - VIC1541. pictures/lcd/ * This directory contains pictures of a Commodore LCD prototype. LCD-Front.jpg - Front of the computer LCD-kybd.jpg - Keyboard LCD-logo-doc.jpg - A close-up and doctored image of the logo lcd-back1.jpg - View of the back ports lcd-back2.jpg - Another view of the back ports lcd-inside-lhs.jpg - Main board lcd-insideWmem.jpg - Main board with memory board attached lcd-lhs.jpg - Left hand side of the case pictures/manuals/ 1541.gif - Picture 1541 disk drive off the cover of the instruction manual. 100dpi. c2n.gif - Picture of the c2n datasette off the cover of the instruction manual. - 100dpi. commcomp.gif - Picture of Commodore Computer logo. 400dpi, reduced by 50% mps803-b.gif - Picture of the MPS-803 business character set in the manual. 100dpi. mps803.gif - Picture of the MPS-803 printer off the cover of the instruction manual. - 100dpi. pictures/other/ 1084s.gif - 1084S monitor 1541II1570.gif - A 1541-II and a 1570 drive in a stack 1570.jpg - The 1570 package cover C=Assembler.gif - Commodore assembler software box. C=ZORK-III.gif - Zork III game box. CCR-Marketing-5.pdf - PET family photo Commodore_Stock_Certificate.pdf - Commodore Stock Certificate The_Commodore.gif - Picture of "The Commodore", an early Commodore mascot. Tramiels.jpg - The Tramiel brothers cbm3_86.gif - Cover of a Finnish Commodore price list, 3/1986, valid until Dec 15, - 1986. lcdclockbox.jpg - Picture of LCD Clock owned by Bill Levak methodo.gif - Methodo datassette pc10-iii.gif - Commodore PC10-III, an IBM clone. phonemark-loadit.gif - Phonemark datassette with LoadIT display thermostat.gif - Commodore Microelectronic Thermostat vic20.gif - Commodre VC-20, probably scanned from a brochure plus4/ * This directory contains software for the Commodore 264 series, which * includes the plus/4, the C16 and the rarely seen C116. All software should * run on a plus/4, and on a C16 with a 64kB memory expansion. * Special thanks go to Lion/Chromance , the maintainer of * the site, and to Luca/FIRE * , a plus/4 scener who has uploaded most * files. * The page lists all major * Commodore 264 related archive sites. ALLFILES - Index of all files under this area, text version. ALLFILES.html - Index of all files under this area, HTML version. - Information about the Commodore plus/4. Also applies to the C16 and C116. - File list of , produced with the ls -lR - command. Most of our files are from that site, but the directory - structures are not compatible. This file is used to help mirroring. From - the file date you will see when the site has been last mirrored. plus4/Archivers/ * Archivers and DeArchivers for Plus/4 and C16 computers gunzip111.+4.prg - gunzip 1.11 for the Plus/4, GZIP/ZIP Decompressor puzip113.+4.prg - puzip 1.13 for the Plus/4, ZIP compressor puzip113.c16.prg - puzip 1.13 for the C16, ZIP compressor plus4/Demos/ * The Commodore plus/4 demo archive plus4/Demos/220V/ 220_Volt_Demo.prg 3DBall.prg Anonymous_Demo.prg Computer_Karmcsony.prg Digital Delight 3.prg Digital Delight 4.prg Digital_Delight.prg Digital_Delight_2.prg Dino_PETSCII.prg Gigademo-1.d64.gz Gigademo-2.d64.gz Last_From_TRP.prg Line_Magic.prg Malenykily_M-box.prg Multy_Demo_1.prg Multy_Demo_3.prg Ripped_Pics.prg Santas_Piano.prg T-Rex_Run_Trailer.prg T-Rex_Thanx!.prg Thunder.d64.gz plus4/Demos/23C/ 23C_Last_Demo.prg 23_Celsius.prg Eye.prg Stealed_From_Absurd.prg Stealed_Sounds.prg Winter_Events_Music.prg plus4/Demos/A-System/ 8_Bit_Classics_01.prg 8_Bit_Classics_02.prg 8_Bit_Classics_03.prg 8_Bit_Classics_04.prg 8_Bit_Classics_05.prg 8_Bit_Classics_07.prg Chaos_A-System.prg DYCP_Mania.prg Electric.prg Germans_Only_1.prg Germans_Only_2.prg Kermit_Digi.prg Living_Arts.prg Living_Grafix_I.prg Living_Grafix_II.prg Living_Grafix_III.prg Living_Grafix_IV.prg Living_Grafix_V.prg Living_Grafix_VI.prg Living_Grafix_VII.prg Living_Grafix_VIII.prg Mad_Digi.prg Mega-Plus4-Grafix.d64.gz Movie.d64.gz Movie_Chaos_I.prg Plasma_1st.d64.gz Reaction.prg Secret_Service_01.prg Star.prg Stukas_Over_Disneyland.d64.gz Stukas_Over_Disneyland_alternative.d64.gz The_House_Movie.prg The_Torus_Movie.prg To_Be_Ashamed.prg To_Be_Ashamed_alternatve.prg Vector-gfx.prg Walking_Willi.prg Werner.prg Werner_NTSC.prg - Uploaded by Lavina/GOTU plus4/Demos/ATI/ Beach.prg Bioautomatic.prg Gewgaw.prg Infection.prg Lunacy.prg Lunacy_2.prg Lynx.d64.gz Lynx_Preview.prg Magic_Pictures.prg Milestone.prg Milestone_2.prg Music_Box_2_Ati.prg Perfect_Visions.prg Perfect_Visions_2.prg Perfect_Visions_3.prg Perfect_Visions_3_85%25.prg Pixel_Dreams.prg Proof.prg plus4/Demos/Absence/ +4 Mania Forever.d64.gz 128b_Moldi_Sys16384.prg 16k_Moldi.prg About_Acez.prg Adventures_In_Mono_Party_Version.d64.gz Afterglow_party_version.d64.gz Back_On_The_Menu.prg Big_Scroller_Sys16384.prg Bobba_Pet.prg Bomberman_Vs._Earth.prg Busoman_Party_Demo.prg Carry_Me_To_The_Clouds.prg Cateye.prg Children.prg Commando_Loader.d64.gz Creative_Lameness.prg Disfunctional_Attitudes.d64.gz File-id.diz.prg First Demo From Gyula.prg Future_Funk.prg GhostN_Goblins_Arcade_Musicbox.d64.gz Girls_Just_Wanna_Have_Fun!.prg Halloween.prg Happy_Holidays_2018.prg Hauslich.prg Koalafied.prg Kosutdijas_FiRG.prg Lode_Runner_Pic.prg Lunchtime.prg Magnum_P.I..prg Mao.prg Merry_Christmas_2014.prg Microfuck!.prg Middle_Aged_Flamingo.prg OMYAOC_Archmage_Plus4.prg One Love.prg - One filer digi demo Optimal_Reality.d64.gz Overcast.d64.gz Owlsome_Summer.prg Party - Trackmo + note Partyland_Revisited.prg Photobombed_Plus4.prg Plussycat.prg Psyko_Bunny.prg Rambo_First_Blood_Part_II.prg Rasters_Sys16384.prg Real Popcorn.prg - One filer digi demo Rosalia.prg Rotary Hack.d64.gz Salty_Cracker.prg Shade.d64.gz Shadow_Of_The_Breast.prg Shame!.prg Surpriseastro.prg Tamed.d64.gz The_Curse_Of_Johnny_The_Starving_Cat.prg The_Road_Not_Taken.prg Traffic_Jam_5_Graphics_Compo.d64.gz True_Colors.prg Tut.prg Welcome_Stranger.prg Young_Superhero.prg Young_Superhero_Party_Version.prg - One sided demo plus4/Demos/Absence/HOT/ Brilliant_Bully.prg Game_Pictures.d64.gz Lamer_Test.prg Neil_Young.d64.gz Notemaker_Preview.prg One_On_One.prg Perry_Rhodan.d64.gz Quick_Quiet_Demo.prg Rocknroll.prg Suggest_Pulse.d64.gz The_Beatles_NY.prg Yearbook_1984.prg plus4/Demos/Absence/magazines@ -> plus4/magazines/Absence plus4/Demos/Aliens/ 10_Years_Preview.prg Adventure_Leirasok.prg Arrestdom.d64.gz Erik_A_Viking_Leiras.prg Irresistible.prg Lista_Big_Bear.prg Moldi_Katalog_1.prg Moldi_Katalog_2.prg Moldi_Katalog_3.prg Perpetual_Lives_Plus4.prg Terror_Music_Box.prg The_Bear_Demo.prg plus4/Demos/Anarchy/ Fuck_Ya.prg Metal Ass.d64.gz - Released in February 1991. Main author: CSM/Vortex (they call - themselves also Anarchy). Very good raster effects. plus4/Demos/Animals/ Conan_Animals.prg Mouse_Graphic_Box.prg Tiranoszaurusz.prg Unreal.prg Yamato.prg plus4/Demos/Assassins/ 16_KBytes.prg 20_Years_+4.prg Assassin_Pictures.prg Char_Demo.prg Do_Androids_Dream_Of_Electric_Sheep.prg Expectation_2.prg Graphics_Show.prg Harry_Gfx_Box_7.prg Help_To_Games_1.prg Help_To_Games_2.prg In_Memoriam.prg Killer_2.prg Killer_Demo.prg MMS_Graphic_Box.prg Monitor.prg Musics_Demo_2.prg Musics_Demo_3.prg Musics_Demo_4.prg My_The_Best_Demo.prg My_The_Best_Demo_2.prg New_Demo_1.prg New_Demo_2.prg New_Demo_3.prg New_Ever_Lives_1.prg New_Ever_Lives_2.prg New_Ever_Lives_3.prg No_Mercy.prg Oldschool.d64.gz Oldschool_2.d64.gz Raster_Madness.prg Skoro Music Box3.prg Skoro_Demo_1.prg Skoro_Demo_2.prg Skoro_Demo_6.prg Skoros_Char_4.prg Skoros_Char_5.prg Take_Your_Choiche.prg The_Last_Demo_From_Assassin_Crew.prg Thunderbirds Demo.prg - This demo was released in 1996. Time_Cristal_Intro_1.prg Time_Cristal_Intro_2.prg Time_Travel_Slideshow.prg Two_Parts.prg We_Are_Back.prg plus4/Demos/Assassins/magazines@ -> plus4/magazines/Assassins plus4/Demos/Axis/ Rastermania.d64.gz Scanland_1.prg Shadow of the Logo II.prg Shadow_Of_The_Logo.prg XXL Demo.prg plus4/Demos/Axis/Scanners@ -> plus4/magazines/Axis plus4/Demos/BKN/ Fukwit_Teddy.prg Santa_2020.d64.gz Santa_2020_SD2IEC.D81.gz Threeve.prg Threeve_Party_Version.prg plus4/Demos/BOM/ A_D_S_II.prg Video_Plus4_d64.gz plus4/Demos/Beginner_Duo/ Beginner_Demo.prg Beginner_Duo_Disk.d64.gz First_And_Last_Demo.prg Logo_Demo_Beginner_Duo.prg Metal_Hammer_89.prg One_Year_Demo.prg Real_Last_Demo.d64.gz plus4/Demos/Boray/ Commodore_8_Bit_Basic_Emulator.prg Parasite.prg Plus_40.prg Super_Messenger.prg Valjaren.prg Valjaren_Basic.prg plus4/Demos/CAD/ CAD_Box_Demo.d64.gz Cop_Demo.prg First_From_CAD.prg Two_In_One.prg Two_In_One_V2.prg plus4/Demos/CSM/ 20_Blocks_CSM.prg Bad_Cat_Demo.prg Beatrice.prg CSM_Demo.prg CSMs_Soundbox.prg Castle_Demo.prg Conversations.d64.gz Conversations_II.d64.gz Gorbatsov_Song.prg Hammer_And_Jarre_CSM.prg Hyperbyte_I.prg Hyperbyte_III.prg Last_Demo.prg Logo_Demo.prg Microdemo_II.prg Moonwalker.prg - Uploaded by Lavina/GOTU No_Future.prg Scroll_Demo_II.d64.gz The_Actress.prg Three_Parts.prg plus4/Demos/Callisto/ Acid_Disco_Demo.prg Demo_Mode.prg Denise_Demo.prg Hammer_And_Jarre.prg Hoaxers_Party_00.prg Hoaxers_Party_04.prg Hoaxers_Party_06.prg To_Be_On_Top.prg Zeus_Megademo_1.prg Zeus_Megademo_2.prg Zeus_Megademo_3.prg plus4/Demos/Carrion/ Afro_Boxer_Meets_Peter_Pan.prg Atari_Vs_Plus4.d64.gz Atilla.prg Attila23.prg Brain_Dead_Idea.prg Bromance_Fitness_Guy_+4.prg C+4Hires.d64.gz C+4Hires_V2.d64.gz C+4_Hunter_1.prg C+4_Hunter_2.prg Carrions_Gfx.d64.gz Comet_Jockeys.prg Ds_Silent.prg Dutch_Breeze.d64.gz ET+4.prg Frenzy-Pic-Kurosawa+4.prg G14latarnik_+4.prg Gottifant.prg Here_I_Come.prg Iron_Maiden_Unfinished.prg Kracken_Prince.prg Landing_In_The_Village.prg Lazur_Vs_Boris.d64.gz Light_Head_&_Planet.prg Made.prg Mikrobi_Vs._AI.prg Monumentum_+4_Gfx.d64.gz One_Zak_And_His_Kracken.prg Ricks_Revenge.prg S7.prg StormFist.prg Stormlord_4_Adults.prg Survivors_Of_2020.prg Take_This_Life_Energy.prg Teapot_Genie.prg The_Last_Squadron.prg The_Trooper.prg Una_Lanterna_Magica.prg YoomBlazer.prg plus4/Demos/CeeKay/ 56_Dxycp.prg 911_Is_A_Joke.prg Bad Cat Tune.prg Dominion.d64.gz Farewell.d64.gz Friction.d64.gz Highlights.d64.gz Last_Ninja_3_Demo.prg Mega_Hype.prg Megatunes_Vol_1.d64.gz Party_Demo_90.prg PumpMix.prg Questionmark.prg Rich_I_P.prg Safe-sex_1.prg Safe-sex_2.prg Touch_Me.prg plus4/Demos/Charon/ Bad_Tour_1988.d64.gz Contact_Demo.prg First_Demo.d64.gz Flexgrid.prg Grafic_Demo_I.d64.gz I_Am_Back.prg Interlace.prg Master_Voice.prg Neustadt_Demo.prg Neustadt_Demo_2.prg Ooops.prg Oxygene_Demo.d64.gz Oy_Demo_II.d64.gz Paralax.prg Populous_Demo.d64.gz Syntax_Terror.d64.gz Syntax_Terror_Preview.prg Syntax_Terror_Preview_40Hz.prg plus4/Demos/Coby/ Delta_4.prg Esti_Mese.prg Fantasi.prg Hip-Hip_Hurra.prg Kraftwerk.prg Mel_And_Kim.prg Music_Non_Stop.prg Outrun_Demo.prg Talk-Mix.prg Uridium_Music.prg plus4/Demos/Coroners/ * These stuffs are packed all with LHA 2.12 (under DOS), with -o switch * (compatible mode). So they may be depackable on other systems, too. The * format of files is the usual .d64 (...zipcode does'nt exist on Plus/4, * moreover, depacking is screamly slow on Commodores...) disk-image which * is handled by C64S and much PC-1541 transferring stuffs. You can * especially use Trans64 to put these images back to an 1541-format disk * (1551 uses the same format, too). There should be ways on other systems * but I still don't work on them so... * N-JOY the progs... Old Commodores never die!!! * Levente * Beard / Coroners * HARSFALVIL@PMMF.HU 1sttlc.d64.gz CBS_Intro.prg Crackers_Demo_3_Excluded_Part.prg - start with G1018. Megatoolz-1.d64.gz Megatoolz-2.d64.gz Outrun.prg - An intro with music from the Commodore 64 game Outrun. TLC-FLI-Collection-1.d64.gz TLC-FLI-Collection-2.d64.gz Users.d64.gz - Some user stuff. Graphics editors, copiers, fastloaders etc. dycp.prg - Fullscreen condom gum scroll/dycp routine This should be loaded on - Plus/4 simply to $1001. But, if BASIC hangs after loading, try to load - it from MONITOR and plus4/Demos/Cosine/ Ikaruga.prg Robocop_PETSCII_Plus4.d64.gz TED_Storm.prg TED_Storm_note.prg - Demo from Cosine, .D64 format, zipped. plus4/Demos/Crown/ Digital Dream.d64.gz Flying_Ship_3D.prg Flying_Ship_3D_alternative.prg Iron_Maiden.prg Magic Picture Show-1.d64.gz Magic Picture Show-2.d64.gz plus4/Demos/DeltaSystem/ * DELTA SYSTEM PLUS/4 SECTION * * Short history * The Plus/4 section of Delta System was organized on the Autumn of 1990 * with three members: UPC, Charles and Toma. There were no serious work * of ours 'till the Summer of 1991, but after that more & more programs * have been released (see below). Later two new members have joined our * section, namely: St.GLS and RVN (later Dragon) - a gfxman. In the * Winter of 1992 - after releasing our great megademo - the section has * been dissolved, though St.GLS has worked a few more months on. Most of * our works have been explored by the majority just posthumous. * If you're interested in any of these stuffs, just E-mail * * Future prospects: Since every member has sold its machine and moved to * PC, and the whole Plus/4 life is about to die, this section won't be * reorganized ever. * List of the past's Plus/4 members: * Charles * Dragon * St. GLS * Toma * UPC Aefro Digi-mix.prg - A cool digi-music from C-64; converted by Charles of DS. Boogie ball.prg Bugload.prg - A small utility from Charles, which tries to read damaged or weak - files. Char-editor.d64.gz - Character editor. Delta-load pro.prg Delta-load++ pro.prg - Fast loaders, most routines from Megaload/Pigmy; improved by Charles. Delta-load++.prg Delta-player.prg - A C-64 music-file player; originally coded by ???, improved by UPC of - DS. Deltacator V2.1.prg Deltacator V2.2.prg - An advanced version of Duplicator, with faster and safer routines; - improved by Charles. Dizzy_V3.5.prg Fuggvanyek.prg - A (one variable-) function drawing program. It was written in 90% Basic - by Charles. Green pig.prg - A huge joke by Charles with the Korak :) pseudonym. Hail_Elder_!!!.prg I'm yet today.prg - A two-parts-demonstration from St.GLS. IQ-Systems_Note.prg It's Computer.d64.gz - It's computer demo, the first demonstration from Delta System, - containing a mandelbrot-zoomer and a nice-looking end part; written by - Charles, UPC and Toma of DS. Legend-writer.prg - A note-writer from St.GLS. Mega-dir-sorter V2.5.prg - A directory-sorter utility with a lot of features; originally coded by - ???, improved by Charles of DS. Minosz labirintusa.prg - A Hungarian fantasy-adventure, the only one attempt in this style; - written by Charles from 1988 to 1991 (!!!) The special border-writing - technique used in the intro is invented by Charles. Multichar-editor-info.prg - Character set editors and info about them; coded by St.GLS. Multichar-editor.prg Music Service.d64.gz - A great music-listener program with equalizer, wave-form-display, - quality-mode and prof. disk control interface; fully coded by Charles - of DS. Music-disk.d64.gz - A one-sided music-disc with the best musics of Brian/Graffity; coded by - Charles except UPC's equalizer-routine. No News! 2.prg No News! 3.d64.gz - St.GLS's news. The 3rd issue is a 1541 disk image, but you can use - filecopy. No News!.prg No_News_4.d64.gz Now & Forever.d64.gz - Now & forever -- A one-sided megademo from St.GLS. There're a bunch of - cool effects in it, e.g. raytracing, sprite-bobs, logo-zoom... Oh Yeah-1.d64.gz Oh Yeah-2.d64.gz - Oh, Yeah! -- Our giant, two-sided megademo with a plenty of amazing - self-coded and converted parts. The most interesting ones are perhaps - the 33 Scrollers, the Morfy, the Raytracing and the Convector parts. - After releasing (Oct. 1992.) it has taken place at the first places of - the demo-top-charts; coded, converted by Charles, Toma & St.GLS of DS. Part to Crackers' Demo 3.prg - A small demopart from UPC & Charles. Past-Help.prg Scroll-typer.prg - A useful scroll-text-editor; coded by Charles. Scumm.d64.gz - Scumm, a logical game from C-64; converted & improved by St.GLS of DS. Sex-games.prg - An animation-based sex-game from C-64; converted by St.GLS. Sidplay_Pro_V1.1.d64.gz Text-writer.prg - A simple note-writer from UPC, the first released assembly program on - Plus/4. The Maze.prg Top secret!.prg - A big joke from Charles, an old, basic game (Légicsata), protected by - his time-defender. If you wanna end your life earlier than go ahead - and FTP it from here. Total_Brutal.d64.gz Toyball.prg - A logical game from C-64; converted & improved by St.GLS of DS. Wmp Wms-US.prg - A shoot'em up game from St.GLS. Xmas_NTSC.prg plus4/Demos/Doky/ Beverly_Hills.prg Big_Picture.prg Crockets_Theme.prg Drive_Demo.prg Kuss.prg Musics_Of_Demos.prg Porno_Number_Three.prg Video_Demo.prg plus4/Demos/EDC/ 512_Fsl_Plots.prg Amiga Mania.d64.gz - Amiga Mania demo by Maugli/EDC Autumn_Colors.prg Bluescroll.prg Bob_Passion.prg Discolite.prg EDCs_Stuffs.prg Fatal Mirror.d64.gz - One sided trackmo Geometrical.prg Glory.prg Holus-Bolus.prg - One filer demo Homesoft.prg Itt_Demo.prg Legend of MC.d64.gz - A megademo Llama Rapture.d64.gz Matrix_MC.prg Music_Box_7.prg Nasty_Plotter.prg Nearly_Demo.prg No_Coke.prg Overture.d64.gz Party_Demo.d64 Party_Demo.d64.gz Psst.prg Rapture_Demo.prg Scroll_Mania.d64.gz Starfield62.prg Supy_demo.prg Textcomp.prg Vectors_Demo.prg Yet.prg - Llama rapture demo by Jimy/EDC plus4/Demos/ELF/ Fucking Universal.prg - Uploaded by Lavina/GOTU plus4/Demos/ETC/ Digital_Box.prg Knight_Demo.prg pl